BITTERS. &RE TUEE EST IN U8E.- joieuttsud heiîîhy'beverag, they ex- nid thOebue hoee te,1dan FS OR TIIEÏ EVIRW URE M~tei ~htAyLIlorderm addreeeed to ~*PPaet.owiiîrt0uttt paunette.t attentton, 3. A. OAMPBELL. L IVEUT JVUY b J Sv ~Neule oSI-es, 0~. i.BryanI &SIII wiliire you %Yilli ind the largest and lest The unidersigned beg, to say to their ou ;soI T INS lEN Ttrade, that thoy have osn iai a great vaile it i~ CO J:NII j ~ -Which the, wili seil at the very lowest poass Ceai Oi a lways on hand, WILAN RYAÇe Vhitby iYXT1 v-v E NEOS 10 15 AU INGENIOUDODOZe WVel, three moeu sedlenly rstmd fa,.. ward. determicledta s I1 VMsfs wth à dreadfol iupre ntion, ta bave lt triltti I or the liye ofîthe tiîvelleot. e lespat out lites; take &Il 1I he, Il L talai aeo ; À'bre it la," iffuriag a bîidfalE _efaier ;Iaat nay etmpnion, bu S lrge4 .sna hdâa k blîhieft bot '. >d.Traitai I'exe oatb ther, vhiît thtbwh , yesîee, .1111hbleked fates asti «.atdpistol, prtssed ta tûtotf bis dents. IIf yo'vs epakes filet, 'bteGulota of thû-maraudere, Il 1*11giv* yojauasa.ttic et' land for. jou r palmel, IlaB'. epokow the trut, "rspostird te searober. 04 Hro'eA prise i a bu. ered pasnd naisank utof XsÈissd notas, " ieorlîg the- prise, the twol treati leas vert -bluad*ldud imd boutai to tht fiugr- POta ibth b e ie uitfltn otIof tht ýig, anti turaça loee aile tht caituat. it aas an h eo r tfis tey vota ititasoti frain thir po'ten, darieg. vblah puriod tht ili-nesti vitim veuwlea in ptnatios pretay locdly. Upota saehLa tht nxa lo ettre a deposLton wvo.s ze aiasre tht mgistrate tht vorhhe.-1juatioe. eimmt4 le a rather esteres drainl, apOatheltise odut f the vretcb Wbracsealal&et no traberotes part. Iliteai mwpalllit4II" mkly salai the lO, stisaddur, O'n' '0epu in authority,. aiOne votaile.cotiutseith th Mir oheto ttht aielaraiou I madie w pat te ai es atujasf at antherr'a pas.I1 ev &bat etiaoycoplai itet b tia ode bld lu hie boot. 1I a tvlte haudre i bd ili My waiiitbainu liai Ç baDsabeti e hlat saDmmue hab barn dluaverd. *I1the t, lt boIttter statr"e the iaier ta ,tht argra nov rtheie ney i-1vu thesatana bit baLegderlvi of, àtati lafutura ' vamiai eseommeatýims ta be more pruaý le kea pin a hi tvasassniii THMSw BROOK sEtia?. 1111? SIWDLIS TIAT ARE SRAD) THE FIRLST Pe Whou itig t t beti o t aaly FaimeC OnU audtemIni.a a whtetrsillbestaltptr TRUKS.VALISE ~T AES 1 TPJ.81 tunilate tand ejt atteiteae, as hortttre, ta (ON IGALLERY cat t ushIofr ratot. te sPhoto- e but goa.d wtt alowed telotue aaataî nd *l ites form tho 1lfQ-elut, ad tnahet ia Water Or 011 Colore. (iL WtLTa5Ot! te wery eoail int aisg ,tlda'o Portritt. tt5eil rate@ ta Cergymaen. 1Portraits iettiy eojttt Wes hlt ho happy erivtesit 1tnylitahteten pot rt itures or otm. fatter etitatvea thevisit wjl aoepay 7ou fur aat trotle. R.H. WtLLa9ON. Ditittn at.lery, lie Donua-et., Witty. tPOE'rtitT T0 PARls t5 Us at lara Ma chine Oil, ttimngRenoTA, exepis ail titer Dite. oui' gmhie. or aaastré]laeir ans pruti edte mtpsrttriÉy ha ail otter elle tar tset an Star attr MItE te t, mùi oetab tbeel leu, lotl tt wc TEN PERCGENT WW]Ped4 l a & stlt &ce the on ai T. W,#8O~e graolOI4 bw 24b eO MARBL ANTLES, C ARBIAGE FACTO]RY De1erita i litoes in the Cou),nty AiePorter at the sanie râ GROCEPLIES Ar WHOLUESAI-.8, at lowestp Oshtavtt, Octobti lTîh, lb70. 1871.1 Il A'TtTNTISPt TO 1119 LARGE ACOM,ýPLETS STOCK 0FP ~O.5opposite tise o-yal 1Caniai»n 0FTHE BEST ,MINE! e3[OCIZ: ST. WI4T~ N ACal l i respecîfîilly %011cited.. 1 kes grect pleastit'e ii alinnunciîîg to the Ptiblie, tIsai lie Il, racoivod.a ita.vand largo - :Stok of 130!) VSANiDblOti.rLa- 1ta, it Mat itil C!ttidriails' waaitr. ailcliare fc afl'adt ttreîtlllY101,pricées. 1!~a~L. ~ e 3)c>T~c>'~i~~ FJ îîgplire ia iablrof'lis stock bafuru Ltll racoaltirlita insluatiior, tac Whity, (ai.t2th 180. 4 -trliçillar atteîstioîsi, -idireCted ;î tie lîuine-iaaie îvork, e ,l' ISeA a n icsoesofevery <ictcrl1tioij, of tille latosi antd IiEL ie ati So t adatof ebu PaiitCIary andtiPatet l ditF H ~~Fl-luS 81'iE t . a al o a rla 1'ds ioo lutirai,clast uolkaiota ara tata- parlalgnt., ,,'i~ tro fitla gaartaîad. * CANADA. 1Iote taterat wttit rpectrutly ntiite liuta oststioretntc ANtACT31-Ig IES.9 oth tthetet O-t he! iho atittatof hitta naîtthte aran Utas a u l t h h retioi utfcea aie atth etaisttttti e t tc Gose tain g tuia;riaatd thtothastikt he ts lo ")Y etnt o t ai'aiti'o.raailn sCaottta. r? htyoep ty Mr. i. H. ItO osatp ~ Letta's Patira;-tis na' chrtaa eatt'ra- ttY i ttt ', 'eehi ai tSoat OPraaot o sCo v utsa ettettttiTrais NMarse BROOK STREEIT, WHIT W h îy, spt. 12,180J.,S NDI and ottir i5aaaaasai, taçtesseat ta tratsPatenta Where te viii teep ta haSt aerythtgeg ofW to nretipttfthe MudtOitPLtiifLa45tEBRD ttNtt Stan4hbthoe 1 th e I nvo s tia . A t ]Pr îo e a t o o -D t' C o m np ot ît i lin .T. ta R. 'Wlattt, ketlite, esat * l ja.A aai. ,pt.Ait.Tootott Ataititprttilattot t h a hb W. ia . ili, sq .,T..atfa g ' tN t ,A t ,dt ite s Asuaé Cmpaany. tîhitty. net. 3, 1867 Fohotarpa 15. iteS.làOPP~OSITE THE ROBSON IHOTE Lq -- 10.0001,ROLIS A ag ast ttc ponts, ta whist it esatsaéther ala, TWILL 5101TDita hoo n chtttsrdansbt 'ticear thbMllta toubae.asan t wbg otte â ,hit bc ceat. Tt.iiboabo atebtt qIiütysttr.ita arrai.i tothott tac i yuapi ta1, eatet ue, bat the ment t itoe a IdPlait it te ocegaed tattd sont tsgis ta lubtttte util theîjournaîl y fric- týttmpý&ur ncaoal a rotues STOII? SE OBILUidteU lacquiinghigertmper reark anTestanotitle i aa.i e ty tritnitatth ournalt eapad, adietboaxtT wgortollr 2i2ttdc tctsa t-in tas. OIt.aos toiuile ta usec ti that vtll ripts oaa4p)r N N iaPlfRY. Titraart I vclas aithît ,out tâteueaoite s it aetnundtelle,cîand ita.tie fat9 , rain oil ilawaa.. a oeaaisse theatat eptttitaattthe iraat 1ii 1îocz'e AeHul5TOlt Wttt LIY13ICATE aîlaipott ,taTt*dallertoutrtge a. ta.on [E tLDEuST RAFT or ..aahlntey te momentsrit tetent iatiitat applttd.This il aà sac tact la teer Taît inreataliahaariie, taly othiem tse ôitto5 MILE ttil.tlanu tec oaunty; anda t îhout ex- REM liti gitlag etiratas atais. Manuacatter»s ta, tatteeeatt te TiecttanLttoa itttaie î litt Oetsasay a:tts ose IL as profl[stsoeta avc Orgace.ltttassvy, An . aoiasCca tt; icraapstrtitrtadsietarPurr auttsa!te adra itcts at1 at tin, A tctlWo are Dao* ectsg ttuni s t i ilttpya rit Si t a,.i. te a ,ilt r-tOr la cientiag iLt tteapublnsi as teihet thia treeatb.,ha. ACI'RtE'N it-eseo ll.Et.UALEV. WLa.ewastliatîtcrateau.h a tare iee.,tosjapulictusa cethat myctôrtt- atitintt thpersn S,ttaof Bairu- a ttitg a"t-totattala .atttriy. lau rttt ta ton, ttartaor. e iqaepttat;io Stat ete oreC. veé thatt ic a ottttbg aat t iSane time v. StefEr# cf Ca etalot ti cutae quassese et te t apsrtois f an- ot Annat wo)"et .aotit aîrao, a0 Dyt- ',UC itpuagets as oroui !aisiataahaall.yo, aptAvtaCQntitatitoat,, aa of oltt Leaticolffte mon t 9tituba0Exbm tinits t eas etogatlatse ettaitesoa t rumtis, aWhio log tdatihoe wtt ieasxrfaanro0a1.ut* ut l S.eia,11, so n tabietti aeai. IKtttt Cat tsiaese oaosuter&oroealers i e fea)tett îteligtttaeaie(]' -rt i.rIt s ea gotend ta 5thaapcastiounth,. tt- Cl hta t aa, a ampttical ta, ocstta otithe ns, ay.of ti aiCa ai oraatiittte Dug tleIo ageHa CA1l ats sOteo unpLemlae»y w4atsse -t111 aa. f e aongFhb*MXDYafln4PiLthe adoet ce tsta y shot gît t faon tn te buar Isly potuea te oitsta bc Olive. Prite ta thet ,u ttn.Lrge Piat $1 .etaeteeauatrtpaohulagcalitine i iltndu Fat gi la L t OlratstlntaNoad1 OMO. B. STOCK. James tyra. ~ aa rI tt~aat~ aCHINA HALL!. JARIIAqES, lBUGGIES, . KIg1*51IaaTr1ia W&~r~~Bc GÇAJYEI{. UÂRLSON, -k1869- GIass & Eariqsware,, ,W04TBY S&UXBRIIWE Tale Pt.tcID BAMP ,tWwr OODU wSa 4tate. toe"t-tu M. Z t*4 a albf inboeinos et acaWit lbe itoi tsute,oc aoit ithrvbeo t is Ou oam fa ithe Jtanat adt et tIeaanal- a te 1 .Aahosote annacbt the soai,.sotsDtrotut th oit ot afhy rtu# actk 0 at rayettai et pitut.s ait dacpstob abdoatluheàCttee et-u- tottop e!U;tb"iSi ai=sàattot= taet Whttt m e ssAilAt BtRTIS N,,RI sa-tp it tas.AND TELlttitiala M. ______ Ttaclyce s rtitatin tob fTbet Tht THEatO ,;oRY.Cati ausseas Ceoautin gam~, tatiaeeet a.1tsoie oo-uwta t fa T R EE-T. Tht sPACTlraL iii v&ttTL49t i or - - - toirt btlaatitl. au, q»Wpue cao. r o s e * . 4 ta s a . t e a ar . ii t t s ta t a y Cs o u , b mt . op b4 Btae. i ttate d trt tranta PeT. jtiteiai es-tuai . le ~~~~~wbtbp.Sttana - 1FIUST PRIZEPT jrn-4 P,,»- in-b" JS tarrotoitettfram tse ýauactbrt, ES land, over 200 VARIETIE JAESI It aIeS Wtallt Apra It3t ttit lot LAND 1_LAND 1I LAiND tarerai gail Cisarat Para, far sats on tac, tartu, Atiaotcvrui ttth.aaatroc c Brue adsimae». Appuy tu JAME8 LAMON, MuainSatreet, ttttitge. OFFICE, - tirer Acaaatraatg's Hlcie. ,j. B.-IttytilutaaitttBank Stttk tattninl enatuuge frtLtud. MI<JNEY TU LEND OF I)UCEixrATS lnu madtanlt-e uit or aspetutincipal centsc re-paad by yearty iastuanuaIt. ar 'touae Iatciotmatsta inDoeteuse. ttaes, sut thor oeasalaea. jI'mFor fatît4t1aûioaiunpply ta - JAemba 26 flO1870. p. A. iwiTflEpt-î,- Propriator avîOarpietttat tliO caia. ocO ar"l Z ttE r,teiitaa Ptutlc. Tteritae i. tacto-ut tîtti-heand et alpaies cii buaedsth tana é paties cantertttide- aute tativ.A tIns hallfa ur tOiaai -~c ADa LIPSA83URANCE ESTABI -.l-[D 1817. a k Th oly Catatas teCompany Pot TE Bi>stItS. Cc0 Pt-aOa»rc Ithsbtt lutet riet.1bo Ame Tht fatu th.t the !aat ts'atrTî t a ti tt - ott ota- cr taîa f tS oatehts.14U loIlA. G- HAMUtA ;. fiWYtoMITH t tua. FoJL F'ALL ANPWEINTER. WEAR, AT, A Iarç-e andi varied assolihlt of plain and faîîoy Nelc- Tis ftalatoa îd rtiStayo-of the latetifa8hions,, has jilst ar riv'ed. 'l'le latests aiO l Is l'Ott ,t lrq. çGOENTFZ FURNISLEING GOOD.S A£ TVA YaS ON LIA.ND.M Whlitby, Oct. 25, 1870. JO Tl N T O IN B R0 W N &PTTE.IÀRISO0N ' NVIII,3Y. ONT ALIO. Sixte en ytars practical trpericiict ln the Mîtanfalttire of Soupera tud ttOWersp, ittisfies ut thot tht IlJoltattan Sa1f-L1'aikiia- Rhlepar" lai vory far lu advalitt of any tthtr lachxtt madet at thocpratucat day. Whe havt juat ilitraduced I it tu Catiltut aaufacturcd l ltod tuithber the piat teaaan,aua a yet art tht otl'y iuaaruf.actuOt.s Thit aston t a c ohinet pîli eombroat stth aail i Laprtttatttto ts a y7tttit eri sact là thteimanutfatutre bat tiugti. Strongiy taid irahiy bilit. Tht lhast m'ateras1 md ia its couatruaet. lita.a chi 1 ery thtetMost complact adridutraAi. Thontalai tabla ta ge911tout tof rder. ,'-ixe cotubinatias of wnoantaiiituin thia iagetrbar, makes il the aatt Ptrfttt t 01figer The seat of tht driver, latitar] tuitia éof tht drivîatg-whOeia $a balus Ao uIrlt tht fifir bar, thaat it isl la ble ta tstlu' or broak thin that of anV otThOr utathiat. Our Suf-Rko la the M049 perict AtPéinlventud, att ,c m o faaî at'ifao Uoktt rtta.Iv- itg amousdau atxia cosatu tatht, driîiag a titt i geplad t as utl 'godetritthe cotautiIof thetdiver aithuatt tapi!tg tht tuait. Lttata a ad daliverà ra iaiai ral2I, or Itiaied i aii ap~iy and la gond shape. Cota a tix fCeca tauuth, aitît aitlit udraft a ali4,, itt atba a, at aud 110aitedraft; wlatcvtr. Lt ot aaaily, aith a camnta ,a, frauxitee teu t toetty aots por day, snd liat tut oeubtalred aïltt1farty "terstiitaeva d-ýyt. t 1la massracturatd facor ,,pimw i ty, buwa liit lo itis o deoattratati that a top- aratoILitaper aiad Mierail! asbut cal tatgra.aantd grinl, tîùta ut (aroti Macineis, tai cott taa Iio laintht oggrr.rata. stidea, a ti3prtt MIothîut la Itat cotuplicuttai thon s ->ahiaad mi' li tbla ta gai t.nt il' ader, tai l ayt rtady lot aorh iithaut tht trouable aanil ay of ueh'attîg froiotetttatht ttitct Tis aR2aper loiat hamaila tacassafi'l paitiatoaly Lot yuera.but litsu'atY supartur Poittaof oxcollctecobtava exfrit i it datILt liai uua a uitltdeof frieujde'. ad a paslititu tever bhalanet ittiiltail by aoy 'lairac@tcr j siaa Iqrt a t .ite. Far tht tirtI hrt or thicu yce tr ia âsi aratrilely lhalelekuatit , but duria[i ttepoolta t taltt! ils vos wlday ttratt rni t,autot thtptiaipal -,thtat-artattlg teetiata utftht, liai, tuai gasataa popuarity uapîaýc,!eéA ltaLthe biatory tf htoapliig Mattitftt THE HARVEVT OF 1339ijy CoFIL D Ti usriher beirs 10 ilstintiatte tîsuPt. le iIopntepbii ouieaai'ttif ii ta uqat îot an t oear,Luty tai acaapf abate r~ctti ii ititaitt' aiuit'(lit i s a01 Iay tif i)f"oietr tiexi, far Ille atale a d ril0atadijtioas. fpaia fuji, rlI ,i 'A PNI) CP~l~~ a lacrge Sitarît of athieloho le iaow i A T ece 5 t01la tkia 110olCio paîtid tîrd aspwaa.. of a olTr gtItis Stock b fihe Ptiblic, thte slîbscliîer tloem* Whiibia May iStia, 1870. etaîle' iafidiarci', haisg trasader arranogementsia %vi t e ONDUIN &itc' FI ECOiliait o.iîtaloaltnt ui iWl5,Mi F~Pie .oreby etx iliiig (ta s tOoai rt ili thaé calaaaty oC îi ti'aitouo I tlie atdvtarstlieg- 1 '~ a piu aîd s als rticle, ariilit hiais Ilatta bvitia i.alizeattlta t h ala 3 1t astf oa'lf"i' triaata ip tieh in ant i e ini aiGrcuti illitala anad ta . V t J.."iii- tac hs, y thaeti salisllahaatit of largeoaaap ainol aigst 1hinhotu t filui thý4 "m.atitttýiia o t o at0114, ixpiu-rîte oui ample an uaxis oaa taay pur- U 1 rtlar ach 1ta aîY iatttti Oaa1WtiCI la aa:aituaattprofils catt Wbubttted la 2nv his Large T? uhsct'ib2r, iii recatoftallY alicitilig a sitare ofjisuhlie ---,~' 7 Pii til tat aihaott te deshinatioi, tr.aal e , a titIso tiof the5 ~ ~ rJ t e grotin aly. lu A U T 'àtaircl' Â7a1 at0 rrrllei. ~ ~ .J . ~ i N E)-iwtSteaaiv active min ca lma .iS.for tise Of Stap1e and faincy 0. C. o. il, thet (Jaaauît liaîaliea. ¶ JAMES WALLACE, AtiiotT. fLI r~r5 ~ Croe Kîîg& ;iîco StaOshiawa. S Ohawai Dc. 29, 1870. 8 L , OK A LD IT>IL aOE - -------a---- - Wboeslstns ind lRtait NlLttCU 4TIi iJW!L5if - El.atitaLte t-i ifut10<Pi t-C -I r t.~ I Ital a.eteus e! riats a e i NTS> iaj taauleaatoaesu..lyla p Lo of .cgiifelt Preieat-,stutable for tise iolies, hue jaustt ltisru'iv. ParI Saver s tIil faigatvaletltaataso boxta, Ilattiktaf utafatan rt.] jtawellt!r 1 Ilw)h. at chrt i ral ll'a. pain klia es, targe colaacttaelof ht altl Isome ktt, ill 01Eaýssrtastatattf ?ANOY CJL)DS ofaul i katatk whicb coula i eot hlii.irotdhere, mai1l-t oqosaatahAli's Iby uhaae statgiitaiaika peatetîttait Iiidriiig tht tdoldiy. In fact taasrylaliag fraos a tra lkaîet 35 >.iocao» tua jnrouired ai AL- t~t~S.Etaeessi ttcttiitiuI A ai t)a it ne oo gssitiot exprtassIy for s-ue, d.aeaaj'ýrltaat o e.aXttl ftr C1 it lau11I ll ie goei t Mily. 'Ftiletttc- estiaxtu)k 01 5A > A a,- t eaactikw aia Iitu Tai -.0-- 1 ssi ý* lý 1860. l - y-Zr lions L.