THURSDAY MvORNING, CHA.RLESTAYLOR. Tîn"e-lé ieeàetabliy Cee ceOne, ww be strici wrneeeOto blelt'r»0u ei..incg iOicny Clield b~g0 raàta attr.,or4edrt.core attention, MMue yra-pc(d e ler eleeoe mNparcienerrbt.dý,tAoleecr.l ilcoraae .Atorpt ic o Wr xenUlcot on tIno faines olalaiece. Omd-biyeemalrom gocy Potof thé. County promply mcelle o Nhit.00pr lUeo . iro errio. nA t*e ..= I It .LeecB.qu..ot ineertuon. 1Ail teang.eload aitveOmeet iccnt b. pailOia CSAS. TATLOBR+'i Popitr BANKING. S1.50O.Per Annum. le iîltptlentn l ili'ngg: Xttrai iitiîîtiîî.' VOL. XI HTYnO T R IIUIISD-AY. SEpT; 9, 18.' 11OTELS. BRtiTISH A 5RiCAN MHOTEL. T NIIN E .Autrç cOýMMEBOIAk IIOTELki(aie orc Houe'r) BROCK STRE E!, 7The Dying rIrakeeni. c.~ ~ ~~ ,UTO,1 /lO. beO .o r elas ed a or t hied _____thronglnet, a 1 p 1a. OI0 a. erdr l'r Cin -. l'î e eele ceeerainy acConed, ard Cido .e fn t o., An mnibotte rnA frro c erleci oeil Ile-ed tor lina aoeneOati llO et rnael- 1ail1iraine ceie estl Ylnte-lus ceaple Ooggsonn lrdhye et 1relerealub the Doh'e( lag, plic. leU.(ord rennafor ceeeeril a neoten.1rrpî iliolen8ntitgandtlatie ceinee iPhlîiy, Angentil. 187 43 OO F STEAMSHI Bienttlcry nitic nché iiedowreee- Wciy0M&y 6 ?. i. yr-lO Thcio r iý ue 1üwuiO REOT&vORT wo aTEAMEORB A WRR, ou Ad lirpvcitlth' aï oi tOOiql ellic i ÛDEHOTEL 1 DUFIN 193CREEK, NEW YORhK TO LI Pool, And th. eLIcchet jus- ---11-9 90 AtHN]1'BEIL Porihe. EVEYT THSOAY k. RA A. i dryminnie0itr17; a OBO.B4IL Y, PRO R. ier eetut Lqdor t~gore Piicelmn eî. Bcanod ciaeontrePirnleroic T ô lue..Okes gorihseoftnncaf Reiereieil c tt= ikt ne ai oel ratres lb whit, ohmne e000"Pli. Gie . Tcne U .e ieirn coacr eoho he ic cint f iqurs JCir ee. einir a >8tarne intn fettio a bestendeaore t maki d lheicgP6,tAolooj ntae WB2'YBR4OH; wm-doe,, CJROW N A N N TDONMINI OTL.Or i WncllieyJeceo. ilion.COLUMBIUS, ONT.TOTJIO OMNO BIWilIBt ]Dominion Bank, 1103T. IIODÛDON. PRePRevun. Igjr t- Onze.ntrtpii odpatetÇiO W.UfBY GENO, Tc ecrev laiha îCroep n ~ eae nne ~ pocrde. i Tire wvicle or amy port itir, TALUM ruee. oeble monaer. lIier le eeppIioe valin thîele n d: i': le p rhrnlvi e ce evtilan claytpr A ar il ooeocieeabeconnilern erietuiqcespsuigret riee enilhle o etirg vii'e wO rrvieunotice. H. . 0O ,Mna xelett b 1 rn nte r e ln t reoTon.C Ie e Special rateof julcoet ichhavd. aseoticavI~ e l'à-y. ieelo. t ed ,c làocianC del Inier. iemd tfr Cosoîa e re oer Clnhclv. C nA orile epattirent Octroi fure enol tdeninriaforeait penisa<HtîB. Cfhd uocvle tý la waCI'oua u oit Payile ~ m f 0 treetie ibandera ai-lýiSI .T LO .Ao ________________________ vaeter o bTentr suppliaivellethe b"~riiL~Iet Liqorse are.. .2-r- 0 N 01W CAL CAnv. COM E.RCL .u'cHOTEL, TL.- Zechenis BUrnhami, 1HORELI A, IEOT,0 .P aieu as il nOiet Chu DuiernOP11,e DAFOE, Projiiehor. lTYnOR.,& o=ta ou. neIl ecot ir euinl dc J bor e oaev andlRooratecur- . .DXOPETER i, PItOPRIETOR. loue; R tined bylir iocsi urot ril) qIso'_%ýtbGcout nbRI ES, O AIiccaceoDccîrcîccoe Nelion G. eyrola, hs eue teeecloliyitniidaitlelree Fre-ce o inii nii. i,d$1 por diy U* ydo or lOiofl<erd, ýNelson G. Reynold nicozpublia vilcl icd cau the cotons ot a bone. SOPeotea tein Tirh lebo t rLe qiore ced go 3its REaIeY-eace ann _e de i Rae, y veirerlirs e. . Br l t lin alue- ogr.A Di gRetaelu cordecon t t.edlid J(0.S0 erM_,I tth or ov bqenëra. Te .arla ppied st bs Uot cel. 6.e r ie Ilo oriîtax-rebiCiey, acoli lOiSe t873. 46 James Holden. de c 1Moror073t, 174 f'nMIPICAL ASIONEE ord Olnsiceg Icffoi THE ItEVERE 1-OUSE, U 'SHTL Pjtl. 0W. d&P. P. Uellwy Ono-At it do'à AEI. NC11OR LINE I BE VE TO, ieC enitral 1) John Ha e yd: WM. FOUNTAIN, p ropricnor. OSH A, ONTARIO. GfEISTBaA-orezra-fan oRuaeoW1,11.lie7 Pretelasarccmodation. A oeil la ollicieC W.B. Mc . ve r op o 'Ni So~~~Barhin, Anuanet . 1873. 40 r rprenr H. J. Macdoncîl, am-EDS ILconri liu-.c-caierii ielcrutcorcqlilyroe Y Ex NTRUÉ PEAflR and CcoatY eclcoo0r. EB I fOR, Ter'dithnIdhtîccili ld Tur ll o and Hoj weeC u ".iduW DOUOAM OT.recenlIuie.' Orlc cc 'ýItd)ncccRe-e. iî Trans-Atiautic andi Med j. V. Hmm, BOGAOT EPUTYlark of the CroaOdRail ieh rkS. B. WEB, -Pepil THOM POtJCIIR, neait Stettnîelîips. el i n CuiCeot ar n i e t1,aie neeeefoenCne dn, n ieaaneanlnce eeii o.,p i IiC~~ PASSAGE RE DUC ZXZ=7ý mo~~~nertual Irnveciir. Theo aioippil.d whte L o oka .ci.P. teto Q'oohet e -"b-touera. 4il IO Stevage $5 s OAaB1eTERe &e., cinrin ' rreeNIsI OSTho.i M e Leaf HEoteL Cabin '65 to $91). W Chli t- ipr e.rue PSIv OUE ine edre H lokiniccînle niiitocoio style. ACCORDOOCi TO ACCOMMODAT ' pl eeeeDnk oodOntNE euy attelen io .travellig pcinie. - is __________-' '""' Y N TcTAYLOR, ou.poucilEonr ecuor. nolere Tin.'ietecco ..0tnci nou iteàecticue.r G. Y. Smith, LL., DAFOURTH CORNERS. litera, jcby E4.a40 -Thie, aictag 1 bueiiyllcisUien ae: tr fl.BBIOSTEIi Atorney.- Law, ite? le'--Safty, Econoîny, B&. Fiuit-eius Ltqcous nd ied gare. (eood tbin0leg N'S IeorIarrey lp 'e r andatentiveline. THE Q HI OTEL. Bs eMtoain Etoo icce ano d m neiltrvint Q . Bu. oaegeechelie, 1872.03 (Loît ocierciul.) B s ]Manx -enannDÉ4 tereeNeolo BOCKlic (aBetL i J. F larewell, LL î cONAY9OUE The ShorteïSt Ocean i R t a - T ROR I OltifT BT. -mii1a TI Nrln e tecT Bui,- ONTE.XI ro eloer. silotrCeavey ,Cil No OeniieThisc iree icCs as uinli ienrraflerd CW edizeeday anxd Sat 87. ou , o.Oen'o-ce uloaic, IB . ' i O NTARIO, td nteocex in t drlie ortoileC or ne tb,]r ConVN. l AW4?No.L .e., - 0.c,4aoei unodicdotul ic tir..a A. G.DorenOloo l ley -e -Th aetel idtùAl oge-uPu1mn J -TYý)X o fotNNflot. TSo ut.IS eL N, OS.) tbor OIcocoellceîiride teie liehjioi.Oe Cameron & MaCoonel. oppgoeiethieiStore Hiie, L iuutorp. .. m'.-.- - ~ coaiui od ice ey ecis Poitu iellaodii i I ~ neacevme nîn iciucoys-oILcrr.OlacdleonLiuor. ppîT te Ou i . aie, vd lRISERtico nd.Aetrheico tLaco -citOouoa lelnnlcee tceci.oie Cîe A R ll(II I R II iU eoynaocesuie ir tieelao. «Oui of Oaio, otie s Pbicrn &*-o. ,h gnd i u o gSd hr-aind lit o din va Aga* JS. e. nts NiR . i" Ornce.Cournuagene. Rh Inoler&Inlays oiband. leeveoclI suC ece. rinitteFniteircr Ou m#neunfJA31h E ERSION BO0., NIole, lie * Lyman English, LL.B. - Lladeey, Aag., îe73. do Il. .nio.ilon ir-cc jly Jly ,8eLS o ________________ - ilai ur eco l b 10, otat nol e st ayle. 'liCCoJîî . cr 'AhRRaTER and Acnloicyi-C-tLiice, eoliitei tnaOSiehet d ai eîtarien 0a onlndeIN J<iinorsoil tir. co Olo Ian, COMMERCIAL HOTEL m ' î0 OBaaINSON, roLTI C reno aia. blioelOcau"i, OcIRri.Potr JaunicM.o180. 88 UJFI1eNuB CRE, i.y iecrc P. . Hrd. - moiAo ifÂoo, -- Pcare.ONTARIO BLOCK 1rI TTORNT.AT-LA'r, eollicio uCa o ldnrliellr bal .m.I ib le Crcldaic Rnu segu tofoii hj.rilelelora le sc i &oe . yiic r, i cE-iiek>oZ nd î la nngon rd er f ,1artg s. flood S51eI'ti3gAs h ag obeS .tatbefra),d etPrrr El nd clCeihe Ueelaro 'nn eact Ltere a lOuti. EHrare o Gre ory Scei.ti A1 ilWg0 adattentv idites h oi fMBo4 a etoaoccderao. Aîîly te Plg&ro. B.di JCAMPBEiIL.r George Dornier, S.pIenleoi 27,1872.. yr-Is - w leccc. oy n i. o.1' B 04I115ER anud Ateirno -atl ietiar l 36 Clieue'NLrlenfcOilei. BROUGIHAM MOTEL. 'r' .,. FOU tILLE h Joeseldt, 173. an31> ruc N.Godoiiglo. CL . TV.MAT THE IVS, - Prepricor. AGo Deln Huea Aw, iine-in i tr l ca urYi. Tev o ut alî loienslu leeieg. ,Tin.botfiqnoi. 'i . VhS-~ -hidlf-an-aorn of Land, I oea., Torounito alai, Tornto, rer-trie. i.e y attentli. Dental Ronisn, cc Attiniono s Drug ieo nicc t relania wI uid'oetiin'T r1 ______________ - raclen epn n bel.44 Stoe, Kuîî.-StretC ia'r. neNcuo. o-aciir eden 'Crue.T horao aec.cgo Brougham, ___Sept.__,__1_7i.iGarocadiucmcerof et aicelFrui Trwau Farewell & Ruthedge. okelw dwtr»thprmO' pKIaaoavnma.ATTORNEYS IR InORroe. ST 0OP DIVISION CIIUHIS lerion. Ruig,I, k sud Tetbbogre littoie al006er cinoner a ttriur p OTWoées Puired Co ul)...ï Lpar.-èliviyi eicn. c [En. NOTE.] 46 înIh iPcrtrhe lio,dC.iRPEcrî ici'Fn de oath et chu Royal TIiioe FuR vTUEOhawa, 17Lh S, l 1878. Or0ete GO . TH. BaKErelaler. Wuainy. n Whinldny. WhI Viitr. Jeueo u. 1,ct Cunndy Con Atonery. VVIIIJ " 0of'UCOntarioc m 00 iii I For the Year 185.Tagl to. tl'noexd ga. y011M ORSALE 1 ]David Ormston, B. A. _______________ TîeiduiIocsOduiy J BTROY ATLAWBotr, lu Ç..diinL. PRO~F, G. c .GUINS. B.A. 50 êlaE e ao u u S hib. 1 iiiy........... u l n RYLAc)M ,LNO. Lot 33 ist Con. Piekerlu bd Joh G RbhcinM. A. Einde.............'c..1io. 120 ALSO LESO V VOCAL MUSIC-. t t-VW lmeOodeierprocidl rae.I w 2al1 , 1 10e. c une... PMYeeLOuNbON.ep l 'ri B1 R3 T U T A '. A tc u ay O lnl i a r- fl Oacoe p *? il 7. ne .1 ' ll tto cn d i tcrc ct omn esao r m o iee ads. .O N Fon obait O______________R. ,DARTNE M»lOEOicaléeGaote OrW. I nn4Wi DOUa. '0lU M4EDICAL5. Whib :n. laot. mo. O;ýJ d aico , -1 k _____________________ P rof ie i b lt anC VomnligrC,6190r C a h I- i. prir. . obe, ad, l 'ioiileni.ioe hic 1 C ash I'C !l D)ra. Carton &Bogart, FR ie oeeedtrr u Faicna F un reoceale ton ,c TRaciseN CEee C0URC A teno i r m e Oe ff sud Peliidio me . WIViniiCa etc an ýýTHEERIGRROT 010CR PAID FOR P W a1coanOe.1eaibemcet rarm a as iriuic reodi em anci Ie4 lif8e O ili.e f-ico'antcnn. Ptne C nid . .. a.nale 0 eLCHAS. i&ATicidS. J., Cleavaer ~r0, Ouu, elc Bronughanm, Oat.HCL-veAT C'e.O Wl lIioe.t MiaelanCUO -WEýSTERN IIOUJSE. ENGLISMi REMEDY and Skimn,Raw Fui-s,l G. YouZG 8MITH, DUNDA&S abREE. WSiTeT. 4-C., 4- 4.c. isatIer tf Marriitge Liceitge,.Clmni i iepif,~Ama Cnoule nrai ai-4 W uimnein e oOrMer-& Il rH Easiale W bd imIrC orlue t hepie,- WILLIircttrin£.lad WHITYO NT. l uahd mo r.e.for thenaimiyoad DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, .W,, . nei. _ fo ira acinl. IetvZila o cgar. an amO &W&-aal Boots &_Shoez, h&c. DEauulJ. TARNIOL. Officil signc er oien n id W«bo. )Cai.a"wbutate' lem o slen b IdcnnIr h. ny1ouidir-îir. nt O U --l ac'ila veeeai .- I lIS'ix otas o -Iel itY. 4111=4ledieueO "teonrresadie, aî.JlOS Pu A,jIl NDZL. 33. W.M FOIioeaag. Anaein bUCe .' 0*. 3 arn t hetrcéro-moomeR. .11.Officiel h-ci0,xnuell, IjdfSà , ennie, M1, Oii.11 n8 SPECIFIC MEDICINE Oinmacin 'cîcî1073 c-O nE eO.rao1 getA w n do Oriîroou -ecoteitn ao oa ri. sr'ean TenureMsICOO Aiede etnie (unete .i orici auternanc rARADA LIUE ASSURANCE DI>MIO.erriPnOiMru e c.,'ce, roininie e aney TOlN S.M.WLO 1 iIj un1-8, . rIueed by 1.reilieneilute cnue. .0oa llti er mnLi atentone. f tOiecieo aad s eýicoahucc claLit flice perine ~Cee A« -M .iff fait Oh. Bas ,. un. E T BL I HE 7 cue ofCu len %',-mr ice irLaiBawMoie ureauocco aroroa - urnLXreS.C or eeaeayOFFICIAL ASSIGNE£ OUM D~ Aaee'Boonaiccen, OPtario,ýOj at 0.Do 00ei c. invefon enado cuculgfY«t dpeiai 7ETRiOD WTY OF 0 T r-iîilc * O,% o k>oio. Wns o i JER *Uet y ~euEE T Th BlietiC the r ie ormit a e InC y Ealgomenieae teellehicin -W mdl eoUP M.*.'iua edtOr ient Pnvmncgm.e aan rr a d'or i tetdaIdls,.eodd a 1051 EE SCou assoit.mia IoBccik'Uira mrpamphlennt wnmlite. . n inotenac r outoil tuenrrcloe. _______ orionnai.,eteCirocc r 'nI'Oh eOaitralh$o itsna ]PU-iI R lcuhi caannc lu e 51,0At.iverotaaa 9"6 oe"treAl» u. Pet e' anu niF AIaRBAMa vN KS' Bo3ene3tcuetitcin030 an 004 lasCyceonoooveniden 1 I B S Tie ufihae Iton nhiom"% bteeaelangeur *=ontWido,0 HO&HUJTO. -l Ctrl, d Tresater «i.Ut.MgMdof um»eboautnnmelut"t ar s lei H, Cd~ ontrie àCeJaiesm Ailebon & CommiSsion Er a Ir wctcUitcy. oddaec-rm.Ii iiL*n10 1 iI 11ol" , dl"a'Ooeelca ple. ailc' th.. "ycvn e tua< tlee e IelailI t o -micinosQS as u A 3$ T LICENSED AUCTIONEERO u r-" M «i thtai6inblhe Dostudiv be* &I lTBD.l % r. 1u-ce tr l OSO FUR TUE COUNY TF ONO&IU. oy ieraen enlasciet r th. -uÀ: - liosTE dOuhT o L.,, 0 erriq .aavnatin an ho eibelaecapabor or Oic. Enat - e i , taied- rno eu o 'rIninn'.Seol. 7. , * i., .. -- jeie I. T ,o ý U Tlrryvi isninro vIie otàc"lny' caM. "ThIto relirc te t WOàiotlOc ntecciî "rira t 1hobiscpisl neAeheroio choe I ACide hioui yoolie oico syrleid. erniperCe thciiccC. itl, iéc ccWey reeh, skicepre, no nu ai OcIlair"A1 W5rho i teuiceo.ohsCdo2, Oic rthe 0d,1 er -ginc Im Omehiclio Cil Rn..c4 TeOin lrnortieeiitrcaiuci "Y.dllorEetlivner Boae "Mec ncetilooheiinrie dr Cha' one rlein rticeaellîîitor "Grand i unk nir. ps»gr 'iro r , i.ih.-r.e ildiejuIe eo. NO.ionetoict -cin... Roi te th"ic -OOoer lnot'Oiee, G[0116E AL GUSTUS SALAI aourrealint, Ennayi3t nand No velint ere.iohîecj rrittrîî aoud readable eeeay je from the pen of Mcr. Edwrd B3radbury, a journal- et of Derby, England. XIt was^ con- tri.buted te tthe pages Of tee Phono- g'raploir Mctcrr, a literinn.Y magazine printed in ritmAu Phonograpey and crib]ishî& l by r. C.; J. Paymo, of Der- y. is jn11w peebliahea for the firet mein tlune ovnitryc baving beon! reeeibetd epeoiall yfor, Tes WHInm GAZZTTE.-Ed.] eo A<li hie e lii lit Po Rdi f rencete Picl ca in a bt;l pilcoepl ere, O on trip e il ubterran. Ch; moiteri land-lcedies auhll'e eilcîro te nîcure clu meodrn Olier.oeld- te le utolcn vithicrt a bilie auihier whcoeduya gRlate i icicle cleeco In ciii Lon e120;lie. cl tie malnuritv et lit /41~4~ A~4~FJ~ Ltnvariablyi A b. «jjj Hé i'IWly010r d t0ee ne a the soeloe ei'Apl u ia lcdieis was ha Inear Iiettlrneai the "tches oy Son," I>fd tlnt wlien lie roe.vered lies silil i 1tj o thîe pages of "Pieaoilck' au ah sane decor livinig toucher. hoe vic Iseegitet delightful prefgce te oir aedîctively by t'nlite n-hluelAnd nel. dulgtîn e licappiet Cumerisie cnn- SiderJep. He raya vIle a eeracpiamoenitv heC vIrenh fe l naamd lhe ripe age ut 2ji j~e wureering hie llvolliod ty lttere, y e~hraicru e e he fenrti profressinlia lied hcihen Dp; arnl litied ont lie Ony il, li birli lie dido.t fail mierahly. Conti nuieg, lie baya libet heing now 'rd1. Icnown, lCe faeonnly regelea neemberseto leltera franiliterury aspirants. modesthy aettug hlm Ir ohlin inedtateeimpIe>'. mentfoturilenion the taffoetlIedis niet, Botcrdonp Reriewe andl Peuch, Tiey lu. terrm ii Iicc Iiethy are. peâeno nIt ho mont Comcariliog talent,&btial ley haro already pcoliicied peetry, travelo or , bha; ut fiat tIlwe aki norgannizeilcdu- epiraory on lIce parthofhte publieliers and lIc icItias,they have heee deeheol ltaI ieandseme rennteieu and liet fume oieicînle Ilceir lue. For ith e tneliland lIce coansolation fthnes e6orrenpnienhe, lie eayî tuaItfor i o tefies printed llerar>' cnomcpoeitiioslie didn't gel ce penny; thial fur chie arcoîi lie recelveilthîe sicn ofotane nhilhing; tt in i onîbe etterwarda hie vue meeli giclifieel aI reeeioîng lte.-a -cronin for e prece of sohty-nix Umnese; sudi thaI et the noret18 ho Ilieugh it lîbeelt riccr tiirn Croaen eejeyiog lieeceuhar>' of e peuil eaonek foie'editing acicombe lier- ludbcoal. Orcgicnal%,rnrghtpeeanarhi, li iSl-Iee 25 yeon e a9 ýhe turnd amide trem thae eluetee dontk, and really aîboptrd lhe prufeesgion et leltorsascea aere- rum vcrcion. In the Deceiier oethlaI year n deiciriptive setch frem hiA peu cailedrd"Ice iey oet1h. Street,' vasne- iepleu for puetion I inthaesoe Hrosehod Worde b thonen thlecouru-day uc iMA dzliing cener. 'Thr eaeay wuao eo eperlatloely realliclie, 1euci.gIhtfully troel, ee fuli et epirit angl' Alevenoees, thet bI eAt unceesetal liah pîlia I p.ý f, e~hslole l i jree.elcare.puti&eleetin hie onffots&*o eterfeto o l le hpli' rth eat ler ohiCaert eerle jinajhe crcco.la0nr.erae,, imrereeit. Ail To latétanymanoflitertiee'.P sr oartà pnrep on e.onTitno eue ylulei e cri e oete nt et n re0icl ilgt «rIeclcî er. opinLe. coIabat te leitte etlin hosrî ncece;t len hales 00gxrnotaby rit. neCdrpoor shrîmlieiont om limes lu lim eulIo ofr meurto iaiaitof exDiepuioni In efe moiefe r Ofltn 'the Tp li abr sty)o n ùy penu-cohaeonr, arentciere lu ee toylisnla,"as Tn due rrti, oRamo8I4 Vifire gel. one oItsth PriicE uen,afidhin raecegnl bic, MUir e jun: oeerehelthe-c ic flot Cierir " R pit tnoreaeoya and o grbehflcr'it learei, e toBl nepeac Ictein Ie crael erodif leanrool havreiet' fuo ntuhUneis edi or c 0fo TreejaÏ- Br-pbitn.dehîilfnortele0 trieleb ùttne--tler Seven enne e ina it dm t, 'QetAe , " Acrip CpBarber, c Dya nr 'ceppueer ...l...le pno et Waterl c pluear Ànagazie flocogninRot n geunie ieyeliic0Vled hlm aic andhc. Dic etahies ch hlientreteofetIlie re l laine pSel 'iipeihiciter le reeol Ou-i fuef p opr i books. Whoucr cm die oro orm r te in." Tlîree euoi îiva hFieuirc'Th evnnoareIlieaintPl Dangermi l ' îqwclrin t rchrpaygeiîor; at:a papotcer'. agino. Red;iz oh 'F»i.Us e ,, rlitede o i iet as caicrî. I . tile nc "in te l ili re tjeci rof1l orod il j philoncoin eniioand mhule ahrl or ni, IlP trdci log prtr, adiicc afi tie re i eriole, oei en neiaeo e havecbrîr itlli it n r thetlio I la oenf h'cicprodtins eiei vo eh ia ci lçred ccr w i rih c ii lIe r;e tietire. p IRed choclr e aanrh lile u eplet, lilehtet lu lhiiln' ariA t îr da e" lo ieg r aituIclef, theore tejialir, coud auPare licni Aoîu erlnio. lIce lacrier t mdcci, l pa ecti lrom Mc'. ela'e ilcrecce"GRd and ah dloy te cethar fer Pâlis roiirne 1l e iu e 'mlii nop ereial tu utoW.or0 George An8uetea Sein, lu bile multiple ofthe mot yeucctai etDjoléeon'cconîtribu- IeClieu ut pape"orainumflicfacile PeeCtitl lac ihijeoate asiIn iTatyil =ctms litrnclorofjnrnlio, eeaielandnevl- i. ie -Soaidnuoueoner pubbnhed en mioneginer>' Lundon." Il lal§ e ta hep. il 0 ferklesIy extravaganit, snd npreni ilt, Or Euglini writer la hionetreil miti a *,The Key offthn Street" than, Ilite liis ed tlico l ii OOD ceonttte, hipTe- ccv ivanbnus. as l l orito oiier, or mraie nrpreeotuive, circia etfown lille <Olivur lie osil for *"môre' - pubicntîculi in a Coiiccteoi foren. Durinel Cilo(roner Qucegaisna'o uvert on," enwidero Witen in lie Caperit>' of ..arruna Salla oonttirle aceetribule 'muore" theftIclczeo years lie lierscupped the theallnehnntlio etofe"Religien dom jieiri Cerreopondient" 1hounecacrd ied tonhfor" ni heCli c mlnoveliol, cereid btro ticrarv imetter lothede lutnei Pljgla ensd ite portraituea ime o at hoe Dily Telegroplc ever bell, iThe oatoets lthei o ar meccino n&t4nia" (ordon News, lte binle11. A. B."hoing rnicialher Zipascti SrdllP. urcoiaofieirci. liemueLi a'ivrrter pronsesiug van ld ion lb.l'oeîn Cerner cethe grecet cellacheil co 'Ecoicoef te WVeetk oi îci poaiand ie pe" ceodlleh cosnnocolilonCi clotrit>'. lie Cao falait dte Abbeyý Sals %van happy bn tins goujatcil nd a ait ot amaotug geirwelnc tcehgen y hni r lr compco tat ipleudjil iceoawLiclàt lhie Mecou o glecolicol nileirl ireyoftttl mîte chnreil uheî cemeroaiS Ildngu. reireohilif>' unct oeigiicityef lia nquce ion en, ndCunder woeobrave banner lie Mn. Salie aseempain.d himolf tue n. la ilse a eillfnnl eecentlbt hlie goeueusentitinliii ite roeioie. lThe on hiae punto ofl iiienry delebrity. A UA à u onoTB-vevioc. c aoi aîblo iospoie se moun lic palpabhe. Nine-Ceelia af Mn. itilliaut ibandftien cre, Who snrbctel ed nl cit eeoriptieene appralas.»fidal. SuaWe iucetadabletpertormandes a. o p ages oeiol,reu/unrt W il; llanet Te oheelbonidnpottaticlis idouiro.a. Ovi el tle givinte Isai nemiîta te le cear encodiymuul'. nHe C.nfféro ail the teo mccci t.isa>', Icoocier, ltaI inoîgliRi>'j ne Preerit yaar line as clleIli- uchu,-ervtaIeiad'm e- dioccivauilesecoehan imperaoeal presn, ol- meof !the mil nif luglimin onilera ocre sa stls mjnnnte'a notice tle "Inquny 08 IP' icituront tira&l ho tant.. d anentpu, Ilicegî uneniatli>'le ment aitlngninhed anmatenglceonitiro, the clhet chaenu te chneefiile "The Ccmiago g - thnnI ie pwpaeer nltiang i.,vmnlestien repiiieotalivr. lTheiiPirfedinjen fethîe inthe magasne, aruh lualthe noelofîn et cter Citelebtter appeaosd, onceitig 'Ii eru apallbàiuýwic ln 1'uem"-as iaiSpeuker Ceeitin'uehale heCharbes Dicken%er uîruIle esaaye ot grand>' graphie deorpthuut eof a dietrel' eryecden tijeniliving es<iti's o1tie mut- Newnpapen Prein 1Èound Dinnoe ayern ior eorge Augnstesn Scici id nation welceming lice pale. selhtuis. Be peoaseees uno Cid fannclar we """-fithe mi' one inn etiieb a m n la1858 sinu hreme the principal Allonge, ec Cie SaTeur of thear einhry tnîd lie lUlytfees Falstaff, SAeIeo1 nu>"tari deyi atteri day, -,,car aftur iter and Cthe ole eter etfeaeow hice- One lelîero ai ctncteeied"Capture&4 is a nd bSWa W#11. Re jtao croc, cl t recog n ition . ii n abil- rat.ed w eek y m ia in e TA S e c am e te e C a li t , cia ed re taed Ith im m en sea pi. ua tr rli te W ilkie C oc lln e. M le sn o t ya ne utemarteil, but jitle nîtnomn tGilloct, a nrinigpiuiodicul wIiL a gitted i everil>' cd bresi iemoî the tue ona b*c- cuocrute îyehîlôcal acalyeI lit. Gesres ,olh. pculin l ltoh n> u iesaf owr, cohned tie lie ot tliat tremeudonoedreoe. PThe E4.R3ut ee n ptcI*"y' gr e- dIce o lCh uopaper. among unlmà ecrhy. îe lio tacteoion oet nextClucteri lieshlm. litke Waeiçngo nBOintepcrrf ai1'4c tirai>' roaofrcre, andl in placeofet e- atter meel,:a a siof tSalsasktes, Irvincg, pooipling thiee lienI Alhambra oreie c'80is u oveteare" recte ef presh plates. sort crineil ta the "geuthemuan of he vonderfanl>'emprcrilicliracteriali- Loin'fle ah$MMadrid hiuîle pride send. <e, 1AjIhe ctarectens, ail l date encideontseait Lireen." lu file otler prefesericue,-uart. csly leninirona, piculognephicalh>' graphie,ihl aîteues mild mIner>' itle usllen a i dthoocemea, euryeyeei aseparael arph.- andi cie nce, icoccesi mekea the mam. descriptive et Lieclon lits end ohereclen. roge. Tin emitmalt prenîents li ie aeocpiiio sketches e u noi os 1 e r Umm lci jounaltee, ioeere, the iodivtdnul le Immedicitel>' npncn diecoomphohion ofethîe piotrîne ot"Git," as Mo. tala faiellllly eo hîcroillen. Thaorn e are auot twnoirr. Allogitnen.ftue enenymmons aris, a urienlasl leonianil wu.modhe r cibremies tir Ja - jeopciriiiçtg Soliri toclicir iin Sial aeseaemoa* "a myeîcom hi fatal tluthe RngitcePrrcs,-ftal its appearant.. in Icocl torra, and acedozeu icGibruito.r.ii lie human tee-totum 8spin@ ef c ewn cic eminaI pirsoedd tkql.> Io il ee an institutioin, fatal te lie filifuinue publiehiera pcinfforod ttoir services. IC agrico, and ths ei exarticleoa i. org h a,- eoie*reenineil St rsueg i. .Ce1 fatal letheavancemnht fils ritera. theratune cama iCul. Thetibtis oetttenofote Meting oetheli es regn8aI tvnee. Bl in r.Edile nha uM>lSSo gr, It lîis, unquinnlet>depriv6d. Sala oune velums e a Wsbiser ltho gay gondoilla eean eplnin ; '00 ,lhI moat elcillnlI>'lesve a ahhitrWb*> icuilcoiertloase et *v.1 RendTUE vICE Kn" ose heirienace tslroeuboteu oitin rici lcccveiîei a prend position lurii thedttr- TeIE DmCv T»E 'RLe onnWB I PS l ida X nrccludl ifrn.taentrlos, fnom olilc a her>' o!fInrignC.rlccfEglieIt ein; worlee ritaga aAa Il hll n imens ml, an laul2frta.see4 bau>' 'ames a gracetnl velcdoff ;l;,rnhl.OIty appmtealied ty t e pm.8alla ,a ijounaligit. là France, ori e men, ahi>' nov eIut o oet la .Inil theornilen eaeisîno ietsenini4ojeoii r ien h ncliseo4 elore thoeelIa àpensonai press, thonîd ldrieac eol lt-how fle, higliwueres iifeniCoh hie leenoOPle gelaloy dc rmeiln et-the Biele ol aePCWM ý bu os mwUkaeno ceud as foui>' primadau ilei, mldnblo.oaen hiloulfen r flieur hlIce witalla Iac h theg; aniS eole flu te i ùo3lrmBinofrIhe. at" »RatsM Mi. Tiesr rPresi.deul Grant. Iftoe hacll eice rouind theie lt. Itllea avee th ie ne -ia ngk;, ed ;h,notngraueai thnîco itiii ica ts t e:n m na l mmsg enerymity Ii Punliament inalead etfsin - duaniShe egini et WhDihilugegate ofandompA*w a ninth rapin thm.Dieraiuie, tine OIad. re Clui iroiul ai ta aque. It je fouicn 1 fr. nto tleahenn ogetlisu'A f li, the' ol i i> rn hi bi o wdrsl> cionesan enni 1eBrigitte e vrttlilsuvr the tlheagray' mernang urle a dee is bia vîclnneîeiare oobmaalthmvutin à4llchu inb AoIl 1 pudolel oft Publie reicorn hin ferrioet uh eIitder mitihlbie egrant metrmipolitau infn aed m arcopass e.selwrte, eistie ______APIA_1875 euena ee imnoe Augsins Sala, Or. IRunsell, fiîi-marktî WBr e lis epuicatiol lon n abe ndIlCamt Aso1nIrhi.biIter ti. endi Arcluiina Fenles. But esara Ce- lie Tiooea ah fêInle etrallu aet<lavent aayArlaron i en etrY rgno d-tlo n iicood videan impenosî press. lie Garnî assieteueput iur t tn!he Par- leefore Me. 1 emterk rih hlmi in eneet Oîi f04PIb S rae nth H1usla 4"sabeofthe »A." We Ieau. ~ go Pv~iw 1Mont ofteugfad geon ,Ma'ay ocielne liemoen>' Iotule et sitn.aShe epen.engintcon thae-pamnnemaaoipaoncamae hie filnest t(cuies .ospein jicemnalincn Ion bog of the City cpc o;et elghI W. C eR s onta l i aeeCfue cuerlesCIno t otriscueU0du8O Venrs oltit ftning lmesor tortune. tice naîllaelithe 0icniueins st 1mie, Ri~ iClani okagme ienw ln bp6 eunrlgs t . Under thaeopenr yelem ni voîtic l is aimai theisaluofibeioiden et thncunt tegelier 'unier oetheici 1evtail6ai ge " o s#l et vnnbd reuc i oe. a»e4matnathes loeee ofo!fciQueau-t'Io-1,i-1e 1001 andhe t rurplig ceomeunes an n 04 openIng haiteCabinet, 'eh the Gusîclogin the Park aMelansu.w e n «On Uetdne r a1Ieuno. % pe "d Mm.tle sa sotair A raeiewet Sala.e uilige oueldbe ia- are Iitroductif uc Police Coucinanrtera âprionn o eiread 1" bs e ..e..t4ILM w IF" h *ct coemplets mithent allte siecie roorme01the Hanneton, Roeis ine - t e~5Cu v onesîvro eh bies io cee0e hmh vili cil' ,naoe esite l an. ehond ion berieocired wosTO callebcVoilIWU.e f.Them lc Clakeit a Cidihnelero' dleng boug. O 1lPe e was tti.se4e 0,. Tine vendas t ten trtraysd e pordon. AI toro lierprltuemla %Relkt @tract. At à TIrlucSJNeb ?EUTE Te eICKdENS-o -ne *. ")b>' 11tut43ets wr, m0ebe "il cinlest>' lawbahlng tle gain a glimpmetras vo oie tilaibait an saceneljea L In n otioing tSaoeletteosd fil escerl ot f FScaso , bl tbin *mg* e t ons.a of thc persneait* afaile oritera. Carl3 te At fiertue-hobal>$ oalnd lnte e miteî ementionuoeth6e nordial frinlhli r su*nM e, Au kewIaeleé enh DIcilb, bas lnCnted w or ie le v. aye aagivcu te neanuIci toToutroalis. S>' file Wvoaeoin liaIfor >'eaîa existait, htelen fhlm amnd - $c saifIud bavs ain oeent at onieofthfin ioranse aseecooitb lcoIu. At ai vo nha" t5i e Dickens. Ii sateoucing trute at u hue 'ugtg nn- Ydey adli ulnytem belme=e.Sbleîso adGorti rrai& 1cm d ofenoispapenoa S.gentneilrn raceof hie ilear depenri c d'bty<o i ai theïr Country.]atsel 'Lid lia ropreaenntative, onr ild friad o oIc.e~ed lirrSy aivan ellelaigil- bonSala »ai> '. He van ni v mcmer; 'osy cae Um"tInssasaet of ffl-VOIlso inigens ne ltdrokli, as ahliriag hlm- y ougelur.llchc ouiian im"ah Druroa li o us nedli ooro gi.btae oenuii.prade golfOseas.Iler lu eider ltactandbehcili ae 0130lv o santwimatoria le onr atlaîlment, Ieaboula neyer lbave blea ajouceal' id-oýan nm mS theas of the 10e greel piat o er- et theIra. 'DYc Il>'010e re »"Irupptag tl onora onileroetbreoi. R>'finsit orr , MW leti. te xkof GaiC» 600e', rauC au, ion tasigceoinnina mnncr onthe ighctatetee"t-»et & dancing eut produueton vos pjinlldb>'ile lin nitue he Men <,alstck. e b. admittail ite lis rompus>' e! the in- ae,,m,,Y.0 diialva oWs Ameliting tlinrliet fico-pruciuinote I overcaret] yi liv s wiigi neaGreat am)t, ortala. The limer, hleoer, oet ienr'rrcruii ccoutot e taegiti nemo, litenetnre, camestrin 11slied tand. 1Sua. M îthe MiODsanstaion, men ni aremsl>' tariron ot anytling re- filihu il c indem 'a n erang o.- ote for lilalsad nuoîicmnmhiet, fornu n ico 0v Ibr acoetarp. the îm. A, .aebUing fusillent. lins min cf thogît pri, eîîr citO'a net the offia yeare. rHesont me te RiuahreqDn a ad.s tr thdre Ceman et acion. The mon o! oftnue oh uc 11uae owsPbpse. AI use nul(of couvas 1 es ion the % otint ilU ;e tcsnd Bt~it thaenei I aefenilMunicrd elop fi t L'enea. At tod vaaralistes' lho hangohigi>' forgavn me my ns' ma"coîr et hi. onetlicugll uealani in ta rug~'ohanmo"ate Dîiereteheb.aien. mn' dit,,anil mn' oil tofer. pero nN« Thé resr ofla foern o e x eptinltoiae oelcmot, h e ein»no. f Oc *Tiieother day the arnroiiig ll6u afea rmm ld0 tins ris.ecm lasis Inrpby omste CammOol Dp 6theoeare jaehid ameig rromdo tion. pressinggainailhie tamin afinInnjbs b.r nles ue a Iairob athirong(diceiîP --qSa eSor sniSpoet' e rner, and go ttroming gatlncdli .g j bve 1 te gcesap» l vlIliît caenltebiesedeS-TherLite and the rlcccirt'lTe>Tau OOtu @a doin- intolbis grave oamonak t a iaomlO atventnresc a! George Augnicîna Sale."panio or havOloe te love., îorere. len plephrd r.pdil. uonmMyI .à.] laI tail eoftinofhet tom 4 xorP flin. eln ulv oei th ie priccis f" hAi raetbii atesa enan Dr. Johnsoni Oliver Gueldsemithr. p n ý,sMcmr-'e WE oi Se JL troin 6cm St-oes omn aiîo.emeli"pns"dvboI4lOdrta ogs Bliceard Siae. and Dick Stable suot- çaoIloLtn,"l isvffm plae-I oierdine enplcre tse dis m oii è ehauwyb u JhifL,, th.qn= eno>, e tse.iteai, uici t 41uo sint u.rkIlng Parai, andsae.qel>ait Meay, I plaee" miis. s siave-icti dtrndgsoy et itotere oriclin'0 ye 4vm mh nwiennimual>green mChaptl;te i tdhe t C onacle 4 " o"@1ý*» mai et laIto tetneTe fe. onee e 1s Ikiles, wvii, I ramieneoed noreloP.e fenimod thb. 5.11foooicf th a lte mOui cruittN m vthe cieiam ' Ihvd . eIl" tennnacitr*» ci fat eentu b.hoerreealb' -'nocoletam uc as5aM ý a lIsta - ofatainLed lGe1 erv o agoar SeinTle cralte a ileeal rIesLod" « »[,m ofnItt, J'y a.. knne, eaig- ha it t oticsg sMo tEE 001000 i o r-LO tte0ote"Il. jedm rsa itelic u ,Thc e at eiuinaLrLIlien effenIcuooIOet n vilt inntaiglmic. li ~ daye, (huis fie videne a saliferatune e s t-nou;i ln' keo f ~isih e lu th1e a uboepce ahnt0,ay sedail.ay. porio e __ ___aa ni pecnirlypoftalep0fdi. l'se day lise bren "'l»ele d Lalreol othing appre>aehng aanriti.el anelyt d le ai e ui* e oaiA.Stcmtien ia mm. i gletra b. bathit m'ld v ci nrgs anannnet ic.a"tsgiénphid. Aatab__ ,. lnigersi uin ner taihe ptn " n. cf ~ ~grand oPeret ilite tor>' mmane g nui u ptiuoeguot peespes iunler the .saga l fo Vero40 yem A . empiriidid style ai wii la i e cbiS.Mod4.u 0O1 the plici. Gribýln It hm femmboge' a h bvekdueSîod matnetiresotr lereHoptiaS5u in OMM d- 4 « m ft smbu a 4 - n d egrée tlicolfelicilena fAcly whlei lIb a wrilten te deperibe commun er illilegs in r, dcliglelfnl maDrier. IH. cioOl accepi ilorecer pphrase,- : : '1le tîle tu telIci ea iller oom. eue liete lrft lîr.rciy nvbrae Ir qucîlierd ;yet ni[ ial lelbas toucha lie hano edernel. Tliero le netbiegý il i r i e o i r e a i r i , n o r e g r a p h i e a lie ile ieoetfBigleih lrl 1 i, i IlWi Selerrîcco el ;terri Ae 'rpcinl ùiiîrr cly gor the rpiry gogrenoOeoet )Igrccmlntic cl'i iieieoetMr. Helmonel tout. St e nie rltleerehappily gIttre hi;. t l , ni errry pardoon, eveiy enin- Frrvry topirrc o U, tteor the salirriat lOeititancre, ce treedly ,Cmilinir aemi ie i lire là lencd with thoni fer a lif.tlne. Dal lfn gi,ùtr epocilecrepnel the Norrth Polo or thIe llontemle 6inth cri, end.l ie lleéin.woildclnover roant e "hret leeprerleno." Tfiey wcculd be I.iinmneeline ilucelarita!, eper- ith lc oldeol inleiacee." Jnom Lis. cri ption ot Ruerian lifa, Cenlcetnod il i qîourney due 5crîl," oe urld evoer r ive e e nclrcien hat tley are ibures draon by one oe awfer iChe i im hle Nerekel grobeapocl.andthie Wnlenew. Wieat vanFtake leemy make nI toie n c te Iiareleoenenci et. Ire, rallier tItan frrm lie. ignCi'eeofe iroîgner. Ré eacenmakes the mot for- Ming topic ienn lg i ~ t bee t he Imain wiie Coula.irite a PrOVerbIal 1core the Rreýomitlok. .AÀdissertaion o bie penn on lte prolelof t Enli nl Li, an, exrillng cee n lrcdn l e leboe truck with h. r 0 eus cce4of i nrwlrcfge. 000IS..rA jrITl OnU3AZIOI(. il h l rc? Wlicot lia eho nt 1' Qan tec froru obscure wrllere, rrom eh creo irte of greel writere ; hitulncïe .r6l*nence te anciel da1"e. ;o ainderpauhejare vrtem lite mentilon ceeh e na o tplace. w"li va s tuaIe a te maie. sureeof ocr le. iso stpeene wlhneh gonid ID t àbâo lcllenary le re. id-w tho*t Ibid cau lie..erowd ýa se8 k tient we ara doeîed by pror . ,oe ireally danger ef .eeeb4 lyutelry froni liceancleon uW ee 1ro *bumonip t onder. Tins leitea ofTh) ne Bibingten Kaalay ewiuch pNfe*y>clisloened hlm "Ua- he 0h , Om'nlien,' sud me ilaaiment cewod te eeab on Sala ce olmilcer nick. e amnaieê le hie acrumeeclahbon newledge. AÀ IJT£ ynlI3liMii. ause wrltbni pern1 nnn conertain r iniher. 74 .ère le neltng abeut hMm ny Za segoi1iv ofettheelilerary ire- . Ie laeeotIl man ofettlere'" innthe Ied asensof tîhe Wrd.rul.e has de- imaérelsi thlie wôrlc wlch have I him fàmoone* frein ntual enper.noue#e. iten pines (IIchteliaisc"bean a h part er wlia$ico en ere." He ta r ne heeppy r4wien ileeeribing Loedona oI rlbceee.elri.Inemer viviieseo rlplienSolojeDot uppreacheel by ie, leStie London ekelehes e eonnee e*o*t ecliou moledr&aatio lnt relie d#flgnre LIt e c"Skeces loy >1Tiiere iect motler-ot.tacl reaily I Iiele'.cirerii o i throwo ge le ilgiehvorl cînlenen. tat g1vea cle lcFpliron withhénomagie 4'ete licbela.Ile eu b. as le ce paner i; SlvalrrBoa onecau- Itmoayonoicl,inieed, tlest Sala aineol hi l ouin lie f l-ay se rIt preneeldltlie Londlon lite et lait iry. noimo«, and an exquleilely coleeosetteler, perhipe, thimane sO i «ie unnloao A eeêiub.aet Wîki-.- ri.-r;s 17 mmrwgr«fa ci I.- OMPU"