i. T WhilbIy Agr'Icuturai Aoiii. . pertYý 8as if the value of it.were intrin-> Th Sir$ndnîhn elée had anji value; basý ThoAnnal eetng ftle Witb ~ f ans were nsade'for_ property, no* fit on .&gicntual ooety Iîldat r~propôrty,for-nas,, Many,, indeed, have John Smith's Tavern, Whtby'Villagel on gravelyasserted, that temaintenancée Wcdisdn~, th 9tl mat r. erry ofpropçerty mw-s theonlyeûd of gvr- U -Y.,M P PPresjdenis, being absent,, mont. Mr4hb the Cbair was taken by Mr. WrnF. TOM $50f lowi ,McMnster, Vice-President. Meeting -r- 0klin, 27fh 'Jan'y, 1850, being called to, order, thé Secretary H rend'a statensent'of the receipis, &c.3 Tis1e fllowing- hnes hà vebeenn t us e and disbursemonts of the funds of the -by a friend rcsiding near Whitby; we - Society for the past yea r, vit - thissk the. chance a good one, -and' will " DR. h voucli for lheu sinceitfof thew author. * 1849-Jan. li. -r as nthe N ;ladie-s, rpp and ase-ïtà him- Keep Jar Treasurer's hands ..-.£28 13 111-2 u uet i pei& n atsia o Do. for annual aubseription 3315 o .us0eha ohn adfnosia 0 April and Oct, do. from P. Perry wishes. Ris address yon shali have. LM (donations), . 6 5 0 .Api,do.owner et Old Clyde, do. 3 15 0 À A Iifo Ianed. (Qoveroment mouey- Do. for 10 bush. Feu >Wheaî <Pronnun) 509..- 15 0 O 2 10 0 £92 1811l1-2 By cnsh paid prem'es for Sping lfair, £21 5 o ýOctoher, .Brcaaitîfair mis4210 0. lly do. &r. of Plough- ingrmatch, .'7 15 0 do do sisner for 11l dodo prioiing and- 1Cards - 2 14 4 1-2 ~ydo do for postage, 0 O 61-2 y o do down, i 17 6 81-29218 111-2 Jan. 1., Ila arn't. in Treas. bands, £17 6 '81-2 Thae above report being npproved of, lie followi&g -officers were elected for ~the year 1850, viz P. Ferry, E9q. M. P. P., President; %r. Wm. F. MeMaster, Ist Vice Pres- 'dent; Mr. James Tweeclie, 2nd Vice ýPresident ; Mr. John itson, Secretnry; Mr. John Cade, Treastîrer. The Directors sverthen chosen, their âuties and sections in which they will Rt- tIhe Secretary wiIl inforra thein of by circular. Pl1ougling Commnittee werc elected viz: rI&M. A]lex, Balmner, Mr. James TJwea- eand Mm. Joseph Pierson. The Di- ~tors to meet at Mr. Smith's Tavemo, itby Village; 2Otls Mardli next, at 2 Bock P. M. for transacting tise besi-1 ~of the Socie ty, msake tiseir etucesa, arrange tisa jremittnss for the [Fir. ho S priug- Fair lo be held at Wlsitby lhe FulI Fair un Olawa fur the yenr Ye fair eues attend, I'vemnso4'er le male ye In Hymen'e aoft bande, l' a xions tb live: "For boter fer wos-e" a coenpanion l'il -take ye, Providing she its the description 1 Cive. I neiher expeet aor cao hope for perfection, For ihai nover yet wus a Bachelor's lot; But choosing a wife 1 wiil make a selection, Which muany ii n y-situaiioii would mot. I'd have-let me see-Pi' ot have a beauty, For heà utifui women are api te b. vain ; Yei wiih na ma hare I svould' think it a dity, To take her, ho thankful, oad neyer complain. Hec foraimuaiûs be .gooa, wiihout art te, co nsà train il, And aiher above than below the middle ise; A aomehing-it puzzles my brama 10o explain il-- Likeoeloquent language, mnst flow from her eyes. She muat be svell-bred, or 1 could flot respect ber, Good natured an-driïôIés, buüt sse coy; lIer misai well-informned-.'ia the purified nectar That eweetens the eyes of Hymenial Jey. Bec home she muaI love and domeaticesnmploymeat, Bave practicai knowledge of household sUbaira, And soake it a part éf lier highesi enjoysneni To soltén my troubles aod lightese My cams Hor age I would at leasi ta, b. îweuuy, Bot net to exca.sd twenty.Jlve et the mot- And the girls of ihat age being everywheme pleaiy, 1 hope te gel one of ibal auinerons bost. No fortune 1 s5k, for I've ne predilection -For glîlter and show or the pomp of high life; 1 wish se ho bossnd by thse corde of affection, And. nôw 1 hava drawn yoa a sketch of a wife. If eny poass the above«requisitions, And wish te hoe bound by thie conjugali-band, Th'syli pleese te st.rpfortracd, kno-w tse conditi6ns Isquire of the Edtor-I'm alwaye aI hand. Whiihy, vhiie houae, on the hill..) January 251h, 1850. . Jasm Wl ho Presidet of the-United Stà C AMERO N recornmended au appropriation t toitorenim  nt au expedition to seareh for Sir SOLLCITo1 aFranklin. I @YU! is Excellency the Goernor Gene- tas been pieased to mahe the fol- kg appointrnonts, viz: oa. Christopher Widmer, M. D.. gj,, & eu. Gurnett, Esq., Mayor ofTotonto, , b3-e inIWh :v'd. IHenry J. Grassett, '-JohajCairoll, sa Eastwood,MEq., Lrtin O'Bicrne, Esq. ?n. John ,Elmsley, nes Beaty- Esq. nm. Mathers Esq. axai n. MoMasterEsf te be the Bado ictr for Visiting, Inspecing and Superintending Ahe Lunatie Asylurm at Toronto, under Act 2nd Vint. chap. il sec. 'Tis sed, when tlsearze a rea sky, ils sign of Wind; but when thearlze a red nonse its sign of wet., M A R R ED. At the 611th Concession,, Whiiby, on the 24th iut., >hby the Rev. Mr. .. Geikie, Congregational Mlinuster, MIWiss Frances,. ldesi daughter of Mr. Francis Farmfer, Wh iîby, t o YT: ümsde n Esq., of the same place, son of Col. Lunsaden, Belbalvy Lodge, Aberdeoushire,,Scotland. ' NENrYO11K MARKETS. . Nxw YORKF, Jan. 28,.1850. AsHEs-PotiI, sales 40 harrelsata $668 a $6.75 Pearis $6.6 a $6.12. FLovux.-Sales 2,300 bbls. at 64.871-2 a $5 for common and siraight sate; $5.12 1-2 a $b.25 for Michgan; $5-44 a $5.56 for pûre Geneses. GsIAN.A emall lut of red Northa Carolina of 700 bushels at $1 .2c. WîezAvT-Go od inquiry for mailling, andi puces beite,; Canadia. very irai. .Canadian Flour and Wheat 11cmi. Ashes $ 62e, for. old. and $6 6Me. a $6. 75e. for n0w lPoie, Pearle $66 12. 'I - itb~jUagkgt. JASSUAEy 30,1860.' Whbeat,îeDer hoael. - Oat. "--- o Pesa............. Fleur...... Butter --- Lard...... Cheese----- 'îmonipa----- Hay..... . Pot and Peail Ash .- -6 -17 -0 -0 -o -40 -25 *. d. e 20 0 0 0 0 a 20 Oý .0 0 0 e 0F ew.,el0 Whitby Ladies' nip ay OPPOSITE TBE '(AMMAIt 801100 PublieHoiss A3 Cen b. sIpple&d- iih a firsi rase artice of on -Moderalê e os, foc CASH, ai CLA-RK'S IIRWERY. Whiihy illage, jan., 7j 185.. 2t1 Keep it beire the People. T HAT ItheSubaciber stiji continuci to, sel aItue Ten per cent. cheaper than amy oihcî està blislunent in tie.Iplace.- Tlsankfusl for, pnt favcours, he respectý. ful]y >solicifs a >centintwrjce, and would mnform bis numeroscsoers ext-la rge, ttielc has on hnnd a full and generni DI)2V GOOD)S,HARtDWARE, GRO0CERIE, and woîsld more particuîlarly, ealltheii attention. b huis stuçk of ns well as a large assôrtient of BOOTS AND SHQES Prie of Mlies'Bootfrose 1M. 6d. te 158. and the bcst article of VOU N ISON TEÀk, -4t 7Tve SAibgs eand Si-pem eper posen . R. E. PEERY ALBo, on haud, a $uudid assortmne nt W/lite Kntiftiag, Cottoa,) frm -No. 8 10 NO.29,wlich will be» aolid LOW.. Whitby Vil 1,'~n 5th, 18.50. [s tient lad wbo--bosi,-ght a whole sutit uf clçthcss- aI Pa 1r'. ai.- week, tire LÇAeaPet itore in tfha, Villaige.. BriiÃg iÀ16 yonr nreigeboura, boys; Tlhaive enouge ýtosupyt woe eiem * S cretary W. q. y. lies worthy nplofh u-vlabie, w. 5. - *Am@ Gtx3au O' - paper-y&u nwill e - "rb tg>r-1.-cMU > h r.k naia r. Willson bluen relurncd for London i.ys insertion. nemf*ab h i j rM* 'j ' , 41 13 aspO4Uvo oati0Tr Towsipsîthat h h ofo 4*. ofdte46 n kegMr. lb O Se O e ? * RP-10 TIIg OLLOWING. R. Wooss otel, whetolie 1uil li y o a ou v r Mr i oi.j w f hl a..B u tter,fr" .pcrlb, O 7 ae 0 O 0 O T a (0 9 L a ies L d t ! ! L a d es .!!! p y to m 'a it o n a it w h oré n ' -~ . . Pork, per 100lhè. 20 0ea25 17 6'a21, D1 yn0nwandsveyusn h i. s ermannt en4s-e iIf people tel me tIsaI Isvant te dis- Edisua of the rmighty times! ' cnvê. tinbet. ý dte 1 &0.a17 10 01817 6 -itch styles of i.eranlteids zneember lien Emspire, and abandon lise ancient ire, Patatoeper bssebe 1 6 e 1 -1IaBa 1 9 eîring operafionî i r ofIp26 ý3 0 I ~ ~ vuig4 olonies, 1Isay I1svani Englis isuecawho Revive th slus b.rn em, onkindle thise n e 3- 8teb fusingrn unaea a.vouand uy.o> Fosel, per cosup&. I36. socieeni ssss ue. * -éEggaX. , prduaeta O 5'O 0 0,10vaieuathstreof11 cefra e soses he."Ço»z* Whiîe..1 muse on tIse. the noble, unoast alhl'ofjqts the 3ê 45 45 .5 .0 . , Fsà tstbYesen. A heled 2e.~pob<mi216a22 16 <> R. E. PEReY . 8faif? Frte&ia.Afriend toithe forloro, yetaoue to Slavery>s band 1.O5s,per bull260 b. 2 O a10 0o-W tblhJa ,15. -3f p* Peeapofelacos eIgaiii.Uoy1rbla0lli 2 2 3 6a1'0-2y Incorruptible Mineml Teeth,i ~uf~cco i alstiuîDdgualeî. Look sakane frein ler seub-ihere behold IMM.< 20.6.O ! O1JM N INU, tienklful for for- fect imitation of the,.ssatnrai>. ù ber splendid tewere, P M0 e RT A NT mer patronage, woid inforra the, with tien pin,'f Aogtteisrmnso euinHec lofly alar-capi metsetainas, ber racliam _ ihaitnt e' ,eht hem sehool le an entimase..8 ayed tett mjiloycd for mconciliisgthie people- lewcs - L 0'T r E R. ! wilI mre-asemble on the lIstFebruamy, in withGold ad ilver; enas>1 0oer;tient cottage opsit ia rma- tuait' prese'vethiee Tetfr Wsi lin~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~rw doiino h n n infw e uwce~s e ogosdms o~~qo. in WHITY VILLAGE,aeT. N. Sehool. Parents Wisiing t place t reslrle a o1a n' . a P-ruam ie .H otel, on S a ms rdsuy, ti 2 #edW - lio pe <i ns pkan g orlas e n e- A irs e o w* n - voS tb rg y day of jfrc, 18 5,,»he follo v ain a b lua e Pr- c i.dre,.,nder h r t ilon, arc r qu at. egisasand jad breat k Clr d-ati ignlio ofpeson asd cases f pr- ilspek, s w~~indr'.oic, halberglo jery toite emotnt of £152 10s., pot up et tho edto sens them at the cornmescemenl pintes iaisertad, &c. ns, instend cf the ordinary and apipro. hbu not flown. -, owest valuagtion. TheHere is jlv emesniod, ýof teSession if possible., naIn y p * ~' -dark Bay, 15 1-2 bands higb. Weil Wou ~notice-. . .m Irwia will b. rit.denominations, the Iîamcss Of 50 TIen hail 1"mine dwn, iny native land 9-, thy Wamanied sossnd and truc -I an bho enn1 .TIS .Scripture's Rotai, os e efirst Pri anY, abstract .fctitious antities, con- lfair cegenial soil, ns the rt oîdae moveable propet nnmerae. l(î ~ ~ . eoi otfio ocoe-A., nued for then purpose.- Taire tho fol- Belov'd hy every nation, enriehed by t)ey tsmil ise manageunon ofpe-ote- a so owing exansps: reo faim jamring diacord, commotion, snd feli drawing, &c., wifi give sati4fectioi. ltCaa.......£ 90 Ail op-eations warranted. strife- 2nd < . ~Oshawa, Jan, 5, 180 Instead of IingS, Or the King--the Be tIsat ihine aum-an niini-which inithy anais lelu en LI STiOFePRIZE - - 22 10 O. 10c0 rown and te Tbxone. vcrflr - I lug -z - 2 0 - iLabere ~2n'- 016<i0>Drawisgand Painting, 2 0O -Insteas) of Chnmoiemau-..thd Ceurcie, Look eaIlier gigantie mimd, whicle aupercodes _Seve- - :. ASH! ASIIV0AS0 and sometimes theealtar. tlheefar, l* înoowOCA I-1C k3 - Instead Of Lawyrs-thie Laiw Comnssnding adoration, whuite il bribiens lier 1 Cooking &Sove - - - 6 O & eiysa;1 Yankee Notione do. - . 8110> 10 WF.Lm l lIL IIII oveey star;1 TigIs-Air Parleur do. -- 2 15 O0AS Inshaad of Judgos, or a Judge--the' Enlihtening every nation, while *1 iII,,uune ig 1 atBdi - - 0oWML pay CSHdoring the wsutar Court. evecy asi-- - - - -Co - 2 0 0 > for any qiantity of good F4LIL or Instend of Rich men, or the Rici-- The ombleso of a mighty race le traced on ee ,WECTdlvrda hi Prpry ae11pair âne Bootse Store in Prince Albert, or ah; Handea's Prpaty -pae!1 do. do. 1 10 1---do. do. 1 10- .0 Milis,, Port Whilbi, Si--poct Oshawa. O hsdvcteojcan fet-WIEITU, ay u185&. I--hl* do. - Io >o Cash aise frtanyqnniîyofgoic. 0f~~~~~~ ~~~ Ibsdvn, inojo adefciumcosdo. --017 6 Timo1ay Se ttni -Bats, 1deliveiedat -- sthal aaq ucîplesant idestient in thee o 0 RWED-Scocugi d. d. - - O17 -hir tr.AseCs o BakSi ain) f te eecr r mndrmgito tehe. stimales of tien General Land 1Id. d. 0.- >17 6A.F EWL mapen ho standassocialed, with thee fieIe~oeUta . oe bi, ilpyCs o ,0 is;o cle~ f ienpaso e te cas, i dse-ires abouttWo iousand million 'acre& 1- - - - O 15 ' Wieat - delivered, st W, . ,gdfoeil; and în the atead ci th«. 1 Fiaeoynm old cuil, nothieoke la. 15 0 .0 Mills-.5,000) busiessrJeivered aI T. or asa'Obfoxeus balf4honld b. waste lansaend 1 iî ULot tGron ifilis INckeai- 12 10 0Gs' E.SMie - 5S000 bshe0,00buî oforests,theure wouid ai!) ho a tieonaand *- e E' Mitls 50 bshl dh ivdul, eeojet reerîd ~ .milion acrea. Inteiligentagriculturists 3- t>ýcc. et£25210 O d eliver.d ah !areweil le . eh, ain o e t cr, b e i ea fbe iee that e a h ac re, nd oç 'g od Ot at (fflh b-. to uoh e ls prim e F ail.W e at, -e ch s npotyhe.ilagination is li aiyupotaiasC vered at Port 0shswa. i ed-a. phantofft whicie, by mensadi ote iUie tl, aL riaa- nloel~Aise Cah for any quantity e of o an iso tenh Fitd taewauld j - isSe, Oata, Peu, and Com-. te power with wiich the individual Tihe SuLboriber-m id eombtaS this sapport he.whoio ofthe present pp- - m>me. 06% - op3.ntyotakigfeerut n lohs) s o.ditda ojuto mUn tte lbe.- thi.Toabgue BahIsypomi tstmeaanrthi ioeao adti. - t and) veneration: in tie ; flksh ar Of hé ORmai.b sOfReehh =Yomit us,onm fr hna arnge n h re' * usaImeà tioiied, 1h. nature of W avptanUataetman osawes eansner l in ihmuay oftbuuat to vice m orpraîrîyovin. receiveil -from.a-a mercantile lbouse in payable totheo ic-6Feure Brou iga.aptantoi ftae-s the Isaseitaem Le Ln asrîn mi h h th r of -a e ived anyvine~ woWl ale abi to be tueir iaten tka, - been observes)-bah perceives) or 0 neoédia ildutyse of en iVE~demacIbyl e speakers i 1 » - . smIA m hIWeut lbçYpur mm lAMERN2?B É t. ~ - der. Re "Whitlý m Luwst.r «" Attorea t Zemw, ~$MCKff'RE, WHITBY. _A CARO. that, hohLes recommenced Bîîssiness a bis Old Stand, Brocli Street, two doors r North oÈthe Store Of PETER PasRr1, Eaq. Hae'is now peepared to make up Car-. menîls in lieu Iatest style Of. fishion; a,id,-ftomhaeeinc and recent yinlprovements. in. the srt of Cstting, c au ,seoure te his-,Costumnera elegance and comfort. OÉ uro QPéan onwf 4aeHcan Faïkioe regularly rece*ved. HTJGH FRASER. * Wlitb ViUs~e 14 Jais-,1850. ý~ASH FOR WHETt TillE. S'UBSCRIBEUS will pay-.teed Proluce deli vered at thear'Stores,eitherr .at; Port Wlsifby, or Crandel's Corner,'e The Subecribers also- beg Jeanv.té' remnindt their F.riends andCustomers thkat they have cozsssenced business~ Craesdell's Corner, Ranch.; and,' by steady aiteatione hope for a. ahare of public patronage. JOHN MARTIN & CO. Port Wieitb)y,' 6th Dec., 18-49. -1-