- *- - * -s t * - - * * - - - - -' .1' - - LaKaNOtiflE oeaolb!d~ amll wa viPu&d m"d liagIal ewbl b. ai' ~No Poper Wii b. di*meoat MMl aili anm atep# ii aleeath çula . l. ubofer Wktbr Oeber. 1663. c. ratH., aCrNez Lt. R., EarialàCouut oNotacry PUbýlic, '0.. Office ln Bigelow'm neir baldat 1uiê- lWitbY. 1 G. I>DET J.BalOadArrierat-1ornam L% aw, iWSo In lChaoa, &o. Ofielaa- lae'gock, Brook StreetWhÎitby. EMittr a haceyNota.y PublcConvey- ~st, M, .,Whltby, <0, W.' Boei ansil ppdl Shoota,BIctiramceou. Couit Sufttai. * TOXALDiROSS, Baht iSh Divimon Court, tmd LfcnadAuct<onarBeaverton, Co. Ontario. T W, CLE GG. Issuaer of Marrifge Licaumea. 'Roldenee--Dndaa Stoot, meOnd door eut M f1h. libible Fmtoty, ýWhtby, C. W. 44 ITL.,SCOTT, BOTANIO PHISICIAN. AC: D3 COUCHEUR, Office nazI door to Mr Palra 'ulystreetport Perr. 44 FIiBE. WHITT, Attorney-at-Law, Convoyan- -Fer, o., RouIt Streat, Lindmy.CO. Victoria, C.W. rIÂRLES M~BNON, Clatk ir lth Diviaon CourtCouut±-of Ontmilo, Conmmionaurin B.R., Couwyier, lier of Mm.rrflge ;cmeg, '&c., BeotuC. W. AÂ. CAULSON, M. D., Byroe Street, Whitby. rrOPAS ARMSTRONO, M. D., PhyuicAr sur- .gend, dAoouoheur. Offie-lu Arnold'mBrick Buligo Dunda.a Street, Wh1tby. ,. JôO«NBAU1D' M. flPyiin, Strgeon, and Aèooýuolenr. Main Stret mliC.W. *WPnatiuhar mtenticu ld 10 the Diesai of 'Wnn d childrcn. I C RESTE IaDRAPE R. h&<Co., Dealerms inn Mde of Fa&M Predlue Sait, Plantar, and Wi±erlima, &o., Brook street, whItby. NGMRCORMAOK Lunibar Melhat Car- rtertan sd Jolnor, Green ftrest, Whitby. A l"rgciuatity of 1Lunber ofaMlîkinds oonatni Mubad. 11iX. PINGLE, Merohiiit Tailler, Brock-St.. JOHIN TERO1JSONT&ÏlorBrOnkStreOt, Whitby. t.F Lattut Fasuo nsd work warrntd AvlDt MATRIRSON, Tallr. Dundsm Street, I) Wbitby. (JamieuW imade up to order in the latest styles, sud Kt resoumbla prbcea. pu-Cloua e i aMd Bapl J OHNý AGNZW, Tmrane Agent, oppsethe Bmk f unraiB -onStee,.2mby VACRCU8 BXRNHAM, Judgaéof lb. Oomnity LA st SnroelaCourla. Office, ýat lb. Court ELSON (G. R2YNOL1)S, Surif t.Oe, at TORS RATCIMPF, Emq, Wardan. Aies q>ClumbuaP. O. JV-HlM Celrka f lb. Co anty Cot. tia - S itre Woltke. JR. PE RAYRegita.Q oe-c Brook-St TQUNOjER, Eglace. 02»-M be- taCourt Ji . MACbI;Nll, Clark of ti P.o.. Offic MteCourt RHo..*i COXNEROIAL HOTEIL flOKSTrIEZ' 19 Té .Thf hsl rigBlukàd dvetiIMUL m~Gu âà b, T"OM~, C. k b-- - AN OTA0U VOL I WIWPI3Y, DORALD A"PBE, pe-Ait éeile lot i b.Gàmum Office vil!lu ad.Cauge noe lsto GE:OFtOIE WRIGNTS CARJIIG, ;LRJGi, I r Xowat'à C., w-,WE Sic'olso lic. th. Quebe otuieny. Hon. G.MirWai, after a feir pralimu' remmîrks, md, The hon. gintilemun, <Mfr. roekbdrn> bail expreed soi a 1 itîle indig- nation i a e uppointmon: iwhich wvie noir uùder discussion. But for bis (Mr. Mow-ý Rooz&UrÂ. £.132. ah'.) pan?, ha had no difficuliy wliatever in -aisnuming bia sabe.of ibe .reappîlbiiity.0f JOHN, J. MI M, that appoixâmai:. ..iî.4#itarfoetlv clear IIOlSE NIJ 1G~FAIN ERho appoinfment i ig tuiiy* coniatini- Rous n wv« 'ý éAINT R1,ai onea, -anilt'a i ir sa*n-u acirely propor *ROUCHAMI,*C.We« one alun. (Hoear, hein.) It vat assert ei on Owdaue (hiforGralutng, Gldiug, sud Pipai. theother aide ltai il vai a eewardly îhiniz Rsnmgostetauily tine ta. on this motion I te rst our argilmnio on the Broitlmn, Junge2, 1883. 32. filuees ofîthe neir Judge fer his office; but ha mid lat anquii.-s asi te ii.ensu of pir. TH E ROBSON HOUSE> liem appoinierl by the govrnnuivert e r, Là« Semn'rum os t. , ny igli t .dproper ie every case and t tre DUNDA8 STREET' WITBT, (V. W eApecimlly right and proper wht-n Jiigies Geowrg Bobson, - - roprieteir. voe coticernéul. Tniero might be other 7m'tiSUBSCRIBERRhags 10 nounoethat ha consideratinisinte eborne in mitid, hbit hene ILbas tleieth e building femly known as 1wam ne consilertin wirb aclppnaemhed i 91 soripure's Rotai, for a tarin cf yaars, sud that ha motnete st hte h ele lu nov tanoval an d ra-furrlahed dia building', Pui.i bta l h:e h ete tru" The reaimas ane pieasmutly ituated,1 mac appointed as Jugs waq4 fitted fuir the 1tePosl Offie sud la the centre cf the di-chaue of bis officiaI uitius. (Heukr, The Railivy Omnibus oelse ettha Hotol, and the heur.) He vas prs-pared mn ilimriism tue mi- Stages for Uxhridgeansd Beaverton le tae door.nrcnietosaf-tdb 'itamýt avery moining. - ---~ 8 o osdrtin fc, ytsaotrt BOARD $1 00 Per dS,. M@111; bol l i lti net farLyeî, non shoulu the GEO. ROBSON. Hotîe fo t ette opinion which hait beeu .Cianlul Hosftlerc lvwsin stndauco. efxpresmed on ail liande ast Ie hue compe- Whitby. May 4,1863 îenev of Mn. Sicotte Io discharze ari tieraclo- rily ibe functionq cf the huagh office btriwhich M ANI LLA IOU SE, be bai becn appointed. Upon ibis point )1 thero iras antie unacimnity. rnet oîly on Ib.- MAXILLA, C. W part of îhose vho soupporîe-d îhe goveremeni SWITZER CONWAY, - PROPRIETOR. but in the ranks likewise of thoçe vite np- rnlIS OLD ESTAILlISURD'ROTEL Continues poéesttihe governmenl-: bers iras entine Iutiler the former masegement. Parluos»d utiernimitv g) hiii ii tePrp ai Bedrouas lgut, amy, sudcSmfortabiy fumnimlied. nte b oai h nu u E very atiection pid te the venta et the traVellmin te o ntr.Al e eieedfasn.icotte p ublic. Choîce Wincm, Liquairs, sud Cigare. oued irrie professionexprec fM.Sct t'abling maid careful floses. as torisi legat abiliîy, lias professional ler- Ofeie of the FWhlby and Oithawa Royal ing, and ie is ih p4-isonal %vorti. Every- Mail Liste of Staý'et. body adrnîitfed in regard Io hi$ privas. and Beavarton, Fcby. 2nd. 1863. i6-iy. proftimmional chararter and hii. pnrie and JONES' AMERIOAN HOTEL; T R Propiator ref pectfufly i lltates that ha bai remova4to thé, aboya Holl,where ha vilbe hîp. {ryto ineet hlmeld friands «a ntistomru, Au Onii- ue ai sd fro i ail the riguiar trains . $..tage rin lu drect counacô tlh tha "Rouis-This fine ta;omhýwm i5 miQf1.Mlb*uktSuaie Gueipli, Daealuer 23nd, 1862 O-iy Jrookii*n DMu Store. JO08N1MDAW ES, llorm nd (JoUe Medicinesalwaya ni hnnd. Broollin, C. W., 1883. 1.y JOHN McGILL, LICIM81M kuriTonm. L FOR THR COUNTYOPFONTARIO. pr Ail ordera loft na he aGAàYTTEOffice viii ha wromptly atndad 10. whara a&H rraga'nato Tenmu, ri.,eau ha made. Chargea medaerata. Whitby, Matcih 101h, 186. 12- STW. E LLIOT, -Dantiat,, No. 3V0 King- si. Straat.rait, bmetin Bay Madyonze Strat, feudoos at of tic Globe Office, Toronto. 'Rgnasur(,r--on. and Rlght Reverani John, D.D. Lord Biop of Toronto. Toronto, Dacembar, 186. -y ROYAL1 LXIL STAGE IPRIN CEBEB&RT, IIANMIAk O8HAWA. qfHl SUBSCRIBERtendons lm mlue tanskai .1 te thatravelling iiubliforthth iherai patron- age h airaoeiw'l mincée cminnciug te0run hig liaOf Stagesl.sud hopem mffl te bMatit a entlnnie a theau».ne. Rhmmalmo oaneonnc the foUlowing AESMODIERATrE. Prom Xaf'flatoPie beI*02 P artluiramumenlcipaid to *0 deultery corclae, Mid parties Mîay on reaihthAt thipboem darful DriuersfeialoYs oM the Road 0 01M at Conways Rotai NaPIlme. Raturnlug l inteavnlne oit tii ri sl eia Wvery ltstut1op pald la theeamfortof Pmasoar& Malh, 1heu183 Prince Abrt - P#rPee r personai conouci, inat tmers wa, l ai 11 epon il, and lie, (Mr. Moirai) luoked upon I bis appointiment asi one Ihai vu. probably more fainis less-as cne in regardIbth pro-, 'pîîety of vhicb Ibere voold b. les quefgiotî ibm salims n y jodicisi app>oîimect wb1iai ha d bel I»ale inCastata. -(Hetr, heuir If ~ ~ ~ Ii)n po hcfcnuea:în ere exlutled, ihers is col a man in the Houue or in the' rontny Who voulit say othorwise Iban ihai îl>s rovercimedî acled wv.s.ly and in accoîrd- ance vith [l ibtsîiter«ts ef the Piomisîce, un confenning upon Mn. Sieotte Ibis Jnitg.- slîip. (Hi-ar, htein.)' If ibhis had rne: been the euse the appeiîmtmenî vîîuld net bave heacmado-and if tIbis vus net the ca-e the appoinîment veulîl nîeî nov have It e b.de- fen.-M. Il vas made beicanse of if., hi11h qu ililleutiacs cf Mn. Si-cotte for tb.. office; and it wadefended beemuse be possemi ihimge qîîalifitriivionp. Wbsî vas Iben.. whiauh sboulid ieprive the 1- Cnown of tbe igli. of maihiastaucb an p-ilesfai. thum Whai wa ttere i9tae con*tîtution cf the couNItr, os rbai rsound tesson via thon. tin cîrercccibe the prenogs:ivo of the Crovn mc fan am o tsy ihat ils Miniaterm Éshoutd -dol beai lliberty 10 neoomîinend to Hiie Excel1. le-ney tbe uppointmeî;î cf aeenilernetti irtom everybcdy believed-indsed, ktiew-woild b. a cretit tb the B.ncb to shich he idt, been lIeI? (Heai, heur.) Itlva sug- gei.fad, ihat net only iras thena smre neason wby the govenisesît osîgh: col ho bavee*iv- eni the advibe wieilwas tentiered î*î Hi# Erceisec>, but irbicli-made il wroog for AMr. Sicoîte Io accepl the nifice-that thora vasi nmes.ioum obstacle wihi onhale. 'hem le adviae thb bt appoinîmrient that routai b. made, andl forbade Mr. -Sirot. lIn accapt the appoiulment vhen off-r.d te film. Soma, indeM-i, had endeavored te arais an absurd distinction beten the tifles and the acceî'tane., Somoe- had mid that the G'svennimoni might ho blamed anîd Mr. Sicetue held bîrsless-thaî the Miîîistry migbl beïchar"ed witb bnbiberv,-und Mr. Si-- cte dot bl ie tarded With leiné.bribes.- Of courue, the position --Ïas untenable, for if il vas wrotig for tbe Mio#Iutry te give tbe ofi',,h a rong for Mi. sicn! te t"-ic..t il. (Heur, heur.) Buti othen Ibon. gu-tle- sen b:adi niaffectied tle maiittin îny anii7 ditnction. Osîs boni. getîlleffian bailO'po.' ken of Mr. Sicote'. course au craýn'6rie- ilai 1nal'corrDpî. -3' yhi-nil twsa amiti tait M. Sîcotte9o courue var',such auto dpir i 'f bhoua-ar tle asjufîcispreçôi ayonst -teis irbilrtmîgtit 'conte ,bëf0re bitn. ed <boy worefoid by nleterbon.' 'gnenean i ey.-iutiele. aè 'tneto wovut s ;i biàidî-at' MhC ts le W" vay ateil i intae posiltoul of a min *whaid' ne- pp ;Il ousme - ile * eive, *fier ami, bsdi been-rooit 1 ils proprielyin 1 -piety mouid bil cary Was itbeeausa oppnnetit ofvihe Go noîobhave bomn' gentleman oppoafe fai ne lI oti îl àhme 1khoulil b. confluai porief 1r he go"- the bon. gmn letuan i*11 !1 (from lUpper Canada, tilst h.oirat nfýre1 net a fnienil of, hli heuar.> H. (Mr,. Mo as a !%oll.îd rule, andt - beeni the cage vitlih stito in cimisre.«peeilu h the Invariable. pncitefê us I0 the appointmenfi land. filî priofoff dii the ca*es aireatly rijet - tb#- H-ourne Ihxt the- fat - Mr~ îppolint ntiohy,, opposedl, and ik teî nov &S îang on irs bâýo ludedl b lite ttvo Viceëh *whom bclonget-c i he ce the lime of Iheir eppeiüfR Hon. J. A. Macdonald- litical smalus of manttid in Panlitment. Hon Mr. Mouve-Thi nef in Parlium.oî Dut he beli..veilf, bee4ýctife.' rive parti 00t f p~lin Mid pointied t0u teBe nuly 'ration. Andl so th Liberala ius Tespeoitîý judiiery. Tbey 'l- bei mien, irbereverîl irhellier th"y te bin Paniamnî-whetier «t to thoir ove Party fion; and w CMî. foiraI id Ihi nule tas1 *lir 4 Y Y E.~?O'rond TEMBER 30, 1863. ato spro- dl eged this f îî,. À?t l a 1liberai1 ne PD. wre 1 undoubteatty niht lihs 111681à b. opvled a JIB miet efloci;,but en fîai mbescg an ici de-.Ctte!l.(i servirg otf blasae, iltvavwoitby of spproba- ber for leel (y lier, and ouglît Io be a aiiaiofge: tihedifférence joiceingit hal :be libenil pajty bail net acted ft b"P be upon thi us mIa itti nnvai'$îg conmîiaacy setly takan Pl lhat wb,.never îbey foue nsgetiss a-i rhicil lad go il ilii. Bar better qualîioti lban,îsnetber te 'b.e ruimeut wetu ag)Paintei, îhey hall Col bsatatoid go appoint suI avt b hlm even ulîboug b,». oigbïo- met bb lg- bal byipont thib ovo panrt.(Hea1huit.) Bnt il ia* -ieitÈ,haai adsi qaisI thati nolvs n. Sietféa aporHti- tit #ëruon val opuIonenu, huit be W~ailse oa Memberef boy iecoltlacir Pantiameni aitbtimOre h i* appbiiasuent duily axpensug ln cronsideririg the itnap, une ta b. attac. -boto« t.fu es t hbis corcîsntaitîcs,h at e a meas- vuihbis e*y. ô boned ilat tha invariabh p alcg icb En- qitsut opportait glandt mmm lu appoint aiCh"plois 1w- tbo rOcolloctiOt %ens vbo wane membe , he- la eusecfSi a on ars Commoma. -Ho balieretAl it il vieUlm 1or " ~nii th-il..usat înv:aible p ti p ppint »cllois nr chief' of the liii.. oun-Law- Courts 'p.nfedtly Oen Joaitule ag liyerafethebs I4ase fCominona. eeh, part)> la ln (mot iubesus officesmoreldie.pruxe*hea hb nnbotunic inducsd ladina memboi oflbW Engliail ocuaî;but var Bar, irbo bail large pracea«, Who e atain Mlelol DI hii itandint, mnd irbolht bcilt op u1 a-botiaSt enmret %ive business", te, b.4e thaeslves w thingm hib te r IPanliamenîmry fl, ntithetandIng the lt eb Octrect. tirent pacuniary lJouesa>1 t nesuled front Wi ibmte citit4 ibair nu sloîng. (Hfeur, asr.) 0fcourse POhc tt,5 t's friendasof the govern lî it" rit n- ic be ha hua ceivad judis.ual uppoiit nttpl, irben Ihere acuooeS1m,; bappenêd t1o0>b. frienda ethé'tii. g'M'nm-1, a' y~i~l vIo e rre s.qmaly qi-lifioî for tent but it led la this'ci wt Ido b. guouuly to, ba regmitedif the 1iple ir moca mees that ippuîinlunst t tiil~tem nnherstcf th, an ibis couniry- sbouîd bèý ivariably iront jbeldid - nit oy the canka of ?boun@e irbée pa-frionda of the hie auind la-ta ,?ov;ernuueiit.(ea,. e~~Aiid snb a tue Op#pos'itiol iu le buis nover tison laid w. > wR a4 thont t rermarkable fuit that M'hi they had 1110IIa- the -bch~ ~ quetinht'bai-i0aecamniemmetso addresses from ilte position on0h51 tbi Irln m1 ake 'estleul bi hose by Wlu theYwI0ei y. iv. gt'jy It frad eîed lad examineti v tever.- authoîtîea'nt otkht't& theno eto e.very7 carefal te hit-u> ph1-ew~ bail <icri Iofnt reea h ý01. tat oulê ting~ um wpsihly assimt i i0or. gautnh. gmme the Govoiamn,onthsý-aa~en.t boi t mn ae gertý,nsc 0opoeAd, one, jlaU1o ýruaI -o venrd used by acy s atje nEiglq4ý, 'litu or by any consiniiiôbetîat rite-ar by myi as lieiao.ry asnd piape, pandCanada' hsd !a490 il (rosm Euglacd. Oui nowhuai- .ng the recognlition of it in ibaorV iu !EUXg- 1usd, aSud ta sareXtent in prectico, pub lio Pentimnent wax.foi lîmingîbe héextent i., whi6h Patronsne could b. made use of foiî lt«.ue.o 0t5Oof seourigag Pirty ilifiorce.- Tha, wlilât formesty polilical eoliîeldera- tions as bt heir weight in appoictinents W' the Army snd Ndvy, theie appeinîme.îîs hM. ol iii. yoira beucerol,ùled (rom thes eul.,govy 01 peliticil paîroliage. Politîcal appoinîntsl ta 'ho Civil Service bad l aim ýeu very mucb restriobed. - Sucli ias the. lnactBritish laeiiliou éd àWBritish, prectco. iregard tta- iiiioaî avery depant- nltit of the pubiôiciifvle'In Eiîgland ; au. iit vas riglit 8ao 'placea alimit iin Ibis Oay lu thae xorcise of politicml power, sure 1'nothing pould bc, hi ore manife.: than thai huera vere peculian re.unm why in dispent. sing the patronage of the Crown ini le«pect tq-tho jadir iii office, the interest of, the publie service should be consu lied over and a.bove ail consideration tif paqy. (Hoar. hoat.> But jin,.ayinz that Mr. Sicolte wum sot- a supporter of the Goverumoni, them nI- t wam Dot-stated with iccuracy. Mr. SI- cote as s Ieading mendier Ke lb.mre Party 1tairbicli hey (the Miniteterial mem- bers) ail belonged - t-lbhé' iixne îey w erm in Opposiin -in faut, ho vas blien onae ofIheîr leaders. Ai that lime Mr. Sicotte made nâmeroue iiiackm igaunîs: bon. gentîlemenî oppomite, ad h. dencunred maiîy of tbeir bad acte and measurest. (Hear. hea r.).- The ir policy, iicti Mr. Sienne condemned irbile uti0Opposilion, antd iricti h3 continu- NO.49 jiii, etaîs uf ,iittei-4 in çucîisque:it Ibmenar iin busines y oï euutice ini exîrouie cames ony.(Heai, hi*aî) Conotid..riniz ail cii thie Gomomîent thought ilwonld b. wtong ta gratiî.l hm a furtilsr bave of mbsoll,Oe... that il igrgtid beanriact o4ýaaadnùiîiratioû to do no-îaoali 'hey deiarî,nsod on doing irbat il wiu theiîdue le do,-appoisî:ing an effi,é Olf ucdm»io ia bis îad. Thè. quý.tion ilion vas *ho shozld b. >PPoinled 10 thm vacancy faid in appôil:u r ioi thoy appoioi'ed e iGelenisuWho, by general à .d Wbhobad tiâtil ithr-êmouî'a g c vilti~~~ ii. ai~nv~n paver. -'-WhmsLibe GOernment ulld.thOn, wasnflo bwiWîiiold the Cifen of aitiappoiiîitmtî10>Mri sicerie, aven thougli ibere were,,ditterences'between bum andthetb Govoemeni on -one or tiro con - mîhtutionai mattons, and of the Gomerment on oe or lire personal rmalter. aise. Wbat tho Govorrnent did was te give tbe office le the, besi min qualiéied 'o Bit il. Antd if te Gorermoent pencoived, in mîking ithe ap- poinimnn, ilat il would opina:. ta their id. vantage, ihai vas the case ii rompe: leaevery appoinimnenimade either an thie Huse or oui ef tho House. Fnnm this aide or te oilier sîde, every good appointmoni made by a Govertiment added t,, the slrength ef the Gowernrnn. Il vas the mime as reapected every geo t 5.auuro a Govê-rnmnent brougbî forward-il iadeil te heir mtrenglh. It mnighi beconvdnient fur bon gentleme-n opposite te say that the Govermîent aboulil coi bricg i fi a good meameroor make a aood appoins ment If the. eftet w asa ustrengiben Ilke a mrdti. You may ire round and, vitch the opening bul (romn day to day; but ht takes I:. own limnei and yen oaltnô n ,rig t i viti, aneiu aîy Pocîvea mhin, butii rcertain- 1eîî fai4tes thaitit iji. ed to condemu ilteioner hid chîngeil ly would b. a veny absurd tbing to nay.- bande viaubehir policy mtlli. On the other (HearY hear.) Rfefrmnoe ied been iluade te, hiaid, as tbey (theo Minuateriml party> voee bth case cf Ciiarlep York, neailn illu'.tnation conçleio wii. Siconne in oiîpesilioit, of the view vbhichwmtk iamtern as lboy veeu cciiecled vwîb bis wben ha Ibis kiuuilint ias lakebutin a alt erc bocaine a mefîber cf ibe Govemnt. AUfl uno510paimilel belireen thbe rwo cases. Mn. tboe irbo-fuughl vuttu Mr. Sicotte id Olîpo- York *»s a prominéfend t" pro nisnin memn- aihion 'anti again irbo bail fogbl xc sustaim ber of the Opposition.and lb ipocten -bimaon Ibm: (tha Mlisiserial> aide, vOis on ts ifofice'of Lord ýChiLneellor vu itîntune Ibalill -uw-they aie supporters cf the vbh t eCluire.l'him b Isa'Fe ?slae .t Govsînmuenî jusl as îbey voie uow. Thtisfrtins rffom Itthepolit jeal maen a,. *02 an Goverment epresested thb. ame par:yca wiîhýwhiob Mi, Sico'tile as c onnoctai 'in hf.. l'h, 'Lord Chancellor wasanu impottat Ôeuîiitiotu as eli as- cii ibisa ide of lbth-inembei of the. Govern mnt git iîtîg l inthe, ~~~ tepeisunal Bheo od adtiubb ail judidiali .&~~Simnttonu. is 4DIie10 Perfores, ha hsd alec imnoin *ir. her.) 1 h e hon. meni- pailY forthéea,.kOtcf eflo .becaa.ha iw" Nr. Canteon) biad 9 aid Ibat'a bacdoning bie pniiiciples fýenibo u4qof cf- nO made . U ewbmt bai ait- ,ithiba new sol of mati f«r the mak@ eofOle. ice iurung îuiathe oitos~Huhear.) Us ,qo:iànîbîy-bis o ndàei lp-rs-conaîruction cof lb. Gev- wasObjecllonable. But lbh' treeinsa o! aI nchl tbaï. One or tbe otber tW u tatire itn vsne i;,nion' on fuilty of falaoboc l'auJn.d ioi a onsajwb~lebi e iitigr. Scett, UieGevee- -b nd.n ià takinï office, and - thér amn 1ilfetâ bai tubs ïveràion vas the Ilit pilVmjo1D.Iaïniber tiat lie Tuer ai kcev, itevever,bila bnoilaîgof-unrshs 'cwm piton i0~ ha bhail l eave att Pol ilicai Pa'tes ad. ~ cïie ý efit. Thr i- Tneymcm-ad cplunib esfehcb-w and scn irtis nthua Ie-<Hai to.>Thaae eetêitétg-(m. ois of iflrent pomns wene éte muaitla, iet.her Ibis ofiiai l stol iuinoihau ta inpl.adeb lngo-a wnh oulaI b. abupdînt1j t eloe- A difféere o f Sitisfetat. ls fîî: h et' ihai géid, t6 mat ýo- btait is 44epbonenis vouid -le ablete 'uy'if'bi îy tat hici ~a îua Itment irbeappoiÎâed toe-ltaJau-J Iial (,dice î idgenë tleman ba iras în aery reaspect qeul-' %te irten tlb... i*:rnoes iaie ia oitobivs ry imnit ciforncaaef rae- y - ait a Pbtiuai éai~Uvhn'fbeia- -' -fiioid, or î aoa,'if yenwl;apltiu d >5'. ai tà ï- &pe4k oe1 aIl veisary. (Ci Ï1a4uluer which ii.be i.ve- (Hou.' hear.) This, then,,t wmLa~ io Mi. ýSicotetai opiad. The' by MrÏ'LIÂrd ,Govermnmont w- lmtae pI1li bm C7-j ,- ans -shict hu dfiauaf-v th î e 'b- fi ~'4 s~:~bi pOntGamirt.th h rninèèn aut psorttif mibet à 1 m C'dthr t .raro ont. Then mIti4 id lbv- tue Coule"e y rjwasObciha tý b vr#mb >1- t» bén !idbhUçi fétii' îypowr,ïnd , at Livorpeol, suaid te oneirTy1uee À lady* *bu bas beden Iading.1mw, iin- ü itie seul fearful acd agcîuixieg doubta, ->r- uadtg the legatlity Of ber marital condition. She -gays "leîli'nies are il leg.d, auni aarrago is ,the greaemi luîîery. in lite."l, MuaLz-The mirage of thodasaut painwv the tbiîîga cof ourdi in tse heavonS. -JThere ina amore giorious mratge, whi.u, ýtel theeo of the. cbriàîian, paînts hhe thiùga cf boiveni upan Lte cauvas.-ct eatîb, . 1 Cnning lie nomatch ýfi or uagatity. Thî 1 lilbkse aal lthe fut pass 'h tbe r ,i ~~ 1Cnning lied thse ot__a itue atei ascrîy, 00 uhitg osai , 4Iii' sure a, quiet mai ploasaus life ibm ,jc livo' innoconîly^ and apon no occasiîon - t> -- vÂcate Iie< couuniou veanîs cof peace aid pro- priigty. - Laditae ndr.al*ays àmfe '<eouduc3tor. 1 i body-cf Mi" a,Ç4n lij; sutUryi'àg off a- daiîet bo~ wê râ d dftig-a lEset lion. d*. Litin-ii WhtLWentbsr,. Thoogi? tlocked and iti"igbàanï Misa J *@t s a a mn oig va 15 (ros ilie ciettie», f4ahooda fies our mernairy, anal disgrsoes fr Our, tiature, are tu the reimei of' tiuib6wba: .h eneotrnyiitîoofy are to e .pfrmitive' werid-hoy leesen the abÇFù - stn i ,The Cou 'il ci<Henny tLb.îýeventh pl&ced a- iîigb ratite upoOu mnSiIsland plÉjari * éomparai vîith pmo ai appsam it ahoao.. iolioywillg en.îtriea sPidla aig (romSasinlirave ouuC ~ta-j , qi 1of Oon'rls playars, one poiud to bL~bifoeh.,. oud hlin. (~ '1 - i -- - A -- - .rrcîw*sscr, 1. tw, i ae. t" .eoa t&ibioD .ll 9zoW "00"&"aér ~ pm #a.u ÇfiWhtbr To-ilorrow4 - Whale'erthe "'nu eof g#0o, Anadaay -"W#11i stoLZ or.e And Whou fro16 thomwu1IOis ve part$ WrOU Sbopa . *zwbsigow, A"d Whod-tIbat merrow, looi àapa.. WAyaudyet bjqorrw.>-.. xp-e arng YOur opinion p amp atid tIery plain."ç A !awyer- in Manohester haviiag foand e poundetand returned ltheîrloney 10 lhe oun. erp a provin 'Cial PpeaI aya "rhe ici may b. bonemi and hono rable, b ti a x. d. inglY a nproiesaionai.)l âotiN1, ADvca-If you would relimh your food, labar for il;i if you wouid esijoy youÉ' riiue'nt pay fur it before ,on w.ar it; if yo, woold sIuepttoun-~iy* take a clear conscience- to bed wath YoLî ! 11114M- fandi th-v IL:- L.- '. - -. - i 1 1 .