Whitby Gazette, 27 Mar 1873, p. 3

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- ~ -K 4< ~iiua 'OL4t4bb~~3-3-t'Jiii îîî~< î-0-'o ~,auuO'~------7" i-i-I ___________________ PRINQLE'S There will bho feund TRE BESI NEW -TWEEDS OF EVERlY V'ARIETY ANDf ALSO- A 9UPEP lR STOCK 0FmALtO KîNDS 0F OM EOEEE e Tro SELL OFF TUE IIAUANCUi oF STOOK. JI-OH]N SKINNER; ý » .., 1 C4 - - lJ 1- O1Iers beautifl C)hoice Spriug jacicets, Spriogt'ira-idu anîd lin, Spî'îng ID) 5bS. Pruiiiy sprilg Plifuih, Stobîe and FaileiGouls. MA t ilosyL.tiw Prices. fl i uct, tuty prico ta rilu ýf1'Guodn anîd mulet aclc-aîîcc. lFOH-N SKINNER biigýs hisà business to a hulai close oith ~TIiursday, Fuiday anrd Satui'fay, MARCLi 27th 28uh nd 29ti. AF'IERNON0.S AND) lýVFN]NGS. SL. FAIR13ANKS, JR, SPRING:& STJMMER hlyMr8.17 'rurnisl-Itlig Goods VUNSISTING 01 Tf i S-Of nl de e'Fions. -Su ltTS-Des,0Oxl'oru t tti'a-. COLLARS-A great vrety. AND - ~ sI ENL ARG 1 Nf HIS RBRIAGE MAKI G 0PRi l SE S lu; tore ingly iIP i t th,' % t ofotibieg îegf iiig rn lOruý"i est Fashiori and Style" f 'Mrage AT PRE ASON ABàLE R A rwot Gati \wouk profOy ttenduod te an itnai. âm2Bý Special attention is direcocd to a- pur'e Natiye Grape Winc mauufactured in Cookaville. - t is conducted by a' Freiich wiiui maiiufattirer As pasanter titan a Ciaret, and lino thl vit-tue of a pure grape wiiîe, $J 50 per gallon. -- - 5 gallon lots at reduiced -rates. Sole Aent, Wlîifhy, Aluto, lfor tue eeëlebràted Wilîite Wh et Whisky, a highl îiectified Canadiai r' Are offering the, batancq of iheir large Stock at greatly reduced puices. 717-n ( -I.ory chrup, Wcul ialt(tiiela l Wý o iiutu Idî-ic wou u Buîffslo Iohe~, a lai-go ~ u;~'~ tif Çati~f!:Ittî t-a'uj - <icîl tt~~Ç~l'J I Oui -Iii 1 qjp0 1 D Whttby, Eebrunîy 4,1873. AT m t i iii ofe lti ltii' ,11 i, tt . i PRINGLE'Se w it -No,,,14, 1872. %IcNfllaLaAL ilh,OCK yjOJI vS 0 -INS tINIEELTIN Sif.Raking oaper~ 1,0R A LL TUHESE Go at one, to McMiI1a.nsBlock, Brock St., Mmml, il*, îST. Whiitbyé- I'IST pittElf AT Iii.iîicial Eixhibliijtin i1 J 1071. fVe offer leno r cUOla0IIIerm fuirhie c"111aiîltii neqt, tWmi lig- Pl tiaet Mfaechins, wilîefi,in syle atid eînaruoho.i'oahrute the latent andt Mont ousfai ttpruvotiintn nf' thc dey. JDTIE N I L'-AI lfI The uîiuîtersal sicce'4q ofai'tis Matchinue, both ini cioselu enlmet ttri a,àiemu th ee bnntni-f tetb ritrt, twarrant ne ini sa)fao tint, aia , 8lt- Bakimn i eapÎIiun leln.jcieil lias8nmurei9 10l) pîintm Ana!leu efen~ti nid bis tort wuti morea nuoeenaunut legs (Llure, thatianyIRentier heretofiare affered tuthie pubie. *£ýeCAY1JG'A JUINiOR IMOWEIl- %We were awaîdjed the Firsat Prïel.e and1 Di1ilotxa, at tle Prit- 1 imnial ICIaiilttoOfieldni 1Tarnao, 1870. a ni ipetitionm nul, ailtntheladi'ng Ifa- o in"me mmamaftctanuedin u Ibno Pensfne ianud tit ürr rt tintpi'tvfmnF enni, i h-f hatnmlty c4jlj,e invfutilnon Ntaeit epaiaeu mm l nmleti MgNlabioe@ e, vo ic notialfit dm stin tlnereigaiîa ii 1eifm ery nnpirîalileidi, tht me eff!rj the. liet lingr tu thse Finer fer 8l lbiilt ith.eboicion. »r - ui-- c BROWN là PATTERSO) -01 New Valencia Baisirn Newv Layer IRaisinîs, Lonîdon Layer Baisi Neýy Curran ts, only 110 'pounds of grood1 proportionally cheap. 0ysters oi 1 L VER 4 PER CENT P Iadierfisedl a week si Silver ut Par,mutdmiaow 4 per cnt p Plieper tn fnisely eMate On oîutoru i avooid eltiiga a lîtufuer priee for my lendiung nrtielee ud ni tua nennson 0e pare thein wili nehat lbey hune heet warraiteut god aut cecpor thîn nta le"ebr 20, 1872. CilEt àliiymnreli.12(h 1-73. - - i outq a - 'ttitin . oiliceet ddttti't l ;Olt0 P. 0. Unliidite. Jen. 28,1', 18ut3. t.f FAIZM r,r I' T Caîî 4 eýçs, at CàOLDSMIHP HALL 0 DIS COUNTI'FSALE, 2,400,StIARIES M 0F _O_ ýJ ~~~'The abuytomay ýOo Ilaving deeided fo visitthde -E ropean Markets njUtnuo r 1 Il 1fro0111 tln'edate selI ouit the jîtèse i 'Stock a1 iant, amut good-Wi1llOfie U 'itoi,u-'tr' i a l W l Bf'o Iýg JeW'ellery,111Z G ods& Ioctro platu ~i~ ~oiiy~n Lt adiscxaitit Of ti 'pt ~e.cent oI~lit i's'l i-e'. ~ ba- u'cbi - 5j«h--' o,îîîîî to 4 s f"ld'.b ti) .S tît - i (oll-,i' - ,bscribtet of -5 N~. t'-lt~t tufver' Io i> '~'~-- Ittitti îiuisoialme iite70inerenno tMii m iîîed~~~Ir eatî aîlî iguiaLc provide Meulas #or perfoirmanice. Quali ifiIéotY saitla to dou, an W7orbe, b5 tll.eei t0 JAM ES .O NSO,1oultU Ir 4,tl PFLAu !1u3Aj.W'A'I'UllIAKEfl. ooinpPaiY to orr' 0 - linrinesn on a ntrioîly o41b -bas, Wlîiby~Poli 12 187. -der to eIeun the prniiltablubuil - - -modle for UiewC fleWuPinY, - îtDediedtio tntç ihut t !' -evWer ineen nperation-froni Jlun"iii - -~ i" ~ 3 Jrnnnry, 18-3 l73 cerL.'Bro Ivuui~ ~ tergolin Jinu'beien nieut, by "'f ined',' u take Élie'iiîrqstiel D - - - aove me te ne tCL .Ult2u J.u~~I i..- - ~ cd by $ninleUcni iin -4- propcty hll nber,, 701001 Uiitf tic-n on'! eupervitiiofl ut fIeii I ~ 1111Wiiox nd John T bcirutîpqnp i'rovlelional Dirleoand * fle Irovisinul Board t $64, sessii~thionO tenî ,ilnlyk Petl'tislait mett(11bet'l Froin 6iiî f0 l6in îvide, Sittiijg or Clpoai'ds. Zutiloi-the profisuOf ut ebuli îtîetteing ficili1% tduce. g AliIpliceuinhn8 hou i mode l~bi n r~ " lai ature for n fjbirter n lic ue Tivo-ioch *and muth theee ul rualitonnd E. hO-M uS ~~U & ili ltrtodr nhibild At tlite expi rationu effil t tue1 OU ai icnglîs nud s~es. -[fiee or six webuja nv't-rai f.or Ille porpôo it f ceitiî, n Im Compatny- ~a szes lenths.lui tie tost respfe t ci- 9)fi al izesand lnth. A lot of Boi-rds vn o fie ceîuck, ns a clîaap, to ho salît b>' tueile or 0ffiîerwse, fa be hua o invetentn, iuy bu c ardei beyond doubi nhdie tc aýreq B1GELOV & TROUNCE gstteTwofWi!y1 Juiy 3rd, 1872. PJIbT 1'ERtY "fOntio In iirin. ai ) e * uf' the fooornbiy knoiinilrk Browen & PatcrsnoMuct ut Parties deefrvingtt eutucrib, te rjceteut to eeo- ie per piit, At lin î--riy i-o, st toumbe r n of hreo ttîy wuob R f. J. VAPSOLD. N.1 Cloths, TweeC1s, Doeskin and Boâwers, For'Gîihîo' 'î N it s, ()vei'uars & c wlii are imade tup in the latent faeltion, on the prciîîises, under t sUpîcîintiincûofo the Proprietor. (ÀetifIe n (n 's Furnit i t-YC Gfon it.,%z -liîr',~I Gloveû, Muffler ,Wrnppeâ rdia Jee(. ec.ieq oulur.s &c ,&o HASA N.D AS I le ciyIaeMt)Ie.Examne anid you wliIIboy, as fiai eods arc vcry ow for CtAS Il, JOI ~ FItGU ONDandas St., Wlîithy. Ociober 19, 1362.. 51 ONTARIO Commercial COLLECE. An Institution obnrieiteri-hi-o f' tathe "9, vitce oz-i 'non and boys cen procure en edocution isnited teo tibe wantn of the titîco. 'f1- itîrgoe ire nuoderute, the nota nuthing. the resuit invariuble, anud the opinions of'tinu Proes, ltticsrottoe promineit liusiineoe men,ii! tlhe unito) LdunoiE. fi-tondJrid' un cr etudento, are tue gunrantcon cf eonnprin u 1 ncoesu î,ffcred lv tub Odîrlgo - -SIIBJEC't'S T1ti"~o-iî inai i o iunbranches; Pcuînuànuihilp.Cent nieiuaitJrîc'pîî<neArithinctie, liiebinu, -'-i lhno lSilrondiuL,, Pncnn- gruphy, BluninoruF Paperof nil kiwis, M,ehaiiîoi,,, - Arnhiteetniril Drawiug, &o. -etAeiîifft)f'oevgn praotioui and s-porioocd Tlcithern. -- 'rlone wiîliug te iqtcnd e e o 7w nio t, i i! et - AoI lime. hurouch, n,! uido- awake course cf l.usinec0o'tro-ining ;p-areînswbu h--i 80SNS Tii EiI[CATfb; Ur-ci' doirouosiof cbungînibe lir ncupoulici lier sonouini' ninre c nr-îtie, or t" qunli. theininlveôn te conduot tliîir ownobusions . itialiy, nit ind titisthe Most tiîorntgb and prachieul oiucinegn hjulie£Zc i i ennu,'-i kw" Spoiîn'nn of' I)enuiiip and Journal wnuîuitilng nil purticuluir8 nent hoeii»Y nd'drenn, fire tof nctirge. Addire-- î.(-,-aty & J - !lou ta[ iiîsta'eqFirm, bs ,lot ito. 'NTAIQ OYABMltu'MTA lc, iflic.i- 'do e mssion 0ai n '0 Tuowtîlip <b>rRuvIuih, NSUftANCE CO'MPA NY, - i b PISOLRARbIu EID OFFI~CE, 1 it-.UtttiuiuOuBROK - TtWHTBY- 1! u'la- i ne t liM t ,stairain c 1.W a, thi-c i.ruîec utitu oi -iar turpui - uhue o*wAituit Lones Pnid pif Petiyý t. ti. hIhChotLL, Theb'Vitoria Chenical Co.. So10 pnepgiitor' mi i nniuc ofriteC n ine' tiraieii Vhqhctm cOce 1î Iîrtiii'ttarnt'5! and Wtu1t ii n lia lit ci1inaît cent, frni ., ont. . TOe fulsfetoinitto,epntieie ne i0,l'y u tic'ui'ai; ..,.ne t. iffl Y.t0geltleti. V'ictéria (-lal.b)olated Glycerine Jelly. J. ~ EINIS, ~ .FAIIA7iEt, ii, reitett.Thia Jetly lo>li 1 gh, in.i-nendcdt(0 indin, minil ~~FARBAN S, ni tne aft lut ' q . t.oui on i letuuîn. For On fle lue uuiýeNcre- 'iiry.. . titylaieneX h - ev d-libn. and enoteiil e u Eef. n-M5. 81.. iii14il, o t tic un it im Ienti n n -lte.whtfe, c'a. i, en , mou ut r e fu - - ctian.44 inti5.lidO Th nu-' iikttiiiilO .11ii t ioen,. D RS F0 OT & VV 'n lian CiitFicp.________ iauxit (i a na, fr,'i's. îIntle. otdloChe te I .FO0TILWARREN. B1PSiN OUSE. ti' tuiltaiOîîeOad. ehbI.;lanfii. Cun nnooXN ONTR~O IPISSNQ il laipl,,il-uatnat bniiipaiuid. Pou.e titi37r' siiul-eta'oi.iii nd nu tgai,. (oodi tabliing foiet Soap. ~0Flouir andPeea - st ore. j icileI.Mos iogum î tcî lO 1.872. 43 Ti' Tuitnt sOrri uie at theii niai tn ,ai Al Vl 1 IIFNIIY SIIEPU \10I) . VAIIt, L. DS. >.i alf.mbnut bas a uit Oui ihtiulhoi l uuniineol. u teilnnhbiiiininf"V -y i-t ' itý'iteeipirniinn.uand -l H biiepiintiis ed hy Vi- ioi r til.tiah.îciiounde the -iiF a j 4famiiciues en. duc u-ouic-iFe,, r Plienisi & NEVi Y >jkR~. InNRY WLTERS, trisune tiii~n t, l11 u ii iiriiily printc otdy - - 1 Octs. hnh ep uehnl ntad Victoria Caîbolie ac lus, ouly - I5cts, iFila a', nh eat, CoranîmicililTius Salvelat. anapit lleuiÇ..tait Skie Oteene,,, il ~ &C~ Ils'h e-tr out Ouaelb l r.tioiiis aro' iitine . ti" 'li ii.Wt' Asuieceiuthat piae1 bYiroiici 9 1 i '-'uuiqtîiîa.i euaod la na bî'ight Su ar -ly )0 An - rlcî i gin OithF i e n t ~ -c urui'u. l, 1 as- ilfnt i ty -oh ' enytt tii'iiitOtiuîa'-iu O n non ti--,koh.ocr i'r chitoui pro,a1tsiun itm.e n vaî'ds ; and !i zl l 0 le ototis"-u'e" i 1 tt iîeeurei oh, eltihow; lleen tinal udexn e u ltiety cmii 'i. tai ie. K s Victoria Carboîju' a '[TNpti-- hO G Ciargarysmna. - ~3Uiî<tChCThisItitir, e iuite ae uecoitisdoileeei,. n 40 cents.B Î iià arni_'forSale. V O Ic itit O7:î,:~, e.or bu h.»enchiîk laina, ' sinm--' h i àtigelbuai>eimitc - 0ler oi 4*0r 'file T hscr L'rt0 lA. 38 l di t -iinuîthe F-ath. ieaioFpekei -0- .-- - hiet iah -lCe ilra fnn entXl e l"",' (1a, .Fi".l i.di.Y 'n po" alrdes,- i u ii na- 'he,î i to manh i. i n 2nteI*phiu . - AtiiiClti8tctCtclitOt i 'dlcu ou Ct e ti uiente at i,enaiîo, îti..rain.lii y tne yiiei A * R . PIOarK50acERi, eINO uunot.uuoctiieti ureuuîuOungnle pulât loait it.,tc RE IU F R IL 1 irnudera 9 n - 'PieJUNIri uAineoxi.ftruiùl *aI aster,-J LKio" V c o -t a b lc nouildt tus u i reiii coriîîîlutle. 1 ce fliat 1 uouleltake Amiaricai 0For flier pachieuhocu. uifllih' t he D i0--ta. oli reinon for Bi!i-. Sonne purten linccinttonull n j l~ i,; ER. H i Uppo wattîCii* tIii i - i u pirfe Tyql,, ofmine Ilint if 1î-uuîk Anierien Stii'eeut Pair,1 Fee1iiu'in'el.F a O. Utb . i,1,*- - 'il i tmm, iii. ti '- IiSm~ le îiufili urutds t1 jiutiiiiin the pitie ut' afi-w oft le d -s laiiiii-ilé efr diifr F he Veur, sun iii i inletileopiîecltuouer-î caiiicoîn g ji.n j r t- ue ni le .pn t Outt, IL E LIS Agsull%"* fi u-t- eîam* n' paiifi tî--a i !u i N ve- sc>article ('~5 tE ~ -~" n et-uu hteetoin eiitut p allier Bousinnthetrade ilu Wbtby. c AL:, i-tn iýir) 13- - aIia.eo. ru~na - iiifit., i -n Fiuha ki., un e tile' S C O T 1.U lI's0V ev- i f0 1 L i'f Itu1tDé, SI JO$.uii t.î-lsjetur t uVnasmele. cuoti Avidu QUERED STORLL L tifîtcf - ot 1UaiiOnfuetiottcdua. ",ltCs ary .Tn nt' InEninlta-3 i'7ii' MY.Y u ri <utt apn ttTlliZE7tr rnvlT~iTNîîEcîîn'~;y ~'îînCî ldIuI4If~-Ps PuitTiIDuMth>5 ~ 10,j T1Wý VtRY hîol î îO eun(y u pnehecue tti0aiTheîumtiehrnigoednhe ee v, .. i lnt nnt - -ytl-uend cOc t.eaneoi. te nnduButait iutiteetu',.iitr îîend ai p.- nl.nit'.en patrofui ,m fi tnih iucsi i Atu-1j1.. i-" --Or-n uulola ut-1 K it n'te icc nu mvi uhnnra i iaid laga "ote i' of to fiîin nioiaip mieiLto -sm i n. -[aj'U t eiV i o otnur a t1it th, lit" h t ori. ý -laisnuCapa,,intt,'n. c1 'fi. lcp-h-Wpnc..' uioitu. Teitlgnnhen t e mdh it eO mi0h in ~ flact R jaieEtro o ffallel tba-, t o f 4e.;. 1 Ml I. O WFI3r1 .1 Aî'1e 'do .- 11'sO Ili te . 'au il 1' aoeoet it. fo(i e p iS1i ý E[2 t wl" luis ueeen,ean.c.'.iiPinscoti. AD tin tiuatsN v.Nb iiaao .li 2 9r&'~ [ i -42 a1 ict'ip't Ai. tWheo.pos nr oc niit ll în nne'tEr avoanta, t A Ionty clarginnent ýf- Mesnrso- to bave al k' tii ~II 1U~Tll~~QOilS To liaitul, aid arrilili2, of hie Iatcst niai best desdripuioîî aI' JuDe Asé JUsT rcceived' I>erabtauia tors and Chuidren ~IIOSL'LCTUS. 'MI HIT Y I usO1 C Plirxtivu tl DI r ai TRANSPARENT GLYG J1ULE S OA P. 14it -'s iprcîîaîed GCAI1eririe ;purei ycîiic.0i; al 0wP adi iç ye vc iiie Jctiy 1 'o Ipt <. Iîoî prtector ihgi,' \lci n d ltcii ;.i- tlr ilev !c IO iiveiî's liiodoýroto io. , îOl 4 ' l Mi'O -lxic iueir Oblole C" cli tp - (Judiuîîîîg's Caîrta anîd Gwîoa -LSie~ Niluîîudeicioît't lis. our- 'yCal . 70n & Pit- eu fubsc-ribJA S . H . G E R R IIE & C O . Iny 'Xii ~r "i"dre Viiy On2. i12- OUN1mt-S1îd& DRUGGIST 1 1 1

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