Whitby Freeman (Whitby, ON: J. S. Sprowle, 1850), 13 Mar 1850, p. 1

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W H 1T RY>ýCANADA. WESTe 4 4 i oovely maiden; abe adesane to pity. an otc.st from hotu.; wSreathofbptitef omhbrw love t"rliingboèaao*deoate uow In.M'ý ovey, the envy of al, 1elè6tffiiIaetheé vidclb. bé al. 'b.oui;év.s gutltea-.unup6tted bar 'garde' -11hwilé of a-ivlain ,dld bight ber farflm". ow e sunahi neof pleasurehbasfRed f~mbaa e i - draahén, à pré3do deipir;1 #lturlovethiugooma eoasow l ere pagem imore prely bht, "I viuioveî4et sar ,whô" mellow ight A liquid pari that gtterea whçee Nol sorrow now intruie, A tacherCemthan monarcha wear- The tear of Graituie. *. ut aieer aali aorow love of worth Invitethis trabute forth, Noe au the sordid sclave of pif *But yc Who Booth th widow>s woe, And gtve the orphan food, JFor y6uthis iquid peari shall flow- The teur of Gratitude. Yewho'but Blake au lnfant's thirt In beaveRiy mey' naine, Thie weet reward may claim; Thep While yeu rove fiifs sutinybaus WjPitbiweel fiow retmSwed; btill you Mnay dlaim the w-%idow'a thanke * The tear of Gratitude, They tell us; Love;~ that ano sd I Our happiet days are seeing, ýWhgIe ytIautfoite'.y * Thecae tbat waits ow beuag; * Witb les. of joy iin s"rur, For wbere the suu-light lalis to-day There '11l he a saue to-,uotrow. -If our's he lovthatirait oct bear The test of c ace and eorow, Abd oiyrdeeper chaunels irear, -npas.ag tueaeh xoorow; ýI1en lattér wear il that.to-day * pfevently irere Prfylg, Thet irbt we baveaight pas awýay Thé heat bau depths of bWtesuess Au ireli as deptbs of<pleasure, -AMe thosaiWho love, love flot unies" 7huyb Ioth'orthoeeau oamure Théré is atime auit i îIicorne» When tii they mnut dscover, And woifoitibertlwenbe dhmb Thr*art tomeap@ s *hrem eh rPfI , And sacb saRi,àWàu.i*tllig Ad îs of G"cqPordaing; Them whbrerdo.o1ff hearts iute ln bauds tiat fnone cesevér ùif uot tu blm a eaigibir ght, &Md streagn eseaealas"vu II Tbe&eýbili bn. bappy day. va bisas, Sahbe oh beahulal ehsage th éovi Lacla trusing -and obeyiag, Ai t" *'hôb hy bishbaud at ed And hast irbat he u sayiug. A QU11LE 1INR.. Meés cdy ddakad aevu dtbak I% u sh t Ol in tellit; lliey doc't mppê»a uWomats%UI wu eér mb.l mR . MTIE ANDUAMOITE R. -~ ~~-ém So» onaseadetermined ne- ver ta grOw OM', natiatbs ~diug îite unany varninga they racciie that tbgeir. dey is paltadthlit is tirne for th m Iç,retrent <hm-lta tanks of feshian and tally. MsiÇnmelaxtessçý dlÂ~- eelarpte. beaîy th ie, limeothlie Renloration ,effards an, eXerple aof, tis kindý.af olttinecy. Fjudinè bersehie widôiu5,vi'tiian quiy anuîr~Wia icreof 24,0O îýé,e ue dan giter ie a convent,1"and ppnt lber lime and han fortune ie dress, pleastiieâ' and + 4 * 4 nâ%lnîitedIherage. Albaenies nW'4s nov a'ight-teën yel fii mothet sit Ileft lerto puirsÏîeliéii d i e lavýe lte. dingrâ fcw days in the counlry during ltae vacations. -4Shiëiî s sîil a chItid!,-titComtesse, îîsed tle sey lt tose *lia itad lite ler - To a'etbhe, lieîaxcfi-ofblilte Comtesse laak il iiilohet:head te niawtl again, nad ôf course pîéferled ayouelà- ful huesited-b whioa i autl n rcomtiof 24,00Ù livras, aven. aû ùaged'. vidsa dimiçuWtto plaàee. i:aaysuilers offerad, yel $hlies a', - eu andideil, whena Young gentlene, M. de Tt ... prçsea- lad bimseli., TueN mw"as misunder-' standing: M. de TÈh -.-ame, il is toe, ou maîniattonial views interal, bqt lit deahle--p ltamiothr-as lte aýbjectbis >choice;anud the widow, aiterrnptitîg bite irathe tnidsî ef his proposais, iwhicli site',tool seriotasly te hersaif, -graciÃ"oasly 'acepià -biteand gave binô nofîrther opp1lortuniij' fer ax- planàtiora. - 11ev .coulId pité 's.up pose btaii ho ltotîglilof her'IéuWuter, tmuere"-chool girl, wliee site-e wqtnidof fshion, souglit üaler,ý admâirud and7 iiallered by e crawd ai suilors-vas je -lie way t !iov could-îil enter lierited, lihtI in' spite eté Care steotook te kup lier, dlaugliler outof th. e "y, andÏ'o adii euljy a ývery- imiledunbercf visitera to-the rtres± whçrelte yourag gilh4a julspéapl po f.lte vacela, . de ntae. grevdoveM4d.t i. .. lipbut e nit gruat auioni'ategfs and iay aveited a lhromble opportunity to iakie' the uecefflry yet difficult explanton. Ris Strâtngeaùi *ere tnseleis-tlie dçis- .ted CýppOrtUn fr. îa as tar OTas ever.1 1Ãœe hadefliepè& lhat i bu' jacitiet Witii. regard tqt.e iietiier .v ia le t - fod$m n' ~opportunityOt aeei g the daugitter, sud of baviûg a tien ni ýintih ber. Vain b'ope1 -ùm pats" On'eanil the uuialbrtustte yoîmg nmana, Irhulst mahiitg, an ppil of hiwuéifýl)a8 ml l er>le pregesd i»n the 'ruothers 8huort, snw nu mmOfS oltlnin au ainterview witlithe d4ugh- ter or of corpunietilgto lier bis mel-1 tirçnUtS.- <)" day, bowever, a MIOf b"pe - gIéme ça ia, -shea th.e mtinr 4-, dremed direclly bolersuifl - Se at firâl thougM htth ie vos da whiçh pe,*q»ued theaisivez tlu besviaial organs e e» only a!llecled Ifrom lier itenrt, But,.ne -49 was.m rtumn--no illusion--ilwao n botta ûMp eclaratiou of love, ad4reaâ- dte lier, ie priait, and iiroducehd into lia, taxI, lancrder to cad~e lte ~watbhl -sifflauce oef ler moher #si gunrdiausi- Th.e reepopdut statned "IcannaI speuk tu lier iuýlxapresenet of er mather,"thougfit M. ýde --T "b41ut il'den etleast mernaug6AQ.give her ."ÏLej~id hli tttili wrote. ane Ihimýn m tùsriboik . bit wýheùn, efter assieit-IgMadimie lui Cloyitesse' frbftt the ýclttrige",i, uro âWs abot t ô,fôIlo'- ,'heai, 8-be Stopped <'zoncânoôt corne fetr tngers ire, not tc1it fild toetheéu!o, sica in theé carnage. d~. e Tii a d e in talie 9i~rî~geand ar p lias, useleus note, whilst callang t, la d.al the retour- tcs of au irpeginatiot ie ali iup to that tirne lid serived hiýn ta so6hille, purpase' Wknthe,,Comtèe~ refttrned, lteé yon aaru ved brt ih radiai-t f'i must l e very lired of waitingl" "Netetal.I have beeta thinking of yon ---of tisicki n yot," addedhlie uli. telly. Tlie lover, hà-ting naeged h-î8 plans, eweýited împati eully the next visit ta theconlveet. liRe managed. maltera so thet Ihe Cotateule. egein.ia .vited bima la "Walùrngly" a nsiwered lie;,-portnit meaIthe èseme tîtne, ta, offer, tlironýgl yoii, a 1,111e preseut 'ta M1%'lIe. Allie- 'present," replied Qi}tomrtesse, yotî offer a chilI of lier agetM eOa vory milteble one-he ré it is." Arthepleced je her liait&sà magnifi- c9atIy baunid, prayeri.book. Thie Comtesse.admiredIhe binding,; whilst ahé caiei]esà4lytùiéd aven the guIlelaves. lied tlitera b.eaenote,ý il would have beau found b.etweau th en, or bave drcapped out-but no iote. w as thene. On titis occasion, ai so, M. de Thi. remeined et the convent gale, eweiliug wjtiî ü nspeekiable enxicty ,~rltr of the Comtesse.' She appeered' et length iilllier . eccustarned- ierenity, sud esid ta the yQîtVéIai)siwlia lind neyer Iistened ta bler with se malal Pleestre-- «A4thenais is delighitad witli han pre- optad ei me ta offer yen h 4e The facý was,ltaItlihe yating girl lid aermittd ber thouglito dueilloea. im. th.irý.a weveven tbtroti#h the ccouve»t- gte*tTIte. pryer-booli was,àcoepled ie-~~eiouiiiveuiraImsIagags i Next dity the young pchatas*é tooli ber4prtayerbook to the chape1, opened aun.- rend lt *itbgTeat->piely a*m4thae k- fkl.new But, whea w bu lermotien, *hum in the midel otlîhe mam - wbjcl she wu, reading, site meLt.a Msyer adl- n# aLbo& the- citizen ripoitas visenth was Ï11ied.ý'1 4 "What 1" 1 exclaimed, it h to e rjied-, éeud emaed, and eïeifd- in'i4 a instant 1'1 "lies," lte Captain repl ied Sacit are ltae larme af ont aapitulîtou, nusace .1taçm This tolitttvaes au unauntaswerable reai- Mo«ra#ad hnt Y ol son;, «s if aIl thînge ad been censi- cre elépm$oie dteredlà lte çnpitulatioes; the fhuitviégoe elsrtae and its penalty, justice and even lin- dy ie.Ttsaou manity.. "Ifyoeubevesuyenrcuisy te vites îe. mywuç. lit pree iîai dlinf w*çdrÏtngrurîua iii the poceeirige rai thecaptan, p- oibled , te one belongiol litaly, 1 sital ho -bâ&p~y 40gel yen nTIa 1 neyeveu vi l !suait maisc; fur I molhthSzI.1a imagine that 1,leoru, fron theît.guste- 1 Iventt Ilis he ntrou nance ef w dyipg man, ubat death à.. IItherefare foallevedllie captain 6uit'b, ý 6 ew0*è -The regiient Lrmud labo aqusui ÃŽmuita" ýBehiad lte oou~j>~M n theIb bordera.oft1h. vomi, mamie of -thesol- ij a syp &lers lnga ,te, dixg re, inader lte vWe tt.-b lgaN .4 4 saeonl.-rcif religion. This iS etotraioffiCeY er w sýie d ullon' 'ram 5le ç"s coIna.àifficent excuse, hutit even the their rîght, and littie mor- -f4 ii d t ?îol moa fetidau&amists siiadmi4sit, titat nnthl wurairiing i1IK)ni~ -il iahoç=e eatenuation cf ttel 4 tbpaeele-h p' tI ûeg h e' sh ['Lli i 4 Mlle.'itien-ais wus ar thîs latter :piy te r ýe liin onin, e -er ert site ebsolved the 'deâqî i *ihýcu i eIé'lë *t'eý-t *the sinn!er, çLnà ten rend and--tu tend rThe accused w? à eÙftro ~ d ~ te precious page. 1né wâ Itàfné %VȎl-go;Wn -eôutlitI Prom ht imatler prayer-book iow, Wtlumid yttebi esewa was,,lier- inseperâ-ble companion- her his irfuode ÏO anaâl wlfw ejrtltoi the devotian wes mast cait'ying.M d Iol nbit 1hem~ -Thr. t prayer wtas se, cloquent,,lt étthe eô1elbýgat 1 tbe "Iet* sfrie uppeatt1fheadeudai lte heent, ef- , lite woaei,theprisoheIinerruiped b". peauiauaireno effeletiîtlIhat wehù "Ii eseltclml"~aud~ lte next vacàtiof -rived, lte yong 'îýVill'cbn les everyting étltie, îîeorle ujiderstoad eeeali ollîey pcectIt. à7oiùanx?s hadkeichiOf.'ý r,î~ The, Çoutemeswisbed lier'dntîghter, iia The ëo1onél. YouLPilr 1why yonti ô ,etinu taete cbaveut, aîndrerntintlitere pessad -,or ah,- hotottrable man, etda o tîntil st a eîrdhrse-nle.~1ùdb. i Meài%-bile., she utrge4 NM. de Tiih. tae- Piler. 1* is true> Côlonel "tbat lI have naine tho dany for, lhe5ir ùnio«îlc ârWtysndaavôredtoe aLifý y.saf o$. k» -wae comn.pelled ta do se; Ihare was cearâ * 1 did net steil for. xnymlf: it.wae lia mens aifttrwiig becli. The day fuir Merie. *. - - f8 >wus nanted, but anea rnritig in the *TheCooneel. Ând vho ia iVario t inter ni, fSleie.Çuntesso fends ou- lier toi- Piter. Wly Marie Who :-e ; lette lier danglter's 1ryerc'ok opeaiteé4tttoaco.r--aer10 eat tae fatal pagea1 Site rings lier bell,-Areneberg- ý w3ere lie -applçý49O ,y violeatly, and orders lier 1rneid *b "sum- i 'Ibiteg~le i at.tt mon Albanais, but ahe je in farmed that Tt ooe.Ionticeup~ MlIle Mlbanais aiïd M. de T..lid yt ie xli eref 'bath disaj)penred - .. Piler. e1Vaolrdtiller -nblidsded t'-ia.- ,let él ilet- lte' Wlîeate first buinsl af rage and dis- appoatmuillie stbsiedtit Cae-ter; everit Word of whieh lse egràwen ouy -nîy memary. of b tase, s niglt hve eeneeslyfor- < ~ydear friead, eier-T semthé mrta sautai éans1ne te, 1 ta ,niarniega flie datîgitter, wlîicla was celabraled shot1. oppottînity afendingýt yuths iîItér à t afa.Imnmediataly aften, lte bapjîyb radarèrijý.ié '?éd~' pair set aut on *a lotir tîtruugitSwitzer- ý~yarrgnos lanÇ.---Treneleted front the Fenh- urewhichhIrhave: mtande r ýo0W I Dec., 1849., ATE.d ici net let ', .ýf~idrseé bai1 ____________ Itaaking il, fýtr fie 9Iways se ds me o TH Bl LU]E HANDRIR CIIEF. i 0ny16ut»Ci: ~ ~ h - ~never reîuita., fiuuyouîýurely wtll corn About ltae end af October, -as Ivais i - 1Wo' yn'Bu al eterk . a corne bacis 'net, 1 shahlÈ-euaY4 li i l retîîrning on foot, frose. Orleans te lte; ~~f~ tidl Chateaut cf hardy, 1 baheld beforç mek4ditr athlie day yeti pieed'Atu *bit he on te higliaroad, ae riegiin fSis eca I ieAeear.dno thej Pytilmrds. .I hustened forward le haarý brolght itte me. ' When salel I s. i. le iitnry muiisie, cf viid I et es- "li Irefftelyfonid; huit befoua I lied ovçr- r t igltWa$osmtiWs ini tekaen the regiment lte band hndëeasmi lbi'mationLtIheave reeevedy tilie-OP! playing, anud the drnum elcueconti'numiferaetde ORa4y'r4D de.~ te nmark ltae measured. fotst9ps cf the lv et u e lusTer. laserve, GQIt tougli t)em as la ~ ~ Allen niarchiin or abat lhait au youea, and thon vu wil bu marrie4, houtr, lteregimntntenterêd--a umalIý Youtde B suB ad' plein, sîîrrouînded bye wood ef fis Incas. à *fu . I, asked one'of 1tue captains if te regi- P. t sonlaý me ment was going te perforai evoîratuons. from France, net for feavf 1irs for- No, Sir," lhe replied; Idwe are g-e ely. , ut.btl nyaiysi orr ing te try, and proeblby sh»%a- sol- i bu e Isa o Imsure 1TsalIl aon, fiuaotth. pla»Sý dier belonigimgtIo my potmffl, forhav4 ý 'rt

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