Whitby Freeman (Whitby, ON: J. S. Sprowle, 1850), 16 Jan 1850, p. 4

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*4 vvaoae- D1 he 10 prts -ora' ltt'-- residlum oi f a btôwn: colojîr, wbiih la àýIIed mouotd. la this, besidles the saîts Wfid 111e éar-tls ivbieb Ife-oidains'$, arc foundn 'OIU ils andi extractivo Prie- ciples -whlioli- escaple deeomupsitio1.. Tiio dsstilintion of rnool ni u a r0*tort, pri.uuecs mch carburetted ibydrogoDn, somue carboaja acid,aolittumialous cmlpy- reuimatie oil, andi Some %vaferhldn in soltôn pyIoigaýeouà aeid andi car- bonate of amnîua--ý- Tlie analysis by ir edo not prouluce any 'subl-stanices, such !üssexist in v ege- miosphere,. or witls oxygen'. bas, aflýer ha?'Ing 'Imbibed, water, ý the oxygen combineq wjth the carbon Qf the ni-ould, and produces a , olume lof carbonie nôid gasi ilways eqnia1 ie volume to the qVantity of water inibiled ; whea tlîis Wtrisýsifficiently imregnated ith-l carb)oie acid, the volume comitenolosed unri, a bell glass, in cooeti.ct vth 'tlio mould; suffers uo> furtbher change.- ýThé carboji of îîkhjch thenao ûuld is deprived,.by its uniion ýwith-oxygoîtj, ns, not ie proportion .to the loss occnsioned by deQoînIposition; it stili diàenigages çarburettect hyqrogen and wn'ator, ic P.toves.te comubuiatiou of oxygen %vitli liydrogen, Inud of the lest witl carbon. Tfle deooîposition -of' oulti is verv slowv, aud even xwlen aided b' te ou Jair'. "d everylhing ariuùd, is carried MT-s. Bajfonir, on Satutiy .evening commenced ber sixtb and*, st]eJtnrc,ý hyobserving.t "iatlié rpositionslila] venturd lu te iccing lecture telay iidoiwn, waoethatthé reign foat ov [ereigus biadassuiredly produccd an cma in the couintry over ivliich tliey wrerc callectito.rnde. Thie rcmark of Pope, in bis- satire upon -ivom-tlint sie- xvas Wating in intellectual powejrsgi-jn- nlity of eliaracter, andi Strcnlfi of pur- Po-e - %as certaialy not borne ont by uuIy-oftlIe -iudi-idjua-lS to, w'lom ske.lind previc.usly cailleti the atteuiti,-n of lier aud(ience. ïMary Qucen of Scots -was, duîuhIItloss thle Most ineonipetent of the ugo to u n e - abl s n d ni aI ; t ie de o m oso th 'cliir r ce et airý litat, a n Wat r, ils n ess o f p n rp ose, an d t îtt I i l i nîe lîc - d istin g n ish e ti foi th o so gin sa of na ture tlc ltï i- years.ola ardaniecdgy lig first fully was the chnnging ofîtier reli- sentther [leient uner iffreu aiosîs frtiît me.~î" lîtt I .1 tu weterlit ofgieus flaitli, solcly from a désire to unak CuoMbiutioài. ,The etualysis *by moi t-ldavi erence, tly i fltchariactor, SO untilke tthrsgf popularoamo, ltchl]y, t hluesne ,, na .greater or tîthnaieo overcigîsoEtrpwlose esl pplrannthe states, of tlte 0f esliuga ~nte;lcds us ee icierless ebunidauice, of principlès enalegous cîtaraters %were sulittle takclfoi: soutît f Euype. Ttttheelaugew~as T - kecwedg-6of-Iits coaapoapt parts, and tr ss osiîtu told hs rgattyta leyral eîtd~ntmd-roui any purcly conscieutiotis of its actions upon, vcgetitior. eàLtude o»osco)tttni old hs rc)aatyhtte-eayeledsfot d pricipes re titiiàtcdly.malure, tough tlicy had, becu ail madie teo oeitotiveýs was sufficiçntly evideuceti by Il M M. Salissure foud, tîtet pure fmouilu, feriltldlper ci1îlebsareationttisIucdflicmaisumes, cund by tîte-decomposition of pàUtý>; bat 'pattera. In speaking of %wonien w-hoItrovobeaio tt teocso in.an opea ficîti, leaclicd twelve tintes o 8bnl'%aailhvnsn on wlth oiligwaîr, yilîlea dr exî ach ai ars-c.st causes a dimintution of îînd fiîîed sohilti a nstation in itîcietycfcrbtaMaaiiIvig euaco- , ad ~er q~a ti-l fitweglt;micîgr~ù lieni, a part bcblg wnslîed aua ysewîi e eos eaoagýist of? anyof conedins toect pînys blefre 4oundd thhligb "1"tcarthfro>aM . frid reits, cnd c part absurlicyti y î,~cmaps itleir vices, fu rtler thmnlo say that, the lier in célébration of lier Contvrsation. 'jý Vhicb arc aiscd ; thts thensoil la de.-Ps i ~l ,j0~gi~în~f~.Qt*:euCiîistita, witli a tierry latigli, hiehborea god copYicll dt tItprivcd by degrees of ils inutritive quinli- qiueiîuy îtrricd persoîts lnto îthe com. sid It qîite rnilît tIît hiiey silottld T* r v h e r s u e e î u t b t l u l s q a it . T i tic s , til I t e t u t, t h n o t îin l T r e ta b u t e r e a î l c o l e w i c t e tr e d t n ie t e ea C o m d y , s in c e I h a v e tr e a t- of anewphlsohehscaviteith n iteartliy residum, depriveti of issil aaon * c. d- licin wilfi afirce." rdrs. Bfurn lie exceIencýé f uli? have avoiddepd. of hle, te xcelene ? mîui des ol cluadneuisiîing juiecs, and comnpîateiy ber-, Tîte Ora cîaràctert wos lse wouid Coimetsed et somne letigili upon tîhe by irl4orupit heprpotin ? ltecxr.ctvurets ; it la tareste aits. fertiiity titat ta ocsineu Ie Leuin ýesacenîrie peculiarilies ef titis sinuliir and ; on twatuoacteronvîsicîtteittcentiinswason thow o isae r ihiplcs alritt hîsiusus b -ncnurcd afreili, eter jîrsua Qeua wdes lo w~oinaat, anddmetitde(, as cite instantce Du thesiled chri.se ... en f Siediii thooue Molld L1ýishs Iy dsiilaton eary hvin yilde geof lier excessive vaîty, lthe feet, tîtt unY~~th e saine ptmnct-li f't eideprived e-litry p Toîecnhlianities and c- sitlŽkncsv of tic iîtdividuai upon enrîl oils xt tb veshiailnsbefare ;ARLTICLE IL - ceibîicifies wîicli itnarkeui ler strange wo1iîy)f tle 1h1011soti f ltviutg' item ])li ~~c ttits pow-ems of- stepponîiugveetetion ddetdt ii n tal àpon glates, r O ats i~tcsttnl i f tlec Kature of Sele. carcer vvere douttess te; bc atatrilinted lun'e Ptairs ddctdt is îdttts are irtcase titn inthetu te futittt cominittod in lier educatian. tîterefbre actitttiy dciiicateti tten 1 lte uie fiesîy secnd.hIsequiestioni %vhicls we are nowr Aiu'tîy liiascli, caîailuîncnn t unsi -nishes te Wh»afrrpeti sin about te trent, ils one of lte ateat dificuit Lettthenl gcfsxyass id ail those mree-mut. ctie ot- dfrmin uagiculture, but as il la perliepa onea Preclius lcgacy ho the public of Swe- iZiemsDîtsaeiitne nlait more_,ëýtrct-.eaube btaied rmi tden, tîîeyw~ere o2ily atuxions tt a ite creaîed se cxtraordittary an ' tleiued uomac t uoîr, il is 011!Y nccessavryte rnsisîen otî satipnatt eogttt ieshoulti reccive a first-rate educution, ho ait iidividui, and so original a w-amati,11 iltoi~ it, nti leaveit expee--to lte tirfor i iegeta I 'Po , ni ediet bfit iter for the dîtties'tbel woaid illî as Qneen','l1nistina of Swcden. In tIsetiîe&monts, n-orer oitve l yeldail otirrcearcisas te lroving lte difthr- et~Rtitfree'-mçtsupi. I rThaert ionce e xsilaîots aal a ti pon lier. Feairfti, 0onacolult o flitem lbmrang anesîletate of?-lier cliamncîî, freh. uppie. 'Thec aceatiins' i e1 M1 sox, lest sc sloulhiblc deficiettin lutaifnt it lie îc aid o? lier, as w-au raid ut' Coatinuced for a long limie upan the nitti eosposris euergy requisite for te govemnemeîtî of Charles 2îtd, tiail sue vs neyer kîtaowil -,uoc'saine mou1fi, baye clw'ays produiceti Theecartt1funttlisitcs uupport te 1)tcar]m la king-doînh, suie ivas tauglitt te despise tb say Iafoolis i ting, utar ycît t Ioa i;but,-uta coloitred infusious, approachisg linteir ail plants ; andt as sjîecies o? tîtese mc- gelleruiîy theuf ental quiclities, hates, w-lac one. At. the eanly périod e? lter tiot of lte qualitues ho ýthea ,extmeel, (S '~tîe)qtîires a sou suitedtu hoits partietuler !und occupation ?wteu;au Iicirest a iî-aewoîîteît, liut tIse ~ pý -27. whchprve hlln, ncw fidt~~ dfiritprksdoîublîÏss, wa~s lte case o? ail lte ce- lut cddcd netlîng te ber cîtaracter ho the silpply are forineti by te successive cliang-es of oflte carlîs differ widely eniotigsltitiiisaîi ros1il sakt ikt lt ee ?aseodo,îid (aceý.sUnde r vegeteble poutudtia-iersatthlenselvesins lîiter. Ait acqttîîit-ier f tuecreer. - iîdbr gro,%v- 4tenMais. fn ?teo these combinahiotîs * Is oul ance %vitht the nature of tise soilsla-obecilnîI ine htwternafter itnppeers toliavecexîausmed; ospcciahly îsaecssary, as il serv-es te o~ ipI ieJossii ?estdit_________________ t la ac s- taivent.powet tupoa:théobodies. Thislthrmov lightt apon i te culivation cf: talentî and geiis, but ltat il wuas ti- To Priaters 1 ý fui s the us-tmeimportaint, as it Shows veg(,eiau>ues, t,,lsîelt ara prnicisliy uotur- ai uggt i eiii iepusîu Ir,~tu A ,.î4 ,uc atiVutua inutritive fat tise nutritive qualiiî cf vegetalile isîteui by lisci, audstîiftoîthistiaa fecnse. t tse anl Cg oORIGINAL. 'Iwlf nattures May continue tluiîîg ithe adaptaioinîofiiir miost 0 îerjr-ffeu iew-suhruyeio'dwt PRIN TE r'î -uRNiIsii,, ?untloîs;whietme ? tsat dennpostinf.- ertasdepnupr o iýiou aittotunt cf informtationt; aid, - RMUI, kacin; voetrm te- nc poitci soc-hierabls e -ulîeîrseshassied j'arlus cf gov- No.18, Dîtch, (Corntof Ftit"nsi.) È. j- Ici b. abiecause tliey slevpodrsSlbe A alisi, iielare.lte otiiy euteu it rsetci iets ît f PIîINT[NG MIATERIAPLSofeJerydeiCTpîo, in todraw in watcr, w'hîciisrveof wlie lIihai Inre erwerdarsgo servee ste pwaîuicîtheî cr sîtaîf ixhîîw ae sspndnoîn,,Peare ùgener-h Ie, oa n usnoîîrisbMeni for plants. Titis fael aîîy conuposed f sIlice, Sae lîuto ennnuîagoutrwilotîebtn, atsaO Frn iluremith vey ai iers licers;ue abnds acisxdeoirn at oaesaie sisiieoapim mofs'r;deotic et 7 ofr t astIiaus oas provesrnstistirtisaiticggu art, rôesstllefrthrtht oie l)giasioi(e fion an srte ;bin 1Colt NEWSPPER ASD .JOB PIBZxITTN id up by stances, by their nature isolabiele4 njsubtantesu. 'flue varlotis cheacters o ie5 str uiaat orWbseondw citirtpe for esa eeîprrîslu. tefirst cit years o? lier sovereigu ty 20 0 eondhnilm e iesiIrr,î wator, ma-y orm excellent fmanures' suîlrÎse frâa i te difereit proporîloîts tutti andiunextenusive anusottint iof SMwTylJ')îsfiait iluring thse varions Stages o? their, de-lawiîIucrc pott* ae exercising a grenier amit of? talceit Pearl un 150 lune Picâ. 'c ~ omposition,. by glving ise to tise for- comubiied; atîd te nmegivon tlecciIunan 1eegel oe. CtgNa radAdmsraeul tX my o ale oo rouesvoyfoube liscrtuigoiaouipedîiiatnveri'a soltubalem.eyoso m- Wehnges nil'«d er0g uyiated te netmnfrâ& Lian te-, M. de Sausr ouittatinar oton o? enrîl'found inlailas sîliceosis, iin e om4Ie iefi-cteoPRLSSF aussre f luithn matld Prti 1 ev and second baud, îupplied et ,qhottînotice. if~ecswliclitat been depnived-ef ils extreelt, ettIçureolis,--urgilirus> &C. .4 To sncht-mnellse %vas rmsw-ficeîsîil ier ÇrJr--o rr eeftoi ýco4ained a 14111e rmore - carbon, than accssnry lthâtiuey sîtouilliabc-la-set edwet nirwrs; lt iioil i otnn ontuauc a irvaîl.J asti that~Vh1h bt ne beua s ripniv1; ccdirdago lhçir .nature, ltat lte rde- lier ow'uîpretiulections loti ber totidmsine tuPerlOr WO YE atwhc hd o ee s dpivli............the faise giory o? w-ar-athonigrit se E0traWOssie OD ki aTYPE. i it te former yieîded 33 14, lItelatter 31.grec fîri t fecadui the kituti batiwaleienbokI nw)ed, n O~ehad?~ prt pLIs dy errcîo? cîalivetiop ho N-l)t ihrItlsla)bcst uiteul, h noce -o? Ihatr wonanlyýsoftuucss wiibe foll&aalad tutaitlmstable establishmnts~ * ,., , -a. îart ppWcsMus Of turf nuould ftiniheti 14 parts of rmey li ktcvn. WICI0iit ehvfeccsIe 0i 3Pî iter$"-ho mien lte above, with t tue n- a mre r preertîte arts cf penco,-Chrislina, l-e, four haesn l irrmesPecst,%papers,suttiseiil Doeo ales? wliich, ;uihcn Io " witlî bell- MtOnetie carîlsîsb- tils l y-at tcccv i eït a)eenu-aetin- ow ia- in' undr- i. j fodtes lslbora as site berseifsaid, among victerles îoatiGzete$Ne *or wl. bc 'itltsiI:purha ý ral F25-100=5-20bfsela welI.adapte o ti ultivehio ultI iy tltcsir anti caadiet aipon latireisdesired notuuiags. ii fetu furlmes the amlni lftein copsdýS1pure pOlah, mariales, anti mixture - tc cret lequaliticsa t orit *lx~ Il l necssury e os~nv, Iat -vIsn te bet sit a Iht whid enles tield;-yct, utwns lit-r lot le titati t princpal I M uee&-ar to, bserv,, tht who *thebéat oi, peacoa o? Wesuntésiteuipe AtoflIttpi perit .. e, înouid la reduceti b asi testeaio grtet nuimbor of the li-opertica meut -- e-b l 1pltca- -- eaitedie vegetation.- leratit sa mu oer vItiio wicIswater pxereises upon il s i uI isoaCWuruigreaterlpou-cm titan ney o? lie ffetabIes, inverse prO-portiolf ho the POwe o ihereunofw elathe d nt con eiroary sovereigits le Eutrope. selci a heul lwltcliut as ue subjcted ~tain, in addition to the above-mentionediIurpol rstntbrIcsîe a ,opberio thatlhava been yery -intens s ort enrtlsy anti Saline lprincipuetq, sema pom. r- a-,hatforsenicctr o? pantsa seas-i-vitnificuîîion takos p lace, - wbich lice e? aîistutuîes, resui;ing froun lte:psented the appoaance of btoa- euneit.nles the earti-[y principies ihUt iComposition o? an]ml nti végétae1tIe -miglit suppose lIse cellege cincia ofdms alktaine cats, andi routers this ess ~ malterl,, by.wuhieh, olisîr czircnmstnuîices uiest i.BtalrailL ii ~~~~~l ý oules ate. M. te Saussure bas being tIuSa ime, their ?ertility las very mn oan e1ie il angu stitînt povd that boiîing vatax euntex- ccisflderably ilitep<ed. Vg art of' it tract aI lis-es more titan 2-100 ueîsfelngtt-t a1a-5e0oeeie oth eIa otantiintè - TE ATH5 i --L eueç- sIe ýwoutld -utot ba able 10 eclijiSe tsegît> Ifes ~ ?a lune were carrcd round the ielObee ries of tiose femnile Sovecge dli a arbo of molt ; whilst arter Itaving obalued i weold require telu hltengtb <of precedeti ler, 4etcruined.--to>- se rô"bby 1-20 la altalina alts fros tIse dry cx- imts ec itsl îeaîu l iigerigînul,wIsich abotiddistieiguisb 1 o th~e tract of moulçl, by tihe acideof hoiling space whuih ûay giVeIt1 point pi thte ier natte îbive lisat oevery ôther la- dly car-. vatet, ho procired by anather d ' arlc rvlace~ltîeiy ividital. Tis.as ber grandilatake a.4o ltal proces, a qutantity cf fs ea reurr,, a rate exCee4ding sosueisat She th i'4that the cas -of-ttei~ ~e±~1t. 0lîe er i. - 1lLpttir. f Tis velocity aut-tt 69mi cf.ceeg~pv not, likeElizabeth, keep, er subjetS ia suspense for. thirty yearas to the ps- sibility of sueh an jevent, blot at once ttos. lier reply wans very brief an., ns to thep frankness it e.xhlibite.di very noble; shêrepied-.",that itýwUSqiiite ns possile; -ifslie married,thatshie mnilit become the imotlièr-of a Ne ns d'ora Augûistian." IlHavingao natturnisulcces- sor, therofore,wheln sie determined up- on relinquisbiiuglier position ns sover- cigm, to become the q!tcen ofçletters,slie- abdlicated b-er throne je favour ofCharles U'Tustavins, lier, cousini. Shec lefi the Scountry that lier father liad iade glori- ,~l. h rfnivid1wetaton -in a lieratrividual à etrnw n es %VtltheutrMienYh eronainieterc tr sevil oftlies Thoncorraeaet L-1 seies ofrollies wlîich b ad detaedi en ndivid ua lrse chametr nettly 1 in th a e r l l c o p r s p o f ., h e * * ls e8 quecaes tat lave__ unit d therefr m - and such duty W i pefr d tJ o.7vieto theifltritlconandedificaiOflý otbs hrestrictedtotatherdutiea are de ied tule p la re f,. a ereilàd anlalysis gltose plaýcçd ;5 uth1y- over theém. The proMgil2s-f the Canad an PpP- lntion, pilys aind mentalwill b fittingly record cd ;-. le e hi d a e to its d ve oÈ rent are ani e p It1 tiey iRil e unsparingly deopcied. !n politces,fte' reemon Winlcalmy bultfeulrlessl3/ andjrmly advocate sÙch mieasuires of general progressive :eforma nû s ojum on sease dbensn nint se 1sances and el] giteilnt o -t he ag t ,e;eîchw live, irrespective ofperly 50or party poli ics: our mnotte being pie ft men but -m asres; w o sal creitlÏly lr review alike the sayings and tloingsof Mprofesscd Reformers and acknowledged rtories, approviîgor disapproving either, a s a strict regard to truth shall requfre; to le more explicit, it mnay nothe amis Io mention homre a feîv of the more pro- * mienitiensures of Reforin hicb we ilook upea as rieqircd ut., tlh preseat y day, viz., gellcmal lective instittutions, fro i 1hoi higbest to the lowcest offices in the laiud, extension of the electivo fran- chuisc,nad rediction of property qualifi- cation of candidates for election, repeal ofthie permnanent Civil List andi the veto power, 4.000 miles off; simple and eeap g0eomameut,,las Well as simple and chcnp law'; Clergy Reserves andi Reo- rtories for gencal Eduention -'FreeTmade %iîl i te tUnited States, and an inde- lclenlt Covemumient for Canada, or a un ion w-th the great.ilepui je on falir, enusîhy diso-usser lo be liorotîgitiy entier- slovd tti tiesireti by a large majority et lthe peopleOfCuanada -ill a aview .v b i 'rouillîter lr enitauienit ititcret, s-voi- lutre ntdi irespcmiity. Fimiily hu-iieviuig hluiat bCl present e i-ufiltse. ffuirs o? Caltt(lt re- -quius the u tua îcl ndt-ir'vai4 ns allIssig- la te o? ail11ai ery 'o? ils true l ttlinî ortler ta lthe (, t-d uiiîsn I ul a-~ nsult-titsiiiws, tulc iiterest Luisait11aafint n it iierunaueist asis, nîtti titlietiusselop ils vaut reseurces .111(j Ith ie vay ho frtgaîmity, pnosîsenity atti t)(l~ s antt It i s Ioec to expeet tuaintes-.il ta lie liougit authe by ltheliserîscîsuik squîabbuing o? craviag îîohliciusîusfor isIaceaniulpo-ver,om i nîy vhe-wn, shuuia or itaîsuier, tItan by a tieinandtlicutefauerai efflort e? the l'bSw- itît i uîav o? lie ,eoîîntry (wîliteiretoforç kîewn as Itcform. ers or To1ries) m-110 ]lave but eue aun-, abject ani in terest, viz., gooti govoen- msent, anth ie 1eellitre,iîeac& anti yps. Percitv- o? Caiada. Ner-eui y hi'tecaiue lthaI lte nuls uteïtakealt inthis enterp-ise are ofune ordilamy dcu-isder, the pro. prietar s-sl des-oie Iinsseif te seeùiag fuir tht oN-ttll1s ajoîrnusi svlich,wulie eut tiuciatlîug view- tvslsaaut %u'iithIluose rof tise tisajarutY Ofits iuisabitants, will ýyÇt lue ruuitftiu e li uformation which menel-ra a jounul valetable liitho boseet The Freema, vill ho fotait iavalu. aile b lthe Famater, ns t di e~ (hrtLu y pplied tf, %-yul he puubliuiuot weekly. 'atudt extent te lthe close o? lac volante. Strict attuention Viii ha pnid to the Markets, bWt la Caisida ant lltUited THIE Pi i'tiietud os-dry W'etinsday by u L 1111 u- - .VINCîNT ut hi5 office - lIl (Cachis -ct*,> building, on 1 lie lilk rmati, nut fursardeti by mail 01ait iit y. ifa psi Shillings pe 4t îii dhtce; Ticelve &üjvg m sic ment/i8. lse "Of tA. 'ear, RATE-S ()p ADVERs-ISN. six iles antiet instinseitit, JN Fln ix'îtn len lîtueslb isrto Eavi, SULtsqetturj For nai-ltlitmebtj en1kOILd, Ail letteft-8rcte. o fie âen r - -l& 0tq (J'a T- -- - rd. aiif4eld *1 *I' - I - t1hn tnca animale omtton pr~t ujion- hlpy for, y? craîpi nparti ý, anti " tIseaqil , Y.le ,en te for Lhsd ;f their1 tel, Elliu a inordIeý sig ju n te ci Bing tkfi esteia rr C

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