Col! . sub- Theo*~ 4W w vncsrne iflD4É do butCIl htg edo Bayhe Ig ied- GVM ymatter befa gnoF13 effla omepeso rp stieawon1.knoin t*r theT they id ofc ur hole o rnnon. balnceofn$1,00)yet'to 1he taken 0ftptmoreH a IUK JSMýw.v oI.1 htudida tthirteen. HRaiiist b Y> F~~wke. bi i flè Êé ôf thje latter amount bave been thé eu *MJ ii-llo£&A. Frtr itsL Grand Duke.q sandDuchesse; wa8 subsoribed, and latolythis a ie' îrtncfSrlb Ma&ndt - d4t.r"e vhA Pine~gentleman lias been sncsefr pfiil oe C ." ~ - 58i~'~~;P- g4e n.- IYÉ Po~tf~ heidb r os otijc eMI'l1key killei, and Lager ]3ier thieI be n subscribed jqn ijie ,oWn QWubyt.i ise vne bc IIù r ý n", qVeii'fr, ~publie, ,jfe erm or ~ ~ ~ ~ y gen bis ge utie rxign Every lùttle Wîthin ýtlb lPaaLtwO .Wý,8.6 IOO z,~Tat oeei ê..xnefr~aa o otstrealrilet ini Vhé'Duchy waq anfe hs ol.ev nl o 1 veral, Orangeiean w Uib The Guvorment of Bir john wet dowl iinabeantenusi river. Every hamiet Lobe taken ip,. in prder to brigg it ta tIie;.inera1 ocf the ste r Mre ain avern limidbytoereeto po bISj~pI dioitI~4 ecODe Lwn, eVery. pile of nid mbb. .e full amoint of the .charter. ontreWhave. receiveci *tein iiý tioeinc<ieietfl t tions ncii bth"a s~o1 inneer qae I s expected -the balance ]etters. 'Most Ofi thes eIlailu îty' contrft. 'The fs.cts i T; po« Paso,,ruo ~yaLrd of qS i¶erv beatno a spacîus ter- Yvill ho Geenred in uthe, courge icf ,t'lie that the parties to whom l.0re11d- Yn t hé c, mor i y..Ol Nth In i tesh p o 'W*mOlt*n0etorrfs ýtk h itorv wheutrltrlçii te cenonxtwoweks ud!O.ugfroM the Ow'drfsýed aZto preparû e t duath rpftitatinandntin amii't biarfhlà *pnberiland -other glories ce t i.couraging 1reception. given ta the .hu'ide of two'wéélîs. ~itc !of esln perdi 'o;Vigtbem l h c, aflijbgardeno t,1.It ,~.thing t tal -gentlemen having the atter inband. atm.Tlipy ftre to*dnv am Atrono *OMuiioilarh. Ir AeW -To mu> pr ee cnnotbe given tri The Cointy Council of euro4r bas e1ss t1ont tImr-eyi.tnri c ofo r oh t 40L--.Th. cut bave decided that rofusing tto hue1 f sthy wre#orevnrthoefrPoi IIIei'iLiLeOfttndoincla trin te osî.orLaip non tejuý-tepa8sing sain. Rev. Mr. McDowell and the fricads grarnted $2,000O'in aid of thé st. JoIW defàaft Rn <1 lptfreM8t. it is not te the )rIg ndlevig hoa nctIreor lR ntrvitive pnrtyi Cnricd la ria fcuaviene o itetioalfrad. Latfi 'o' hestreit, the chit-cliat of Of the College in tiat section, sfeers. Whiat are aur 4eeves: ani titâi 'an fnd no otiier leiader. IL le a the bal] or &net rdteitrei for the interet t1Ley have Manifested Deputy Beeves going ta do iÏ h&~i digcrAdit to thnt P$artV titat in thle mdn(I st ;bbe f he~jksorDe!i~ Iiw iiau Vlàitby Cle ve rm ter on We jay ett' 4 e .aotirleaeitoltbat n îc leyieeeVyy , I-o. lad1din.5dprfttn nbetticre nWh t w f otlehetn il on i (jie E4JJi~IIq r4ff~$p . uan ravement nowk rlDruj; jEo i oa C U r8 eenof oom sc àbrbsu~, eJ ~qa~dtan ne i lgi eev~ e thay mt, andbow thv daned, and tien-ioi Ug a outlay of anie Te S- îgfel1Reuhlnan ufteperuu what they did, and 1mw tiîey did it, $15,ÔOO-wben compieted, wiIl afford Wa a an ftePs fieiglt eurcponto.Pv: ~~~~ m~~~~~Rd hOw they interd to rehnrn, aanthbe add.itionaûl accommodaeton ocs reoaagttion? r hemmes ecesnp.tisiî lenfebvtr wT-IRURSDAy,JULY 26, 1877- neit season, and ail the rest of it. 41kc ary for the i'îcrcased n'îmber of pupiks of the Special Cammittee proctirinry al rpd iUp atoiy, hv whant we shouid caîl on thes sane enteme thir oinin o coingin veryquater Ths wnt.tiicie o(f tlip i ne an-prnnce II of onid ~ t e s e s a e g n t e m e t e i r o p i i o o n c a i n g i n e v e y q a r e r . T h s w n t t h e i n f o r m a t i on p o s s i b le ,- i n o r d e r t o b e S ir T o l in . M n r d o n a li d . t li T o r y P r e miie r , Tîîe W½r,. the simpleît mater affecting this Can- bas been Irng feIt by the managers, prepared with a fu report at the next t1ironglhéueQuï-'ec townnhlipg. encliLnc np ada cf ours, and in iine cases out of 'and wc feel satisfied tbey will be amply meetiung Of the Coi' il ? Or wstbe w ith a zrpind poptular ret'eption et Monj- Despalches tram the seat ai war in teem you woulil be met by a etare of in- repaid for time public spirit displayed in subetetrl xantdb.n ontreni,.proeessin, lrnnqpaneies anti un- the Egt-althougikl cantaining the différence ar contemnpt, for the whole cuteriug so heariily iuta these iuipr-?ve- Fathers at their last meeting ? ~~fe~oie -e-ru fd'mggr usual, 4îtduntV of ~~ aijlrortâ tu1ýjýst -of -,Ganadian existence. .lun ments. We venture the assertion tiii ol eeis.jdig rn htltt e As I3irnq plits it -indicate that same very heavy en- many instances it even xvent the leugth the succe8swinîchî Jias attended aur we liear of it ft pes. Ow~I htGdt f olii~ s pie - eut.spe orels as itAicrg iqn." gagementu have taken place with of -trong expression of dissent tram Collage since iLs cmeeenli heavy lasses on bath sides. Althaugh any right we hRd to cdaim attention in Ilititerto been unprecadented in the Hldibe provision., of Hon. Mr. fulsitont' r-i-e Iiîer<pî1 npon Sir John0 l'y Turkey has fought cou agFousî1 'SÔ the Mot'ucr-iaud. Now we would not liistory of any ïiiimiier institution. Blak-es3il, forbidding the carrying of Itei îUn tî-rTr -îrnl nt far againet tremendous odds, t'here bave carcd hiad tliis been the oimlY evil Anmd tliis Nt'as oily wlîat %,raq deserved. revolvers, bewn liaif as rîgaromsiy en- Province. secms ta be a growing feelinig that of sncb jxdifferenc e apid neglect. In It buis ulwa s beeti the Lme forced lain ttreal tis it ij in ater __ ~deameetacç e nt frthcuy. wich$4ee ws n resed'. ut1hi of education in ail the branches tauglit probable the sceues enactj4 u1 ltaINITEE STATESý. ing. Rumoîe.are a&iat±hâ England and kindred igniorance, eand aLier mat- by s ecuring teacîmers possessing tîîie City on ti e 12thin ist. iniglit never haveI hiaq g an ,utimatutrui ta Russia. ters affecting uls bave iii the past ser- higbiest.q uifi cations. and îIl i tis î tev occurred. Coîivictionsare aitiiost daily TEPL1 un s rt- Eti I' LO.-THT i 1 VES tAit'TII E i1 eS -u H**ver iýe oYfàtýe t1hies maySe, ioueîy impared aur rigîmîs, and stand aebensîcesnastereut «de nuider lte Act in Torouitoaüad o>0i'tEus. !heret ccrtainIy a strang feeling ex*- ing am au important niemberof the Em- seen aI lite different examinlatlons elsewbcre. Tlip Fîr4lks nlit- istng in England that the ime for pire. lu the mater of international lieid in the Collige clearly prove. W thlruri~ Pa. A pirf-fct ré-i-zi rf terror interference has arrived. IL je ta be treaties It eansed u.9 the less af Maine, the stock raised tt te ful amotîint and Aftor lte grand mass ilAn' îet- iifat rctry.1111 nRtmsny hi-s-sAnti koped that whatever course events on the ane band, and Oruegon and San te additions compls-.ted, it will become Cimntrcbi, Montratl, on Sabit-thji ast, n M ttr'tii ni tttrn-s w-stfQ1 )'î-tIt of, nuay take, a speedy -end w11 camne ta Juan ou the other. It gav-e ns thje AI- 1at!m institut.ion of wilicii w-e mav w-îjIi meeting wvas ealied, t ha ob)jeet lieing i~- it, r-r t-tt-t ithu thecfrceew atrocitie.sexisting in thase abamna Claims, tberascali vWashi ngton feel proud, anti one tiat w ilI tie a lasL- the establishment o<f a ditil It ish 1tapter ltitIln: .f itnlIi' Itili-t Wtiq it diis'ijbed Cauntties. Treaty, and ignore] the Filian raids. i %vunurarIleitLate 0ow f r to Ireprescnlt the Inisu Cattoliecl-irtCtr-tiirtn-r nt ir~eoii l3y ane stroke of the Imperial pen %ve WLtbyterets. After r-ernrls liad been rnd l ýio uc pt-l t-rir, rnti, -ivn ti--i tr TheFerneRefrr~ Pc-uc. lest onc af th.- rnost valued of our 1-- - bv sevoral gentlemen present. R sib- t -nt-i.. Atitî '-ii rights, privileges, and possessions ta The Grauping By-law. seriptiatu eas optenoe1, w len over $fO0utr'- triîîît's r-- rt-. 1,î--î- ttf.î - The Refarm demonst1atian at Fer- satisfy the qreed cf an insatitatle -i was realized nipon tIi- spot. Thîi tri t rtrtc, t1t111t11 -lti--r oi--e t-tnt-1 gue an the 7th inst., may be said ta uneighbouj-. -WAe liad tîonglît, liwever, The Port Perrv Observer thus LIeal s nndrirtah-ing lias leen lîrnoi2liuît arî I'lot- i' i -- - t- l2P Pt ar u',tiittt, iur -'tii'-'. A- r 1 ~ V ~ -nt i'-ng 1I1-rît-t have fairly eclîpsed ail fermer efforts. that this state of affairs w-as a tlmiug of wi'ti the gi-olit pili'r Px'a MIii ta fin u s rin ie, of the receut disturri1ces unn t ,t .l-i-! f-iti t1ir-r tct flhe spccpj-es by th e Premier, Hon the past, but we he LIm Litidan i 1 telate.-i ta the 'o.v ohif Pieche thbat City. tt -ttt rtoir i ~:--ttrt- i- Mr'4t g t ndj l-onMr. Mills, coMIs the Provnuce of Outtaro Ila towîm uog 11_x:_-si .ereqmot elaborate and exhaustive, iu Caniada," as iL did the atli-r dav~, bTt'teta ii1tPchtrt u LnrnSaîarlrîýrî itf 7 t'ti trinîarîv --t Firpt - t 1 j nd dealt in' the c'lîrest maniner with we are jqustifed liiiconci fdt ia Liilicit isitaotLt-at rtîttuh't rT tghei rop îaaaIronti u-n i.iî' rtr f-r li:---i ttIi c ut lie public questions of the day. A ignorance of Canada with aill is pas- ruade ta grant a ltii noienâl voie ta, to a Malta. lt ftrtlîer r-(li tliat lî'jî ir- 1t--1-)t-ct1;1'11 flear exposition of the fallacy of the sibie cansequences stili\exlst ta far as cItene wliil-ttsir uutarai ett~Lt i ttrn,-lr~lipntat. n----i reat tir- tt 1 0 ttIil.u '-'-ý-tt'întt 4ftîoir t 'oi ,..tu .vo', fi-it.- pceti u t-u ipocritical 1profeseions cf Sir John the Tlitnderer.IWiconcerued, liowevet-, site iid sqliirit iîi) t site irtîw S g gttik-lit isu rvrînt-utv 111):()u i it iri. -r'- -sltri-t-t- ,fac,IaJ4 end Dr. Tfupper was iL can be partly uccounted f-tr by the iug htroi -o-ne el-i t-f titi-rrr1re tutt1i K-rt a Perry' lte nuit-r Me hici W118t-i rape lier itu urcit 2r'tîuiî-i g'is tt î)r ' l S- iven, ànd Sir John's- bunglhng and fact that for à long tiutî ifs inli r 1'n I] ntusnwetei ie lr lti.r- r-c- -ii-rr Ir' i l rr r--. r- rant of candeur in hie frec trade 3Qrrespç>u(IQutresirl-t tPllmiialei1tbila.jn more t1iita îuy utlirritrnn-ipîîility '1*'t-l~' ~-r-'~~- - us ~ ~ ~ ~ o e ir eaîr aite Uronungi5,nSIAV tiore itrom c:uos.itg jiitCiititc part of MrI. Whlite anti li, enlo2ur- es iVSu l -hîi i terl îii i ln, ii ~V iw~pni-i1y on by tbe muni.Ia the ice?' Autother paper 81 acdIefistufrttaesient tnî f'lrsot cmpalîajo~~~~~e~ceritî~~g, ERcb, Port (gestéd the prapriety of plimiimg a g-un-tetavuip. l'idgtritevs' lterr%' ~ ~ > is' le'Labe iiope4 boat an the T'rames a rand v-abaffled at everyiîrn, aumni tli-r ,, r ieuruoaiiig is froto a e, rutelitpo- tha beor.h~,1uid eadug s psse.,for the better protection of Loni~otu andi becanming Iloiatless, psatst ci-sort, rai-y a caln aaqd..dçiberafe conàideration BatodtAfinî for vmu i ttitnj it CreUpig"j&u.e in theIt nitr-irr~e-r-rt- ur- lt--rt ltci i mill be givgdM&e pop~aition- oceupied Euglaud a few years ago relate me iauttvaN Act %%vas tuk en avantarc-e of ta ' Ii iu-ti'-Eti-u-t A-ir i by the Township cf Pickerinîg. That cf the absurd 'and anltusiug quiestio)ns frite rai tfiikn î ua r intforti --rfit-rtil ti i--ti af a- fustin-r Township kas been forced--on account askled Of him there in hip travets. Oun u la he îditmstl2 lr-ten mantit, iuMse-rs-tl Yir trelln- of lier wealth sud paputio-iato ssishled a i<Uow - "ima le peotne i)ri- moucd aus tIu nt.l 'ofdriaktli rati tIrhr-at, t xt ist, ri boariug thé licuVeebhareocf the burden hetdtencvsfrn ieIdat ave been titauglit thuat Mtr. w1ltite's 'iui ieBrniia t -.tît ers imposed iv" thiniagroping by-law, wbeu they uvent ta chu i-ch ? ])Id tley 1ugeprecei nulchiesaid-trlia tIi' ci)tril i l fari î-,It t- efs agaîist ime exrressed wrîslm of a large ta ke Llîeir gulis with thein ?" Aitther brise di etatedt i ain at ht-asLt te uîrQ- ne ti net t aY t he fep. Tîn-rip' Ptrt rjf major'Ly of the ratopayers. After the wished ta know 'eLime peu Can- pit fbwn Fb -ieyt heti iitro rejectiocf Lb-e $530,000 it was ada were white, red, or coioured ? . pruetyof teboigtrubsiveu ta tue ilua mtuiste f lIis i ' n'-I aut claimea by Mr. White-as a reason for Another was oud iîm praisiug the gi-ent itivoîviag te outlav of ta largo ait tti-kr furnistue l, ilibe tir -i-t ., - inàtraduclng a by-Iaw uder tue group. benefit we would receive frona eueitaa amatînt of maney, WYe are ocitîsîl ta la lu e iiiOtI t5 tiit l-rîi ig clause at thé June sessiçu-that a sehool svsteun as hîad been introdtîeed tîabîtftîa ls ruhue o i Ueriýht i-f iK'- itrustiis, tit î r reaetion hqadSot in, sand that a large there under te ucceut Imperial AcL. toebel words aping svstemin-'.s- i n tilre of collection îresscribsd iy tiirg07)0-- iumnber nl-e had voted against Lime lie was simpiy aniazed tut bourg tLd rai i-egrltiiouit.of exctli,ýt tug it'titil frin CIsoon ha fargatten by ftie people of taIlite sclitol tU-iltli ie it-tiiitistrt t-tri- ,bonuN upan that aCCasion, would sup-that for time lait thîrty years ime townril l. Auîd lot tîtosa '.s'ho litîve titi uts, caoi le h tu it cis ex-rt(i,-I,t-îi urt- part the new scheme. lu thme receut Province of Ontario at least, lîad oe been instrumutenital -in îriuiging ahn-iit wrtilstatiîg tar'e-t icarîrîîir vote Piehering's pmajorufuy stands about ef the best systers aof general etinca- titis8 recuit, be eat-efrîi tiat a few nomr- the- iaw utl niual!ruitl - e-inoattre s." the sane as fom-anrýy, thus proving the Lauon n-te Amietican continent, andi- inéoreeues of'Mr.Whi~s pedi-oee far stîpenior La Enghand Itenseif. hine pon tliat occasion, la faot tbis T4e - avejage Cockneist I lrnvttrtialIî raacîion argunent cas te oniy oee ignorant of evers' lace iii te isîma'.su l'ut furwsard by the rcpresentatives, \vqrld outoideocf Lihe patictular squmare- frani Pickering as a means of iuulucing yard of Londau, hllapltens ta tuluabit. thé Conuty Concîl ta support thie sub- One of these gentlemen sias f-)tîuud on missmion af Lime Groupimg By-law. Lt one occasion as faîr away frein hîomans ioay be urged that aithougb the whole the H-ighands otf Scotniumd lforr- au uProeeding bears uufitirness upod Çie Iotitig." WiLlm him weno caverai otîter face of it. yet it i~ i te law, and nîîît tourisîs gaZioin ennapt adiuiratirin hé carnieti juteCffeot. We ]lave only ou a beatutiful simialI waterf.iLI intavelli fug ta add tlitt je a very ttuj oct and ever the rocka. A Canaditttit alipen- iuiqtuitaus haw that wihl ftrce A mîîumi- ing ta be lîreseuit Ssii keP lCitlu-ttIi tcitîity inoa a lurdensemo iiability iwouldconmptare tit.1iNiagr ? 'lh-v agaiet ierwih. Ati <urlte, tîlat were appareotly disgns'edi aL ilte filun RUY deliberate bqdy v vold ibe perfectîy sinils of Lime otler,,"%#hoa iftruîmied ltîîem justified lu roiealaing tucii munioitiality that Lihe cmtnatiii do i md frotu participation in iLs provitsions, iMPOSSibie, for if th V ollecte-r ahiltse W"Oidl it fOueuud a e at ail jpa8sible. water lu Eugland, Ireisuti, at i-iScat- 'l'Ww la thé unfortunate p3sition lu laird, Lhcy caulti Niagara for a 'Ivbieh Piokering bias been plaoed by (eeek. Ini conclusion ivellit IaI thie lier ~ ~ ~ an lifiuttjie, u as 110<,appearançe eux country rmade at te other alterntative thiau to îppeuuiLa the Conteunial, antinLich we bape tlie Couuty Council for redlre8s. We hope wiil inake at the. Paris'iExhi'bition clul tisuA titis mnater wîjible deait with in a opda - the, eyes otf ot4r imperious olti apilit Of fair p~y n3as ia fat4ers, anmd eveu thé Thaudet-ver h course wiUl be taken lupon thiis question self, la at Teas t, a recognitioni of our Swltescli aiwholesaie lessan toa aifgeographiutud aur simple rigbts, luture attempti at c sÙée eeiug thiat Cauadaa h event more layai foree as lias becIen i4«ét1m~itt ýe 'Cr0 wn t4IanGreat l3itaju her- fitane. iself. aiP S i- h et 1ri1ett rt ri- , r t i tir- tri t triM tis-\\1r1upîsi v r lt l t r:' :;r it u Priiili fit rl t- f-. i !--i i i t rt' is i - 1 C)orn-itic i tt îr s-r--t ui t vt- t-ti .tn i sl11, rut- tr vs itiitrr i-s tla r tît. tlit- 'i-Il: LIi 111u-!-y îj' i 11-: (ilANflI 0i tit- rlii- :L t-t i l,tii'S tr -r ilMrti 1t1nîlum 0-'1u tif il-t'tit ittr usIntnte tnt t1 int I-galitv Ce-i tire -~ ~~o \i\ .tg q). nr, tt-tttthiettt î- OtUR MINDEN COItl'IESI'ON;DENT.'[ l . P. Bro. Wnslîinzton wool W. A. ettr. ilsie aitl. La A. R. S. aister HI-uttie Wooil-ut. e F. S. J3ro. Hectoar Baxter f t e ' r n . Bro. C. JWýi. e Ianu~ isClspiaiti, Sissur MuîrgI Rt ohertsnn. A. C. tiSmer Tamar lBarclauy. J -. li-lo.Eti Wilîsuun. Doubl t o S0e Wtits'ate, nso Grtîni t'rc-rîurer uif the U t a n ed D iv i s io n af O n t a ri o . te a tuove ti-re the eluoseýr ofie-rs whoi nu-n iun direct and trnvern ithis isumportâmt o i ti- t h r i v i g i n s t t t n t i in d ui r i un 1tt i e t i t n 1 J 1-'s a f c tii u. Tis Divis-ion clinaju.ttY edom n s s 0 d o t]he Iradéësr an 1st-iuiritytuiongiti Lte orgautr{ia i uit- 'isrîfor Itle propagationi af total f -ii-icnapriucipIires inLe oontnoîty, IDecidedly better for the purchiasý auil weIl1 and worîhiiy liaifI) persAvr- tlgiy itronei tilg ,itun ltptilitpii misicme -il tir tittanuaun srte- of racetittmry, - C ttiiurii at timu-is witli vvru g sut-ce.. TI l'ireutieil a'tiilà ésurounîs-u lipluei."e - '.ri-t iinùi.d ils finatl tndti omltii-to - tit tu-t v îf< ia ytuti M l 11)1ofai a v.etltuoUm i rmidhtPecltraetr. Th ri-' ier T A S U A -ýi1er wérp otrei-ived tus mstmtiera II S EI - ii'ti-fItr wuntof io more p t iealtart.I ti--r sl -n ttti t tri t n,ý,rtbie in timir hall 'I at hai s i-sbit-n îîapîlltryl roWt ns Iîle m (. ilti ai "'ti lin ;Ini-btg tl-tnseinuîs tuf LteI iW-nti -i'ittil tiitinAIutatrtthsinme sild lin. : rlrrt - i Iintrtplhtî.. Soont 1-v atiairIe ti tirtrt'rteffort Lie spnst-î litlî-i- LOOKS AT IT. ii 0-w r i tt S,'ii' JTii tts i ct tfar l t'l a ýI1 'tr107 i- tt î l t t "j rii;Cl - 1Vit t -t jr s -r-l W tI- ' C. Weil\ tti tî . 1n tri ill îm ' s'sliaint w!lnse tituriLave So for the MONTII 0F JVLY ('vCI'v ustouncr w-ho buys iitrrin(ilhr iterrfIîl1- ant i teRtilv o - t-t-' G ),l serve- tthi--t'w,'-ni it , -titi cntiLtii he11111 0.lIl-C)m)IipT he O dd -Feilowfs' H all1 c-n i-t i i rg le rrta 0,111 t-ýtir 'o ttf l 111tl 0 i Ar fî 1, trr ",f'l u Ii r i-cii ît t rItîlI, s- i si-r m- i 1.t)îtnîr o ' rr( f '-rit rît ts'rt CIth thr .i-l-tý 1 1l i l t9-t iýý not the question I'esvstenî tt t nt a siltr sl- - i a, t o t ,- i f, i-til- i r f ti ie tho ilr'. il) t uits our firiends and Patrons. r I -- tti~ - ,f 'r . i-t- 1,t ii f - t- tir~ ~ Il (0lt r iri. it'r- 1 ' f -01'1. -'t-lttir -~ir'e . riutit-c - tth-nin \~t ikt ti i@"tifi~tj:t-'.- litt.:t le, sacrifticcriec lio - i. r i ufi -'rî-t t?- ii. i r - tn îpia u-t i 'riItu N:- 1 g l te-t-rtiit-uini SU A ol sý 1 L -F OU-PROFIT 1 t r'- r "nt - . i t. 1r- I s ' iiîuiu - i if nu il-I i'i-ti - ' - 1t ttt C s mm in i r tt o i-- r -r i i ii ti ri-. 1 iit tors - Iras- -rinu-- cIrirtnt tII. iti tit-rtr i t'awi t, Ch)hitiJ, Cor-sets, -Umbrellas, Ail -rstî- n trit r- ,i ýi-:lrp -tIr i t5 'S',-.t11 -iý a c,ýiiri- g-siI r r -r -li' - of tint- ti Yitits-ity. 'i'rre -- t-r t-'ýf . i t lg f l-'.s m1 tint- wi t-r li iln-S- aseat-rf-i. f-rJspatiily. Pr- tc . s. - Ji-ris W . ' l itî.i-t xut't li fttttuo"-îl'î s-rtC 'ti otit probfabrle y«\1tMN-srI-s. crronnu i f-tf-t.-er'o toI , ru trîîi, î i u-r. a.tq-iiit-rtu boys. L---tic-I rs -tnt" i i-J itlr tarns TP'. najtsiut ouitt eottt ropie ara ni-itIlt, r't 1)y -r i r-7 i;?;tl ~ - -;;;;~-To the Jditor nf ttie WIiitb1, Grazett ~ . i o d r ra k d ii t i f - sctte as e eou eiagoi VIM iL ED-Ny. t-t- lt-Cal tutu ii itt- gethîIn nte- -rFor tliuîitttfiratita of voriiiiieîîîtriîSî -9 0 s r m r"l n . i-slt t-Lfualyf .Ilrngtviat- tre - reOritt" rr-il-r I)'îtr-it af-a-rî-us 'rtuîr t gties, thle iedic tioi.t is settii at OU1Cu'. Nos7î pce Inn, r-lt-itr'mir 1- 1-4h îiltgriir lt t It I, - n ailn lient-t teleîî J No credît. No oiucettoîu Nvîtii;tî 1RIIItEeu-tN OF-TIti:le t-%ININ -'N t rA il - al )--1%o1titelu bouse nll ,- veili.\. r 5eie-tr. Tri- f loaitgrre tltn question-r trIt.,'-rîthtie irstîîtla ieGiltsxn- Slslt'~-i i l Si Business Notices TIthe i--Sandard in tsrnoa-Itiof Lite Win,- 1i.ii A, itt ll e ofi'i otli tii- r-ijtiglxurstt -(let 0o at esn irledoînt ncetng -,IoAt-rLunt liehlol-tIrus- tif tlle range uni- nd wit tirtu iiiguti thiii ursi delitt- r Laung & Stewart turis-rtise in ttis issues a , tolicwuag r. 1 on-tut;- iiiat-i hlui-nfîtti t- prinus. 'lite surrmouumu. lurge trutîty of cteap iIk,tweds, lTse paint of luterest, hlua fi;e çIlle l .Its riglît in liali- metings or p-ublie 'i iiscetiiy is mosi rîrmaîmtic,hs-utig coun- mate,&.Also several chetsp lotsotri Donminiron i--f Canaila Ciili-t-e 1,r1ntt'- -proeeiiron@.. liîned tnriniepnti3'of craggs' roncks,stnt-ipi l a d i e s ' d r e s io d i r a n d m il l i n ae r v . '. T u - y i v ili c h i i a s < x i i- d G tb d m i r a t io n tf : L i i3 . 'lt b e l i îi i li t v -O f i l s i n e ti e r s t o i r îr n t r I il , n m s i- s t î a t t u l - i s ir e m r iA are lto tmoing a lts LuIi-rin depît- litîldens. lu is a spieniîid warkoti un, far Itonogitt-g tîs-neto, t-r lartlul 1 ttitU iettlauetit îvnnî e - msuit i--go sndfashanuite tcckof asuufactojred lty Messrs. Eliiugnaxi & COilusut stylisti gnous, l'rui emugus t1îy uir. Wyont, "f itegeuti 4 Tf ifs omlers talui arrfrteýd for -rvdfoutsG ui rnh ius Attention us directedtilite adventice- Thescres-tnitliiiopiifon is te bseivoriShielit. hiatiuumitittaritig tire taure <4 st-cresn' Cnun1îceofrtilt knnîs re tookiugcas-il lieri Otoreoble Iro nof-w ploentros.os C a n a d a , a n d i r o u t a it a tr e g r au p e i l, tr i t t u i u î1i g o U meu o M J S Rtbnton l aotie scton nttesuîtinsaf lte es-von - un a fe ofdaya. AFsociation to U e ild au abimt ilaîtrvest, time peol trte - x- F t n rn men ofMr . S Eoertonin noter eci reresntaion", f' lie 1 ,cEodungty kiud, ttida-reeîulmîe, ainmufew colrm an. Ile titis sec-irai-i tUe nght of ti-ade -trioinpiis oh Itome. 'orrming nuîtnr-'Iaeee iifotLwsîa i hr un batiks, îswp-iperm, tmagazineis, fancy r arais Lo tuese graulis are LIhe c( nus ef i-ms I Usfoturi on Lime atiole sncb uniiutigent garn41s, novolties, &C., uloug Lisln fteo IsFevnCnut. rvne et un COUNTYITETilS. chist of people. j1.lxi LmdîyUuiwt, t in fteda haunel suad on an otLer nom of îîoîusts-,î- -TUe l2tit parseti off very pheffanthy tsavug n aentatwac o luud ebnuuyaresetflu uurni-gras o fle i-cilin B-ityis bciiag cultii tifl'ereat sections fpe-acefuliy aid proffitahi tiero, aececiary waih imauit sotock iy n usse carryung 1IProvin-es tif Cîîoadrîlilhi-Liensfs D cIihtis- îîît y (. 'litestnîîw. un tUse inai-rity itreparations beiog matie an Lime preîiotîsI wit Ltna ullEtckinthee ins. goiti. 'Tie cI revalues on a eattcetled oh cases ailî be short. ibumi tue grain pluuump - iy Il tUe wtuy of archmes fir-us, &,-. The 1pivot, but tprnil .iL s inCOPPot rted n d gooti. Early uteas al-eetuso lining I memîters of'itseOrange Order and others - pdesal5~Oî en îmcîss l Ieigt, 9reîi- arvested. ThUe anre, ta fur a very god atielupcestmLtîuECumnb G. W. R. CirîANks.-Some important tif Capmitdian mapi.-, onk, ai pins. Thesaumpti . Iwlîsre Rev. Mr. Burt, presii-ing mînîcter,-- chang-es have been maclehby Mm. iP. lirougli-elmiehl is of cilven repou8se worlu, rel isved '1E ty iands af plain gotit, atis vahued at on the 25t1 ilut., Ahex. McKiauou1 a -pocîdnsiat m isrcieds ton, Manager of LUe G. W. R. ut Humil- £700 IL bears au eugrsved inaScriptîau. h.arster in the employ of Isaac S. Warde-l r course, wbence tley mtrchîed altotoîsh's toLn. Mn. C. F. ToIlmewho lbas been itta- as foilows: amwas acciclentalty dnowned by faliing Iote ud trea swttu jusie viss prans by i W'iUITyHA le10 n hemll ore mti s tie w s ro- bFELyXS H L ion mtuster aL Petnolia duriug tUe- past -Challenge shieid preseuîted Le-thue. off as biug g. tht uh on.l e pl??arty, tfter whici tliy pyoý-eeded ta year, bas been temovedt L te Companyts National Rifle Naocration Lty the Douminion leaves a widow andti ires chilidren. the court bouse wUs-re auitribte praeticai ciiy ticket offices in Hamiltctn, and Mr. of Canada Rifle Association, to mark the The cheese factary behongiag Lo Mr. T* Iatdreeses were deiivered by Bei-. F. JQhttt- Reid, formerhy station mnaster ut Vl douera' appreciation of te generous andi Courtiee, onttmeutmain road Ietwen Oshawa son (MetLodist minîster) aund Bs-v. Mr; ing, takes bis pince in tUe Petrolia statio ind racep'ueus extended to LUe Canadian aud Bowmanviile, was hurued on Sratur- Atcheson. (Plresbyterias. min ister), sud Mn. King, of Hamnilton, bas bs-en appainted- riflemen at Wimbledon-&. D. 1870-1877." day alternoon, l4th iasL Tliene was no others. lifter wîtiulm Bs-v. Mn. JoLînso, La sppint r. iid ut yoming, sud ilThe tropby wtlitue ield foraysrhi ineurauce, a pelîcy iaving expired ouhy respousetatLUe -chtinman's requeEst, coîtl. Mr. Mackay, ef Strathroy, bias bien me- thé battalion ta which tîte comipetitar - wo or Lhre days belons. The lacss taciuded with praver. The svbole proceeti- movd ltoetem.Laîda F-celies5 fbelongs who wins LUe iret piize in te estimated nt between ciglit sud ninehba. lge hud quite areligioiîs nt ansd re- ,grand aggregate.' Ired dollars.- flect aituîb credit on Lime Orden. t I~ ~~~~~~~~~~i( maltjh -~ lr.'ttu tsr~ îd ir Cht.illenge'- of'ad i' Blacli Lutsrr-s rtre wavrtlî IQOoiug after. -keep the stock well assortect tb à.. - t s- ,er. of q t -e t j -r-I t-'- t - i.-'- - e, f I i. i l foi in nki ""% lou't liait ljiii nit ul rer c Ili; wuer liai c t' mufes <Vr aa of es goreu oe t'ihea ()w -t 1- isr