Whitby Freeman (Whitby, ON: J. S. Sprowle, 1850), 30 Jan 1850, p. 4

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i. 7. Tossraiae, Mp, gava rge prcqborcsion outg- av whicni ýr thse soit ligist andl e.aiy worked, àciitates thé. possing off of super- lnt' Irains. lIn consuling lte ils uf less fertile soite, we find Uki7.fýtility-diminishes -in pro-' Q as eue or lise tbJr cf thse tisree ipal etirtlw predonsinateRu andi b.- 3almost iibthilný irr lises.wiçih ;s iseproperlias cf but oac. Thte ire- of. earths then is neeessary te .i.ne second Silxiktn id Silica _ Carbonae taof1 Crboîate of i Oside cf-iron Thse third Silex ia graini Silica Carbonate et' i Carbonatecf ru Oxdeof irosi 35 17 verulent, and 'it is in tbis state ýthat il tu l u T 47 _ is. tsad tofartiffia otharcartît.s.% 21 .Wh-éan mait lavery Cargillaceott54.. it :illë 10 may b. burdoaêdby1'the actio Ã"t&fi1I 2 and ik thon .becomessonorouls, lke Well 2 baketi potter~s wsre whaiL ,it.is very calcaàreotus, lire converts ýil lte lime; y -2 ansd 1 bave seen in cvenaesfermilig an,,excelleit-inerfar %whaencosabiaed ~ m a witli a.sufficient qtù'ty fssd _______ lime 'There is an immense -difference sen- s jjtlJYjtIi'. QU m»ugaesia 4 ts rprtosi bchts w atbs Havingjust remusved from Osawa t WÉ3rîn nnfihtetoer.fuilly tu inforas the intehifùiis et Wt -combinie to foris nari. Numerous and Use eeightsouulng -eountryr Ibm analses ave een'sisde b cfmescedbusinss in tise building -analses en m e YMeu Burnisîm's office, as s. 1 - ise ar~oftise centre anti senti t cf Bot sud Shoo iVI 24 France, and 1 have feued- Ihemu te con- sud hopes by afttention Io is miston 40, tain ftoua 101 te, 60 per cent,.cfof >.* sisreof thse publie. patronage. lime- 9, carbonsataet'f lime, frein 15 te 50 eof sfy it~,Jaur t,1 nagnesia 5ý aîumniup, andt rein 15 te 66 et' siiiceous O I E * . and,_ MarI is iXen produced by tisa Tise other-pnitseipies--wera the remüaie-s cf mpasures partly decomposeti. Tisese tlsrqqpwa4iop.Qf soif wera >from -lad- -whieh prody'ný,kut iîttle. Tise water. whicis stands upon clayey sus iz al- ways turbid and whitish, espeecialiyl s~aa qan~cao «tle forsuataca cf a productive sot; andi whenagitated th ie winds ; ieat lai tisas eemets;their lproportion ena b. varied ealy ae- tbheleet -of chapping anti aplittir undast, as i thie cordissg te liseestat re cf the climate, these souls, anti harcstaees ~5 ibi mauesaànd Ihe .kind cf plant te be ccltivated. resîder lucrn, nearly impenetrable1 thte soit becomsSlc oesSieou@ -aund enicareous eartiss may the plcugh ; in order le give thems fei form'a larger proportion cf tise soul in lility il is neccessary te empioy a gras goot landsia l a moist, tsanin dry cocîntries, and ai- dccl of .ucdecotnposed barn-yard mu a, aad. alumina; mina masy,>la ils Iun, predomiae in sure and lt4er; and il is advisaisle t y may possess ait. tise landiwhich,. froua their declivity, sew, ii tite sprng, crops o f isucý- itis SesUry -ssffer 1h. e *aler to flow off free!y ; but wheat. C)as, wiich -aui à mixture oif tihe liree.earths ca atone 'The soils which are formeti cf thi auds has raide fortu a good sou, and toc greal à dis- waste, or from, t-he decoispo sition, c rvad in tise mix- paritv tirsa'hir' proportions ssateriaily mountains of calcareocus tree-stone,c - affiets lise chaime&er cof it. eft hecarbonate of lime, wluetiser lîrins t place, leo ex- The constituent parts cf a soil have tive or seeondury, frequently presen bas the eonstitu- ax constan t lendeaey tb become isulver- onIl a msixtuire of calcareous sand,c îte ~ ~ ~ . ia- aas edadalegtis,by frequent tiiling, wscsts risaeuaited sy avcal ,truble te Vege- bY lise action cf saits, maures, anti bomate of tise sainie ntite. Tises to, asceriiu tisa fmgeto, tisey ara reduscedti 050flua a aarliss ara in geacral iigist, poreus, an( ach kied cf-soi,; Pcsder, as te ceüsete b. productive. well suitedti te *y.-intis cf cultiva f!cîbrs ~~~s iing poss rounti in ti state tien, esîseciaily ia rainy clirnateS, lire eetinglhe fauts 'renidars'.il Perfct recat, wlsich wlsen vided the b.d b. cf sufficient deptl cf aioie. exposeel ta ieat becomes su hard, tisi ati omt paabssc ok 3 or anth~oer. naunot peneatrasof oc, elTct rodcedtisa air can.tpeerte it, nor thea eaable il to retaia tise quantity c f vetei l, by- tis e acci- 'tnder fibres ofCplasts -force thi aiswy reqmired isy tise waats cf vegetatica L andi vegetaishe Ibrosighi i, ' tisey are well adapted lo tbe cultivai iou ,ed wit hisIénI ybsosrtsa il socf thse vine,-asnd cf sainfoin ; and wbeu a b ps-comlsoseci or 19-2QOofimpalpable malter ttyai .wi ate t rde S .-are conapletely barren'ý The ýuse fgo rp fre as nibre barn-yard massure will correct for a Teesisbv aevt ienm 3hort tiase only tbis state of a soit, and calcareons, lisougis tbey almee alway .1ra.. oriis uz.xwnpn 1 - isiule tse resto to fertility. domiinaI. so'muais over 4lhsesaof the rt It appears htisIlithe ree earths, iesustnstlalseatrar w-iais forsus thse 1sý3iÃŽs f the mont fer- isrl arevd tlte soul,eeis he tsacomposition cf Of th lans;lergman b as proved Ibis isy Tise mixture cf alumina andi lime svrlkiunds of grain an imconstitates anotber species9of oii, whicia ooa~fbess- ~utsof bis experi- by. itseif iq istt littie productive, especi. cotaiueci nts u et vgtal po liy if alumina constitutes sacretisais 30 Wuit ductions, iii a way t put il -b.yoad eone baît' of il; bat il 15 used wîth ilyied a portioss,, fertil e ajeigbbotisoodot.Turin, principal earthIsswes. iu pottions,' - 77 o79 9 -te Il4SMý" ý5te 12 4 %urcprod ced4ks excellent mili fors visat, in lie ariscod cf Dmayton, ini Mieldie- &va 3-5S of silkceoum asd; lise ra. sg 2-5 were compgSeuLof Ibre. fiael y divided, su tise tliwiug Car.boate of' limo 28 Dot speaof thiatur, bar cf L.and vegetable wpmaius . on7- in thse soil, anti wiich enter inte oe o lathse proportocf, pe r »sal yea Yiy fertik.l tIce of havliaa tie et Iranbtsdsield lipmsd gutm ashes .well disengaged' liame elumima 37 15 26 6 16 15 21 16 66 30 33 3Q tati of tise donisl. About 100 pal ý icaclsed, .anti aonseqmetliy d otfalil hiai sallu, yieitied Asises or wiseat 48 a of.oala 68 à cf isarhey 69 o~ f rie 63Co oaa 4 i o' f reti choyer 37? Alseils are saut Oocrpet m-ff 1 ie ftii. tbree mil esrlis;.soeaof tisereare1 ," u --twtIv as55of si clnyey soils, wlih amz ý%, é il whik liey %putai ; w*eW # or exceecis one inuit, tise7 "a te bqepl~poyat as tise hasusof kiads cf cartiea wae; epec tise Otb*vueoiety cougsstof silex iavebdsOiMto mes of ckyty kiea 1 grant asivntage in iaapreving -semae élises kiatis cf land. Tise soul forme frose Ibis mnixture is anliei marI, or a sifarhy soul; tîte nature cf il varies mucis, accerding to bisa difference ir. tise proportions cf',iit"eftiItitent prie- cilbles; ib is caiied clayey, or fat, Wisen tisa qîliies eof alumina pedomninate in il, and calcareosas, or peor, w-len lise calcareous suis-carbonate gives il ils chartacter. Mari often'contaisas abolis, imtportant wisole beds of' il being somecimes foria- formeti by eti alnsosl entire'iy of tiseir muans; lise iluaa wiîis "faluns 71 'are of ibis species; titis is . ,;th tise poorest kiîst, and tIsé ost riilse r improviag argillacacuts soils. Tise t mari is oftan miusgiet wils siiiceoîss nd, 'shicis erves toe ethatice itq value I eu usedý in areeeding ligist anti cal' treous cartis,. hava secs mari untaining 70-100 et' stad, 20-100 of lamina, anti l0-100' et' carb)onate eof .ree, useti witisadvantage sîpen souls îurely calcaracuis. Marlius usualiy founinmubcds, burieic ait a sigisîtieptis in tise eartb; whpj iea eunt and eposeto tis. air il pre- enitseppearances wbiais vary accord.. iagtoitsquaity. 'Under tisecomisineti isnfiueue oet'a ir and waIes, it is gener- freueito w-ner; baltishe decepa- aoiio s iucis more speedy anti cure- wise'*ea tise twe -earths ara je Ibeir plt.per proportions, Ibau w-haeitsl er cf tba1m predamniaaes. T%is acto f w-ner dissolves, anti carries off tLe *ahumina gratiualhy, tise ewboesi acid off lie almoepiuere cmss-, bines wihise lialewhicbUremam nisc- ààxu±edýo, w-bUée. tise-exyge acnts sipon mm lscteqmsg its oxidation, lMiiau __ b&ge is proiusced Wns tisim las îg te te ,decomnpositione"f silex or flint. Dasvy (A~gricuturo1 Cheistry, p. 162,) states ibis analysis tisus, Parts. Çarbonate of lime- - - 28 Silica . - - - 32 Alumina-------------- 29 Animal or iegetable matter and moisture il -TR.] [t Prsslsbly "snuschelkalk," or vsriegated m iarls."TR.] The numiser of individuals'execnted by sentence of co-irt martial at- Vienna., csp te the present timte, is statcd to bc. sixteen hnndred and ninreteen. s, begis Uiiby Sadjo!ir amiset 849. MRS. FULLER hbavingacc1[s .rTrustees' eoffer of the District tQ becene the Teacher cf tisati] tien, isegs te, inlorm tise ina.bitu WifitlsVillage aud its'ilmmedii cinity, tisat she stili plîrposes to n Class,,ekciusiveIy for F-rencs. [d frein 4.te 5 e'ciock. Ternis lI per quarter f -r cacha Puspil. Wisitby, Jansîary 16, 1850. DANCING 'AND ETIQUET mrfsôro anie toI TRHE INEDTTED WORKS OF' LORD FeROe1rlOrTRAs L AND QUEB5SC, BYRON, now tfiret pshiished from tise Letmers c-I Journals, and otber 31aruscripi&jn the possssion BEGS fe intimate ihat ho viil open cf his son, lLkajor George Gartron Byron-ulsai Classes in Dancing, for Oaa Quarter Lord By-.onsid of' Pope may wvith wiejumstice ony i M.Scts ' be said cf imeif:-" lDe is tise Peel offal[ti îusgs, nl, i r CITVR'S ssemuîy e o' ai li dies, or ail ièetisgs, ad of attilaises cof ilRese, Wlsstby, on Tuesday, tise 8tit orexistence. A shousanil ),cars witi rol i su-nybefoce Janîuary,180 sncb anosher cble bojmed for in omsr Liecifure-I A SELECT CLASS, exclusively fer or isehiiselfise cusaure." Tisrowingaside tram- assis cf su convensional filfe, ils his issured ansddis- yoting Misses and Masters, froua 4 tili Csisiet tise camt sud hypiseri-y wisicis sougisu ta 6, P. Ml, on Tuesdoys and Fridays. nt' ý,nnibiiae huas on accaunt cf bis youmhfui irnegu- Au EVENING CLASS for grovn-uip arinies and indiscretions ; and celying sotsty froua1 of bte sast pawers utf bis own mighiyr genis, be Ladies aîsd Gentemen, fol7til 10, contenesI asd del'sed bath tise world's censure for tise practice ef Quadrilles, Galops, and praise. But for ftle s'ery fsutis of bis sariy Polkas, Spanisis WVaitz, Ibp Waitz, e edc tiohie mikfurimiies cf bis yonf hand tish e lirnsW 1h' Ho] Waiz Vls dii=ppi.mns ulsicis auujmit lhlm as le asergedCelart at, 1 bj eeis as inca maîsbood-lit for lise arimooiness cf1 a Deux Teis, Valse a Cinq Tems, Der bis spirit, sud lise possession cf afflections tisai Scisottisehe, &c., &c. losised for sosemiig aromsd .%-Iich to rutw-me-- Isst for the wani ofa asotiser's love, aud lise loss of 0::>" Ladies attending tise Evening a uife's affectin-bsut frsa combiusatios cf esilS, ls vl aea eraporaet whic wsbrboutd bas-e prostrafed anoher-tint for ai- lsIil aeUihu aporaet ýo ibesù, the genius 'St Byron migshisae stumbered, st ets. and lisen tout tanus ansd ta posterity. gTise i"bt !r tisai saufs asimay in tise iglis chat siies fr m l'lr. Crerar wishes il le hae distinctly tsase "; and tisis glorinus ligisi whici shseds ius ssnderstocd, tisat Iiis Classes shah bu effulgeasce as'er evsry page of bis ssrilimgs, ivill ctiîdusctec witi th6 greatest regard te beU sougisi for in vain in uhe effusions of bis mast iqetie and Deports-eist. Am o- n cf genins.uncconirolled, andunntroltaiste, tisai servailce ofet'tiselnstcd RULES OF' TUE e iii cause posleruy ta speals cf tsesnieetesti ÇLASS wîih be ent'orced. Milice, Drydenanad Pope, tisetnase of-spern Piaet'mieas avilI in future' ages mark a brilliamit period in tise Those desirous et' beceming Pupils are t' devenprneeuof Fgiish Paesly,aed tbegeperais requested te enter thleir nemhes witisot Syet ta crnme ailIi reasure tise smatiest rrtic ai tise dla asftise nunîber will ha limited. attstr in. hevalitahie unpiat>tisisd ruateri- ' i ais wiehblie Ediinr bas been ena5sted ta anas 's.~.îrew4,,,,au lesiers* ue Ravenna Joisrnal ofuth ie year i1 , For sale, pnice lis. 3d., CasmtÂ's enricised wius copionîs Notes sy mise lame Sir flALL ROMCerss&NseoeZ Walter Scot; Isumercus unpubistsed Peemu, in-ai . chidieg tise suppressed porions cf bis pricted works; andl a mass ,ef Anediotes aid- Remi- zTo Pbrtetçs niacences cf Lordt Iysoi by tise Counuess Guiccili, 7Ittrou glissa the Ui& tetSatesandsi Canada. >bire. Percy Byssse Sbelty, sud Mli-ss isao-ce; hy Arcbdeacon Spenscer, Ste- Hiscpliiî y Davy, 1Itegàrs. -orace, Smiths, John'T'aylr, 'I'rel. --iy omaORIGIiNAL -Captain Baldera, and cubera. To therai lie is P R INT E R'S F URNISsi IN G kindly permiuued ta sdd numerouas tetters addressed ua Lard Byran isy bis mosu famitiar ftieisds. A WAEmlaoUsD. quarter cf s century bas passed-uewiy ince tise No, 18, Duelsk, (Coinet 3f Fsitun Si.) N. Y. dpatis cf Lard Blyron, sud tvesst'yesPrs base PRI14TING IIATER1ALS of es-ecv uteu'i ptieos >elapseul inces Nr. toors's adairaiteN otces of butt new- and second hitesd, Presses, Cases, Chass, use posi appeareul. Duritsg tisai pcriod, deathh as Stsuîds, Calteys, aid Pursir, vt vr ai bec busy scîitistose, cuit of'regard ta wsorIn r. of' acjuevu eerforir Moore vas induretlta omnit passage imnutee1pub- lisised c8rrespondencs, as gises in tle ssessetitis DOO130X. NEWSPAPER AND JOB PEIITINO volume euitiusn of Loçul B) roc'ls SVrks. Tisu We base eaw eus issd, for sale, cisssp for catis, 1 passages %il-itimac le *resiored, tise Eliloc feeling 20000 second isand type toi*newspaper pcinsissg, assiired tissutishe Public witl uplsold bis in w-but and an extéitsive uascinseni cf Nec Type fcom be funks ilpon as a sicreul duty-iise reecuiug tise Pearl te 150 lias Pica. nenmnry af Lard Byron tronstise me sjrucjusc Ngap ier anud AdamWs Preses, aspersions cisc upan bis cacien, esi sec tram interested moatives-, or for lise mers gratificaîioii cf Was/hington, Smith and Ramage eîîry, baurel, and matice. ln putuishinsg these,PR£SS ee tise utmssidetiescy cnsistent ws li t ruisasndPRE candaur, wilti bcobserved ; but if' any mar i sould Isew and second hand, supptied ut shorfeat Sotice. îféel aggi-ieved, tise Estitoir dsetaimu ai once auy4 intention of giving paie by uhe publication, and -Cscd P ceuses of eersy descripiisss. avoulul callt i md a-bai Tyerusays ln is hRbp'- Wui continue to manufacture our uarivatted and sodyce Pope:-" Att uuch wriiings and discourses superior as toucnrinotan sutmend corai" Tise pobti.O D Y E ration of tisas conkucf tse Poet in Emgiasd WOOD TYPE j avintèe'n'- evei ed by an inj.ànc*ion ofthet:se mr new epeeiaen Stok is now îeauy, and Loiui Chancellior, oftainedibhrougis a-comatsion avili bect'ocwacded ta att respectable establishminits of îssluences of uhiehis il lununecesiaryutoepeak, ons appliaion. use Ediior issu delermlned to give iSus emtiste ...,Ps intes whuo ientthe ibars, wiîis Ihis no- pubicieof thes Unitedi Sates, and thus ptace tise tire, four ie n e epeis e pa persandusens woui Id ai posiesscJf tise maierits for diisg comn- as a ropy oI their piper suctoased toi-tusoî's Rail' piste jusstice ta tise greatest ot-modeim Poste. raisd Gazette" New yi'rL, s-it Une pai' b y purcisa- sing trîa us Ouir tises tise, aimunt al theïr Tise t'olouing disingulisissul paesons have signil.bblts.s lied tiseir intention at' puirainizing uhe work: Der ' - - DARtIUS IELLS, r Grace the Daciss of Htamilton,lte'Ceamutsas cf E. R. WEBB. Q Linîcoln; tise Councies of' Ciariesilte; the; Rigisu Honourebte Lord Ashiis'na; the Rigisi- Hoisour- able tise Viscut Fatklandl; tise ,Lard Albert PROS P ECTU S Conymig thes; ise it siHec.Sir Robt iAssis, 0.C.a.; Josepis Nealul, Esq., MI. P. F. S. A.;OF' THE Iteriel Botitsiq, M. P.; Hudson Gurstey, TP~ T T 'LtN AI' Esq. ; DasesoaTuoaEq., F.R.S. F. S. A.; - H ITBY 2iJF L.LVIIiN Horace Ttisis, Esq. Tise work s cdi Un fublisisei in asonisaly parts, ai 25 cents saris.Isle prep"rieter, in cIJndejakiisgst.si At tise comsmencemnent of earis Volume an en!' cenduct, lbas doue se, witis a 1îuveîy senset graved TltWePisge simd Frostispiere' w-lu ieU gises;c and anongt ocier sabjecte aiready in tise En- cOf tise responsiiisy issvolved tiiortby, graser'a bauds, are threr bitiserio unjsîîhitlsr.edl-btw i eemn ~ partraats-ihe it!a curions 3i4tuIesaaicai Sketchs, "u it eefi tien a tiierelo.0 taken about tise age of cigiteen; Use second, a inawond, to give himselt'as heasrtihy te l Copyof a Pictmîre by West, use w-elL-tisown Ans'tlan ainter; sud tise tiis, a Sketch t'rasmlise work as ha feels Ilat the cause in tise celebracea' itue sy TiscrwaWmen et Cens- wisich ie hUas embarkis1 trnîisfal. bridge. Thse pblication aili commoence ou tise Ist o&f October, andl Un coctiimued an tise ist of' Rep>sdiatîag the perpetuationofpt every seceeding asasici, tillthtie w-bote aa tou- -etpt. -pietes.Ifci, imagine it tiwlit noiexceeui four ty fetids, and tise ieaping fuel oni lie 112L.ne A iserai discount ta tise trade,'ad od . lre t sa otiterattendeul toi unies, sccoiapassled by ca~s. fpiXof ty dfferenees; bis bs G. G. BYTRON, puùh, efforts wili b. davotet t secuIre a bar- 257, JBroadway, NEW Tasi.m e u nicus werking cftiap iialae Amagiist 21, üàgOrM reculs w-biaishave, in exereise, ratardeti w-u iaasîY, fin , the Interor, w-iLf e entitled t bn.Udace ursca pro- rStkla 45 parseat. If seat iy mail, tise Postage grass. .îsssg Lem Odis adve " -'It WÃŽIl hétie pride anti pleascra c *.*ver Ruils e s uew1iper an thse Uited tise eCnasstor ofth Freu tr ie &WS1111nCMR, spb" gte Pru s y ,tis e ets amîatnt ious -fmtn y ess Who have "5yieded tthPese .=~e' w-ffibe fatiMÉh*m their ctevstb ente Village, so merit a )ted tlise SSchool [ustiti- tants cf etce vi- ýo hatve daily], [2s. 6d. TE. egl 1. Escis~ ~ ~ ~~On e10dsecnsrio,. . For sari line above teu, tk. 4d, Eveiy ssbsequent inuersjon Os.Id. Ait lettesdirected ta cisie ofice minet Le Pms. AGENTS FOR* THEFRE.J' Mr. Bates, &eGlôbè-llotei,B fi Mr. C. Drape, P. M 2hrWA11 ~2~~X- NNa in tisa fin aball biÀr suen:wortiy, isa fond i t$l s in Swéden c Mmse ail-x QMaina bhate of lime 26 - ,o int a carefttL.(biMparison of-the conue- quences that have resulted theretýom,- and .such daitywiii bc perfornîed wit a view to the ijisîrucltion anid edification- of týOse who, restricted tq other dûties, aie, denied the plepsure of 'a caiefhi analysi's.of those placed- in authority siver tbens. The proqgrcss of the.1Caxýndiai popu- latioii, physical and mental,, wjiI b. flittingly reeorded ;--where hindranees te ils dcvelopmen. arejnade palpable they vili beusparingly denp*unced. li politics,-'the ýFreemun wili caluly, bus fcarlssly audfirmly advocate such mneastires eof getirai progre :ssiveReform as comason sense and reason may point otit, ns heîigreçpired by the circumn- sta nces and ensiitenimeat of the ago' iswhieh wc live, 'reespective ofpartyr orpartypolitics: otirmrotto'being niot men bue m»easuires'; we shati careftslly review.aiikej the sayings and doings of piefessed Rcfoercrsiind ac.knowi7dged tories, npprovimg or disapproving either, as a strict regardte trath shali requir' be'moreexpii,it may nothe46amiss to mention Isere n few of the more Pio. minent mensures of Referm. which we look upon as reqtiired at the preseat day, vis.;, general clective institutions, frein the higliest te the lowvestoffices ' i the land, extension of the eleetive fran- chise, and reductien of property qualifi- cation eof candidates for electioi, repeal oftîhe permanent Civil Listand the veto poecr, 4000 miles off; simple and echeap Lgeverameat, 'as weiI as simple and cheap law ; Clergy Reserves and Rec- tories for general Eduicatien ;'FreeTrado with the Ujnited States, and, an inde- pendent Government for Canada, or a- uniIion wvith ýthe. greatî-Republie on fair, heonotrable, and juist principles, se svoa ns these subjlects shall bave been stuffici-. ently disetussed te be therouglsly tînder- stoed and des 'ircd by a large majority of thie.peol etof Canada with a view bo hîremote their permanent intcrcst, wel- fare nnd presperiîy. Firmly beicving that the present crisis in tise affsirs eof Canada re- quires tise tunited advice, nid and assis- tance of- ail and every et' its truc ftiends, in order te tise establishtment et' ifs institutions, laivs, andl interest upon a finisi and permsanent isasîs, and tlsereby develop, ifs vas! resoecis and jct'a , bsf htVL.eriîy te expeet that res-ilitoebe bronglit abolit by the Perpetuiai sqtllaisiig of eraving politiciniis for placee nd rfuýtcr,er in aay chlier %vay, sisnpe er usssîsier, tisai by a tinion and eue genierai effort et' tho honc nnd sinew cf' to colintr< (whoether lieretoibre kunocen as -Reform- ers or Tories) who hlave huit one aim, elsject and interest, viz., good goverai- ment, ansd tise vel-are, pence and pros- perity of Canada. Nerved by ths e nrsèiiustnuc-9 hat tho 1 ities ind(lrtekefl in tthis enteri)rise are of ne erdinnry character, the pro- prictor wlvI devote luimsclf te securiog for the tewnshsip a jouirnal vhich, wilie ausuniciatin gviews conson)ant witis those of tienma jority of its jushabitants, wiil ,Yct lac fnsiîfll in tihe information which rens(ers a jotirnal valuiable ini the bosom Of a famiiy. Thi-çFreeman wilI be fenind invalu- able te tise Farroar, ns " Essays on Chenis try, applied4o ..lgriculttire," wiii be published wtsekiy, andi cxtead e 4 Us

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