Whitby Gazette, 30 Oct 1873, p. 4

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Jt05W, t01005 55i51fJt55aëQeijdii(tse 1 rialnirt. .. . - i1.21' sà .44 l""" in o lisea vrie dit soul no becou Pot 'Péry . ..'.. Ariso'1030 tè..143 t1la Rini Esta usneile rap nt iu solne T ho conre, 's tNni :Soli.: ' Plantud goï linti e p' ùvi'îisi ms.'Tieren ~ part ~ 6.00 it. . MM pn indeeti, sne ucinsisi li rseon-l'uni9 « 1-01) -1 Agieulturul ttrllyll f ..efwIiICO ~Bnes .... 6.18 oit 1.185. food., T.stsh.cattIê'dos wel finesls, 11Ynite~.- --- l-61a 1 nthse so 'k . .. .. 1. OS2,1 Pistteraon blai tisough Icplu sotitli ftor meontis 011 iWh. (by ........ .2.th2.2.3 gras nd tàe nil br,ý- *ltoht Je'tio.Aris PVos ai on2. o btinsion rare. Butt is Othe is uls FS âïjnoy ~I:plo).o sott oity udoêtndts meustssded te n the raeforintace th cseToblt., 'nss t til[t tsi sl ity 10seinter te pi, Citehei~en..ee4ôr'i.0st~tttc~ j~ rise ippip 5teSthe lead of bis doputtnnt fr forume- is duiron or èk~enniss miinhsontion. Trali einsy. yTioontoLite, sbieisRi '~the bu t is dfféI3nfornOýprsInca mantan tety-tpis so-tsies usentth.n aIdTronsuklàdeosJ'e tise lisglst efficiency wisen ceenioe oti. Psso"iscn 55kô soosoti.ws. mot 5retýorL oset rticle eofeeood, No Imatter isow arld% i 4,ont rntiTroak toiisy. îi4nal uildiý fod o myhoofapatesia JAs IOS. 1ItOIDET, 'D: '.ILXIMliÂLL, ahne u fon w nay c f patiulr dsh M.ittotg Drcto. Gebnt Sept. osmpssj os viln]oses relisin for il toison allested i wthy, . m,î73s sr. 36ti r o at stiing else for e nutisier of ceoncnèt- der te show ti tirs e nus5anduthet ointense Cravinig for Broo5is ! Broomsl nende fo tis vstrinty indliansea s ils sre ssdnltse thiug more ttaon'lucre appetile. , mes oFeration slnsunry 1873 gives evitiencé .of rical neenootie ofthe J0 S. H EN 11Y >&'SON,(rge lavue bû sston wistis are conistatly. '-rylng 'Arenis osttc:o5ng tieti rtiss letinitsuthetbor,si iit witln thso clsoging ircssnstenoes ef ire t thois obôvo ISStiuo iveatispr, ossoloynt alnd otiser con- FACTrORYSIN, OSHRAWA,- rpithsb ditiýofis. ' 1iu5s hey allô 'siisite the trace t a.plst to uiFpr Thes foxntsconfor variety E3o0isowby o ow ite oly ct ots1ititiso. tissl us feNVs, nift'eu olgifibenit of restO eteetls l11teni'sdei ir.hnslo tiesth soioidotam p1'insiti )YOn havenfisnti IL te bcoiun ouirseives. rItIIIrngadsoii nInAoýotpriinnl lasÉrveying for tisent, ajiiicsoig 'v- t.îîios, 000L 3 173 f « Til, ise ens riety, ssolectnd freinsthtise 'Iire onori- ellneuy at' diVinnnU-frCsh vegetilslbCo, grain antli w A TED. ason-tl apri asiinnfeoi-i a ni naseo tisôlito-'rADliFs &1. OETLEIiIICN. Tu tteAlti0'is.Tcm îg i ]y ncoosmry for yoisng -andi olinor Jri iilii t, furn5 tiellttil 5h5 AppliontioTI te ionise tisent perfnoitly tirity.Truc, Ï." 0 ssitsoi L ioiothanssslni d itotnLt tisey 'tiO net starlve onTalrd cern andi idjiit-. c DisuAeA narre. At tblexpirati water, tiettier wuf tisny pu y, 1a profit seic, î - Touonto, Osn. [ivo r tiw ltept.Te e ltialieîl in Nos-oui tr, 1@73 us Tsu pur Exr.ossss eLohoPiruIS'. v OArYÉI, j OELLluS AZtoTTIU I BI ltTISsc*tor s i Clî'îo-Tlne'~eisel Benv efAXei 4, OIMIittAN: 8 1110A iOi ot isitelatnet mny, ui i-titueetid e s tiîîslins otoire dixithles OljIisexl e is ailter of a niCsiiceTee ownad VIII;la the ltrssnitne; îsîrp' cui, lea m n fronttse d i2l ei ssositsPit 'eo has an its tlot cilS,' fter rh lied pannë etilnetooBoritihOtilesîia, soindteNorth I itinveltmenit tnî 'erioriott atnd gaersai iot.rtilii, ditîn fi ronst cnnn.ryenunnnton.Theinostiensof suiss pour., on t thenaines, loîil , noent, issynsti iulit; osie teneieolsin isebueig ensier-&' ofDr rsin sbundret-i et oniiliors, gis se tse Tsi colo in chole i als benè Cngidr- tt a Tabe of Rouit.mown thse irosiauiy or ted.i4..Delaware, Ohilo, solernesiooret' thliirosd0lSttioniand So. Lako, anda 0ie tOsîi. 5te ti tilles. Towss, Villages, Ae., l theb.ontise fliopabi' ciiltireo are exeiti tfon thtie 'trite seraPovinte$.-Pris in t0101h, 0-.0J Priesilteve wMý a Ptte iselul, assdin ixýýALîILsOT, Kannas,, fer i. Aothessoit i esoas tenti tisesiteelo 'toiere tiesanti prolsiisitioni existe. &ri JOIIN LOVIILL, pssbtisbe. Puiîtei 'Olie oiiore>s thfnti n neinetanice MSersot, 1 .1,Alig.,1873. Am roquecte i t lit viicistise two clueses of eliltren '--"__________ P>inSt nUisise etahesc bl -eieen essocitel in suissol, andi MONEVIMONEY! i1 î 1 beet4 peroitte t tefoltow tieir e'On tlu- lisult siigati having diesosed orflii bust- R. J. YOtRSOL glase, liensud' s onnsbeen i otdthaistes ' Sce atteindtwuts erions dilieniiy. Tisey ntouuiiandoi jb esîk, enîoînecisos witb thae iitby, Miircl %Vissy si.it'rs, P utoi of et st, tn73, are tn Inîve ben o gtlier for yearn inn ment o e idt>.u lise itien of Nertiserin and Central .J. A. tlAMtliBttLb. r TH Oi,scl lsdisg <Clveand, Toledo o jli itl, 1873. 7 Lt Sannuoky, Norwalle, lunrun, ant i 1re Ueei Mfolt, sud in every imnstanoce ilitliî stin.oO Lt fitory resnltn. These ytent.oas long joNTi TY opsei lin Toledo, on tise grourd tiais 4c Pr Abestiont il wosld introdore an "irrepreessile Ktto raiess andtos conofiet," serionnsly tlsrenisting te tise i KI IN G wl-islng of tiese hlooln. Tisheuh So , ~ineb o 5 0 isore, as eloniolinre, lias iseno lIat tise ttoo races soeintn on tenus fiiuy as k's nn friesndly asde otlinr cussnoe ei'l- cre of flroschitsl. zen, »Be a snsgle innstance isving siouîn. ocuinred, er as 'toeIbsve, heen alle j . Cs.snes..43RAtt, 05.-This Se te eeit LEXJ te leesr», i wiielanytlsing -like serions ilesi &bot the ys ostes tL oeited ssv it ALVsnupci'oe troe s oariseu. In a word, aap. or I wpeu isi frthe atoftesiatltbat IL waso CASH PA' lsrelsetinisuin stisat respsect iaelimoelsrttssi o stsouas ets tît 0 stî, s o rilto tiu,ti rquently trowisngtise ctstoit an ois ifueiiidr andthie policy o îh ligin1h eltise bolu ep francs ttsegliog. 1 il GL ;nstf:oe a c m si.aI«sîisoo osiitt&rauet airisue bois se- esog'n atiendrat. IeTat Iooitisused goulang .1 te im.Attat isait ailrimed ttry N W O Tihe fepssy eitor ef Danisory bisl h Conleissbcoesha 1sty Iieletb&pl noinei'tlse facistisat e brotiser effitond euit , ladossnILso i te$aboistiiitisst 1liei- 1nioy g me fotei a issus lsotter. 15 otooised ts néesSt ils goiuià te eatarItiaily anti Maies tise . 1['gLa titb rits bousit, tlees. te Tay ceati Taiut fsllswisg cegrassinteryrentnts raceo, i issd 1ties15 tissas sella aoirst uist1Mi follwingcongtatultoir remaks:-bolie prisvouaitu oy Ilinnssian aeesis iasres- AnîT È.2'I18 ne tVore glati of it. We elarteti a tiaily si.- -__ ee. We ran ILis nearly fow Inetonis, 8wnabobrOe i T4biedIdts h a1o ensti i n anneti. Sinee tison we teke Aprrý abD.sto.s sibed.issSRB. N lively internest tinis enterprise. . W 8 1 NtTON, 3.P4 TENF We hiae no deubl tise ,"Sontinel" Po- iel1 uee ug iss u L bres ple Wl1 fn-ke theS dsily worls, anti ve .'ttOnasss5 Apesiith, 1ssii. mste possi icitive il viii'sitke tsth C. oer0 . a Es.-&StThSi la te es-- i 05 voiL A niat visegoeis tiroogin lite UT» Douter site bass op. es&idbalonsg ls n. As Ltsit vRitisoul 1sSvfng stetia dslY papier téJaitmt, anod ,sdisneouobeioaber Ai s a NII sini«avrare and. raIua1. xperieiee. A te xiation ert L iysot a*nesat ostio Fsilïg4qtn tair 'tits ceesttnê-crapidiy bottse. $oa date, goxod tebdtkon tu r intW' CLititis the viii nardl Cetslteisele iim.' a lotesLe @Istiietieuasabls te tit op. tsy _________________ ae lim." the Oostlistonesof tise rmatisl1shes wuspsitesljy Broutille. Ma" 24 A nov metio set peliîig, qiste mu- o'tAs m oaehnistisee asu tnthe l tonataS eo pasitCi<tiseplionello, je ullutrateti as 5silo~ ioeT. B0ATM folloss.r80 Yen: b-a itub; 80 oî11 Epiiespal Msthitsdst lttisteii. Po&--&atop; bc 80-batlies 80-cat l10 Y4 E S T pua. eiti; ae 0-rt; ee li ST OF THE DIVISION COURIT. ~ F10 tossusle yo-eow; Seoe yoîs be-cois; P al ue o boyon o tosie Ctea- Or 'oeafI luI; eo &eiso il-nl7 (UNTY [OF 9I II RI9,,ntHepi Thetor vot be-Buffalo is i'tns ri urtise yosr 1878. Wlilsgr West Virgimua, lest vei, ~ - - -_ _ andm euh clalntes te bstheeOrigisnali ý ei there lelttyu be a rw. ' i ;s C - Thisea prosoner fin thse jaiB st W... 2 1 fil1l12 2e1 1Maytoansng, P. A., vseheulm beela oi:: "0 ~ antier' sentence o est atsince 1880,N- .ý »ti...~~~ i2l i Ra~ing for sote Governor te tsigss Ne lis vat :7«: : : >sr.ss ID&5tI'PA Us*l " the nitedi SInIse taeseil tis elinitisighits ni tise Euglis s4andou sives liut ev in mettra. Corneil studeinto diecoemda a e o §Mry black make (et wviakAnd yju kS4mIaprineplas Are uinclate a tise imu8IstieiL tiseVnue ad atipttbility of am Burein e smantu stue ofpapei *.bout Lin ho teseosly comnpétent paties àk S8csaht, Geos-gia Iearthen ip-posts ad rff îu Mou5tgûosOe Ai5iumtl5ini ors-te get id ofthlie leafers, bdievig ht tu" l oafer viii arryne more. as ntI thdle a lerw obutstn iee ut Biiesno.- Hogshe .». boots vam t bw M euyomsaos--e i anger of tLcîrrxootàgu 3bes. > oidr,rompe 120,1871, Mvaehii uaili tise Iritsip f tosen t., sesr ve il rssisr Utsi, îss sii oi1, IL 14oU-1- i t l, i ti s o ibl .f s e! itidi soir, tseb ' cin yeést5bei- in sut'Io stMisg v ýy 12, oî h .9.bise 'heeotnis1 'iv pa: L, l>ýi. , si 1)ise beus mato -5tete Leg Duutrvtiiho eiiul" fore nsel rigis oati privilegeo. 1itiitof theo issuby fstatt( ffeeira e gcral ssOotteg e1 us vii beteSt, eontoice e of eieotuog n peisiasesi lreetots andS (ieuers oet tii sRo etc inultnhIe ssterssk. sy ho reusortisti a bîiog i lthtceunset idvanta Dstp et WSStiy aid Veaty i acuriq ng seisîagensent ýtr on mist at oo n 'hung te subsnribe tor stock so eosetoloraoduvai u crly day, stntig 'tise er*tsy siitg bave a. ) 1D, N. S%'. BIIUOwN. TO 12 18cII, SIEPT ON IIAND9 t Oae , csée n ells rdere 'nou' netine, Lai BROSQ-) mridsosss~OLlOO u Halnef t anKI" .ity,isoue, 1i7t 17 EN C 0 E ' S RK FASllONS, aii ix sg te, lt'sID II&WHEWION, 87-2. PER CENT aul aeoSW das tha es rmof e iti o» stbte Ose ro t his P. *ItAICkIO.A.ri Rsit lMiel, B5t istkt A L (è[J4t.ITY 1 tOOKfLIN. 1.411î, 1862. 23-t. la ig lih 0nt or tihe Victor ia ter lOuets, lglitisistitoe olsouis, tea lirs &WU, TIIT Touoiees.Oiiliy. F'. IF., 11EN, Prmtslent. 'itlsie Osetis', 011 ogoiiist 'Dey mliss inl c.l ý Ct so jtt.s.rtloostssssn'i-ssis o r A. IfgffIle N i'ooisu ais proer Lu st e. . o O's'lii JACOBsTu LIsTt, <Ortoicd e y iel ,tuiis,,otss't20 y eIom 1 ssavô ei -omn Brnac lttc.tts itt, isi Ois ncali r is eo i s'sstt A. IFAILIV ,I 5111. otes 0. B. 0STE OCKS Ois1il Cipt.No Illin, Ilineiy Fssy. iis io t. Thii 1 'Il- 4 ep in i su . sls osssýd i 5.. . t' Lhýise Iîi ls5oTeýa. I w inlisy lsi, or. e,1 5,- RIUIIES,IBUGGIES, ~ ___ 1869- icAise.ood ,sisbîeottssnithi. oiise g, wluo fllsoisi idssdisgins ,.sionreis e.,v le r siisso osornhl$ tsssssstti lis ep 1e.i andiiosl s heu ii, tisis'al, tept. ond Mo. Aihe' avez àIsse' ilheta ' 'tno sd cisîutîoye nffnbt te bst wGL 1'bu ousttoft lin,b sas hin s lay eisss t[i n bo it'tuiy Qtssiios n aI 0 0 ýPaieatOoided 10 autoit -sR as assAil5 5 s,M186q55. ÏELLERïMANUFMCIîURY, Doale , i i isislist es DP PLLOWS Y -RE~GALI A. ru. l , I, L I *?As&, Ptae West.Soo c iss nSto0 pi zhu' fosr gi Wleolenste& z suIVIO OSth ri sisîael sgMatisses as abfltog thei uesseletrnstoolin i usà$ ti nLoroA of Se-tsg Nltciricao, leîdt6sts lollnaeebsedoItiiN'eddatlles os'0 as ans OpeisatisiS sttesting ltst errst tiefeo-o aboet tt OOtanst over par itteso bstset . upaesoretmu Tbe Oîfboi erlteit is sospies eiandi ptebsaisis, lesoTdt ooe-hisii me prie t rSe geitr binemoi tel0ao lissiraet tenlsusfUtbirert loiuog ieîsrsslndues sitiithe rnoeeosy lsiy S iseO RA onts sru oe pItecoleois#11 suli seu TREGUELPXRBVERS: ta aimse5y utheu sed ie lehosdais inelusu t soffod n-s ahOleoao.e I ssîat stae5uimnt,~. llot %Villt it.esiiUetesor dessutuse .wl, 5Yiîs LIte Sssstly redaîsis. t1W.& ilnes M'ainle,. teStA 50,5 suts5 81;îbtTresisis 'tp»roue %ku,,ias n oiT3ai tsOsO.so.triss»ais t nssoaone tXD s iCsEsnr-fs's'ss s GUIELPHI 8EIN'lG iACllINhb Col Pss ~ 5.iA OA. Assi C vistik eja, or r.ilte. (innervas Agout*,s ceoLnioSVistioL; lsv iSosi. Agent. Wiitl3 ,., a il oeltm gejire D 79, KNG Eit.,vIET, a; f r. ifat eeTORONTO. DS a4J e, - u-z.t - nitStiuJmtu, i i' 5lut OLUUijl 1 S- vl ity, Jsutary i1,1878. 8 955tdrguure f ip ptrassi iesa-î -i 4.7 D OMI N ION BAN K, In tsOs9OolheSaLfICT WH{IT13Y A 4O ENOY. oJestesslumt «u t th ore Bavninec ~Mee-d-os Au-iMIIUIOR. hi teoivoe tl d r e ss.ibisres ai tbmptttibuaIi uos . Tssrantlabeu pe ets onclo ii sss ti ta dusios idm.e T orntiot Alosill015 i5 7. Insu ns s srxacy.n siresist te ha" 1- tsyut etes 5 _ __ _ _____ tisesttn anis es-no eu pst n poeu epastil0 si.l easi "frulthesta iu ar.teaau prea l s-a ts s t ont fs neie e aelseoui' s d -As aid whleDeoste = itet iass ten. «0inl iiw te ey ctnofil. ti el h p "Jý ihnte01wtdagnw. I1 a stts70-dy mpstL--, n as t d 50(Klt.Xïvissr istsasT Ilt,18 . TAYLOR, - - d ski W a-91, S -4I c MRitISM AMEICAN hOEL.872ssgafo te e n Mqa-.Aaaiis >ItUss t i'ias tehos e-o t eas s ssd att iD9L m iesv AU Ae OKe I. Ornats. Our:isS f be bsahe- t"sas"s At th oni its TtUtIKS. VAIiISE Pie" L',tepeioisgisesaoe1slsiuioo-8, . IND 1 ýysisat of mospst a PROPERTY usâ or intaret, es iannaete esit he FAIIMS CH EAP. ssesepat Dobentsmi, blé toc. 'FIS HOJ0DEN, ans kss milolat. I .LE C) e &c.E , d c,,Ad sitiie, rnisM Amuo- , iOletby P.0. . ,M luep, UToiteisNo. rporation a Charsster, 1180. ,5 17à 4d. Bt. raassis X.avier St. nWAsan maiWIitby. OY1NTIONS e COd Store. -The 1 o scie Whnitby~ I 1,188 Ris, aiind Aneicit M-aikSe ,ei te'argost riaiiittsrcrsi uSiie nlais, arc reLdy toritpr (>It Iliebest sernis. , iglie (<iiaouFsît iflfilo Itof andi cc-stc ildol e.15, 1$7l. , &C.., s ontiey t andtt beiss <illtrio, of tliî Tlraie p~npiid 1 INS T IZe FIRST PRItZlAT ~ ~ - ' .et tii eÜL rz mi Ifé offer, ijjs' ereisiowpserio I tise Coriltt It(1îcs, ç tus- titsct Mlile l101,ihtiyli siass col eiissil'eustssc'lise làotise aslt iisnst,st orspsot thn e dol sy 'THE KING OF tAPkS~ The usiitîei-sttl or. >ftis'Machsine, botliis l) ltIoley cesuSustedtiamles s isn iii f tlie FTemrs, vsrr5s)e i omyisgtChat, esa sheSof altig oepiflLr liloiirsO, il le-neare gnt suointe lend etqs lcfacts, andi isimnet wiet itore neeppos nt soes fsii4ett., ey Itiispnr iscutnfue offrtu th ie pubicil. SC AYUEGAilJTJNLTOR MOWER WVo were aivardcd tise F'irset Pri-i-e anîd D I)i;'iosn, at Ille Pro- vincisi Exhibition, Iseld inhTonnsis, 1870, igiseispetitisot with ail tiss ltssing SM . cbinesemustretd in tise Provence ; âasçtiahl eos' c.icelottuproteettts, vo els i i. Ltsily 'tislisne Sopt~ttna tntpisonistj o mtSsspetisg Mtuhitli, w o tus saiued t oasisiuvûssitiua il i ineiii ert 'usýpreJnl]isotid uid, chat vWC "s tise beseMowor Ln tuie ariner for 1871, btîlt in tise Deisiisn' e-'Sentiforte- e atriptice catalogues. Wiitble Jtly 1 81 BRP.WN &, PATTERLSCN Over anil împetiftsTài rt th'@ -PRO INCIAL EXHIBITION, 1 ;ý4 1 f ou c' y 0ui1l IN SEPTEISIIEI, 1811, The&roptejipîiho ll vartmet5 evp ssfi i i irada, sleo. 5>oiSti-g45 est. tries.'Tlhe îIocknjaur li'd ther SaoseuandIltitie Gitrdtoer" scoere' of' coltiSes giron ths NEXT 'peizo1 'Plie SinSger is al pei-li-et mactn ale e wis t5ad! 15W51'disl 1 SCO,\t) prizeiv Gstelphl n~s Islite pet toaciirso e tlîat ttllceo-4le I Oqhorti. It aise téôk tlise Plt8'l' prii t t1C ity of LItsidiý ilis itle salIusoyear.' Th'lis te snyitig vos-ynitcli fou (lhe Il siger." ats a pg itiýet mode.mistl)chî, aiinsl tiré its oxctsllivcy aost ouei old co-ï isntiion fesi- dicé.' Or te JÔI30 11 lia U(MON, Agouttsi Wliitb, LOST 1 OI' týN F IiA LDAY Pt hen norTani eoniotesi PA, wiît,1 ,liite l>oesst, artsk asti fest; l ieo a wesiil ki t toasthfessyed sudý 01L titiSp oft stl!, i. u indeilssu Ibe ilhet' rolly neriildby bessoisur bletai nsy o eli, or at. tlins etioepfBl,1H. Jasse wliiitbyt Sept. 20, 1878. '4 &V.NSDrPAi0TIIýNT DON M N B IANK, l'iiITIlY. ltest pnialone tpetite et $1.00 ind sipwas'th. Tit oersnht ty part tbieote cois isc witli4li'itsn ut nsy ttOoe vitlIbos prévisse to.e 88~ r --------- R.. PATYERS ON àCo' Afte piepareti te !arntelt Square Lineiset for BUI LDING PUORPOSE8, ,.Bisoer o. lise OunistiorDoI*,relt. lecea IR. PATTEBSON Ce April 1rsi, 1878, ~ 8. CARRIAGE MAKING PREMISE3SI Aîi\i,i5s accourdi>lghy uil, tit %tîssod ing Iiiegr#-ns iIIurrussror fpatrerssgs, 50t eeh] xre \accoQmodate bis Clnstetiers ati tIise publie gtllei-aîlyW'TVfT 4N Latest Fashion and Style of Carrie, » U UE0 A T R EASON AB13LEÊR ATrESa NITROLS ONIDE LAlluGDilXG CAS1 (isstent sootr ptettptly attoittedti Seas sisusi. 'I ADANS canwitis itianamre ru ophawa.(Ir. 22 1 172.1W.coeai t Cta ýepeiole se a "fa NEW &COMPnLETEGU :nz This is the Store for Stuperiour Work! llds sri -te ii e itt L pl thrasor uoes.v - ~ 'UJ LX"~ .~ ~ ,~sierJOROATIs. 11) ts anDOne that bis Stock Is the boi es ti te Town, jSMALL 7*1181WÂSSTEIY. alîsd titispriCes th ise IWeSt ICompjletitiOts put tidefiasseel cmet tiase Os onh, lu sr", in tL SSSu;>work offerei, ufîty parties ordering csch wiiI Le osldst otbvinkâ« miar p se. C I .0d. a.Tmitti m L. tiese j s stipiplii ! Ail Work maclie Of tse -best sinaeral and oit tise luAI1tFeorlcgsveist cee WhitCti55< 0. Iowestprwices in keeping with a livinsg profit I1 - N5OEY TO LOIN I.- f-r issatms t voty jae-s te bu BOOTS AÂNID SHfOES.;)rý fM Dot' IR G 1 l-ý

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