Whitby Freeman (Whitby, ON: J. S. Sprowle, 1850), 27 Mar 1850, p. 2

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V. cf enr ga- fie 1C. i-p this last point, we bc--, ailudeti lieve tisa Canadasm are prepased toilneot WhitbY theis aif-way, becanse,ý,dmitting Su- g ri gar free will at once coriW tnodp that f tien orflttoneiment principies. Tino r. 1ald- revenue of £80,O0 per annaim, fur- toico o! nisbé4d by tise- Sugax iniporteras will, Whýitby wison aMxidaned, he o semach gainoti e wned l ble indui4ri»l clases.a&nd aCabinet> -""whsa me"are.i,Y ,diminised by £80, .p11f1ed 000, mustaerienly think of 1Retren'ci- bacrtion ing. Tise Blgar question pnay this meupos- becerne a bitter one for lafontaino &CO. cander -feor if they declin e an Ànseuictia Re- oto.ciprocsty Bill be&unso Iicineldés Amer- ,ete euSigar, the peeof Canada. will IL it lasînderstand tisaI Messrs.' Làfçntabne k dak" &Co. are oppoaed te Relres'cinment; le, r. and the odin)m of 'rejecting i-a etsëïro his cInt- ofanatiosnal advontago, te serve solfias bh fron purposes, wili tender their unpoptlariy y bave at once a. warning'anda repronamis-' of afewGOENOS ilS ts. ELECTIVE GVROS eut fbith ,--The sIudieusaàvid"Ce o ly Lord Join midiunn Rnnaei cf aallusion ta tise qu estion, y of ai, mach de>nted la tSi. Provîneo, whether las Gev. we ssal -fha aot-eojcir tisefteedonsu elligent cf aelecling ammd nominating our Gev- maitive erorer,-wau evidently tise resaIt cf calcu- ieir just lation. We have diacôvereti la luis acOd-e±- Cclony, after an experleace memorabie )t. Thep for tise contrasta wlich- each successive the pani- importatiphs cf .ovenAôrs 'presented,. ý ,i»4ivi- that thiy lantd on car eh oreaiprefoundly .e Stantd, ignorant of car peolo1 mmd constralned: Ln n ver: ytier Fnea îty .oeia k into indif- egreo bferonstè, or snîrreu " ertheir auîhority le .andisis a. clique. Te ha e aiternately been styg.aigmatise& as tyrents, or scorneed as aý Of tises traitors, "d tise >reseut inepsinhont of samtea tse'e eeIna.aqt4re fr himself the rl:tead'Of unenviablç, pognmoP of tino Vindictive ny pove trnnig.Lor4 -Joihn inti.pates thgtt it ninder- w!0 may assigin teiooffice whatever *whicksa1M ywë ay deai jut- t, blihosay fielbe ba net -ena word about tiseiigiser righit wia now wVi1chmwë*demaad , and lho leaves as te lmanitY, guipe lanlise dark apon lise question cf debaseti eleclivo Gevern'or. Tl migist have n public. hoon >impbolititu fo'r hePeemtr, ameai- e adviée bey ot ine DaIQl 1iouâe oe!Bedford, tc luis brie!11tis te aristocraey tisat Canada isad ho- ,st indus- coume resîlesia undet tise present syslem, front off thisahie hati ceaset to value tise honoy cf renevating Une diapidated (oStunes to e "ovil cf iumoveihedPeefl. YeI sucs, plain- tank welI Iy speaking, ire tise sentiments cf this ci deepiy comn1JiitYe"4.1 ,e beieve Earl Elgin 's eë pee pproverbâlal ersîmety h1U givea an edge ýy emmge. te public opinioa, andi provoked ssen. 6 (orbear monta anti concilsionls noiSher flatter. a iîra ai- iug te hispriae, flot favourable totes Ibe'a po- *perpetualica cf Iniperial patronage, wator on Tino policy ef iatrodncing tina Eleclive 1 w.- are principlo itito botis branches ef tise T4e e Globe, gisiture, aàd noninating tise Governoi ar,"g doei by thse Crown, Wl feeble coccption sly. Bet- fiundeti upmeory iinsunmient acqîuain mts of youu profes- Q'eoge ; the synt- sstxvng to obtain n htbèobtainuiM on- MSa .te# Consenct ta liAdt Bugar blad c- lk. NAaigation of sa thtoua " a [t. tCarnron î'ron 'ë Jsa~d proceeded te efrKB.eciprecity, ut previcans stock of la lntse«ting queé- re, siroagh our cor- àp ýabmffinj que0h05_ auce vitkstino people. Ia tise Unitedi Slaloestise, lected Presideat May veto a Bille but ho does se knowing ltaI hii sonnîre cf offie Sam ut four yçgrs dnj- iate ,înie,Cmqnlt<l a Groyemric, ni- med by tise (Irown, wore te veto a Bil pussetiby amiajority of bath Honses, lho wculid perd tise cennectioni ; te almtain fron tise vôto 'wcuid ha veiuntary ah- segalien of'his aullneity; in tlunea instance ha wouldbo a msisance,in thne other a nnentity. Wisereaa, were Our Governer -electe by tise people, ha oigSt, witls mmpsnity, exorcise bis pri- vitegeas béing aecastituled jguardian, éeovatedtt offlce fer a liasited perieti, and iIf ho deviated frean bis piedgea, or disregarded thse conditions îttnscied ta hùq electnoin, tise remedy -wotuld' reposa lu thnahaimds of thn e e.-JtoatreaL Courer e. DIVISION 0F TUE DISTRICT. It is 1re4steted tisaIai tino.. whso JtiÃ"d papers.with signatures fur Poli- tioninmg foiWDivision of lnp istuse-t, to bî laid belote thse Reue of Amens- 14- at Its riant Swàm, will £lnewasd Qepmme o thie OMoe of Petex PPony, Fa1.e M. P, raï Whltby. in Gier Sisa 'dyiyb. smdere4 frpreeat- isend,)-NY drwho dd i ale tisein, fln't UinleAiey are maceh geoel-- But1 jnst gt-your Brigade 0rganize , gnd send tisem te tme, and i peut bildthutn one tliat wiii o ethier eyes sparkle! H 1. SPENCER. Wisitby, Matcis 25, 11850. -ED'a. Ner£-Weý regret that eut correspondeat, "Phoenix" .waei incor- re9t ihis statemlëtt speclîngtis enos- gino, alluded to g r penocet, by whosa we underatanti it was built. Theo iron work,.havîng been dbne ut Mr. Rnyls, weggth ie cause cf "Phonix'" mis-statement But ivitin al due peril' fer Mr. Spencet's phliantrapii sprinit, Ve t1inýctisaI aitha' tise eigine ia _ question would net manke Ileyessparkie,' stili it waa not tobe 1 ula.ket at,' un4Ier the existis'g circums.tance. To the Ecitor of thceeanaau. Ma EDrroai- SThe Globe cf last.Soturday with its claraçterit>tic disingenuouneses, at- lemta eprate mpon ts uiblt ef tise good people eft tiis Province, in a. agnner caleuiaté4 te ianpress the cnnnd witi tise idea thal ils sapieot edi- tor isas more tinan an ordinairy share cf awurnne.; inasmuneisas ho supposes' thathis readers cannot detormine be- tween tise"Il clap-trap"I which hobcpita ,fertis, witk tise evidqnl design cf sup- 1perting a sinkissg oLtiMe, gnd tise plain ýsimple fat tiaýtbçhelocal enpen:saof tise State ofNew York, 1benr ne cempa. tison wilh thse local exÃŽ pes-sa- of .Cà na- dq. Wisat,la tise naine cf consistesOy, is)s the ahare that New Vorkbears lu rtise affaira of tise (feral governneat, ,te do witi tise fisoltisat the Goverunci c, f Canada buas a salar'y EsoînT TIMES as Llargo as that cf the Governor cf Now rYerk. Tinat aIl theo officors cf the gev- ;ernmnent isg Canada have salaries on an taverage tlsree limes a lareoas curies- )pcnding offilcers la New York. Now rwisatever New Yor'k s'ay hav e te pay '(and ocne cent la nover taken out of the .State Treasury foi that purposo,) te- 3wards tho expenscp cf tise federal guv orrnaient, dues not mititate tI ail against tine poition whicis Canada hanov 9taken. T isler local expeases and - adaries are -muach toc, large; and 'th SMinistry, no nnattow isow popular thoy 3may be, oati survive a gainerai electici ein this Province, witiseut a pietigo tino -those salaries and expenieas salhoee 1- duced at lest tol a level wilh tino ex- a expenises cf corre-spcsnding officers qind depiarts'lntp in tise Stateof New Venu. e CANDOUR. - Witty, artcis 26, 1850, rt er thue Reeauan. TUE C14ÂASSIÇis. la lise Globe cf the 121h ins., 1' pet- celte an lartlle eptitled 4"Curriculum Latinumn, Ilreeeçmmesding tlis lsdy of Ciassis in tise fotlowiun airin.-" It1 is no0W generally ackaowiedged Illat tise study cf tise ancient Classiesu of Greeco anq RInem, la esseatialto teis fil developemIellt cf thse minti--to tise1 formnation et correct lasto, andt latise attainnient cf rigint vievs cf tise cou- nectien tisat exisas betweesn hingusage anti tisugit. Itis la1ar ilbat witisoutt saine aoqnaiutance wilu these langua- gos, il is iniqosibl.e tse have a thorougis knowledga of tise Englib lasiguageý inee. senman y efits words are Iraceabie te tiese sources.", Now wlsat çrect thase cas 5e dedupedt t validate tisese asserions, Lamt w)aioly aI a loua to dis- cover. Tinat the asindicainnet heaume sw e fjned; t5îst itpanat transcendth ie regimm ofethUnugist so uncontraiaediy; <t bts epinicama andi reasoniîngs canneI b. regurdetias saccredibte- when uin- itiateuia 5e lsia.as if -it were, nausa, 1 opine; bh o snideredbeer thising indilddual 4p abwnrd i the extroine. If tise Globe culi onny show -et l-h-iuy Classica, I 't suightnsot bc nore profitatblY employed GnverO5hièflCzar*'IV ~ ini prosçcUtiflg 5ciOftificattaiimOftsnemI tuaI , fljoiÇDý se Czart -orif the minda f leV nY1 f5O RgtO't 'îs ù,saie h DatelîT ôf the deitd îangttagesa could o Loos'Tnonlitsas, " y o tIitiserna T 0 Losamndof Rblte t f Olt6IOsp tuemore flily deveiopç¶l tisas'that of Lox t h 11-on 1i .a - ~îj', ado bitS eljiS ERerscliel, Fttuki~, or. Henry, iînL d ahitsoltowat0 ethol- L1 ~tatmentmi~h, apeat otoprobable, tends ta e mploY..for-rt. julssnportoef umber W, u1OhIih iiay Biateen iti , ndebOact t4tUemlaiiS l rder tbiat-tbe allies 0f Jtve li %,orfln.jbp majrsy otPofssea.la the a , ,'11to 0oli5id<Ir of Snipior tyle pdfor cuish -rip- drt- Otha unay h vielh ulr ntlfrcs-o atithflgiflsitnofti eats-wstmnasmyh esary for theri rVd credit. me ,nr>l>ý'.IBcjr t].nt,are opt t ,titalltd n "e a watntethe judepçlidOflce bie , liendau ie] pfItl o fuiiaivdlttl. ai, ~ewve nare ta adop uI tùin ittiles anflt5 bgh7sOh]iSýofihat mona 5ul.n..n spetple. salqtc>iOther (!iiltîealiplpiUe thntis tdn 0 leges afd içi pprncpa -TnLondoni uajzctte saYs îhlit a ta typhfCritOM*in 1 T W'J1 ilhV. thansdy botabus aVter ù s'çj a i Ipit fl.gs- 1 - frb passed throtngn mil- ji'tnand1 Tri lutgdocteO ,andi nn t latoref hatiol u e o nth 5i it;wth orders'te dei. t1PlN~I îL IRAY. well, kow thatinore hte doose th1stilitiesNA SiWilliata Parker tee5 Tý- spesit ~~Vltitbya a7jeu.~ . 21 timie isas by stude itg, perig atGrec. e G;roek-aud Lati n -Authours,-a d Iliat agalt Geee their'..Tsttors labour maucîn iarer"-d-11- àH FRNI lhN. enb -gto'te master the dimfcailties lier MaU1jsty blas as-£yr".da Coui thy reesl,îhanil thé,oether bran- eo clh fIoilglhra e'ir(l dTaos C nenfitr bi y. a chea c tereseucatiel aentogetheër. for theo disè6eOcf Sir John Frannkliitl»dCe P dgFC' ,Sdy But, ofth ir efoafior ttas eirns m-VZ 2, eaoeu-e ne iiI~ WelIIngtOn Bye Water, cutsthey crone foru theu ti81m cf jaii.relieve tino cretvs cf tiho sinipa fa; baiedn kp n d, for mae lsy h. thoso upen îhonnithe belteriflg tho coin- £000fcts eivfg rinom~poe ln e tiaoU7 Sr2d ditos'et nanird, lneldala ô reat tien that Day lcal, te the rlief of asny - Ono dse v. d.7-M aigreepnd te subjeets uinîest for- cf tihe crewSs'd£000t yoneCALSLAK &Odgre te tîerneqtirelfleuts subjects vlup shatl first auccecd iq ascertPtilliiIgN. n.-.scores of living wilnaiei-cn le pro.ll fplete-. ei jic nevesityof whç Wedi t ofhe Villae lai whieh cannet beir a cemperîsoîn %vith their dueed testit of ti%"sa &a h e aum- MANUFACTU1 N DISTRICTS. Balsaon in nsia»rondfor » i$r 8 priwIla the scieîncCès aind genorai literature, andNAl -Uiîg A CiiwpR tsatntic'Breasts, ScaId, Heasi,. stiijetaeLmrestiericiai value te Acceuntsfritnonatfnt - djI.a,&c&. ts jreaofiug.orterand'areuô- of districts are 110,bsaîisfinctery, and rnany cIark's BreaYttt, Vhitby Village, publie life, is for hoyenal My eomprchein- of thne'il s anietrad tnr 7hJnay 80 t sien, pincs are woriug shnort tinie, and AO~P Thse idea 1maI vie canuel fuilly unsder- QOffle steppcd ateguethler.- stand the Enîglîsh lalgtnage, bccanao il îy-îtsii ia E " DO-JSC.LJ Rbegs te ac- l any"rcal"te the Latin DREADLUL CALAMIY-' i lssilta qa'in'i»lis Friendsanad theo Pubiie tIlelemut lufe lias recems'ncdBseaa tangue, withentt oseJly attendin g te thxesl0.ftîe Ialeliolotiii ia L.atin Ciasaica for six or seven years,is eis s1 y aflùtod eue or xe-lais O ldortandBookSt fPtjcree t o aoi 1prepesterotin. For, aicro i wu tu li"Pe eriebenc pOci e nc s n s D ow p1ittdt aôu a il dcprvly tisefcase, the seore skilicdnin menils l inoelatest style cf fnuhion; .Ltatîanfi Gecewudhv ioge-ded lmti n u ffers inilia glass imentusmi opfinc 'adreeesat 1 LtinandGrekwoud avetheg ft- rwln-skey, 11F CANNO' SaY c"ne"0tuit. im1revenîonts in tihe art of. Cuttiogi, - 1ter cennmand over lauguage, s'nd, as< 'uakeau secttre te his Cusluasners eleggisc and coaduçrt. ,tise Globea says, correct reasoniîng; yotCTTNdoc we kuow it is net se, fir oint cf every Wbt)i t b m 11lat ket. - oY Enropeeîn oasd .qtr.ican Faaipui ffifty cf tinese wlno pro1èsea themseives I» erularly received. 1 Classical teacîners, net meroe tîan oeieor M ' n. 2 .,185. )ILUGII FRASER. -at leost tave poess more tIso rdins'ry1 Wheat, per bustiel ---------9 a 4 t> Whlitby Village, lI Jaun.,. 1850. Onts13 aO( -0______0__ 3Oratorical talents. iBut, PMr. Editer,I Peas- -- --------.19 a 2 Grneee- -------6 3 âaOO Pulic Boliuses -wosnld net preteînd te infer frein thie, Finir -- ------ - - 20 0 a 0 0 P 1thal Ciassics are useiess and unworthy Park- ------------176 a 2) 0AN ofattention: net aI aIl; for, te do so, Lnudl- - ---------- 0 )5 weldh gvtn nteacotea asu-Cheese - - - -----------a Ca» be suppied with a first rate asticle et .- wul b gviiguternc t a asu- tatoes- - - ----------- a 0 0 8 dity eqtîai te thal of the Globe. MVliat, Tiralps ------------ 7 a 0 0 o tru ,.h wee, otl ifrs ta dee g* - - - - - - 0 5 a 0Oci)on Melndt:ue ermn, for CASH, ut 1are tinsgs of ssr more valsic nd i naruin- alPei1At --- 2>Qa70 W'hitby Village, Joa., 7, j8OQ,- sinould lbe individedly dirccted ; and lbshA heI Aseil that a kniweidge ot Latiun aindt Lreek MueI1wuI~hf~W shotld lbe lefI for tine aîtainmcsnt cf ~ zl after years. Yotnrs ê&e., A STUDENT. SIGY O F THE IlBEE-IIIVE." *Wiity, 'March 23, 1850. - ------ - - - - - TIIOMN-AS I3ESCOBY, AsENT, ARTUVAL -0F TIIE I aow prepared te pay the Ilighnest STEI)M-HIP NIAOARAév Prîco in CASH and TWADE, for asîy qnantiiy cf TALLOW, LARD, Tino steamer 'Niagnr a, bas arrivcd, SOAP GREASE, asnd ASIlES 1 ! I and irings, dates froun Livérpùol te o ounse-Keeper>, aijledo chI te save Stis mat.tinir 4jiuo?. Tegins ilI regtuiarly eail siad glve Trade fortîîerp wicn ttinîenl ENGLISTI-MARKETS. away. Cotten dudî, wilin a toingeanoy te de- Wnty ad 6 80 cliune ; sales cf twe iveeks, 58,000 baies. Cern declisned 2d. per qtuarter on whiite, 0 EVR DECITON and 64 te 7d on yellow. Bout Western O VR DECIT X Casma Baitiunorp and Oii fleur declin- Neatytiy utef i lIns Office, ON TE LOWEST TZRAfS. ed is. 6d. pier barrel. Provisions inn- proved ; MèsIney Market innjrved.--. Americauni Stocks advasnced. TIn o pliticai affaira of Engianti prero-u u t sent littie et special intercast. l'hamiphlets, Postingy Bitls, Ilaud-Bilis. FRANCE. Bill Headinus, St enun-B.cat Bills, Tino anniversary cf the Repuinliecof Bis cf Laiîng, Stnruge Bills, tIne 2%ti JFehruary, passed off &vi.it-ctit - disturbauce. -Thse Miuister cf Finance sates final MEDICIN ES, tise revenue wil ho 'adequate for the' PrýesiL tart&l Pare, public service this year, aitInut a new l SOLD CHEAP AT' loan cr issreaseti taxes. The Postias -_ ter-Geunerat opens all tetîers addrssed, DEUG & Boer, sTrog, te suspectcd pensons. l IBY ILGv . Ve besmn fron tise Frenchs'Budget à NTICE, just dublisliic., tisat the army la te be redued e, 08,60 mn, nd tat he 4RS. FULLER hegt lî ttiorna the redned e 40,60 mon aad tiaI Ino iilnfbitants cf wVhitIuy Village sud exponises of time nation are te ho resiaceu its iaumeetiate viciniîy, that aie contin- 84,000,000 francs. 1 is te have a claesa exclusivly for THE RE K QESTON, Freanch,[daily,] litino District Sehool THE GEEK UESTON. roont from un Ie5 'cloek. Ternis 2s. is la aisi that Franco an 1 Ruissilar6Id. petrutefu aiPsil ocmpîetely initeti upon the Greek <lues- Whlitby, 2Otis Fela., igb0. tien. Thse Fr'ench fleet iathe Levant CA H FO1VIE T Sud saiied joy tise Greek ceast. __ Tise cenduct cf Lord Paîunerstn, is THEsuBscRiERS wi pay the cestintxing thno GrecS biockad sulc 50- Higleest Prices fur aitPueroataisle verelycÇommenteti upoua iy ail tise E ng- Prodtace deiivered atfleag Stores, cither 4t Port W h eiy, jr C;gn4 et i Co ner lis jonrnala, andi were il set for a, bho-Reacia.Conr tîefwhicis ex istsa tihi. -ordship lbas Tino Sihscihsaiehe ouet maie a domonstration againat Ruia rennith ieir Fiends and Custoniers, - bi cSllî-urt wouid ei t 01with gdseyaî tisaI they fuve COmmenced btsineu 11e»Atd an energetie remoastrance a_.111 ARI G gais$ iseroce~lngscf 5e nglsit PO-4 Wiaitiy, 26tis Dec., 1849, CAMERON & MACODNELLI. SOLICITORS-IN--CIANCERY, m. C. CAMEHON, (aIy of Torta.lo. H. J. DtACDONELL, CANADA WEST. Moniea Colleced an anya part of Cam+,4 tVOlflice in Wlaitlay ojpaaala tio reajdence of Peter Pen y, ïZa.. JO! TO THE WOELD. MONEY S$VYED! PRICES >TJLL bOWER. la still ulliaag ail kiiada f Goode hoeaper thai the chtpt (Vi7e fac Pf Uohirla rery persan k-lonrt ha h callea) on htim,) unad lie ha iianode up 4id. sald ta cut then dowa a hadc louer, fo anake nray fr tAS !pring articula; coaneqaeaaly hone nauo* tai'fta purca ua, ait have aawaaey- Io ay, naoald do t" (1 ahoaald thiik,)to gire he e.rperiua.at a tra, TUAnr SAM IN UD or gea At 2. §& pu po;gui CAS BE lIA»; -ALSO-- 11Rite Knitting Cotons from. . 8 go .KXo. 20, for sale, LOW FOR CASE.' Wtiaby, Fnb. 10, 1850. Oler tliq TrWk 1 411 you Suokll.. L.qDIES' 4r CENTS' BOOTS Z, SHORSA.1 Sign Of ite ECOT, tree d.i obove 'Ray,,# Rote ,w'4it<6Me T HE SUOSClUBER, patetti for dpbstr a aoperiaar article of ML KJX.I N E.eTH u hnch aWil wnrk up, to ordpat A xN rtx .&1io the Moil,~ets haerha ui% ua4u in eities;M n - T hse bet of w skan m a kq t econu tly m F eb naary , lî & ta o - a ur e t L o d o u thouamdu g>$»mp oppPBITE TRg GlRA36m" âdr . to fnd Outthatiw uinga benefit, the, inga wih are lins tettering Peslition nt'ocoupy. Tise. G :,Airty womicandil ,ýor tiesakée of St utI least riinao hie s a agaD'pin e in iu hins0 with tisa settèr mt, 4urltng1 a little niera e na ýLsassing thedr -bis sastura., inwush viregardj uret, a.nd, w. lui rare afready tý'où 1 ýbeo itinds cf the mada, te ha casih eiatnSmstUSOOS, wm Làp adent ronaden Wl&ware of the Gk no une throwingi gàt, kewever, mand bat the od~>itoi of lu( mRmoed " rat catch o. omne other ramed cf - - Ual

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