TU~E WH-RITJ3y -G&ZSTEi PUL14,. 18641 te ~mcants met 51tl4Oh i4 Teno2*1h Nov. 1898. f FRENON STEEL BRACE L ITS R FFEv BRN02G, AC!Tet Chba insho. hà., THE RNEWEBt STYLES, W. WiHfARIN, 103 King Street, West, 8 Doorseaslt or the.-Rossin buse. Torouto, Decombor 15, 183. 8 ROYAL MAIL STAGE ~ PRINCE ALBERT, MANIL1A, & OSHAWA.t Tr IR SUBSORIBER tenders Lis sincare thankst Le L. travelling public for the liberal patron- ho fiebasrecoivét i agaecornmeneing te run bis luof Stages, sud hop«e till to merît a continuancet Qeh »ame. Ho buas is Laannounco Lb. follewingF Pr&~IP1& to PrmnonaAlbert, $0 25 a' ~ Oshawa, i100 Particular attention paitito Lie tielivery6Or parcels, and partie. May rely on reolving them at the prioe. olargeti by stage.e ('areful Drivers aitaye oi t ti Road Olilcé nt Conway's IUotel, bMantle. WALTER COULTHARD. Iroprittr. Itanlîs, Feby. 2ud, 1863.. 1-14 1-y Ta.nner's Qerman Oint- ment. GWVE HONOR TO WHOM HONOR I8 DUE. Tanner'& German Ointnient in an article that bas long boon touted ln South Amerlea and the United States, and>. roconsmendod by many Dcetorm in thpir practice for dressing Barns Rhounatin. Sore Eyert, Sick Headache, Cakod Breat, &a. Ve viii leave the public to Judge for themoeélves of the vir- tue of thls Olutinent by roading the cortifleatos be- loy fron Gentlemen of higli standing, porions on whoae word entire reilaneo may b. plaaed. (Froin a MIxîIR'E.j Dr. Taxr»n, Doar Sir, Totur Gormtn Ontmont 1 have coed lu my fani ly for a good many years aud coider it a vor goo aricle for Sore Eyes. I was affliotod so at on turne that I was eompeiled to beave My pulpit. but obfter n.lng it by worklng It loto my eyes for a short tldo, my oye. began to grow strouger and get botter. 1 amn now able to rea printas far off as any per- son. Respootfuiiy yours, :ReT. Mna IVW. BLDVL. RE MARKS. If a perqon breaks hies 1mb lhe dons net orpeet to gteured by the use of any Oltoent; but for a famlly Ointinent, this in superier to auy nov In mar- .k.t. Dr. Tanner, the inventer, who la an old phy- sielan. has used this olint l hinei practico for oves forty yeors. At the present turne there are * mIllions cf boxes sold every year, keepiug a great Imniy'hands at the laboratory oinpioyed te put fLop. TheôlIntment doos net coutaîn any ingreîd lent in - .jiirlousta oithor man or beost. tDear Bir, '1 wa? iu the summer eof1862 affliited vlth the thumtswm. I vas omrpeiled to use tvo cane- FI usedly..ur Tannera& German Olutmnt as you di-. reêtd4for &bout tvo veeks vheu I began to got bot. ter. , 'an nov abl. to valk vithout iny canes and -enonslder-uyseif eured. I must heartily recoin. -',Y<à yonr cintinent to the publie as a good r.sdy etforthc rbeuratism. l'ours very truly, Rey. Gxo. VERipLÂiEx. ?Çkan.tol as, N. Y. .Iuly 2lst, 1863. Ç__ Dear Sir, Yotirlettor of 21st imat., ia rocoivcd, amking nme if 1 wre ored of the Piles by tho use of yonr oint - ment. When you firat rooommended te nie your qormnin Ojineuot for the pilies. I had little or no faith lit. I used Il for Ivo weeks. I amn now porrectly well. 1 vas no Ladl at that tirne, I vwa Cornpoled to keop .oy bed. I have ne hositancy In giving you my letor for publication, as I think everybody affiotod ougbt to try IL. Vcry respectfully, Hon. EzRa Ooox. ]3ranch Cointy. Michigan, Octeber 3rd, 1863. Dr. Tîvn OIroulaz, 1&rto Brlgade'.MSjors. ~ Si'... ar dsirtiQuesec, 2Dd Nov'r, 1863. ma mer-u C ie by Hie ExoolléieY thé Cern- thaneri ces in aquaint you that, Bo osea2a th eofIflrU.Larran ent au boconiplotod, thé 60fcol o atucinfrCandidates for COuM MoiionS lu1 the "Sertlai."Battaîllons of Militia nuthoriet by section 52 Of the Militia Act, of at session, wîlI hé opepeti for tbe receptien of such candidates un- der th. follovlug regulatiaus: ei I-Al offleerU nuder the ago of 4.5 years at pré- sent holtiin ocmumlsons in thé s'non-serviee" (se.- dentary, fihlitl., are éligible esscandidates for coXO- miss08ions uthe "service" Sîilitia; but candidates fa octconfinedt aperseus now holding suai con- ni ioniens. y 2-AIl candidates for commissions in thé' "sor- L'e'Militia, viii hc rcquiredd. ketère aprintrintt 0. ebtain a cortifleate, as lîreinafttr nientioned, rom n, o! Li te commandants of thé sehooli instrue - t ien; anti no persnshall h appointed .?r roitflOtd tuo thé rank Of filfihcer in theiC rsrvLaOpMilitia Who shalh net have obtaincti a firat-elass certificate. 3-A,,first-class" certifcaste shah bc given Lte those candidates vie he il have provedti tem- selves te thé satisfaction cf thé ce-limandaint ofthie scisool cf instruction. able te drlI anti bantilé a Batiai ion in thé fieldi, anti vi e hall havé acquircd s conipetant aequaintante with thé intcrnai, econu ny of e Battalijea.- &4-A "son1ce.erfct saht be givon te those candidates vhosBhsll havé provod thernseiv s able to comnauti a coopaoy at Batallion drill, an t'i drill a cooipauy as "oompany's drill." 5-No cortificate of eithraclassehsall be given ti any'candidate vho is nua Lhiiseîf porfectiy drillcd as a privato soidier. 6-No candidate shah] ho permittcd to romain nt thé sahool for a longer perieti than Lin-cc calandar nionthi frein thc date of his ntry. 7-The actual travelling ex1îenses of all can- didates ini corning to andi reftiirhîng te their honmes froni, thé School shaîl bc paiti. 8-Ail candidates ou cbtaining a 'saeconti-cîn.sa" cortificate, shall bc paid thee m cf fity dollars, and on obtsinfng a "Ifirt-ciass" rettificaté, Lie fur- ther suti cf ifty dollars in addition. 9-AIl candidates fer commissions, vbiie attend- ing Lbe seheol, shaîl be considerod for ail purposes of drill anti discipline teobe atiached te thc regimuont vhieh @hall constitute thée chool efinstruction ;sad it shah hoc cempetont te the coinminender-in -chief, on a repréenttation froin the commandant, te disis any candidate from thée chool for uiscondîset or otliér suffloient cause. 10-Candidntem for comimissions, vbile atténing thé sahool, odm11 net ho nembers cf thé muess of thé Régimient whicb constitotes the ochool. I amn tesiredti t requet that yen will niake known these regulations te flic officersof thé "ueon- service" (setiontary) Militia anti others vithin yeuir district, Who may bc desirous te boconie can- didates for ecommissis in uthé "ýservice" inilitia, andi te réturu te nie a list of suaieanodidates as niay <affer thomstelveis te yen, lu ortier tint thoir Daniesniay hé suhinitteti te Il iiE xaéllency for sé- llcton, ta attend thé sabool of instruction. Yen yl prtcuarly drav thé attention of can- didates te théfaut that ne fixéti perioti of attend- suce aL thé sahool cf instruction le roquiroti in or- der te enabe candidate@ te qualify for eithér clans cf oertiflcate. Wbat le insiotet i pen insknoîî-ledge. howve a - quireti. cf thoetdrill sud éconeîny cf a company for a 9s d-class," ---of that of a Battalion for a ",first- cass" certificaté. If canditatês shahl have acquireti, beforé uhey corne te thé sehool cf instruction, a kuovietige of, couspaoy's dill, they niay ha able lu a vcry short ime, after thefr outrance at thé sehool, te entitle themzéivés te a -'second -class" cértiicate, nith thé attendant grscuity cf 50 dollars, aud nay than de- vote thé larger1 ortici. cf their timé at thé seinol to the acquisition of théelcnovledgé necessary, in order te ébtain a ",flrt-alass' certificate. witi thé furtheradditional gratuity cf fifty dollars, and eliiilhty for thé rank cf field officer lu thé --service' Ris Excellency trusts that candidates for cern misionsviU avail thoine.elves, before thoy shall hé suînmoued ta a îen ! a se ocf iistrnettmiof Lbe oprtuulU1sfpfeett gthcrnrel ve@ ln cer- pany sn drill, vbici ans affordéti by drill associations anti drill instruetora tbrotigb thé Province, anti thus cuable tienisélvés anti thé public service te resp thé largest Possible anint of bénéfit frein the institution of thé sehoolsetfinstruction. Thé perioti of tirée months is fixéd as thé lumit heonti viai ne candidate sinl héalloecd te main at thé sahool, because tint Icugti cf timré- suffiélent, in thé opinion cf conipetent authcritiiei tooenablé a pérson otaverage ahility wa acquire thé amount of knowledge denianiJet. MEARTIENT 0P ($OWN LANDS Quwb.c, 22nd January, 1884; N PTICDI Jehereby givon tint Ris Exoracy Tint GoNcou GURAn u bsbeen p>léased te OypintJon CrrolE s.,Agent for thé seulement the BuleighProo ran ond, and for the sale Of Publie Landin l thé Tevnehips of Chaudes, An- struther, aud Cardiff lu the County of Peter. borough. V. C. Mr. Carroî's atidreis for:- ho proeut la Northi Puiu rust Uffice. HfATS, CAPS, & PURS, A PULL ASSOMMENT, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. AT C. E 1,33 ItING-STEI C:5-7Ve flighe, PURS. Hlood vmiï UTTI1 mil3 L. ROGERS, EET, EAST, TORONTO, C. W. ,i Pu ce paidjor RA FIV; & ]LairdiP I TN CALLERY 0F' ART, 79 Ring Street, West, Toronto, Ç. W., 3ILEDRS, LOOKING GLASS & PICTURE- 1FRAME MANUFACURERS. IMPORTERS 0F ENGLISHI ENGRAVINGS,i '-j clnd&îpie ctî UiAodnun Leekiag le.# Plates, Toronto, Jue 4,1863. 33. WATMHES & JEW'ELRY. T H1E Suhseriherwould rospectfully beg oeave to Fannounce te bis nunrous patrons anti the pnb- lic genorahhy tint be is cfféring for sale et oxtreniely 1ev prices, bis conîpîcte stock or goods vhiah cen- sists in prt et WVatciés anti Jewélry, Carpenters pancils, Tiéhrusometérs, Spectacles, Gogghés.' -. E nglish Electro- plate ,Table, les Speonsi, Butter' Kuive, &c.. which vihI voarlike silvér at, about J Lie ceet, a tria ii al Lie roceimnendntion réquir - éd. Also an flsLi' teck of Cloaks, fron $1.50 up wbmch vil verranteti for 2 yers, - OEN¶I1qE GUINE& GOLD WEDDING RINGS c s. i r . y oN HA N D - W. H., being Prn, ical workmnan repairs &Ilh kinde o f Wetcls a 1 Clc '(F, Englisih ant i Aneican, feeling confsda:Lt that .11l jobs intrîsetedti tebi. caris vili gis-e perfect satisfaction. M initéers viii pionse note thii faut tiat a discount will alws-sehoail9w - cd theni, FLUTINAS AêND ACCORDEONS, 1 9uMdÉp eANIM UECAIIaD A5'V,'tIAL. Sýome geod burgainsainy 0e had in sec- ond bîand Wafcheg. Corne cime corne ail anmd lest for yo.ursel tesf. y7"ý-P1emsc reinemhér thé olti stand opposite thé Globe IloLel, Bruoklin. a W. IHEPINSTALL. GEORGE WR IGHTO CARRIAGE, SLEIGH, BANNER PAINTER, 1?O0ucHA M, C. W. 32. BOOTS & SHOES. "'THE'OLD RED STrORE!"9 p ATitONS-I wisi te inforin yen, tiat turl me inNi vYAnt, duning vhici pend( boots niy pleesître to supphy yoor iuderet viti Booto andi Shea, havé I becu betterp te meat you r ms-nutihan at thé présent. lbý In Quautity, Qua'ily. anmd Pric E STABLISHlMENT lias every modern quisite for re-1 NEATI CIIBAPI at ne' i ia dings pareti St ck Dean Sir, The moîts-eluable Jouc-nal of tslsans nov publiisb-s uneqy1alcd in the Couuty cf Ontania. I have ueti your Gernîan Octmont for sick hond - <an Wintrr Stock consiýts cf Mens' B yceat hikIYhoee éid euué 'utis," Kip anti Comm-ide Boots, Ladies ach an thnkit he estreedyI cn ue.ansi Uhiiiirens', Boots asndtiShoeq, lu end] le Rcspeetfuhly yours, VOL, X ,N EW SE RIES, andl st AIL PlZmcrs9. If yotm vaut te have LXMnS. MARIA lîsîceT. Commences on thé 1lst cf January next; thérefore, ---anti am the saine ticne geL goti value Cauatn, N:. Y. iny ali odtqetthOdBd Nov. 12th, 1863s. LNOW IS TITE lIME 10 SUBSCRIBE. the orer and lu coitingc aLéLi Dr. Tsf, F__ee MI A';ICS ili inSd in tLic Scientific Anieican HO ME MA N UF ACT URE! Dean Sir, vinable informinsconccning i heir vîarins JAME 8SBAIN. Trades, sud details ef aIl thé latet anti hest m- have tied yiur German Oirtmont for cîilblainm, proc-eménts in Machinery. lcheand Procrm- t,) andt hiuk iL thé béat nernedy in use for that com getiser witis suai uséful kuomîctige as viiltond to plaint. dignity ticeir occupations sud ligiten their labiirs, [PUER C lflA lAT FVIIT OD1 Yoîira tnuly, etc., INVENTORS iilAnd in tie Scientific Aicir- V. 51 1.1 [u lIaNt/r eau aincceesary instructieus hows-te sectirc Léttérs. bodaer ihG. Ccc,. lPatent ton their inventions al-ioexcellcnt A, Desi o Clia er anti tesani pion.' of ahi tIse pninciple inventions ré- Oct. Oth. 1862. __ceetly madeéin tuas country anc in E urope ; like HUDSON'S BA.Y FUR DEPOT, Wh aitta Dcos icsiai tres' jfw.q nOfcalLs f he(Iim f aet Whny golde i atDct oadie n.gri i o iau Offiea itt is'imon ai s i'atosext- msygîoi oieie shiat Lhe du tmgtratd ékl t Vshntoivt numéron Siîpi boeue i bntsthir îminee ntinohin îlinatony net-es; aise, discussions of 7uRtinîcn eimlse. If sneuis IIant;tir sicness 'yanfvd oses ft cernmng thc Patent Lave cf te Uuite'tiStaes, ne- ev's Ilasatis1Douter is oCt refitaîlalu any vs-,fpinte ct trials in court, viti légal opinions. etc. Thceflnigity dollar causes naPy dectonete squirm' MANUFACTURERS iviii Sund bu Lie Scientifin frocn. the rntb, a gpont mauy tuu for a deetor if Americcmn iluetrateti articlesée ticritis-ecf Lie thpy do net féel as veilioas sual anti acoumulate niost rocéutly ins-enéeti hneMiiesuset inluvarions-- - dbotoral buis when vitie a littha common sons. and mantetusiig operatioeh, the différentcL recoeseh- vatehfuiness IL céulti h avoldoti. Docton Tan- ju-g lueidîy desciihe -.aise, praetici e f se lier buasu à spmysiclan for >oyec 40 yiâàra. aiahlamoch value te manuaec rehs5 vith lihîts upo i mu~in muutem o Lh ao e a wtsqpsLom enex. oconomiceomusgo e ~mtrlos. q peul4eeo. hat'en 1lu nbis 61ww iriceIé. 96ho lias *9EIGINP, RRB vihl%4r.h(nthe Scientifie A n ieian been calle iu cfara> fbi c h-îltte 1Valuable deseiptions cf ait the hést inventions con- - - g.5e 10u~Malatbagontrfto Seo pensons anti1 néctet i vtbflteam, Ralhroad,'Maniiea, anti Mochaui - atvrrnon the saot tuai &hia Services bardîy cahEngineering; togetmer viti a tiithft lrecord tsutéd' Wmarési f they voulti havé taken a dose et io p regréset scienee in ail thèse depnatmon s, or gfse fm re medy Comrnenly kopt about thé boti at boumé anti ahnoad. liouseott iatoubtedly would have cureti thei.- CHEMISTS will fint inltie Sciéntita Amnruan The turne ha.e arriveti vhcu Lie people sisouiti have détails et recent discos-caie matine b imistny, anti les& te do witIs Lb. caherel-mevcury doctors. On an articles enLihe application efthtat scbenae Le ail thé 101 King Street East, Taranto. avcrage the meut etftiocters les. 15 caseeut cf a ueefil arts. bhuudred. A docor Is esîleti, hé leaves th, poison- onesstuff th at taIses tlîeaaaems e h rave, AGRICULTURISTS vii Sudd luthe Scientiflo [IA T S CA PS & F IJ Rg mvsktnltthé fiihy bell-ehn thé epatient tia'e0 American éngravinge anti descriptions cf aIl thé IL thatt centane no merouny sud that iL yull net best anti mosf appros-eti ansu Imprevemnst; aie, lunoutius, variefy, antief Supénior Qnsîity, Wheie- hurt hlm. original or vell-sahected articlos on mattérs roi-ý a-e anti Rotait. in g te général Agriculture; grreat cané being taken G .KLY VALUABLE TESTIMONY. Le fonisi te Fanîiens, regularly, viti sncb infon- PG.tioa btE r.Y IVr Tiennmaien as viîh ho raitushîe lu théefWed, as WC"I as Toronto, Sept, 7, 18.63. 46-tf Dr. T À -ixluainte hoaehotd. Deun Sir, ALL CLASSES 0F READERS yl Aud in thé Whemv pou csled at my ions. urging Me te t Scieentifin, Amerfean a populîrr eas-me cf ahi tho boit your eluteneut for my Rlseumatiuin, 1 bad littie or acbentifie Informatio et the day ; sud iL is the atim n atla Ilfe îsdy n " tiret pose yuthnMy. of Lbe publîshere ta prescet it alvays iununattrac- élutnt 0 ovry tvelvé ou»ds. lUréneviezthé tarins. To overy Intelligent csind this journal at- 47fMT ràqeà wribotter, sud lunîne deys Subserihers sbouta vomît se nasta bave Limir aub- aw theuei . Il»« oft rme, I vas mead that my soiptions boglu on Lb. lst et Jsnuary, viti the ¶P~ A '?UI Il1ub «»A.drtv up, keeping me i my bed. I hone nov volume. Those vho p réserve their numebrs -<N f P I i 3,J j «OYO uO vwt hthua io ll give for bundlng ar s, at tbe end te héyeav, tve baud- c 3 T A U 5..ilRJ. A cao,.f, your Germe=naOltuznt a trial. Beioge voitusueof 416 pagés eaeh-832-with sever- Tour eeît servant, albhaudreti ongrsvings. NATEAIERassua. TE RMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.$3 for ore year B IL L IA RD ROM, Jordan, Màè 21* 16. $1-60 fot six lmQtbs5; $1 for four menthe; 20 copies@V lua aClub cp e bnci ton $40, Subecnihons in Cana- 1LIZ&Z£lt. TANNE R à<'o.. dasbouid remait 25 cents qsxt&p tapy postage- -P>.eps.eS.a iece o iPe$ sent, mec; aise, gratls&spamphlet 70 N ENRY ý>., l*-- 5,vice te mvntan." -KK TEEN-T 38 ,LPsu 1 Ftveet; mhemAtitinss - MUNX àCO., ]Ii TET XT NO *Agents rnr»d6.Publahers, Tc>lrc>l:lt<>, C .M W EXPEDITI()US 1~1sc PRIN TINO or lit IDS OFF1E~-OI 1uBda-t 1 atel eebr 84 JOBS DOUGALL &- SGN, RPeopeTRsa. THE ~4rnu2,hê "9 ~ I t "rom the~mUj~nIe sdmtnue te voie. W.CAMPBELL, ýd RBjm 0)ta!! »X r",y fqxthe Homne Mgauine. one ofthose Broughrai, CW. wul be by Mies Yirginia Y. Townsencd, and eou- 4 IneecilhÇJ&ubxYnumbeir, Another vil b.o a.90' Garmonts made u nteltstsyeadb T. 9. Arthur. And the third froin the peu of ud st moderato prie. .MM.M.- A.-l>eDison, a writer whqphao long. been a _______________________________ fkvrie vith the public. J O H NJ.ittMI T Hi n e o nilh the Mone màaasIhwi;k l (WI?ý ANTAfi 0 Tm i l ipTi au éractr, ritmpo' opt 1'5É% U5oîindfilh A tthie bowest living rates. Hi tc opriss ry ar#lele le L"Ia'Cem- tW~nens' and children vear, macle of thetestinates- lki, aud by experleneed w - '8-a ; Cainpb et, Broeok - 1864.0s& ~BEAU17FUL PORTRAIT9 BELUBMNT8 MH GREAT COJiGtESS OYVIENA, 1. The JANUARY No.,.1864wi1b. embejihab. wjth arersakable plateeonta ning 23 A» pestasse., -Ta CQKGRESBos -VIENNA;-anMi a pitraît of the greatest NXturalst of thé age,. Prof. fLom 2- The PebriA, Mardi andother fture numaboe vilib b.embelliubed ee it. .!ndid -ptt in an . tcreatîng tud attractive chýardeter. 3. ThèECTIvv s ea 14ont1y Magasine hu ae auperior iterary merit or artisti e eniellisbient. 4. Its letter-prees is madie up of the éhoies *. ticles, selectod froin the entie range of- Britiob Q4arterlies and British JMonthlios. Itaina te giTe thé cream cf aIl. 5. The E CLECTIC, in _oneýyear, equala in print.4 mater any tlîrée entire British Quarterlies. _The r.ceor otbem le $7. Thé prie of the ECLP.Ctmc, .r thé saine, is enly $5, while the portrait engra. vings in the E qLECTWc add much to it&.ar4l;c v y- Ille. . - 82 iéevaiety, ~besandi affluence of Lhe ]Sc- LEC'rIC articles, in aail the departments o! litersture and pouar scienco, Loti usflud entortaining, ed 0o th 1rea ndmien m ne yuin iplir of thé land. 7. Evory inumbér of îe EcLs.c¶nc le plendidiy embcllsbed with eue or-moie flua steel engravings. S. Thé E CLrcTIC has aequired an estabimbeti â aracter as a standard work a mong literery men. Sfinds a place in'mny libraries. 9. Every new Puhacriber to th.e ZLncc for one year lsenetitled ta tva splendid preýminin prints, vhmch areanionueîWorth tbo priceor subscriptism.- Thé titles are, Rauu3i i7ox m , ansd Svzoejx 10. On thé receipt of , té ubcjîtionprie Oôr one YéaIL. tvo ro ft iMiirlêr p'nt «lé gent by mail, pout..paîd, to tho nsbscriblng. or te any-one Who wl rier 11. The 12 rnontbly .»mberu c-f fthe E CLECIS make-tbreé liège 4voluxesla__e pwith-fitbok. 12. The ECLrCTIC lBe eMinently instructive sud entértaining, and ought te bo lu thé bands of every intelligent fnnily and individunl-young lady an4 young gentlema~n. 13. The Janjnry Ne., 1864, wiii bbe iccueti oarly Now lei the Ciné te subseribe, andi the preeîeiuxa vil be lrnmediately sent. TERMS.-The ECLECTIC ig ipeued on or before thlot of e-very inonth, on fine papor, neatly stiteh ed, ln green coverm, with oeo or more beautiful Steol Portraits. Price PîvxjDOLLAns. Thé postage iiq only threc eents a number, prepaiti at thé orne. of dollivery. The Jnnutiry number, postage paid, for 0O conta; acy other for 42 cont-celnt in post. age .staeipa. ENRICil YOUR LIBRARY.-Bound Volumes for 1851),1'60,1'61, '62, iu mualin, varicns colora priuted for thé South, but stoppoti bytho .var, wil bte sont ymail or exprée@,, ospenses paidto ta u one who reumita $4 per yeeur, or $4 for enob yo &S hc mny cbooEc-:a greo.L bargala. Addreus, Ar W. H. BID 'fE LL, No 5, Bookinan, Street, fev-'York, Department of Crown Lands. OTICE la hereby given tint about 14,000 acres Ne cf and i the county cf Huron. U- C., vili b. offered for "l by Auotin, at th.e Oméof te.gagi doeut Agent CeiinFs Wrnua, E sq., iu Goderieh, ag NOO)N, on the TWE N19ITH cf AJ>RIL nont, Condition# nuai lustalment., vith betis7aht.30 ettlosaut L'os o tïki lots a h bis a6oîiàM0'P SUlu t uhDpie tm.mor fte(Me Crowç Im tic1 eeu miEwI'1jie88 vacomeneod ulueteen peSas JLa"d,40 éaimpýy a ildelY feit vant for a non-de- nominatlonai. but evangelloal, religiosuaper, vhleh, wîthout boing po iticai, vould faitMully eriticiso publie moasures, andi chronicle evonts of tLat day; andi IL has gradually oxtondet inl circula&- ton, M 1 t bas reachét nearly every PosL-Office in the country. Begiuniniç as a Weekly, it grew lato a Semi-Weekly, at Lb. came price.; anti afterwards atideti a Woekly edition,onntg&lnWg nearly thé saine maLter, at a sornoviat lpver prie, lu ordeo« iûit Lice. vho, prefrrreti a Weekly paper. Three 7.v. a&g o, a Daiy édition bas béen added. vhich gradu ally reacheti a very extensive circulat*ion., go far as thse Publiahers eau judge, theso 'Varions editions are ailequaliy Weil i wrth thé pria. cbarged,-Lhbe #Daîly" Loin gfetanytlàing; thé béat value for Lh. money ; but tbY aroeomoed t state, that, et the high pricea of papor vbshic havé prevaied for corne ime,adt W hc8 appear likely te continuethoro is ne ad1uare margin to covér thé. native, lu orderto reach a sate position, is.- an in- crosse ef prie or an IncrO'aso of circulation., Thé torner vo are boath te, resort ta ; thé latter dépends ou thé ood-will sud kinti efforts of our prescrnt eubscribors. If eaeh voulti say s good word for the WrroEss, and induce soeé friend or neighbor .to sobsonibo vitli hinisoîf, our circulation woulci at once ho lu a satStactery position; and, vithout eiaimiug anv crédit for ourselvos, vo thiuk the &Mount cf ivLolesoome anti ontertainhng literat ure, selecteti froin the ablest journals snct writers lu thé vorîti, vhich will b. founti in n volume of thé WITWYBs, is Iuch more thaon va4h thé mney; aud tlrathoWlfulon1otaduh iterature ln ono'c neigli- borhooti Isa agooti vor. W. neéd net add, that thé Commiercial informa- tion of this puper is of th. e ot reliable character; sud that fi; lti ne nopaper lu thé variety anti promptitude cf its ncws. WiU thèse considérationsa induce thé friende cf thé WITNaSS lu alI parts of tihe country upon vhose gootioffices its circulation (humanly opeaking) dé- pends, not ouly te ronev «therc own su bscriptions psroniptly, but te niake corne effort aiuong théir Miende andi ncighbers te extend iLs circulation? TERMS 0F SUBÛCCIPTION. IDAitT Wrrnnss,iý-yniail, - - $3.00 p>er innumi. Mcsc<mecÀxWrrneus(SoMi- Wcekly - $2.00 t) Mcs)TRAvecsLIVt'rcm %V I'-icss, - -$1.50 i Ail ictrictly payable in ndvancc ;and the pape stops vbeu, subscriptions expirest, unless prcî-ioosly reneveti. TERMS 0F AD'VERTISING. Ail thé editions are excellent medinîns for adver- ising, snd more especially thc ",Da.ily" for thé city, aud thé "-Séîui-Weekly" fur thte country ; ant i th rates are 7 cents Pér line for fn-sat insertion, andi 3j cents per lino for eseli subsequent insertion ; or, m. a ime may ho reekoneti on thé averagée t 7 words, thé rate yl ho a cent par word for first in-i sertioun.janti haîfaaccnt fur oach subsequent ineer- stin' Botnoativertisensent con be reekoncti as iestna fifty vords, eceopt certain classes,so aa,,Birtt,"-"Déatbst," aud -"Wantetis," wuhi net excodtiing two lnes, vili bo chargeti 25 and 12J cents for llrst anti subséquent insertions ras- peetively. Orders for stivertisement tc bo accorpnpeied with the mnev. AU comimunications aud reomittanes tobh o pet- paiti, anti atdresseti "Montreal %Witnes Montreal" or Or Le D)AVID GLOVER, licas-rton; C. B.ROBISSON, E sq., Gjazette Office, Wiirby. Beaverton, Dec. 7, 1863. - 5 HENICY GILIST,) DEPARTMENTAIL A ND WA.ANTïr MUNTT-WY. PABLIAMEINTABY AGENT, A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics. I8UNIV'ERSALLY RECOG'NIZED AS THIE BEST AIIERW.I l AGÀIIX\E THE THIPXTEENTH VOLUME F THE ATLANTIC coîmences viti thé uibr fer Jnusry, 1864. IL. commetseecuent a. rDu thé publiesbers an occasion te say that thé -Ari.Ànçlr bas attainéti a circulation anti Proi«périty never équslti hy aoy Amenican magazine cf iLs The prosperity et tb. ATLiÂ!%c'C enablos iLs cou- icictara toe énpley thé moît éminent talent et thé country in ite eolunins. Ail the boit kuvu vrifers in Auseican iltérature, eontibuting coostaotly te ls@ pages, givo iL thé sole riglet La be knoavuas our seloawz magarine. It staff comuprises tie follav- iug namnes arnong iLs lee.diog contributors: James Russell Lovil, George S. Hilliard, Henry W. Longfellov, Henry G(Mls, Louis A gas *is, Walter Xlitchell, n unph Wahlo Emesrson, Henry T. Tucecrmnau, iNpthauhellHawthorne, John Weitss, ICbarhes Suminer, Francis Wayîand, Jr., IRobert Dale Owen, William Cohlen Bryant, g RANSACTS BUSINESS witi the Crowu Lantis ianti other Gevernient De partuménts; Takem eut Pants for Inventions; Drafts anti takes ohaige of Privaté Bille turing Lie Seaston, &c., &c., for Parties rasidiaeg la Upper Canada, or elszemrhre. A Preiniuni gis-eu an payménts vich can hé natie in LANiD Stn'. Re.vrnFNrcF- R. Jugon, Esq., Hamiilton ;Messrs R. Lewis & Son, Toronto; Dr. Bueke, Sarnia; WV. M. Wilson, Esq.. samcoc ; F. 1h. Lyoch-Sý%untou, k~isI, sq.T ~i otwè'ûsiies, Colonial Life AssuranceCopuy Rt. A. Campbell, Speaker, Legishatv oqci HENRY GRIST, Boix 443. P WI TAIS BA LSAX. or- WILD CHERRY, vive ein soqr AuRTOazreecBsvcr x etmaco Ceughs, Ccliii. oariees,BOre Throat IWu- George W- Curtis, Mrs. H. B. Stove, Zs nomgsou, rusvrcn- C3. C. Hanéveli, Ilarriet Martinean, plaint, Eronchitls, Diffioulty cf Breath- Author "M1argnét Hevtls," "1Ik Marvol, ietM4an vr fè Mca. SullaW. Howé. Davidi A. Win, ihm, nt vey ff Mrs. A. D. T. Whiitney, ,ihe Coîutry Parsion"' tien of thé T. Buchanan Reati, Roe Terry, N Oliver W. Ilolmnes, Harriét L. Prescott, Tf[ 1< AT, LUNGSk AND CIIEST John G. iVhittier, Robert T. S. LovéhiCUIN FE Gail Hamnilton, J. T. Trowbrm4ge, E.- P. Whipple. Jesiabh P. QuMéYi,. Bitsyat Taylor, Prof. A. D. . C onsumlption!1 Charles E. Norton, Etivard -Teéissaclyeeidi-tce Frentis Pankinen, F. Sheldoci. Teel creyoeidvd John G. Palfrey, sn thé commuity vho wholly escapos 2',e-T F: Ms.-The AvTL)imnis ton sale hy iail duning n scasan, froîn con u, iioveverselightly develoréd, oetttbhé Bock anti Perndiesi Deniers. Price 25 ats a ncien- * sbovc symuptomns-auneg cte h ber. Subpcniptionst for thé yemr, $3.00 postage a nb. - migiet îoad te thse lut namoti, a n i Cîa'e Pscr..-Two Copiés for oee ar, $5 00, nnd s t te hc dreadet disesse bu thé eacb atiditionsi subacniption at the sarné raté : anti . baoie entalogfié. Tîsepoverortfie an Extra C p y gratis for evérY Club of Ion '- 'mdcnlcci"théWdCer secihergs-,er E léven Copiés for $25-00. Troc over thiscelnssof coin plaints la ail Club#,. subscîiberg pay thecir o wn poitage 24 w mdl kaovu; se gret is thé goeti ct,., per yeurî. lbas porfornueti, aud se great Lhe Specirnninbers sent gratis on receipt et four jouaiyi4n curd acus pstae-, TICESOR & FIE LDS, ~ fIE Itîp'prîoeif lei- PUam.s.nR.s o.ti f <the Cherry, cseeare -itn 1,35Wa.bintonSt. Boton4ctil tc'her îaqredientf of like 133 Wshinton t,, 081m. I t/ssés crearnng iÙs reluecten- fdd, ad~oat?4 1?eedy rhoee potcer te soeeJie, THE IMAGAZINE FOR THI E gI ebéi eséSié#utdfdcf 'tl6danie xit ne [CortiDeate fr# L. j. Racine, Esq., cf théie i. PATTER.SON'S MACAZINE- ira Thé Best anti Cheapest in thc W orld for Ladies ,.- 1laceAsL . c. 01.8 RTIS popularnicnthly Magazine vill ho greatiy fsDraît erig iin rovui/or 1864.I l uti,(i acl ,-c.~'Zf1 li u n 0 athe rpr ~ diur.~~ Steel jlýden ev1unh+ 'à-1tVe, sassA nl Ko olen T -m __ e h Plaée elv OfCoat nas con - a e Tt t-mjtsrva itl re nnet hnlvr loréi Bénlin Work Patterns 1 Niné Hundreti Wood nti obstinate i ougie, accoinpeniecl vitiauté pain Cute I Twonty-focer Psges csf.SNisia I Allh ue ilh ha in tie side, wmidi did net léac-é eue, stecîlmner or vin- gis-on for only TWO DOLLARS a yer, or a dollar tr. Iu October thé sycuptonis iuurénsétialarusing- less than Magatzines e01thLie aseta OfdéPoeon. - lv, nt i 5 reduceti vas I tint I aeuhti wnlk but a Its ste w ithocut restiug te racoe-r frein.thé pain anti fatigué whiah se rlight an éxortion oeuioncd. Thrilliflg Tales and Noveletes~ At this junaturé I ceenusencti téking Lh ie asacu, Are théehet puihsd aciwhcre. AU1 the mogt tram wliii I founti imniîîdiate relief, andi after hmv. tioepulnr ,,- rit-rs areecrployed e rrc'ýnriginillyfer ing uséti four hotriés I vas compjletéhy reetoredtiet dé al y,,-icaltîs. I haiva alIlse4ne the Balsain in my faniuly ,petesei." In 1864, in addition te its isua a-nddmneééiu t s ibde itébp Lity cf short stonies, FOUR ORIGINAL C PI-admnsee tt M hlrnwt h a RIGHlT NOVELETS ilili h given, by AnnS. picot resulta. I ans sure that suai Cana-dos as Ste1îhéus, Eus Rcdnian, Frank Léé Bonadie t, anti use thé Baisiti con but a akbi s t as-or. l5s th Athro Th Scod ie. Ia - pb i c a peemaration which bas ony Leù>é tbc tidte h se. thé utho et"TeeSecod Lié. ~~ ~ knowreegod asthe renedy par excellecse, Ycur ohodieut servant, L. J. RACINE AHEAD 0F ALL OTHI R I A MirTe for Whoéplug Ceugg, Es ch nuber, in a&ddItIon te thé cotoreti plate, ST. HYsACINTHE, C. E., Ang. 21, 1856' givé Bonnets, Cloaks anti Drosses, éngrai'éd on Mesass. Sm W. Fowmt'.& e. voot. Aise, s pattern, fàomvwhîch a Dresé Man- tilla, or Chihd's D rosa cao ho eut cnt, vithout thé G;entIonien :-Soeval ueontb rncé k littie daugb- &id o a mautua-maken. AIse, several pages oe r iti5e, taOn y earsof »,p, wv a Ltn %vithe Lia use»holti sud otier Beceipts. WhOOPing Coté qh mn a very aggrae'ate& tétin sd Tl HERESTLD'.%'MACiAZINFh'5.Th' e uthîgv nuid onhssee&iuany vray ta ,RD.TYIT FOR ON YEÂRI. relies-e ber aufforing. West aI logtltidedd te try 'IORLD. Tii ais~ottie et your Dr. Wt«tr's B" om c ictCmr It, ehe wua greatly relleved, agei4n lias than'ý threo one Co y, On. Yoar ................$ 2 no days vaa-ecsttnely OU5pd, asiije nov vii. I have Thee #aCor On. Year. .. ......... 5 00, sunce recommesedt thé ý&a.hsintff many ofn - Ie0 o Oue Yeav v. -. ..dé7 506 neigiboru, Who have faac4 iL, ant i t-ae a E htplaeq"tor Ont Tear........10 O0 kuovu IL Lefait cf effoetingwa'pmciy ure. Yon are sL liberty te 'nue any use of thé above Prlwturoi' , 'au a ~sUPCI*Jsî enIf jmeev itpslil-Dnee.o -asybOdy tO Tre ..rive orEight eoptésimkéeoub. To evory __fld alsarmu.Isll'bt -endfIaw r use t,. ours of the oap.i8for 1864 vil b. given graila.P«-GUITI'E, Atidresà, poat-paiti, $?'ýeprid w, ' fikC i er d<Wm. He Yo;IuUh. CHARLES J. PETERSON, %M-~Buynone vitboutth, signature ef I. BUTTS. 306 Chestauit Sü~et Phitîsicpbia. Preparet by SEvM W. FOvLs & Ce., Boston, an peiCsomnt &a w;h ri.0Witten for. sale py Ail Drnggimtz. Solcu Wbitby 11), je gvîtls4vheu ~ ~ ~ grit5ix aid G. A êaeai FARII AN3) TAÏ__N Fi R SALE ! ANY" IVDUL B3ROIJÇHAM., C.W. Àet.Ordéri 'or Gramning, Gilding, aud Piper. Iqq.agipeg, esre!ully Siteudedti t. Broughams, Jnn2,183 3 .Van1dusen's WORM CONFECTIONS. JUS T RI:CEIVE D anti for sale hy JAMES 19. GERRIE. Drug Store, Whitby A GOOGD CHANCE. FOR CAPITALI1STS.' literarY- exceilonce witls the Lxgber teachunga cf morality, sud religion. - .Elct(;GM4T NGItAVING(;s appoar un eie'y number, ineluding choie pietuves, gre4s uý»ad characters, realiug fahiape, on alre l% opstr grmuto, enefriety, c4W.etes. - PEMIUMS F0 GE TTING UP CLUBS.- Our promium Plates fer 1863 are large ssid'biiuà. 1 Liful Photographi of U4EvUngelineII sud "The Mitiierles. Bairu."ý TERM$-$2 a yeav una a- vancé. Two Copies for $3. Tmree for $4. 'Four for $5. Fli t anti one extra to thé getter-np et club, $10. 'Yvolve, anti eue extra, $15,..-,Soven- teen anti eue extra, $20. PREMIUMS.-4ne te oe $2 subseriber; anti eue te getter np, of $3, $4, $5, or $10 zluh. Bath premiurna ou4$.t e- te of SlP or 2,0-culdrd- -- ýC,In ardéring preenima seuti three ved stambs t 4 pnoay poftage on ramé. - Addrous T. 8.'A-TH U & Ce. 323 WValnut St., Philaielphia. LIFE ILLTISTRATED, FOR I '1 Centaine everything nov anti useful, vitIs illustra- tions on E TH NOLOG Y, or Lie NaLtural Ilistory et Mou; nov attracting niuch attention in the aidwvend; sud wse siail roc< rr lu this Journal vient may Le developeti canevuiîg différent races, nations, sud triheir et meu. PHYSIOLOGY, bu whieh the fonctions et Lb. difféent parts et the Lady, sncb ai the IIeart, thé Lnmn. Lie Stomnacie, thé Boues, the Muscles sud Lb. Nerveus systern-their healthy action, Indlu- de ' uses anti abuses "-wii ho smply illustra, té c i describeti in a populer nianuor. J>IIENOLOGY, Iu iLs varions applications to hé humnan racé, including man's Iutol ectien, So- cial aud Moral Nature, aud hov te lipnove IL PHYSIOGNOMY, or thée I s et Chavacter, and ho- Lo rendten, nseentifie prineîples, vitie numerous portraits etfveîuarkabia personis. PSYCHOLOGY, or tLeiel"cienace et Lb, sou]," including M au's Spiritual Nature, and his velations to Lius lité anti thé lite te coeo .A! -LTmw 1Tilli THhTT-xNîyTg, commeneti Jauuary lst, 1864. PubliseétonautL firat of escb moutb, lu a beautiful quarto forea suit able for binding, iL 81.50 a yeav, by FOWLE & WELLS, rcs rre IMPORTANT[TO» THEPUBLIC T ESubsani ber ofiérofer sale an immense stocsk Homue-mtde Winters Boots AND SHlORE ýL -r 1 1 T ITE Undereignoti, beibg about te retire froni bniziness, offers for sale on favorable terme, that well-hncwn anti valunhie taveru propcrty situ- ateti in thé Village of Beavertoîi, Occoplati hy thé subserihar for thé ha>t ten years. Thé p remises cisissets cf H Rlf an Acre cf Land, on whie iticre is a first-cis Ilotel, with extensive Etahhhig, andi ed accomimoda Lion ; Lseré arc, alec, on tie premnisee tire irîhI , vith ijunps, affcrding an abondant supply of imm-.ar: su, alio, a soft vater cirerniw.sth pump. Tie Ilouse andi otier build- ing.s are in e gooti staté of repair, andthefié tand fil one cf Lie best business sittuation6 ln tise County et (Juta rie. Irhe Farn consifsscf 100 ACRES 0F LAND, 0f vrhicie forty arc elearoi, and ile(mn]y eue mille from thé Village. Tic Furniture anti Stoak vilI be d isposet cf ta tise purciaser at valuation, or as rMay bc agreeti on. For furtîser partîculars epply (if hy letter, pc.t- aid) te - - il 1