Whitby Gazette, 13 Apr 1871, p. 3

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IROPERTX F~ORl~À~ *ieîglà* mtôhoet., &., à4 d.irect' froni thé Mantuftidtoraies, A)EAmiEUR]PRR U nglala oUn PLTML ~ ilO'JS'E AND LOT, -VlÏS ÂLjMM NT NtfAOEO i ~i ~hîÔatîî H ...o . mhr t. n oie .- To the store liely occupied.bV d3iyZ Yu oq IrI1 rabBl bine rie &A0~040 I, t J. 'V'ANOLT), ds a MotI a $loc Store, HOead Ôiè f'or Cianadla, Rine »n H.~~~~~~~Tl *111 a86 we>hliln. aii eno p t.sù iàig1 palîhae anylhing lnte AND ËORDE tarNGPnopoOpae leeleohe *ittt t kOv ihon , h,,tll dO will«1 lait o on thé, nb,,lore 3 aN 3L E723 ItjIJeèj i eu Poiil.ý nélOÙ F Èhlloi ol ee t atly7 eitl il soda asý lisible. A. É. aBÉAap. *ver Ibrouiglît igto ilîls r1¾ârkèhI' igés WiI besl Upié RO TETW11Y n t,î ié WJlt.y Aîi 8 ~~'. " 2 tatdey àm ttiOn. G'ood Paper at 5 ta 0 ëendotts per Roll. A, P'pootEtet h.nnîM Q aI n Potl 4~ 1 . . . . . ..C O 1G'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.,. 4$6,t JAA1 HR.G làoER ere Wht b. ekadh U1 2 *W'tîîîby ihiaill Apr2, 1887.. 2011 Seonidp > Storel;,. A Ot.l ut, abriS . ~ ru 4. JORN *,m'u BOIAÎOnt t Osh. * au 1, u mdI.h s.aet of lib>.rli At>,0tTto Mon il th t Ci' . J f-motiflto io.t' >0ôr4t Wà TUT3,A iltr ii: at T Wo 'lüm dt i n ther as t o 6 .r aj> ta ira ta wM rAJOUSI Uwu-u-I'R CEVE rý balet et Éorlile ln the dotty àI 0dLrtý, 22od 1'p y~~nogt nôtnelt rt1te nf mach A. 1. 1871. 11.2i. .irte .ofoatlrE1ýc iOIQTOt 10'VANIjlV ~. t d. fl ry Stienoc St.,.iv aWndby atiifdg etootmnlth e nltoytlrburl JWItLMa OÙI3L.»>. 2-1. Èühý h ..f't I1enpoctf'iq! h;ilytoL) ytéIOalCtainB". AS T ~ 1V H ancy Rd ever oosi So~k hir cutdiers, andthé 111 boieagîriy ai, peints tr Cadoina, thé, ttîid Statip o4W Great auyAdpiei n tttPapeisee brotlgit il; o Wiiitby, ralng ait price a T. H oMLA4&CcI frte5cet t t-50, anîd îvhiclî lie tn prépare,, t oelf à> pricen thàt defy o iie' l»k h.nhàluth% bande lor > WS olt. coîzpei>tî Whftby, Mordit Êti 1871. 21 j 1tf:6y re»liddti. ,f .. -..O~'lI On l1and, ait kîîîdt ôf eitncy Goods, BOokMi, Si ON£neYry Au >moeilatè ohtteent Li roqoaired, la Ioder ac asOn rya amio âà oosu àeaybe elveti. e, esu*iila o pttces. Uiso e.T h. iébenilir là ilopaîd tg titan tâottt7 oh LEWI.yt ALLiN, 123 1871.*. FAItM OR TOWN PROPER'1'Y,, OFJI~~~~~~~~~~A~~~~R3ens orD aT4 R I ,~ ' m doI-U 2lO S ~ ~ E o u~ J ~ ~ < ~ j > aaofo lioitnd Satiiatoy nîfoee Il5 U U i'à- 4 1â lÇ )Q liraN %1 )t r ni l J A 31E S W A L L A C II, T be8~ étM, haoihg >êa.oflrthe 06eei t, si_________ c. Vîntitn à Ri ioto t . iaté . 06.0itîet. 11>tiung~.oof i. 0w CleteolWht, Ont. 20, 7.a 'oo0tÉ and ShesAJO N 8 aNDËE;S - t ost r~de . 1R03± FILS CO PLA,OP 0B811SINà TO !VHË ÉtgR1Ms yraerlrwith t»h gmod.*Iî o l ethnhp on Brée 1h OPPOSITE IL. & J. CAMPOELLS ' toRE, ot., on& de the boot huuein. etaeti, te . FM TOWN OP WHITBY B~ gtrt îl~e lie wiIl hi glad tô -etej1Ve à~ ýn1èjt ~J6~A A~~ t.; l Vtruy u&An î&-ot te, >fi fronthisoldcw i ollifs. 1111bogo iriforiti bis nsufllroun patrdtée, *oIgIi ~ q J X~8I,0DN eoannâldents, ubdùtd cat >oùce on î ' a.--.--" t-thon4g19uA L~ ~ARGE' ANDI CO.IPLtT17È St>'e'. JOSPH A, B*NÎPIL L, - IlleNil 1. at. 2th871. ' ' 'tin.t orl 110'0~ S_ îîd Siou n Ve'y de-iiIptn m ib îhe' -FO TH ' E ' E. o Ontîe d tiiîn~~ es, ît ted go ail, iidn cf %ventiler, iii O R Ey iha .,Pnom ,an> r. FhM It ' REÂT BARIIAINg. . hiovy lIants. sufitt'4 for tite rntîtidy siceto., hikit. ticot andl easy fliting: iU I ~ t lI 1 Bor by thnillete OSe Wor, an tt» #âr h 1looîs, eotted for diy eideilçs, ethl l'or 8btig andl Suintso we zIr, ÂlU ot] LE.ugen th AB TL W orid wgt dis, tock ~ j.titi tient qtilitly and iuiterior werkmtttshtp. f IYA u i U1tiono fer Pi,t e ln - 1# very lai-o additionis te his stoack, to iotcih, antIahe a0 îlote ofw fers d100d ie.l 1. -e irai aoooploe Whtbst oria 3,s 6d, lieros box miri ' bit# eal ZO" r pries chue antittý nee thenio ti to"t) itetoif trot ,1ý7 . . proar tit r.. W4 t FOlW W E , i.t n . ' Y . m'l .q u x .:Niit;R Weta rý ol teSuano* ra îe tte il1 Z. 4 oi 4t~~G U O N -1lld AÉR'sý' *htb rc. 181 CALITE TQO&H At abitit haltît ,Ie. ifdàrloi J O 1MOibý . 2rc 2. 8l teG. PunI C roptti l&g no gir irtte g thé, sors bitt ' ei l n itoatleaieg itoe ig -1--a--A*-r- to nytronfo r asti giesi y r teI l dé %V BegEiwr-tANi±' It A L II P C F ..GBRIEVS it(IÏAL Tcr jl E T legs; to lit thte ahirrivl et a laffge dîsd ebiJice Stock Il Gr*~~e.~dhqn.et'e, gstn flot Seteéeîy re-rieS i.uooi Ph.çebl IllerbC L .L E o Ll( iRI . APeUningt Bal.o,- , è4 a ' rnellte wi te Io tl tube *aming, .4t gointar =tIor sas. ' Af RIf ' S 01DONTALGIQUE A &rh d li.4814 dit. li t N. RIAY. lo.ti'eoîbn h niatd a.~~~~j Pi G od ýS ed Oot suittil"the guiâe, andtil maot 4iabuahte ý je E o d e d a S u i a b l e f o r; f i l e ý à r î i g T ria d é , wi h i d î ,i A i r s t y l e t i d c l e p - ti r s P, , O> WS T n o h ~ i o d .~ -Poland, J'e ohn h~Iîest Stock of Genitee Tid ahd Collars, -'0.a P fîbet "r"'~t bci fait id in TI Ù - C a îld, exi t ,f ur yotteivee.g ..c.- OornentIl e..0h 1Al Ofai Onotiloe 01114 hMeni.il T& apparat'.$nfur tning a soottatetthén,.,th 1t11 jIii'. d Backar~nOa.s, ltndas St .Whitby, Xorcit 98, J971. glfai'bay iàfî t er psvnrte oi aôrd e iepii tharymgttspoi:c8n.ieé.h Tet Iarie aifou25t S>1 ot rrarngnet eont 'netitryenoponî raies~~~~~~~ ----- ehe cati go oreu ail ire tdiid~ musi BÉ IDA 10, Jost to haord, a choice 'lot ILrel 0o. __ Li<MAN 1 's o» R.W. LrAiRoi tEN OER CENt FAII £U1LE or Avuril 1Oth, flex-t. Fi*ed & G<arden Seedig, pienrotiatnootîe»5e. ETGMAIINl icamÂ~.~ tnnoîe R. R JAI1ESoN, 'lo .U AL MWESSToKl>,~ ~n. AccotNT 21 TanutLAS thPe neW sirwnnii yeoy LL ACUOt NTS 21 ~Duadas Sree, Whith7. il Bat t>_î h>a eu 4>. iio o Oa Ub fmi, nt'e ~ ~ ~ r.én 'hega hml bu p»0f' h.1-mâ«ut.eli at.L o T lw iR C u ~ la~*ttoo etnnt hO ~ _______________________________________ O inrnêt oto pon».oin Cr aeoato 1 S. jotlta Mo. 24 580. ~ oKee; lgeri. 2enO>.c uSa' W~brM.m *0 5. A.5 0 3 .C~ ~tol 1W UOIII BO puoi~, te. elhn uaL e- Orzeyfp4h. 19. dm BrtmenoeMYble# if MID Li "ODe.th &M Piengn pý àUeeehate t. 'L.. wÎ,Ï 0 A,#.M .To=C, bte ITnOF e nd eh riit roii-d -th Pu- lu theaie sotd aMI, ý0te.e oe l'yie10 A.~ .OnA b.~,7 o p4 O.n- a.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RIHR S-3Fm. 6..oae M5 ooeme oa~~ .~ . ~ ~ u hheue . HiAM o. pou" ra -oC. 410 I J D LE wUitie. M vk hlota, w i 7 W à b m , 1 â L * d . v.fr tt e u ttc 1h .7,f mt.ltr ,niiei 71 3il twotiàd, AND B014ERS I AND staRs. 4&4 Citreelar SOune Mlii. l m« ig moah LaI. mmeaatnti ntee tme a.,.Fu., eii Maaoe au . o. tloi mOr AToe mt I M'à Il oue &0., ON HANI lWatîhkittik wh;ty, iftué4i.it>. IE I FE fl STR àïY D . ttnniji h, e >t0 eof th* J031Ai COOLEDORu 7.L« * M'av OrPu B11hli IT A. ui he Towhýv.Z mtN'.V0. % "tVin D -. i' p w irPSV1 GLe e i TPt rJ W. ioaeo1 ~ W~j,.1a 93;

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