ý ý . 1 . ý ,U,. -', 1 ý 1 ý 1ý,ý,ý_1'e, ý - .- - , i ýý 1 - ýý . 1- - - ý 1 1 . 1 1 1 ý 1 > 1 1 ý ý ý ý1- ý . ý 1 ý . 1 - 1 4 1 ý ý 1 ý ý ý 1 - 1 1 . - . - 'ý .ý,.ý . . . 1 1 _; . I- 1 1 . ý ý 1 . - J . . . ý . il , I l ý Il 1 ý ý ý 1 ý .- 1 1 ý ý 1 1 1 ý ý 1 1 ý.,.ý-ýý1 1 ' 1 1 1 ý ý i . 1 ý " ý 1 ý . 1 1 ý 1 1 1 , -, ý ý '11; 1 1 ,-ý,11_1"; ý_ý - ý 1 - ý . . 1 ý - ý 1 . ý - 4 - .1. ----- -,,- -------«".*nïmm 'ý 1 ý ý 1 ','ý, , . 1 Il ý1ý_ 1- 1 1 11 1 . - - -, - --", mmommaý Z ý - _21li ' - - IIIIIII11:11 e____ý __ -1 - __ý 1 - ý , . , ý ---- --t 1 1 _________-__ý_ . 1 ý - . 1 '!,_ ý, --------------------7- ýý ý ý ý ý ý , ý1, _ý__1 __ ýý_ ,--- - ' 1 . - , , , ý 1'4ýý'1 ýý1 ýý ,ý 1 - . ý 1 ý - 1 1 1 ý 1 ' ý , ' 1 ý ý - ý, ".,ý', -1ý ý ý ý ý ,..,., -iGrý- CER ý ý. 1 ý ý fi'ii, RIO INTELL ý, ý,ýý - 1 WPIT13Y GAZETTE AND'(:).NL' 1 ý1 e'1 1 1ý1ý 111 _ý1 ý 1ý 'I l 1 ý I l 3 1 1 1ý 1 . 1 1 - 1 ', 11, 1 "I - _ -=-7-- --ý. __ 1 . '117, ý ---- .1 à_ýil ý - _ý-,ý=-ý-ý-- -- ____ _ý__ -_ ý - -_ _ zc.-._ =11i z=;-_--ý -------- _ý ýý---ý- -, - Plot in thoPenittlitialy, ÔoNDENSED iijcws. 'T', -ý ý.ý.ýý 1-4- Il- dvuTtistménts. Sectariail (fralits. Young à1fi Cliiistiati Ass)ola",n*. 011,encery Fail Battage. ý l'i'liE NEW GOVE ',: LOCAL AND GENERAL, ,ýleti'8 iolci;ftil,,,. Theril in et _ « 7 __ -_ ->----- - --- ý , . E NOR 014NERA ý ,;ýM 'irgitnïzillg a Ul)li.ýt.iu ", 1 , ,ýV_ ý - - . . Il ý . l'ýll .1 1 ý - "aa.rm, The LOI 1 Bis airivtil in t 0 DOMIDIOn. Il, ,reai fi or excitelucrit prevaileil ' p ý Pe800iation in Coti Tito Toronto I-Lûotlorýi, haS Ive art, p1paleed te iýorOrnJ Our mittiogi of the Court or clianecYi 1 fil 1 iOý1WûOd. tu vele ' - ý N E W f, 0 iÎilý' 0 R 01ý-1'ERâ lrýFtfTrKq'ý1, IL ,v:,Ikerý & Sono., - , ý ona", . , ý lýiOg"fcPi on Thuli frein À ruiner that ýir.,I'dvrard Mnjers haî bccn appeint'a citizellef of Ébat place Illive 8ubieril 't- 1 -'l' ýl1, , ý ý ý - eretting analyiiiii t4cýPti thatif, Fucae,"fulefftrt 1, Illid( , Voeu Openfield bot'ore the flou, 1 ' Sir John Young . ooo towards ti ý te, Ilis 11, itensivc tend deep laid plot liad licou Ùffiuiaý Asmignec for North Outartu. le croctiou of a buil Il r 1 ý, ý ici( 1 'i'n, Innu ýAn bum ri ,P C' .ken f la . ,Dllizo a YOuný; ;i chrièi ,ý'ýý800 ,i,ýeOvcTed and 1tustatud nt Lieu provincial ii .. ý, - si ý Vice Chancellor, on Friday Iaýt. TIZ .ý l iýý, l' ý P'o', ,,,,i,,Piillied by Col. Barnard te, he Usc Of file ilf(,,Jbb,,. 1 liented tu tèhe A88cinbly in' fti of -sec- bel' ý 'A meeting ta take into conmidergtioli idis - , ý ý,. , Lv. ,ýJr, l'imblion 1 ý !' lowing membors ofthu bar were lui rivcd ut Oý-dixe8burg et 11,30 on F Ïdna itentiary, and tient flic Pffort tend bac[' l'i'surnif - ý ý ý -C:,Iiýidtt 1,';Irttir'ii Co_ ý, till'ine. gralits. ý > IIPPý'n" IIIi ils ý Edvard Blake, Esq., NI. P. P., Hciot 1 lllfrrliu,, frýIu ,New York on Iiis ' l", tbd dàirability of extending the WhitbY Thorn ore ni) , ý - _'_:ý ý amoron, ,aoride-el with deut Je of one rr the inmint aie llrlJpýie2'vacnnt in oeil nnmeS lire attaclied to,286 rýtitiç,lý,, coning 011 WQ,ý,,,,1 . r' W 9 y -es. ýý _ li ___Ir . - ett . -A. Clinik. y (5voniný Ilist, the 95th 0 Esq., J. A. Donoviln, Eqq. TliL,4 l' ' cOnfQiniegý èier 230,0" 2illt-, a 'iarýSe NIOSS, Esq', P, ýJCGIoiglr,-Hîq., Lyluati n'et In 09(inesburg b Il deccaAc convict was knovm a3l Jýppliuti i e4idoincos arc vrai ý, 1 1 lot ý, Cltawî 1 licy werc Id il Port Perey railway ta Beaverton, wu' ton apd iriorc iliti Illld - T il tJ nos Corners, Brook. dicelicli ý ý number of perlori Mot et * Dulwr, Frcuch and Patricke ex tý[1le(Jd il uf,,ûs,,ý voter Tend à . lie town cOuffcil Of Vr ý Clirigtoplier Muerai, and had bouc sen- ýÎ nos ay a 0 '119 population. ý lute a i. , ,, - [frani -a fi ,Mr English, Esq. John Rour, Q. 0_ U. 4ý* 'le ]y. ý Loi, ý Who wure appointeil a dépit -, - , 1 8. tatio , for a pariod or ton yeurs, lever Markharn "Econ'oniist" is asain in ta"D iviit bc made tq.ebi hq1ý;nçmmty 01 01;tý'l" Gel".'io's '.-lail for that object. And On ý - Jouet- Efeq , . D. Armour,ý Ehq , sied ý 1 a h "i Illasonie Illutual Lifu Assurai t'ion' 61-41,()60, 5n3b ODIY -T .,mon liolden being called to choir the J. K' ý ý ('ýcott ta rçoCiv ý'ht ut which hall transpired. 110 ýwa8 ý do of llon. David Beesor. * ' , ý Ad d m - îý lilliiie. 1 1 . Galbraith Esq. thon. Carriages were in rendinemee, te eue , te th pally Of Carentiel' ' 1 Out Ce Ils ""Il, 4 e ton, ' 1 111,ltlin-,,w,,ý,..openud by prayer, ý -Thij ý 1 ,) isonors, aithoU Il parti f, Jýtý,,ý 1 1 646 raffic", .. t ri petit' 01.> , cintluoted . T lie tient cse was LIFII vs. Hall 1 Il lie of flic Fenian pr ýg Plr,',,H. E. Tomlinson, of the township _ý ,- , 'Iànnan. 'l'lie chair, wns a ý Ili filed degainst a Mr., nally ý of the vey flic party oie board the steamer effli ýýoàIted with, fillette in the plot, , liicîlicrinug, wüs kicked ut by a boue Wher, A11LUM.'i., weddod te . ^ te K. Ma which iiiiinodiatel proccetied ta thé rail, - ield,[Itelnieytoilloowninnogilyesvi.,* or £xhîbIIIOuý,,ý àâ cueillit y , JJý,iCtO ,IWIIIsitlçgltilvecblt, hy 1 Ille wüddifig ouke IF ulways!«romted 4y township of DâriingtOn, bY big wien elle* Wiýj wharf ut Vrescott, wherc tien 1ddyMý 'Tho liorsc'8 faut just M ZO& big temple 0110 Or thé fectellionable tailors Aà&'ý 1 ý-'1 ý .ý ST. ANDRE 'il F ,,, """' P 1%1 Re actes i Hall, t'or tilinnocy-or town couticil, Lieuturtant Colonel At ý rillich' ho was driving on Mondoy last. ii Métis. - whe. th. Bev. 3lé wab câlied cheriy luty %Vednefsany Dight' York bas hud sa -"P'H""'à "le Oleject or file Inueti i the follegfi groulids u t or a Wall, Street ution ta mai a fow reinarks. flic liev. of drinkennes% and Cruelty-On, bis part- and etaff, Licut. Col. JCESUP,'Sir John A. 113,. 1 . dollar oý Ili , mlli Who wa9 on ( South wing notent ni and Bliglitly tut bis boula. Ordur fur a Ove and the oally part of Thuri 'aurai , fi wines., &',]ý,îqubý' ?, ý . Francis. gliethering of ils ii deiiglit,,,, , ,Village, - Lait ' IL a, SoF-,ý - ,ilý, ,ý,cý,.,; ý 1 h Dose bail heure éxaluinfal ý lie in thé vieinity Uxbridge, r&-- '-Aulli Seotis," T ndýth11ir ýý -'S" hnis, und il IL J A large béer villas filiot by a joling ment aborit et, lie marrieti, cuit gewlemen made a very iiitoli 0 After the firfet wit JIýancàoÙîIld, the lion. Mr. Campbell the ,,, id' week.'- The' animal wals ne efforcions ( 1 niber of inviVýfJ gei villicli expiffining the nature and workio, 0 ýCyin tP cleck wilen One OF 1 'ý, Il 1 big lordship direuted the bill ta ho diatuiese . Mr, Tilbey, tien ]fort. NIr. Lon ý ,,, ,,id he ,,,, in th Me. A large and influential nicetin týÙýn-3Ort--,. .' a large ou 1 Fa il - h -a minieuters, und a very large iIon. a llour T Le ..le 0, ng te Ilim 8" il fi - --ý- - Look pince on ,Niondli" t ': ,i li5l -IL the associations, thaïe success, and the bosi Roi appeared t'bat pluintifro'continued sud othei guard's caille" tuuni ic '111 f Thomas iullablrants Of Pictont WR8 held ici se- 'ýÉAî. Ilf., t;-, WATKIs is iàtiinrizùd te 1 ve, ý Very resulting froui theuri, in otifer parts of Illée residence with the defendant alter the fil courbe of the iiIl)rtbitantewere avilliting big ,ý1,0()k out 1 & prisoncirs bave tirât, ut U.ý _ "en" BO'ster' """"" o Hall on ý)Jonday (,Voni,),, tu ý di senulew 1 subscripti'no tn the GAUTTE. Urelinnies, . ) às, tti,,,ûvcryelý, country; sud conqJiided by prün"i"'eVJtý legedactsot'crueltY hall been comgldtud arrivai. A guard of hofiorý villas .. Co Theffi q _.e.I.lýl I FI in Toronto 8 . lion W-, - , t ' " lurniesheil "f theircelis ', ne looked up to tlle"ï,,i. 1 eterl Es , Il.b,,dgI,, died . . 1 'a , -- uccussrul'. Th,% hall give his licarty.mupport to the Assuc a eu o ... ý vý.s un ýý ý 1 Ili 01ý'"WJ'l-there .1ýeIO13, continu cd for tilleul. Lymani Engliah, Elui., by fi 0 Prcecolt voluatuers mider, Coin- I, 0 of the prisoners, TI il y I .ýiI.Illyphoidfever, quictiti'n 01*80etarian gran 0'. ËARQU AMON OfBonver- 8 ý ý Tho Rov. 2NIr. (iibbm, wasl' Toit oilliâ un- ';il* i Major Wli il ýo ... . itnnlig muthoritea ta roi subscriptions I mr, 0 r ' ý . . i itc. On landing a ,adonvoriog ta eut the Topo ci the plaint Young folle, St'8taining . file goYerwelit wore ý Lin , gi Ilet IL 1). Il ý il bc, ve ý400 perisomail ýreelit for pitfli B. Blake, Q. O., and J., K. L% mond of ",y ",(",O ""' sow ,ý ý . ý 1 Tenons werc decorate j , - - ,.,B 311tý filet- ýTIû Won very, Inuch Plensed, ho said, te sec braith l'or doit. sel flic of 17 guns W48 fireil by the garri - son bil. Ili calleil out to bien. Whin and his denth i!i regretteil by a largo circle ly carried . Il ,ýAXzTT,ý .1 li ý ,, ýIontrûâ1 vs. Groor:-Tilis %Il ellingtou, the band thé, K. . *4be zl 1 -ire 1 B Weil The Batik of ol'.Fý Ott - . Pheyingth ", -1 1 , ý , , toi suitp'ole for the llùqf,1ý ý ý ,enfind fiction talion Lhi8 mlitter ; in Wa - case was gettled bel'ore cending beforc ille ,ý 1 - - - __ ___ M -_ lent of acquainteil with file ,work . ing of thune: as national ý 1 ý , ý ý itr.esg arrived there the conviçt villes goi- or.friende. - Il On Fridày aftorneon, nt (;a very ricat. reppicarance. -ý, j:Ie a-- 1 . . ý anthem. 1 ý , ir, file direction Cleveland in to John BùIger, a coustabIL i . 1A WitacEs followed on have a hospitnl for in nqn ,i , ý, 1 soclatious and fel,ý Il Wall lunch indebted court. ThIs followilig addre8s Wall parosenteil 10 1,, tbouglit the conviet had tuk'en- ý me diffgusted with light with J P the society, Pr. Otinn,'toQk O ,fait el'Ort y Éýr the îencfits reccived sinco big firait Greer vs. buffy.-This case vrai; Ienfi ' IL ""' wolmeri Who huve buco . ose ph gagnon;'oli'ýt t 't ILY sirO,, ý k, , ýbý" bien oie bolialfoi On, corporation by idayor il, Ille auutli-weet range, Iwi caille with a Te laitier fi ocioa-i,,a ", but Wall ý acqunintaneâ -with them. ý poned on pnyinent; of COM of the day but Irwia. 1 1 t their husband 1 m. volyer. The Lill eut e 1ýý1 ýý 9 % tU ý ý> ' ' Il Qngs and ILetnarks wore di made by Dr. Gunn, OtPEL14, within ; tif, Il - ý>,Iowli thon into the rourtil Tangue ai", ý 1 ian girls, lately taken te nosa Pa"inog bohind ,et timed remarks, Ilwel - '. , ý 1 il' t il, W S - I T, IA. F-11 ... y Ihr Right 17-li sý' 1,(,L'Cd Over thé . - &O left ,ý 11URSD , ' 1 - 1 1 1 b', ùzpg railing und Faw th eu- the ýÙ) Ly1tcC(I uýei tu work in a Massacha-. prisoner wits brouglit' before th * . - - ýz___ 1 - kicting ad- illlessre. Kirkland, Smith, and ýlcDOu9aIl, aveu of plail)tig;"ý'I'li(TS. je . h. 1'..,i,,, ,K. G. 'U., V. C. il. U. !ýý ýý music, % interàPersea ' ý..,f,. .1 .0. f ý ,iut endeavoi iug ta pick the look . bli 0 t , 1,01 'te le Ily,,.al TPý,, louriellor theT ' , knst, ,lm la ruas î1ý1 . , llicleri 1 I*ýT. ,.1ý1t 1 tto rubber ýoLory,,nre beartily tired of The Feeling agà* 1 -CLUBER 3, 1su. , 1 il ;.. who, expresseil tben.selvem hiizhiy gmtified 1 Fiizberald and Hukin Ili 1 , it- Il fi ' n, , ali by, fbO'ý Rev. 1 ,ý uni], ),te babalt of the lntiabit.nts ldi ý aicket floorleading out of the douce. ' 1 and gencral. , The ovideDeo bre -77 - ------ - - . p 1 nt the formation of the Association. A cou- ý2f1 :d1.ý.rîI,1: l ý ý ý . r lheir new home, and widh thutuselves bock fore the edr96' ý- . Dartnell 1 , a ,ý hppe..Oh 'on 1 1 Iles2 calied regain te, bina te surrond ut loi Dr4 Tue _e'i ý f.Ùr Exe.1loncy on your ilorvila in th' and Oi k - âtitutionwas tigreellupon and Élite followlog Elictu va. Shire.-A bill filei pq' , OU, DO,.ini.. of Can.J.; and w. .ce p.y th ta Caui ý or PrOVO Conclu.1il ,ý, 'Th' elm . f- , S'e, formed gentlemen*,upp, iliteil tfâcers f ùr ilhe.fmauing inofi hela by tJcý pliintiff ma ex O Pl th. route fur ýour i,,u-ey tu ille es, lt 0- bol, lit did net answer, when fvii r g tient ho malice pro>vdked the decd, and th, 1, 115ir J'Ohn,ý 1, 1 nuit T. 1". Whitc, a ýz l Iý C4.t.iiIh.t la lýý.ýoýtty.,3 isrevolver. Vice v e ,B Il ý %VfieD a mail i' se affected t'il rôcSd, froin le -twû9ja'býeQui, , -Tifi a ,e Ii ou Dow (loverroir ' The part of the yeli of talc celatte Ot thellate swrlLng; - Our ' >Oilý.Wkunlegsle» 1IO14%,*Uýl1aîfi or just 'bl, nirelumilite, ýý q .'.'Mn in - 1 on ..-Ii.».uit W. g- Y.. ;. 1 ý _- J«h 1ýý O' (;enerul, race, ' . lluy,ýýj bc P-w4-4>d -in - hia,.,ýýpbjqot, , "m -th fe ý, P ' ' îfuk**Î-4fl-_ýý oinging of lm ifis Spéalleff; ' go ' lillies PrpsidentMr. Jnmes liolieu; 14týViOtt Tho def*CIQCe Verso tient tien lece Il au,4 bij. lieu eoth a hexcV -Ii ' fired-1. -%,zý nd rofori .. li J. -V 1 ,gpfé,"d Ili ....."tw M, ri, - fý 1 , e, ""' ', ' unýblx'arrival ' 1 1 . ni and Prersident, K. F. Léekhart ; Seiliond, ýdù- poid tu John 9bier 'the Other e ,,tué f - Front the ri 1ý wl .. in digobarýýý ,.O 1 ý . ,pot ai thé man la out of e develesi IS'Pidida. AInd thobearti. 1 - 1. ili, own lieu west,,w ,,d r, ilebttd with il. ' The Lyndô, Miss Freeman, il 181 ', Mr. Pangmntl'is' O. 1 -jQn,ýr or th. gave over àt-I eau down thé wostýw ý . nm of the receýtÀcq,ý, in indicative of .the - ,ý , Rosi John8ton ; Chaplain, litige K, Man- 1 >s9jette and É ;'P'T'91190 y- diitltý as Lndiligh ituessl'ollowel und fûtend octiviot on th plu Damocrats of Washington are 41, wife and six children unprov mrs. ,wolfimien -ef %vilitby, *as Cciveu 1 - ..i.n Iiii.ri "a la .11 th. ether exallffal poli Effoli are no« on font ta roll O' àigcharged by bien. , ý 1 f ions ta ýhizh yod ïOnvo lus. fini by Our trou groui flour, lyi-g on bis book, his ft, cýy claitning Grant as eue of' libéral, and feeling of the vrliolli koum 4- '. Sir John W Je by tiM - connu ; Sccretary, W. A, Law Trea@m Soveral wit cýseS were 1 0 ' ities. Gagnon died nbû%it ith entbinsinstie applause 1 leilec faxer, J. G. MoDougail ; Libration, callea for the doit, a ta prove log W n for neurly thirty yentre in active ý . ý mal """""t o gr..i.u,."".VoOïgn, W.-baý. th. f.illeâtoqllûdeüce Ille 110 wüs net des lic4riburl iR li unuasy lest the "' 'S' . ý a il fréqucntly ci But O 811 W. Cowell. Cointnittee-Mom money,'$Dd a persan nbumd 1%, tnat your allai trntion et the (lave situent of tOVards htOYO,- rter lie recoived the futel ahof- Wb- i noored. Ta - 1 r ý , i', - tais èotOitry, wiit. bc ottoudud, oeuf, proleperny, WitneKs thon gave tiie aident te the vici Ille'itient elcet fille atonal; Gomiervatives a duti as a seryant of ,Ùte Emp&ois thé lu bc iovi'iious te, pâr, land, B. Ilickey and R. Jeffrs;,Kýb.ý Planifient, of Brook, fol' the Pltil . Thý cori) '" . did go wèll, il YrOuld - ýýlý11,0111.-M.",ý hapllueeý ..il oont,.taont. Ion and Laid bine one oi convicts w iflýkuI or radicais., . 1 ir'e jury brouglit in ý Impérial Comilions; WIL46 Transurybr4nëh iY Bay that 011 meeting closed with prayer by Rev. 2'4r. tient Do m'fil vras paid ire the, ,aI.aII.Ii... ý A-re of the 1oii,ý No>.g- whiel, yole, bavejuot S . 1 the bashand of a porylar vocalifit of Of',wiliul inurdeli 1 4ic4iprîzet ,und 1WI3 .Col,", ',las, ili.t. flot The warden came down with. w ' * A lire occurred nt Fort Lafai Ofillon me adwinibtràtion . in thê (3*bbL;. The next meeting of the musical- Thojudgmentwafi r'-tservOd- , ý ý- u.d.,goii. and the fatigue i.0idçbt theroto, wu dû Incline fully de 1 3e bestowed tý Ili bc held nt Gerrie's Hall, OÙ ,for Ili tff. 1) flot dýlrQ tu weflrjr ý,ou'with 1% jçngtily àldreme. nesS and 08 Senti I'S Lien warden saw Tunatil gave bis çrîfo a Fevere Wýat'llg on York harbor, on Tuesday, nouai lislando;: unir in Australi4. Iffis record ils topou libella. Me. 1,,.,i,, our Wbii ivedmi evening nexýt, qth inst. ý Bewitt vo. Br W. wilib, h.ý.,or, fý exproistoyý'ur,,,,Xc,,ýi,,nj" convict lie sent for Mr, Ille ni'lit laeit, bocause édile was Mo Carpenters, wila viero ut W, . , - ý ý 1 the btrongu@t assurance or. car loyaity tu fier hospital kQepcr, who caille lie a few geng ta g, "Il entoilent ;ý and ho comes çmo ý ne with the xemiody i bill with ý ,etswîthouL ài ajeety Qucqrî Vicatoride, and ààain bill ywar M - zing8ton tu sin il a 0'on'uert. ,-fi kilidliiig a Uro,-wllioli coni -otrolige ý 1 - tIg fi ilvas heartily e.icored la bis dif- miffleaitile pluintiff, e &ruaàd that coliency nad Ladj Youffug a rosi and Crirdillà Ii utes and gave it ne bis opinion filai a surne st possible claimis fol reepect and ri feront fleuri failli ovidence, 09, fi" b ' " e'-e tu vanduls il . .. . 1 mon was deuil. Wit ,;l, StepliQu'o Bank, N, B., in te Te Ville a chimf l ý,ý gangs, and fet.rty br,,11,-Lt il ý ovrn the MàsoNic FuNFýnAL.-The fanerai of tthadbeetidocidedinati)rtLlergait etween ý 1 ý ý ' - cela coul, ,,ait beiness. quantity ut ' powder in the mil tard. , , Iellçùcy, replied Pub-, whath,,r hie w.is lie , ,,ýs t - , Ta whichý ilis E. i Fatal ,h., ý bouse with his-'l'asjf.paýt-tbfl. ilffl ,Q' Brd*lior White, a moinber of Mt. Lebanon the mime parties. ý . t . - ý, . il l other shota tfred , lien lapon tous) 'grcat cousterfiation prevail 1 it appears that the Pénien humiliai; ie coulpiniments P Inadge, No. 139, tank place et Ckshaira On Lindsay Petroieum Co, va ilard, and Statitiailly Zia f01I«*.1s:ý . by tien gourd. 1)90 .ýevûr Iltioli't het flic Son go do, 0 Dy of othori Il Iti; file sliare ý- 1 regret yerv ondule flint la bl t * aniining the dectiiised l'aise kej a were ylur wilith ; no, lecoausel eo..Icbo(ly,& mon the résidente and many vaut sot quite deuil yeti, aitheugh vire bave board . Willis ,dýd iÎ,V"i"ll«l '£bis wus a bill 610 ýritt Il, r.piy tu yüur factir os. caille down open YOU. Prienil ilk a ti, and by Illessirson t'a I:11"1Lý s - 7j o= ke ,-g-" 1%aý pou bis portion. 'flic Topo oftlie boit My .- . S nday lent. 'ýo Brethreiii on 1 ý ýU 00 fittie of hind of Jatèýý ýHowever loti non, cri the Violine and fille, wure rinfillji D , .à. bolders ofthe obuve COUIPLUI, ligalust . the 0-4114 foilleiluie YOU haveil giron inyie.1t.and ý il f t cd to fi 1 O batlister ta pre ithas lie' n'oscertained tient Reine ladies ,il 1 -Whond were flous Whilby, Brooi and A. Hourd. ftermerly Of Pleincq ýibert,,und Lady yoùüg.. it'isvore. fi 1 ingj,.o..r.vlu@.îvýoý1'he ce, 4nk U8 en 0 INTERSATIONAL PIüEQý1J rd ý- 1 1 1 etanuffet ý et suchý 8, bc fi .. tg ma .i ng a noido by itd f»IL umptbint iéýfi-idlero Co ro&gin-to aid tbum The' ,,cou matches. bel ý ireek, fige télégraphe ennoucoed tbat, large excellent. and added lâlich ý ta the , the conipuny, a id against rui.c.11rait . . .,il 1 ii!! , grelot Pl- , 1ýûwmanvIJIe, tact in thoir infligé rate, fit President et' firot Élucidâtes' the thre0hpId or Canada. 1 -m The evideiice of the gudrd is an epi i, drawing ý beau. . 1 ý li'l'ard, of' 'Toronto, and CqPjýý usa (0flffp*roe) enthosibutio meetinàowore suififesa of the entertuinmenL The thoi ý Corinthiant à ' . cIOOýk Affirmait Farewell, of Oillalffa, and John Idsosel ta ý boeur yourexproosions of foyalty tel Uer ý 1 . . - Obi - . ý was provided by .Ur- (10illent, 0 ý ý1 1 ý itllathalf-put le 1 Of Oil Springs allegi:g fraud lu àl,%Ieotj'. Il a. ý a Pleauld te ficil tant the faseilla- 1 of the events. - 1 ý di froide Eng]-ind deprives the cage, foi 81,000 a side, fiay lefd itPbLladvlplila, duil that the fiscal suppar. . Kemp, ' _ artily by Tliejiiry rcturned the followingy rd : À désie and . Abrel Kléitiman,' fil o, ý . ý .1 ý 1 ý. and, id full ref proceeded eu(wlrd 14a sale of* tertàin ail lands in Entellikillon filons e.fthe country are support.eui eu bc *Dictent of bunkum Speeches' wore h artily Whitby, and refledLed latelit On the cOli-' IL theffeuplifi Foi gli'd for -,,, pliat christopher Murray . came P IL 1 Lentement Goverijora of' the right of claim t'or $600 oside, 100 birdr eaul 0 , ý towards Harm6ny, mi they met the O the Coin ami ut the - d self, i bave tu thand' l' _,,Id by Kemp IL Lèkdý yiatang an laye ow dius nO L death by golf mhot wounds iiillicted hy i ie:inilitrkryliouors and mt&kLueLbee.puroly . - roceriveil and rescindons adoptéd. mury skill of that gpntletuen, , Everyt iing ligueur ý où Witte the býoay,ý et the decoabed ' . -813750. butin irhi ýil Farewell bar: choir sud un ai il. Àji gestion "Y î , ril offleeis, , 1 et the lattice. city on Timrsday 1 The élections in Great Brittaits bave Te. good ta ent-haggis not excepteil- W88 as tu $fini of il y B. thank you cardially f-r your falithusirodic wet- guards gliile On dui il, the Pui)itûnt Iloul ià-tho be t lllcy." Thià is Lent, Und resoi ia eûoy victorie, - ý 1 ý ioncoaled ilýere8t. collie." on Ille nioroin, ofthe 25th inst a A ils fier ne it got:8, tot it don't go:a gulted es follows: Libérais the table, which fairly grilaned ficeler the charge of ,the colonies. of the Litige. À -and Il ui b"d a ' ilector ()àucron, ' ', ý 9. ' . 1 ýA New Brunswick- pu ' - ý ý ý ý I., and . OP- ý lils JýxceIJeocy thon stopped on board to Onco*clock! thrit the Ifsid C fritt ý . . par si 381 ; Conserve. Blake, Q. il . . . , ? ý grat Wayne pow.a.d't'yg. 1 . . d'elle Lest te annotera down thalle ý ing friends of le Plat, ý le Jeudi it Lad ta bear ; which Joad however long train ofvohiclesl contain > peared for ti ptiff, whilo the dulcifiai f the truite, w1fich WaR in reitdine-99 te Golf, Murray ut flic said lime veute IYle 1 . 1 . livres, 270. Liberal majarity, !IL . the d'ece'nsed", foliée, d The Procession ne in the bonds ,11 , John lieu, Q. Uand 0 . . ý Jouction, amidât . . 1 the Toronto "Telýf . - ý wi la lé ý ci I _ w lirescott 3aid Institution tend hod vrille a lie for _,ýrfiph'-sayo thata bre'ista ofileir ho Won considerably Jighli beforo the close W 1 1 1 - . ý clatil abouti Ivre le t mufirý,< la, ý 1 1 ' Ille pliinii made their vey bitu . îàt la propared tio regague Whàlun. ' The Parliangent of Québec ýhu been thon passed throuli the village te t1i J. B. Farewell. 1. ý 1 muet enthugiustie elleers. .O a conspiranyý. ta bruak-froin th ri . . . et frmü the 1 of the coil of the procee-ling&. ý ý 'non 0" the The lawn waQ decorated mille filage 1 ý , 1 ?Ifflies of file OAZ19TTR MOY , bu hall. 1 ý .ud &gain proirogneul until the 10th ofJnnuary use out entirely -front the c'V' ý by fui keyii te open the 00 vi , o ý - ý ý ý. O*er le a l At lutif letat élue, the se&tg were rOý Cherche of Englande fil band of the 34th a it was ýtcited that ' ý sa excellent Pralice in cold we, but it la more thon probable that, . en, ,ý delondanta, from -vh.Qm ý every directioni and thé utalost enthuaiasîn overpower the gourds and theroby se 1 Aiýiu*s-âYo cent e4oh. ý 1 . ý ý.. ý ai it wili ne ci dancing. Battalion *play ing a fûtainfi manch., The pieuse tu bu hy lxccllcncy 1 . ý 1 mont Important Part of' the nielle suit the hall ûdeued Il ý . . 1 though file sale was si ptevailed ta do bien bonne. Ilhe 1, thé eicape of the Said conviots. Veut m a pý4blýo meeting in 'Bbwmap*;iýle,ý ainsi, 1 ý ni moi before thon for the despateh of busi. . ý . was rend by the ils l4rgeet diucd t présoott incection and departed Murray, aL file timet.e receiveui the wo ý 'ueâtifdXý flic 1 - y-ahielded Froir) the cold : Professer Freeman Sý excellent band wis service of flic ()hurch , Kemp, Farewell tad roi ý a a reffollation "a passeà réfet 1 1 ; pecially whon travelliail ý > .. , ý Il il reoeived ni train for Ottawa, was urIlawt*ul Tilein, coutjoil ta Penchons, a tire-ongine ci .. 1 9à;tOwar meu. d eupplied lia, music. Nui Býév. Bru. W,ôri-el4, and 'ih0- PrOdOisiOn set infini therein, and tient à. 'u on the regu!ar P. , . ly uni in unerjingeu 1 current, 'flic forivard end ,a The balai of ,the arguments in the prestent, fin '. tuait out fer the grave- 1 yard. > ý 0 1 , , , . - filera from thers a large parti Il ý I,ý a u Illiele whore lie arrivind in the afterflOuD and wu' Raild conspiracy, sud lied àituAlly liber 1 ee ainsi improvoid kind. Thélifs , aMme. , , . of ý la 8111711i catin 1 1 Ili should bc madt, ta nt ail present-both nid and Youreg- ' 1 ý 'F le . met st the, station by a large etowd of two allant cônvîct@, and wheu:'I1tJý rece 'F J1iý;c il iku locking the stable >ýdocr lifter the 1 thé breffoi or st Il 080161 as WC 0 Courche. service Tras amoinded sud R inoney, au a bonus. l 'ri Ili ý ý ý ilion -tous or Whaien, ai Oogeode Hall, Toronto, part In Illili the li.g'lt filet tic , il th 1 ,ý ý y f ,! - 1 ý cillions, a roilitary guard oflionoli of il! . ý Il bis iciturest in the sale , ý ý tel. 1 . . urse as- ,our ý in postpmed till to inorrow(Priday)at Doon. And file wa.yýsome Ofthe -,I;Ids and dames" Wý BrO.ýMOCâbe in a mont feeling; and . ý'I i C., Itines b'and Ii HiA E O the aient was just theu endeavDiinýi, toi leines have beau. etoleu. our bel ý le ý. lett Wnc, the lands O t si L 1 P 0 1 1 'y- ýy.mùÉmî affable, keys the wicketgite 1. _- A shootiog matulit betwOOn the INLOW- ý - , or proie . > * 1 - impressive manger, rocited the beautifui wilicil the unforturaite leur fi 1 ers 8 - ý ivil, wa8 grectud ivith loud g froul flic main building to,ý4ý-to ca5tio and lliwmonvýîlliý frolingtoier AbOut 1 O'clock Tuemday moi l'gris l'hoed demi the Seotoli li land Elighland ý ýý - l 0,11cri lire In ' the in colle- 1 Thé Lmdon "Times" and ,the ., ý ý W baie Of CerinL by the valet ,lent th, docenseà , 1 1 1 . ý laite, by broke out In Mens , iller. & ri « % - 'a popors have lied noither Masculin: funeral servicter The , myndic seribed this monny and Plaid the ý . illi'f i.ing contiotied Cil 1 Murry wu$ sourit Ci inies reaulted la a défaut of the rd -eorrespomdentofother Londo . Fling plainly abowed âat they evergrcen liaving boue depi»ited in file tien purulialle wonuy. 1 ý Cù,ý%T.,Q Of Faille voiscanibled. Ailier ordoreil by the giiarda tu desist apid surr P - Ili bouse, nnj' tile affable OrA. lately given currênaly ta rnméro that flic 1 lost leny of the vigor of puth, net fOlr9ot- Ilio 14OH3hip gliVo jUOgenlOnt in faVor 0 . fle, crowd, sir John Yuun.- drove de, bituselfa pri6oner *feinte ho refuse i 114 pointa. d Législature moûts the Tour ni* Masses. Workni Lad Won grave bj caille maison, ille bretharen formed ' ot i The Newfoumllan beaith or'Napoleon iafailinip andpublie tâcn flic roule which doublicels ý l ý O pinioil Étant the O DU eau Ilf111, boing foi , do und thinrefutre thé e . . __ store, and the Ani 1 f file plaiittiffti, being of o Rid lowed by a guards, l'tu prov , f le Cliente ExF tonfidence bals, in e&y"-tew': buco sugme . a laige circle round the fonde and the de,ýIICIZ!tlts acte fraudently by caloccalialg -.,,ri OF Carriages foDtaiiiing ý ueliieme on the 28th January. daiwid by tienne maoy ,,,,il illai lime lu d , la 1 , PrOCCOU ( ý ,nà relirons the cýonspirncy,.in4 italien 1 Strafford. The stable and iron were given. ý f fief,, ùtlwr o1huiuls 1 , a sont one of Il$ , 'rulY what disturbed. Tbomromors bave been file land across the sait, lie lioiior'#.ttd.wliose Publié grand bonorist This their truc position. 1 ý In Ta of tien C().*Ullrl , utile le Cul 1 t Ore. 1 "Il'iefor Binanuel 11:1 Dit (IcSLe«--ýcd, and fbr , ,NleGruýýor, , -ivato V-'izolls. Fille churol ta, würe colupelled', 0 , llc[,Ilewm escially contradieied frond Paris, yet it is patron saint, ibey had lustembled on the clused the ceremony, and thé fraierai m ediffiald Va. Waltôn--P- Je à, sud 1 .) Ili ' jury find Facli inca Insjustifid bis, wudý Il il 1,1 yerir- aide ta bu edacated st or ancre Lieu brifjk block froin i . 1 Hector Cendres for Plaintiils fin 'lied eit buils poalod , iiierry bâili m l;uards blaiL)eless." 1 . 1 Lui mcif()01, Enginind. boîtel westward Nt ils lie éminent g ... raid, le lu- Wall underatood filet, withom positive il,- occasion. > marcheil back in proclefoiliont to théier loti a and 1't , Île 1 the È, tif tion, whiche was . J . le it vents ý 9 D. Ariiiour fine defondatitel. 'i w'si a 'Ëie traie ali)jronel)uý( - Wu have board but, of One nid violnan bY the exertionsi of flic - mers, the Empepr declkwo ta taire bis Tzi the festiiyai ail ili-ti, one -om.-[Ootnmunicated; bill ta enforce, au agreement ta f)()nvJY 50 kùà1d tif, till Sir jolins ai-rival ,et -Rideau ý . ,ý 1 tIý1t kimed lier cow, but there are fhousaiidà ni milen 1 finit ' 1 : ýIti .1 1 ý - 1 . By the Cable. .ý. the lire wlui prdvent4ed frotte ope a ý , ýý id maier the village of côlb.ruý. 11.1; 1 1 1 eait d'à DIT. Colin 01 1 Pl Young eues Who Uns gc .Ivùs. . 'iiiiipbell, prireprit Waal ý active çitéreke, Riad ahowe .%-ý Of of the fichest treuils lire boire el Je d '110.eli , 1 Rares of LýD . loi t -,Ibts - , .ie , LONDONr. Den 1. --T-b-eý.ýu-,,--àronr -tu -1roeeff-ftlmar-riiçblý,ý,,t 'F,&ilEwgr.tý vxiitltiT;nm -";« L Èý011 -i-.ý-L fine thei Dialutitf., < Illittoi - rý If,ýuà rffr-ý. ý , ý 1 -xirj--vmurffie---rdftùerute-w-»Mp-d Forricel ý 442ZA ýr,_& ri ý, Mliv wu PWOUIPP, ---_-f,,-ý - ý .-X Ili --ýè_-*-_-i - "ba'a-ta-m io-mdbrwlh,àl'ýzmw-q lin.--Oye-defUrdMr' ý ý relyel, "file FufV et - .. nai rivii X giumts - , a-iýy*i-g -.,-w,ý,--!§ý _ __ -ýý - ý .I "Cýry ilirerci ; kp , . 1 , milieu. Joad in Ilis bed 'In Stalicha -a n Xver Il ý vellerit Joseph U l cd ividit collisi 'IL' àýt Élie private secretary ; Lord Alex, Russule Ii daybetv . ý or, 0 u IL lui ce, il, d FiI M'O Législature Society, on- fille sert a ni di Of St fieewrll exhibition will be given by ber ,and bill - dismis,1 - P 1 .3 'ýJIor;teü Orteley id ta lecture in Mon- evideluco odduoed ait tien cornai The question i* the Ont __ 1 'y ' ' e tors. ý 'es 01 a"" Hferiff Kolly' of Patiffoi hetter ýt % . y moi OrGoýioraimat sud ta sectorisa oolleges bas' Audrow, hord'affether fuaLiva, 0 onif pupilent flic ýXiolianica' hall, Os Tue.qd derendaute sud ex au Barnard, Col. ,àl,)iick, tend the IlleillbO' lrl)ault..,$ rail in Lui or Lliveu weckl4. ,%Iotld..y IL appeines lit lieu] go M r.,j-..yýý_"He.-,-'t'1 1 ý a ý , . cousi a gréait des, of exciteultent amoqg ý Il ope ta lie filera. 'évétii ý TI , 22na'-ingt., Every effort in boi Y Statufiai m 1Iodgson.ýThl fins a the Privy Coui Who vecut ý tu uOýe t Ili(la b0ilheld Ille chompionshile of tif . 'il)eCveuill" bololi fil astatéofil 1 - - L ý , . Ug suit furýpit-titiou of farma.ini)- liiitoo L I'vercott. ý - 1.'or mi six yenirge,. but irais dufcatçd Lait À pont bed haS beau disenvered in libel. fSple. Ail the religioute donoul ý a 1 li ii Gateshead, Ilanjiltcj), in St d - nud was 81ýlutllerc'd doi tif . ,,,urtwriglit, And for. 1 a Uni Of - --- -- luth ý ., 1tonforth of WE Icarn from thé Nevr York "SundaY Raids by Mit;& Carroll ta ensure a socceu- and C ai ait . . Lawrence wdrd, uring . ý a 4 , i , fomi 1 - ihi a - rituel of nearl ' ýurY rettirned flic Fallowiren, inaeloDI5. except the Baptiste, have fini 1 News,, that, nt the rue meeting which in- tel exbibiclôn, and judging from ber pre- guardictu oïtbo, in fetiella De Police Court, ý Newcaetlè,,o'rieTyne, 4 Y the courbe of ui , excavations fut a "J'lent the deconse clamoring loudif, for Govemment aid, ta 1 . grec Logo as pray 1 1 ý ý . a ou the river Thaines from Plat- ýscwér. 1 Vions leutortainmontii It will lie a gratuit Il 1 Suffi'mil ion in Dis bod %Villa in Wb<îtby course in cliente ta file deputy rogister the l'il id BEFORE [lis WOILSILIP ,ýUE-NiAyý,it. ney ta il.Zortifi like, fbr £200 a aide. The ý , il their deàomýnaticmà oeil" l- but this! ta take place on the tirent. Wé bespeak foi Mines Carroll ai bum- 1 ai Nr. A. M. Stevens, Owen Sound, fins liellilessilens fr 11, excespive dii . 1 - 1 q lritadly roâted by thoso j May next, Lliere will bu 'grand padostrian . ý ý, which lit gigotait] ,Posè. ,ýý9;ii 1 , fi ait(] Thurgaloye Novi race ta filai waïe loyer the adule course and înleated, a rifle cap-lible, ofdischarging forty U ho deuision ut' the J miges c demand waa OP ý 1 JlodËiun, 'U. 13ci ý for fhù,oàme amoui and ,Wall wu" by, routiolis a minute. Who viiere oppossa ta Ibis principla and ta 1 contestie Open ta the wholeworld. The lisi P" homi ou the ocqu'ba' - défendent, Thon, la à , ý. Jerry ýle(,Iroý,tlin appmred bot'oru flic - . ý 1- . Xsq., and fer infant de-rd Il Kelly, Who boit, godiller four lengtlis in me" Pions in the MoTtmfýTh tween , race is te lie a two-Mile one, for a bande - * CAR " WATES, ý igitorfuir pluintiffo, S. . Fief[*- Mayer ta afillwer a ý' a 24J iàinutaej'tlkui jripjgiaing in part, h'i» The Dow bridge nt Belleville, in lieu of traditi "Y. appur"S of conciliation bc RATItACA MiNgg 1 celw belogiging ta John blirphy, by whom ý ý Thef waather, ýhii gué cariried away blât spi i-ig, la coin - day. Judges ilogitrt.y lii Church and Statu. The resuit je that the ý seule Bilver cup and a Suitable muney Prise, À' supply; of thJoi j.atiy celebrated min" b.k., e l ý ý ý 1 ,,, the information Ili laid. i émerge Won lost leur ' obi a 1 ud . prestige. ý -flattai Ow la 1 1 file goift of Mr. George Robson, .of the water bug 1 je for sale, ý»ean vis. blemilI.».----ýTho , 1 Won fine. as on the ý 'lice ther, re»tutionýbéfore the Legiolaturs, propos- beçu, recýei#64, an( 1 ý Dot provenjand the case wu$ cot$Sequet.tly previllus 1 , YnnO gave au claborate jud 'il hzýzn ,*Itübson HOU.Ili whitby; -the secon . nottiod before coming beffore Lhff 00 In 1 di«Taisond . - 1 wasau immense attendance ta witliess thé 'Mica failli lm Wiig caririeil on with wore uninimans lu juývOr Ofuon, ing dirently fagne Réel , a et tilie Bayai hôtel, - ý ý 1 ý 1 contes . L. gril vigour in the township Or Burgess. décision of Stipehditiry Magi e, il -yard race for 8100, on- . , - Nickelle extriéditi thé J withdrawn. ý Bit those in ý $vor of » wili boa bondred --si - Whitb.V Township COUOË4 An advertisement in New York l'or fift, Dg , prise Dow troncs 81-0; the third will .be a One mile MR. Joi', e""" m. P. PWe are 1 . 1 Tàe les and the 8ýdewaIJi ,LoNDôx, »Où. 1.-The Quoien bas Te- y i 1 glad ta ý Brook] * 1 l 1 er)verud from ber aliglit indisposition, and licieu, et $1 par day, bruni 500 they would appeni liguit, ta th mçait laid ta nectarine callegas PrOP- or cup and #50. outrance foc beurre tient Xi. wailis, M. P. P. : Taille EditoroftheOurmiL wili louve for Liaboti atout arter tien ,,POU. the next mornilig. applicalgià Contenu! for the Pr uoiers inti race for a silv 1 ,e.t',ý,v leadj'. hernie and Auppeul. . toit attain thoir abject in an indirect wu , ý Conseil met persuifs, 0, . 13. lý,-,t $10 ; flic fourth covent wili bc a fuur-iuile fut Toronto, le rapild] ireoovering the O- Of 1 Sir,-I beliuve thora la a bi in force ing of' parliant À publie meeting was hold i P* t ý iy 1 me.tobers preient-tvjeb8ro. speed, ý 1 1oi,,ý et, 1 ý eut. 1 la le on and a xücmber of the licence te WhOug Wall 1 . . si and the Lis OYes, and will $Oëu bis abici talire bis ý Il rupelling otvoerài or occupants of proPerty fow del ligne ta coaloider the Soboul filles- INTgItERIriýNG Ta Loipicu, ,outrogted the rosolotion which bu joint been < walking match for moncfY, Pleine S mi, Fisher. lice fronting ilicide close Mr. Disraeli will net Propos& Il more for the petieilitrian sent lu the Assenibly. ý Mr, ýt:illilq molles, seconded orage during t le YI lion. It reaulted in approving, ut' the troc cOuqàcil il, Chicago lente I)atià;ed ai iritiedravait bas given notice of *nattier, fifth race, threa mil", ý eep flic sidewaBut littille anowllam, as nMnýisifOr thel tir' irestait . Fisher, that in the absence of tllct,,."!ý 1 ii ito sud onow. systole. ýý totile £faut tient Orly persan ý whiob, Proposés ta affiliate the denomina a $150- - k1r. t3pouI-1 , iikê 1 >,,ýt fai.'cn tLis winter, but what littl6 thÛre affinât stration. championtihip of Canada, cep ne 1 A vigilance committise recently bangod (fait mlg,'Jl lie found sitling or en trouée fee $M. Ould C fi touchers of Bit. Au lias', il, frone' wilich fon4cas, the inédits shif- A grand testiraoaii . nquet lie r je i the chair. Corried. fi, 1 a men for mordue, in Iowa, before the May Ln tailles rite Ally luffice clonai coli" with the Toronto UniveraitY, M came O#ý The pellestriont d"'w*a Sondi soignai intend, boidiang a , The elfairmen rend and laid ni la il,, i Pery.-I wish .Voit would diriet the üt"Lll- in Liverlpoçlj in honor of the ralenti of victime had died. It in now said that the le - DI . i*&)"o, cer p ivelte bouse Or an unsectarian ï[notitution, Illich ruoiveu a time permit, W ý . 1 ý 1, il the concert in nid of the fuad for more table a letter froui IL eu or propoli i. aidera tu. the fi and Ille expiring cabinet. 1 . 1 . illing open thé roi log afany-0 large amouct Orgoveroment aid. races are expinctoil te Les place on ý J. M ileum 1-q , tic .1 Victime id likoly ta recevoir. ý whiel, isý fully furnishing the ochool on the 22ùd iiii relative ta a certain voter cour6p Ùiiit.ý Yeu villuelloi Oblige m')rý theug one' Mr. Cladstono's -$Cliapterof an Autobi, offensif Places, ulil bu fined a M, Lý Lord Mouk bas base the militent of au or May, and the Il 14OWN" ' ' ý LADY. Ogrophy', it gemerally thouglat tu bc a Ciderkept in air-tight cana may ho kept jh, Offence nu:Je cooding S10( ,24th me', aportu8 Palper @818 IL wijl We uièderstand that arrangementi ,art out of lits naturel cour", by the atoll, 1 direct l'or yeurs. Je . - Whitby Dea. 2nd, 1868. ritualisas and i!)Iudiciow publication, and thon $25; und for the second 1 autogropb Jettent front the Quises, comi a well-infoi 1 b ing ronde with saine weil-known pli intu Ille lands of Jolie Hibsio ; ir le. ý id Mâl)Y of las An indýcpetident paper la tho informe of Oued a gala nu l largest padeuviau gatlberings 1 1IL fac, donc - id bçlieved ta Ilaïve blienate t legs thilla "( in- bc one of the John atelier, in referetice two t le ira ý . ý Ili - 1. moi bio open bis sue»Wal admis feuitionfai sitigers, and amateurs of loi . âO 1 riâhmon in the Iiiiniuion'is spoke a of. mailing $100, sud for the th . ý 0 country. by B. Tai on blorria*ý Bill ; il IlSie l' fil the Tri& "LEADOR" StIED ipoz L1.99L.- friends- tration of the Goremment of Canada laver belli in th efolebrity bave offoired tbeir servi ' ,ou 1 1 ý . Grant la Baid ta lie Worth #300'. flot Icée thon 8J0()-ý An en ý ou Commissienier of Crown -tout'!dsý stati tinit The Toronto «'Telegrnplà*" undetîtaný4" MADRID, DOuil.-A rUmor la obroad ý , (jeu during the peut ouvert ytam This isa ,rue lie éminent the'oSaoion. The o4ject in view lis a wor instructions tend Issue inued tu P-1-l'-.8;, that thé "Leader" bas beau suad 1111 Cap' ý hors tbat, the' goverrement et' the Unittel 1 000, id meule in f.lýer of tho cent: _. itiLv. Ma. Put;oýUQIÇ, t - - - ý - ý 11-_ .I--:- .- - ý _- [.,.- -..-.I,.ý fi - ý ý _. , Q....ý. L... .ý'...,.;"Il ; Ille i»mirýong. i.. Ilritlinm 1,.,I.ý l'.. ,.Il Ili. _îf., pants of avell places, Who-Are oral of Canada, vas b«* fiftnIen. Messax. card and y0une Who ý --- -- -II ---- .- - è, -- duel ; and wheft excecal,39 * Ouilcep, nul ,,,àeu)elàtl5 or solything clan. tOWaiug t0wa. bis order en the treasuret in fave*r of jý, til- IM7, and satcceeded biis fitIlOt *0 OeO"I 17th *U'Vem' jrewo Society for là& *,u,,ing John Les fur the sont of ",00, fer cork- additiould rate of 60., in the United -'ivites ', 1 it becaïne allouant of 14ronet, ffl Mirch hâving nu- bave nuit been out since Iî, obi,* st. Au d, jangdoul, will bel ,,a" eno 'h t, attract the atvent The roi Uns mille at portiand sied 8th Aprîl,1835 , â4beài& AnabIeula, ber, Wkad two each. The puty *sa et. Mr. WR. G«da j Vice tructing culvert between Iota 18 aud 19 sud theil, p.= loi, ion et are Mallu. tâ*e and just wt-eü thel welo ai tatn*d tâbout oisty mile cortAl, Iss the year presidenf- tu the 4Lh concession. Carried. cbarged for ever addÎ 14 o opeaed bis eyes and ""ring fifteen handred tous of rails for of cnurseý the brio inade tlieir #1 President, Mr. John ýMcTaggart y chaplain .7 tiona noces or tart-d sPering winerlr "What ix Grand Trunk Railway. Whore bave "e . postage chargable sa 1, yau berni, a B-d what danfliter d the hue Moodwà*oo of U 1 Head river. Mr. Spc;tlrti Moveso seconded L'y 31 r. ýN'îd lis, fr.etional thereuf tter, it lny bdaýytsthe'wTitien, bis eyes lilglitîug On been lbout kkg te kllow; frtý by 1. firt h»b-àl& gd--H Tu"O Rev. Mr. Watson'; rhybiciam4 Dr. Mc. that the mure of tee doliari; be grafited ta bore 0" adi articles 01 private Ln Ille-tarc, men arrested in I;amiltm fit R. E. Perfy and L, IL Boh- e and sampleo of mer ý hellr ton, unit Il' inq0ired d Dalton. Elq. Like a . OWY of bis rellow- Kay ; Tre4surer NIr. Jais. C""rutà John B îbiup lot makiùg a ietoise cuivert, in includiug patterns i ellan- males of gold, hn Bhouted, -,Iadng the aviteh et cd»airille 1,11 effltryam in the îeid reterned on %turday riýjjj. etýog to Seeretary, Mn Bruce ; cDmmittee for bwaiup on tude fine beiwieen iotë 2ý> and 23 dite, must be fuill 1 (l. la riebem ki.d II the favere Îîlneu of the the 4th coucessioui si-id euiu tu 6 ýd iffioc in tither ldligggtaina--the coulgregation-, dionjimmed." se ut tu Brjuotrurd jolr, triah au."! k)u,, add,,,.siIeg 1 e pal ütly every iman îWgau ta Pm 9-aw- reciying, country livering ofthe matilI! in 1 Telég-7 Out in the binoy, ft, jils, efsottiè 1 - charitable purroffl, XeM& IL lhe«, n b in fiuWmd and iufiiîaxtýd. 0ar. pet- qà TiwN CoigNûiL-Thm ino au moM- 4rTirW. rt, Wm. M de r t the the wirea of thé Dominion xxiic:pq »MOMM& 11 ail withoit any charge whIteý or. ý Dew digging, Our clerieui frieinjuot bLin pelly front the 1509poulm Pîhp t, icý e baltu, ret iijk am ho ing of tLe tu«O cotioleil on limd;tj ffl ", W- 1 Mr.Spearamom;»mýotidýdby NI,ýriher, By lit, raloie, we leorn that the Au-,trian lenlIt lictivc of the 1-taber. The berdy -ýrIt2 haire bot, tmn& =4 am wu e., r, "lip in granjasa rom had tu be renffled au-i buried elmwhere 'iu rhý, etty timits. ytwàl Yeu, jouq hm bu ckt:k," -Ad Entes sur k# à for . of "UUL praller 1, AndelÊ119104 and thaît the eUiraIit graut fiý -rde, .,0 glie but the Luetnory of the ineilient: yet hveR 'tu itt ÙIL gýré, lleil inq', tiae terni tm»ouftr in f1Výyr 01* cLéal-k's Lý 1. i', t'Ur si exped itiou wi.ich, will mail A around tjit the Dame or the t,,cýiiitv m»oumre hi",-if ,,4eowme for el 19 fteltt wffliUý fvr Il Desd î'Le Ottawa -Tuluei Mgggenm thet gjl slow, M1111k r Vred, Wll&fe im 10 ho L qu xoo"y Ch*& Robinson. saut -iften dqljam, flr Wood wot-là- The djt-uts ùf the enterllli&e ai"' 011ch" blelule eue of tý,e richc-st 1, Ibo »«* ward ; - f« ; > .,Qalitie J! A. Mautlubaki suomid be kuvwx ratite Aýk'j IIr Là ellice Pf ev"ing nezt. Nf). 1 ox Tit E (7,li -Zýx lu Aeue C,),Ldby. na iwiýý r,ý Zù ýR'r'Auý- of Auuiân indulory, in Califoniia. Iýir jube, A. II au:&iwplj Sir Jýkp, Bow g--ý'> th t ý.LS texijet »dý Meairi. L>ý.w omp S. C'IL i"i. i.tý- did;mt Iuark'im, liffld exteud the sir iMý tÙi, àjýsWWLe Olll #jdep' Ws%ý« adVerLý&ûu1ent appears in otber the vearti lý>4j7 ..d iýýù Mr. Cliarles Lindsa T Je" Y Onog io te, Le ut Otù wa« r of ur CouÙeii a4punied tili Mqhdý,- 144J, of the cmpire. TlIe e9fediti, we ar Song, of 1 e lii ýj"rs@êR, to IRLIUb we M" t ilfg lattefifiad iIUýLruûti,>nâ l', vieil Ûje ] - -h û IlA ta aunoutCo fier the Igt 09 january there wiIi Le liter, KýftIUg rçpiiüd bine vu The Ftëk oû bpadd *MW f-rid y, ', ('- uw, wla Oht readels- cotinty Of Perth, Re ti a liews has be-elà receivd frý,:a jýU«nnq eipa. portý; f Uliïua aud j2pan, jeu,- culuin, rnvidly OuLivali«üt, alùioýh i in tjie W*e-&; effl Douvre in tLis îýup the 1 a Ic L'ut eflow4iI, se f a apcrî-oý quility »If intencifing pur. Ayrý8 tht the iil>urmcçilltI In li', -e W C.1iforui. a"a will Le tstti,, yet 1,,.fore lie irill Couneil hm sioumrd the cou uoi of £OF" I maJe a grec t rA tfiew fomu% ertom'd JÀ"I.t 1 d(--d t tit *Qàuýd bile, right and C, opine l clanser oula do wc!l ta exil. une Stute ofL:o. ricnJeý h buco ai'-Hè; the z!Vvth ýIrLwrlt:ýu t, 4ble ta aLtLud tý-, bis d-.4tjçý, 11, the o