Whitby Gazette, 6 Oct 1870, p. 3

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ru i,À MEisTETTSSL PL oppOITETRERoBsN H-rE, NEP A814fl ,0 lare.qantty f L mho, wichli, o/nu ]DOM NIO W A EROO S aleiut hp Cant ofcintrlo OfSAT opOSTETHE OISO HTE, ~T E ARK RATÉSR ,00 1TL%~T~T?(1UI~/I 1.UttsoWiBUisUs~i'2V larot ,oo.Pou b0 CtatoOtl Mo, cnth rr r '~(U uivBill1ULambe r , o i r an on t e abor te nt he :~ i Tairtan I)rcss -Goods, J HN $A ~ ER ~ .~ APF~ ON OF WJT JO N S U N ER S9.Eîoonr. r,0-j .Theandorrmnttoaned Land ard Ton,or..s' Erochitr, Jor, ttih. 1870. trso toér aud hy Virtoun of aW t oT Fiorm rct, 'l'le Suisseriber be1,s to lîtittate ilînt 110Ie îillopen tlie o! Ail XVooI (Opposite tite,Royal Callatian Btnl(,) igotPib7CUoer.onoho r ue ctofth onty 'our., or the tr, yi Th ib 1roupoond osh .( ,ei t ottal,Radtritoeoadiretodl à t , he folooig aitove metîiîoed premnis. dlie îîîî oli )tobcr llrtn, for te sale " Pop~l r BJ31- )O CJ ST. n T O N- q :IýT., Thomas itoriey, Poo codivi.ng, in packages 01o ouaopoitild id ilasards. r1 lC B-SI ~ frt -rri~ ré.PU v "ES N) OFiEis lgeSifor ftrtiitIt irne- nlITS AttittJi lit offering titis Stock tO. Ilt, Puicj, the stîbserjijer doe,, 36io l wtgr*etf confidence, 1a fl ma lt ratgtinaeoq %viti the iONI)O N 'VL1bA & COFFM.i)î G îiot cewl)( 11; n o seil ai !Wlo[tlSAIE Pneus- tllorebyàsttniht to* cOtItl i hvvrrîîîîty of Ointarlo aIt the rddvalittg- es of a pure and cheos atitcle, vhicl Il îf laIte lihum ralizod tn the ithab. otantomany of the prinicipall citifos "Il 1 lwns in 1jtý.lt îtain, and tllte Ullit d S1ates,,by the usLihlishllefl i lab-rge. crn 'pa taisnonà.s there, wiho find that a coilcoriUratioli of longj, uxei.nd n me ttais on any par. itilar bnrntnch is the 011YL'. ul 011 n iich.mntio profits cati bu b9aed 'l'ien sublscriberî;in respect'illy sôliciting, a share of public. paroag, ay state 11st. flia dnasr4înationo, trade mnari, aunr]taine of the agenry cf lthe Copy . vili bcstx, (1 on odito peekIagO and wrirarsted. jOofcgrouad' daTii ~V YT I.T o steady aCtilve mets to caneas for the L. T. C . CL). iii tica CLiinty of Oiniailo. jJAMES WA LLACE, ýWhitby,O)cýt. id, ACtENT. FA AT; L IMPOIITATIONS HA1\MILTON2 & CO, Htave n.ow opcocd s cry laont l 2orilnd Sîr cl FANCY AND SAPI,!E D,>iY 6001,18 We ivite epocirs atttntiaon to osOrtofoDrerý o GIo, aliicWel tuselorl, and muchaeirg(argontisu soal. Ncw Poney PIonne!., Grey Plortelu. Whtelc loiteclo, ScartiFttnrls, 11'Iiie soit 'Srey IJtion, wlite od Grey Shirtiag, Strîpeot Ticita, Whitetosuai) onireil Qoillo, tlovc. sud Hoiery, Mis I rrcapsrro Nrelc ice4 Bo r cea, botoroi Driocro, 'Girirr tt ror New 1-' t tiorpeto, &'. lottig made ta order ia thre nornoa t iL. OF THE DEST Z"XAN)S, A full anti co~ t Sîoc. IL F r1 CZ3 ý'Aareh rou se., Beg oon tac tetei uvt 't' itan d r aicstotners i Eoil arg ti;rwîc Every DLIsartnianct ij, fluly rai Oslnùîeysîce, n vibtit wdIl '"AuqY sra sand~gjuc errs. i c Wk"b, Ot.,418-o. L J. C AMPBELL,. Wbis1~ Ot.-4 187 42 IIOSir~r.lra rproivcr a îtow and 'largeStoci of BirruiTSAND1 SHO[ES,f y (Irs' Me~ns' andt Otuidenàs' %wear.ailich lare olfred ai utextremolIv ~hwvus, ltrtîiItg lincliasedIltise bulk c tis stc befoin the recelt îrise in el ~~ Uhitis, for Gents, ~~~catiiot blin tdesold. sdrce oteIm-iae Phids, for Géntsi ~~~Partictilar attenltion sdrcefoth hm-aei - i'Vjs and BIOivs i donc in flite Sttop. Nash Riblions,&C. Boots and Shoes of every description,. of flite latesi * tiivs, moidetaoorder, ansd au nu but firot cdass wikmnnaiE A. spleuîtid stotj, of Sillits aud 'POIplrs, plain and figuired ployer], a sure fit la gmarantatsd. ini uvery shado ad cenlia. Meoding, as tisual, on tiese lorttut oljce. Ladies ool \c5s5îi'r'th sieuves, xild Laclies Nyoo )cus ' POWELLCIL SA UNiT LIWES & PO E L WVhitliy, Sept. 12, 1800. Wlitby, O00t. 5, 1S7. il I~ A /100 t r (do~lr .C~r1iiriari1rl i f'rilPt~ tri1 C 013T 1870, XViII he pî'cpared to slsov thte largeset attd Ist Stock of fi trot T. foýr La- INSURANCE COMPAN~yi.1 Totas Burton, Vrbdet,or i prions.JOHN BLOW, j RO n ipetirn,,of 1toh be sloood défoulant, ittr, e Frt noldîri~ Agot ~, ~ Th.om- Bur tolto ad outof t cf and @opllo.r Mir, h ieadMtfion Agent frn hr h nirî.urtrol otonimbr , fure,in Llrr VtiUiiIt! tIttUtiltt ] l i thotcesoo t e .T ortgnhofi. r ,i re a -M"and va , eAgotfor Port %lb1tIbye P am N à. IA.flrirat,. Plaster and Waterlinie, as.h groutorl And olr l port, : PPETIE WNTi E RS. 2,000 UIffare s, .... oveWsI tllghesat Coh prion g van for â.p quanyty or FALL AND) SPRING W119AT. R. V. Prrr. Oh) cîond, arteltti ogAISltttdr0 lVithv. Ma t., 110. . WM. TtannPsOae. tirockr-to i Wly. peptomber 28tto. 10. 47-21u N. Blow & SonI, Oeitus. rier orot Cooissîs, DUNDAS STRLmET, WHITBY, - r r Erg t~~~Ou irrrrm Pot qfhtth. o.. oo. r y te n ar t o SPueit( t bvont an . ýr y a n ~ANADA LICE ASSURtANCE FLOE, yo adaoueirql f Companly. OTà r tqXA RN Fo u tvs vir o ilfihîd tihe lme antd best 8smeaTe, &a. Fo yurSonsiitreyo 0VI. aystET A1T T-{E.iD 14 e-R Tir. iighit toh prlo pot cor Grain. A R M E T The only Canadien Lifé Copany Tfr nooodo5os sit nur Saoo .UTBtItZED DYV GOVEKR5MENT N. BLOW& SON. rOI.. THE DOMINIO.. IlVh1t',îry Spi. 12, 1870. 4 f tSRIolem rolowrhanthoseu Britsh orAU" rH0 S.hV1LS 0ON, .io oea,,,8. IN' THE , CQIJNLTRI h ttâ h Kad a .gr%ý of anol od or Asurance buoieulinofttSa M . r.. Il oic hirtd , ,cr e t lai. ,tih or . li~eca 0,,0,raioly otierlo 10h re~i, Bcst Coal Oiu alwayS 011 hanId. loiorilio ,ooototgruScor iort.ryovirtre c o he Popular O oIlupt dtilt o t . 1 m,,llrly and poortiore. AH ùrdtortoft a is iroideco orret lte G-on - .o.V.f"$0' tencetoi ho u h e 0.Dominion. wbttrO riler, Whitby, ouIlb, prrmtttrly aoîloodrto. VYLIJrt'AN tBRY'AN. eoryinformaîiont oortl cotainediior et the 5tro i ilrrly, Setp. 1211,18711, 45-2oi. 46 3ses . T.A. G. RAMBAY, Whitb y, Sepîcînher 22, t1860. S46TO..or COMMERCIAL EsTEL, genot nt WhiLby. ÂArT J AMF E $0 'S 1Wà Ty.M E ' ÀL F. A. WITHERS,- Propietor, ThePir, rrîr , ,rtOliOrrrtlheOhb r. i rrI fniOt îrr' L opi, lylo, th. lo t ' I13 ESTr QUA-IT'Y I1 t Cr,WIliOg l'rrlio. Tho 1rrthortrrtglr i AOT ME rLOtBtp lrr,rrt ir.rrOlriot ll be ,1rord lto llao il ta i ngot rotrot rhl,. r net'infMý VIr tratTftaW Q, Ot I,1ior Id, 18 70. 41 I ENNESSEY'S BRANDY, (On draîîglt.) To bchoii intîdj Canmada, ety iiovelty in Drerus Goodru, Me- 0r rnt tios, Aljacls. Sirs, P, pho, Velvets, titobroîs and Fancy Gotodot tir On drannrht. MINILES ANI) StL11hWt«,,,onnfl Itle totest pnodctiqu-s cf Etugllish, Fiioicts and GennantiruisiVe hava c iosv a supenior Stock cf C I IP~'E C D I1 eady-M~ o 1othzg0aOndraught. For Mlens' yotltlî s' ai Boys' wear, made up of' the eIeap- est Wooliens wu have iuîrii rmally yods1-. (Ioluing mode t() (i (i Cltiion r and Giain Baga cheaper titan snjy oter iline .ltt O5Uado,.hliulesole and Rtait. 9 R. WAILî%"Rt& SON, Toronto & London Septeinber 29th, 1STO. 47 1870. U iIOlTldS 1iJ 'NIM 1Mil ANlx & CY WC beg to miro 001100 tri arrivai of tito ble feoar Paîl Stocrk, ostoeit xocosby far aaytiig os lave IirolIoC't9 ubee,in point of qtrîn tity nil mtomerrt, aud widw ren'fft',,, et pricedcfYittg 5 ir-Qoielo salos %nB igitO proQtt.' linA4Whiltity. 4 fi t.. f ~2 ~ *0> t r If OTEL. -~ r ~' 4 s. Oroolol,Xpril 13tb, 1869. '4-3îf VALLUABLE pROPERTY FORt SALli TWN 0F WIIITBY. lb roîtowîoe, rîrrîro y. roolooging ta tht C,îoîs MEAnd oAroinL.g l o ort72 nd203,.@at tof Brook eîrrt, Detnfito.rt.r. Jor termi nduto e rh p&tielo asapply et tW' A. MAROAOJi. PLfC4EILQOM DormisO',ot Rtim, ('giii, Port, Sherry, 01:1 Rye, Scotch WFOR THTE TESTFI. NWlîiskey, malt, Dowi's aild Da-iits' Aiesý, on dtauoght. "db hrite efmrand Silokebeprs throghot th Waldwith dire- a..ote r Po,on Use. EN 1 " L .-New Clarets Dow's Aieý rCI G A L, 17, 4Wt5iT It aletett ssMll..franrrri u- lo ooooud lOîrO.t (tut pints ad tt.i, Porter, &c. coeot soorO re00i OtOi Oi0 Od. par bhoo. A' 1«. r ooot 'road:.rt N V W F'RI.ITS.--Sultauiairais-,ins, c r ants, ProtcOrolloooN.AlitIl. NuisTrFins, &, e eo pro,.rolog lont ttlh. IL *ILs JAMESL ON. tfth sit nroOtoi rroý îrtortix 10011. rA Wu ilibyr jrîy 5, tS7O. 35 P.0ce 40,paorieoyWistpj cII G ABRIELS COItALITE TUOTIi X AsTe, chf .leoo'rtog and îooprroîrr4rth- IT0s rr 0 s sgOtioS wilro0i., h eitrrrt l.sortrchor thoîoenyloae,fnaorr. ,trdiliîorbrilri!l dit emol. Pîîoe 10. ti. S eln ABIEL'S lio Yt1, L OOTtI mihy for %Iajetoy. 10or,rototlirrotandrîi (Â1AB IPtEL'S OIONTALGIQrI: BROW N & PATTERSON, iýila ,ec ý eoyiX! Scaneor rrtootoe otroe,iilnd Tn., il sorte, ant for,,'a o moo&ogrotohlr aird renr.oirrr.r WIiITBY. ONfARi.utoh-ouh; bat 0the ooriroilod oriotagr. r perrnotgthe ool..utoond soûtoiothe hrorri erngthaoa O t th o r d 0.01000 rrtaho at.o ootoor.. Prîror.o. -~V~ ~ ~EARTIES AT & DISTANCE RiE- "Çvrm I MIZOir :lc ma 2, Ormxv:cI ie triring air501al toctot maey hothir rL ......... ~ ~Pli ni . p rt i alO or o r olo . , t . o 0t . b,. t r Si"0yvrotpractiorit oapcrieoore It th he ,a)tf-letuo of_ R oi. tal tiO50S, rttOnor o0 l .rrolo troth iih mout -lient oilI ttthe l oliatnrota-, Self- iR ihioo c R' iar" ila eceyfanr s dys,,geof ans lotetOt ntO rootr to0rriirtlo.. si -r Niion-tne an eît tte proscrit day. We t.ojtttr odoi ots a.aoa,ord fclbrot sli coadret boti ledudl r l nor t rlirleotar.r)i a l1oit'l br ht h po 00 ristýî1.roilart 5yrt areuVin 0ory tanutfoacrtr rorer$. .orrrn.- r .rdrt iogfio. T slion îoct eiine io lîl emlrisosuc!)o 'sal ..q...r o r s aysa'a edpI i Mexro. Or1octPt,11IIO oArtifioita r ~'îrr' OCito iteafcîrîe tot. oago'ntel. * Ail 1. tersla ho oddroarrdto 4LIat ýýrmjyandt dua.lly bilît. The et n mteriltdi netli Icor-Iîtilnto. tts ma. "ILL, Loý.vuouY. i ci ,ryr tire mnt ocompalt and durthle. Tieotoast liol te, lot t o lrder. rr riiaoaof wood tond inca in thet inrger bar, moites it ah. Mostt iinfeet of fiugr], URNtTUR1i Selfo tof Otdtrivr, o,ntleoflot e ogt~igs o utbolrîrrutoooad olieves Io011 EV nRY BO0DY 11 i, iiger banr. th ittt i9 tu 1iaototetiol ssa g! orbr eak tor i nto ae aatIreror n oto. AT TUEi rlier Srlf-Poske iio Cie mogtrsi poct once lnncntsd, anod caiteoof funr r R tt , 1V. v- ef thé tdriver owiîlout toppinoteiaten-rt. ~L ONWBT CthSýH PRICN 1 Cffliratsix fouI sot,, wltils oliîtlo ito rtft nato ighl 0nUr otct.4fwerfoot trot aide deiolt TtIlS roi rovet. t coin§eooily. wiOh r a 'looot rott, ttoifto e t weoay acres pet dus, AI t,,RroItor sOF u ai. 1)it oat noste ietît nltot rt 'orty ie rtr"tla oerresn i p. 'Il nfflaoture2d fnr RespirannalY, boatiario jr9 loieu detioummitrroicilthut o Ip- ~À soi R,ýeoper and itower womît sot îe oct more gorýt3a nditgratu in,, mtwo Conlinord qin l ; u il a .51Jt" aindaoe tsotemuet le."ite aregoerrc. ol tidoes, a oeprari~ tcchine eto,f Cr11i iiested thtnsr conoitit tene -le.%'lioile tn ol out etforoer. ati ol l srrae rends j q ric ,,f of Fî.nilt, fiort,r ithîosutlle trerible andor det y rf ohogitit.r frote o tite lt010, rcoor. l' r RPnr rbusa beneila otOees~stil opr.tîaO oly fiven YOStéobuit j1îiloo ra i nriir pailn1, f rxcolteioor havo won far it drinOg that thon a tMaltitude .ni friendsit an a Chire., fr poiit5eunterr Itfore atttairtor iy atty hztrverter 100othorî rita lime. Fr th ir tot tur lresito. l.oienr, or ieoait i 00i tiitifVlite toriciotbot darleor <hhe poartroienseron, , tI. dra.il, car r tnely iinirrrol thosonýlnit theo principal whea-l-,owOWtr5 tnenns of the n, rd \ns o îor aind oit a o ppariiy atopnmndoatcrl in tse iaitoey o u isptg Noeirt.r--ro-ir.,-m. i l Fiiniio i 100rtoao r-i .1 fr ,dooro J ýE; THE HARVEST 0F 1819-OU R RECORD. 0 io ~'anîtod-h Oehe ion t r Storvontitg oetir" pool oue.o The't-h o fWi-o hcr'i Ce utot'iitIr h . hrrkn-r r antdiiorttytei ot ierroliy "oerly h'0in hlin'abiltv I' l"n dL-rrrî o o,'ne ote r nUNDERTAK INC -.r3rru n osj, o u- esm.rcnooo Tisatet te ', . nnit"Soif ILfrtt irr te 11 i 'IO or onu ndPoie l.ftteolitl Isev 1ranui3tito nieto ruaeitibi ta acet mcs'utaely, fonroutiaro thdn o e r aI r ocle oorpunri 0îftit oiios tt 1 rotu glinylttdu a c;,.pîea,egsj#e1o1oi JAS. H. S A Ni >101lSh0~. BROWN & P&TTEBPSO reoaimtWblv T0ABOUT 100 AoCtgttOF i!LAND rI, *IDZ oparo P. Coh 5,0fL.ýy. àan 0 ltbe ôh ooo.ioa od 0Ofhe TOWNSHIP 0' pICRKERING, Weil watereol, goodtol oting. ho. pte partirtel, apply ta il. noWEt.L, Wsa.r. Whtl.sort. I, 1870. 43t Do1Y01TiELEGItAraIICOMP'ANY, WHXTBY AGENCY- ùfflalo-ttreeh-t.,m . or outh of,,othe oy iU. A. G000WIN. OKRettoat. M t h, 17 . tu.21-l. TEP NPSON, SA )DLEB IR&c. SIDDÉES TIIXIARE .IDDLES! TIIE FLRST PRIZE! Slhroo eththtîor t rt he Cooty onrtt'rtoioi il tairS.Caliaud nea thoirlrtntay0'tid - ohieh uillhusoidoclforCapi. TRUNKS. VALISES&o pir 1191,.ritgdane.rro h.Tttotice._ 1.ARA SBUGGIES, WA.ç;.c: ~. 1869 18G w:um~Y & UxnRII)f;~. AIl" rir~'~1~~ ',tatotr - îlot o-h toI bro hoo r r i 10 -ntm. ticS rniioror.nnrrî r ont rn on.. o i o. r TO r r r hot ~,, 0rair~o~~ rOO loiroto.,> r. r 'iteehi rota -01,1 dooptOolor rn-o o.l-erroorril w00 rOi irft00Orirrrir00iir0niI~ r ,,~ h~ o - O ~ ,.rt.rtnoaOr r arr o 'ni rrrdoidtoor .iirloot .0 ~tooooi. .0. i Bon h t VOl-kO o I Wl-S Or 515~7 O'. 1000. Wililby, Oet 5, IS7i ). No. 1, on the >A ht Z'.

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