Whitby Gazette, 10 Feb 1876, p. 2

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r'o EUBIQN15 Ob&Od4-f*aole baiulig, Brook uist. ou$ " caie, etauiti k.ep è&e-iaiufaul MW4 te tise vars-lineus,.et li. tg$&e Emt» &s hCo. Euoek tet. p-nsb mommvtine sieeB« Ib MetBriens XetiUliaublothu Broçk 25' r "oss.~Dss e--19e038. Kv J aupdersBs-euk sîreft, ene ducs- »Out Oeldasàtbà' Rail. luk, ia. mu.ta k.. Itore BBreok Wou% esvot 01e, ashWfed,sunth 'ef L.INoueliBrook .ts-..t, 'a1eV doora ~stî t iDtndas streel - 'WoodBilu Od ic0lmtrMor, 4Ppoalle . Oultis, Odd-telîuevs Blk, Brook Ïlstli, Brookua .tret, aIe JV deors sontis et »usue. treet. Batrett h Isochart, one ubor nos-iL et liKilsa lo ok, Broock streuf., Nomlol Gxehc, 1 tsva Danusul - 7. eiton, GoblasulbisHl-l, -Brock Tay'lor h Bau-isar, Brook atueeot u-at utile, one doos- nus-Ils f Grass à 1Iu-NaeLt. m'a barDWAi5. Nateboi s., lre i-oeoda mbies ao tSdFellova Bool. - - ianCesn-Toa th. Tllb & ,iolissuiin, Bs-adklselt, uea--iy oPposIts Quseenus Hittel.. W. Til, Brook ats-et, oue doon eoulh, of Clock FIactory. CAitiIAO aAXe IL. 'Deu~.u.Break atreet, vesti sido.- Tomae h Newpor-t, Dunuasts-ct, tva douro West of Post Office.> IVCUSLTUIIAL tiWPLrNXvU,@ Broswn à Palkersouu Manufaturiug Ce. Book utreet. Cornack, Ore-en treet. o5llAt45, atisoDIîssi4h. jIudgs h Xerwood Manusfsutûrs-ng Ce., Mmit*h Aieicsi Organ Co. Prof.W. list4e., hgenb ý. Fs- Tyler, Duadiois ets-ct, opposite Rav*s motel. 'Wix, Tboioen, lBrook sireet, wesî iid, rife ultors soutitifrei Dusudas ".H. Geris 4Co., cerer sl Bsebsud FORee-H£ f' GAZETTE." Oily j .50, lin advance. Postage free. job Wposk a Specisiýity. "L 0D3M U SIIIL, T TIDR» TO. Tlieroughi-bred Stock Caâtalogues doue au sisortest notice.. 2,aw Respecttng Nowspapers.> jsBu-ÂUYperss ",ous-ak apap« es-Wossary fteas %tsPutt Offie,. wletluelres-tesi tabla ame Mo ue'as-ou riseotier lee tis tie rt snet -je usaspo5t.tte the ti e n-t. 2"11-11 Ia Peaa aesbit pler dlioeallasud las s iét-aet , rale otii0 pauluaen Ma-r thon eollei he whoeeusnelt, sete teIepapes- itakoa tro-sm t-e.mo ossileS. ar.su~ ibuil5aeTs icleul eorratissetes taSthe baeb&v setI8ý t -meïri e 011eleàitii obe irttd h IIelise0<j.o a til u 5the liiebilum. lSe nlas isumbers 1 revtu ein in thl e o ct.ctac .t-Thàe couts haro ileethuaI reftuiisng ta swpapul-sandnurt-itait fsoui tbex il sces, ou-no m anriasleavia thla Muae-5for, THURSDAY, FEB. 3,-î83&- Thse Sheriff and thse Boinus By-. baw. W, bave bitlierto contenteS UnIr- suives miii meru-iy copyisag frein Otuer pqera outlassubject, tise reason b.. ing5 w. lied U0 faste visiais meul vas-- mtui inl writlng .dilorially on thse kà* list4e4 aï h y int. Sie Beyola*vas notsobse aman abas uotilate f14liooIluia eu-er tes deheat a bon"-uIy-lw micis vOuld Dot coat 5w'à-mbutsiwuld bitof <sest ad- nea,,Dt Ou- o 'te toi-n cf WiMby. lbut aisete tise Qonti>of 0awrie over vbli le e s-lf. w. W heui h.#tisersmueot b.tomne miutake, litinot so, for eut eofbis own moentâtsho e anssua ouietd. Aijecee e romeut aet hieGenersal awa Medet- Ing las Batus-duy, oousiS net weU hulp >.lg eoavireed b> tise hoststiug and emringuamuuer iviaisis ho ou. ieveveeol te aneverthue Sufes-et thamssbreuglutagaunat hlm b>' Mn. Ho" lui Othio.ti5fat kistac a a bei eue. 1h lias alwayc appeasel ey sisange t. uvii> the Siserif, plould gos out te [Lindsay' aud mo-k agaîuct Mie by-lm ; b he b. ole mat- t« os daa ui tStt"yd. Mr. mmo>Me fiat a m«Sna«Mo-tam, t ilI aidtol iensth.kt Iis p"ru Sbe$#whsd ta unliont bls -m"linl tém tth lime oeupay, aud thal lhe vu e 4d aRi Itpower to de- Zýàw,, M. m W- Meoo.' -I W. & Pi. P. E. Raalway Gem- boMMtâb e tat«mmal. Hvow ieas 6Mpsay diduiu*febdinaind el .AI- low hmWv tbel blsokmuleà ashow this manier. snd roesul 4 emimIsi bis. proposition, for 6àa ueu , b î~. HoIdea took lb. lelbe, vhiéhsp- pev ta over Mv. ReyuoIds nain. in thse Ck, mWe. item- by ý-item ,>nd siievea be ddispuMhte i.it w&4 a firica- tioîq froas besùingtos end., FnPe- quetiîly Mr. R#ýquip-W jIîadmit fiaý hevws mrong, One cf tisevorat fetsires in the visolo transaction, saa vlui clu vonidu tÎDe tifenany other glteet bjlwv,-Is.fCl of fie Bttf - &Ppers ls sofficia cepacity and using i1te 4" 'ofh lis effipea a means to ef th fe by-lav, by = È thé bbc eaple:ft-b hed au* oeciution as- wril and as euoW as tiie byivias çarried --he vwoud- e& dorjuý ana seize tisebonds ochei roed. Tissi, if truc, siâ4tuullid-euflosta lis-spd tise Shcrlff befoie i&Ito"bsmnn but[ when veoconsider itbtèevWU ucli a Word of Irtilli ii' thè -ahillect, the~ me Sa-y tise English âuage dom neti coutaisu stlsossg enotigir tqfian ~Twre not tlittlk urriSlu-t Meday iiglt te sée tue actien aur tc4res-ause misun iihlie Causuil tcok wiQih reterouce la billiard salons. lu uîvibe b.remeniuered, tJIM 1 *it wviser the tinsue for clo.ing thcsse places va-u c4tnged fs-s-m 9 te 7 p.m. Thse ar- gunents . use& at tisat -t ime-, for tise vup~ig, i-ss tisat-tbecause lishe bar- rooýns were closed aI' 7 tise billiard roaorno abould isiso :beeIoý,ed atb bieý funhie ti4fl, olierieeiteroe- wotulS be dvlger et au iufriiugu-mcni ofhtlela-w by ý elling iqtior setter hous.s2 Roi-- eves-, aur wise ftblers Lare sacu fit Ïo c4assge tlise-la-r"back te'seolS luei sswîthott-a-s muais as giving a ne tn fta sa ng. Vti aur strong ten pe-a-tuse umensectliug àn tlie» ta- e mien lise by-la-w as being pas. u-c, ual a quesliov ma-essked b>' tisos As aobise abvisabilit>' ofh le esurse vich-a-e bcing purmuesi. Weisad Lap cd oibetben tiaga. ItvascoLÂsalti' CoLLEoz. - Tisé ts )rnjuat closeS lia-abeen lotis nmeri- cal y anus-i nsticsaly i't sîvance attise prcediag oue. Tise ttal- numibes- oh pu]uls.adiniiuld during tise firsaa secndlersa Iis yesr is.105 agait 75 ý,ar tiese me lime lait yeas, sud "lhe receipîs ven $7,000O againsi -8O8O. -lai Iis isard yeas- viso tise Ls4Iies' Seboals, ail oves tise country art vos-y mutol reulucesi in nuabu-rsi1 iaènýUou-a-giisg ta find tisis insitution malzsisîg a-decideal adrasuce.teWebas-a als ) tis ta-I ssingle boas-aer-lIas lu-ft at lie close of bhe ast tes-us, isile ul-lt ton or a- doses ,are sdmtted fer ls8s-d tes-ci. - '.». T-Tb* 1 " i vs-s by J. S. Robitaus, Tetmjpeýuty Bri). T. Yste W. C. T.; Sis. M.. Fa-dnkuer 'W. 'V. T. ;.Brôc A. scoLieý W. S. ; Bra. Ruse Juhsutur W. F. S.; i.Basse Jobrfstoju; W T.'; .Bs-a. E. St se>, V5Clup;Bs-o. J. Tanner W. M. ; Sis. Nellie ýNonville» W. 1. G. ; Bru. 6 . L. Ferry W. 0. G ; Sis. Conu- ner e W. R. H. S.; Sis. E. Store>' W. L.I .;Sis. Aunsie Nemeoe'i, W. D. M;Si.Wilson, W. A. S.; Bs-a: Johnu H lin P. W. C. T. Thu- W. F. S'a ru- ort mas s-s-d a-ns-I eîlibits a-ttal nmieberisip oh 78 un; goal standing. N ers-since bise yu-a-s 1878 lias tise- ie4s ple bueti in soa lsbi'a-nd prosapes-. ou~ a-condition. Tise naoms -ou Mon- a oveuing i-es-e filleS atisteir utmst ea-iacity, sud muais su- ansd cstiusi- aei disphayed by tise menubars. *Y. M. C. A.-Tbe'regular weekjy lit4nary meeting oft iis Association wiýl b. islâto-mosroi-, Fris-a-y oveuing M j8 P. us., i-heutise fiftti issue off tise @osýela' paper, the Quiuer,viil beru-ail byý lise editar, J. S. ]Robertsou.. Frusu thse laies-est manifest ,eS ituformer issues oh ftis s'i, elepea-k.a- goiat- tesîda-cefo Frida-y ni-ght. Tisemeu-t- iun artbacl in tise s-oin abore Yue Bok, neatly and coniferlabl>' fitcda ué for tise piirpouuc. Ladies and geulu. m* as-e oorbually irvitea tla itiu. i aîu.-Grip*'s Cartoonlét, Ms.J.W. lieu. go igh délireda a lecture lait Fuiday @Viag te a tare audience in tise Oddt- Fe iams' Hall an "Rada andti tsbé, tlse luéstiabe ps-oSas-eu]ona caursaamakiag aogs ood bis eour ns- aclmea. TIse ta w es-a talin l a muannauf itlalbe te tise tiai etftise audience juigiiug by the ba4s-ly mannes- in visicis tise>' ers eW Ocee . 1%a naim u etat "a t I ju 1 othpsc l ou- her eis U$s#MId& o » m m v b o a " " As it aausuotbîl ho iVthol t1u Itthé C#wvat aS lus i. eriad e be -théieVuat C uem" e 4 ~eastuçsamtd dia! pur, Toma haau. ia-"susW« ssc, PUnlr is «Mi ho 0 bu-ci do»'» bt a tesi »,i u 10 mws5 leà@u. teàosavidom1e>*kmppur -Iid M vau* 55 hetaeh*u&a-de four'Lu-sec el er @yu ss-hn Iebe esaid"« aise:i lu* t lioejecs acy'a 10» ohplus pW pi.pà&Wpua iove thab i lai uAi emiusshiaishftaiA ln" i panyll AMoeAL ZNýw Tis ensue aImeeting ce i ëe toliier cf he Wbitby and Poe- . rm Extension Balhnoai vasheu l inte Comipanyr'a ruons, at tie setmi iiWib lest eabunsy. Tiser. vaW» eu t srk Autn.m licei enDryden,. Draper, Igeynobda, sd Boss.. Ris Wor-, sLip, Maàar Sith.lias presne th te re- presn"e o f tii. stock hoM u y lie Mr. Drm zve., ecousiai by lb. Drydent, tisai Mu-. Austin "th ie chair. Carri.w. MAr. J. J. Rlo«asoaledlai Seeretary. Tise uctice callsug tuemeehing vas rea by tisé Secretss-y. Minutes of Ial meeting ruad. - -Mn. Draper said ths" eaitue la" meet- jig he ha-i objecte&l to 'tise clause bela adopleil vliels depri-eil members aubside, tue Board fros» calling a general Meeting. andl at bisaIuie ho gare notice tisai lui. voulsi briug tise maties- bu-tase thms meet- ing. H.-R (Ms-. Draper,> cerlaassby tiauiglt ta L *'at.ckisoider ons"dotise boared tiougbt tuemnseirea agrieve inluauj *ay, ti.y slsoulu have tis, pot- eeamU a meet- ing. Mir. Autin tIseuglii bat su tise ompsny vas nov cul davsa ta se f tomwu'va isrd. ip necesSM7ii situosugtitil le genera-ily cusloin aInstock campante, jet he tiauglai Ibis a special case as tiser. vers only tir etor ie. steckiàes cs-souide tise Mr. Suiltistsosgit tisat.a-sil haS been ouasomari.hliecouilat soi vhp ýe rtier sio bile rsasugesi. u - fév stocllsalders outsiabe the- Boa-rd wia goocimai son vbp tuéj sboul bu -ae l ta'ca-li meetings, anti questions vu-t>'rmuch irbelier a-ny jîsitobck campa-ny ha-cu tis. ulgis. la praibi th issmnes-lt>'stock- Sboîtes-s fs-vincsling meaetings.' jMs-. Smuit-In Ibis Campa-ny me knov tic minos-tiy but luncase a Stocluhahier hat a- grievante le ho ublbar.elise power la calia meeting te gel il ru-dru-eui. Mr. Holden-Tiuru- are loui or u-tyso stocklioleiers outside thse Botîrd, andl if lt a-ny lime îhey etu-lthetuselves a-gsieved( lu aayot way thby sau hs-ng thei-gruva ce isa ~ sy cethbie Boa-rd meetings. 1 lisciever, Ms-. Smsithsha& any amepudmenta. or resolutiana, lthuas ps-aune.tu-su.. Ms -Drapes--Tisa hy.ia- ps-ohiiting onîsisié stockisolders tram calliug mee-st irsrha-a is-reaSy heu-n passes at tise ps-e- nîoua me eting. Ms-. Suitis ibougisi if tisa-Iw-au 1ie ca-se ibis" Shacuaglois vas lo-tIses oui of os-des-. Ms-. Auatin tiuoug}ul il moalil bu- vu-hif saine of thu-mu-mises-s presu-ni woudd bsing lu a- resoiniio u s-rcinS visai biad bueu done attise fs-rmnes meeting. Ms-. FUI toust isouglit ile malter bas-SI> i-os-lis uaicing; Ms-. Reynsoldls explainel bi-wtisehai. nase Lad been canduceud under tise aid Compa-ny. Ms. Sbt te Ms-. Rcyaelus-Wlsy ditl you nat Came pr-pareil îtis reeoilutions. you lau-v sial vas gaini an? Mi. Holdu-u-As tiesé ierlif hbau ben i-riting t-r tise Chronicsle e li ad tisougist lie vonid coma lu s ué tiuuspréparu-s. Tisé minulei-ès-as tissuconfirmeS. Tise anual report was reil au-b taid -on *,5s-IAL ]REPORuT. Ms-. Habeen-Before gaiug on miti tisa repus-i I vouisi ile tua maltieseesif tc . îplain stense statements wii-b ers sa-de ini a letter ta lise Cliroiicle o! theu -ealk be- tas-elast. If tise chairges syluiets us-salises- mualle ve:-s-Ires, the s-mun i- caipaiuy sit ls mei u n sssng liis s-naui sonii b.in tise Penitcntias- I Iberetore ask the Sisrif la coats-aiiet tiese atemeit or I a-m ps-upared la ta-lebise matien before the praper tribunîal, i-ber. e -houe malter osen -be ibaol l>' sifteâl. Ms-.Holdeu, reu*p)i ta. t alae etatémonts as *lb la a-iië eil by Sisappoinled pastics ,anil apo tiseirs- atlmeunt bulieru-ilby other, tisaI- I va-a tisesanse ai lia failuiru- (tis ne bshy.iuiuurj ans ibtii1,usu-il t offci-ilueucu- . issil -end. Neither qlega-ion ile true." Nlu ioeden-It je true, (poialuag btee Stiseiiyas diai use Your of-i-al pestiai againstithse hj-iaw; jas Ipiti diffésént paities tisai yoi ball àa iil-againaI blue s-oaS la-yiug is yens- office. Yaîu tld Mr. -MeluItyreaifLicisay ; you aise tld Ms-. Iludspatis ant i -ii. Ieeuat sos- 1fr. Reynoldsa-It*a taIse, I diii neosucl loe exezcution uluich oui Co tlse iiliject, 2a s a f 1 lin Rouden. olier place ai-ve I1s" tit ati issuleI. Ma cIYr about it. Mr. Holde-Tos e bal Mx 1u- auI diBOL. Ur. Bejuolu ead fiait i strucueul cci le pabih tfilspr air. Boas hhongbis l veb mare safisfaetuny if, lie Sb vs-ie outis reply, sud nt k isteingleia h i l nlei y f- làr.Resynolids tliustook th reduug tise lu-uer. Wilu refs failureof ithe by-iav h. thou already muiveeal tiat fully.IM z on& Se liai the-vrit iluhies vliclrculatti homo&%fls She-if BReynolds, 1Mu-. leynldh-h did ual us influence, if lin Holden cati1 neisses ou usaI point, I>standa Uir. Holes-Tisera le no doîu isi Mu.80il--y-0 deny tli useut jour officiail -sfluseau-ein Mr. Iteynelds-les, peu. once ta btse bods knev thi gréat -comber os tgido e 'yau y&'.tIsaitis -r finisbed un lis. couns-y, h sa-yi -Mu-. Mîciie-Tise* Suerif s-mad in visen il pilesses is, a Isuits hlm botter ise bing tus begins vwitlise rosul hoahasuli tise rossi. Ms-. Buynolds--Wih ef ballasting, If I bailtise bodlk could a-ei-tisa-IMy stalemesi reet. I as tise Presaîlaut ifi meut grant vies nul ma-de for gf'equipping îLhe soad. itîs. Austin-Tie moaley mý tise pups-eof«icous-pietios- lbe STIse Su-cru-las-y les-ss-sad - shliaili -tisat a-boul 105,000 hb pendu-S on tis as ruaiince il psession ot tise preseuleon 1 Ail Re-ynsssslthougisitI:at sia-y sisult bu- insluded i stiu charges jinlhemain mes-e tri S icie-Tisey tsi-eail e Ms-. R-Tlu- flua-liais- el bonds ii; about $150,000. Ms-. Hsidu-u-!Tluiil; nulte Mr-. à cs, (tSecretss-y,)thue aiùsideo! bise bs-n-ls iu; abouti -Ms-. Hob-Ieo--Haw ub y0ous lthe ialla-nesbs-tai-en 85. f 1 joî). Ils-. Fulton.-Haul you n, ionce ijîsau a-py tusther hb e yur ru r; eynolsI-1 stanîd $25,000 or 83'0,000. - Ms-. Haden-Thiat ja ns Ms- Ruyuolds witlu r#fèen 1 eIt,-said M-r. Hiden usdai -du-bts i-es-e oves-$300000. Mr.-. nllei-that ne alu j ma-aail setleul by as-bilsatitui p ru-ent COniàpuy 9LPOptsu-as Ms-. Ruysslua-Ms-. Hugel tiiy, tisai offers s a bu-eu mnaS jh liem-asi luotIseMidhaus Cal . Mu-.Biekiard al Ialrequetil i na-de la iim. .Ms-. - iebie-Tisal le en Tisure nu-vu-rmas a-sy sulis cn Ms-. Bis-flso-sius-sy aine eiî Ithe S55-ffs-if lnîd ho ashâ 1cours e u istaken un tîis ia E Mr. Ilaideii-Tlial sisova - .ini league iti bi. j1r Ms- -yîs..-Doca inul 1 hobl tise Wlu-oass ttise soaSas 2 Ms-. eisen-'.Na, Ms-. Ca s lel] a- bonsd. Yon stated in tisaivu- had rîtiseul tnuuy iru B.ths-y ou tise hos-ls af thie s-uai rausiaga-tu.atheuu- causuasy ai rates oaInlaes-est-- TsuuutJs a-fa -. I i-aoUbd liho talusw isg Mr.- Il nu isi1 ve bee li Ms-. Hple-WI1O laid ys- y. Ms.-ynois-I h ave lies . poo r a-us, 1t is e coumor Ms-. Hohleu-Tou s uould 1 s- culatu-s- sus-iitu-is Iirugil poults it-yon-wes-e nat surs-. e mas a lot utfusure tare-iicesl 4 a Ms-. A. Boss mared ftissî i ut a-iopied andi hait oue handr, ..Ms-..Drapers eselie hue lu' uo . the buoki ur ass unsies ut ji Iisg sera tise Sbiesixs lutersM LI ta tise. amoutut expesadeti . ove lseisakeu ..-isy1 It- oves- mcm ycesr-ny, 1a unu -Ms. Huben-h ca-nps-ove 11Y tiss.-t0iu rs-45à,001) luseheni parties huai yuu spoke t t ien, lise roa& iT'Via-t motint ha ns - ils prosotéeknom lititil as b>' sots. intustise nusaeas impro'. seasau at. tîseis ai-n miss-s-prsueetalus no ns noWleulge ai tisaunâi i tisa-I they tal-led. a-ad tlsuy miii continnue to usas i tueaai-uotsts in sisses-a tai unléas ihey sîbapt rise couincils, a-nid <itise o111YeOujectiona*luehi cess e îis-attémpts ta avers-sa-du tise ni,- fiehoughit&ise chargea tu wAms- ainicipalilîea tram i-Licha tise>'su-clansi cas- bis-oilatoa large, a-b 0-1 - 1. 1 time -ulieinks tiuy s-nuiShd Mr. Iodsu-will tIse Ssesifi b. kidatisle fads tlisaIlise isutu-ru-t i eouogista tu-Il isus'tise Cumpany was go- a. schas-gesi eves-y six manthus ing ta ovr--seau-b the cusnieipulities. six ulst s ecompounued gs-. Reyolsîd -Lu-i use ake Ibis mal ter Lime per cent., tales esceptid un a bnainesalille va-y, lu-iMs-. HusMdeu"Pas-t Qu tisee graunds. NVit] smaiu bis charges a-nulI vilI animes- tieni. exceptions, so las- ns tise boul lis-.aoiîe-Ditveu nat s-nul a mu-sa- ces-u-il. bas nu complairi éoges- eta ttiugisaiif tIhe Conmpany limita tise company isoutisi dt nlpurchase jour stock,- jayu îsi mauy vitt huebond-isa1lers. appas. tise by- ba-r? Ms. Austin.saisi tise laen Mfs. Bsynaldt;-(Âte-sine isesitation a-n4 isimeIl--id a taIt on tl Snring visicis he as skte aansi-ès-,>litise' tboea5ht -the Locomaý bddott. - bus-arallies- lacbgh, sud i. .Ms-. Hldn-A meusen.gen came te nieta-l'e the Mutles-into canaul aud tld mu-tisa-t yau dia, andl tisa-Ijon do uaotmis ttak ait uspa-dru voul] ouiy give uts a tu-wionsste consides- sbsre.iilders lunIbis ina-les-. tise malter. - Thé. reprt mss tisun adop Ms-. Bos-H0sit ld me lb. sa-me sIts. Holden bld ual misS tin.unt* ai r adaniage of tise Shes Ms-. Bynola-1t, lat aiss, tare asaléS blmil lie voulul a Ms-. Hlen veut u reassi;thue îeîu-r, meeting on Tueeday érenlog pointing oni tise mis-statu-sents item hy ho voulal Laye a full oppnt- itom, ani ciainu- tat tlsére vas n less plain beutoe Lis towasm-n hb ilusix delihes-ate talseboeuls cautainedi -a-s-ve-a-u rus itrefis-une. 1 li Il. Tisa-t îLes-e ssu] een iii>' exlsa- en coýpies ps-bled a-nd circula-ted - Ibrougisant Ms-. Be"ols sa-a ideS-1m tise muuiu-paiiu- ltteresîetlinl -tise pss--mu-eltishe Prscodent, but l.e w ing eft h.eIyiav. Ru-(Mr. Hohdeun,) lisedlMs-- olilen. ueeireda alé.tter frein Mi. Bars-,slils-et -f Moveti hp Ifs. A. T. Futai tise Ceadiass Pott, in visicishosemepresseil ou by Ms-. J. Micluis, îhat thb 'tU~aa WOitl, pspouuld-Man UagDrecior tas inca dri wiing la giv. publiiotion taescii pe-r snnum.-datedftram tise t a purceofetrt-eh, but hoe (Mr. Holdan,) is '1875. Carriesi. not sus-psbd aiiL. There la no$ tise ieast - Mu-.- Austin oui>' viissu tii cichI but IlusI il mu as plufor, anti tiseOetheise Ma-etging Directan Ce"u-esau lllpubliais anýtbing, no ma-t- cruisu]te $2.001Xcnidiet lur bai- s-s-at a ie il ina-y ho1if bd- getla bencfi Se hbai len it-, t's-i paiti for it. Rlis coluinus are Sa-ays- Ms-. Reynoltdsconliesed sais. fBat lac (Mr. Ilotles,) ilu mare sus- du-slied b een an ihaUi>wi. tl piss si a man holding tise bis-h posilion tare *ie coulint-I upport Làs of tise Sienif eot Iis ýCoUuly, maktIg use MoreS ly Ms-.ÀARom sec cf liaspm-cîbon for bise pus-pou. ok'bock- iug a- gueat pubiseaaM'provement. 1À inuJohn Dr.yen. "*That. iulumu visavouul o suis lhns- s ul f taseea - ettes-inlu Uc public pi lire wu acii"i.îlu-omatnuuty. oDot* itlôd ignatureof N. G. 17eynoldu, bie sun ai b erdey cc ho îayle le u iebaud tue explauuatiaiieai i ti seme Tomu " ofW "0 t"p prouas-.DiiectSarnsd ais isavïug lm i.tbe Twn f WhtbyproperN. G5. Bejuolulsas té fie eau .Mn-. Bejuoeba thonglbt Ms-. Holden buiiletcr, heresby express tieîr e viii earueithee nam et fbiagnuad. RIo aid Statements ans, lu usarn nus-bt say in tue outset tisatIt i a eulireiy ticular eniriunues suts itr» isehomaieuse<of the vos-i axe- W.t' caio:r it itisis ands-at Iàndsav, bMu- eg~sojceil sa>'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h gismuahaeb iebuIdi l'.re.oîustiou vas put àsu net, the vasiven autof s Bs es- ilt tae Tise Secretas->'was akeul f matr bIse a bus no w"«. ff e apiuh ontishena-mes azut tias.quasilu auylil inwtis r ae L businuess as ?prear>-yta pu-eeeins- v Sluenif, ho muet pet iimaefinucommua-n OfTic laeasponedm oatioe iibisthe.office. With refbenee T éls upomd lie viIt fterSi1%2000. luhoku-pt il han bisMeurs, Austin, mlie Me Xii handa tire. or four ay &Wue, it siionhi Bsyuueli% Draper, Dryden, bave beo n md ; -dianot ruaisdeva B. Boissi-on qualfii.. - wvith mi at ene, sitiseug-it wuhi& uty gntlmeBn bieledot t. have d4e.$0. Admit of. leeng dore- U mm J.Austi, A.T . e IÎ4et f ua yl intat Instase s av Met dh n .liei4o h Boas fie H.ranad asheihlm if 1. tby sal i Mcisteu tiste psil, Tise eletios of ciea vua - r >u-. A.Boss iS, zot se vii t seedei dvitia. "-,l Y dos>uv s-oangte ave liai bettes-I Mr. 8S=th and Mu. Bn o. 'sitEstise otisr busenesu - a-p a srut es I10~e1d 551 h.51.515b. lmasI. uites inluthe appoiment et ~. Ssesuf les eutou t exia-l fi J siucions for fie pu-seesil, Saioni-ttl la lai alon it neeieut iJ. AutiJ. MiclulA. T ~fi7ér M ila«4 L»0 J. Dm.m <. ne&edmintio..difféentdpatets rn~ ~Juvenle ~raffHo ma IL BU&oc. -A.1on, t raooiue tdkX. Hanme Immmediats4y couithe a4jourumeat cl the mui.ed the. conne ifté committe..1rée oai eoer 0/ iL4W q -r wAanstt meeting. a, Noard 1Meieting u v1on OUthe.lmotion. mte eu 'O -DL.Guthies Farst Avowal of - ai h. w4 ~ rgqaiz.&ber b"a4made iabout four speeches e."Tdtuaisb l. pa#.vof ââLar on mou=tion ofMEmushi11r. Boss t*àkMr Rint moveil that commite. àdo i r.)cmj- fwrs- . arrid. "I lbai Tbeco e conajuosi liaP r. ~ M.Draper.scoo.kd by Mfr. Dryden, jTii.clar nofi&U. ouuelit tisse' cm»e'vud-ts Y uwm t b Moves Uhat Mr. Austi be appoiuted Prei- W»a anumber of Sebool é . dpe4am'ugdi.uneed i-s-of tisaioompany. Il ta &ML t. ed. sojd which- maturem i O. au o*1er bi la U tudusi oct lo tiem 5&S eesidinjY"u a luit o 0 m@b M. Austin thankei the board for the Wuecmade for-uheàl at.81 per cent. 1vWho, infollovint Christ -a"d for tiseir Wi ane as I' oeee~~. ~ pliéeeho W«vialeiný - Thé eee e&"etedtatti. oa- V a ia go ttei u ie~cou deiy bein b à .ui M)ye eodd ubMmMrr«Draper, cil d du th* court-and deuy hiue*it.If I watt b prewail . etCaitada, bci- et at r. 1. Michi. be éetected, Vice do ne ~.- ouheux -to ispve up whîskey,- I myeAl( nto tdhi.w toP » hwn PresiieL Carried. On motion ofMr. Harersecoded by must gre up the Win@..I hall. uovu 40 ceigihotl Adu vas neiget, e i Mr -Û"-_ retuued tisauki -for 1the 1Mr.Blow, lire. weeks -blave of'abee ciamn_*ins"tanesof t"i. ons f, Minsem U7 itii.vexlture. - S boro. -vas grauted b t th: Muyoe, andthet .reeve» jilIis c oint 0levek sd eie renlt t he. euîeiSueonh he.Vsa'aViy al qnstaYepa e ocht lm I5si bar ofdthe t GenrelAosmtbly, and de!poe.d vhn bauds.Tw oicLM.Bo eoddb b asu~ for drunkeuness, sud otise erexia iel. icLteaeIe the. cl.nk and treasuer6e sud arehervby « e4t.ta.vi n ~eohbts bs L ).Lsaau - autborized to make sleoottuiii ovawfan sdc m.aishonersTemple ver. dalive h oIâ.jMuaJu 11 86 beutures il theprîe<>ffére4. tIreeolv"d b stand ont befomrethé. pblicWilson sdan h Cotincil-met .persuat toiadjourumen.Lb.RH a eeusdivf.Blt ê<tal absainr and te, brug up MyS4 ,gave inu hfur na"t e My QSI Ab sent-Thse Mayor. The. reeve Sook moIres for lbave -ta lutroduce a by.!aw roi ChîldirG u iihabits of, t tibr*tiirooi berff l . heTempîle.4 pro4Iuc qq.the. chair. Minutes of tast meeting resd amnend clause 4 of by-lav 22. d thal xdsseroi.Ivelruebe c ieelectiou of Offà.ee, couvieli uapaed. the said b. read a irsî tiS».. .aeieLéd~sdpsc ie aveved rip np. ohus n b'mr;Whitbi diffculti1 - TrMON5. gate eby-law-vas rmd tltree«several colrage tb th"tlcelug plx"t. F ohvW. C. T. Heury Buîcloi tîmesand a.lôad ofý"ikxiety and u re1iisPeot A ot yW. Cii: nbaSy* Frei thse Secretary o af e','Ottwa, Mr. Blowr seco ded tu trhHpi bîe future'of my.,chljdren itrelieved mnli W. J,. Wtiaus-,W. p.,i 9 a:y? virfrse a rn o improveeuta tuaitihe treasmr e andis ehere yýui?-But 1 confes I ýfrtit bhardta ha-se.bailou ne me Wîi kdwrr ait, le EWabor. antisorised go remit tca the. Hou. O. NMowv ali My 'nY nciples ,.put to go severe a J aveuil- s acqut"d ibe :tr .ixougî » 1Friura e on tiste i tif Maineî. thse sum- of $20, beissg for amounu of fees 1strain. ttfore. tbiey a liamure toaquire vorthy cf limitaim ftbugh Fiseris, n te s" sbjet. n sitýTounlf Whit 1 Lra. LLiscosiui, j6 lfiruk&5.s.as; tise, ad 10 stsnd al, sen I boier. *.e s. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r E. ,rm i. D prtsn i Pule'i Hs er secoudd by Mr. Fer- -Éosackbhau5 îîn, it tàer- vt ie woooo~~ <~ >r nm a e4 hi it is n s truetion vitlisrefereflce ta the Municipal imoves iu- amendint,, th;th s mat ter holreY, a.rd Ccîuo utservva ieas suIyAspeu brng 0ian Fuud mauey, kèomi a te. etoiu. an--dt héfnac omîtemi sd cosherg of iii,. îclii., ot Edinburitislite- ju'in viLbsun- Our Siii and Whon from À. Cochraune. aaking fur remuner- isrcin orpr Its e. etn- -sysdl-a .at.vr ieepol Wedbe»de eronini as in. If ainfrsse tldb ou fii cacl b i aroliesrd of ,teetobalers. but Th-btaiurji M tr. Illut vitlidrew lus motlou.. - -y isunever Se.n .Ous bofore, admut- tn he. née t lu im mut. n innc sd ssasuet iseaneuineu va tae.s~a e o -proby ner dreamed of bacco inafeveyforuU 0 5Oonhiïiu tise irat repart, clared oarrsiou i5tYtnX5Uiueiba-*st.Ti S I ê on motion cf tMr. Marper, secouued by Council aul>urned. cielatdgrse caue vs Chr».,salIly tseosn. ronssnitte0af the ixule ast- îfeoreprt. -.-.--------of- fi,%,@ et wa car- 1Mr. Blow, tihe-counicil resulvécditacl i mb 'launte.î ibié Cowgaîe aund 3saisiarket. Wiii-Xr~Is tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i pu-oea- aui uts carBut by y 'principbe-s'I aa resolved te 1 the PurPOs Mr., Rnam in, tle,ébaii. t i s-.e mny -ilb. unié- S 1patsreat plitiês e N ashegtven fu reTiserrepoit s-ead isTperance. sikLS Nlst sith opasi rttwdia e oa. Nir .F..1- .. .'9 oterd1io.rf ë,ýklyGz.t isî tas or l ti! 0dsie, alen euough. tu et- nuent fnd the euoet a sâm. NIlr. H.ng s-s-, To ise"deto PI h. onet i, Gns-ee rîsci tunr host'u atiesution, visa, to astisfY lie lias brouislb it a sitemni Mr Log cnlu natse.whyasi shnis - imte-If tist aiws not aiek, cailesi foran 11PEsecun t(7gir.f %ad been e charge more thsa tise other. Ns-. Har- DEaR Srt,-It-ay .1 be allcwed ta try f tin - I av ioëslutyor causei. 515 Per- erplaineol tisatin he b.Soutli* Ward tise urpaîliseyseking ysîî a o1u.atii. gsaeaeiuo. Tetoin.bt -~ges se 3pazy. g & tas-niug officer hdIs usable chitapce in -aiuuituiale p s-un oùwhia ysiîtnacenlo eaujtaI aîi~ Jond birdycouscal their asîaiis.- ter y-tepfeseitt le ii tise soi eigrossing- u- ni;un'-leJvre.ua3opstuPay ai od debta. ras & MN 1an......ý;.3.44. ofyb- aialt r ec aia tmeiir, uW tliat -là 1 he cominittee as-ose aud reparted tse lus-e are buit),,daiy ais-ed bLy lise 'loquencé lli' eîug nfror 1( tat n3 ef.bt hs -d.e.ryiIiK F.ubs-uuury 71v motioniog uotfobwss- lut seue 1u:î-,gteb ury7t , ae. o .rt miiibout amen-inent. jof cur muneiiiers. Our oiwu iwurîiy mensm.nîre i vîiî i iou rai.. e -.~>s Wl~ rcci-eI ud u r Bû's,~aîtou~Iî ~ nyseif tellliiu b utsd th w adoptesi, aniltheii.tresurýer was uniino-w tI,at b usuu lo uave twtn s-e- -Pwer iîuiusiîg, udta .,is-hI led e i ps t 'y thé acco.u itta mentioned r-a, sic veuiay. s-51'-èt, as lias b: prou- 11awre 11k-fr tland %vse, us1àadbas-w, bi atn d ;cae e- floatiugdIt M-.Rsguorb s. Jeff-yoisu, ub -Iblin amîkîn u îuui nii Lbv nuy a 11e mpe -cltisn -thé vicionsa ursd. ydt, an 81 N.00 Mfr.eae l. puuso nt I sbyM fré -rsinsg iiis uppoîrt of gsentt upa'u-Ue'witi--' i snri.e tlu fuileus, sandv-utos-e peace sda" --sa 814,00 f fr eae oiinîs-odîsce a by li, aw i luist-iuqu-nu-.Ours- nu-w Lis-ciïse BAI i-i Laccountfe HeauthIs ectous, Assssos-, Lici-uss1n in tlise siîîî directinl i en4y dûuot- w: *eft ls.i su-u--U eeosof he ic 'esb3 e- ) an-i $'l14ý pecU;s-, Hi-is Schouol contaLie, ansi to ites) a1is sîh sjauy n-lio holid tIsat, e-e sulu-uisi-btsIs sd wun i a he bsel 0 saiis ii- ctbnceal lois, t;y 5lutlu.iy andul tiinis-iLt.'SIU..l~ cItle onfirin the sîppittuieut of taris i.uLitos, otiliig chus-t of al, ar-t CIamîîeis~tis -e eubiltu ptî.luîli îoue nttavsi ilthe gbuir sud tafix tu-e sdi-as-lu-s thé saule ;andi Proisitjitiou ai once'onglit tu sfisftiel - -e ntksud-iur.îAiiuauI-uu-t fbe titful Lesitatinu 8al tisatise, saine ise read airai lime. Lu-ave pu-s-sice.mess Il is true tias is wlst i us lt'It>f>ts-eet being sautei tise isy-iaw was usad - sud wautu-uî ; but i,7 it ps ibe leours-Donsîn. bmore .-my saluo),e ma& tl-slims as servedlby i cosr-ectd to - thesaunusil meut juta -zoinwjttee of tise ~i stîd *eato hipoint are te iluis- ffus h. Itisi-usta se sil 1a eus-ois-uîgeut ta îuuus-seve-e -ùh ifte euiYn sue b i - i-l ises-con. jrepas-ct, tii lask up as Leiuse tisat i il-17 iad issu e -ti,- -aboîi wluîcIs 1 ctun.aldsan occuptes t. e nu1cis f0a Nlll l arpes- us tise chir. - ivolul plst sueis a Bilh <un tise Sîttttetiuutoiuuu s-telyesi.,oalRsac Ms-. Fes-gueun nominssies A. Pis- s Bok. lu theu presi-nt el-le to fSuceiely îii.usienent cf tbhe gtond.it silta-mry ice to to lb, Asse3sor. wpatssil ussais As-t bise tise usolsueppourt y ut o lb îîi,< - 'ietpesna viiig. uerat isissittesi th *Ms-. -Blow tlsulll>bst tltIli tiseOf theuupeoplie. ,Tlie Ontario Lu-gisits-e jaiyn oîea getIrsos vnugs~4 cisais-nian ai the conîustt-e shscnisi rest sre iii fur sigi lit ii -s--î-uivu-licrusen îvuîtaetamsef -I mss sjisti i.arcsu i at deayo, tisai tiseappbiucatioDr,,thu-y baus ecii-ed. the cvii. zlu tliseus- utL-uipt ta let.-en tisàe . u-s-, iy iieai'l-earer, uny siilosligliser. LaNvrit, sâug hur ni i bu-tare thte s.Fr a ss iuyhe5btt-utnstîen u e-e iuyuiitla-~ n mî- ibnrte heavjer, I'eltansellial ai -oburrn ou d Mr.i Ferthus--Is- lid bt tlhi onpas-euts. .lboucgîî îlsey I îirséemaebv- miglit cleto - y d utn. r.applications frtIse office,one troin Mr- . fârtiser sîsi iiule t iriilprugresîva nucou-lt-bcltionakeoifClsis-bd abis leU elouh NV thé olene isr.ia i ite sers-- ber of!iecs' egatti.Tteispoe î s£--veasY tbing. aftar al[, ta One Wlho lîsuta rea lt-tic cliii )MPanIY, t at i tectown sfeis btheeynass-en o- osi ssueil onMu-sisipai couucis, a.fist -teliuivhti ka w i',biltti.e s-s; 'Rs l Ytireiy faisets miiSusad tii- h i confien tat o issigt a p es- e rli yte uîie;n sas-tusl uisîiasiecsrii -as-ilA1 -<tIoMidliu- E eesnfi et t 3saessor un - ar3 e fes-s usa-de t sis coymannes-. -b-tt- iiaui isoucilueiel ii«tiseis-cl1ibl s-eus in-tise total tueuse of '1 ail rstoteoc <e. I tbink sutistactos-y ~~~iiîuitiug tisetisumjber of iîuuses ta tuie ilseus- en-daesoatiau!ue.Atscslaie Ms-. Long ttîauglit tlsat tisespplaints esb'îo s unit, iltse eftcruuMoulatjuuuall éi -- Me a-sIliutuorolis aumeil of tiese bonds aat. tise ainonut fsalliy he s-e- tav.ern -mnj is ave las- tise tro-. eiiins.'puiulic, ,i ns reuid.aîidâ i ate. quires and tisat iehoslisoulnul ho given tsudinmuose Sus-let ruîsicîjouls as ssn e ii nl te.- Mr-. Js.Milles-,;'of ruaq yu sare aniy more. - -demslu--usurl, u-tise esety (s-ut s-us-uI-- owii- jus ou lMn>infree- )iadlos, a Ms-. Hanun ilsonglit that nse hiave erss.But tise qu(titon srissessi Miuc-i- ts os iaatmne vn Dnl aa Ms-r. C-mwthry but two applilsants tudtire us i*4us tises-e- pbsous-iussiuis icmev- -. uajmsIbie. inubese-f lises-asions badges audiense, e udedl ve s fus-ur bu-t eeu the tw-o, tir, jwes-usuteutilîchin. utisi at u iss-y neyer Pies-le ha- asted in tise csipcity of "l lu iset-atsus i53 a spgos-a hiît isg utallessit<ai apopule ss securt~ questiOn - Pcuî-ere survebueu s-umpar-etivu-iv s le-siLu si aislu;-tr-ig sta ytsuo arwder suing s Sç .o yuîr lu-lier lestor, andi lias uotiiug tu suyiyin8tls ettes-, iut uîaw w'-eîs IbissobjeCtlissebu-ens jts- iitta5 'ois1 - lue- o resus t aiMs-. Civ- Isi. Ms-Howe-i isualso ses-vs-i tiese 80 nucis discussp-utandsthtisétempes-sucé I.tuse-uvus-l. isth e issisers ut uu Losige, ai t -lie i and- beltue toma taitlifnuiy! andi miug ta tise barge ýqueistion baîs nuîet]r!oue a sos- irvvi-b-iuiits ae.a.1Ierts oa s Cas-oims 'sm -e i exshorbitaist. asisulit of bn.,iuesslise bas been lutIe îsonrthalelasea cte',Dnwsi glul leînlulou tama lterLitge stioomrsts- -li isIs- abil ut <bing in ru-si estuste,lise moulul lie« may we'n'e oui cpes-t tastion. .OntariljTlicis- iîpe ussSrived, thu-ir srdos-r w iauk svu o i.--r sts anîe f ts ou osa-laeemstdt tise au- IOuW, thusir *ss-k, t akeaou a irger sîguai-utsiciai, renderà Sa tisai tise lasak-b. fillesi op by ts nie texpect tisaI t isy b. consisisuit lu put atiVLiwlbîn ssainofbuutcls etran n ais? Il. Howelb. ~~Lto ps-astirai - Itis p-ucpi f ie u-su'it or tu-n rmilet, 'asiangé- for etieli aj us-s il f rom a Mr-- Ring tîsonglit tise coliectusisip andi -otion. casstrcd ilseti-jissqti meeting, thIs r.pus-t. -asséeetsuhip shlul bu-esi h the s-ali- d-"tiaiv(onc lun112e s.rcraIl esofutfratesrual ii-t, aa1 thesans rut'a cr-salma; tisiphIn Pi juisigient -liNiciuaWitii i ss-hisl ey-ep eeuttain% oteugtius--u as-bs aIe-r mos-e thîsu Ili t i slooiusa w C bave d- tain m-au -jes-cPins-usé bYps-sistis-aly is nas sts theb publi is e-sgnbsu i ssMs-. Hon-eii&. Ruý-ave suisuDeputsy ee cs uuIn brse- oltls pe0o e-usu--lunee-oi etest u Tie- m-r 1r. Blow tisinke expu-rience Sisoultfosminier uMjsnsîi,04 le W5a, Ve si-sut hie- lialiii.,1lus - iu-. av tie reerece-Ms-. Pierie lis doue 1 i. ir'11< au, wtsebus îuest-un-pîprttuîl have the pi-efereneR. a elisiitlupetitiun tise Doiuion Paiaécol.m :0u 0 lu-siei eercce snlss-iy -ns--y gethes-, ta besilmar anul ose ontif(lite article je aàlM id -copies becl lias itaul unis yeasiexîueriencé aal sas- ont tis-prayes-, if 15ey do ns-ut ex rii g l-spssuc smiy Vase a- ai br ou roof ih utbae oç ng, mit.s-Is tact sisould ho taken imb .con- 'the atithuuilýiy tlsuy posses, Ac-bs0515-civatises, nuit tuibk to encisotites-, inius-Su-s- t es i.Dllgtl 3t.Ickel oçtgiiprtiu.tfpirImpe. nibyth fircseof lit-1 lo is- VWHwIl usa-e- usil]te souiîtes-r isi.Duigts -as-s, buit ha#- Ms-. pics-lus nomna2tion b.eiug put mas antbority b-tîusi-d luspsn iiens .by îam -rr, h slibjectlsip lu youi-L g- p- vrion Wto fn dis rutsens-ce-are- asj-lan a division. asil0-tiep-ol- s iepuisiclpoint te ise f'vieil. 3o,-nul liaitonslss-ubsutU5Casipp diwbituesib s. e-usnbîsitétalsyin-sio-by-e--As.Muis -ele s-s1- n iol udg ie-I u sss-esit-uuatWfar ou-ii ta take' a. rmensiebrdntgt up tise r-iort. g[-ns-e-a théserz t e asulnu I Temperance Conventiotri. anises slfr uihMin Oa iffu- ie thses-b* On motion af Ms.Blairsu-conileul by Ms-. Bs-omu's motion iu lIse uutty cenTs- Eues-os GaEs-Ta, tteusi à pubieMs-. Kilig, ltse cauncil - resolvi-eslf in ci asoudolu ici rsatbu uue u -i,-Pesepbl next, vissa côssmittiee teêepblg 10 tie u...ettise i-hae. Ms-. slarpes- sn not ssu-eusa-litîlu- ts-angus tIsa-t; Sus-lisl. tse tiOig-hseu aieacsie ~ Pc iuity . A-«Lah chair. iayveasleb-as s-au' itatise Pis-k .- o ,licern is ibltnrallaý Tisecemmitte aroaeandi ru-nusted lie ha uia'sy ru-as--i n a 1y -r tustni l e mpes-snico w.o-kénfrs re-tise auuty, - ta 1 oconneili ltes9 risiu 't, in Pustf-t Pr-y, at-tonu-- a s> tise cite: re-porlt itlîsutt aoiu-fl5iient. la lueau-othu- t Mptptiinrin- lu 50y rato ks16. T î ntabjet s a isuaslIe l-- - On motion tise report mas receivesi ansid n-ti ie N1.si nnisuiuglqo sos-ul i ig ljte uais As-.es -TiePithes-ng as çMJiîg teadapteS. a bu-versus-e, viîs-ie u-sa-ss, "il; a- frisiitul p11iî-t otrnghAD knAc.Te hePkrngçu vauld ual muet The Relief commitlee reportu-d tisefol- i ehsce ut -s-sme , ut à paue-sisn, alike anI-is. 5 0 o a-aasmeeting iiILs- u-reuiiig te Hall. -3leulbsusa b bpins- as-ountu:r-aiee pbhé suaîî -nlsc a te iss--eudLy a ru-rab ieasliug-Isaélérae. at teetinz rusudala- u,aud secandiî J.G. MeDougali,$ Js Bre 413 as*s-* fbu u-éve bus auîmns aeumuh . rvulsits--tiusevsa PtiFnsp-euflc ae eaauybf tbi Tilt h Jobustous, $15. itrun,.suru-ly bis vay s la1 clu-as ualo tise rs-oms. Temàps-uns-e organizaitiona as-e ani ff35otha-rs, o-eto "-- al eë ustcil in lscosumitle of Iutie i. - 1 ut IL i -uq»gtpd.ta su-eddeleiratqs. h i lsiuoties-, a-nud ut Tii n ehas& i tmpalituLy wutJe-d j u na--w ii maleispit3 liaeen-u b-ps-eru-u. luw ,) bsabp a-h Je am icuumtesreau po-etieiTownship aud have lbe hhauke of, the Thisesis- b enate of ip4e-îprsauce aie- an eas-iy datp, glin g cla the I report ville iotauseuad-eutw the aupaaj manda tisa-t as-lugeI mu-asous-esLe a-t aise. bas- Compauy a - cm ca # ep lie gw.t mo ion mas reejvdsd aubteul. -h oùcxmI -,adapteti for ils süppr euin. L4u us ave jdallas-a, patyablilu - -Pd ' -- uç-es -- - :Fb. h 87a sconvention tIsa-twmlitelsua d <u credit iyears wilouinte es tIsai bPickering a reeomms18i6- ta tise couuîy. - - s- laovus- s»esf that oI. tîtir. report,, recommendij . . WLSO, in tIsefis-s9t causeof 1 lue raad, thiM ~taItthe -folloving iceasu-a*s bu- graateul, -Sec. Com. tredla v-baw to n- s- iie 1are -- to fHamilton & Ce., J. Wossda-li, B. - J t lie la s -utia'u- utf 1lue, Rieiug -SUnD - oklin Fe-k 7tIs 1876.7 . a-in t-s-SaI t tJi roie r Jamesan, T. Lai-lu-r. W. J. iekiaà. slîop Lissie. nu- 1355.Dsffio's Cr"-, tie filuu-uscrue 'utuut etuin ~g Leuue.Iia-' offices awese installe5 by is-ro. Henfstes--r- jbus -no.w eleuSi cs, over ste W. O'Neil, J. A. BauSu-h, S. Ray, F.V D.an ii siatesii lffl6to sud làsav!bg Hnea, Taylor à MeCanu, P. Wakem, E. so .K rv----- . T.0 -s- ogisLcur.-9 us- ào &sa~ rmsrrng, as-d À. Cameron, Ris-el ISc .Sepsuo-----.V . -- ---fM - B rsacna eîq irtle~ License. iD. F. Stp be- Bro . J.--------------------B S i B uvuiue, Fu-i. 7, 1876. GI1 bttia-lj tente of nid S e, ietbls. Sa .W. A.ýS u - striscueti ta draft ai y ouvicllon <(but tablas, J. Stautan, tva tables, Jiiliard Bro. J. --Cas-oegie----------.. ý.W. F. S. jrra AETu-ecsasypuIPiul nas [y everm a.Li a.si-is- ...--------------W. T. - - Ss- T1eetsssdl oe ite-t Aise tuat ise Isaur far. cilodo-Billiard Bu1. uu lssn------ à r.osy demandsfi ts'ticke-ts ho Sear the ce-.iapsiLet-ti s tI reelutionSaoonson Saturday nigÛse chanea sed-Sis. M.Tift------ ~-~ bs-ted Join 1B. Gui eiT, -have cs-s-unýileS gs-sntius-abannstEli li55dfî tisat h fS-m 7 oclack lia 9 o'slock, ~.I,. Mdln--------- 'l,-< ielc<iasiuiietoi- l5Cf. -aissge t5i455.t, fbiscsk-rn- i explanati0m, The conuicliresolved itsell inteicomn-r Ss.ll-ae ..........W .G Ôtüaeyw ae'Ftï n!V id CSsied. tee of tisei-bol. s,Uthe report. s.Kn r.T itn------ W 0G te tieCassia Mîu-itCîu--sba- lIaricsas fer a isi of:in tue chair.Sis . .- de- .s....-H. .Suiugkni iauuluesCeu-ca-ts-ir-g-il- -ups ais Directors Tis#comuniltee arase sud-reporasthe . iÉL. ILocku-------------.... L u. 8s diupomal, isu musss uotis auldstioussahi ttocar-f. - ve"OSia-dt ri the elet. repos-b vlthuci endint, vhich on -astlsa sd more comme st. -ThWffttéilyImaar.. saiSd eplis o moion vas aecouded sud adapled. halaing tickets vil u- si siguca tise saqine Ipenil of ona(,e eas SiO ln~ist The prinuing ceswusuieo bresught l m-I--posiion inIsle Chus-ch-ai in tise hall, 50moie, sti»paeI 1= 1kKoded, tlseir re part. ounFsiday liI, tise 141h imet., B.. H. G-. ttis. deseirous ut barng M- a4,iand oLwuaugr bonnsu A. Rosi% Wid The coamsttee rueoved itseif lt. com- Wsars, D. 0. W. C. T., sa-tdby LW S, and nMisihaing purciasut tieis- tickt'it- C 2nd. &Allitisoue mut.,of tise misoltherecfl. Mr. Long Brao. L. D. issaslu-titht folaaing caffi j vulil urge, thet-,doIoda eaincé. Wbile lightmaiestsuued cý f tise fofleving li tise chair. -so u et- i cers of BoseaofPickering-Lodge,L1.O. G. îisere artno por sigiian t1se Ciha. <-i. Tise pr,e4 tie u-n -- Tis e oraniitea rs n r"tdtéT. - -- itseaa- îore.-eprelesisstissu taka-uud-vuni rdfete Ulton, J.HRd.- repor tvhott mendmcut, - viicli on- Bre.B. Cdarters---------.....W. C. 'T. [otIie. and irrs-t comes milbc fis-ai srvu&. tahu-- it ilA]slf grnu tisaIust<tonu sreme~d adoe Sis. U .Beai ...---------------...W.VT. jOn bfoth ie- cuînilstpe. --4th. TLu bonus4ti Oa..opany. - On motion of Ur. 1[arper, aecoudtd by îBu-o. H. Weheetes- ....-----....... S -- O. YELI.OWLEES. beuturefa, $2.000 ini Uste ro. 1r ergussontuSt the communication of jSm'.M. Du-hart-. .. .. W. A S. - -tira P-urusandl e."I (Soeaisy.) ecmpoeed df Messrs Hopkins, Jeffrey ud -Su.L. Webter ......-----------....W. Td. b-l. lNe pas-t of s Lobng, t. report aS tbe-neat meeting. I FL .Ortia.......f......... W. Chae. rrsemeirta are being usad. for;tnu'-nis- u r u -si r~K.Jeffs-ey sebonded by 1Mr. Long,,j Bu-e-J. Jeffrey .... ...------ .M.- ja.MrabsLcuei us fttiasetil -mbt~ 'fi. beiu>ingi Moes Iiaugl 40coumiteeon .Sireels 4. Sis.---------- --.......... -W D. if. - -î ir za" lirovmens. ownprpar-Y ladPrk- B A . - i The CounciI sta__j Fuit..41, . masw fon t4ndon f«au the i VLS Btu. (. Dre----t... . - e -uscc- Feh. Mit-. c - ,

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