- ',. . t- .' t '<Scis it boe e là ek .ô5ô wea'1 reflect en-tise changea Qodfor ne, ihen whatcare for (fi-as ail Thée moment I saaw my way cearly, - Te adrance a5aytlf in auy preiut*aie, Irmtted.aasiioSte-be-aearly, ': Thse maultbrilliant sta et-nextession. - Icsnaldly ew!k I diacera-il La rigist te h o aemea sdeceitful, Anfi uto Oot-.sshEurn il, -. And eiwuny --whenet'isa eedfRl.ý.,- 1 WOULDN'T, WOU LD TÃ"u li Iwoatde'î give malch/egir l vus a heeut Thtot ydellarsufu.Sm.iit'wag aMW, Who sports a large autf wilh a hary taiton j4 1 weld't gitýe mach bfer this tomae- Weuld Yem t 1 OaM'~gve mach for a womae vise pa-ace Prinenadititalitise tisordaagh fares Ibrougis; 'Giegwiaka bishe cierk,oréluaairoeglaacu Iwouldn't gave mach fer Ihis temale-. tWeald-yoeli- i, - ,.jPZw agbasbeen sent by a ladý in tepy: i UTULfl*T, WOIJLD Tou t l W0ahl' give mach fr a chap whe has'gene i Tià i4 urai erèent et his egacy thrmugili Whose simperieg chie bs a hee goatce onit -Tisatlap4owndpee it.juestasitgrei 1 wvold'nî gave mach tbr tis afellow-ý I 4ouldnt Ipva arec4fox e ch.<p VlSA a IIaM That's made 10 stan'd ap, ahaam oeSht eau Wlf weslatà ~d laea sa t ever a deild 1 W*uuat fiva mach for 1h . fehbw- Thé -toltewiagau*sws te the qixeries ahst ppeared in ont haut, venu uatd enide t Usa4oor of eutsaunotumi, by ensr jufliot dovli;but we-presunie uotf~rn the'fSajr oan.' ut whoSe reqsee tbey %veopub1hh î eII lgro.tiss q gas; Muisedvitl kworstissa 'Wrmaa'a vico; Aisd h.9tWsdeep«rt aMa's.' TisaI1iste eeif you'I love tee, Bstlau 163Ma «»Daaot TUE JBAUX STRAT*GEU, flores iI iatruaé themelves c.veiy wlse. tkoueeasd vezatos; but'm; thse ountryý they are inaSuporà ibe iherete étl~sot eèýape tbëm as, uthtt, city; theyçoÀerceiwawntint-ysny ikram viich tbere as ne refuge. One Io(thovery wert speiegofttese peste oef oci ty, xc deat eulgs Igeaaa W o4,djwtmi~ _.eetaeiy tatbiugaiattiad al tring "opçd es, tsuling tien vus bisi iesipidsattentions, in fiue, a-bote au 'the tMe*hsasfk.ottie. mneo pm4ty orf(rioad, wlso bWd ambted ut e t4Ue=eButeda. ahosity leagueil frqMI Paria. Phaimet1Id ut ý-ie, j-i ,Poach ; asqMu «a&.wu impom ie; . we killed S wt z.ima d aU tunir ,the Was$odjlofathoway, us. t -' -'1--t'-'. £1' 1! I - t-:.' t WH IT BY,- C - .4 AWE§ , ~l5. ~' îessil.,, Éc ireOnadçzen "SEUWIMENTAL -,JOURNEY?"' ' t kaèt f iEié, wu cuJia* c61rfýù1sat - tmea'nüc!lngothers n coursl4p et ' tme, nnoyng - ,1 glanlced through it,an&iheï£i qiired, wèquitted te Vgul. tTq- I.~H3 iOfrIIONJOcl!gsE- ~ T. inwhEtw ya cui1 uevice t iei n JOL Iuw - çate I ng bn in this matter. It struck me that abc quitW&-tu1À I;Ãœ LTDÇým!,th,, ;d'thé, bgre appearedç.- e te r'me ùîjii'4y~ i à 't~9 *~ arièdîûte'veuing et à Ib*èly vit, forle rýýebieat lii, fr h sof tgve lndred W i e _4 for bler. 1Ias -iistakqh er w4s~wstywailIro~~ ~te~h&~ hiMI for.o Itilibi ghe e oÇ tnie rnt . e t tqý e d ber ibo oùuhto tdt tee as- emblodIr.a1 ecret- 'bciùt 1110~f -I ýtha,,1 i ntfr b Ike ,- . ~ ~ ~ L e-ca 14,ho evrt ha as s fe tedt h o i n 'ietyï;ic;wp <ici l sh o st m oah *.- :"i .;-. ,hearth: s_. ,.taoutinplea$d t'heotelî e -iand siln e *y,à t'h Cunee,.tn -teassmtl t .e serett*tijowtrys heeaîrrocoveJrgoesessîono1îerthe ighsttinr oght ltîgav of ll9One ttiest i f puei Aicm vqd osi ,i i biculy ithnetoé, ut h' ootet ifi)htp bat "i'~peard raher un~mry. lng aterte tle ç~rqpayhad viý buty ss iedmspcieibn of î g cg I%e nd eutq This ~'.e.also sabati, but et can 'ic'x h amuep' Tà -0 S. , d th& "Wol, levo ti affvr te6; I ha-tho igutorst. epededonhi.ruaner t iseu.:u fiti teran<ertimie.k i_ç -!?r.on and s i h ido à * è t Slt id tlôe. s Ionbôthl udertake te dhsmis .B ibeti-o heeto u f i ie , ni o tea' rmet aa frent favor ,te ret in-hau .ef; tt j 1 dded tloizerater, "I shah only'requti gen ibeffire aisa Thisec w th a d1Uý ie t s." urpet wr baew mn. w eas 'ifla,1*ua.'ly tak teita- t GV od ccui *vte' - - Y ~ ~ ~ ~ I Th gnlea, h lastp.., dai -i hardse emne;ia'ato it poettetoaue owsu c i now fbou, et thi t of s*,a in tt beutng aad ged rleekiu. Tbexec.m- "I will el yoe st l ,'> ssid o, a toy e oetee iihuglt n sIcnetrm t aeure h pese-poood a uaumusy r- boturchtes ad hosaglr ia.e-n ;oiery b tl di sep re, h - r endI an nw dsirus muy-ear n n g teignsthe and esie--l prendheteder birte, ex- Imemreed, btyii çTilte sar .ýs y iff' ct iet ts mnteraue, aith oer th" , 'v&ul ew wilI Oe asolsr e shoki tk, carg_îapheihnt. fullmytotf . -tDIIr'£ etth cu ao s ues hî er eslyowitk wondet'ul vcnrucy, the nhieve " is ev a ' nlyi case Is14i ne otÃŽibe crus a es. "eseru e te l'Yesfsbolie d rv 'ore f d >f >~f pee." aorrndined e atreemyîseq<<>kMonieu, e.' n îay C a ng - ' 'lo M. B.ladswn'the po ser o u ier i i t br hudtho rniisQte' c aise or tSe sa(in& ah V satetrvn er- edr toodo an esroegead cnjr, sud ý pfcad fom wQ abevroedd oe'Isrmyredo r.fud tb utè ,ea.WSabro-tatiws"u-'j wrstedo uol lo S oe, dog,' qIà ,<bsor e bu tere is 1' ae- odi aind:tbof te uomm pirator had avltue ysterIls te b1a 4art. Si ,pcv L l lues eerîdinaie u i gi , , .aboiraire pari-usc ause,' I ho n oraà -e 'ttai"Ue te rià sut tego d Te Wenailae h aaen hite me;st-1fotbïierei - end on i aerl it dsiie mëan ê tfin b ééeahHeatl did igtbi. et Id hewou'e ury k es e s H M.k.wtbt'the ot w h on on e hie'ht oime con - ut ý4 resç]t h v L:diffretfa it e >absle c5 tigbs uà i ,* day wess, elat on m t t. H will esVt, half, - olldnod iwîss t h aro iy pe1o a ihium e vas Mmxid h ho dysaied sonuodte ihatofths 1fle se ff of ib dhsefiso'acrd tha flalse Ocdse wpg iswnarraion. v ery li4 â hae ~atèh tefw'aproan d. sil- e cteoftiyu the d oune teat es wantLessmgandefor îî coïn- on m b±Maaee tiediusjt liigjhdduig a ted a fW'u4 ,bigar, ndhow b er ; aî hçr 1iam, absrentoto Jines, kComts,uadtêm dsio 'f ayni " ý the dn~nr hor,-be al Ia~ue then, fid e ud, ipt h w rbaz,woup se @ t. e 1 9ni a uîq te utheia p E t eniy' f i n pri tle. > 4 ly y escenirdlt9. tatiely ù(r f ewopo i d,ieegogb treas rill- e tpledih . asIwfd, une t i sadng Tpeae ntle emang-c a tsd pti.d1j j<s enedstxcai y e l,, sd oal hwer andgqld. * .. "adf s cnjctr, ue h ve sredthls*è theviand oodlo ' -g T -.re o gus, aI s* sl shmteutsrys dos, <tatuýs,'nid orte' hs e sa pp iusere d I'oaym.silsOà Na*wpruing, whoitaM. ý theesingular ahk about theî veatesar, and ethèr ' . 5 - , - ete boe astooy paien sud gro eu eland<>tater1.Th. a m tetke cM e set o -.s t eadrn u ne sfora1 or aco mo.. t 'erd fou4 o3a~iego to e th, reio s vi ethyot't h e asa&ofolaymip upI. )iri os h h B t er--,- .tu athostdf Ise îC.ê,,vin 1vmI c oset lYuIoic4ra ~ t ii l apk o me ren ofber. " , whoremmbèedshol te chargé ilteeItispr*eryaae f~t p atla 119tastr dngèr. Haite you rfel <iuratiethe guiiicm-thi. 1J Tiiou o r t he Paicso morepold o t herentf r tpad stmls t, ad.co d trace i ý td soe uJ ý 'd. e lli eewm d.ioet a dmpesitg.is dA'4,sçrt,,,hto bis le. * ama~tbteýe peli t lb. rnouvnoy.'bui-1 hold xel ueveal, thèll, i& Iaery'hu thechnttee è.Obevn ette ~ bav pih lw1Ie biJit ii. lf i tbtvnrbe~ -ratherà Iwlidt teounstooà pyuê., sh t o kPut. t i l OÈO uiytbt.battawat.i, M c B.' ' 'heVcýrýo ,î *peb t I hrhould tbairâ 1M-he >als b vIdl t tasitoo &uO.- but -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cnl A rmtrtra s b oiueu lê mdt ooulue thétab , go u watt.,you te preri b ofe re 4 f"u u au e s ft e n an higOrd oq~dl: I.an' ë6jran as ttF,, ade à eus.g sutj-I 1s waasi ano'ad< e 1 pt , in £waftb madame,' I paw ilied 6 Wit stHIm quiser.ed i«u h. is no ne ae s ito ltpi.Ie~~ siteL.gt-u. geaWjs~1 57andÈl*dbr'i . Sbaltl*eta cçisty. is<eas di aset htiuspe oetong S#m adamtre y ad.gtÂIrÙ se ic baiçllmro- TILS **,wt, beïe Fithe ewksn try yzdioprteumni-Lovè. . emahtt4 af wu*tqch a8e,' ibte 4iao oateorrdsa e4 e u om1 6 e u tý e. a te o uftomdiths puobae tnnag! , ent mue, beg-i ,vne, me!equr- r---- t, ael-ik pn 'The. husit a or ami-- t e a fo * of v gas hnnsomfrUs.u ar9 spu ets mot - b w*ay, -- - " - eu teeaéà tyY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r. T. etwaqwauqIdIr - ubT muèaai o ata-âe nâtis.4 -tta r aywLvas ua agwhcthe>-asir - ts* tet