s Osmnm, ilof s wIbby, lob. 1 lm. ........ - ia a ........ l PreGi ..... ..... . O LIC NoTricg ifIP 0f. WHITBY, -" MaaWss b. b bél aiben* sday in Aprîl Next, je un tb P lb.m T oren àta & a a dol, lt jBO a. 'HAT JR MEETINGS EIWTW ND SHOE STORE, J JOPPOSITE BROC W battus be. subuttetti'b. be ahip cnu o u. tue l . 'SUIP of PICKERING Ce D gratinga Boqin f*46000 troua P i l oa4f oioeitgikering aUer. i Mi thé folluwiug plikuas for tg..pr. htieiho traêt beuR9,,Iiiabo adar vd cUriur Wieli 'l'lie.. TharPrltor a Colaap ta>' viii San. a- ta gyvu 'îpb.~neWhy Lia re là regLi bu o u M141Afaor niilnguaZ eliaybaug. vilig .eputatiau n nuel toattiend vert- a, w i u wve thélir vie-4 meuti ly tuha ৠoluiis souicIbu ho gret. IVIIIION NO. 1, Austin-a 8Sabrai an Mrmnae, 2ilela iqbruttry, At Spr vul, Ent. liit Do save, wUii, s, l 8. J. sftlu, ifoq. Dîv1isloI>NNo. 2, Jtulo,reTomeua i,Uudc(lty. ith YFehruetrv. itti pan. ViEq, G î. U. Ciliill, Esu., maui . W til i Dep.at'y Itreve. M>YINN NO.. 3, -OraDiwMHall, oau P.'oli a hiluvutrv. Ili lljita. DV25105 No,S6, ClinoitPub la Piob b. Ia. M DIYWqbN NO. 9, Alloua, TouipeMana. rWadday lot M arcalttpur. Ivar, Eisq., cawaailaor, J. blanaharis, P~ISIRON NO. 5, IBraugham, Towu SWadultAdy. l4i Mural.. eti7p.aa. 1 Isq.. BI. T. F Whivlit, tEn., $met0L DIVISION NO. 8, Whiovat.o.Msa Thjarsida ny, arhb, miS p.m.~ DIVtNION NO. 4, DuMnu. Craak. Tam. Rail, as Tbaitlaty.S»d ]&&rab, et E, q-, Jý , .Maob, Esq., mat J. >1VISION NO'.7,Duniabrton, Tampa. üll, tu lFrits>', Ird Mitrcli,.at 2 Ipua. J. 'UlcegSu JMiler. Khrown, P.ILItu?,i ýWl*a IM. J. Hlà«.n i, ifsunjb, M., Goid, I Mbfakllaué,I OM I.hk. J. L. >.tl adJ payr#ot teIbahoye a uM» f miei &tant. J. a. MCCLILLANI 1'ropriotuiof ai rebour <onapmy. euhk Ditlilige, S'.hèrumsy 7u, , i.1 ý4 AND FOUE LOTS ) R S ALE rsigaaad pfairs for sa iba haboya pro L@jsr&aniofutBrook aimai, la iba WA1?UY, liaiy aaeUpiatb>' wu. adse.Tb:b.. fad N pantiouisrs, appiy ta BISA KNAPP, Sud. 110.14 IT ACT OP 18M9 AID 1876.' In tlb. Coàtut>'CoUu ut iiwiir of JOIW HIAMER ODIorei ly, tileMat.1dae aenuar>',iem >115 RAMER OREENWOOD, Aboyasneve alal LES-! TAXES t 'Il &BRO., ~KSTREET, WV R -i' B13Y. 1o ýTOCK la Nit W COMPLICTE IN LADI ES'. M~SSESX AND CHI LDRENS',l ALSO IN AND YOUTHSPO. Rememb~r that Kirk is offer- --o-- Remembingtliki ofr iiUBB«S ANDý bL MU be1OVEIR- OWS" HALL!1 e, FEB. imth, ',6. In NzFEYNANDEZ,1 ire! Prima Donna and don Tike 25 sudbOa jLdie U"Sla AT T«E K~ M I LLS AT N'S CREEKe 9 ZPO VUNÂT. ~ At wholeepries. RUBBERS, RUBBERSji Rubbers et 40ts. per Over-Shoes, over-shoes, Men « ve-Soo et $1 1 i:remmbr 'tht. Kik ~wg~ or @siwog. O. KTBK., 'A TACTS FOR "Wben found mýake a note outtie. 1B7O~ oL"..-Capt. Sohool Books! Sohool Booklm'! Sohool r-pn on Mondsy nert, lOth inet. -A feu'stcko ac»hoolsud ext Books of eveydesrpinàlwason han&. Parents, Gusrdias, Pupiles ad School Tnte iifind it to thoir: advautage to dalat Bobertson'a. Office Stationery, Office Stationery. Merchants, Lawyers, Bankers and others, will ftud a fli stock of Blank Books, Letter Books,13111 Books,- Commercial Note Pae, Foolscap, InkS, Pens, Pancils, &c., at Robertson's. Al godasold at City p*ces Subsoribe, Subsorîbe, Subsoribe for your Magazines snd - Newspapers. for 1876, at Rlobertso'. promptns "d pimetUÀLty guarýanteed. Book-binding!I.-Book-biudi.1 ~ gazines, Books, Pamphlets, &C., bound ini any style at Toronto prices. Music ! Music ! Music !-A large ,stckshetand haif-dime music; also Violine, Concertinas, Flutes,- &c. Special attention ie givento the ordering'of Mis- ceianeusBoosJ. S. ROBIERTSON,9 Bofokp&o>r and Stationer, and deili.4-iaT6-aney Guoida, Whitby. AT THIS SEASON 0OF THE YBAIR There is often diffictilty in finding articles needed. Keepe a th ME Ni horough assortment ail the year the wants of WOMEN, BOYS AND Preparatory to Stock-taking goods ciel Bargyains offered!1 Clothing, sol! Note! for selling'cheap. Whitby, January 6th, 1876. N INSURANCE COMPANY 1 Head Office, Montreal. OFFICERS AL!L W. OGILvIE.ý M.P.P. Prostdeni. WLAMANGUS, lot ViceProidont. rEDWAED R. GOFF. Sud Vica-Pridauit ad F.irNtY LYESera*r' CHIL E. BANSON, Chiot Inspecior. - .IREè TO0RS: ALX. W. OGIIIF. Esq tfPP. Dirtroftht. Excliaup Blank, 01 Cainada. M ANGUS, ýEsq., (Presîdeut Canadte Paper i Comaney.) EDWÂBD E. GOFF. Esq., tMmaglng Direetor, Canada Agrlcratural Iaasrnaa Compsav. bAvID SINCL 1R Esq., ut Sinclair, Jerk & Ca., Mautrami. JOXIfN XGAUVRa",Zsq., M"X.., atdAlduaraa, Monitres>. ALEIANDPI.1CRAWFOERD, Eaq.. Windsor. BtICH41D WRITE, hq,, of té Montras ALPEONSE DE5JARDINIkleaq.. M.P.,Montras>. TROUAS E. POSTE&. Saq.. Alderumen. onutL M. il. TUDEL, Eaq.,M.ID, Montras>. ALEXANDiER BEANNON, En1.. of A. Shannon & Ca., Montre. TROMAS È, WOOD>, aq, et lta NIasInarrsac .Compeny. Tarota PETER MeCALLUN, Etaq., Cobourg. C. NOURSE, 35-UnAmt. Wbftbr. Wll 1eraasiraê up $a ZFbe x! 710,00 tfest pied os ueniuaber, for lb. TOWN.0F WITBY.7 loba usupsat f SuSnouantiraM.lmat Bueman 3lnb ma". ail 1c bOIS tes JOHN DBLOW, Obeirumu Comma.. HOME GROWN SEEDS!1 Browus Catalogue of Seede for 1876, fi-ce tàaIL. B"siEM ntara. Muemmt a y. ÏmOh1ubOeum à &U t» b. Î* TIsaseléla b.uitb dimei-piuma su. tuemur a aat ast Sa 0<Plalag, I Jaa~p mI~ lu.. round, to supply1 GIRLS) lowered in price. ...Spe- at 5 per cent ou coat. W ' f . U'* IDWARD FROST,9 10.R G ANS 'E MUDGE &YARWOOD Manufactunng Company.- 4 Stops,« -5 ut 6 4 7 ui 7 c $140. 160. 175 -1.90 200 lu esumt Wiut erfaiCe. a Ces.ragsasID Melodeon Organs.i Style 4,. 4 Stops, -$140, Style 6, -5 150 Style 20, 6 160 Stye 8, 6 u1751 hbiie.Eomain,< Omaus. PIANO FORe8.« teze i~. wubmad f a ceta hoaluy Sevoral seczd-bmad Melod- » O I E I  T L T I c u s f o r " s a,, f r o m e < 1,000 BUBHBR l TS ~N Good 4Clover Sec!, delivene! at' N Sc H &T m AnKUT PRIOZ. Only 35dm per G&anCsh '- ~~le7~in.snS ans. LL S4LEU IN ODEUTO MÂKE RQx OU BPIING IM#PORTA TIO8 .We willoffer FOR O'0 MNT ONLY The whole of our. seasonable S.$TOCK 0.F DRY GOODS, ffiinèey and Clothing, AT Whitby, Feb. 2e 1875.. i ST EWARTI M:ost. respec,,ttujlly- cail the attention, of their friends and C ustomere, to the fact that they try to keep rip with the times, an! in doing so 1 ave been fortu- nate ini gettin a choice lot of -OODS At tess than wia t they originally:cost to produce- the m; and ar 110W offeng, hundreds of -yards at 25 ý ceâts per yard, worth 85 cents. Trimminge to suit. MILIINERY MADE',.A' SPECIALTYS. The -same Milliner employed who. obtaine d the first prize for lier work last ye ar. Mantie s-made by Ta ilors lu Ger- miany, Splendid value. 1,O LOTHING ---- Ready-m1a dé. and made to order, on short notice, in the, latest styles._ An excellent assortment of Gents" Furishig, Hats and Caps, ini great variety. Whtb, ecmbr,- LAING & STEWARTé, '%Iitby Decmbe, 1th 1875. WI.TBY* PHARMÂCY' ýPECTOR9ALCOG MIXTURE! à certain, s3afe an! effectual remedy for Coughs, Colde Aethma, Croup, &c., &o. -ln Bottles et twenlty-five an! flfty cents, at S. W. B. SMITHS. 119i logiD Ë DIRCmi i For rendering the 5kin sôft and white, and: for chapped Haude, Lipis, &o., thie preparatiou je unrivalle!. In, bottles at twen.ty-five and fifty cents at S. W. B. SMITUS. o CERTAIN PRES-ERVATION 0F.,TH E SIGHT 1 lazarus,.Morris & Co's;Perfeictéd Spectacles an! Eye-glasses. Tiie peculiar form sud scieutiflo sccuracysttained by the aid of complicate! sud fiast1,y mschinery, warrats tho asserton 1that they are the mosn peffeci Bpec- beles ever mannfaotured. They assist the sight mostbrillisutly, confe eIe mad comfort on the wearer, cause a coutinuousansd abiding. improvemÈent o! tle #lu,an utIsa sgrt many-years without requiring to be ohanged. So they. are the chespeet as Weil as the beat. S. W. B. iMITH, Aent IX O~W Usas, ~ *n4W.ddi, IID~S, ~lUigs, imand Eavingsol t rU' Omnoeen~s, ,4r ouu>e W. feel BB8Ured the 'I ~.iq~oY G'OOD public po nsetin -Stock complete. Imas Ioxébsuai! Baiets, Writing Deaks. Lades Compamions, Ladies' Satoel, Perfurneand FaLcy-.Lns Pgrseto s, Ggntleman.' suad Ladies' Port.Mionna. Pjctes in grat Variety, Aud Autoral ÂI ums tabIe for Xinssu Ysspresents. Plain sud Fancy Paper,, Blank Booka, Note Books,* Xmas Stationery soi! -Cardel, Sundsay &ehol Books an! Cards, Visiting Cards, Family Bibles s=0 1ôcket Bibles, Pmryer Boks snd Hymu Boks, Churcli Services snd Catholic Bibles and Prayor Bocksi. Poem an! Gift Booku, A feu stook of the Boc the High sud Cor of whiobvO make Also InksSiates, Pen, Book Biui!ing doue tc the lovest rat"s. Pianos, Organs, Coi Flutes,. Tunnug Strinos snd Rosit Shoot Music an! hsnd, sud aIl orc Plete an! in thePl Mugie is a holy langui Anyne eau underi H.esrt ouan apeak 4o hem Engiî' sd Âer3au Magazines and Pape"s on hand, and y£ to~ ~ .oo é oyo h e dition of the Weekly GLOBE and MAIL sud al poto fvourug us with their saibsoriptioýns wiil reouii free fom now e annsry... LEWIS ALLIN'S ST! Brook Stw BERLIN-. W OOL -AND FANCY WOOL BerlinWool olouded a!à hae!cl al oors, FI Tingerirgool0, Filloselle flmbroidering Siik, Âmerioan Shadeý FMossi, Silver sud Perforated Cari! Boards sud-a large vaMety 01 Mot9esf~vryde8criiù.n Cheune'an!, WooI Cora Tassels E8 large assortisent f0loorVa eBuguet Holders, and '1 ail very-céliesp. -An! we have added. to our Ladies' Departine Styles of mueriosi Stawping, have as largevariety of Pattez al orders promptly ittended to sutrat-the lowest rates by. MRS.,L.. Whitby, Dec.. 7th,ý 1875. W003D ILIL :OLDý COUNTRY TEýA 8T< .u1o IL VE R-PL AT E D W A R:E. ~'itBùtter-coalers,Card-recéeiver-s,-Cream-pitchers, spoofle FArks, &c., qu'alty guarantee!, suitable for Holiday'an! Wedding Preseuts. ARGAND STOVE3, 'We 'belie-ve the «S«4rgand"~ to be the besý stove in. the -maikett fer tb.hall, dnm room o r ejthfer puablic or -privat. offices. Ca a B ese the! at Hiatch & Brother. BOY S S LE IGH S5 A SOC4d asaortzcment "Plheap t Roger'sTable, Tes-and Kh~KouIi3ao.1 v COLDS.M'TH'S 1.rg idwèUl asofte Stock to select fro. depose prices nov rýuling, NEW4' -GOOD8I, GREA T L GLOGIKS. L 1075. L AINa «& h~ES FROST T~moG mng XAf RUT00LQ EL C. BEON HEtoh & Brothée. JEWELBY lw-o a m-GOG& ~ostKnvsScsotMson e Il -T i lwk-eyt Jan. llth, 1876. 1« 1 Fi