Whitby Gazette, 26 Jul 1877, p. 1

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VOL. KG ;* '-,1-e fle t~i or o» Nta0" una i ~.. . ....... qitikrtet of a oaum w One 4........... e 0 Ail 4V~IBDW WIIil4baoi. of oUd - ~~ptiosdm là a sgl, xomied à ONTARIO BANK. WBITB Y B RA NCH. ltKOMA5 DOW, M^nager. Wltby Jue ,Mle. TUE DOMINION BANK Ru op.ued à Wààèlk ot Wbltby Agoucy 51t LIVERPOOL MARKET, X= JlPrIKfluNG HARBOUR, Vo the.eonuenecs 1sf Grain Meroistits sud %elbo i ni buobusas tho,s,, sd for recuiving de. Legal. G. V. SMITH, L.L.13. 6I3 BISTERAttornéy-at-Law, Bd»citor lu 13Clsso.ery I fnolvsnloy, Notary Pulýlc, &C. 09vpfut-flesn.,)Ted ta over Nsw DominImu Bank Entrance.'n Dundas street. q N c ), A , r')ii\«Y F01N1 f I a . : .î.I. cc.îqÂed b% 8 if. %Ià. tb N "h, j &"Bff.'3 A. G. McMILLAN, B t ttt6iT.':, Ar rou"ty, SOLICITOR, No r.uy Puoiie, cuIve vancor. &c. orna ai-fyrtun-sîrt, Wt.~hi tby,'C CAMEJIOýN & MACL)ONELL, h[IISTERit AND ATT0RN'EYS.AT-LAW~ BSolicitors ftù loIi,.uk of Muntreal and t1h. tlorporaLion of Outarlo, NotaLriae public, &i.. OrIz-court House..3 LYMAN ENGLIStI, L.L.B., XITER AND ATTORNEY - AT.- LAW, BIooiir lu C Iîs.zcOry. Solicitor for lt.e(On- tariO l3ank, 1Issurr 01 arri..60 Licenesg, &c.; Sili lem-street, Osijava. June Dlii, 1873. 83 P.A. IIURD, N. GORIDON 13[GELOWV,L . A TTO#NEY-A-JIAw. SOLICITutfL IN CHA.M. J'CE Y, &e. OFFICP-Third cdooitou 1111>of t>' Pont office, Toronto-street, Torontou, Ont. 3 FAREWELL & tUTL LUGE. 1)ARBIGTEiLS, ATTORINE~YS, SOLICITORS, 1>Notaries Public sud Cou vey&ncurs. Ovvrcul-pu&st dour out], of thb.Rol yJot,1 Whitby. r. M1 . Farewell, L-,D.tt Jas. llutledge, .4 Oounty Crowili Âttorniey DIAVID OIIMISTON, B.A. lt ATTOBNiIY Ar DIWV, 8>11itor iii ('liâ'+tcoryý g j ..CI.Couvsy'aui.jr, Le.o. Ficip -Li the ojhice tur.aorty ocati 110 4 ii-j theDii, Olou liink, in MaxiI1ana B10 l eJ tà ck,1Frort, WViitby. I1OBEN8ON & ICENT. 13 tIýtat&TrELo. At'ruy-At.t.sw, sol qitore to Ji itiuuery, Iderdauooers, d&c. OjuM Po Ironto B7 oîsoteoi, K. . IIEERRIT A. E.' KENT. Business Cards. YOUNG SMt7û, isoor of mange %v ~'siliT'l r '. iIrOIiU.. àj 0 .u iO " (at.. *Lttq.e !t iý. t r. auArîlkul183 3 r r W iT >.T 'l Ciirk iluci'resaaure r, FWbîb.Ot-Wlhitbe. Murs, 9 to 1 WHITÊX. ONT&RIO THOS. MASON, PROPRrý brando. BMlIad. m. çzysb BRITISH AMERlOAN.ý,W (Uat. Bobsm omeu.) WHiITBY au4Z* wesPFrat.c.bias sumple roomu-..,' Wby.Ânuguet 27,1873. 4 THE QUEEN'S OTI (Late the Commercial.) BROO-STREET, WHITBY, ONTAI TAYLOR & McCANN, Proprîe- TbI ioîWlltabs lîeen sntireiy ronnvale> eftll .eSlenot style torlte coîifont ati cooauodatiou ut gueils. Sanille roorns fori muerdiaI travetiers. Superbe sKt>ublug sud1 box stals. Ligions sud tig>s t ite finestbhi J. P. TAYLOR., 1'HII.IP MoCÂNN, ifuste ut Tonouto.) Whitby. July 131h. 1573, 837 WHTITE1Y -1017S] 11>i lil i - Fr1'rpoe t'e, >0L i ii e-latt t-r l AIEN*T1 51u0P IN W i 1 ItTIi H. B. WELLE %VbitbN tl l, i o1( 1ii li a If1ý- I i PAINT SHOP mnachine %> links, os in> eheite to înîîaed vt.. tit evcry deltcilittîln of Noua., Slgn, and Carringe Paitein outthe soîtto icel Waiis ciiiured mth lt tai-elq c tinters for iir,tntio. I itdittg nît i ('Lta7tng o î Necioe plrompitt 0(tili tt. tiidsàro.fru th(-ttoutti y execut-vdttoîn .tiitit loin ie I -à 4 N~~~4OIS 1Insuranco anid Oefle raiAge nt Rtelreîeoting thîe fuIýiitîg Co:îî-îîî.îtî.- LIVERPOOL01.ANI) /3115 NO ul.îîîîi-E. 1. PHRN IX. t oif.,Fti l te. BtRITISu H t Vi'.itrc-attiMai-titi. PROtVIN CIAL' ltre 1u1ît1Nirttie, N ATION AL, 1bIne. STADACONA. Ftrcuuli.tff Aiîu Appitrîer ft 'V IMPEIIIAL LOAN ANI) N 'ETI ' CO1 PAN Y. OFFCE-apiposile RoYal 11,«I. lDr t 3 tree Mi.itby. 26i IISI' OF DIVISION Ct-)1.MTS FOR THE County of Ontario FO0R T I Eu E À 111'417. B-roughami Port Sri- I-esert n Mlars, Towlshiuîi LîtI' .512 >,I 12 t. 27 7 lit t 2e GEO. Il. DART'l1JELL, Jilt Jetdmne M O NEY TO I.FAND. Sioarg- Qittulitiv or %t-uney to ltl.tf Low In- tret itle ,Prpr .j' i%- i'r t - Vii-Ite F ti r.ttI~ Ss-c a r,ii , I tg, T-os-iFrarot ltinie.. atmi a lurge lIbi<ik TerlTcnîîte îerai VF-M .ITH CèSclMS I)FEYiA1ITMEN'ýt. MItawa, .Vubv i1577. AUTHOiIIZED DISCO>U1NT ou Amenlcau In- volteS until turtioiSnotice, 5 per tout. JAMLS JOH-NSTON, ~fl>Comtnisioe e f CU$e..e i Olt. 1 Jfoetuu~ s4frew>~lflo 4mauu.aasÇ ~wu f u~suau b*4~S 7~Isgot mtWaAdorof ~ ~~~~~~~~ýv l opnoeh -ai, a e s sud obj tb , he very" m~uht. w ~d*hêb9~ven iiPlrmu, aouM. favil r dgirls. 8heWsa%': t.Tihen, ov4nrea Supierint.îtdent. presîderit nat, wîl li e îurepre8ed sorrowful. st a epreogt nalcn wi5t îhebad been. Schoohed fô'con- _ ues of a child, bury her faclu ii en science rcjoiued Joýe-phine, sud se sider a weaknces, she bowered Ilir Iiead tiD F TIIANIit itp,.aud Bob 'Il have lost My unotber.!" rîîdl.eeepeeigle ih over ier writing, untîl thue îone curîs ___ 1e foudled sud comforbed loto corn- drawai, hxd lier face. IlSiguor Alboni, y0ungi i\cprR osuire? îî wouîd be baci-ilege ho 'Bad!1 bad ! ejeculatAd the senior, ladies 1" oalied ont Mr. -Purcell,.- tbe MIJSS 'M.4 ýeN" R ruffle the elegamit liî.re-y of lier fig- with it lsolemu sitake of the hesd ' I principal of te seminsry. Ida si*- - Degg to retunithnnis b tte pi.oçîie utfthe Town ure ; sud thie glas-ry t esesaid, by their sadmire srîrl tin ia girl ýnb s woman 'eyed'the îuuightly iheet l in~~' o! %V. i.tby ant i Ucuttlc orpaAt fà1vourveund 'ounti tearlce stare, t-eîeeuyou sud rue shof-,ld bave îno temper 4 ushewsîn liefriertbj iutiloat. tiat sastiituas lie SIYISagi0ucy ti itiIs iu h r a o tm o leaii gection fot tie there is a greait 'uf fixed! One wesk-- ancl rite repaired wibli hie rest tôîtËW, Geenuine American Elias How Sew- tiese Ida could tPot overcore-bie re- reoiteiou-toonî. in-g Machine. Thie nlew Nô. 8 pugîlance bu belîoldiuug lierseuf litu ber CHAPTER 111 "'SE CONTINUFD.) tnaouining garnielits3. Tîey as yet re- 1iacuddsiolrîtu u lr \Viieele; & XWison. Aiea fie îvtided licr tbu vivid-h of lte bier and ions Octibor inorning, à setudent was lie pisil. he averted lier eyts, 'ausbite peiiig, witlslow atnd heavy fingere, r71,8 Kefîss- Superinteudeut of lu-- C ENTENNIAL PLAITER. s' eoetciirerb tttcfn a llaetvit.-Ahsaumsesramte hlsf fo¶'owed suit in revokiug- it i?., att kiode o! plait@ Iî>culeo(iv. ihi -ritelube apri. 'I btg eYe "wnid lia-v. wobdeyed wiîîo t-he autlrfte of tise Royal Canadipe 9 It uaiveà tctr-fiitjis nil te titnorequired by suy ~ctrlro, adtecl oc of paralive carelo;sguese s ~the. faces- u ouc opyIidobsnsi4 Oter mellicti. 3 fi p. ., si te -mvoc IL sep bine, ' yo@rfeuth or lheailtawry. sovarions i étr u Pxrce-yU5 a vée ktlorge qutntity ni threaud, as lhe piailitPèmtme'Iat1 1 ~îd nslecwhici she -as surraundied, and found reuîurê n RESting. D PA TM N w ile lier vol ntee u, ass stant unpinned- ini bers s bject for c n o'ir spec lation ; Ille E nglieli rifle tea ru w hich'is ho lHbDRESMACIG ]!PATMET nd~ re-arranged thlk craPe foidir, but as wefderin g ut the cou-Lfdielôry evideuce ceMpete et Creedinore wiIl ssii for filnîgo repiete wl th ail lie ,Ilégstyles for lethe' gt rdte uer1.munn ~ countenance an& form gave of lher New, York ou the 16th cf Augti .A MISS M.- McINTYRE. brooch-, s lear, large and leNucid, drap. age;the One sombre in ite- thoughtfuh- subSWýtk islabeig*rlieed in England M-120-s.M pè& i pon lier isn4., lb #aebut s drop u»»,r in d4'8Iseyee piercing thougihie s t&- psy tîheir expenseb.- 1 Lt - - - C A N N~JÀ4 Ch g . i!PA - - - ,40, Pifp ppà da% o# m Mset COMMENCING Ô RAOU b s"d o. abcsw&aILerIiene L ald ti nybrt.m? hr aen T edy 7ho piAnd stili mli. lives in lier Uttle but -ld dbitruet BLd misan, hler. to kno* or care. If I were te aie Tueda, i5i or7p75'. Aboutth~e aieof ahickory nut. At peace wlth herseit, sud quit. contant throPY under» clear' esightednese and to-morrow, there je not a 0eature who EILe THE STEAMER IVizi>the wsy iiinie . hnliher daéy. are speul. knowledge of humais thturt. AÂUIthose would'ehed 9- teaTRabove My c orpse. I Litle oit troubles lier, I supyo.o, hol3t and beautifui ttehDgs whioh evi. wiiJh I could aie! T1Ie7 Say eneh, s10 a uB very litie aho. lnowo: dence to man hie kindred to hie Divine thouglits are sinful, but auttlhilation je ýtors kibJo 811ep11 rd cursin uierwhicory ln i, model and (reattre lie tos8ed side. preferable to du aimlee, loveles e ue-. to s.-d ~ y o, ri e tn id np l er hckr o nt. wth the sw eeping conde rn os .on - ' ro- t nce. O h !1 hi e intolerable aýhing,' d nd C) R.S E MN A/X.N, yumdasiln agro, mance adnoneseîîce Il-1 wtt] wiit yu kno; aleT rying yearniîîg for affetion-it le eating into con- BBEÊ$OOD, MAT l)bti*upitiloibject yuwill dwell, sin was to he -womanish ;'-, womanu my eoul 1 guawing, insatiable longing 1 rance Wilimake lier rogular tiplson thub route, lea'rlng B and tyurbouy bL.sd 1'foni'were evnonymousn d ,~ in. can I not quiet for au instant ? I have ralsCobourg ever> rnôtuing at 7.30, sud Port Hope aut_________ q, 9o'aiock, on arri#si ut G. T. B. Train, trou, Esat idiscrimirýately ta express thbe superla- intoletgenius; so sys the world. I sud IWest, oonuucting utI Rocuester with tiie New York Central, Nortlioru Central aud Brie Rail. ALWAYS. tv fieectn .l.ledlgîdhv ar~e oInwegrao =wnyud LaIt. Outario Shore Division of!hetive.Ofireexitn ll. edeigtd av sc UfMe o noleg, ao Bo5ne, Watertowu and OgdensburgltkWa)s, for >ail 130long as eartli sud air roin. nin eut wing Itilgs as tîîey wr. fuan oeyPeig ftlohppiness points East, Weuttsud South. Ande Men n..land andu" rsosa E, OiiEstrjdallv sAleaV Charlottet (ortyof io: SUU, uiooI, and stars 011558 flt tes ie were fttthitihes, nsoved by secret pringe thon comfort, thon fargetfulne8s-to she pillai ial.m., frPrHoedec. 1wLb"tru e . of policy and lnaver- 1 the. world is cast myseif down, the same heartoiok, alesin tktax e. i~rot0ll fd:hethobAIaye 1.oiirpouhent ostaistage, viewed by others in tiie deceptive famishel creature ! Our examination Nhlc 'ew York, &c. Fortourther information apply to Ansi pure sud tru able ho, glare of artificial lights, and sa unade was an irnposing affair. The elit. of itted W. blIERWOOD, Port Hope. That bite i. angel 1-ou, beaven seems- attractive. Hc iiad pntâeinta the. intelligence and faqhion hnue us lto. Or C. F. OILDERSLEEVE, Kingston. 26 kShai 'Ain rMy love trou, the..jrertdhuue gare._ _-_ - __ -- - - mysteries behind Ille cartaia, and el. with their presence. The prize for uaul ]Iy ov at o aii teroue; alth oi amined in t-h.unuflattering day, the wiiicii others had expeuded eleeples E. L EA T HIE R Andsiiiever etminiu, ig si5il.Cho CIMYCnrvnes ad acnfliglt:, and toilemnedays, were for me, and__________________ofhe_______________ cey pu foth ueffort5 STRETCHED DE LTING, Fjancy sud thie pleasuree af indignation atud as the. music ewel]ed out to celer- V ttvetve inch, coutantly kept or) hanS I would bave seen in Niigara anlv a size- niause of imverIties. mv Ile*ft ilE wr b omgtcnne leltt yvotr-ln ih te 1 AlOve that 91l-e imatisou sî'ectal orlon ut low---ba-- the rates sud on short notice ut able fail, anad, caIculgei,. amidet the. had not feitLl'h before for d long, Io*ýg 7Vn-~- r-~~I AL(XXNI- rushiug Shont Of its mnighty waters, tas lince,-aud as in a liglitning flash( 1 J, 1 fJ9~aL J~ ' JJ'.'L ta the umber of catton.mills it would saw wbat I might-what I would have LT L _àtu'ru, aud the thoaussnd it would net been, lbsd the sunebjua of love been abl iqkpcrterm aud monfiLtîure ofa alIkida irn, could ho transport it, patent right continued ta rue. But the pitchy cland atil o uSolo, Upper, Grain, Weit aud Harijesi MARION lA.RLAND. scîet igas i aetecod oldae i.dslu'oeig n ted E cirdo'irgai. etete againrole oertheauded puonan fair LE A TI E R.cos-eriii; frontte stolm-god'ts braw, 11 was a aina raddwreckok s L .CIIAPTER II. and bebeld a roarinz, 'tpauriug gisut ,1 barren shingle-the wailiug monotone A Iso sup/erior Caou Skin8. Titat te scrutinu'v as uusatisfac tory wbase insane sttackî nuigôht be warded of the deep in zny ear. I read to, theru, -Cash paid for Hîdes Rnd Skins. wasti t(, b rend il te dtecper saduesà off by a îiilosaîtbicL'al precautionus ad tluat a tâte was once esot upon an acon.r Iiat fell over ber counteaiuce, wltîîe precautions and discretion in the dis- tlins root, and the hardy plant tlirufft tiisuLiag lite sud tr@mbliu . psLion of liglîtening-tods. ite arine in every direction, nutil they Fl u .showed how osharp was tii, disiappoint- The party returned ta the parlor. fe t the liglit, tien coiledliu sp iral waves, mn.Yout.iiful sud iuexpeiienoed as 'l'on jplay. I1iresîîme, Mise Rose ? ssld ho couvert its, dftWees§r into a thing of jr.- ~ - - sh4W Vas, -fier heurt iold lier tuat the Let guâr4U: IueijiregaiUIm ut b - b êloy...a u - e4e ±hmaw eena.in Tbe unlrigeii.aiviug pureîaî,sthe bruised teudrîlë 'vhich Lad bien toianttu is ew proof of inseusibility ta lber the Corinthian dapital au emblem of P'L0Ul AND l-EED lic SINESS from the orig-inal support could neyer situation, Ida faltered tuo ecuse of fati-. rrutii whih lhait in ail ages owed înuchà lttil.crA.îî t'îfinîîy ' earn to twiie nruund thlote gelid gue aînd ivatit of practioe ; snd, witli a dite growth ;-and wiou I pointed ho a MR JH UND R OO tattites, very lirecetîtible shrucri lie addressed 1it as a type of our national freedoru, I Yii>t~il r'ittinlu eti Mr lI i s~5ditioglîttýi. 'W'hat aology have you, was farced tao top,-for suowy hand. i-n fthe iiirt-r out :î LL th cergma roe.Joseplitite? 'Sue repiied by going ta kerchiefs perfumed 'hie air, sud eager ti 0.'. i, .o-,is iecegmaîrste instrniut, but)liad just taken ber bands beat s rapturaus 1'encore; ' snd tt~Dudasan ByonStret " îtaUiuyNon, mir ; biIutîu lîrU17110), >Va'it, wlienIlite doox npe-ned ta admit I was reading a written lie!1 for my AIiriug nd an-I }eed ii \\ L'and rt~Ij4îYfu nui i ed~~î rtherbrother. 1Tebva twsdig-pnelsudt!aded-n' 71 IRAAtand My c argelere req ares il M iss ad Mr. Talbot ' were presented intellect ! I ad rtýéeirbe te Fanny WilbvFel. Ian 1 (Io." In ~.s ludue form ta the stranger, who iad Porter, wthber silly, sweet fcand! Ný'itlv, ei.3 t, 877l I l i al lief ire von lbave the nisen to ]ave thc rooru. Josephinesaw alwagys imperfect lessons, tisuwht - - - CS. '\iy tu th ltpef.w l)Ibileas. the nitveueiîî, and airested il by the am.Site bas a fatie>t* matbor, brotiiers,. i . t- - J <~'s'- o f \tou, ctît'j'ltlu dutunier ta- iuîr7ýductioui. No attention was paid sisters, wito date up'on ber. Naurisiedi boler ; aud in tie ruidst af thte lively uo odes h sslv flac T.0lle itnvittion mas aeoeptod ; aud, conIverstionl site -eized su opportuuîty nvrnviI ol raum after a tslet I re isureof the band froru ta Speak uside ta Josepiine,-1I1wiie'ife ain. I feu Idbecont e. bov jAGENT FORt TIE ws £f wy,1sol ecotn.1JV Ida, and acuutîy low frotu fathet aud ta &'tire, il 3'ou pieuse.' Josepine ta-okm daripn ieelwah' lioycEri eaper, daugitter, Mr. hall tuok istaleave. st - f îlot 50 measnrea, the toue: sud uubar lte partale o«f my fairl il atîsn&lr' isLt xol ehp iet wass utsaughty as bers, Ett its proudest palace - my tiought-realm. Thasé t ~~~~make sonie alteruation n lier dressti, i cod fuplght erln dlcin eWies whioh meit sn Conîbiued D)rill, Juseliitiue.* Mr. 1'6end eaid, ; bis inu- guests sie led lte way hito tite hall, selym yîb.iin-n h Anti ail tîîindso! Furt-n tuipteinenits. ilirt- esîiy*ýing bow htccessary lie e- end ligitted a lamp. Ida toak it from blessed- rsiuy days epent by Josephine te eilid thetu lroposed measure, Miss ber. I 1 vill go up Nviîlîout you. Gaod in warsîed work!1 Yet al buis i8 in- i_ý Alto itelitai-nionti Rewiug Macihine. -Organe, 1'apsi.&. Attlitroatdrtîioed t. lîrougîsu, ltead rang for a lighl sund B sio ta arn ip lû tarc8 Nil ece rii) teto.c 0uified ngii' ie aie111icstîcaejurioIle-I amenervating my mind-2 Y. .,o ii ecitItrutt uttfiia.. Ida tat site %vas ready Ia show ber with ail teady steli, for site wae followed desttoying every faculty lo usefuinese. DeoA-O.rbe 5. 187 6.upba-6. cang fram tite bleak b a gaze of odret and Rgr To ooi can I be useful ? -Do yoM* fut uislity of tbeir preseuce waia a relief, but mlieil lier clinber w-as gained, site dîîty in ynur home '-Faid thie sermon I\. N RI L YO, AA A $h ogd ab ln, fbtfrsprang Ibrotigili te door-ocked aud last Sabbatb. I1Ihave no houle, no duoble lueked il, ftlolot1asited baerfer GEO' l G IA N BA Y L I N E. ata'ul1ur, tiat sitciiiilit,,ivewydul uke ia4se lel~fî-fitYids, I anW cut off froru my species.i la tte noolonswiiit liîdbeenui.inguPîîuuIle fluor. A liuiit(an aewîi ie ftî "-rda 'ete er LAING STEWART s" To oùr Tctis*oIners of past 3yâarz-o9, faffu64 frýezrds thel' seiiwe rendei' oui grte*iilaok- w1ledgeIMents? not only for Meir ]ibeÈa1 BUp-' pbýt, but- 147 t>hefr appreciatii4W of oui efforts' f6 please.- We atîe >#Oud of ourdu stoWierI? .afi±de- feýmîned. if jp*êsible, to serve thema inthe fatef'ue evYen beîtteit M-an in thê pasif. Oui busieAs is, Atill growmrig in every department, afnd aà th&~ geason advfn-ces we '*ill- endwavour to keep be-' fêt-e yoî th'e newest aitd Ôhdket asîort*àt of LzAmiNG icles i s*r buii*.. We aàe« offering special Bu-À6Ân( in T*fé6t&O And Clotbifrg, and frilYress Goods auËd Milli2taey,- Our Stock of Gmntes' F . nIkIis veiy eomplee '>È: Co1ia'àyTies, H f Cap@., Yourg i'ery truly(,- «Whitby, Mayl 6, 1977e- -'t. -o, a Adiia.ii~ ~ -- -. f -~ .4 '1 ,1L ,-'r H. B. TAYLOR, Agent. yy X J"-L i1"%)1-7 WhiUby, sept., 210*DUNDAS.STIIEET, %WIIITBY. ~DOMIION BA.NK. The. undorsigned would iutImete to the pi thttéaoeprouiisait bave beeu newly É WHIFgt AGENCI?. Pp aud rnvated tbrougiiout for teacn êsod.tionulguestas. Beet WiLneo,Lijuoria andCi Sub-genc s~ t vrpooMarkt1 Pure Rhlue Wlue. Lagor. Wholusale and ILQ Sub-geetyctirivrpoo Maret.JOB. A. BANDE H. B. TAYLOR, Manager. oarde re talleI. bïythe week on moderate te USviap dopartmit% t n connsotton wth both Wbitbý,, Mav, là, 1871. 2J8 Mos.e., uhare interest la paid on deposite of $1 «Md ap Wrd*. - - ---- - TEMPERANCE -HOUS __________________The undersigned ha*s reuts... and fitted up promises just opposite J #.Mur)hys store, DR. BOGART, DU D c r, W II p myglciàt. tNIjâtON A COucOUCiEt, U D SWH T WbOnt. lept 10,167. 46 (formerly known noe flandel'o bouse for the 1 -. _________________pose of & Temperance Hou.. wberc comnfortui mealis and lunch can l-e had at ail reasoua DR. W. J. BURNS, bourg. She tealzo prept d oreovealitni <0 FFICE. xlo«t.doot t.* the Chraniclo ofMedc1 re- termeg. n' sd*nce at Mr. Leý8s Houckà. JGood sl&bli>ig and &hed-roomn. wbley~, April 1MOI, 18"~. 2M ire VATKEY. - - Vhtbv, Nov. 1-t, 187e. Dentistry. ... A) A M s SURCEON DENTIST, GEORGE CORMACE,, -.- 3.1 4? TBT Awmh$4.et, idticir ami B3il.ler, LUrrI O09r R. H. Jat*esn. Groc.ry Sioýré. Mercliaut, cario nIer and Juitr, W H.T04, 6 RF EN S T., IVIIITLY, ONT. SURGEONO DENTISTE, Aiotr,e qInotuIf I i Iks 'f ~L'I" tCr S n: 89 lng Sgtrdt East. TORONTO. banîd. JtkS I< L1t>I"~ DI Marm.alade, Dýut.4ée,; iriuk1 lU rkngflsbPiekels, 15leceut, I ÀA Good JapanrLéâ, M4 (nt4 Coffeet 25 cents. Prunes, 7 Centd, AGENTS M~E ipAiM liO' , $1.2à per Dozen- MOL«ôi*'s ALB, 90 dents per Lozeâ., DIkvNYWmsimT,- à fi« "à, Gft* MILt AN~D Ryi - $.5oper Gar.é. Flower 8ee1à (a choice collection), BuI-l. iio1iÔ~ tuberoses, Vegetable Seeds in Bulfr,' -Tnurnip, Cartot, su~ mIangle Seedgi Lawn Grais 8eed,- Convolvulu, 8tedg,,§éw. 5. PER CENPI OFF FOYR CASf ON MýL ooçD .H. A M tSdP BOOT8- AND SHOE891 JOHN U AUNflqmX8 11AW JUST 1BE£IYW DA L41RE &PO 0F BOOTS AND SHOES,- SUIl»AB4 R TE dftiO ILÂ]E, WIUGH flRE # SELL CHRÈÀP I'r OAlcSe ,44A VERY eÂiM Ë1BdII ON 6'08T. Ladies' Prun4Ik Gaikr à1t 65ef. WOIIK DONE 'f ORIYER IN FIRWf-CLÀ91 STYfLIGH PARTIES' NiEED NcYT ASKIAOR CRÉ'DIT. JOlliX SAUNDER9.0 e jï WÉýfÈy, Âpr-A 26, 18Î7.

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