Whitby Gazette, 5 Nov 1862, p. 1

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r WIgDNESDAY M~MG ftr Lth*a;n d $25, ib f noêýlà üt baid, ~No PAper wlW be disoorffiued, untilAmrran are psd, utess at thé6 option of 'the Publiàhor. EDITOR AND YPoPuWORo. 11, COQ]PURNB, LL. B., Barrister, Attorney- , tLISoliaitor lu Ohancery, Notary Publie An..- 103e la Blgeowsuit ew building, Dandan-Et., WhltbyT. 1 N Q lAI!, Barrilter, and Attorny-at-Law.- ,@.ffee ppsite the. Rogistry Office, Wbitby. T) ýOBEET J. WILSON, BIarritar, Attornoy -at- laeeta-Block, Iirock Stredt, Whltby'. ITRE31ATNE, Bzr.tr County Crown .Attorney, &o., &a., 'Office, over Louco & -PowoIl'A.Store, Brook-St. WVhitby.. c HARLES CRLE. tonystIw oii tor in Cbancery, Conveyancer, &c. Office over thb. iwf,ý 4cle office, Brock Street, Whitby. Alro a braneh offeointhéL1 illiie of Beaverton. 1 T, 1AMSR GREEnWOQD, Attorney-at-Law, 0> . Solloltor in CbancorY, Notary Publiec, Convev - - 5fl00r&., Whttby, 0, W. Rootos Le;irly opprnua the RegiotryOflUç, Brook Stree't.i M1iOWAT & McOLE NNAN, Barritzters, &c. Of- OLJ.lce O±arîo Hall, Corner of Cboreh and Court "Streots, Entranco on Court Street. * OlIvRM OWÀr. JAMES MCCLENN<AN, * d NLE YÏ8, Attorney, Solicitor inl Chancery, &c. Çhureh Street, Toronto. 1 -V17REDK. WHITT, Attorney-at-Law, Convcyan- coar, &o., Kent Straet, Lndsay, Ca. Vicoroia, C -W. * f HALES Il OBINSON. Cerk Sxth .D*,v>,n UCourt. Conty of Ontario.' Co umiýim e r ila B. Conveyancer, Issuer of Mariage Licenses, à.tt -Besverton, C. W.I ý'1 .I C41USON, M. D., Byron Street, Whitby. G~. j'geoni, ond Aermiclielirr. tiliee iser Ile stmgc m- Xresirs. Lowc.s à- Powell, Brm'-k Ster, %Whiihy. JOIIN BAIRDi, M. D., Pbym'iclirs. iurgeon, end AcuhuMain Street, Mairim, 'W gepartlenuiar lteuttgnu pad4) to iigmI)itam'es of Wocauan sd Cltçrea.t CIIE STE R DRA IIE IL. & Co, )iir'in IL1-nItls Le., liroqs tree. Whtbî. B1 ORGE CORW.WK,ÇI, Lgsinher ' Meroisaisl, Car- y.X poter and ti air, (",('giS treet, Whîtlhy. on ci b. e i 0i? , VOL I. lYNDER THE DAISIES. I hava bieen lenrning the leePon cf'1f- SThe sad, sad leoson of laving; And ail of its power for .?leaaure Or Pain Been slo'wlye sadly prOving; And ail that ia loft of the bright, bright dresin. With its thousand brilliant phases, Is a handful of dust ini a coffin hld- A coffin under the daisies. The beantifut. beautiful daisies t The snowy, snowy daisieu! And thus fur aver throughout the woib: Is love a eorrow Proving; Thorm arc many mad, sad thingi il ilfe, But the saddest thing is loving. Lifo oftcn d ivides far ýwider than daath; Circumstaflce the high Wall ralsges f But botter far than two heart8 estrangod hI a lowgrave starred with daisis. Thce eutiful, bontiful daities 1 The snowy, énowy dasios t And soI amn glad thot WC lived ai we did Thruugh th e Sommer of-love t3gethar, And that one of us tircd and lay down to rost Ere the coming of Winter waatber; For the sadnase of love is love growing cold, And 'Lis ana ofits suroit phases, S'> I bless God wlLh a breaking huart For that grave entarred with dasie. The beautiful, bcaotiful dasba .4 -s I '1 *1 r. g' &boerT.u inq, ,zq e,"' nmien'. =&J ~ ! <g ~'~' ' *o0ders td'4 ~~ t ~~b. givenLi uêl. g"Ife" Y c ~, 1f362. WIflTB3Y, C.W.", , îhy voace whisper counfoît and *ppport.: Tlîy )ove shall wrn 'her la partial forgetfal- ne$&, or nerve hàr ta endurance, ' IIctefl in îhy carelesa gles forgel lther *hVa loved thee hast. The worid affers mafiy 9i Pî- tare.; wlîase vivid colons will enlice thy lively tancy : take heed, thon, leasi the-V la absorb tlîy judgment that selfishness ensile, and, a dovolee ta pleasure, thou hast scare tinie or disposiiion tao returu a share' of the jsame gerMle offices that made thy earlier .yeari sol-ite a happy dreain. Be warned in time of thetke seemningly trifling tempta-, lions wbich lare the brightest andi huai fnom a moibe's aide. When she Suffens', b. thon in tain the nurse, pillow' thé aching' head opon ihy bosom, and while busy mnem- ory recailth 1e lime when her arma heldth iy tender faimn in close smbrace, rene.w tbyne- soluins of a boîter future, and keep them while there is yet lime : before th1e car lA closed ta (lie repentant sub»iihat buril (rom the full heart-before the eyelids droop for- ever o'en 1the cysa tbat have met thine su cA in ioving pido-pruve thou art haman. Give back sorme love for the wealîh she Las poureti on îhee. Ibis wm~ ~ 'in ICe titr O wrsojlir~r7 k Corte Spon .1tk VWsisup write. fromQr~ S4~ #~n "Qubée, 1ls the- tery ,'Of Mossrs. Hgliao~n & Chant re, at thb Ap-1ogueë - This 'eîab-:, lishment iladdelé10isE i î9'ý'of- i, luISý - son. Aller bv~~éiwithdslei~1, thruugh a 1 c or' Iy -in -the, it1t, SlTi' naty of Quebec - -- - !teé Havirlg meut witjxaucress5, be weoi tte Eeg- land; visited, tiire thse m&nOilactu"B: Pl- earihen w(Le? ani -forned bis pan-ta stq-ý ply his ilote heafter rom ,'a, pattery he, 'vouiti esltabilsi,- nthe nk*ghIbbrliaod oqie*- bec. He 5eiecteàI the very *pot where the. Frunàch coîtiBrc4 the fina l îMëk4ilà, near- tise rvor o ai C4 ui3en.e Ths rbgsoits he lias chieved dc o e4î t uly tla Quebee,, but la Canad a.. 8oSuch euerprsaing, and ilu- tenprisissg and indutîoua' mou çcarîbt b. 1on much encounage«<by good Canadiana, whoý wibh ta seo am id&r 1tlnaio1a1iîtyý prasper.1 Thents folows $etaited iledcriifon of the manuofacture and iÏ:isvarins bliocOiiWai The '550w . bsnowy daisis81Thse Future Queen of England.. ~ he e'iiol tl httemtva Tue Western 7'ies quolus a leller fhum s la ay fud çan l1e poi, sud mîxed 'vith ~iI~i,~itut~,Sir Johb wrig ho wnmlting fiom Hamn- anotiîer gort olcl wbhiehb tpn burg,samys 'liai lie bas bad an appsmntnity a uof umihelal iudha-- l h-acsi 1 -"'iseatiri g oond dual of Ile future Quecu ai uny is movud b>ateafli The «are foar The Hand of God in thse Desert. Englaud, aud ail Ihat 11e btic la ifavrbe pOî,11 r o UillfWTC r bu "She is amiable, gTracelul, prelty, accom- $24,000 dtollars per ainneM .bila, thé, eà- ~ \ .,im'Vo ion, f il",nriey roCte -4pli-ibed, aud a favoulle ofihose %ho akrsnw P issae046.e .0eav a suîroae lier. Th1e yotîag Prince suwlion fi stealîhi-- ba'1ance fosr net profits. Mn. 1'inbv lv, aenene eiganaouîsced te ever, e lain ant af capia1 , sud ilîcc igu .gi'~ yune i ravl,~vsilsdîriigber. Th11 Piîce afterwaîdq met ber ai 111e bislîop ai Quebea, -baviîmg as4msred lile ex1 ail 105 Llof vx ,'! otgees onIltie de-unI, nev- Dalises ut Cambrid ge's villa, utas anFratik-- cellentt 'ane man6tnttITét, Âli utu in bcisniegasmiigltg nsS. noc aIda foie la, and the impression mde 'as Jeep,ad pratuate Fretlch*CÏliadiin dsî~ ra rny mnosuiis,, balsiiînîy e s sý 1h a iiatid- ut of Ilise psmmcIias waîun, aundnatiska cîsp a tslofebue ie . lasis.Teei eutd$,0 n1wéIBplê c lêV woame disappuititmnent at the Protestant that cathers su ie iue otlo'h x ufle. lle te llilbai ben tuak, udCourts ni Germany, as il was expqcled a ample, biurs camol o lal iI a d a e a d 1 o t ghi Teuui icallia ce m ight have hrown the sausciei mii.u rs druie isI bl iittîlueuceoai Egiaud. ia othe ecale ai the The Its.#pJ4tRIWaYs îrt lsarrigolisecanva. ItsusdOflun Diet <su t1e vexed quesations bettweea the ra'r ls i iiiise sublime soli Dnsat 1eI liisos esewgFmt u-t a Ilie isrî l teus beiteidtIs"e suri Ductiles; bal (tihe royal mauiagus lu inthese vtiauco lievu..r.ciuiss ite ideuîig athelînl-modern days have leis influesceItisais ai aid nu, îliise x'î i> altier living eclaure w0 le otpoiic1tlains9l sbliriht-hos I 1ifuette'e a-es.1-l cuseoplîk agur at avll gu-liaitsympathies, sbôultl stessgtiaen Den-.c ly, la eîr ana Y* 'vti, h tiasV c m a nompraà-ui , rrwoaîiuec,'r ibeiiat n 2.i-L ~ el ft ci n band. a Undtetsklng la ajtIils Bronches. LE X. PRINUý(LEMochant Tailttu, BSw*c--L1, --z I4-~5 tF asbîaus, tigird wm'k rarrtd. AViliMATITESONTailimu. Duînlg I ti-ct, JWbtby Ga-tient iisileop tmg orler lun111e (It'hceî Ctegîrgcd andci tcjiirl. i Bauk tifMutrl Ji. sr',W ii.I- A . .MACPHIERSON, 19-cm- f M sr;g j.censes,&le.1>ond3igrSt. Whtimy, <% W7 1. WI J. K EITIiIl ltr rt 'sc n miy Sric,î--g V. ileraier o£ tise 5 gm 'vggîryCmi-*' -. natiro Iii MIorteP g c m" *,'- t, e XU iî.îtti Pranl,. ' c.; n.ogruof i" Fitt 1i ce fEr -im ri I 0eottl *- i, g1Ain lge hntou e. (s'adtisim¶c t1mm , l'A. W". K. ~'; tgr inrirstýc th.st l'-0l112- onnmetmctsd te prziter l at liàfe i>,o '-5 u mi- ,y, r-41 ail ce"-cs e ý' ta- 15ip cghis-"re ill it'ive sei-e, a bt irmrn eI g imslt-;titienit, cuiliait -i uiri.ec',ta-,,eq. l g egco m4I t)Prmfcs-- 8sourit Atmiflt-A ErLI, . V'aersr-vt.l--su rcon o thesA A )recLualti-rs o:'tyUi 1ipe r('aiadg, Tmi-n- -o ,o G. WytîsesqBÉ. Vîgnt t ,r'cma, ilariil- a-a AUl a1 ,gs I i.; Ir . 3Lggk's Ation ffotI.or WLlî I,- . (lisrre l>,-,rt. h.l. ' se-- COUNTY OFFICIALS. rACHElUS BtIRflAM. Judga of tho Coupty -su Sarogte oi'ts.Office, at Lbe Court NELSON G. RE YNOLDS, Sheriff. Office, a1 tIse Court Houtas. WT-UITiJ, 'Warden. Addreesa-Uxbnidge P.O. W - PAXTON, 3i'., Treasurer. Office-ut the Court moie s . te 1 i aimysîrif ipua ithe sand sad 'von- m shippol hum. TLmýe sirideu chane la thse o colorttg <(i 111t-lanitscftpri01aniiis rppuarance to --tire lgiir~uptof !lie dili!sandi'tata a varu, galicit hue, airt1 the iimrîiir2s of pur- pie auJ iilrl os the ditlawtt puîpibyry tuille -'tas a *nomginsrac e, or h selst niee hiw111Iii 'O'vie. Thee h îes aititis î-ulrltg' iniaie lIc d eseil beusuiful ; h 'vas t 100 br-ti llii i for iesoldi bn. Tire sCe:ery, ýi far frpm lsprtzin-'z, rmplied and imvig- l, moîrarî lirt. I never feir the seis-orton ai P pli>sicat iireith artI slnerti la inssch per- p lteiiii, and \vas ead v ra Sholt r un momrra- 66 ilgi:1 iili it th re (j verfliiwoai tappy apir- j3 ii!ý. Tire air le ar itýx luaofI-ut-, ait4sweeî, A arnd pu i r', i an gfie-1 ii ia lawhiciithe1, fli mu hma ricIlîs'm-n tirh1e moriirg af erea- ri liona. Yiu il itiiiie tilt- tiniatliistenatird eiem- ci etis tif t1ise atraaapiire, for isere are au es- l stlatiirs irim imoisi eaitii, vegetable mat- fi ter, tirs sae or steam orbichisile from theb aboades aiof u, anstalsiti 4pîsity. TlI-steair. even rîsore thlauit ils silence and Soliîtde, is tibis secget i isue's airgîehment. Il i a beau- tiuai illucinations nf the comapensmtia'g cane af that Prov- idence which leavea sne aio the eaiîh wiiiotil anme atarseiag !l(STY. Where ail lte pleasatit asupectsai nature are w-sut- in!!-twiieir' Ihutre lisirueerr Iitirg, nu toisai for the ;irineli p, scmacely ise shadow of a nrock ta sîiel thtie u'andýr'er -in te bîazing -u rt odlias breathd upais the vitrier- nesbims s'eelest anmd tuaderest bresslh, giv- V. -. IIA , Cierk oai Lhe County Cort, and Re- nto he ysing ate s .gittia' n the Surragate Count. Office-Brook SreetWhttby.i Intime. andI ite inuitjayoos exisiluranions la i he siit lis" Z JIPERRY, Rogftr'ar. Offwie-on Broclr-St. _______________________A Mol.hcr's Love. J OIIISI SIER, Bngineer- Office-at tise Court - Hou e.-- ----- Thnk-îis ii l oo l IIst h n e e ' 0-,X iD eLiL, ClerIr of t sa ea fce - asipesrsa ~c~el0e-, Jl.at-te Court'Hanse. i vereai landis su bain as tIboseetntirtdby TRî AYNE, Crows t P1e-006-7- lts? wiiersresjlps mslnrose 1 - - lenpest ikp heu whieper#ed ciilish , W'-' IMMI 11 ;g agonizediby lever,, Ihe fjglp 90 ~ WII~$Y.,>'~Isja Hosso js xaant inluconvulsive efforitfpr rJ~,ii oi, 01M.Y'?V bingliraw, otpr»pare 111e eolinig diaýughît oNTÂUO HOTEL, 1,tgmtAgtsif bl»ISi-u pioWllhry e e-rene oý~9I( - RGJ ~REzI&7», y~' ~~î~o mieP s;I91Rkl -i iLpXqisg ~ Carniartablf agPofiîi;,)sst4go¶;Ql4 .ç,n4J§rscP 4pbaIV ~jea,~'p""'7 xearntkodtix dYi in mal~*q~i' ll'.Ap.,alTlO muug IA - >s'Irtry hepwl r I4L pjrity 11105suIm iSlae ,1 eît utnvI >1 as. ns >' go0'i ý5i:'t -4 pwà yï-'5n q5Jýs t41 g i~ ~I_11,<~#b ~-r ~ jgh-'arMeg 9 0 ha> Cl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ î >, . iima ha& 5l1 lvf nîa c ,j'11J Apiculture in* Catada West.Y" g ii. Ine"'Ôôt dôcommunantiôil tow.pa ssii'g '777117 tlà, hraagb M oa gom ery, h c 'h eben cf0 i iÉtie 'ior s .ind.r o tliv 4io i:ii U pp#r <Ç k l- a dbn Iî t >î e p op ê ct th' e s tir e , adit 1s, airzn e o t3,702,988 ; in 1860)Sat Càîao, Oct ~Te Stamr sc Coiorado&' t,8aS1,o644p~rc~t. he ambr * éd intôby the rebels ai;iSatarday aI 1î4tin~ppr anaa almorningi t ii'ty milesilbleIoli Memphis) and 131,983in 1860, and 99,906nl851-1> in 01WanWiouztded. The e vnngtlie ~~ed2Pet q4t Tiq w.aaf. consider- sîa)r"ldao"wai attaked .y a, ~4~ lu tan he~ cnînooftle 1c~e~butnd of rebeis.,ble ieading coilton, 25 ~r~he Whae pp~sa~inw1i~i WU 4j.miles below temhýi,, gand two 'pmnons a gn~uaz:i~umsanc tatîéiim'kgtitiam3 sv-en wuunded. The rebels -îben4 L>. a ver iua 1ndhl~s,~el~ise4fired the bàlbi fl arne# weîe' extin- ~pp~derblybeteen1551 an4 g1; I 'luhôî,ba1w L1i~tétier~ang41oîewer 12;17 ooaper~ esape*4" The tëbefsi'oýt1tnîîe ta ihore * ère 0P~ , 99 of tbilit ate. ,The > niabe bldbetee 2 ad'6 ~re ~'~ Il is said îh.Lt 1'nicç haî beçn reinlomced- I%143 in 1861, and 26,630 lu 1860; the, nnnbe.wh hId- ~ a 10 cre i. ecently'-by 15>000 'rxans and mbreê were dteîaaud tram 47,427 ta 64,819; te numbe .r , Aî L 6ùfi Oct. 2I.-ýDs4a Ihes received who eld(ra AOOla 00 ure. inreaed Heati-quarters from' Helena, Aslransas, frm 47 515 ta 48,386; and 1îh o nauher wha b jh.e 17.îh i tetreport ail quiet, ant befr- h~!dabt~e 20 ards nc,î&sefrom ~ 1iicaionseax~ copleted., The eb, 'é~ÔQ.the whale af the lande hed in Genenal Hoîrna had sent ta deneral Carr,' (Ipper Caau were l3,354,P07 acres it nen a flagoaItruce,a cormmnicain fas- 1860, ogainst'9,825,915 in 1851-an in.crease ly astnming that the U. S.« Geve.nmen, r ,of3,520,992ac«es. ý From ibýeàe figures il ils Geaeal, ad engsged in arming' negnoes wiIbe absbred'!tthî Ui o ak f britighlgin Ark nsasj, .taw hieh corse G nt. Holmes land under cltivaîion went an in Ue enteed anr:emphalic prolesr. IGent Cari Canaa l a ach orerapd rai& bm rmply reponçied, telling him that neither iven the incrase ai populatio, the propor- the gaverment nar ils agents had armed ion beig~as 63 à ta 4 61- tti, natur l, mIen- ne roes ;on the conîrary the Feder al tiaup s sucefro ths bîngtha Uper atada is a hadbeen employed in disanîninc hene more decidedly agricultunal cury nov, in gnous, ahtilles>O mpoyed *éra attacked proportion te ils pôpu-lation, thon il 'vas teis audt a portion aI then captared by Geerillas. years mgo. f 111e6,051,519 acres nder Gent Cari addsa-" 4Wiate7er mas be the cultilvalio in Uppr Canada 4,101, 902 w'veuplicy of my comîuanding oflicerad the nder crop; 1,850,040 nder pastune, anl Governmet, 1 slîalI cbeenlnlly follw il ot.1 88,869l" godens ard orchards. 01 cu l- The fi endis of Gen. 1'recrnont 1ai nig hl veled lande, îlerelore, tri Ulipçer Canadaý, wekomed - bis: ietnrîîIta Iis cil y ~a the avrsgep p po ît iba un e ap 'Vos 6i x grand'senanade ; toîn ý40 W - io 5M M ' eepIe per ceiq îîdit'ha i l àt uor 301 pur cé t. wer« pre m Wdthé receptio o s ia evry. -lu 1851 11e-pôportion wa-s61j er ent a - çepetcord ial and eatliasisîioï lu nîespo -; de 'sop, a nd 361 per cen t i ît III . --te e l peatd cal 11 ençra1' m a0e a few «1ob~ " - - h remarks. referring là bis formernieitlthil; - i i d ', th at rin~~i c ip e o ee f i -~ " Unied i~c ' 1 ai lu beepesent â<t ibô triâT 'of 'î' ,. - ~ gg his fdglftrd M i*.éôldieti G nairâl Mc-ý saut1-e 1 iqaW .bSaou C.lACEr T~autr.osopuiit's STC i«j iudden1Ily inÇhis' ae!at' in, pnesetitalives, atnd sefearnê have discovex'od îb.- pbiioi ,s-Yas aaqougo' t may ual ii'NdesLany w a', wôrfr d$U of buildings coveri4 ' a* i~?t in length-and 190 lfut 'iev eribills ia Rome.; The sitewae on" theb gardun uf tise banbarons,Netf. > -t hadbeen stdded ta by~~ other,untal it is aowc if -bite5: ciou nad paintiný, statules, bpoksi, aanicpilt th1e raneat kind." T;"if ÏÎpolliütia-bin j.5emaa literally! Inue. , A ,jit1legil'WrYti1~ when 'vater, W LS. CanrCe'sayp se emuchi nain as .11e copldp, ami sold, il toa aàr wom an for a cent a buckel, and in this way 'clemned neanly five doI$é;,ý Ian tise'mise_10,il- - ary Socieily. Weeh si4 î îsglVito u Secnetary ai tse soeieîy, ~eetinwl ta tel lier nane., ,where 111e nmaey cash. om", 1M 'iCali ilthen4' repîied thse lijîe __ from IleavenV - çays di "A fema ecpntes*liondmnit Fea4s U an intere in'týlà7 Ô1 pioetly, an. 1 "umt~s uk le ýpablîsb l-it. 1The uîmôfÏss1càiied'b-igt; the starsare fiaitered, A 1lie ... mR 1 . pelgton ofai ameek-eyed Io trseeg tore foi -a fl)>s, raf euhs?, y _#4 &ô:- ipôre le« u't1 s tr cvtlu a iu qhtne an wni he'Éuppitor iin Wy Ç - Ovr, 6Q( Ygpnkeo pisnens.- ariti .in gaie fnam î lb. *ièft v mn p esd ni'vn b ipsata'fii d idspasiioiaîî e vincedtu lasuspend adverse --IpPr r 'ovinilgovernmen,tnact --- --- '-- huinsitantiaitby haidattiweghtjahgeu Rchonfnm eseray Tey'vib hedeegie tamtb Lwe Pavn-TbRigyeîlirovien- a Thecoo» t Pmusiaiîxhe htilain mai v Ccuiainn anMaconiloi acGmal.ba647 he Soit, Marty have ces in 1heofý«oliatiOVs witlîibe yropod la- anr ives. Accorîii>g taIothoin quaIityj, îhey b Iscire jParlanint. Tise snbject mitaI b. .1YaaLi. 4 log conadcrd fom uveal oins a viw, ~die au111 wa. Tteywjl bu~eut.orh ieiculoial RailIway.. Mu Howland, Who il e ad ar ithy npjy theni or., licy oataiy - sony ta aflout- tIse ac- saeauron th- ' 51>V Iio -beuig.et h bae ror isqNoer AmaIrish varis fibosvglur Ct o - e>- 'is anetat acesin hai be cs-l ThveEmiWéAne f thon porbation I vebscpcyo iaice îhem - -but-Wil -anboufycu r euuth. 111te Osianw,1aeiltai deosîaei yte isu e d ,ysbih îhe tom nte ueiget. h e e n ota nyWeîl- C-fOaeýwliM.ii(l9ih a actions aorarded laelieueeî latîeoap-i- seta is trilfa r'iu vr'nhsni 0i - ' hirl fr vugacetra maeteL1aes eso y~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~te weebi. 1ecta-oia 1esahu el ie ec aï,tacce isasis tné>psitial11e upcugratiossaneof th înerelîSata bshsluclo si exu e I m ot a th e u. cntrut vion ai hW atrtleies reýn té Te a 'andti.n Fîom - sud hppie'bes, ai a n es a daywcwase u i e sa e thr a r ts h e ni tq n airi y n ic a n v rp is%'r a ia a e d r t a i b i e -n c a m d o i n ' n 'î d t s nt e s c o n î q o e isi ens o iîivesiat)hTse e iutbliyo r- a BiiHome unth metitic an.Proincte', a es én observer ihuru le a great sweerrdm ib ts eaasuvn it ho or" be i3 ostheiî harav nd1 bindmeanta b tcorenati uai ply nidtco hroufcsuti hsiitrs- i baxt"nvîg t iilma t oed euiaJ mee- ,thiliress Iap yrmil t. tae îng intoianaucer T on i hese on la ei b s ai ber- p who,,o.te re wdan tlaieflartewta m me tioespc lailan evryramnnugebmenitspn anda slyorateîî aseheîfe., dar - m-olb-and q e ryling ti' 0d pid, oidIn ie es id -ocead Ilaiie bytie nme i "aitaî. ls tse poi 'vnlî ba..redbos E .at sssosg . avetIl j dUdiu,,eJi tIaI XTt mav, heeve snmniheris 1le ijit 'i .ja'a'a S on a i i ant e s ,t 1 1 1 8 nj u a t a ' exil r o w n b y a i îa r a a g h a u r o ut t t o n a tr u c t io n l- g l nyoa p e c t -b>tO i ey1 , , a n d -h aa b ô ura nn 1 - & y e l 8 t M - O f Luis g he ir-;an mâ, neessry topA'- l[ e facjiuapiate irus e rnes "c en nbu a," t henav forvm clation omion-obe e - ernset. o- idTIse sye "lll' qWei4b tided fiBirhitshbe-e gisnaybiyos I e'vsalaeShl ; ur <attemoe miniyng 11 îbîic'paiy aaymynllcu~nslt-ai -àluonddlise fas 'îi'on wi tr o-&laihavemi easoase ous - y ciPAJ~!TCHat maîîy G Rîcis m 7oula. !GýC tbtil (Scie aisIayttis. Tnaspbave diei onsth British North Avý,iityeri'a-sîue usecomrtadna triiez-~ dlEtetîtü licesimu) crtons, aîîdahereal-del futur- erbiy, ta tieggreat injry oÇ lise 1lenre leiaiusg ÀrPÀfnican ktn Buetaisad nl ooe u i - tîcutrm Iî>îanithn al oèh a is ---aisl:çr i~s nise-t~ ithU vi be eoit' cuhvaîe-i'ostaf juikrws ant tIs yoa, asRallai i tis abîga~a;9~ pe&tittIAl-t~ conuptçnAf1116 Wiil y-it-Tseueisa>ieti'bui &îssgbtseofsIan 1jP < Tber eli teatf, 1. cantutdrpi-i4g-e- o Vilatim ý andhPa 1prurd riameliîtuanledsyausion Iisveôluë vo 5t>', W o Pab r______ 4 abial__ing-hsewhiofave th abslnlppng poco rtv'I e asionsa eeuity laabea0msdW 9- ls 1 i - l kon leîl ae en n mi la1hre p1. .5<, f~aia toreelagresipoifiliutl' e tUOLa sopens O do iln 9 o1 !Y5P i a-, imays;-- i - -" -"'lI MOur,, t nt Nehork us usé, exche,în vè'itf er lb. _ tscovred tsaI. 11e unelY. be ii xha s t n h e vt he ese Mu- va-i. sle mpte d Iied~l ef Balthtfid g m'- aI. l , en* l, ctmea ii 1 Ilsofs -, gib t k ,iOt 0 b jsJ.pèd tnga1ià pling le1f e y thll~lie aufaa ,ifi 'n eThonagan, i, bas ts 'on é - Çarqfltîtié>e a: IivkIs-I5UOlt ho. erîho Nhrh 'Weoidqesrs'or mus 1'- il ademoPnli arîdj trptqttOgtsfi1t viîfè bCIWO au a *-h~ i ~~ iorl6fg btit" 1Diirbg peeottLfltsnnaii iefaàqeirflcIt Maieelmiliro e 4ù P meSO ina boi . 1 O UIe Cna a ncau yî s,-es -aeas. ? tie- J1î 4;î 0 le DUle ut idaait rd tîrn VraIàhhof hWlil'. ;ii labourer May gfet- imun Souil and est l e g ê s vl ,ko n y thoghOr NUlert« .godn ir4c -bloeyq. - r tip - Il îsnwse ,a y 1 l-»pýQ ertmet.iTte wty -'bs!mï li,,ovi ima--3 ûej 49lee - g - %ia mel I - 1 »Mammmomm 1 .---i 1 -«--

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