s;: TME W1W~BV k. '~ *<Vg! 4~. - andsea~p.nlare in Candaqn18, 61 796 32000....... "8 ,4a sois 3700000o 302 185..10 0 122 424000Q 278587 184.1160 10027 i5i090d' 26O4O 180. 193.1W ~9Q, , 8 68100- 18..-1500 -2. .320 3 85000.00 462163 188.ô*1h6 1300 9000000 341153 189.1438 -.13871 8600000 b78420 1698 14202 9000000 0584bt 16.1858 14927 10200000 723052 1r~974 532711000000...,ibS475.. The. inorease for 1863, upon ibo returni of fast ýeâtO,hI tii. numbàor. af lattera passing by poii-snd In the aniolnt of postal reven- U~ SppOf-(P have tr, hereaull ar a very dauce. 1l wifl be opjserved tat the, coltimns of .xpenditure omits the,expenditure incident tgÏe ,.océcan mail servive, and omnits the pay- menta toa ilways. Tbaa.uboidytlatheocctn r- teamoeshadin view commercial and gén- aral as well as postal obecte, and il would therefore have#een amproper to charge the whoe asid #d other incidental expeflies ta the post officee, but it is proper to con sider lte post office as aitargeabie with muci par- lion of tbeue as the. service produces ta the depantmenî in net posteage, andI as forma part af he sumo gi-ven ini lhe revenue oolumnn. The fllowing in an eitimnate o! tie amnount so produeed in eaah year, afier dedocting the caat of collection in Canada, which taq as- sumced to be about one-sixth o! the gross a- motint 50 coiieated: In 1853................. $ 2,500 00 lu 1854. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Iu 1855. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . In- 1856. .. .. .. .. .. .... [P 1857. ........ In L858 ................ Ilb 19. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. In 1860............... In 1861 ................. In 1862. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . lu 1863............... 2,500 00 No service. 5,000 00 8<,334 O0 10,000 00 80,000 00 41,666 67 50,000 no 55,000 O0 59,750 O0 Thoe-meidouflot inolude the oea postage fier lie oonveyance of mails bel ween the ù.1 States and Europe, as the arnount was nover r@clýoned in the accounts o! this deparîment as part o! thé post office revenue, andI is net inoluded ici any o! the suma given ici lie table. The foltawing matement mhiowm, as ncariy us ha beeti faund practicable, tihensilway puymeuîs for cacit year, andI wbieii are ici addition Iaotise expendilure o! whici tie labl.gives Iti ,figures t- For 185-4. ... ... ... .... ..$ 1,000 O0 For 185590à.. ........ 62?000 tiu For 1ka 70,000 00 For 1......Ù. ~ 11,0001 O00 For 1858. . : 124,000 00 For 1850. ..........98,000 O0 For 1860 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..116,000 00 Fer 1881. .. . .... .. .. .. ..108,923 90 For 1862 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..109,929 99 Fur 1863.. .. .a.. ...121,874 73 Adding la the gcneîalexpenditurec ycan the sums given i inteue îwo ese far thse Ocean Mail Service anti for r payrmenti, tic table, as far us roi-tuets 'venue and e-cpenditure, will stand Ii rr Revenue. E xpendi For 1852.....$230.620 $276,181 F or 1853. ... ... .278,587 301,228 For 186,1A....... 320,000 379,047 For 1865.....368,168 511720 For 18563....374,295 567,886 For 18b7.. .-.462,163 65 1,I00 For 1858 .. .. .. ..541,153 680,374 For 1860.....578,426 657,290 For 1880.....658,451 692,347 For 180 1.....683,034 719,056 For 1862....723,052 750,514 For 1804. . 759,475 703,0à7 ltiVENUF. The Postai Revenue for the yoar 1863, was........................ $750 la the year 1802 the saine iems vere, 721 The chie! sources of Postal Il wore: on latters,,&o., prepaid by 1863. postage tasopil-----------. .$315000: Do. prepaid ici monoy or sent unpatd........353,000 en Canadlan newopapero, in- etudtug sale of newgpapcn etamps...........6,000 On U. S. nawspapers doliverad in Canada iesttsnatel--------. .20,000 Mtscoeanou-[Letter -toxeni, renta, &c.J.........6,000 . $7à9,000> 0f tisa net Letter Postage Reeei proportion collecteit by prepaymsi r tumpu wau in 1860, 34 per cent. -dio. ; 1862, 42 do. ; 1863, 47 do. Tisere wu an incoase in tic net Revenue cellecied, as compares! wit o! thirty-sixth iousanti four innul twenty-lwa dullars and fitty-eigti equal Io about à per cent. EXPENDITVRE. Tic Disburseerrtahare been - Salarias and Commissions.......... 2 PosmutrsforRent and Stationory. . riting, atlvetisitig, t5tationery, &c.. Xie.lineusDishursameuita. The chargea-for Mail Scrvico,'e<cl ûoean Mail Service, shows an ii paymnent of 013e421, as coniparet iw for mail service by Grand Trunnk1 and dsimintion o! the charges loi ste aîî4 other branchM of mail -con vey ltaI the comparahLre augmenta-tion total disburscmnentsà fer Mail Service, ing Raibiay paymnents, was $6,238 C -- on t hoe @her bndthe augmeatationi revenuewas 836 42258 Upon te ienteof 1printing, ad' sund statianery, the ocharge is Joas1 *862 by $12%081-95. af caci iim aes1 Upon safri.. tiare hve r.- duction of * h tere i.s upon theiar&e at offices pýid, by wan, who ar fa.iso remtiferated by a coîfimis-' Mon. - Notwitbstandi'g tho e nrase in te num- ber of posl offices, pool routes, and in th. annual mail travel, and lu cotrreopdp 4ie as well as in raiiway phyments, the gse 1 for 186,2 by$2,207-10 ý iG6RtCPUDENCE WITH 9VRppE. derAçgrnsniitted Iythe, CanadinMl Steame.rs !rom 13i Novemb('r er, 1662,102 Novembar, 1863>îaciudiug 52 weekly voy- aglea eaeh waY. Prom Europe for Canada From Canada for Europe Letters. Neý - -ar ooa 417,000 604gpO0 16,000 430,000 Tptal lu anýd rrQncitW .a77ciD 51400 Letes Z'epps From Europe for Unit- ed S'aie$ ... 208,000 From Ussted States for Europe ..-..103,000 229-000 101 ,00 Total 10 and] lrom Unit- éd States-----------..311,000 330,000 Thc grass amautit af mca postage accruing to Canada on tne Canadian correspondecice sent and reoeivcd duning the year by the Caniadian Ocean eteamnships ii comnpuled to have beeti $70,000. Tie revenue te Canada frorn sea postage on books b>- the Caniadian mails, for ise*year, probabiy amounts ta $1.- 700, Tic amounit of postage due to Canitda' for ilea conveyancc o! mails betwcen lie United States and Europe for the year ending 3Oîh September, 1863, was $73,57t32.- nies in tic sum for v-'fsis- the United States is accountable t- Canada as the postage ut tisis period. There is a furtier sum due for sea postage on French clo,;et mails ta ýand from tic United States, whîch) is not inclnded ici thse above figntres, the amount bcing ac- counted for te Canada tirougi thc British Post Office, andi which ià csîimaîed at $4, 500. The total grogs revenue now arisirtg ffrm ocir Ocean Mails, is tins about 8150,000.- Tic Canadiars Inland Postage on luis cor- respondence probably umôdnnî fo i17,50 more. CORaxsPNDENCE WITfl UNLTBD 5StT£S. Thiere has been a very noable.1nerease icn the arununt of correspondence euxchanged wiiitice ,nitcd States durir g the ycar 1863. Ii 1862 the amouni of postage on tuis cor- reapondenc was $190,713-97, andi~n 1863 it has becui $223,115 46, equal bo an' aîivance of 17 per cent. Tîsese amounts represent tie charges on uLetéca ongl,' for,,pew&pperâ do~tenier alt. a ri got,; i o malter sent ta or received from the etîher:- Tic increase ha takert plac, ut al tic principal pointa o! exciange, en the Detroit and Niagara front iers et the rate cf 15 per cenît., at 'ruronto> ut the rate of '15 per cent., and ut Montreal, ut the rate of!9,4 par cent-, uscampared witi. 1862. camber of deaG le t twstin "h within the ProvinceO wau ;2 te s$778,- GnVy 15$8 te ~i~bo f -pfld within lt'hoyeur Ti» entLbjg was 22,1l27, value 0775,173-28; the numiber hi v .beérillfi uqg in et issned in Canada an the. United Kingdorn, and discord in our ra*uk eau-'t $,~3 tentmn a yh tt e tof drawn in'thaUnitèd Kingdora on*C anada, ar nas a i. 1orad ,'b The mcney order revenue 'fer the year was apd sactifcp !-fr< hÎA 3Pe $13,666-11 l; týli1(ng te c insUfs ' é 4îGanadaw"ve ý e% a 460-94 we bave a net revenue of $8 20517 -at ..u 8i1~R eme against an expendittire of 1097W-87. Iu astlie Hotn. Mr Mc Dog«ll t at 41 1862, the net revenue was $7,887-05, agains t sougfrk 't'e hosacftè"d.- 1th ose who1 aerpendiluire* Uf S13,687463. irh*'ï xpen- are so blinded as, to aid iii the remotest diture ôf 1863 ha' beeti 'Jesi han that iiof degýrê'é to rtun dciwn the pélitical réputa- 1862 4y $25,953 76, biùt the rèrêhuê 'bggs fot tion of thiggerytteinan in4ké the eréal- been su large ai was inticipateî in îist ycars est mieatake they ever: ,coaitè.toel t report. Forty-nine new MoneyODrder Offices the detrinient oftheir pàrq~ for he is1 were autitorized frocn the lot of Aprit 1863, by fa hemio ae, en ee nd and two on Sept. SOuh. 1863. The numnbei practclmn~lorrn~Tecr na' luopeaîln i Caadais 76. rupionista know this. lence they1 Sinca thae etablishmeflt 'ôf't.he êcditional have souhî yeer o bl evc ,Monay order Offices, and'the -'reduotion of oWIhmt i W pry n have assidou1I cireult abroadi ~~ 9iona nt 91'the thaUi a rid t hica transactions bIui oiaalyue#t-ltiiwthM e7Fedann issues were $277,998-78; for the six months forOne moment that these rgmarks ending 30:h. Sept., 1863, the iqsones were are dictated ini the'way ;,Of persoîîal1 $400,949-20; increase, $122,95042. There organship for the gouttleman in qties- ha been no loue sostainad duringe the year tion. Not a word h as bedu whispered by Irand or otbcrwise with respect to money to us from any quarter toinfluience Us orders. in this respect. We have been led 10 ____________________________our conclusions from oboervation of legislative conduet, and the opinions y I~~'Yi.. ~of both friendà and foes au to the SHon. gentlemnan's merits A fev days ' _________________since, conversiîîg Upon the subjeet THIURSDAY, APRIL 14 1884. with a lato Cabinet Mnister, that gentleman remarked -(1 a's"ure you he bas ton timies the political ability of ýJmWe cali attention io Nr. M. IL Coch- the meni who assail hiînA and years rane's ad vertisemnent which appears in an- since 1 remarked to the lion. John A. othercolumrn. H-e, having lately succRaded McDonald that he wouid ere long en- Ln the business formnerly carried on by Mr. COLI1tt2r in McDougau àn'r oppontent j. Bigelowv, has openied out a new and that he did znot ti-en dream of, and splandid.assorttment of Dry Goodi, Groceries, who would rapidly li.se to the lead-?r- Uoots au d Shoest Station.ery, &c. Initcndingy ship of his party."1 Doet h answer the lieform Party to haý'e men like purchasens wouild do well to cail and iinspect Mr. ùcougali houinded down to -Issae .tock. gî'atify the envy aid s-?leert of any man! certainly flot. lHe vho wili TRE LECTONS.prove himself the most piactical, that THE EEOTIOS. will make mosît rietîus.anrî exhibit SErVER&L of the uew ministers have fewest poinits of antagoism, is the already succeeded in being elected by man that the people of lipper Canadai acclamation, and contest8 .lave as will look~ lorwvard 10 10 4scure their yetony ee gttn ?u againsî ights and serve liteir ipnl-evsts-that Messrs. Foiey aînd Buchîanan, and manî is the Ili. Wm. MceDougall, aumd there is a fair chance cf defenting it is Useless for the Globe to attempî both of those renegade reformers.- his destruction. Ile is destinied to Shouild they be beaten the new mrakehis mar-k, and neither cati en patched up ministrY ici doomed. Il, itou s refortneî*s for aîîîagollistic cor- North Waterloo, Mr. Isaac Lowman iuptiotiists Wthhold frqu him te has received a unaimous nomination laurels that lie is destinied to wear. -- from the Reform Convention held at Reformers of Ontario ve caîl tipon Cmeestogo, on Saturday last. and Y011 t stand by yotnr faithful repre- much enîthusiasrn has been oni- sentatives, Mowat and McDongal, kin4l led on i eisbekaif, .au 4h41 Mo,- ."ho'*, >1 icy s-4t leicôTm ad, dcsèrter Foley's pr0'speccs for r 5-eled- îlotlm4Me obs or wvcal' tion have become small indeed. In or woc ve hold by thern. Hamilton, the Mayor, Mr. McElroy, ___-- ispursuinig a vcry suicccssfuil canvass inf opoiint M.luhnn nd r THE O.J . MACD vÀ lt»KTAàLD ralway PARCEL POST. cverything, bt thcy Ihave host all- Ijuaruer o1îtiaCttiry, and, 1iCvevn- 9 o r8- The number of paroats carnie.]dsring tic faith ini a man wlio lias proved Isim- br asytitn oi~ini ii sus v-~ear ihy parce] post is estimate.îîI havebeenSelf so VL-ry un reliable. Ahi ooppotsitans-Q Mgto-day in tise Stor. 7,00,pro'uci~ a eva oc r 82128 tion to Mr. dockburn ini West Northt- estittiahiOhi of ail soîîîîd, pi'acîicai re- 1 7 Nrcbe Rveue urnberlatîd hais fot yet been ôrgan frnr tbt eciusc iePo 56 lu 1861.eof Parcels. Revenue. ized but wc nay learni of it ere Dv go iticeas docs te Ilun. J. S acdoti- ý79 1862...5,200 1,81.15 10 Pr-ess. He$, 10, ma5y bo beatent, ad e 81863. ...7,100 2,128 I3ut.tîced we exhibat any great a- la thpfle dns of tlho1'nid Faîniiy I 62Il RE(iISTRATION. larru of iQ1 Need we fcar that itisCaris p-tct*" whIn il reqnîlred Mcion(f 4î 80 Abosut tic same numrrber o! regigiereti Jet- goitig 10 lay a strong hlold of the lîeltîî nerve anîd plick to staiud lup for tic 14 40 lers passe.] ihrouZiis(lie mails in 1863 as ini of state and ictain it for long te corne2 ? gts, fts epeo hscuty O 88 1862, nameiy 520,090. Tic cases of ai - We do not dread il if anything like Johtn Saisfield MIacuonadwasaiways A 7 l2 edged linsu or abstraction o!fentents ot por- concord and wise counicils prevail ipopled ani pd owingtht for tie 4 6 tion o! contents o! regis'cred letuers dci-ring the rauks of the Reformnparty. 'rhere mmpl îî îowi1tadng h S6 tise year were 43. O! these 43 cases thecre extsted some -uîifortuiîate circum- m have at l'mes. durtng lits1 b7 O0Snnar acrd9 i WCrrgsteulstesimalpcae stances that tended fargely to wr'akert Pariitinay acr ffe r ed etegisnt1 e re cieiinti epat ffies the late administration. If there is sottie on his side of lie Uoculse, detemintio shbn i ftmre o snk e v ire *to sythat oonetcan for wiich thc pao-kages were deutined, casuse deteminaion bown r fuure Dasirie ven 0,475, 5eteeve adefcth oeintle 3,95 m !rsisearriage flot aseertaiciet, 9; registeretietd n iw tdef7c h oeinPb t.ir finsrtupon a vre ia h a ý,Veneltes !wic7cnet r oue !cr-of al Uîhose vhose airfiand desire us oves-cas rgia us at Leeu eterso hitCnenso prinofcr-ta sectire good, ho[.est and econorn-i- ht is qîtite trtu thiat lichas flot yet trdwere stateti to be rnimsirgntge receip4 a oeunet u cgno h oybeen prepared 10 adopt asexi (, 1862. o i eir 6 ciirdetr oto compact will be of short duratioî.- vesa on, respect ing-lte aIle--ed s271000 miscaffie.], owing apparantiy lu carelegse atclrlaesms oeot rdiiictîlty Ikrio\vii b o xi.-t iii the 'lr- treatsnt in powl offices, ancd of which iiue own peculiat- hobbies atnd lvoid IleIsing af ouIr colîs;Ititiona-l systemi, but M8,000 Conterts were conseqiienîly mngde good by accusations and rccrinitnations thalt 'Ive tiltnlise experielîce &f Itle ast h. afficer ici faulî, il ;regi§lcrcd lers unfortunately, we see a tesîdesucy on ttro years lias fLIIV provxed tiat in 6100prove.] to have been shoien (rom post offices their troU tao induige inî, bncause tise i s ie lias, îserhapq, shoia\amnore po- ur mails cen route, 5 ; regîlered teb-oteriq ac.ci- LLfàrm tîiarty canitOt nO\v aflbtd la bc( ltîcalse aiyaiift~;s~î ia wo -terstal'iy consumne. by g re wUts]> divided ; the enemy is vigiletut anîd toe~-î aeait tit' atbetlisieud 10 voyance by 'rilway, 1 ; rpgis r d iettes boastfti, atîd insolent,. [Je must bu canrl tn 5,000 - totivered frocn a post office In a wrong pIer- itnnbied. This can only be donc by So long, as tise existir ptsioit 72300son, i a liberal and conciatr tetrelofdînit inc n ahlitsils itegrltv. il 16 T$7i2e3!,0mp0cil0»s alclses. There are rnany wlio quste ear tat iîoderaitp councutel ipia, lie - give the corruptioniste a1) unwvilitîgtfttprvind h~eom s at ,70 isn exeeqs of bie issue o! 186-2. The fol-i po ta oid~f1*a yd4~wxstiould learn îiîat it is nu m vtsp ini 1881,38 as oiim fsa cr~7r:::ic: de Orthe in<io>theuank6 f reLaberai parly by t- r- ofretieir ieadin~ i mino I ar judicious management. While we positti s wviîeh past expprience hats ýt Postal YarValue. hiold to the iiglit and justice oflîaving siluto t abc inîpîac4cabief. th16> 1858-----------«4413 25 the representation of tile province ad- lt is a-il ve.ry wveil for'the extrein- i16, 1859 ........ -.........* < 793 61 Ir anti 1860------------------ justed, itil ~l uo± do for iis at present ts.t ta say tlîat tlsliotu. j. S. Ma,,cdonl ient, ...................250:,332 75 tb urge 100 strongly otîr sectionai aid lîad no fý)Io(vrs in the ilotise ilent, 1862.................. 299,185 80 vie ws. Our party înust have policy wheîî lie fornicd tie Maedonald-Si- 188 . AD..L.. .. T . .. .....3ô,0 a0PS well as principle, ansd if we wvould cotte govemfiment ici 1862 J but howv, s.ucceed in our purpose, aur flrsî object we a8k, ould ho bave fcrned that -Tise dead letter ýre{samns are as follows,- must be to secure alliance and cohe- governînerît and kopt in powrer wvth- 0F,64 il 1 Deati heters, oiiginate ini and addrssied Io sion, T1he ingamnatuî-y style has been eut foloweî-s The thing is prepos-{ 98,237 59 Canadaaand tha other Britisti Nontis American tried and has failEd. Anotier meaus tenons, anîd tuehe rs iwho supportedn 18,826 07 Provinces, 171,204; erig.nating in tic besides this must ini futtîwe be adopted. him and at the sanie tiîùè professed 23,259 72 United Kicigdom, anti otter places abroad, We must have xidon-we intist use 11et1 w have full coliflde-n~ in lm, 20,298_8 andi netsuuîcd In London, 7,584; ariginaiing wtnning wvay-eaud more moderate must bave been convirsced tîsat bis 53,3o7 06 ici thc United Stateis and return2e.] te Wash eouncil. These with a wcl-l defined positiou was thte otîly praeiicable one0 Insive of inglon, 3O9,2.46, total nuunbar.of undelimrd aUd iriteilleetual, and 1kberal pro, uPon which4 as the Ilotuse was thon jettera uddressed lui Cantada, 218,04; a! this gra mrut gain a. îrit-mphal suc- corstituted. tbc governrnenl of the nereaseti number weeupi, 5,o;prpi e,. cees for the Retorm party ere long country couid be carried on, and iLh 1862, '""~~" I-W r ufce~i oefl.ati hence must have bec'orne to a ceti 629 Rcevewf-mWasinbodadic- <etonoyeepoiceor ai extent, at least, foilowers of is.- Ralwyters originaLing in Cafada,of whieh dativerythecin, ougthte obne ,uch as ot tThe saune might also be said of the ambouts ini United States iad faJraceiv e rede uh eb uha ott gadiad oit dansrtoi fflûsefgom Londoe, dea*t e righîen trom us hie liberal men of "adul.oiuAniIîain i Ie fo odn e lattera Originating in Can-. Lower Canada, muarîy of vhotui are as Q- which Mr- Maedouatd buas beei inid ad&, and utidctivered in United Kingdon an.] democratie and liberai minded and the leading spiit. It is,4herafore,ab- allilu- ter Places abrolîd, 3,283; total nurriben a! as frec from ecclesiastie au4 tor v surd to say chat tbe lion. 1. s. Mac- 9, w hile1 dead jetters assbng througi Cunadian ctcai trammels as any inenl in th a wonîcl donald leais, and yoî bi-at Isehas no of postal ilauer ofile, 253,528. Icn 1859 the dead.Het- By an extrerne policy we neot- onîly folowers. If lie is flot the ~paetical 4crs numbere.] 24e,892 ; in" 1got i flQ8 -weaken their' hold on1 their Cofti- leader of th~e. united libe-a.l, purt>y - of vins~i 1861, 255;905; in'1862, 258,852~ in 1863 tnen'ts but deetroy- al[ chance of~ at-boheciset a.Pync4 ry than lin 53,28 tainiug our own objecta. W. believe who is? jIL is salisfactory to observe thai uhe ttaà 11 e sen.iments we here uttes are those Tbe1r are plenty of meui a..l ove, i of f~o h ' raitier- Ofa eOvlnête, in ha rjten~raa~h; '0. 1861 v' ry tide beam qut"Noî becanu is btyalyowever, but enamnorei with John 8'indfteld, so0jîhat ilt i dreaded bv the hierarcuiy, w'oéo n-ii' 80that lie was willing ,to be- mandaies up lo.the,ýpr.eti lips set at ,-T-th uaught bath in Irèland, EsLfaiî andAmen é'it ewilt be befne in ,wlc.Fonianisîn 's ià threldr denoilnced as Îhen a member c£f the Ma.zdona1d.SîÎ à andc dancrerons, dycigp sF n çoe clyiif 4r n d pom .îe our nofl - .pp ars that the org nisjs ossno vey ftmpdraîV tinat Tb should becomne -wbere bear tlhe lame naine. - In twîJIitéti 1î& better wcuncils prevailed wilhth therh)tbti nln .n rln lon. Attorney 'Gener41 Wette*nd' thetbrodbunIigad dIeld patronage' fourni its' wày" -in due btotbevtioodo, lmjo , oy the naine 4of; couirse teo our office. Since thon -our i'Brothcrhood o! St. Paàtriý1c and itiéL contemporary. ha&~ not been 'able to hionai Brolhenhcod." T1t "real i ue find lauguage bad enotugh in %vlTicil of the#e orggniztodi,ap$sue É9 t-Lp to denoune the same "John Sitrdgeld don where lhe,lbead orgboctbe aI.ibr M1acdenald."1 One day ho hold him 017hue beeosal.ed In Dublin thoir up te public odium as ;"the Cornwall organ ia calieti the IrisAh People, a paper ?ettifogger"-the- iîext day as "'the iately esîabiished. A new ongun bas been Bar-reom L,ýqfer-"î-he vite Trick- itarted ini Chicago, Illinois, caiteti the Fe- ster"-"the Scoundrell' and every nian. We do not know o! any aociety ini th ing that is bad simpl y becquse the Canada openly afflliated with the. Fenians Hop. Pr@çxiwioe i'. hi.' judei nt attougli mary pecptý took-,.up2n.tli "H îhdîghîhlmflo wqtk urcagting. berrian"Ilsocietiesmas nue auid lhe smre Our cou temiporary in justification ttinrg, wiî-ii tie Irig/i (anadian of Toronto, will no doubt sa y that his prQpos3ition as their orgu'n. At, least, Mn. Michael Mur- tb suàpport SanPi'eld %was a Mere ho ioedsyaulrlcaurraes matter of business-ilbat iý friends piuâtf have stdisylh terusice nr andea hiad the Read and Harbor rnatter on iuthv eriiierpeietas ed hand and wore desirous of gettint', Ît ing man. Tic Freeinan however dénies settled on as good terme as posbible ; tiat the, Hibernians are F.snsans. Il îheY and it was tint therefore îheir interest are not, wlîcne tien dues Fonianissn existi or bs, tat h shold oposeanyCanada, arid %vhat is thse objecit o! Mr. Me- government. Thiis we can readily Gec's leitera'? Does he aîtack a shadow Lo, understand; but how lie dared stand provo his nwii oyiîty ? up before the public under such cir- -- cumestances and read lectures ont The War. conssteny tosuch men as tho Hon. JS.Macdonaldn. the Honi. W. There his beesî a loing season of inaction Mel)ougall, or how hoe expects 10 re- un thse part ut lie beligereuils in tise States. tain any political influence in tlle 0 r odla hs sbou.bh s~ comntîity' is wvhat puzzles lis, a r&ei are preparitig fur lieddcicsive ibrtigge of tie barefaced atternpeto' seU principles aan iaIcrlewi l u cimto an d party for "pap," we vecittire 10wr n la -atl iib u nmto say cati îot ho founid in the whole his- an bol tu sides, lie largest armeliaaï, hhve tory of public journalistri in titis or yet met ini dea>tly coiisiset onrs Aerican s oit. any otiier country. A comploe reorgan)iz.tiun lias bden effected su- . Le-Army o.__ 9,. - - T . a. o , s « ai "«The Clique."I It is îlot our intention ut ptesent to enter ini any (libcussion wiîi lie Oit Rond Com- Parly's Orgasi respecling thse sale or tic Hlarbor and Roa(t. The Tenders irsd otier documnents are ail ini lie himda aofthe gov- ernmaenc, anmi wili, du,îîbless fli.] cheir way Io tise publie Ini due course-and quît. soon e n o(itg,-we fatîcy, ti suit tie tissie o! thome frorc %Yinm, tlise "r.s lias received ils ilispiratrnon.e, until thoen w,, woulj ad-vise our enuemporary Io "keep cool." Wc are extremnely anxiosse, iowever, that in lh*. mean pisie tie "ioîvlissg" and "Ibarkio,," sitouli ss kept up, ai oui friecîts toôtsoss0à îetuîrsy are 1aid In13e erjsý- iic tise funs exceedîsiiIy weli- A4 for our- selleà Wl? 0.115 pOàilvely aseure Ouîr Brock Street filessd bisai we ara fuiiy ulive lu lie faci Wit we live ils "îroiib!do,,orns, inles," ass . i n an age "big witi e ventls" iii %v iici mîuchis s lsiîg sai.abmut "sîartling dis;' cloure," ' bneat on of princiiple,"' "Canciiig ly pocricy, 95 "Jobbery," "Cor- ruptiornso5 on ; but the wurlt, riot- wissîasdig.stili cuoves 0on. Sed i ime, ani lias vest return iilislieir seasun, lTic St. Liwre-nce etiil os Iouheuc eai-and ise lWlbv Chronzclis 1'contiues ho play i18 part iii the great polti sdsramra- an.] 1iiillsli cry is-'-.obol iy brt P, 'ris' "t-vent of tise 21,t of \Iarci w hici rIruLIk such terror into tIse iearîs of "the eliiuu," an(] cause. lie sorgan" to bural \tilii suchi md 1&tntî ion, anthalut made suLi cousfisioi amotsg tise"lldts arit lie "Big liarubouîe," LJ.] idot ta4e us by surprise, an.] ought wo tbiuk b oteauti ail guod order- ioviticg ciliZc)s ltse lesion-"iihat tilse who scsw lu tise wiln.]nusi expect 10 reap tuc ~ XVsiltise dlorganriOPgive xis a uifle liglLt as to tiec "date" of!thie "loada 7' l'ie ice is gai.] lu be Qui of the Iirbor-an] "Jacît" ous the pier is ami goud as lis mamter .s olong ats he belia ves Aimself. '-Ttou biciomin.e mies iliese." The New Ministry. Tie n('\v anîiuisiitrainss a ennriosîs coin- pois i of -tri-meiq ai a Iveliturer. Ic-1il we1vs ira illens tsr, tise rebel (,f '37.8 ;iVet, tne tnis-u 1-bel of '48 ; Gisît, tise arssce»xiciii- isi of '149; Jouhun A. s\cDonai, tise oransge- mairs t oge! her vwith B.charan thaecld relce. tas>asuti Fois-y tse newv. Tibey area a urap. pou cotrrpany ais.] may weli icii npriarzec e mtylut b' uah'd -"Ille thappy !amitY." tWh/)o-, .-ver atm-.t'sI .-ach osier rmore iban MeGe aussi Csrt issr iis Lover Cansada, or MueDuciaIt andt Foidy is Uper Ct!sadi 7f Our polit iet insut-cit must b-i vcry dcmusralisiccg wienn soci extremnes use able ta meet-wieu îhe uiceusen andi abuser of yesterduy is tb ho sen friersd ansd companion aof to-say. - la il simply tie attraciurce o of fFice lîcat work suti clisasges ini meci7 W#3 dtii nul'winiter ai MeOce etsaicging aîsy nuirsber oi z4imes.n Hie il 21,veilt t u iarailty. 1He assaumes ta matie E-liind Brirke ttue greal [riait siates- mans, bis maodet but atas, ho faJiows hum only i ie frailtie, sîcanddiisnagards hisex- amples ini su far Ihat -he Jeaffes bobs md hitn a recrd eof4rukecî persouaJ qad politiAdai fief;dleiipa. langyevici thLe Solicitor GeneraJ Etast il un untricd man i v ~is Ciapatis, the Coarris.ione, ai Publie Wonkag bt tas te, preenslvs, Is~'have preveît LlemsaJTes men ut respsîeîstbe crsuitocrity. (3fth.e Premier, Tache. Who is .UPçlOsed l10 6'fr tie lasi gun in defence ç9< Brriih-eonno- ion"'Ynobhigneüssibe sai,ii Campbell juan utii r ua iu office .; s0 is C ùkburn aud SiMpson. Coctiburo west into Parlisiment as ais appoaent o! corruptio.n andL -e.*Aii- lion. A.lus, hs400 lias eoesu hie pqs,ipaâj tie rursucf lte ecsemy. - '1 the otiser norrlt armiies unIer Gan. Grant. Tiat a cosslîci wilt nul be muets tong-er de- layeil, iowever, appears evidocit. l-avisig been tlaimiy "iirssnssrsed ini mu.]" tie Armny of Use Poîumnac isci teassrsg its bas)te prepar- alôry lu a moverfluict. Stlesan-i nt otiier irscumbraîices are ordered to ffi reur, an.] we m-.sy sous1Iheur uà anultier altesnpt tu capture Rsolasnon-J. Osie îhing is eirideaî. Tii wur ii woffiin; woîîtlera fqr l14e liber- .sîion of tis.> bI4ck race, ani thse longer il conl:iiues, tie groater aie tise cliaîsces ci comnplie ernatscip;alion. Tisera are now rseariy 10J,000 culorel 3usidiers eiiisted ini mse Fedesal i A> y, anis.'i is gencr.illy ac- Uiave colAdenct in Y*r.Baresp..... -t ative' Tic Tories once more bave conîrol cf the alairs of tise province. Hlow îicy shahl condut hem we nes not ask. Trite exumpie of lie Cartier-Mucodunald A(ýmin- istsation is before u.s. Thsst corruption wiIl be agaiti tise urder o! thse utay, who need douit. Thi publiec money wili be squan- dercd upon useices piurpolies ta secure sup- pîsîl-liat needy officiais wi'1 be i 1) bilîtel upan ltcjvi1 service o!fbte copntry wio ean hesitate ta beliivi. Ve Ihave bssck tise old set again iii power with, sme aiterations and amnendments.- But lucre is 110 eason wiy we may expeci beiter ttcicgs o! lie TdceeCamnpbeli Ad- ininistra' ion iban of lie Cartier-MNIscdotalst. Tiey wili be gui-ted by thse samne policy and kept togrelier by the same iristiîtct'.Ticir poiicy wili be ta mn tic counstry fustier int debt, wiîie liai of ail Refscrm Administra- tions has been ta make the xpcndilssre accord witfi tie revenue. Tisey have ai- ways sihowsî more reg:crd for itie ititerests of parzy ihan lfortic interssssf tic pcovirsce, and %uJll serve arsy puwcrfui corporation. or induential bodly ic preferesîce to ilie cusm- :notuîveaitiî. Thair oontempt fur theisetits- ses assdtrec,(rst for iiu'se possease.] or power an.] Position, is anc of thimiseronit instincts of tu-i§sM. and. as such se altogeter un- suite.] Io tise AUnocptîcre o! tisis young andi sirug-4,!jig Province. Toryisn ls; haitmoo ttsgc a sway-oo long a bease o! poîver for Our goudl. Te" Cocuncil Pr'oàêdiagsý Wssi-rsv, AprI[jI, 1864.n Tic Cssuicîi4sl met ai half pa* seven. Hlie wMertili ptb.rM. res i :M1 sr. er-T Gnu Brow"i, Carnerais, Canmpbell, and Thew. A Eeiilin cwas presoei frnm A. Cam- eran, laie Chie! Cssnet b le,G~nd sigged l'y 227 o! ti abe-payels o! -hie Towua, prariig ihha- sua-y be feinstq.-tct4. Dr. Gucm broughit ut4he r'eport a! thé Csommithee on ie and Water. Tk!e repor.t s-a-ted that i ~eucigine, Hase, &c., were in @uc4 % coudilion tiai ciareissce couldbsie pl-etc4 ipoci t4em ici casie or a fire . anti advisedti attic wiole appatraiul u lolti and the proceesis devoted t ho epsirciase o! a large éfngiule. Ini comnti ttee of th. whole, Mr. eCameon tin tie oiair,-Mr. Ferry objocteçi lo the sale of the ecinme, &c., as liho con#idered 4-bit 4r:a few dollars the îvhnle donild e put in prape; ;ep*.r, endid 1hwojid be joffly- in#icing -aist i4Lýe*e#ssr;* eae«inge 01W lite lownto, paàrehaso&a-fnaw e.ndiae. - *.Mr. Brown c~urdîll.sryi objectiug tw the -sale- of-the en.l'nesm dol ab a5týo n i .w ridebI ize thbeval- Alftea a hort jes'w5io, 09 iço cen ai Dr. Gunci, 0'hsrée.-lad' -e c* ihiu arna' tient.- . ith Theioreport o!f,»4so Cnam.rtik, wva* br9U,êls pvo.4'the, ~ rI COURT OGI' REVZDIUI. crentl«men wore appoinied teconiitute b Row*, nndeBrown.,I To CoR1itrep*Ow1pzgTs.-We a oommunieation froin Mr. J. Laut'rur lin;, alo orie ÇrmýPehtMrabîît't0.e for insertion tdais wéek. Ttaey will appear inext issue. MONEcyTaT LoÀ..-MI'L-&. J. Holdont ' -cf Epsomn, ReaeIAIUepared ta led+ t a law rate or inieaI,; ta-~4. quantmîy of land .fox sale.-See ,&lveirà@é ment. We wish la cai lte attention of'aur read- tirs 10 thd large assortrnent cf beatqtifaI,3î bound voluines * o! . he Scriptures,<Wi h' Psalrrs in maire) nowv at tbe Depository qf the Whilby Branch Bible Societyin charte of Mr. James -Bain. Persona« wishing. ta purcFhase wouhJ dc, weil to a a an! ir.speoî the stock. -- We pliblish to0-day- an extract roii lhe Po)strn azler-Generai ' R.eport, present ed Io the Flouse j u«. ptevions ta the adjournmsuf. Mr. Mowat, it is said, bias furrîialed ttue Most elaborate Report on Posta maltera that bas ever emnanated frora that D.qparîment. . It will, no dnoubt be gratifying to, Mr. Movat'. numneious frienjîinic South Ontario, Io know this, as any honor bestowved opors a répreý senlative, must niccessarily, be shared in to a certa;n exteut by hin -constiîuerits. NMIaSs ATE MCDUNALD.-Wd are glad Io hear that the Mechnaris' Institqte have se- o.red the servihe9 of îis talented sifngfi# for their -coneert on Monclay evaiting, Aprmi 18: They have also engaged several othi Toronto stars who will take part in the con- cert. We hope Io see a crowdeil bouse. as this will ha the last concert Misa R-te irda Donald wiil appear at ini Canada Wo soma years. The prooeeds are-foritii. benefii of the Insîitute. ]fARRIED, At Toronto, on the 23rd uit, *by , nove.; À, Xopp, ALUXANDRR PEUR, Fsq., to K c~~..6 W. SENOLI, Esq., both of Whittby ~iusnt~. dix j»- WW~W~ O N March 3rd 1864, at Workman's Motel Sicn- coe street, a Pooket Book, eontaintug $2 1zg Cash, and a Note ofHRand made by Mtr. Àndzew MNkcNsb, and payobte.to nie. Ail persona arc forbid purchasing the above Note aM pnyment lias been stopped.W. OUA . Peaverton, April 7, 1864. QQMMERiCIAL, I1OTZL. BROOK STREET, WHITBY. CHÂE.LES MoBRIDE --Proprietor. LIanrge liotel huba eau oomnpletoty refur, Tni lied and renovatod. Extensive etabin; nd omdiuyard oi. Charges oet. 9 SIIE RE BY GI VE Nthat thé Municipal couTi tatt of the Township cf Wbitby, lutends at ils next meeting, toeb4 held oc FRIDAY, iM*Y Op 1864, A BYE-L'AW, To establiah tho old travelIe'l Brook Road, in the Stit Conoes@ion of the said Totyush' pof Whitby, ac- oording to a plan made hy JohnSýier, Esq., P.L.8 R. T. H4RRISON, Brookiin, April 1, 1864. 7çrýpÇpk AND' LIVERLPOOL & LONDON ASSUIRANCE COMPANIESI EMBRACING A CAPITAL 0F UPWARDS 07 TNVENTY MILLIOâB 0F DQLLÂB8, IZ20 000,00 O! DTSK S to the. a:nouýt cf $20.000 iun"y eue rish, .J.),itt 4q tak.p oi; application te JOHN &GNEW, TIhe Ootüpan1eV Agent .ù Whitby. Qetober 27, 1883. 1 tf »,UNDAS STREET, p T .W gooms over the OsaQ5 tlsitct -Cslo yFaMselt. e M41 ~t --r 9