Whitby Freeman (Whitby, ON: J. S. Sprowle, 1850), 23 Jan 1850, p. 3

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The latést American uews that -bas roaohed us vas received by the ammoi-. ated pressof this City, lest night, by .teiegraph. It rirs thuts: affirsin ubagivs Mr'.Cleyten couiderabla trouble, as Sir H. Bulwer s mmiiita h. anaxaitup iu it, as beving commuiâte t he vieva of bis govitrmat in relation to tht Island. Thoaganta of the. Spanimlt Mitlaier keep Sir Heny, and h. keepe th. Cabinet, wail advismd ontheti. anject. W. eaun tht tharmsident.hanmsesat ont in- structions ta Mr.' MaMs, U. & Charge te Con__ atautinepla, ta cnn!eyvlh the. Sultan on bebaîf ai lb ti..ungar e efgms&nd la secure tothem, if poibIe, latarty. la cernete the ToUitdStata. Th lsinevery' roepect t t ii.exiles vali re- causa a gra*t 2land from ltab. Tii. Domilniean sud Haytimfie. havebait an engagement off Aux Cayes. 1Th.formùerballerait lin hue aie nfone af the1Haytieq men-of-*er, but th. latter subseuenly escaeaitby running mbtc aboalvatse r amph 1 attach no importance uWhatever, 'or rather I de net believe it. " e w titrby ever',are wortby oteredehnespçialy that in réitpion t':tethe gar*eeAs-- strengtheniaag as il ýdees 'the bandée o Englaed and Fmnce4aud, proportion- ably weakening ithose ef Russia f Ânstnia, J lenlIis dayî impression vili h. fomaqa<article on Ima e a fi rimgeniturea sudlb.heCourt ai Chaacery. Wýe arehappy taSundtht ethe. *vis ai th.'Couit ai Chancery ara about ta h. tlroght1 bealb.thepublitl n thir lana lighl, sud ýth t public press baye taken lbesubjeci up.. This ini ai iniquily viii Qnonedaub, gsi a tbanhO1U overÈawlugz. Tee long have va baautrnng uudar th e W of Prmogeilure; la a young Mdi gýroing 'country lika canada, »ne la* o a iai naureise required,andithe anjuslses of the a 1 alan. vauld varrant lta. people pUbis country in demaudiug ils ismdiata rapeal. la Engand tbis ),laIls1doubtl essucssary, but iu Cauede it lha carse.. ithas.icdlta-disaaian, sapaielion, suM tha talaitatnin of hbeusauds of issilis", aud se long as ileicmin uforce, il viii prove a banadlatha. country. _ _ _ _ _ Gerge GurntÇi esr-Fq., was elected Mayor for the fotrerirne'on Mopday. The division stood thus-" Yeçmu.. .Nas. *Campbell, Bowesp ~Dun,])avis, Bugg, Duggaa, Ritchey, *Dempeys, 'GUrnett, .shfield, Thoanpion, Plaît, Beaid', Ârmîtreeg, Smith, Coulter, James. Those marlced with asterjeke, ar e Aldermen. To the Bfdiior of te WIliibpFremn. Mit. EDmrire-Thereaûppes.red in the columns o e l. rieidly Jdralit, ef the. 201h December last, anerticle hesd- ed IlDr. Hunter'.s Defence,"joeiating ta a conviction ef Clark and trias, ie whicb -tise learned Deter ob the 1libeity to.m.ake use eofuty name, in conneetion with ceuduet. whicb, if it had been as tue ÃŽegaed Dector sated,< wmeld -ho net et once evaiied buasef ef hie magisterial power, and caueed mie te have been errested, tried aid con- victed for such outrageons cotuduet as, ho, th. leerued Dectoa'represente ta hie defence beforenamed. Yeu, Sir, bis.bum1p of combativenesa wauld have been raised tete highest piteh, and ho weuld have vent ta o rk vitàhthe' vengeance of a mari man, *and delotSd 'equity by 'wholesale, nsebhe h doue befere. Bt, iS.there is net oee ord village On that day. The messenger that went for the learared Doètor was Mr. Johnsten MeBrien, who je re ady te cettify-to-the tact. I would ask yôu what yen could think of one of RHera tMfajety'is Justices of the-Pence,..that could have the audacity to mahe such assertion in the face of as many respect- able* perlions as, %vas acqu ainted wvith thée fact of this, and knowi>ug. thate. Vanfllack v as not the messenger- but 1tothecçontrarv--.that-Mr.. MoBrien vas the man sent for by the learncd Doc.or by J. Ferguson, Esq., Again, he ess wha t was tbe first disceveryt'%whY, that the witneaspreteiit, to-identify the hors. for Mr. Batt, had netbeen paré mitted tei see thent exeptneûthel in a dark stable with closed doors. Yeu RIl sec how much tuhter ei thjsttemnent. Witness and Ceustable ý wçu nt Qto the stable ; there vas one large deorand 3vidow open,; wt4Çeu reqteste cov tabJ taite the herse et; om.tabile teldwvitness if heclaimeda the hoeeh wonld. Then the con- stable epýened t»e .lare *ers of'the stable that was'large eneOugh te admÈt- a cnage ;the witness ideutified the herse and taiç.iintable te take him > .ont; -the herse w~taktrn but itota he' tanand- i xifi Lal ç_y att,- 1 thengh it vas Mr. Keut's hrse, .which eau pyye by20 fwitneuses.. ýThe hereo a he ed by the cer11ttblei te Mr. MoBrioe s talel0, and looked .p .ed kept--sfe, netil the ex aa tien shonild take place. Then he <oms a o t«mYthal threataeml .]attis ~fi hoeuteredpa pR ausi * hich i a poustive le,'sud aven Bti hisameif aav.r' gave 9vdence ta eny mach thig thaugitmt-tha uholee aWbr; and 1ddy th. leaered DocIto r puce any afldvit to ual telfet'that has been md previoas taIstixume. .11*àastoaishiug that a ama ntaking mach -praaniosta aat a .t pearced Doctar qdoms, à.houlf'o fer ,forgot everY mut7y a mner; batyoncannt vonkr uthen you glane. et die a" comtd o t al gstielnmn. Rer la1h eems sotraacnd dlecavasY. nea mayea14e. hos. bsd basa itd, hi, merb obitaeratad, eSd hs itpluckad, *hiçh s e m- rsrsaain sudh. tue DctosuWM par- faclyvwel l*at et the. tisa. of 1h. examlntie. et Brooklje, h.triad t. put thsev'yM vords t -the vitne as' noth aand silein the. ttempt; and that when 1: croes-uxaiàblai4tia wtnme, he oid sa arth qieiof mee.a, ela . Doetor t.ld hir l h. d aln ~ uvrthé questio as hhabd asked ïbit uaquestio misI.liii." emartla.in b.'proved faeby a blmaumber of *itnesaa S. er.as 'smaSha. ostege upon iraih. ne- alys oonrdeaing' h. hos»sliepro- dacedlI vsumaoniliq 1 lad VeaWk raflas.ta obey me, *ad aaly don. soon a tiaret ai iaulaui ceusaibnto for, )à: disabadkance-' IT u e . proved me; Vmabnlckam.vàlantmiiyfrw!rd su.tud p aosetishovlnuii..Iore. &as tbé itnemis laid bn .a afmi6 he as mistakan, and h had liter cls mas le boma ai. Wht ioiIowe.tvh om e.AS thble u a opeed,atin OUveYno eia ha-mte ,anid thtia Kant's hors. Tuerea s n lretnt Part cobieraioq V"uack,nt Vaes thar. eY diobaenc, Whieh fmat b. ýth«or.çghly ed. At tua stage of tii praceedfingsé, aym tbi eead Dotor, Nathetael .Bey dvsnçM d tavaMdsmie wiîtLu edreve dirk-kuin hs isbaud, sbookbis fat la uny M&,a a td. &--a YS., 1I viii x Y" tiug yet. Screly te. Ot acmet bava bas ceicule"lg on bi usùiati*iof pover sud ne- miiO5abiltieste d"eoslvéh.eyte< ueo.lat var progMt on that ccelonvhcluceuldaavé bea Detsa0orl@eh eiiSWh. viii testffy jýqWa - ywasuat tuoepace, j ecI"1ev vith ua-y b«Ck t-owthe d ii.faa, teMlkIngith i'Itay, yen ara e aw rald oisttel, dv I éenauqaon nia occmmn oa»aaWar me -JQCW's' parpamas. Now, aii, i havaecontradittad'nethitg uer aaserteit anytbing.but wbat 1 cen substantially prove, and 1 cietienge anyý persan te prove ta the 1 an, Siri -Yourm, Sie., - 21ra M Zur of Lise WMby mmua Butter---------------O70' -0 4 aO0 troul Chas --9 -« >1e0 yar r'snis-----------e7 e a 0 Hay --- -- ------40 0.a00 potatMdPaemiAsh- -'* -25 0 ,215 WOU"d IUGOqADTORONTO. r What vont h more applicable, >t te.apraant - .rtyng théur, T tgtht perlodi Wbs lisemaa imoeuecy ' JA1iquâAEy 23,1850. a.a -& , sudd a. d. it. d. ' revoUlnt in 'tihat laap tatlihts heaim- a*4spar'b». 3"5. If2a 1 Sila I 3 OP otheteh addt agitin lalthe Unknov utsi'. Beco5,jt'per 41 8a, 'C40 6 a50 O Siu ia ii pg a isoytat~ ButW5i n wË lb -10 5.00 a5aa 06 thing, by fÃ"fkblge're'the & -Sizike Bumfthr Page of a6rh O 7 i O 8 0:a 70 9 omaba phrmase, udvaore fer b.ebindt the dmys ifams,perhb. O - .06a 07 o a S0 6maiîtnie of Sbaa, Hanei mJpeaIl scienlceavlhbebr Pork Per'100 1W, 20. 0 a25 (17 6 a2t 10 ualla&typruxuction, la founmeti ansbleui. Bm.!, dJ". '116a0-17E lAa 1? itettS9Ptei ne Behotit lie anus tliaibus drgged thesanits spon 2Urk-t, e M Z6a 5 3 o a 6 a in tryiug ta Dacige tise Cor ofasadthieiaban gitecit hasliasi, tressathe bot Fm*, cOq«Pk 1 3a- hA 13 a 1 8 iauerpting tu Cul Gitr, or bai ai finalperdition. TIesa laft upm u uiclx, 3~ZS 5 0 4O4 0500 w. thi- ow tymany viii bar boataIto'npotence <i labo ffy, ko.145 2c 14530280 O 16poreap, vi hova usngivltsu . Fosrpe-12 1 o- 0o a 1,Io é o -s Gead, oïily. made themst uik Yeâ, tii beaisaupon viiclu sulîerstition ý- >55,jteii.s.60 Ï 20 0i6& 1) O do,,in !a ht> ttrrow; or, if vxret asanuder 1Hât i. rocks eofthle fixaIsemax-_______________ ecùàd. Oh 1ithon beau ampen ubici thausasaiaoa- -uke.a tar t l.al, thpn loo>k intallke * aigs av <nuiti et %prpn ae auiue nueml run-awavs crpe, t reai a alstalWerk a tm'GraS ,em.AI zudieh-eanmItyewôgiksftuédeo r*lim ata kingfrom every thing al te flinders, an mtieseithlerby dtuinlsbediorlasof Vion.. > tinesthisir omWn iek s i tise mlat wvas itiht tan - sam.. già stop ortie Tovusisip of Reacis' suy Po t~ua~ ~ gi'a~ ' g ~'~ mryNte made by us ars ettll" of us, 1 have eftén wonderedl to'mr amtiy. Waa it et' avialues 1 An amaier 1 nwbnnainesare spbecribedi herWb, ttth I'av-e1ylnmn lhehitsatva s nceamniylualva. paybl' te th. nid George Brown, ms thdsnaiatiti. 'e Bo mach fo r"vomtion, anti se mach for, eitheo~f mtihave recived any value .jgo--3>055 804yali anvhchlaer pssertyras.Th cd <a'for the suanie, sud thereibre i ta seo r- aniMtals t6 sun te a SZYo vniuc l aaaàntom pamultion, tim. iT uoir-na la. uetterfrBremk-neck- a WaI eie;'*e ' 'cu t.b aiasà nt Sletiii, t ê htuéPm-JAMES MçNTYLTY, c>.d o ut 'by the good ci iclff a l hiant npfid ibl he jt- 1ÙwJERZJ.Ml,&I1 cNULý'Y tile etthred,--eoSie, lsVt icae batunmfiabe i lsethévori t eta SAMUEL MCNULTY. -Note for ei10, or otiser prorm Renai, Lot No. 12,wthhare,'ve3yer Tbar*amit làtnse, but <au peroffauhe vouid Jeu., 920n,1850. - . 63in tast'the holdeï a l'W4 -- - a I7wrleil Of Cômtj4 whotises t of, a Psev 8 injeadea Bridge. 1 ' The. magnitude, et ,the firt incrense Wite Bridge, li the progenew t eau.«, struotion ever lbe Ohia: River, 'et ,he.Iing, Win ho uaderstood fbasa the tolowlng deciption fram t, -the itemns of'which amederiveti (rom the Report et lte Engineer, Mr. Chas-. Ellet, juatr.: *#The.p= I rd.t 1 t«è eat tanin mails.-tac a he i.aupaigtoum era bmg 152 fltatlar a ti.cliaetFeao< bricigit, wici 1 st h. greattàui p aeaoacn MmTi. bigiai of thie footIng, t l vet lavation, ih91lteetabovmlth' alar val ail lia Omao, givljar aneievetbon of 52 et abeve ithe g ;Wflooff,anM.58aàbovitasyouhar knevu ris.f eb eaus; astage ai vatar,- iy lthb%«V, tiatinl twe s.lom attdbMnais tanet n.av taed ina coasaqasae a! litaeovedow ofthe ban a, lb. sbn nbs'aol iaebettmi, assithe ageucral sweep- ing.S of v'aod-pinb, &e. ; 1sethat saferncwe ta, ami compsttaasm vith it, are maltemra reler ai rurtaty lian ef pauctical atilty. On, a ris. ai lveunty f<a eeale a etlera yl b. a leaabon of 77 ieg-fsam tii. uticeoitheia ter te the lo orithe briitg'. "ilmeha samil 'aiof haeamieru over is 1525- <at aboya 1ev vatar, anit 60 feelaboyé . a bat- ment >7 ubich tid ls, poriet. The foormn 2tbaetvids, vlhhtvalqot ays, aach.3 i-Ssel est au -intarmei. arniage vas 17 faal vide. Tue langtsuppotaiby12 cables ofir »ireaf,tur Incles la d -aan;sd 1,380 fèat long. Ikm ea o eisat an Irtolee, pamit cDem. usante a! liaitavela, tisampvamaemte ai 'vlaeluviiiteleve thutoo the Ïasian vbicb si voti h l e ceioadne th le mtenhiotn mai longailan ai uh a ires, conuaqueut an variations Thistm a! tasapealaraor eImailmatry tondstbt a yics, -sudi poséavarThe cabos aa asqorse lut.tie atbout.tht hc ry c(te vlng Wall$ ail, m al aWi0 tie bltaTI.lene ofaithe ve o van ici =oni an c1h.sies is 970 feet ; ils woighl 5M peu"ilapar imetil foo, or ô.941k ornd%, Or M'1h asM tomaisala ta. wbole. ach table t onaigauoft1air~Seungpal 5W0 asIts af No. 1lOure. 1Tii vatght oe«chseau ' liI iseAt o1 lia 13cambles, composaitaof,000reay a aa* is iW Opaou", saklug, ui the veiglt >it too) of liaibar -btté, Castings, ssmmesmx, &C., hmc,,] l r o M5 plsstl'per Jieel foot,sor4M loaaaslbe pur- ISeed, Pei rqaiaaisveigbtote rkdgaIl5mlL ldia a idNev, lsdapesades a! liso taIs outuveigbi, ber oftal th. bridlgsle is stiuclel 4o am hear lgremLesmtil say mmwj mas poeiity lbe eglui spe. ut.A fothe 'yOî swei TIter 'addei attei 'olo otae. - 1th.eails a rcm s u f' --me [,eiewDistrict eof r Don't yen balieve itt tften maei ratais where il dont uteb,,to Iti] ,sc . Aap chap as 1am, shatuld hadly fodled.,by tho eodo promies topay as «0005 aun but timre> te ne -use itacYiug for Sie! YOIRWHEÂT na) wite, te Ilsraeaw mechaiaJ 1al o-thers interested, tnansd aa-bsthat, PETER P.ERRY, me old <on, i. stili upea hie alive and tfckmeS, a s usmsl ýI vlig te bu-y (aud pay for -ur Wbeat and Flous, rwth<.t Dkon Pai, teand TimoÏhy ets anmftels, Pipes and West Wvés. CPrdweed. 8awed litm-

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