iF WHITI au Wsiiy. (OlaY uPAtierouo huvaýsrlcbe ouae, t leuuh suaka somnsa edatlon. Sicr Piti tttosp, icalus tuP t sisol uiY. Ltagiu eetly aefuse. Andl ytt poplao rsauiclsIsstsou paaai u i ih?,oId ued ta bsieoe hue.meun-boaotetu, cose- uny EMPpl4recPt faliî oaolsatbsd Oblu i Tneo, n Ifi n id. û ,41 alumnnd«on give Sir JoisnAA. Tobie. u or 8 olos, St sit Ilbh i@ dauy tOui llardoin g'u .t* upyin t të blsd odhie dopualet fa or lvs ):d41a' Gnvemsoent$,600 goI olun. TuAluasus nby TaroattaLime, vio Iit wýaItioany p fgetting lthe pacifia ,ýytw iueseoe aaUîndTukt ChauLer oud ils $3,000,00 and 50s 00%,sud Fuasusn ute uuuub, ouI esuuuar , Esat Uilil areso(if Ilainretr. J.AS. 1HOLDEN, 33.Il. 3ALL, e 'AETER THE HÀMEstOFsusTRES RHoourIEN susging l2lsuul. (oaulorSut.. C CnxuuqL .. -Wlhclu, I wilshto remiri- Wibay012. ffit oftlua periodis lvely-.wliiaaithesaiune 1wouti léeas expliun. Frudie H. vsu iuime ; and I n'oeil not deny n megrd J. S. 1HIENItY,& SON, f ta the sua ia vus prtty sudily ; iyher Aseuaauaiiug thabus c1tatici u l t haboe fw ace sprovodlciiy woet, and lewiclu- lonaiahtheis ing Mieglànea dibes oye. '5ai n May' A TO Y INçHA itooi.neoltunt siINesOSHAWA, week it thi u5 i vitca ac saasMouslathutrduot pu a -whih i rniht c fiferedPro e .tôSasit l uy cnueaitona. a vus flmewie;*,Yule lsai mbngghut lbotis Ail ods ualudd L t sun aoiasli. WiilArd and. 1, inu a wny 1 shali nuver Tins tsndc th oic ihosh e lu uholad ouastmes tlinli wiao. vliti e Laa1ud a tmall gaine, erpat Patrus&us aod 'allitul&s utissao enlliedhy somael'bide anul aeui, ' tWas Oclaus, lapt.9, 108. tf, 44 1.udrtatinnW'-lbe same she tisougit sinfon ________________ and weekbut sioemieussell tedabWntNT Willarmd sai vu a mihe tiai wasnlove-, W A 1N1T5IrM T LE RacD ly aud naek. Fotise gane il avano L.ess . uAi cscas .n siaySi tations, Osla a y ha1 I grave, sand my seron-f u.ad oainaaecil Unes la tinS -ousisiola. &da ianceal quta puni ail repisve, for s f xe Ad,aa. ÇOSOEAIAi lirlual with bath, sud'tis ameaineyh iltent A43-lo , TA e AER, O tu dceie. Fr itue gauhua %iat as pisynal hy tisai girl-'oh, ime1'and thes progresas tPnl7dinNosa.ru178 ellemmde vS ahlatiu tauini iat last o &ise gaI irelianal jilbea bth. wilialand TIlVE11 ' AZETOTBR nEBRITIlSH me. len4 laoe4 np ah Will, ansd ho en ms.ubn Aed.citoaahuý ix tbo.a0 toolaad up aohms,0.amiroue) vitlu A froun, naad Cuu, uaanAVillages Ib henu F uos or naaiu. lusbb, Ntaelai av a. Bruns- asai nui-%1at do1 ueb? oe?' S0ulnod vwiknw, uoulpend. FPrsnceldeae1u Ilnnd, ayratrs1àe~ilaTà1inu, .1 zwet lail_ asMnitoo. BetabbColui.n.nul lias borth Wet tri, 80 did ho. Tn tiesesuane liat onnuled ti oami sutetin auus, laity, staent, as-s eggediariser banda bat hesio oldly uese. aansfitesinudsataulisaaud Rîverus vievdu naldii nu osueraanu "vsy vrilaa Tale utEnstea, abusWing tac paaimtiy oa. viwe, a idILetvnlostud11hyWCth tai oiad Ssta SeuA ,calu osiasivelcr iloul tisaspr«elsauineiso iséaibn - castohuC OU. sc ilaua&uatinm eonnu elise mo." T ~IenlysudfontomscniPrvnces. -Pre* intuCluli, $0; Pioni COua-8eitel Ü"" 'otWit an for l il atifui, 3. AgentOsastd te sasynea aise isudgiven tihe aolli, und tihowoy na1aforte surint. murq 1 cnn't b h .aotc; sud 1vè olfsin hia4 0500LqLOVE LL, pubise.- seufnugeit Ourh 1ns sanroffu ilohis lfra Mn-usl.,OilAg, 173. qaent in fâr s-tisal'u a faut.1 Wiiis 1'l0'.a wylremaik,und asy lasognîWe:ilapli r.MONEY 1 MONEY 1I1 lte atliagsaparla5andin piayhog a mREti adr.ial aingdis ,ed of bis baai- gaine, thesfirtiuf tisspezinil laley, wviilTpmi ss, maet bate at dt ste due him aiu.qtled flue sane T no Lt.. o aauIau~ ii p aI ou,,.Ail wacoonsufac advestioagsin seritliaaanduijaob Sok, Ina aaiumaan th ______________- WbubhiA, ilusaT,tp th ofeJUDO, 1873, are ta PLF-F*am lùe ý he in-'Ib pid t- , . 1J. A. CA1IllflSLl. teli igfent eoînpouhtoti5Ot5Ig p onosanti- .isia i2i, 1873. meutlai ntoueisgbité et'prosueorpsetry. 1-i decriblag n loyar gaolag aI bis ulovei- eue,,Oau a dospnlilg vay, lias sovetstaik i 4 nn.r3a~'Hs~alobodlba v tsliia s. boho al Vauiaied.' Il appoarad In nlaa, Dow, cle-onit italies ",HeO a b. asissal siodov.uill itb ôap send varnsh.t/ IHA W are of' Zronoiltlo. Y0TNP FLACN CÂN GET WITU II itl AW,A» CUB~OEAPI37S *B001111E5, foerabcsu a abmot nysur wibuaote. aiI$ baosI. In dat 1antIneaigehsillg sas ia.AIt Lataiu a dcloalta tci bina ' osésod . itssws4o 1 Isegina sbotS, sa aviasndh ne <s in~s eisai 1h,-' gau alhiibthsr 1Iaounl.aed tta nses a9hil 1ee téauIë#eChot teuMy s yuLi baa u u o a1n55s W.11no Wrioaua s JOHNS $RVEI. Apri, A" D. 1870. a V. E Si NO5T02, il.Pl Woat4dst'ui cure. of LunDiséaac CK.euRsuAIX, Eiu,.-hlua.--.is Io ,teuer- ti7 bha ta ssof w Výylei eW touiisieq Tin livebr pa md alange5ss sua eesrDi dm-dsoàlosnotdd ars. A à iac. sL .Asth uiotio »f58 sOinssa t,,Isasi sua ase cpdt ei l Eiolle oeil.s tiaud teasebalaisa oins s'C'el5h05 ti ap.84 hlg outu esof tins nsssdyisO ssa 1arbtl doalypbla tý a c sothebaaift eT T, 0. BROWN,. a Sw mmpiu4*st Mwa5 t ulr. Jan.s, '79. 10 L r. F TUEO DIVIgIà( -4T a T OF TUE tOUNTY tW F 9)I %IO$U For tue, yoar 1b1. Ne Ao, * ita iîeOiiD STA r{t3-,lzSA Of FU a tours b6cu ai reent N%.Vki ltuhe Ltertleoti af dul 1-thét on"0 ioai, -buildings, pnrellsisg additiona1 VictiatotoarbiO Mclttor, und aipo enablillir th ntise Companly a Cur un alîlir atisle .-<"' îusniuuon il a trictly cola bàsi8, lTo r-This $als ia a aapid ose ur i 8nni ho~l er toobhow the pcofitahle busifeqa lody coa-OU uidg, aulssLceson. suaslocri Ting.- Diude for tise nos auaPanY, i iy :: e, biil isus as . auuid outaitthre. mle t t eedei Ono tate thin a loyau yeas s- aoe- andgnaaaingu tciruFinisiaAhulh h00 0 mtin-fo baing Dàb!PhyEiosanus evoyvie n Ina Vrtos ri aur,1862, h biae uslaîslsu iuaae Jaosury, 1878-Màlesprs. l$owu al- pesaad lr i0 uaa 5i. ., emuo hava hunlas euad, hy profite rua Victoria Carbolio1 Lu lzatetakalte l'sme taoual of Stock autn tatudas issvlug bean ustrib G 2argarysnia.~ Cil iýsoioaa tinoe ew,,Quullany. Tise onutchbesiilsa hmprYtua tachn voinef unir! ýtha dîreea. ýûvin81 cyar Suas Tirofttsnoa ti 1 anl uerin. l ub.tl. . 1.o.DirubaiiOnti,, 1cetatic tan tlÇi caushîi1 hVilcoa ni lobs Tinuhoal hso aI liso' te Tabiisô ô-ma 50 hd ne&"Oh trnviiioui Di!rectors5 and ariepteul by ttniT i Bru th. étu Fubo0puuka w lise PatalsiulBoard lit 8f4a2î3u08 ý isas9Sisgus l uable. Tine 'lu ~,it p mOu trig.in tiaalu ae oed by-li Physi T40a eotitisiimeuttis oein atise p- cansiudl'orIc ue coi tse abay. diucd.ca Or, esoisn ftise nus Vtrupany 1a0,00 iTtîs uDow, udabtualy, the ust popslar itbOMai, pi tiebrary at-tise fit due tf ils Org$&Vi- .Sla. Pr 25a ce2ns. ztio-thu profits f tise bOiflusa, çfla- Victoria Carbolie meaiag frous i.t ululae, Appicoation liss ee muade a lutis e Lg. Tisinfectant- a inturesfor a Chiarter iu thea aunai fsrm and viti tise Douil riglto and pivileges. Tiislosifataa 155e o cveative of Tyrbu, At the expirationaof tino.tino by st étutaud Oel 1bulA idFevc5, I Binaitco, ., and .11 ve r o gsla.ëèmee t uing..'of îaotau -uaO.'h5i ravant Cotgotosnlas 1 1 itle au l oi nasoluefoc disinetgx 1iluasbareissliaes ullbel1eldliluo niceIo, %aWrotsc eîas Draica, ecan-puolo, toio,3 forth u oféothapemnt blhaht u , sa;, ac Ouîfur ue usans- pposaofelatng prmset nslgtoca, i baaye~vr causaesuliilg. i Bo6ard ofDirecetars anal Offierisof th dino cv ve wa.MqItOe , oi tm 'ln0Les mâcaso. &ab. Ment, is, &.u nbcpro Comrptiony. of tc ltmulndcrtalto roue ptroaoolion by 10ep..acu. esAuuan Snbuéription~ nua,.dTh sîsuhuai iy fIsc aalst'si. yiCanoolsc isag are Most ropotftlly ali7td. ahein prféreceea u il tnecar ucuts, mste is ioo valsne.of the stooku as a lpîy insodividendu fa tatfo thé areo puov fia! esti.ua dia. 1invesîmeot, uany ho e&Ïidd as hiic anes.. Prie 25auto. biyoiid donit; viie tins îcrot advanab Victoria ;Shairpening ges é th Tow-cf itbad Caiqty 0ÈO fti 'nand iilP ollshing Pastea of bine favnsbbly kutss w osr.Tiis, Frépacatonu l.a usqasIod flu tua cppditaio. Brownu & Pttersou, mUt ut onoe Couinu*SBtabarPOnin &Dd.Poisini5 CatIvcy, Te , 0 jMoad tisenewalOos, inlakaa5<flîves, PianoBit, a.d tuasa- 1Parties olslrtug ta subebfo fr stock E<Ablog bas nvoc saalocsoi shiin ino .~ ta osuilise, oounmaadnoli gotachobvalu aaî nus0 lany, O aa ro'reaoootcd tu&panlo li a rsiacy TO ioeloreau.wrn par pst, t si early 4Oya tating Ciohe n Vtaéru y l soblusi ctuEu sdauts, a nunsbef of %sires ttey, aaish tahs laeu. ap fuoaal isuc imtanasiDîîi lotîed.T, lk t5iubiu S un,5cggtte.lituuotO R. j.YAR.NOLD, N. NV. BROWN. AugO5522, 1872 lima 42 hi srt1. 1. t'eaet LE 1THEUI Stretched Belinfg, THE O-s BOR 52F TO 512 N11 Z - AinevutIsa izt lso unl au sp olulsctua KING ROS., Iriwot' m lIarses G E NCO E'S NEW YORK VASHONs Caa baisai by applinaghao laVîID MIHEWSON, Talir, &c., lyrou St., Wilby AuStil. 2', 1872. IN 0 TI OF, TEN PERCENT silI b hobicgud a nl aaauts dua the ecue o! MOJLEES. IIiOOKLIN, ilua"0 t saso uleal atahla s one in fmsMtne P.de";t C. P.lA'ÇIeu&iO.;otui BookUba er24. 1870. OST ME A L "iEST QUALITY 1 BROOKLIS. Broelis5/uorill3tl, ~Ot. 23-t <AU! r1os zDtfT.. rbA FEÏ ja adpt-oiyI Th(5 "svitvýlls g ox Aià-V do a oa5tinsSOainoiaettinsyriliO uuth. i , ilitseinth .iAnaeodospcss yh lu at cdouu 10mthn sa va Branuaha. OrdeFaoqautruihi poliitéd. Apai 20,lOti25 lyr OLr13IATED tra Machine Oil.' y'ossid t tl h ls uiaiii oofnlu ,00001' lin alaci.ansd a- glViaa9Siohe t attua sin 11 O u md îl.rasi u'itû la g th. uai ohaOi, ni",Oa0', qualiy ilOI id i kaoaoý, iljla ",COaauny fa? me it aoa.a *oaa ahy p I iaaudu ut oiaa t iBa lo ait i.aou frautt it il ailuuoitber hleboaa la ha aaiaiu athi. JOFR IÎidAL [IIt EWOIKa!a iias a'a aaia .Pli 4, 1870. iR aaO lh.o Wn aoiag you albtiuat]DX ýhe'pmsstlu ioaaaha ndd aoay ahu o us, ltilla ith.bot Oii B vaeoruaaau. l bhou ainujj.l onger ilionuuu uy ottao nil F.u urLOu V1l4loin tean jPiauua, aucu itbsconauaiaaali auËuuuiauthé taau ud ,Bd, neauq, aihi iig loulOu?0M0 lbai- 3touas ?ulai. ~. GU Neceilat ruSOuato CInaiast au, nabur Oit la uluniautal ua t Oaa llanaSpeluaor il, Or au) t oit use aud fuiicsuaeaaY. A. IINDr 1Oi. Fac0550 3asa0pi HlitISWaasla.Oshaan. the bout ci -iavu "duualloAyuanupc- jAC0,1Aflfth csnaa ly rupei.nu.aarove20 yuaa Ihau ver 0aId Di Bu iOOiaifaur aui Bac owua n and Potesuaa, Whinilhy rait la aeusa, tsaiaaion frcLuýbrIoaiiug ,@à uaionytba og inaa t tpuLu A.F&tE iL LLh, Oobunwa . 0STOCK: uiu Puo1aiia uagbaau. Ont b ma, y Olt 71. rni OAIOADIPuN OlxVi ÈL ort pouLFdu, 000. u v 1roprlaiaiia. 'fiais Ilaauelu -a C ,d aaaodions J[OthoiuctinsB uaty. qous. --a - a iaauiiby.ltrder, (300à 0uah OsSlighontisu. 1 SIA EaBUGGIES, MLIT BY & lN 81 Dd un-aîéignsd ,auiau occasionte OU .uu haha bo pecaoud a bcuha aof auit Ige ' wv isa adho a tiad Hlagauoaaanas 'Pet. ad oher o alâtels f-hiu Wnu anauafau- lto5in.a est sand boat tutu.sud I- ubiu Ia d A;uaa ie UaooBtDoLé hsthen the quoaitof o!bia voaiu ua hblos1wyS cotisai' ted wth promuptited uadulatb. r- A fr rs ausad.iald Opesuad ucuai ha8- etb >lias y Wiiiuyutebahiiauauufu, alto-.11 ercitbtug ainbheay r cse-taga suaa.u«ratacs poIcsnuuud.d teALa iiba. uuuu. AU . AMIUEL WALitBia. TORON .1 r i.uau.i eau We rauOe tOcwe. puas.. Ian 'The Oshons Ott in ecomplote and ra.o5u In te a ahnasdl.tua ahins O u lu Ine iu»t51a5O 3.1qBm Oins sausauussusinesu i.aarined st55 A wn1 vithini tine essaI oroesy fnilu itine uCaa SA cnau. beTuce puaeeusili cuavsuuu a-.- u THRI GUELPE REVERSIBL a UOTTÂ t esa 0e psinli-bueutis ngylusîoiaIl biC rte*.i Sili du ail caritiesor of ulstgOao isaa. o 0 ui Gasattly aduusai1, W.& S. BOadl tuhieblu oIsfai ull u, $1!;t s . i 9u00ty it.,$7. bsinlne.gstasa. Witbi ~VL l 8WING MACHBINE (SE tiISi, IA- -" AssL fu.lîbowmnari'-e,5<s.Oulaal Agentlf R A (Fileraf 1 i 1iinbySpDurham., Frou au a -4 21 IlIRD'S GALLERY 0F ARIT. Rnd A TORONTO. uaalyluniy~i~' a1a~u rlRWITION oI THIE LOOD, 47 ic ~ ) OM IN 10N BAN K Reeiorafi&os(o #500 IIieati. h.< U AT A" "acr fauall5y reS-aul t inse00030E1 WHIJ3 A INOY LIOs.5 o zP lti senmaaetsou*"soerfid AI- M R O O,-tv Useus. usai fessaMundiSsu hous autise tir i Tino larget anmuaOsopesl sel nh l inaa . t Savusuos DEupha iuaineasa laad i u Ifca.g ?lt ndM - paay o u Niotce la Iureb iny nu luta a stngusas omash sabp#d uuos as.ea -Toasal, Speul 5 51h,1871. 4p oh ntbauslussesopened in soan.ci' tmeo Co. Fsneu«,hache.&isas ruturau auexu,i aOaasIin ua4 eu hée ar idc u s Z:eeuue r r TB MPsoI', Rt* unit uie daa io eoiofOeD ,tmi- if ast us r of~,teooleu pharme- a 5Daraugit Dapoaiton ant hdraw sillar AIe, l auon sSeiMusa uain hlFlou buta or part of tnélrlueuuoMta n i metises. saattdïial upa de part- r s-, ad ^ aianî p±oious no 7 'tia eeaal5iUSas saSa" ssIleail aIl ti . 0 uc ci,,id. NeÔsmue- ,.lthes ur ,am sayhs.urcut pol, witis noeice ef wvifluuleav. atal yt.hy Sasunsa cis 70 S A")a IL . TYL =. icasuuaui hm"e(a -iudf.11 D -. Pc alutWfty TheRual asIIR R1OCaoleuu u 80S SiT Stey IIOTO!. OuIla, su.asbtivuly hoafieldua ta mPiss a percant usstina sa55 ____________________ -ti*Utaw A, w.i a, j U ESTUT USIDDLESI i f-104_t____________d ai A " S NDIfl A 7 K xw lu fLa,'e ai i eunsh, tais.tasse. Lo u r-icacuST PR ZE v'uiEy ý? iaO. 1tah aciosaOite- maa , SosuZ -tn-cu.nusai Wh" asa aa.d»t t e vyands ' FR5 i dnsearu Tan5v ur thti*ý 1- bineaor ai aiteir.L., yA W a dmgsin -9-cqaurersas .t h. IasM d i c u lersa a,o ialugg1 i Ea sAtIL Z:C .t ise1%9sOl sudPc f i ssa*ifaaO u u !O n i.A uuO =abaouoem i 12a a seah .. w u . 11 s s is u das u tiu u , a d aP l - " Om 4aa,, ss àviviud 5g ~ample t Ouhanevu-1,te 1. liasin c-. ÎT rUK.VLS , Wbt.Agavais3. 93 par 7QxK5oa É .j*- , TftU i(SiotVaLISES-ho11U, & I' 4D 1 C4, AND ELJLOWS RAPIIAXAI.t4,. S. t Street'.West. 7y LEND I M !PICPERTY is aunjy anaaeu te sit the ) s8VEAL ED FPAIIMS 115.0 LIEDS, L E, CHEAP. aineluàOhuatl dur ,te AMEjS HÔLDEN, WILSONo Aîe PwEndZULtu ,Do.- Býe 41 wfit5Wtby . o. bi& goid'5555, T3016 u- a It cls Gâ A Iraie, Wbilty erg~ation .SADPuhIFS.r 150 IL. BTEPBENS, FrAGnOlI a Xvier et. iw,' Osbuwaa WliIby. iNVlYNTIONS foc pualu'a4 Isuouua. ReSqST ISTu * 5iitoroIncad Fusl"ua 14 pued Store. . EPP.ARDî hauttaaeu.ut WbisI -a sêlyus belo -Oi.D NO. ,1isl elniea llout Vn'ang No, 1, aud bia aû Étera. (the St2tacaforunerlY Ocu ,age aud-d l eii Sulootocak. 1 isege toninvitueil isnUlul llrieud ['pseiusishg elioallrc, 'y Wisitls~, Supittuber 10,1873. cil thef - 10 ~1 McCROSSIN & Co j Who~1eoal1o und l tnit un uroettilTOi lln- Caps,, a al s.S urs, &. .1 ,111, I<iug Stroo trisot, Toronto, t.i.I vv o oh hàjd a large 1ari8tlV of tluoe taoav ods. from the 1'xenc' Ellz -tli od Amnericai 1Markets, anud being shle largoust ùin iilac (ilersa ti O1naiO, of ~-.. ~ipyVY sjili ;lais, arc ready tci oupplv thle lrade on, the Ibeot lternis., fligheut -p'ýe1opaid fuar Rtaw PFuma Buffillo iRobes, ' est a nd rhiapu.st. . e r io11 .INoôv. :15 Jo I-T S r-U o N' S Blfu mJRahl Rlapor lfltTPit.ITfA o S - o if"r-offer te> emr cusiorners f i te c4ffiln- lHsirvest, ti4cs dis- tinct baclainea, vbîhi, instylo andduc00 oo,eombrun tÉt latuot an d tostunefut iuuproaooooaua or the diy. TIIE M"KING 0FAI'BEA'ER S." Thei uniueroa sa ccë,eo of tIîis 1'aèhiie, botloi in cloàely cunuested trials anlu tin th nde of the Faruncrs, warrant ug in soying tisat, a&9S oi taukiou ilespiaur Machine, it la "o good pointsa sud loa deleoto, and bas met with_ mare onoorsanmd leos fdiluto,ob .. soyRoupor herctlora QII'iered 1e tho publie. az-CAY'GASJUINORU MOWEÏt WNe weîe aavatdetu( le Fir-st Pi"eaîîd Difflona, at the Pro- viniol Bihibition, held Iln Tontu, 1870, in0 cimpoition vith ail tho leadiog- Mui.a dilues manolsrturad in the Prumvince;sod with sur recoo lt improvomeoto. va oohfi- tatingly oballenro iovestiatios sud eoolparisooo ith 0o0u1peiog ,maobiogal luib% 8atinlueul ht oaoh luacoligato v WIici oslc ory siopre'a leàd>uulod, thtCi fer the best, Mower to the Farmuer for 1871 l, uit ni Do ,aion. »&- Bod for le« seriftia.ea nogua Wbitby, Juy 3, 187l.. BQ N &A TRCi E~ J~ÂRIN G CARRIAGE rMA K LAGC PREMISESI And la accnpdaîîgly atble, notwithstundilig la4a great lncrease of patronage, toi atfceonuodutnlis çustoislors sud the publoegeiseraliy Latest Fashion and Style of CarrigesF AT R EA8O 0N A BLE RATESrM' CJustom %aiork prmnptly attended tluasu saual. Sirmroo Si.. Oslaawa. (bctL. 22. lRT2, NEW & COMPLETEGIý T1bis is the Store for Superior Work! Begs lu anou 'nce that liâ StOCl is the luest ini the Towtn, and thlic pi-kè the lowestl1 Competition put at deiance! Shop work offereele only parties orelering suaE wilui bci supfelietl! 'Ail work made of the blest seaterial and ahitthe lowest jîrices in kephag wilh a living profit ! BOOTS ANI) SHOESq 10f1, c kiii*a frein the smanilest imfatt's ware tub the largest 1 ad soaî Lo4ee Mke iathse 01tleme0 nal nciLadissavaie, a.'wsakept 0 bas and asadeaor&authe 57 ea.to ka tSi. ohUipsul. a4dopitnse'v : X0 IL j w h tby, T*aesW IN TIIE IS T£ OFCI 'ris&eonûeiion tis a mnai ëTer a 'In ii Cartuda, <anee uig 415 el- a~Ioî~s nd tha Ildàrdnci» 1ýwerci Ol oî,gsyeon tisa NF V prizua. Thie sîrigter la apuilucInirichîle eîsd MivS atytOded(tise S tlal pia. 151i ltielpi -gttinse e ptemachaine upt loktl ltSPprizc is Ille City of L0oiidoii,iluaheossaine yeum. 'llits ir aayluig vemy msscis for tise. lSisiigerý.'0 tes s' prmfnct Made ,macitup, ansd foi uts exstellniîcy us an.lsouneltuuld cen-, juanion -for ladi eo.ý im itpply for tiso ulldîiale, oirfi-t urtîner j toimulî,h W .BEIL' Aicteon t Wliltby.: Maplbn uJp18, 1873. 12 LOS T 1 . a ON FRIDÂT LAST, ae Dro . wor. Tari coloriai PU T, viti hi u ntneo n s d fet; aA isitae pot botvdeu tis a yee t andfi onhue tOpout titui. 9tIelindir vil! be lisor aily eavm A d by 1111a g lm u t o113' odifs 0000 thse dore et ,14, H.jnm e. oi. ýV. ÂDAý48t, Dsntiati W]uitby, S ep. 20, 17. - 40 AVISD]EPÂ(ITME4MW t)O1I<tON BIANK, W)iITiWe a ltroat pofli onu dcpais of 1.00sau aupWas.iTino av4101oor nyat tlincreof# mss lue witladrawilntohai bllne vitinonin proviou nlotice. -O R-7 PATTERO8ONý& Ca Sproparita urulis Squ-e LnmboO BUILDING PU RPOSÇS,l Bitbertuontise Grounn or Dulivemeul tc, IR. PATERSOIT & Co. tils, P. Q A&priltrul, 1878. 8-7 Teeth Extràteted WI2THOUI P-Aet.. Y 'rT Il iSllO0V ~ITRUS OIDELiUGUiXU U.1GA I cYsomniaaut tthlie publie aa d anVuepputnoealbelTcebtfi OUed vitis iii tha best style.e aeSule JN . abi SION-5(ces Ail datde ea lths lAtsOcu eiSçeeî S àCon,,0 uatpslduat th.Ino Omaliuu l5auM.lbly.uen tch.ussSua15h sua&aHof sbocI, ; Ins usa, siyl5 ept intmhe 4 Suc foilio- tis a. 1 q0 0 A T 1sS . Whlahy, Jely 8.187L 361 5-ýMàLL FAEIM WANTED. (lsis5ASt sago telEoâereiuath ieln9b. 9,&zdate teEi! slshiee audt p<h# . 10aB- 93. Wbtiay P- 0- MOMET TO LO&N. radainsinasn te d Wb.p u a riF-VATE FIJNDS TO LOAN' Dy Pplibg ce 1 J. L 1ASir bt&l.MM a -,y ivi. ts ut i 1,%,s nid i4n. 1, » -- l