.;~. ~»~-~- w . i r - * ~ vbedet a tut émspieof lthe Publieer. z*l Is * Wkst ebr,1803. r;. 44 ONT~t~ t4 Vd\~J 11. BUSINESS CARDS. (imABL198 C. KE LLER. Attora.y-at-Law Se- Ijietr iia Chancery, Convcyauctr, &o., Cmn- s4tfBrook, C. W. ciIL CQ0mSlm miW. . BEprliter, Couy_ ___________ I7*Atteuey.AtorUOy-ct-Law, dolicitor in C1. J ey ,oayPpbhiçe &o.. -Office in Bigelowa*ew B5LR&LAMON, Attorneys-at-Law, Bo- ~uU~IVuiùu.S., Wltb1 jLI licîtons in Cheneery, Couveyauoars, &e. Offite. - er1idhrcuile Offce, BrockStreet, Whtby. G J43Lmmdirga, "d Àttorney-a±.-Law.- CfÙAB. C. Y.ELLE R, JAS. LAitON, N. o.,., epptl'Uz.Eagtry Office, witby.Cnigt, WltyC.W ____________Brook. C, W. R ODERT J. WILSONi, Barrister, Attorney-et- w'~Ie.i, ~ Witby. _____ t,4 RISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor lu * ug.I~~LNK AKOuCyat-aw, oUc- naflce ry r ublicCCaveyaucer, &m., ,&e~ Office le Aber ~esdp&5 rz est of T..O. X.a- là bl-,fntgtotBeaverton. 1 ____ ___ ___ ___THE RO5SON NOUSE, T AMER OgBBENWOOD, Attorney -at-TLew, LAvICESCRIPTURE'5 BOTL, tRiOt.têiihlfoeyNoarPxbicCove.D UNDAS STREET WHITBY, C. W ueely ppoite Geor;o Robson, Prpetr eWT MCLikwAN, Berristers, »c. 0f- THE SUBSOUDER begs te exînounce that bie Conr0!Qurban oT bas leased the building fermerly knewn as U~'ata Elie. o ourt Street. Seripture's bloet, for a ternu of yeers, and that lie OLrva1owr. JxIs cCLEKÀr, la new renovated aud re-furnished the building JAURSMCCLENAN, thronghont. The promnises are pieasantly ituatod, . opposite tho Post Office, and in Lb. centre of the - 'OXALD-ROSS, Beilif 68tb Division Court, and Town. jJLIeeud &oinemer, Beaverton, Ce. Ontario. Theo Reilway Omnibus cails at the HoLet, and the. 90-Y. Stages for lUxbridge and Beeverton ieave the door every nierning. GO OSN 1# W (SLGQ, Issuer cf Mariago Lîccuses. IL ~ .esloue.-uin55Street, second door east -)W..Cnrelul reostions aiwoYs iu nrttendance. ~fto xuble Factory, Whitby, C. W. 44Wlitby, May 4,1863 ID R.;ËdÔt~, BOTÂNIC PHYSICIAN. AC- THE NONQUON HOUSE. J)COUCIIMUR, Offce tient door te Mr Paimer'e, _hsI&F $twettPort Perry. 44 (LATvE WESLEY'@ IIALF-WÂY noUse) 'gjilm9LWgHItT, Attorney-at-LCw, Couvoyan- 03.]M 40C>13 i ' rmcl ml '1' X sh .M., Kent Street, Lindsay, Ce. Viçtoria, C.W. L1). BROWN - Proprietor. C HARDS RIUN~Oi, Cerk Sixtb Division Colât, CuatyOrý(ntarlo, Comisoner lnll.R., couveancr, Isuer o 4A.CALON, M. D., Byron Street, Wbitiby. Ir 5A 4RMSTRONG, M.D., Physioiau, Sur- Jl £èOn, ed Accoucheur, Brougham, C. W. 1 dN? 10110E (IORMACK, Luiber Merehant, Car- il pe*t.r sudJoleer, Green Street, Wbitby. &187equItIt7 ot Labner of cai inds eonstsiitly U*btaklg la &Illt#Èranehes.i ,QVqQ4#Tallr BrnocktieOtWhitby. tPasil;ou. &sd woTiwarrinted., D AV IUTUIEONTaller, Duna Streot, ~ Gaqi,~5ît5 e o p tç ardor lu the L9~,1~ii~,sudglasier, Trent Street , ; pelq uie Odrs pnooptty an fs.thuly ~~4(~I~ti iitOmrhvl I rê.,)Jrrtk me, Wbithy GktVM ooe ot. la Sre dotallq ida-lLe Ateoilt'tg jM (eyil c *ctattitioti.Melu,(.W lmedônelt. Clti of th.~e oeo. N. (0. cynoldsi, jissri, C. O.î J. Il. Party. Regltrar, C. O. 46, T W.E LLIQT, Dentist, No. 30 King e. Street, w05, between Bayand 'ionge Sitrests, a few dom oruct of the (m'lobe Office, Toronto- llsuaurnm- aend Rigbt Raiererd John, V.D. Lord Biuhcp af Toronto.$ Toronto, Decetuben, 1862. 8-lyr BRIERRTON BUNTING, issutEs Op MARRIA GELIC ENCES DUFFLN'S UREEK, C.W. JOHN McGILL, IOENSED AUCTIONEER. L FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. SAil orders left et tbe OÂZYTTIV Office iili Le ro,)mptlycttended to, where ail arrangemients as tu ffrms, ka., canbc ma.de. Charges mnoderato. ý1VbLtby, Marob IOL, 1863. -0-y A. STOKES R FSPECTeILLY anneunces ote sinhabitant of Beaverton aùd vicinity that ho bas opcned % %bop on5imcoe streot, one door eastetWorknmao's Botai whero bc wili always keep on band a cl>oice a ortusntof meet.. sept. 1883. 4-26in. DONALD CAMPBELL, T IBNSEflAUCTIONEER FOR THE COU NTY 0F ONTARIO »0.AUlorders loft a e L. Gzmriç Offewil bc tor'Ma, b., cen b. made, Carges mode rate- COUKTI OFFICIAIS. ZACREUS BURNHAM, Judge of the Coenty Zaud Surrogat. Coudsa, Office, et tba Court NELSON G. REYNOLDS, 151eriff. Office, et the Court Houge..1 JOHN HRALL THOMPSON, Esq.. Warden. Addren-CannlngtouP.. WPAÈTON, Ja., Tressurer. OfiBea-at the. ,Coturt Roun». J. HutAMr là of tbeOounty Court, *nd Re- 0 -gora oftieaumatecourt, Ofl1o-Bro.k ORtf BITER, leginéer. OR-at t thé. Court TTJ. NtACDQNE LL, Cl.rk of<the Peaut, Soliol.- Sthe ENU ef MmWai Sd Cerra. lensr o!t.&rlop ffceiat th iï C O~U$O. T IIIS Hotel is situated about sid-wey between Manille and Prince Albert, and bas been tho- roughiy re-furnished and ronoveted for the recep- ion of the travelling publie. A large fire place in the Bar-room. Warm stAbling eiid extenitive sheds. A careful HosUler always in ettendance. MANILLBA HOUSE, *MA!iILLA, C. W. SWITZER CON WAY - - Proprietor. C ONFORT, Moderate Charges, and nnremltting attention to the. vantu of the public, continue to nerkthe mnanagemient of the -oMenilla" Iliuse. A large Hall suitable for Connerts, E xhibitiona &e. Careful Osers ln charge or comrnodiouu ta- bling. *01Ofice of the. varlons otage linos. BOYNTON'S HOTE L, JEV IT'S.) WM. BOTNTON begs te Inforni thé tnhabitsintu Wof the Cnnty of Vîrteriea nd surreundlng OCunttes, that ho hbu npened tlif alI on William Street lntaly occupied by Jowett, qnd as ho hbo b.d it IIted and dfurnlshsd in firsi style, v-jettera l And a eusuar ,Wingas, ÏLdqors sn4 M04;a(c "j, A 4n~f4v eJpr slwg.f i o lu »g@ Jjl4 1 6 ., ) W.-4 IRIOMHIN HOTIELi JIZOKIN goON TARI#O- W, t¶I lié* MM A telie t-pfetatiee l1ttelýr tedted 1ý:vMr. 1. 1P. Poley hie Ifii n Itueýl by fi. ubierihe-r,snd oultably Atted opp md furnishoed fer tb. comfort and cenvenience of the travelling pub In. Warm and rôoomy tabling,and a truytirorthy Hestler. ,ig- large Hall for Balls,, oneert@ and E ahi- ALEXAXDER MeRAE. - GLOVER'S IHOTET, SIM11CO à 1R EE T, B RA VER TON, (C.V (oejcd Accommodatior, mxportsuoT-d bogtlers, and inederatte changes. Omnribunses to endfrom lb. ie amers duning ch. emosu.n DAVID GLOVER Preprietor. MIETROPOLITAN BBTEL CORNER OF KING & BAY STREETS, TORONTO, C.W. Toc ibnve iious il rewtyni rnnedhenltil iti- o sol, and in the rentre of te crry. fTermo. e Dolar per day. 51 -lyr. BLACK110HRSE yTOTEL. FRON;T STREER, TORO-NTO, C. W. GOOD Acommdftiofl cxtenirve StiLling, andi attentive hoptIe 's, and Modrate Charget. W. COX, Propriéenor. THES AL.BION HOT EL. " EAST MAItRET SQUARE, T RF, Sonacrîher having teamcd IlThe Alion Itotet," in addition Le the-"Itenational," b. bas Converteti the two premis e lto ene mmrrinotti Ilotet-tho largeet andi mot comniodionre lu the City, wlrere ho wili ho gted to receivo bis !riond, &nd tirePublic. Nolehor or expente wili be sparod likely toe onduee. ot lb. onfort and convceiea!o the guestm, BOA RD-only $si0per da7y. /;8#The yard and Stahling are vony extensive, and are unuter the charge o! careful bastion,. T110MAS J4LMER, Terento, oct. 2, 18e3. rpit, JONES' ANEIRIQAN HOTEL MARE7'SQUARE, LrUELPII. PtO mt olth ciifriands and enitoershAOmni- bustc a»4 fnom ail th. rogular tralaîsm,- stages run la direct conneotian wtth th. Bouage'This finis HoLet le advantag.oualy sltuat.ed lmmediatety belaw t.o SouL -Weut portion cf IheMsrkot Square Ou.elpi, DecomIssr 23rd, 1802 9y ]BrooklijDrug Store. D) ICALM IîW BiUEs. PATENT INMDCIE ?tlt,01,Dy-Stias, Oofeot@tODU7, 4, Borge and Catile Medicine# alway oo banZfd 19-I y.) WIII~3Y Vo- o'iieîn ingers. A bird t' inging in tii. baves Thet quivor on yOU lindefl tr; So toft Abid cicar the.song h. &loge Theroses liaten dream!V-' The ctimso budsin ecluaters eding; lb. full, uweet roses binai with bloomi And, *bite a3 qceen#'a uwâylng foeun. know rnotwlky tint beppy tan Tint dieu uoaoýftly fohitei.air, Thet perfect iuttesano.e *oy, ]leu left a uttenge, i i dn.eilutuer.. Perchance the. eong, 80 ilver-uw.et, The. roues' regai bloolomu ubhrin., Perchence the bendidIgIlily droops. And tremble& 'net itis tirili divine. It May be that &il beauteoue things, Theugbh lacking musie'u perfect key, Have with their inmot;t being twined Tho hidden corda of melody. Bo pin, they ail to bear again The song they know but cannet sing; The living utterance, full and clear, Wbose voicoiess breathings round them dling. Wet stili tiiose accents waken flot; The bird bas ieft tbÀlnden tree; A summer silence falls once more Upon the listening roee and me. Speculation in New York-a. Coming Crash. Nul ice the wan broke oui have shrewd rnen been so iuuch aIt ieir vils'-end as nov. S1cuieîion is rampant andti mcc are faitiy mati vitii tbe gambb1ing mania. But titese are ut fliged speculatous uvio have vet lu learri hçw ieacberusanti uncemlai i te sas is on wbichh y ave bauncimedtiremal.- Meni cf cap itI-anoe staniîng aloof (om lte madriesa o! this heur. They coumfidently preilicl e crash itat wil btsmrns weeping than anylhitg New York htes kiîown Ibis century. A getleman cf lange means oalle upent une o! oun lanrgeai and unomssucceliaful trkenm .isiweek, tulîl biro lie labd SlOO,OOO tu itîvest, and siita Ititn, wvitl îî-cUd ou advise ine le do.? Juiltisben a doiskey-oanî -lf, 4 hij5,-d1tt# aI e qF, pii ask ltai inatitt suidthetro ker,T lie kiowo as iîucit aboutni tin"ih s Illte gei- outil leulirig emutîg mired ni ulicmeuîer çp siml iét à, he roeuaiusii u imris 11 o i g rerid ic titiS gt t I(ef, tite ltLud à fPltt Abt@ ~ i ttc oi toi ilOiph t d ii gâi#ml it YàsiL ii s Cî H@ nni iok à ltb ih pi ue tu il li in*o ytnildin imudàîtihlie lui li~tels i'OuftOQ athé yeauari.aun ff lditttale. lle d10* tna'.etliti4i iii tunope on trie gain. A liue t lii as suit1 a-1 Nunennbet foin $30,000 vas seld itFmsbruary for $50.000, art liime vri gin iliiillg cicvr l i es ui 0 $ 10,000 cmI t bi sailu, alie lia?. i o ce foi it a mmcmwti wluoid ttjove gîven lmmm $60.000 fur lO. Meni lave beeti 1-o1d out lci e li lm urne loy<tk utg whi-ie ty supjncsied tu e u aiextir'm blianîl primieforihem n jnnpety, anti fintli.g hens- selvt; s unnlejt..la k,.n mn . O<lri~mmaitmfl-ns - T kY.R ARL i4ý ig noe fo "We inevitabIl ter. i1fl104j plscedýuit l~a foi lb. Qmw4- ~a fîY egri ago, but, Icablare ne I 0"e 9%f eig op fond cf0 Ie*yallicle wioh oi- t to~~ljiffbac k, er. là - ~ ~ #11 -~-udr£îiOn every- ~it<nt~~atrm1troad& je groien '~1xcaonlii av mals iai, laxes on- everfiâ4, Value Iet ut alded teritilby the indust~$ mari; saxes on lhe sauce whicit pa i an a'@ appelit., andth ie dtmg tiret resLo.a4&minn to beeltit; an te ermie witiisc o4 es lite judge,eand lte nope viticl i fu th. criminel ; un trfie poor masiesaIt,1 4jd lite udmam's epic.; on te brase l fiecoflinandti he ntbbons cf tise bride;., 4ed; or board, coucita&t or lé. vaut, we qtit pay. The scliuoibuy vitips itis taxedtotWe~ b beardiess youth mariages lits îexed ho*~ wiîii a laxeti bidie on e îaxed ruadt; and tti. dyiog Englîstîman, rouring cizmi hý_ - c bas paid samver per eil n japoci titat has plt filleeri per cent, flingsU Iimnself batik on bis chitnz bed vitich hai pet twenly -lwe percent, meakes lie %viil o*;ê-eigttt pourd slamnp, anti ex- pires in tà. ttma o! an ap'nitecary vho tas peiti a licênaqeofo an itundred pounmdi for te privibege pf:putinig hlm tIo death. His wisoi, propeuty is ltor ioemediately laxeti fi-rn îisn<igotaon per cent. Besides lte pro- bate, large lmi are demanded fur burying hum in Use chapel i his vitues are haixtet dovon-to pétteeity on tIarcd marbie, and he iu gathened îfhss-fatiers to e tared ne moe. li adduiti"~l titis, thse habit cf dealiig with large-sains wull make the geverment araricioeaand profua.,; andthie systern it- self witi lfi3 bly generale te base Ver:nin o! spiet a d jn!ersmati siii more peati. lenIt race litical 10o18 amind tuineris cf lte reait nd inos odious descriptiont; whle lise i ouns patruimmîge viith ie col leciing à!iii aplîtîdirevenuie ivil *b1throw the virtus tfid public prt ve lrpa mbeno ia ito!gvnîme t ll wsii iia i Ig l te %btvaarlial o-,$@ ili purnîsy tëâfp@iy uboeqêed, wti .iîînid amp' Puget 1î0w ditfül anti telilssg eri aplinut Mighî soie t mâdcfrut Ibie suregiîg A îq"utd passaège fioe thettcWrilirigs of lte Willy anti ebcquelt toei of Sm. PauI's, in thc way of & r5bukoul uba lieci. beaietirig in of lte parîy whili i n supports. On reading oven t mu qutlaiiuo, oanc 11mai sticks veiini oui memory as havitî-g been efîe:î reati before, w. wene paricubarty -tnuc.k by the applica- biliiy te ounqives, Ili 4" (hi, Canlada", ofthbe lal tve sentences uiilte paiarapit. 1,7'4e habit of dcating zwith argp sumir wili make a cire,- Imat îoeritmmm $16,900 lonr $35,0(Ot4à"1 gurvernitent an'aricious and profuse."y Ilis cfier 'a'imrietlldîely takeni. %Vle hâtl a vocril O!f culJfiliaocial truthth iere ire 1apens wene drawn, ttey were matie out'É11 hs Owl[!liacuieyts ta aimrd Party, lu %n bron lime Seceondtpanrt) "t.brte! ssntetice convisys th. iJea cf wvit lit ud-t t u l aadvairi cf er itrouecnrduIelîealiy itîi nntlur urner the lâtme evetsyeare rici oi f Gall, Cartier anid te Grand Trtînk lare. Ar)t ex-rnaycî i lImle citY, wtîo livenil 0 Ili ai exceiterît resitletoce il imos)m;lmo le , Railway md ;anti wlat wi'i i nnit infallibly wms v isted uome day Lb3 I o i i±, vimon r5k cecu"' a i ir le corrrîoraiîîs be rat Epecti- el p)enrt-it3s!oitu ok aut tir tmure,' tairî I).drive mi !non pinver. A lnealy lte vîmle official andi (emi-i.erni.'offici al Iîbe of! pIon- tirat Irleflouse treit day n-itu fri-sale,but Ilime due-1i~tin lme n uletfuilm occu mI isIL n-ould tît io i on ti er lu %iev it. -rw r lin l i iltulb lfo h Htgs Iliocor neorusly miomrrcd ii iririritte îpublici Punge by wîclcsaie, wiiîrautiiinmtva- houses tontilial block vvenu cxaLtly al.knr, antilntrrtirimn Mic Sla. tlte pros- îiley M -ilexamine [tls bcuse ros fu>' *L petit e! al' accomnodalinM. Geverrrrnenî, tey pleasieti. ou leav in-, uoletu ladies wtich wtlîitrow dovît Ilre enctisamîtilet moit 1 Iiru,"Ispp~eyovuIn o s e t liiup to Il ecm eyes ijr doyen. But ve yourlieue ? " O, ys," ainIrisHo r ust Ihey wiilneet with lte tissappmiitmetr 111 wouiti sou anytllin, but mny wi!e ai ltey sa nîctly menat, andtihaï, a ipcmdy enti mnai-b. pei un tem tieama cf fat offices, fat chWditren.'5 That abteriuor te nuceivetiacra " s,almegodhrg vttiî-e' rote fram a leading real etlte flieuse, ai vimar pice ? b-e offered ti tfinst forthinîy itou- ae nof a)empi ng erdcrnele etttex sant dollans. IL. offcn vas taken aI once. penee lneeicmmunrty. Tire papens ver-e paseold andth Ie tmarie> paiti ltat Qgit. The. next day il vas solti fer An Im Opium HeU'- in Java. fonîy Iituueani fi". htuîred dollars. Two XVitiqptruo)u@ 1Iqoors are for lte Euru- on thr ioneliiroge in titis transactionn moite ise peano, OPIUM is ili Java for tle Mahomrnedan Honrio a ltille uroqoiel. He mferet i t, bonse anti Cliintarna n. A Eiropeatitof itte lover tets limasard dollars es te-ni bis trext dean classes mray 51 ili Li,; tap-rom ranti tebase neiglîbon asked. He tati tLatabanoni&ishmsel! by lus stilres but ha dues i cemlortabie ard luimiriotîs borne instantly.- 'ii - tpenes merrimelit vtîiot voulti lie vas Ilierally turnd ie ut.hesireet.- make c-ne tiîik te vas neally îhappy, spitu Somnebotiy madtie licusanti five itundreti o! tisahea'Iactiei anti deirium treniens ite dollars ont o!fIim. Getlitîg a fasiieble may kriew are in store for lim ; but in an esitierce at any pice %vas oui e! tii. ques- opi'um bell ail is aas vIii as lte grave. A tion, Nrtiîiirg rem-ained for bim but ltse Murky laMnp apreadu a flickeiing liglit ovencrowds'd Fifmls Avenue Htet. H. as thraugt t ev roofeti euflocatini noemoin nov vith hie famiby in 1h. allie siany, watt- vitich are lplacet bale@, or nough wootier ing for- coMeîittale til îup. Sticit a étle.tablesi, Cvered vîlit Loarse maîîing, art a! tingi s rolabide. Our stnaewdest djvicte4il0 comrpartments by nearis cf financiers mue looking oui fer a crash. Our bsmnbood waîiscoîîimg. The opium ssmo- :1 eading merchants conféa ieàtaiîit ey do rat keus, mer anti vuren, lbit ta erery sense of know boy to isuy or <a salI, Many of ihein modestyl ttrow tbeinselves iaîîguidfly on thé are curtailinug ihain business, lonr, tike exp.- imalLingo anti, Item beaeappouîadt by a rienced marinera, lisay res.d a atonun in t. gnisy Cthion, prepmne lu indulge in Iheir Sky, whera, 12 an unpaatioed eye. ncotirg darling vice. but fair wesatke a sean. Buitte uixpe- 4 sinal, burnn aImp js pîacad oun bic ianeed mefat !maiT capital a d piofea- table as Ia behétealp eached by &Ultise shinal onc are raming fno etise epening vor- th. degraded wroes husvie eek fortatful tor, wbeee ptbvay fae itrswn vilS gold.- nes or ilysiutun In lte fumes o!, opiuma. A N. Y C.rreapondence Ostaon Journal. pipe of baunbuo vesd, witS a bowl et ou@ end 1894. 4~ ,) ut it la enffi,,4ep4:b y it4 01#08 htjeo thse suioker. To., ale ibraie, r0IGini haatuGéa r ibe opium1scon,»r corne sill as.Ihéced Timeir (full, su:îken eyes graduali>' become liighî anid sperkiin, ,sitem oilow cheekt% seem lIo assume a itealthy reundriess, a gleamn o! saiisaction-nay, cf ectacy-lightens 'ip teir ccunienances, as they revel in imagri- nation in Ihese sensual deligtts whicit are le corisîiîulethei Mahorumedan prade.- Enenvatet1, lariguid, emacialed as ltey are, ti facî, tiey look aed feel for Ilie lime regeri- ented ; and 1thou-,h they lie titere lte shame- lese and imprese-ive slaves of aensuality arid blus, hemr senmes are evidenîiy steeped in blis. Arrrused, itcwever, fnem them dreama and delusionu, the putencyiof th. citarm ex- hansîed, sliven from their bell1 by ils pro- prietor, yon -sec Ihein the erit rorning walkiiiLîz wiit faltering sleps, with eyes as (lu Il ast lead, an(] cheeks as tollow as coffinse, to their work. Curiosities of the Ocean Bottom Mn. Green, lte famous durer, telîs singu- lar atores of adveritunes, wten making searchithe t deep waters oft.e ocean.- He givee smre new ikelcites of wtalteh saw et the. "Silves Banks" near Ha) ti : "Tite banka of lte coral on wiih my dirimig: e e made, are about forty milea in engtit, 4from len le twenty in breadî.- On ibis bank of canal is pneserited 10 the diver nocf lte moat beautifu 1 and sublime scenes lte oye erer boeed. Tite vaier varie@ from ten leine iundreti feet in deplt, andin inuao dean Ihat lte diver cen sest from tva ta lhree iturdred fisel wier i i ,ub- mergeti, wiîh but IitIle obtuîruciiori 10 lie ôsii'i. The betiorncf te ocean, in many places, 4s as amootit as a marbi, Ic'rj; n othiens it in studd.d with canal columisae, frou c ë *laectitau4d litl r.1!T 9 tise. more ba(îy support a mynlad of pyra. midiai petîtimrts, ebaoh tomirîg -a m'rt4 frite .jgivjtîg i)# roglily te tbis irnagin#ry 4bahmof o! amo wnor nympit, In Mghr Plm la.tioniansa ltin reit altr rob s ' onti 4' 1 ii. tis tler iin bo iebuttum @o!Ilite osea, n âtd gieni ihrosigb h Iecti<tebo ieep Wifkliinso irhie, f# idef li tnt<b iAl i ba wîish aè eneîed on awe, a84til.W eîe uni Éome ohonl hedrsl, whilit bd lang beeni butiei benetIî'î old tioeanlo wae.' Ilote andti here, tise cotai entends even ta lte surface of the voler, a.ç if thnue laitier col- Umna vere tawens bselongimig te ibase ulailiy temples tat are nov in ruins. Tîtere were cocnless venitrties cf diminutive loees, shrubs, andi plante, in every crerice o!flte coralot, w ber. ltse vater lied depo-itsd the Iest cart. Thy were il o! a feint hue,' owirig 10lite pale liglil îhey rereiveti, ai- îlîengh of every btade, andi enlreiy difler- cnt from plants I arn famiiiar w *illi, titat vagetate upon dry lantd. On. iri particular atirecieti my attentiori, it resemitieml a sea fan o! immense s-izfu, of variegaieti colons, and the most brilliant hue. The fisit whjch witicit intabited these 'Silver Bariks,' 1 fourîd as différent in kinti as lte soeneny wag varieti. Ttey wcre cf ail ferma, celons, nnd sizes-!rom te symmetiral guby, te tite globe-like sîrr-flli ; from' lts. cf tihe iiit lleatth ie changeable doilthin! from posscsseJ %vas Io open and shut witen in (langer. Borne ef them resernbied lte rose in fot l bloomn, and were o! iii hues. There ,xere th ibonitho ui, fremn four tofive incites to ttree feet in lengt ;titeir eyes are veny large, arid proîrtlde like titose o!f te frog-- Anotalrnflîtiwas spoîmed lice lte lecpard, from tIre. ta orionfeet jrinertgih. Thsy build their bouses like beavera, ir vhicti the)> apswri, andth ie maIe or tentaIs watchea îhe egg unuil il beltes. 1 mev mariy apeci- mens of lte green lurtie, @orme f1W. !ac long, vitioh 1 ahould îhink wou!d veigit frorn 400 In 5W0 paunîl." Awamatî presented beiseîf ai the Central Police mtialie Chicagîo, tise alter day, and emrplaited- that, alîbougla aise isad two hba bands jr the Army, mise could gel ne relie! frein ciiisei Ibe contly or c217 var commit- t.., 7777-77N7-77 * Il'em (le Cork.Erusar QwTlu.de&Y Ienman eteamesithe City, M Capi. Mirebouse, arriveci ln an earl yhou r. Ti hé Trnor.l 0WfiI~~*O *à$% semployéd at e ;extra bot~ 4 iiimn Io thse ordinary wel 3raiî. T ;8IbOng 1 tfrie i LvetroI40"'aa ~!9k4I Iee oeebinm* aIomore tisac jbx- W% itnd roSu. The Can- ard extrae-g mer, whièh eel ii. wègr will flot only caiùý-out a ful complemeut, but booking fur il was ietopped ten deys ero. The emnigrante now. leaving are of!-a clam tai one cannol itelp regretting. We def'y eveir the fiercesi doctrinaire Le stand uiton the deck of one ofîhese departing vessels, and say tisarlte absence of the people lie sees, there cen by any possibility b. a.source of benelit. Tiey compriàe ail agyes, but in. vertr difereni proportions. Thie young anid the oid are Io bts seen-tîr. lioary faîher, lte totiering ruother, lte feeble chiid, have lteir place. But the bulk is ooînposed of the adolescent or ihose in lte prime of lif.- SLalwart yurg en, full o! heaitb and viger ;ye. ng womne L.gaîîdv laàte o! whuse attiie cant conceal that they have thei beauiy, lte activilyte bouniding healîli for which the Irish pensant gui ha been ne- markable. ( iAmongst tem ail there is acarceiy crie te be seen poerly attired. The mer are gererally clad in cornfortable gar- merlu ; the' girls are decked out in every absurdity cf bat aniditoop.s, and leather and ribbon. On. would- doubtiesa' ratber ae. the. woolsey peilicoat, or lte mobis3 dia- pery of te old Irish hood, as baing more graceful, mo:e suitable. and oh ! how mucis more useful. But et ail events the preWr.ce cf lites.e bsî,!d gewrgaws show the capecity on thte part cf lte weerera of pprchaaing the ouîfiu for teir voyage. Thuis fact je furtiter ailested by thdappear- ance of titeir luggage, whicb là genotally aubtîar ialelooking enough, in mostce.et compiising some snobi trifleas a ceuple of feater bedie. Witb a large number of lbose deparîing w. se. evidence tisat the bouse- itoIJ of a emiI fariner has besa broken upe andLth D seabiliuglsa ,t a d- nexI etatistlaIo o r eI gu~ b o ~e iuîg lbog and was.," r;fi -je prny gotj 141 l hir tIonmour if romarkably pu. afi ot'ay, Though shPy M foho a fwoo togotiior, and, b Yby un hrdr.4a eta i tu h$aju ili ut uaanaowfî iOM ruiroujma(anooa vefiooy1 oiff. &diîpo.ilion Io I"apres," tiwyo fir îlnun wil #@bofa IleIo teey faît@s lé aid arntitfiti ittili or f Uuiikotia h uè§ a > ti te Solual peid of embar. kalicuus, tiougb îtey may le a uitile, a£ tyt lutile, noiuy-an Irih crowd muet make somewhai more noise thon pitlegmeti races-tbey are sitguierly ortierly and amendable te reguletion. Cortsimeriug ltai este-hal! of titei know ai mucit about a ubip as lhey du about the Ipyramide, il ià really wcriderful le ses how well upen te whole.and tîow erdenly the emnbarkations aie gai Ibrougit. W. believe, the exient of emigraticri wiih is caueed by Feierel recruiimg in titis counîtry I0 bO greatly exaggerated, ai least s0 fer as ort observation oftcit which gees on et Qrîeenstuwn entities us te judge. Uriquesiioriabiy, there is amongit lte de- pantures tueur a taau fellow whom tbe cimp weutd b. gluid 10 seize ; but il lias- nev.cr been oîherwise. Nor is te proportion cf aiueli men diflerent from witet n would be The truth ie, ltatit i l a far-fetched ideaico suppose Ihat Federel recruiting i. in an>- imnportart degree the stimuîlus to [rish erni gratiori. It arises out cf lte condition of the condition cf lte coainty, and thte dazziing, if net perfeotly reliable, prospecta held oui by the lebor marikel of te Notherri Stetes. NISCELLANEOUS lu s staled usi Heenan l'te prize fighter, is flot expooled 10 live long. lie heu nevel recovere<J frein hie conîessiwiih King. A uubsoripîion ha& been raised in Eng- land fur Bishop Colenso. Among lte con- tribuiors are nombar of indrividualu vit bave greaier (ails in scientiflo iheories ltain ti Scniptura facta. Among thase are Mr Darwin, the aithor of te "Davelopamen Tiseory ;" Prof. Huxley, Who claima Lit i0 d.uonded frein a Gorilla, and Sir Çbarle 1,7011, thie eologisi, changes -l.ta-Iid of willp'r~ p .1thse higis priceof nailaý, Sif sget t tien penny ruils b. e Jr44~.Tii would .rà'ee .tise business cmnlttd give us a currency o! solid 'basia. Iy îios suggestion Smiîb prote~'s aih.doc s nol désire to feviie ôl politi smnea. - The Louisville 2ournat soys-at ai or -Mayfieldthée oher day, crie dForegi-' officers %ith drawn aword, operied the dooi» of e pic, pen lu sectire a fat .yonni, .pprker-, when 1b;u whole druvo rami belweeri bis Jean tumbied lim ile ithe gutter,, nrd escape&. In taicase ltapen lwaa inigitier than tIs sword. A mari, re@iding inithie ùeighborliood o!' Gravois mines,'L-rughil teSi.*Louis th. akin o! a cet!, se.vop days aid,, la-ring iwohbeads,! four eyea, lbree .ears, a(IJ four legs. Tire cal! was flluy -a>d . peifeduly. developed ini every respecte- -nd- je worty cf notice froru'titis fact atone. Tire cal! was killed' by te owner'becà ea "héIiboughit lcould not live any. y. An uripleasanl developemenl was m.e in Cinicinnati ltecther day> coricerning Catawbe -brandy.' Responsible vintnens, declaing ibai te pure article woold coul from five to eigbî dollrira a gallon, addiog tai iherë vas not iagenuine article of lte kind tite markel-ihe quality geneiilly sold consistirig o! pomce, wbia'key ihd' fuse! ou.'- À workrnan in thse Commuu of Le Jarut libas sucoeded Wit makiog bairoît withbut' heep aia soiid as lthe boat beoped barra iDi tise vend. S0 et l@ait,.assauts a Frenob pa- per,- and thWise 4lae4 usver,y wbiéh iàs befors Ibo ÀMiuidf o Mr iicai balreêslin Bmen .Two weaifiy Morw Arîts weî. p4yiq #lbiait volion goia Young lady in Ma.iâh il iivirîg foi di@e latgeut Plau ie n ber nli@lît im loueurefor vls' iig ilise taseko ativetl, hu uiwo wevu tilintig i-o ti fise aua euteoit hriwi 10 1 ths e lna;ifing lif on@ ptred I o be & beyl employed In theit OWU aaLlubet .The Boston TrasiIic1pi deucribe. M -î S5ala as "la Bobemnian &of the .ats: nscru- pulena atamip, anid vio ha. ne position in aay society." Tis coutteoin charÈCierz- allen bas- been occaaioned', ddubîlesu, by o!-7 fence taken ai Mr. Salâ'a pleasantry about American marinera, e.:c, ifbe fa-et id' that as a member of te Refoi m mb, jIbo occu - Sjes a social position, " a - man o! letters ite'cari weil afford le cmili.e t thée- criticiw1p rot less titan the. petulance o!flte Tran.-r M. Gustave Aimard tas writte'a book id' witiit te describea the priesta cf Chilli.-- Tii. receril catastrophe al. Santiago givi interesl 10 bis descriptions. H.eseys: "6Wiîth the exception of lthe mirior gradetti te moriks are joily fel ows-moking,dnrik- !rade-of the Beltie vill necessarily enfler mort [rom lte bîcokade of te Germar ports-. by Dermark1. Ini onder to fomm an idea- of f tat feet, it lasauffieierit to know ltai corn- forma one-titird of lte exporta vhiolu lake place from thse Prusan ports. To speai o! Koenigsbérg alore, out of forly taullionr worLb o! merchandise5witich baves ibat port every year, wheaî and rye alune aniowj ta fifîern milions. Almost ail tise eirgoes t ofocorn ihicit are uhippod at tisaI port and If at Danîzie. Stettin and Memel, go te -Eog- glandy Belgiain, end lfolisnd i but Fgland canetlakes more titan oea-half. Il ita otly inw years when thé barves! us bad in Franc 0bai cropi* from lb.h-0B1, coma -ie O the Frenchs markets. If, lis.eofuM he li.blooh. ad@ with wbicis Denmark tbnaýýt.n the lx-me. isiin ports bicornes eflectîve, France ivii» -~net have te conceru hersaI! in tisa mate a la r owne ont. Snob yl Dol, ho**ero, bie thé Oo&wih 34140d.- 15 1 ce i b rook!in,