Tp, OF#wa)l Of China. drum. This ýwas.already knowâ Âz- ~CIbI~~wl ~F~r wh~t~ti~tiice~fl i e the l5th téitury. A third monanu1Ivofýhg ~ aeo i etr c'leO f this ki d'in^ the IlEl Bra 1jr"aino-i~ry~rd éth aia the the ,"ton- tç aUpgfrkpg 4cI ill ,p ltyÏaàdrep tti QInGaibto THE JR AIO sltruotd, of -brick;wilh ?tibbie in the lîii'rgÙ,b ichthi.Da-bcm hege£c Is. Wetoe >O conte; butfurier awy itir- win niade-similar observations. - of hismo$tetuisiprian~adTI cOT * po~ç.almo~ WhOI~OI tone;ni 1~t, C1arh~ s 'bcôk &rP64rrdA' ýafterwa:rds htc i ipn h hwail. vgqr maels eecoei tSar istt il:*ntons noihergo ex- mniber 'f0F Northaxipton. ihv id 44 pert uv ~i s t aioia~~drecently éaitfiftli-al read y hedrd cf a d-sig eidc *Vza e s;e : h ga a te sp t le lo ali cwhi éià ,be n4iàcGV,ý hlm to visit Ireland as .- oLon- vý~egaie abounded iti greatoet lereillby I1ýigh. Millerï,, upon thesmall don Paper. prf siO se ithe' constrtîîtiof isladfggonhe'str <at Q- -HRYTHUANI) CPIES the Wallt was'i txmade the principa l iità- ScolLad. According £0 Miller.a ge. tUalous RNLîâMsL&. iREE TIMES G"À&T8J than that of ai gredient, and for miles !lhe Wall cii. clOgist Of great renoWn, a srtim f nl5ndy a congregation in tF the r ournà itheprM I aht ofw sisi cflare, s~peessniases f clite exists on this isianri. This neighbo'urhood cf Whittywere. ý,ud- tePoi.It5tCni- ~RFaite,, smoothcçi cîly. on the oc't- substance, lcn reduced to satnd bc.'delp g nodatlSness he zX YIVLBEU I EER sidç~W Ô eserved( but one tower cornes a wile, mealy mass.Mtecas's that crinioline ajsi.UÂT /Ueupz AND buji enirey cfstoe -lîeyheiîgObserved that on, uvcry step he, took, entered; a lady'sdress caught in thle ~ 1 OB iN Wit. his~xepton conpsedcfthe' Sand gave a pecu1iarý.musical key cf the gas-meter, the lady dragr- brick, with fotînidtaiotis cf lîenstone. sotind. it is, howcever, let provenl ged the crinoline, the crilÏbfhte dra-ii -.A L~L PU13LIC, PLA C ES Th hi;trao ~~ alfrmte11 ht oiesn loepoucssund ged the key, and t1w liglt 'as locliod Throughout the Lwer Prvigçe. ~fUc ~aptis about seventeela feet The abovg-uentiotied Mr.Wardsays, count. toîx inches atý Most parts, thcuigh oc- 'that the friction cf the illarp ,edged A N D7 IIN OU'l 1. casionâlly, wb*ere the parapet ï s high- grains cf silicieus ad xoe e SMALL CHANGE l,;NSNW yoR sA VRK.- INtla;Aeoa, bn tlStIt masurs eihtee foo sx in-te rayscf a tropical suri,lcaused.,thel adesat' ilitthe ?hrdylto ltolYffaf5 loi ~ce;its breadih is iirteen fiet, adrsnn qaiyc handd fIeM ., ',y;M.), iitheco rse cfsonuni e ethe th leihtcfth praetfiefrtfni mustl ave the investigation cof this, rema ks on, the Aicericau war said:B EST IN TH E WORLD luchs. Te tcversare hirt-onematter te scieîîîific mcii, bein g confi- -A fi ienid cf mllnwiti ving frcmr ew ~ tnA fget £l4ree inchesl high, andilt weiî ty- denît that îîîey wiîî explain the ni Yrktolls 'ne, not as a joke, but fas a Its Circulation'i agrta hto eight feet one inch 1)road. ' lie para- 1ry lotemscneuPC .ùtfact, that on having his hair cu, and*njiLrrthnta pe i bthreelte ad oo-hhd raY bc arti nteiesîiîg ctiisiry. payîng a dolrh eceived iri changecni and'tho towvcrs are pierce, hets ~i et wadllaroie naiethe cudiae fy charge cf ste o projoccalle. Ofeinsanie, characeter as that . ( o d l n h e ) sx postage stam ps, reaches every section of, thq Bau tryp an d a]y elvaedstehi ceniery. %vell XV mstsjî mntonasitîilnetck-ets for Iiav is ba aya a te omuthlidwic t EtPe. streanî are se ofadeng doî'dhy -.Miller-.the soashore ind tWo ikt b rnsa n a-vruihn EGAT on9teatfQ re h e tîbecfadcont; cîcarAt thefliouse oftat distingihed i e oik. (Renowced latightor.) IIITlO RTtIL passes, iviilst on evory sie, and lawyer and aeocnpliâbed gentleman, puas 't(ND.Tlef-Haeh optlnto!edigtrohtoco i OMing far in the distance, are a site. hiig, cf tlcxbtiry, Ms. v o~ng drafts, lield .in! îeadiness te uuniof the d- LOBE,"t their anronements to ai - cessionl cf rowîî îtiîîtojs, 'iî ialweret showîi somne sand, appareîdyemar orQebc ejoi he sr eve.y -désirer la townnandcomtry. t patches -foîîîY tider cultivatioll - consisti g of quartz aînd horneblenide, vice coiipaîl'ies iin Canada, have been MIANIJFACUTRERS o1 Uroves of)ack-asses: are seenîgiî if we judge anmd recollect rightly, ta. coitermnaiîded un 'il fardher ordeîs. Wiulfind tha their advertisemenfi in the"- GLOBElf aînd retnirning, the former iinladeii, keni up frein the sea shore near his 'l'liey inpîc Illu te Spring cf" arte red by ant the IeadingS andihie latter bringing la smail Ikîîîd smnresidetice, at Bei kely, On ac-ilext year, viz :i7th, lst Batialion, M9mi, pio ~tPovaiCic,B cf brush' d lil tobreescOtinit of us Singiîîg qnalities, anîd, no Depot, L-imelrîck-, 1 officer and 41J AND y aR ut GI-EÂL Pt'sî.îc. btirîîiîîstead of die millet stalk i is doubt there are chlier lecaities cf siiat- nmon ; 47t1î, Depot, Aillne, 40 meni on1 the plains, 'vhilst in wild abîîîîd- ilrcaracter, which have as Yet es- Nlajor 61reeri cf the 3001i Regîmiemît i îmîN 1AV Ti ano r sateedinuirable 'isticapedtîe ocf observinig imon.- charge ftit tis diaft. 6tiîd, lepot,.Lns Il' t. ReLands for sale or to Ren 1t d»i Poplar and fir-t.ers. I ct Rve.:ehs,3 oficers anîd 73 meii; O3rd, can find noeimedium o! coumunicating with tha g, Ofisotsbrnh Thk-soifth wi Depot, Belfast. 2 ohlic&î-s and -1l mu. farming COM-unnitly ne adivantageoua a* the m ii cainlplaces. For tlieir coin- T ak- Saaoi ii erc a et.G E- lei strîlciion il is dlliiillîtiiu every clitse1 Thui-sday last, it'appears frein the MîîN . h ciWna t-o assign a reason ; the hîtle towvinofI pî cl: iinaîoiohf l3resudL'nî JjefIerol-' en îscument appcrs it the s&otian ow drs Uc-wartt Et, is coinpletel y eiicliclt, a ,dila Ihi ;ezvi i~ 'A-Ni te W:î il d.A 1..-. lr i'. '- loi by~~o oiaiouthe -opposite sidc a Ie n;stea (eiaUs,, for Ille r- 2>Mcf*respetable cliaracler anîd ai)' dotible îvall îids lipwards wilt tutIlle1 li' filieir antis ahl{Ricbînciid anîd pearatie-, liaving saveil £96, fris/L's Portions iin neai'ly paî'alli es. Maliassaq. llad tht' aniincciîicit 10 spbce of ýf u. 'Jzckbeiîîg îvitil Avisit the follciingday tb the ali '-%ed a w \eelicarlier., îîîtjitnforai ont a l' iendiite cI.îitsfo Pass et Cltapcw, distanît aboli îeciLisdfteAt le 0cb v1',ade~î,active, îijy Nwc- t'ventv-one Ice trom îa' c u',îîjoin 'ti s tlere ait Englislînaîî or ilîo ~'îl îot neadsaî coiîfirmled or stiratise tliat Ii itheue cri'>' <ýIL'itroj)eaîî î'o cotill have done 0V 111111 aI ho uî. lspcab> tien of thie îall flie coîtiracîcus, ifsti SO 2 'I 'lle fate Of tuec Civil1 .ar lias Cus iîvvrpor i1y'apyb "tley ere avile îleiiseîes suiîîd s hlîcuatiîgaîd tie objectI biter, witIlipOriait. addicssd,.' &c. anv extelit if the bînilul igniaterial rioness ltai thie end so dîubions tha leêi nrtîat i.Jts-uicje clo-sest ah lianil. W>' noticed sev'er'u il- Ile iccelît violories lîad becît on the (l'Bicieî is about ilrv it cois- gnns, mest of îvlicli îvere j)artially cîlîirside, aînd uihlProctamnationî lîad - iicue iîneded~îîîhr eî'îî u' ulblefoin o c m :.l- litiîltiiinshead ofMr. .quenice cf delicate iîeztltii- 1f se, Ilie iîtedcurniiitr c ret orl ; eue oln- cl eba red bigouj i M i îilbc stcceded b¼'Ai. O'ilagan, ill . hýqenerotlj tvll ote' )oýc avi, ad e lad rie t brng urthe AiîoiijyGetieral. I lituaicase ai] iniscription, recordiîî2 tîtat ilt %vasis uslies aînd our sympathies theUclceîoufb he rtsat u csintereign of %Van LeeiIlle test, by, turnitg iheiti juito prayers and iVgOwefrttebI av last Emrperer bteue cof the itigo tlialriks-iviiu- -vlî'î t c we have S C Z) soiooliito. G nc î-r.o otl dynasty;- k nmust Iberefore have becilit ereiltly aind coiîscieuiîionsîy utter- I ouio.Gnrl vî vîl tipward.s c f 200 years old. anîd w'as ced, upIlifîilig "lpure hands îvithout become AtLorîicy, 'tiel-al ; Nr., Ser- ovdil fsind aCter a Eropean i\viatli o r uîcîîbîiîg7,"oni snch ani'ccca- jeantt Sullivaut laît' advîser, .and -Mr. ' medel. A great niîaîy ofîthle tO\vel's* siýoii? I'lat the cruel warfare may Seiterau-t-xAmsîrone.If merlIiois ivere in a decayed stat*,, and the in- close, l!4at lastintg pîace iay bc e- e uf-trr, eea,~ lou teror cfseteofîeîî, iain ben lia my oCn t.athe genoeral voice wolîld vote te the teios f one'o teii;lavn Iben stcred, titslavcriv hiiomeIo tD Iii-h~~~est place oit h eilrcie -elea-red'of debris, îere cenvr'rtcd jute perpettial etid,-at'o petituons iii al terwrdo îuebucircin Ill ruar ofhistmeril'qin, toawouldt g&ardons iuîîd granianies-. whiiclt Great Ilrîtaiui aîd North Atiier- x orîe rtetn ugsbfr "Plite Ghincse speak of the Wvonîder- (iia could of'te; and due mark cf -i fui structture as the ltoi») Ive oîd lastiîtg scparatioll betwecuî us anud the tt-eue rtcfuraeof* pomo toln. ii îval, îîdappar o cîîsdcril &thern States i1tlîat îi te s the du ous e'prmtin tromelv nattiial 1113 tstrangcrs s !id ritIu'lîy V Otîld îot joiîîus.'le dosi' 'ta rivt î i. b 5101 sanasîviîg Day cf lte Slave COL)-CdIui fdTeKrhaou ePiaer pays eue fortheic hiotubi.s aod drifi- iederacyr is a souemnity wbich wedo' dilus c lit jOiuîey; îtdîvîîn te1inet venture te judgo, but îve coîîfess fact is reatized Iliat for tlîotsands ofI that te us it is sijl a inyst2ry ltai lie *\'c\ve York Albion), comment miles this extraei'ditiaîy product cf there sluculd have bt-eut,i n the Pro- ing 011 the intentionî cf the U, S. Gev. ruasotC at-t11 U£SUeCS is etîn i'c detitial permssion or directionî of! elnnwnît tocouttttîeîce privateering, Coiîrt~, al otier s- rpe n tinec eveitis, so iinucbl as- a teutporai'y Oc-1anîd itie actual despatch of a pei'soîî coue, v ofader by coarld ies ovfcasion for il. For scine purpose, t10 pioved te ho se discreet-and leaniied his lastiîîg luomento of a desýpoiR 'ie- d as yet uînknowîi, lia-s 1U r tn the laws of nations as Cernt: ficIiy anîd tlîe invoîuiinary labor of a Jl-sî )vsbeu"ric p"WI stihîisivePOCplOOQC-a-IK'L-. perhape for thte puishmnt anîd ne-, Seas, agaîîtî onfediurate coini'tce, bîtke cf the conîplicity cf tlhe North! (Nvîerýe ut is ktio',vtî the Çoideae - îitl thîe s'il cf bis section cf theo have no comnierce,) broach's the. rî States. anîd foi- its unbonnded pride theory thai the inauifest tteiiiionis T Singing Sanda and Sounding Kesatains. ads-ibdsaiîc IAttrir-t e pat lecto ih S p rFloulanis f yarsago tte ill m'-~lions, anîd cf ail forns cf goveriicît foreugui powverini ord<ér ho lot the Southn of MlenînotuI weie fauned for givuîî, but ils cîvu. But let h b ita eetber go itithe confusion, soeing that thé1 fa muscalsouds Seuîd lfreblusetlîat the rod cf coîrrection is net i-e- - Wasliugtoh Govertî mont. have- corne pc1 cf belis have ofteîî beêii heard, ai ilif- garded for its cîvu salie, aî nyb etec'ncusouthat they calicot 0, fertîtlocluteste oui frmu lie ut g w y vlen ils penalty has been conqueilî. %Vlateveru-rnay may hoe' dopîtet'Ui ocat, ad uoî IC barinflicted.-Loiidcu )Vachman. Ithe Value cf lte tteory, 110w that the cf musical noutaîns and singiuîg -- - -fdra oeueithv et e sands, pniyateet's, Our Ne VeltYor clenpo- TRANSATLANTIC GOSS1P rres utmdeao le I 1dr -iveressucli localities are tiowv 011agi1stthe o-u-deraè p à "' rý reeeord. Tlhe first is Dscltebe Nakus A Ilwhite" shiak, ncasùuing vig'h- an eas eca -tenà iaes î liel-tno~tni pon the peninsula cf 1locht feet four inches ini Iongtîî, lias cîvu opinion is that privateering iâ r t r'ie shores cf tac Red sea. beeii capîured off the Isle cf %\Viglitt. uuepsàttiwilche reqtiiementsof northivestîvard cf tdie cîty cf To_ The celebrated traveler Seehzan DEATI! WIILE PIRA i NG.-On Modpfn commerce and civil izati-n.--- - Qldabîrg ~asthot~stEurper~Tuesday morning Michael INdI ville, on. aet~ svnwioceue t i oîdu seveîity years cf age, wa8 flcund dead saat h scnedi.Hefun tin hîsýhouuse in Glasgowv. He was STT R.A rdmrcfon ccnsistiiig of a biittie, wvhitQ, salld- kneelinofaýqll shone covered on twc siest wtihloose i . e - h hara0i h adb e iïmonf St. Roc'h' dé"leÀehigau land- I sand. This sanîdwheu breuglitît 'nth ct cf praying when sudn- the neighbening, parishes -ha#i p', Pt te motion, puýoduce the sound, -bl.eî'vdc ie- i &. -ceddt h iver acln oti- trweéller, 'whe' asrending, passcd The Gla&gow Hérald tefl s that' take up lanîds in that district,'h~1 oirer tbisrogien cf leose saîîd. and he soute haîf-dozen persosme n were w>cently -xlr6d by .h Xssr snon discevered that the noise it made' feniale, ha'vegn tr ia nteBasad udtheir ùinpreve iig>pg,,downtl ç skopebecmmeb1y subjeet of the trîau and ecndemnatieo S~tiistcûym hywlb fîkwdh grees loud 'an dieuder. Whe oe f the woman M'J,.achiari fou' thé Muur-a large îîumbercf etiien -yôi ', u reached the sulnm4it, sucli a fiighufl defcof Jessy MWPlerse, aind are now - - seuùd was heardi that iit .hock the inmats-ô1- -,unaie -iy&um.ý Tulafew mnibs her.,wàl .. - t1 whole mountaiht nd he hfisoîf be- -large obaccc, manufactories in-opea e cakh~ êc4td'i~thè'~hghet de~~'e. Atthe' Corn wa 1ll 4iýésth~ 4I i~~.ot~ i'n~p pr~n <$omet*tfi afterwaî-ds,'- this ,samé, cf i-Pî àoiorrance vs. (- Y l'iie. At, The ~ m'ounttaîtli was Visited .by Mr. tOny.,ef a cargo cf wheat, ci board the Dido ra aei,toe riopî* wlich'was rau dowu-n-the Kentuckry, higbPrICÀ" are. W»d, bot Ergflish-eh. Th«yg1Ve noar Moulinette, l fIby thé likdy te induce 'a sii è, very 'nearly the same aéccùuît'cf -thiÉ schooaer'Lijoîden. 'Vrd 'fer pl(ff. Cu-tiahin ed4kia-Wesern 4N phenomeomn. 81 e b tttt<s i$7M( to the f1ét, Ïhat the sanid glidesdQwn - - - -t0Mu1 tý_'bgre imoun taiti, aide. - Ward'heaýrd GRziAT W éï T ,R x-RAT1:1v ai o opat.alyfvO-1eJ atst orlyaýfeeble- trnne, ike that of Tlhe-tndio f thekrý 4 ,t tï:m rn of~e - ' a- the flute si am'eI âve r 4duyW e troUeiî& Curaula ttitwvayhv èi~.< Do-s1~~T )Ii> ce, d e'rli 'r4Ïàuto,, the warrent ther eia- qMutiy of zdsêH mto;ytedividend cf 1 p~ot-$~re %_44r , n'x~~ ffîj stee of théra'Ùàeëtr. 'Gztk' aejizUar ill ,--Thiei'w'*ss th~e'Ry C âï J~êsw, 4ha movig ~îun$$n,>,-4ecen tly a weman <ii>U i'â in~ ~f~ ,(,tharme otaitèred qcet t>tfN whtcb, is aise about 400 fa îîIi , - A;s j~dViit' tayeri<sa'ré~xques ing anohr woman-wt*'0s-w 'w wtih a~ attH Ve~M ~ preent te hold]îIeîi<flîora ê~ der of lime and sandstone. Oli~din fhues. It6 h !t IheRv1i less dowlf6ffs*Idi emits a lodaseuetd4dli tIrwetno B'A"E RTY, Popprictor AST OriEI ,A THE EVNNG LEADER-1 st path d LwidE .dyatOe n Fi o'oc inî~1T-le Y Leader-, or, UN su, Muqcdjr tie, spuÏblished on Tuas- dnyoand Fridas, at 03 a Year laAdvasice; If-r not T1IP Weekly Leader, - very ]FRaun , and The Patriot& New» Of the Week (Weekiy), on IVEOXItSDAY at ONEDOLAR À A A for either. ifpald in adyffnco; Tir D OLLA*5 when oht no paid. . SUBSCRIPTIRNS t the ahove papeta *11 flot bc discontinuod until iÏl arreara aie paid, aad the papers oirdered ta bc dopped; -xiléss at tho optîin of the proprieor. The ubieri pton wiii1rua on and be payable, whetherthe papers h taken frointhe Fuel Office or net, until te qmount due Se padnp.,-M(ney can ho safeiy ranznstted through tii,- Pot Office cnciosed inaa etier "IRegisteredi" anti T-t paît!. Lettera con-; îalag money for aubacri ptione or radvertisements. houidbe atdreaset,- JAMNES BEATY," Leader" )r 9Ptîtriot," Offie,, Torontoa, i a as he ma1~y 'Ai u'eeiptm for mnieu wil l be agned by "no- ERT BE ATY ;"1'no other person having iuîhorîty egire reoniptz.' By ou- ncw îucthod et' Adrtlsing papers the at> of each Subscriher's account is on the address. rbe figure on the riglit or atidres, im the amount in Dollars ditc for the paper Liii the nuonth i-domns, in- icated by the Jettera bctweeti the iante and the>i- ri-e., ýA-cha neof figueti fl Iboenacknowiedgc- neut of nxnney, and imo the eniy anairer needoti ta etters centaining' uoney. Po .4 LDVER TçE x. rares %ju preent irgcircuinntion (whih l l'i t) >1 F N , & c, & ,c èurwe y w ck men.tly incr a stes), re nteriq the> Lrc îx»a e neuf thebest aediont in Canada for notice. otail Wii finti thal Iheîr atîuntnceineuîs tan enly b akiîîds. matie thoroughiy known throîigh tht> coiînrILI cf <Il lt e (3 lo )Aulvertiscincnts, of .Servaints Wantiug Situation, 'E l l e l o b ', andi Servants W autc't, are inserteti aI One Shilling To .u to, S 'pte iber 1 , 1. anai T hr c IPence e ueh in 'oitioh.0 - - AtvertiseinentL iite %eelciy are ehars-etiSix Pence a line oaci, insertion. and luni>aiiy Four Penre TH Fl. a Lino first insuertiosi, anti Onten111ny fui- cvury 'ub- seqonti<>rto.- flAtV WJII tLJh~ ~ Advartisenientq foi-tise EVENING LEADER A ILjJY W 1 T IJJN. U iili e chaýrgeti Ei'e Coula per lime l£or the tirai, pd IS PJBLIIIEDTwe (Cents a lîne eacli sobsequent insertion. - Thé nnilxbercf'lunes'mnAI riunn fno b EVE~RY ETENING, counte ti Ie .po~thèy, ocStpy, -ineasureti hy l'aeO oa ùparie1.ý WITii THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE BT Jofl'C.ARROLýL, PRuNTU. NILEACIA1. Aitrycirsi are carefuîly ?, an contiin5 lte lateet Market pi-tee.NO expte îa 1 pamet ta uak# il a F155T-OLA8S COsohtÙI~L Pa- Pei-.-'-Suhauription, $l per annuin. THE "I0TE~ VTE~ PUBLISHED TWIcE A-WEEK, ('ntang,.a carmn e ti.t, Ç.'f m.,,,. aiiy atiailti to the> faiulY. with the general ne w>j of the day ant ltelateit nmarket 1lîces.-.-Suliscriîs.i Moen, $3 par amen,. TII£RtE tALSO A Wemkly Eiitia cf the Wîýtneus ceiNSISTIXGOPu'12 i-AireS Os-F tIDI.No MATTMr. and ail ?,pers stapped ti lthe expi-y cf lte suliserip' tion. - rLN.B.-Aii comnmunications ahoulti lieatidressoti JORN DO'UGALL &' 805.-ý Montreai, Soit, 1, 1882. KINGSTrON DÂILY NEW, RH LRl)I1~ CONRVATIME JOUYR- taper ta Weser aîtatta i sipitthe t fi gatan, trovi-y h jtw a aorning, nu i o e ad îy the e'hàîyl r ina tLië. ta' aniy newpapr in King&tea'fer mant' yean litipub1tsitudlrt telegrapsiic news, andi t mailsng ftimeltiue. re Isncb tisat is readars for- a huadreti Mile% east and m5t, l"4 Utrneivapapar. Enjoyisthe iargest elroulian, iAn.? i~w;affor4 iii W bsnaedtuir, 'of -em artiaamnanlinsrtâ Lthe nanat rates.- shéd e tde le of the. Çltotn;azffl gp~ s ~nLainin -lie'iJ tmttiiiltoftraatin matr Kîn-u, - O11-1 1862 - - -- - IIÈA 1 GÉM EN-t cS M&C MONTREAL GAZETTE. »ONTBorGZETTE jL ter, iot-jicooct in oîiccontin'nig the> -vî, Onu ecîiY m yii- $3. *ucîpî n mr 5 - CIRCU L1)AJs, Liést w w i n ail t e t0î pieso f n t rest o f t e d ay . T h i-ot>cop ies o e uey ea r, 5. ' 6' by'-relegra-gpi, Express ant daiktpt oi the hoir Ôcf Pitte captes odte yeàr, nd iiimne xtra copy ta tise pr- ayga th~î.~>~icle vt1-'C v gT A," v srrlLt on sendlaglie -clu b, înakiùe Piýx copiez, $1 25.FU RA LETS M Kseaîand SHI PNu' G :tso~', porta o ! im nport- At the.4e price s thcsribe m, in the PirtvÎnc es il - -l~iL L ' T a n t A e t i o n s ta , & é 'h v e ' A n t e u t s i a e e i iF U N IE R A L L T R Tat-u-xlxïa' EI>-fMP, bth eue year for $3 5. BLL- H ÇA DS, l. a meaze ua# the Daily, 'eotainag lte saine totyatd' io niJnre' 3aaie!t 3 tHA uS9 nuie, juiahed on Montisy, odneaeysp and; on ycar1oL $4 0. s- ds;t ime for'lt e Cnty mails. (oiii-Il'eat iIiu ila h- e iosent L>EA S - m)eger,orrceip1ef sion. ,- -; W EEKILY GAZETTE Treas ury Notet3 and, Notes f lU sotrut ankà BU LS ()f FAREÈ, Cenaissubepricianeirs fte ,two prviouly .Be arefn antid a h>psaea orîue- ItL'0'FAH îo een eti ed ltons, Zutz ishedo u o $atur ay .snon-. A tress .L A , <9 <>z,yB IL L S 0 A R *~ ina>'. The molscriîîîîou li- Iils dil4nie ta ayble - » hnlS' t t ln strietty tn adrancu. tt zcpiPu. D*- ) ilyigdution, $8,90p« aimn;Try Ni UINICIPAu. RLANKS, woll, $.0 eckty, $,5 ' M CIPAL 8BLANKfi. ,àli<reattaneo in doy-rega<re ied teratour 'fTI mîTlM N CP L irk.'.Addres L WE &CL M E L , f1 , Rl l I 1 _A E I AN. B A CS àlolltr4.w G aze tte O ffice, ' N- ST E A D o 1*416 pa ge, the Vos-y V oiui e, ]n - 'L W 13 . A - I ;iarotierie~ wil Suisîu 'LA-WBLANKS, MonrelMî. 0,182.1, ht 1udred and! 0-e - - . - - - - - - - - - - é f . V a l u a b l e - R e a d a i g M- A a t t e r , i - u s e f n t l C R I I A T E ,- TilE QUEBC ~;ÊI-UY ,.,and îiiîshructve ii); ali classes. ' ; C;, TIFICATESî TA~L~tt>5>air nauîs auv ber, 105. -, ' ' - ~ CRTIÈIC ATÈs, UEORG'X T CARY, P~nzaanuma. Qarto Foi-, smils1k fui- biing, landils in- -' -w ' --' -- tja*eritstgiye wt~ ian informiation n bregrdWA B m , PmUBLuBrnuz0yoTa aaA,èy._TuFSu»VAZO AO- ltIOTivnisa acie7 i ruecoMn - - 'WAY I9ILLS, >Av Evarsxoa. nfaetimriu, Pirecses,, AgricqultnretIl oseî>En WAY BILLL, giiieori git i sig ri anîi'actui hnis iryifcî lns vry indes Ptînmitî recel- sIjg6~cIL~TQ4a.><> ~mp~e mmm Elener es ore or le, atteto FaW9FADVX~~Is'0. -'es il ln t 88 LenW -ARDic - a;,çP tent ctaiîo fi cilyuîaeoe- ak L O 7 A DfO W A I 4....u.l.L.7 lisses ta10. --- . 0--.os i '8N0 ~ 't t- , Fs cf 10 uines, 8e. par "linw L.l. -j Iý.iiR- " ROLL t eebseviet tassfu5-Qurter priel'. - ý ' 1t - Itentains nt t be otaineatjelse>heire ~ ~ " " S ES O S Ai~ oi<e elunacotpan eel ue ~ kttsnt.ttriaéte ' A E S S < L~ m~~~~~~.* t d eci-i.. d o tq ngly. ~ As a aufly Jorupo itIIîe p< 01' liesel aea8rî È Hiý O 'u ýî1l!ba ftaori5oft f h MB ,Lember, adother marks.. i~#U p ost~j>", -iorty--eigit coluntas of matr W 4ith 1,gVÇ' NCÉRT BILLS, ~~ E. M, PqtUs4g~,- - a 6 0 leii eruçsv ON ~ XL > fr ~ ' ' e?- :; - z d - S r i B s p re s e te d - a z N Q T E S 1 O F u n 5 ' AI GODE'wLAJy~'Boo TH~'tWJJTB GAEfIE" Irepublibher of Gody; Lad'a _Pook, thankfui te that public which ha. îbidhumtajhBls !Llapzne for the ia« jtV7i,1tro0&er -4<larger, etlalntan â yÇl Amrica, asnim a r W'~osu ithtltt"t papular authoresa lathisa , RLION IARLAN0 iluda 7 ea. oJ Alan," #"Hidden ,a?, Ms uIýho WinI lurnlah- a story for ~eyonubIer cf ih' ,ad8' iýok for 1863. Ti i î, wn pace the Lady'la oolt in a iitorary p"if f or iew farahed or ayther mlagazine. Mipnlariand, writes for' f0 allirtpublication. Our other favorite writer. wilt aIl cont ne to furajâh artitcles tiiroisgouht the year. T H E Bag i ; d i n t e SWr d &t h -e es TIHE LITERATURE la cf that kinti that cap ho reati aioud la the fapnilv circie, anti tht> ciergy la immense numbers arae ub- seribers for the Book. ta ait original, and wo utd ceaI 25. cents (thte erice -of the BPock) in theenmusic stores; but most of iltai puyyrightect, and coot b. obtaincti except la 0 LJR STEL ESGRAVLOS Ail efforts ta rival ua in Ibis have ceased, and we Dot atanti atone in thia, departmcnt,-giviag, aà we do, many imoie andi infinitliy betici- engravlags than are p ublished in any ollier womk. GODE Y'S IMMENCE DOUBLE SHREET FASHIOK PLAT£. Prom flue It even fudIl ezýih Co1red Ettakion un ead)t plate. oUser fsnegaziaea gire oîiy lire. '9Aii AIIAD OF ANY FASINl IN EU'- ROPE OR AME.RICA. <iodcy's ta the only work in. the world taI *gîv Ihese Immense plates, andti tey are auch as ta ae excitedtheUt wontbor o! publishers and -the public. The publication cf themo plates donI than Pashion-platci o! tht> citistyle, and nothing but or wonderfully large circulation enables,ui k) givo 'thrn Other mîagazine& canuot afford iL. Wa nover epare înoncy whien the public cao ho 'bene- fited. These fashioes nay ho rutieti en. Dresses may ho made, aller thinî, andti he wcarer witi net subjdtic herseit to retieule, a- i e'ch the case if ite vistt- cd laree cities dreqsc(l afier tht> style cf the plates given in saine of our ne catieti fashion magazines. OUIR WOOD ENQILiA mm; cf whieh wo givo Iwjee or three limes au înany as any other magazine are odIeu inistaken for steel- Tht>y are far sîtperior lu any others. lit/in 'f)NJLMS' Buwame of thoin. Rouîcînher that tho Lad,(y'. Book îs the original publicaitien anti thu cheiplest. If -yqo take Godey, yen irnt rie, chier nagieine. Everythiug that i, usefl o r zî,eu-s in a Ceoher magizino givettht-. ni tu whùve'g¶u-eD encugh tu ilt scierailar"go volumet§. fi (iii lçEUE il>, are siîeh nu can lie ft'ctnt)i uhore elit'. Cooking lu ali ia ,variety-Cir-ifetîi<>ry-he Nom-soiy-tc Tilie--the La:i ritry-the 1<itehtn. ltecetîs lptn ali ecliject are t'o u ond i iiithe petîgescf the> Lwey's bock. '>1e eoriginety .st>rtg thi bIsdepai-t- 2ment, anti have' je"uiiar f icilitieoafetr naking il meut perfec Thidepartmour atone l im h tise pric cf the B3ook. LADI'ES' WORI< TABLE, Thtis dapartment comîprises ongravinga antide critions of every article thât a lady' wteaiz. Nu other anagammo neathis tlepartrnsqnt, 400K «»JB ETAB]LISHKNT,; 131100K STIRET, WII IBY. lrj- TheSubseriber beg emi mate tc his friendeànd the*public- that -having purchased the Materi'aloh lateWhiby re&, te Which ho las mradelarge additions, ho is prepared te exectite aIl work with which, he may be favonred, Neatly. Promptly and Cheaply: PLEASE REBILLER AUCTION BILLS,. ATCTION BILLS,- PRINTED PRINTED- PRJNTED AN HOUR, - AT AT AT LIVING RATES, LIVING RATES, LIVING RATES, THE-LOjWEST, THE LOWE$y THE LOWEST AND IN TREF AND IN TIIE AND IN TUE BESi' STYLE. POSTERS, JPOSTERs, «'POSTER, CHEQUJES. CHEQUES, ASSURANCE POLICIES, ASSURANeCE POÉLiCI,, C 2 1 1 1