4 'Y; -.~- w~WyV 'WI A nk 1 111 1,iî ,- motIo.nenta'4t âtatentsý.o D119TRESBING SU1Ilè" h V tZUIpyESM WR~EY TIK AL' ifapflC 1~sbI~e aried, feelings of deep tegret thatWe rêlIord+Ma ??Slu 4j~r (~om bm taton u"' cati tint be e*èetd in l, w44r 11- Sat y*ic~ofM.ih Lyu e~ h réat natualgifts nofgù,fleqve Iiartle1tt.of a Wlhitby,, V?"orftl lb.ew« ýintre .4 r'~~~be v. of Ille Tu no h~ys~~yfthn eagre-parlicu1ars at our disposal i iidb -api .P.P onor't Qfr, T.ouelrsmdA p.V.Rwe ,JTbm.n .-hiltitat. la* linorm ffofor ut..eShins hiëheraid ntobtertitani Can' 1YSa8t thtonlMnày J:de f'h Çîti ne' BnhAns ANEDBRIDGER. EWA1I ~ ~ ,iî>dP .... . . .... b "'y 1Ot f)o cio khMr.neRe t ertap ....... 35 répetty roittitie'of Cotnt i.1t i.%*jltt -ftUP-M-ré'Fairbanke brought up Ihe fi-poil of M.Tofro rut Rayy ';ni1,proccedings. Catunot a Cal- S 1aIS nuseteed a cinset, aïnaitached the A'hJsto a m U)IIlnoenfinLI -Jrpe10a ti tu o ,îfa t ion. 1)r. Connar has alsomoinhCorctwî nrmi'eofmd h ftwugTars<fGamf _e & 1"cy;be found pvilliugtogive Mr. liofktheî,errwa, l>crry the ~Ceilimg, lnd pponte Chncdlorof th ewhniete Gl-Mr. il fil e chaiir. St-Is o 2 o tîi ir ai] Opportuinity to hinor aIlfleîiîga riiiiiningnoose University ofTd 1 f.Tt ~ùtrcm~,I'It~t,,'rc;i HTVMar.Jw htr Hu' Province 'IRMLNS.wiîlFils prcselncc iniParlti. qu ;h&* other endo lie pt t tiudbis otn-h iltr Pt-ntpblsftf -terlto J)<n & 4oI'~b..-arritorr' rnPI? We shallse fi'e, e1~îh thirew Ihim selfflbs Dat fSrJ Onoisn u. inhehIW.I c" , t<.;r. 'lnaDr îkr nl r atod M.Ws~ 1 -lPheriglé a--N,. G. ReynotdL.. [etatc ofiSir___ _ u't iurcnî,-Bai té tni9 licite bd1h. co% t ofSQ00 . f lîir' 1.20141Ih. OuwAMn.r'l.e.tâiLaks n ~tisifor Saloni-J. V. Iliin. aie s th~~ ~c 4m'mn'xh e - _ of$2n, tuafit tt.t, 81.2 Ntrig .mueç-)idBu.tomlporary rac tP-vctan t lk.Ii ot iutS1s ioRobinffon depariithis tife at tte.ripe eorbt. wtt onnv<f Ogtario. and T. N ib. nrGîêt1a $SOO bv the Gonniiesof Vok unît Peeigureît UXBI<I K--J. G. Cro.hy.' anti DrIllewn. Itarbrand'beaSet nosantl o»d1fe lonage - $40.Bi1 L i f i t f e t t e r - - D . s m i t h . f-o1is h e n a t k s q ssi l h i n e s o f'tu e t h e a b" Ot e x l r n c t - Y orekna n d Pet - els ;sb u t To. SoU or lTt--Thomuialrnord. dctîs iueb lseceiîi g ear,, i,4» ne,'PIRNTVtOIv, RoYal Mail Strtge--Walter Couthard. W-lîole article ils oniy eqtiall,-d lq the lie leraves a wiftu. and four children.! F.x.Chanciellor hIile asstîmP-s the tcit!"it- ÏaPpropriation fofr'Oturjo. Tfip ré- ATWîtrRv..H.honn. urI'. -- -------~----~-- - itîuflrable imnpudence of *the rter.i',eccased 'vas possesqt'd of property Peidny o-1 Cut fIAp, ot p'on t'tîfpI tue t'pendtittre Qpf $2()~ uTv<p) ~v .M.Imun rPîy _____ at ovc'r " and~~pe vac-tited hy the death of Sir Jolin B. oin the' lake .1hore ronad of M;travnd Rdini. PcnIoERme! -. ~ Cttcld î ______~vand$i O, VsRobitn. M n IleCenre nai ofwere a'ai ari $00onthCedt aoai fToriî a- xnanu k0CTT D. andm ,îw,îeî cl - - ' The Wbitby Road and HarborCmpny te'uiper' .te in Fils habits. It is saîd W eI iétteatnino n 2 nteru l.(iufo h-big If I I ), W m . ü d r t i i . d tg t e o g ur readers I l l ir. B each's card in ""' t leSevein River ito tht' M npkknkor nd. P ,c - îr.' W cî ~ .1I. * i t d WHTI) rnFEsDAY, FFII 4,e. ilde hsOedngteora fIlIle b:oil cir sue five mouflis ago affected allotlwn coîtimil. ,He is auîi e h eîr ioîrwatnii utt 001 Tt~uRvD.i~a-î.mit 'eomp-tiny agnin falsifies facts. Tlhe h!m grctlN,-ica'i.i gIlin mucli de- iaznat for Ille sale of N-1ttrriagre Licen- o"'t lOf rnaintii Iltle Seil2o2 hri!fcf. undt M.> AARV .Mih'i i~ou Mr. PERYRY and the WARDENSHIP. habit lias growtl sé'sitrang tipûn Iii0 p essvd iii fintmuid. tieigl>borhood efflai * t thas beoie-ecnd-ia --e-.be Malle bY whieli this shtîtil b.- borne by l rpaftiadv't lt .t~î,P ltis apîtythat our Tony 'conitel-Evne h- tut sec%,onid t¾suitNnNa-'h . QUBC ORESODECE hP' muiiipaliirvmî'fiîtr'ii r l cnlmt' po4ary can't telt the trtit. Evet iniiiEvenwhet ili trîth ouai stut Fii -le s It' ffo- s i. t wîî s'hothet-hip4 for a6!I itjt;iî-, ji ai-i -8 wthe ill stl nisstate. Ilis rend. cmiteoftewîl ntea- og n~Fmht oeo » of--vTen an'Mîptekoho m$Qont a ayîî. a hotasho e'nrt I Wrentia itertiicle f h woe non a Thtnuf fhep "Wsardlennship"vpnan lkknrot wc qit-el r he inakes several willilu îs eî rs shoutd thatîk us, if voteach hin> - apidi tt' Liisivr, %Oe iiirr 1, -. hie uioleoîî fin mraan mers M. athife~vs et0l~ tot be more carefli -iasoîu~puniin f n Auiditor. 'i'here isin10 I sipsil htscenrI)in tuî'As".mblv fr 1. oerrand.- MiRive-r Sprîrn waa lit lit, tu constroci the.fiw -.Oîn-naiî -e hb. M.Pîy the strait of secuiring Fils eoetion 1 hyit is impossieble that position r lu o ut~ 't." Trie ~n R tcife sentatives aI tgthe cetr noad ven o o fppter ronCanadca T e al ih . îune. 4.nenh nai Sî,±o%- . Bor. tî rend.ev vote W Iimslf, ut hi, s tolilnefavorable te Mn. Il(NVnrv'sclectaion, t rihtvoFvoeîo nycs ie Qdofl.cniitdCuFREC, Iati. 29, 1863. maruaitAxp'ptOtîtor. Il e l<nid i lu nalltht'ni aa m .r-oj-.i nh ine any.3 ut cornuiduit uo. - mO' t -v ttVroit ap.ieo, and flint orivate flir- dv-i uinitsiîa-rntih tess iniprope.Mnitan as octttdoi NonnadTh io.M.rue ttîetc trpie ni iointhmotfiwe or..p;î.eî h Ç,iîwîn eutepopsa 0 ui.Prr u flenny wçtuld g.tadiy-e.h how ghadly ! F<0 U R stippýitCm5 iit Ile wliolt Fbis vote dii flet t-teçt Mn. 1icky. Prhp ion.l Ser.tau-vis sIll me. le a interr - nd, Innd mit a dinrbl e «Itore~,- h'Rv .Mc do fite sanie thing, wemc h.-' oîtlyper- Cotittcil. 'i lit'p:raguaph in qutîcion1mîa eueav s-tl hrý1l itr id n lmq(lsiài am a~-s 0111Y tvi for etrect ; atid Ille 1 EPFtýRIINO Co-.mM a-rTF-was sworn li on edieqsday. 'l'tîe itat-tcn r ntm-îer rondu.lu ,oH.DîtelE-.toriel -ar', -mn'itto1d ti- gvt se near theo Warfclits Wd eî'Nif-.srs. Giiv, Mansit antd MeNab, wi isbe sudfrU. lcoa i.alnp-ninw nrtd ckîeaîtW' - organisl tuî;u~~~~ke a niost ueffu'ýIeit Il>itgCrn m8-X .k lu 'i- tain. me inuailnehe rninentod --lleî cal] I-liî fi, Divisionpmnpmch bc nepreue1te5;-ansia.Mr. Mer Dr.teoeni-aîin the Mr. Ratcliffe cotid hv rCî.icl on oaI h .-.iuy.. iIe. 'ibey have I-croiiîiîu,)eld-dÎR.nli a ,ie1m~ti hrti tno --î o i etit1S6Mr in î4i tiitVtl (let-ivelt-oui it. We art- very iuuîîtc ilode ofrnceiving u'uesfoi- file that an clection ill speedily take (III Ille re nlte îîn el hr aiiltil<<utoj-~mr nêiirrM.Sîe i a.fa E$-M ed witortlisowp o te a iistahetu, 1oo'rr fthi--l n 'lttiV Pinirablyiici,%vu thinik place There vn-s a report hiere yes- -thnh tî. in obnvt imnprnvr'ti. TI', naTt.e. 'u t iîîit tt eir- NV tewl cntrllerry is w 9wlare ofm Deptity Reevo (if* Ileachi, ilio l)eptty wl vr dnrlytertîiathatFeflint.1moiak' i-pene rrwavî .î.bît.-rdeli. h- 'nî-,tîntf it.t".icnrri ti!l Cili'TahorM'~ U ac t. He knows i'orv elltiRoeo 3-ok tdtt ote~litexz t NIt Mr. Iliiggitis' raccotit hsopoeît n Btnasn we it e15 auîîi 16,wIh4-1p f ur- b ai.-î .Ti.ti- ii tî1pelfîtit rî~8 witlî thm of s131 lind'filei îîîp -fin a period of six itutouit lisflic.i romn- - a Il'tsI . Me-tans. favorabl4t Io(hoetectioti of Mr-. l'ertW, nanieý te o utsed by the ogaiist foi and hi i vslitcds) ia x tîtebctlet bhill rrasat %varpaitfoieero1tt b. i,~'-t trtremî~ rd lwant n2ttty~ai iv- althngh hewouldhave us redorsthe pumpose cf pnoviîg te poptilanliîylent. 'lhuis vas ithe, accotint ithat Nh. in tilt-, (otitieii, btî ow obt-airuit. Il iiiithat tht' pienni of Thorcli rni2htha -ve lnlti;v-sm-titîmu nri enn or- lyi of the Covas siy in the IM10iiaveppasseds'ifthat evenlt, Butreau \votild jplitîfor thoen.. Ir, htwve#r. the' critiuîriisheiotil it--Ttnpomyetdtt onatilt î~r À hehiB.e tatpitis ha s ti çaser. fteUni;îyi lt tîicpltc vîi'Ontt t'anliiiatiofl ai the specialNl-u.w an. B.eCalbl hdh' pupotrt îrîgh vmihtinrmn Ipses-îtit gil ast fail.Io\ver Hoise ini the Cotunly lujhento vitle n btlil Ihh1.Cnr ii r'at! 3 ý mui tiiao*ace~i îawsuGtMri an h ~a pt unomnationtl bIlthTiey stoiuld at onîce set ehnî Centre R'l- - -rercsntd y M. ioîrasot. otli -W Reeve of Oshawa forepresnothenyMr.iIioiraesoi. 1 dothem r 6-rtti frp,,hic nt' 1 i r-t. rttîf nttf«f M. ny iha t cverth dfoa c M . Pnr. ri popr osition belote the public.St. Andrew's Soiree. tlt see what tvould be g ie yte nheh îtif Thorlh w.re tr h@'tp htiit it. Sxoctc ivt~ a--v4 h'W re t in- Lot u sectiaet, hov tuematte - --The i-mot iutîer 1. ausicea f tht lane, an onlygivectaasaermar.dh uhrnuht ht' popas are ntiulttttohart'toii 11wtheir nti ci! i tionu fia an touî. Air. îîkt r'allv statnds. On the first divisiotn tell VOLUNTEERS- aoha soitoiî aneofo idyý weneeaî frineifn Whitlv te Bu.aqrea-îonmiteniuewioi1htpo othct- Y S- voted for Nr. Raîcliff, tue nt'r aiuing - tu - \Vhitîuv eveîtrtg te 3011iilt., aiut p eviîuîiy a totin- hly, tîere wouîld th vin bcFie uîy t wvo ant tewo îi iecre d , t ntht na ttf ra tu.Iti .aîtN li voedfo N1r Rteile,[le eraiin jOnVdmwifs2ay last. hý Viilvced titt tevetytlumtg pased (aoit-ie;ntly. NAYro h Gvriieti)th n isetit lém-l a, ft -t, e nîevtn a.Out cf this bIbi-nvobuner Il-Couan ano t Tuetet'" iitwte ovemectiwiitit ali-tiiotinucf the oeumotii h n- ovenrthe Ce-ireRond, tint over the sicle Qi îercmndionit'rprttuAîh 11 Voltotercii,-MeitipsnstinerMor ris and lTes- lin. h.e ariviicnltel. rl-ec i h'Sicirii.M.Fibtk a8 numersix~vuldhae vteI fr r~cornaîaof Capi. Wallace, afier euntirî ia itit iiutgae, e r hich tvoîld bel toc fe tv. The Sevemai tombert-t mahiïtAîî ' that the'uouiti îiu~îîiit vo ue i.Pr Campbell in preference t- Mn. Pcrv Ilîcir tistîildrill inu tîme e -.Plt-d ini the btacetrnent if t Ile ~Chitc1ýh, anirl'Tlie Coincil ce:îtaiats 7Cmemiiensi Connu-il hnwt aitolv'e t te Centre Romîl ganme rtt tntu 0 ert-attt -cp,.. >IIlî atî fdin t olctMn.('îttboi, nancted tlitoîit-l to'vn pîcceded by-n îi iîCîti al 8 of tvlich have been elected by the ime ain rU one wilicIl oorîty momtey ahnhihwc1a-iuwnhvltr oCh nmke A.Fu- thy ouild have supjuorted Mr Rat-; h vnkeadFcr-sintg -kî.utu tfte relr-îîment s provi tlldby the ad'1 relfemnrhrs-hu hnl! eepf-t'.t nt'tuhey tid noi thimktni fr .td utlt-ttiIti u ial A tt- clif ratlier than NIr. Poirry. \vw- ill çuimn hurt' ca,,frere tei tisi iiinbired about fcrty ;aund alztia- .,îiýo* he.-rpd lii Chair. aitît ha- jufrtelligenuCré, and ..eili. oiited b uî tao r-~e nomnlI;O l~ eirm.iiti! rt ui-1ulai l aii 1cp- a-t sonp-tht md of the C('u îî, an d Mr. Ca, ibl.- wtlo'in1 t'a!jin Rn i ha-uatveoi ArPu wiii len Imetine tbo ote " it îme ln.~,coiîtîtu'rnirîîa d d. anud at se- i: - 1 l ita l i ~ i ituut-ce -t iC - iîiiiil etri;ltu oîmh-nîiitf d i h tmavs tycre ir am. ooiui.Tt'aa ai iîu tinhv cir cf his liaitron or Ii mtrakittg Ilit<j tai andtî pîalii exesucise fo r il i 1 l , t1 J 2 ev.fit-ilwitli ar.__t'î e_: fn110sv'nip- Fair! a- i i n Ili t rifi tf l ca-ity, if Ilu t±rCii ~~a~ arîtvCft~ twos, frs.b îrîsîf '-l -it,~ iît,î ~mt msntpreseiue %vitadelihenate îmtrithî 1 divîsýiolis nid i tlier miwetiments ili te tf flb ;ni -te. îerttru-îtet et tu-outhe eI2if;IativeC clitau bertu tuai -i i- liai,. hi' a ttittt. heen a rô.ut iriui bit îbite h iînciiuapnue. If itiîtune-t *.tt q'ntteli trolie ho. TitIl aeila i '[Ilie fear cf tiiis terrible Perr iiesl orderl iVîd p1-fect lttattîet.- 't #î cPltain~ rîi~î s dîtd ~ ~ - 'trt 't' ~~uy li'W iern> 'hgt ailum - coma nitttii tittviaii wi si a tpe ,ýt h U ie tae .- j,1fcr .va l2» ro l he agq Iosy icr ud b tad ie bcsii f fu tnu s-vetal pec et 'rqidBttif ve destre to avoid a c nniiet t ~ tt ~ quîititbu ~ -y.'i-~ o n r-sAN ojoîi.t uout -- ii tî-ust b S<sy t'x W .coi' fo b ttdm r t e pii iýgn t ve Cali asqtrp Ille onzant- titose met> wla have Fat a largeoe ahl- fsi te o-ai tVîtoie c isataîk, wu-eet er hol branches, a niiaut ui-e ii bî' 'i îenruîui tuiia h'puiei (ipiuU oîir, conces-zion ill hit re a 4e. malle-a! iciairiipenIl ta ' bqekinCal "fttit-if, -111( u ldeleituf) lle ill"M --avail îheÎmsehves of Mn. FPerrYTs gcod ed the whoie of the Company ttao a tl]u.u ititgit.teî e-ie utlte bssndththesben-trédstieimù $0 l im ioîi aim'itl, nreot is eiuaiids-luPed. - ftttth ot-'î,trait'lis superior ktîowiedge I hey wanted cf Crockea-' e t.'Iboertothe toiq aliti'hLiiia qýwîiIiout atîy pre- hy Wi4slem emhers of 'ther Confticulthoi nhebetween Readi otE;s n mto and Éorieu iiitT0tgl- .vi of îuîiiciaI nater"aînd gentlemen, aiong wth the Voliinteens, tuui' itiailm ;atu arr îe e lrbuf a,.lheslf-wb'pu nFei:W-uîty inlao M'în.Jon iie.Joi. iiruia» one . amena ni the euuriot h le meitîb -a it aufvisît- ation- !I iejjeve the , bij istry , 4d o t - A dacison s- e afier which the àa-4îî will.do about amawcthwork as uine -expressed ttemselves îrigîîly gratified M-at.rs Dvit i11iîiatnsýbn, CitrgCanîd the d4isit I -ideda. The- h i-siî tthn~t~Da- T~w~iw'-euc tiomtr tle visitdiv-tiref t# btpsrac1 n'çiiiuy Ilaftkilo Iliiaf cu f the -ten îvl;o decteci Mr. Rat- Witb-the pieasaîtteveiing îe îd i.cil- uIm-nl.ii-t' tevihneti rcheyt nwiitqLOe f tlAe ,le'xtte: ià - ru.e - -t. yi~ii~ Iife. The little iman does not simpe- passed, atnd we thutîk the Volunteers Sp ritn' e-à iuiaaodtItone.Fotms,ls ihaàthOe Vote olit t fieakL lv "cot-npimenut Mr.-,Oçrrv, he bedaubs will not sooen forget bhe kiîdheýs1he'y Tthe So.-is-uy i Ili a fuoltui2uoiitoi nii~tku.5~îRte Coi esp aaqîsùn ot oi- ~ -ai.meiorfltonpu-'GRCLRA hirm with fulsome praise. lei itexpenieuîced. aiiul we tale. *eaaia h1 n1a-tioiuWla ence.- t is' 't1ikl"eî1 tiat Cabi-~aGub~Kuitiî.MNh NiaMr~ ~d~ i ~ . f~ tua -iene~voahdrouaof nilite tîeupe'ï Reaein likeartin- npitt tilî b. broken bly votes<or thîs i-- îtpohe1Vxa.î2 -,1 -*o . i satisfied,,%yith giving hini a ps Lin We iîdirstand IC-Chtlu(ha-ihp'-iacîf e wfltîu a- ScaUtey a-Wioeittîl -'-uv ---1 posih 'e15b tio c.kd i uti'tiiing*thy fie eotv 1e %%ii"ei.no yîtithed, utiis done have bee.z 10 moe r euiat dil, 'but 1&tiîrKîKnîtnkr a 1bru limeoeliu- vi1-11i bmdichtive o'f - ""SOnînnîn. at-h rai o t ecot- - utiia- iVýtur l f Îeîfl Ynîl terty tn ~Yies, ees, of tns, urnd othe fr thsdfceîtiile %va oftice s.ip- emtait tplitiu'liy t .iiqisrii o-uîn of îa~'htittetni~ib S h'sy0I ieu~i lIh ti utonynd derPhs efciJi Làtth Rneiýîl pyt e 1rIîiÏ estimable *Reeves and l>epîty R-eelve-9 plied [W 11w(e"riierutt - tOu httîM.1 uiý 1 . uapîct, MIi8Iý 1w . - 1 1 ;a ý,db~~tmt h Criuîîo il i~art'îei- :~.iM 71~ s ta- e x i-i triet--- Lk9iin ôf the Couflty. sî -. , fr ra~bw ~~,~~ut yI itqh ~ d4i tr~ii rhie*offiè'enffhe -fimst lttalion urnmîjîsvl jd î I;rge t I e dious,and we ouldetheC ast fis ço a-- , <nnivf~t ~w I us ~~1 bu> iii f m,~8 Ton'a[, ean is I G4I blsfIsuothb#dr c theuChi vrëë'if hôt thrst iponusbyOur oryor dil1, on rida ne,! ., tot. ftft _______THE________ N, 4 au 1%.lao anitaNDtr ifl. d;iBetiJ - ha lteucoo aood iaiIb i S. ânai, as ~ - i. ont on w1hp otedfor tn. aîclffe. Pm-tty - 'yeaf. - w.. -. . t,.. h' w tl tt naepti - - thîMy-nowtîrn Wil r Prmys phoistan pue-rPrertP1Ieeecin f 1. aeee lrtue r-#1!1totl dod44)il uchngster sý F ý; ,",, " b of Ùxbridg of atdh t cen to 0ir ké oyntuo Mr. W4butee1ïfl tWanurtlMr. nl 1 r4émM'i i Peî.ilb-oo$1whetwili I , 1d 1OOt Count~o1~ ~Ytarfo han tu R~that lite his hor(il ëhu'nicd le fretEuctheo> iti ue," îhisT-'vOtvn2 foriXd ilatshM w saeWa n CEit INatPRICESth* klei -%Vr a 4ýa le - oo Biekliene tt iWëy h e: gnt~lmn' i1 ; -, __--~ ' ai /it'nmd it b hghylateedisd np ' arU naudivie.ofl. rîialD AND HAISUOS- îi~ui tt. ouaiy- andii tîîiysf ptmnsu tanr iei. un ui ÇtWl ¶ptt-p1tiouiff Wal i jleitim Wtii Ille e to .grilitWttt iJ the~ ru'hieut Io ciepttii teu- idjourn waa theu tut c rad thekmi-itBurto n Gctie, u nmtsiiii, W lu, --;,i i astona-, Prun. airboks, r~iy Mr. Ke- lsa- Wtuîit"tumuutionmm. -f o le minvnîiueut aial-eyj bait- %al1jtinti iul tua on a mne.Fiak, Kaîinady, Ne h-tit Br.i3îcketl, fut, mb l ieéyý Wiâ' iti Wiîid Wl-, Vhil-lo - - an MrNi-ktýlo -tî,i l t Me joni lal Ill oit tutu a djiu.iî. io- - cr..Ftimbakîe Kitit!,. iti hic, Pyai.tpry amI.R >- eéSht< ie c MNnLu-'unliîuir'eGt-lç M'Nab atc',Wnite amuît tu Juleîcs.qn.L.,--aAii ltsaaFartianotikt. Biekeiti, Xeii- Pl.Wlhi-t, Pelîny crut R-we.-1 (t.>un. Iîsili, Garitt, Gîi)y, LNh-Sb, Sangmuren, -Wiile araît WixÉ-. , cuntdby ,Ajir- en, x >, tt wi~ l' ie u unct i itti> colfi-. tiai ks a-aiîuiti.îleîrkSe aga t%< lme. *uii'sI Lut Lr. ila:i, atstuiueir-ulite fue- Il >1 iai-t% vit ail ;1ttmnlIt pnu'eiîi aiîl it nmtei îl- i. Ileme ,otcil aý tijua rt. il tulmng 4 ao! . iit IoCl (-95 m2mti Buittatton (Yîîltîî'o Mîlititi, Iby Capi. plîsnil, -iat ini te-bW*1 meré.ruia;; i îeieiiddel sýi eitî i -t 2484Bi! tan D. Ga v. h1 ote I entl'eëfîf.iugy1 e vanou loýith h t 'IMP w tms toi -hi* fice ieilt tua ~voninttua a t a t- t~t v .1 t. t- -