Whitby Freeman (Whitby, ON: J. S. Sprowle, 1850), 16 Jan 1850, p. 3

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Iibcffl iYrulIfl---Or oUr ýNoirilaÏdefi.. kno'We that we have no «4liberty"1 people a whalesome control rve their. 1~1ra.worth pîi4ecting,, when otieïs-"tha -ublcsrat, nlfse, hs au I;dOihM-rr.ourseives, &raethe work. If we vteothç condition of oui workcing cos- f( -aie, indeeefr!eeracu, Nve, shallknow ,es. New York enjoys, as nlisoitely anutr numnber, of 2lst D;cemb)er, we howv to guiard , ur freedoni. -If wèe re- ns auy ýtate, the cective principle, in laid beforo oir readers anextract frn, qutire ,iamÏs te prosorvo our iiiîts É t fjat es nýWCpl Te-h branches of the Législature, the. Gev- theLoldn xamne, n hih e. vv ' na ahi4etMe.Tefrs de nad al the lpu3 ie servants, edec- 1 alignificanfr hiut' was given that sorie greatést oorgts-th ig-i~t of al ýteil by the people, but the Ju4iýiary is 'atrtngant -legisiativýe mensr il hdrgtî-r 1tsepiveoofnkng o r silbiected ta the saine' ri-le -ilice fhe soo I h evised- 4thé the jirpose of puit. - oWn'1 Iawts. Wô wotld ad'monislitthe revise . COnsiuin cr Mtitro -tîng dawn the .fnMeation moveinent Mothcr Country tobo cutions in .ý-inter-arbçm aired tTttreen jnig ton#- of the '*nnexation ists, uiid -îe Canada. To* usé the,. words of the fériug with this riglit.. Wceknôw thé somewhat ailîhrse bute. - .Etarainer,, the Canadiens 6vould" be fgrcè, and valinuof the maxim, oli&te tr'icchmeit ; but. it is t$ïo inte-we c.irr( mandè to sé e "whether Annexation will >ýrincipii..s- and how s peciols soever notliinfl)nit'retrcîete nw ;Oc'iIO notbe asteder!Jtreated ns Itepealimay bÇ the pretext under wmhich *our h endi lat ti~~pa4Qtr~ tihé public servàont.. The State of-Nev and ail thca clemenIts oftfrosPerdty. - W( arO practicalinben ; we say that, ve havé tried our systeni long cnibtgh--it-bio výduced the. Coiony. td.pauperisîn , prosç tratin gý it ben*eath a host of office-hoid, ers. Let us learu wisd-om from on neighbors, and teach tihe public servanl-. tlbat thoyare not public masters.- iril citizens of New York'Stato sare Repinb- Iicans-grarîtod ; yot they anre lieavil% .tnxed-granteid; et they 'are rich, andý we are poor. Thoy have boastrutcê eleven hundred miles of Railro.ndI-w liavaý sine filfty ; their Canais yield-; profit' of tnilions-ôrs hardly rdefrav therequisto expeus1es. Their Peniten'- tiaries defray their expenditure, excepi la one instance, and. iu that instanice. thc rtutlav arises, froni catises not strictli' counée ue.d with ilie prison--bore the Prisons arce heavy bu.iis of expense. Tl rethýe labouri-g casses are fnillyN empd? at 1<gÏbvages-hoere our worknierare starvng ; thre the vainue ,ofiland icostanully- augmient ng-here it is coststantly dchining. ',TÃŽe'poiit- ical wtarfard waged by the Annàexation- istï s, 1- e tri-whiclr the -meobumicW sud Inhourers ara more iuntcrestod thon, auy other. It is empliaticaiiy,'tke c"au"se of tse poor man.--.Montreal Courter. wasihIrlanl. .constatational prîviiegcs arc assaiied, It s aterrc~akale tonis we ea assure the-Imperial powers,a aneans astoishing, that the by tat VO alo tocljusad ti e:it ïWlgnewspnners-have maaifested thoe. dedto7bee fpoiicljtsic 1 - to be urtahie ï teâet politiçal inspos- t 'inost tyro.nt tendencies, in raference to tud.W vn o"ibealTya.ny' tho- Canada Annhexatiîon quesÛion-- Ia * tie lte riuaph ofther prîyand more than Ibis, we wil pot sufer it. over ý'huranity 'and> deceaey lin rlaud, We-shoid like to sea the Provincial .4ppear ta have comýietely irtoxicated Administration xvhich wouid dure Io ithetu. Libéral goverifnent, in iheir romain one hour iný office, ufler recciv- . stcatois that wvhich. is exercised iug intimation that the. Impérial Gov- bytham, asid no other: thoy ar.teert nethod iutrduforltiaoParinol.it i Iights of the world; aud vhoa they'are a newtrso la'frth"Cons b7iýmlo thsô poitical hQrzon, tl 1 ick darke- and p.ependleicip." If sîtel, ah nd- ness invests- ail thingsk. Wo have, in. rmistrto oi o onsic vt - Canada, heard-of suds a powver as aoa ivrlanireesbeycif "ýpatg&nal despotism :11 ve heard of it' eorto hogou ielsgh u but oiy ii a ort1 brendth of Cariada,---if evcry man, but nlyina-sor ofuseck wshisi)er. It wral n hlrdcl oy nI 'was lest in the tond surgos of tihewolaanoidric, oad peopi's vice;ns tse.go«tlof t e e rythiu , wonid nt rush forth to drag peopting wofice s huiie.grovhyot h wen- froins thoir seuls such ddased wrélelies, . 0ti-eptrsniigipnck.we know not thc spirit of aur people. rigAan Not if we -are, te have- a "liberal hear, frous a distance, tie faint echoes ran,--ifw M4hvà of his wrathsf'ùl song: steepçd in theTrny"-i e uthv o fetid cf ou famihcd, esoitod teasot laie, otîr owu resposisibie min- ft gare o u aihd eoae isters munst frarne'il; and'if th-e peope native land, ha begins t10 stlk nbroad,,apoeo t~asa sv t u v an d to -forecast newv conquests, and 10teil LoveodElin,---hatdhoave toitbis rayi i tie aticpaton f aricserDovn in g Street tisasters,--th.t an y nI- quary. Itçs-npt tu crushi the i ilt of froe disons- iCanada is' to ha Hibernicssed; ber .sion iii Canrida, by tiseenforcisg, of -eople ara tobchaprovided iwith sonie Aigerine Actwh nt atôeaod nev goverrtmental apparnîns, hoaourcd, No one ia Canada lins talked of, or con- with tha invitirtg designation of a. tcmplatod, tha overthrow of inw and Lsuuu&L Tyn&NNV. W are te ho ordr;- no one ais drearued of effectiug itenderly deait with ;I' Annexation is a change of )tur pliticail condition, or ta ha cared for, as 'Repeal ivas. national relations, by any otlï« thaîs Tha LodonDaiy .APwa eli ~ moral ieanis. Wonid the Dù,vaiing Tht" ei-idniuadinwofstelssilis!Street 'fffsk pres",. force on ont 1-Co ntry that ic a well-defin cdaldwiof treaobsadiit issue? -Thi.er, on thora and- become of iuqserative aoccsity in coo- 1 flics and depeudoacis." .Tisis b a dis- 1 tleir insstcrs ho lthe odinni nnd tise ofrence. ]stiaTa'îç sesoci cQvary for wvhiýh tihe Jews,,,is cntitiad _ ~ ou mos siaere ratiude.~'~" ernco. This is not tho uge ipi whicb Ileve treason to ho a asost flagrari n tis e py <ý' s W snA 1 nFi 1ki gh -ollnce ; becanse il anis at the o esoskee A veimîh throw of coastituitional authority, and Downing, Street comamand thse waters of the uprearing of despofisnil ansd anarcîîy Noaat ees iatctro in is sand.1Thrc s bu an ~tssasal thtie miglity cliifs, and sioîing sanctioýn of eonstitsîtionnl .tthiority- rocks, ovýot which they htale botinded * forwards 10 their oceaahsedas transmit ils eue source of legitîmate 1over; tisaI ,~actin I ts~evoie o tsa eape,-.-Impérial Ukase,--its iberai tyranny,-- *that source is the ationai will of theise t onthoe s O eaotbleteire" people. .Goverament euxists tistouglisis not atori"temped ut b ts vee .tham; il is made by thes, anud forhelf tort..Stmsavbos *thora ;-anot tisey by and for il. Thora kdi miaeor;adts eil ie thea no trenson, la a free country? tee-;totallM, repudiated thens. uiaesa tiswhiels conto4npiates the -destractbon of publiieliberty. Cor.spi- Ts esg foenrFasbts racy against tlisetirono is treasotiabte, 1liegislature. of New York, is an oppor- ,oniy when.the tirone, is - t4e huiwark tusne document aI tubs ,period, for il .ef tihe pol' iltsW avr tglsBormnaiof thse' eixpectattioi8 aised Moýnarchy becomes an .instrutment. of hy those amoagst us Whso decry eletiva. .-appreion, ilii averth row'isuo t trooson, insttitut tous. bt1he î;urest of patriotism. In Eng- - The State of Ne* York is toierably land,, tise safety of tise peopie's righits familar te ourr pppulatioaiespecialytise lins bçen, * pheld by tise Croivit;Mot ln rrsgcîîss frtiher thsey bave archy. lis anuihialed fondai etdom1',,beça in the ustotofçmigratirÏg;g gain sieldedî he oiprcssed poor, and cnrhedi someof ai'twtiealtLs which ,Ow in miels thse issôien 1 e of %velth and tank. Tise bread and abundant 'channels ; au&-the people, lun foeifying ,the throne, hav-,,trovelier je often .slrlriqed to floid lt- butstengthed iaitownpowar a imérouss settiomonts of native-bora Ca.ý n niuhiug cosispittd gans !navarions pointbt -nas, iocated aIé .aity, have vindicatcd tiseir own riglits tia"haepeertd'i erch oai'ta *ý hycoasseomting;their persoiiclation [1, ii£"'ý tho chatacter and office of thiai Ch tuor we cea-su et, ins I ele 'hatüges, t1h Mggitrate. They, are ýËbverned dvso nimnueoteÃ"aîus 'cordîng -to thiai choice; and ane ha plncipleq, or tise varicities whfls ltie aright to ganay Iheir deciajonà Th, petef adirent distancs r ho lest underatantid theiraWO w awtnts; th(urces oft theïrtA>engin. ig beîuaderstand haw those -wanls IDdepeSIdètly ofthtie varions degrei ta of specific graVity andi hrdacs wlicu t~at jeit preteonded, by tise e Mi1tongs ~ ~i> h -paesetofEagland, .tisat tise-. le th - em arethe 55uwswlU c ontlt> ittcouati'yhave arightinake sl ~ f~C h e4.O ly blontrel,.i2th J.anaary, 1850. ~:,Mhs,~,~>u1s.~Rec i-t5 SMO 1 exceeediuglv mýodeato fÃ"r twow'vÏelc&Pfst. éedVl~'i70 '.arrels -.era rerýeived at the< stores. àls tO 31,j 9d lave tltnpa tring 1the sveek. 'Pearln-Are carce;notrmurS lu desnnd, s3dad2sd fferéd. Flor -No tra nsac tions; and osoy ha qýooed nom- Mu tsUyi1'Žid to 21s 6d; snd 1 9s Gd to 205 for Sour. Pioviios-Na soles of aoy moment. i Ne orkJasi. 12. Canodian Fluor and Mhent irai., Asbe $6- 12c, for ai. and $6 68c. a $6. 751.froe os Prs$612e. JA5StARV 16, 1850. sd. sd Whet, pqr bushel- ~ - 3 9 a 0O -i 9 .2 (O Flur.---------- '~20 O a -.0- f -ras$ 6 -- . -G3 a O0 Park------------17 6'a2 0O Bo.tter----------- 07 a- 0,8 ,anit ---------------- "aO,4a O 'Cbeese------------- O a. 0 Potatues - --.- - 1 3 a 0.,0 Tîsrnip,------------- 7 a OS0, tlay--------- '40 0Oae0O'0 I it D 1.Ih.t- - -25-fl0 27 61 KING;STýN, AND TORONTO0. Kigtn. Toronto. d s. a i d s. 9 d. > s' d di Oaoprbus. 34 lb. 1 2 a 1, 3 i l a .1 > ýo Bico,p)ernvt.,41- 8a, O ~40 *6 Ir50. Butter, i kWgp. Mb 0 0, 6 O IlO5 a 0 6, >)ttr, reslipe rlb O 0 7 a O S0 7:à0a 9 O Ham, Msr Jlb. - O0Oa 0' 7o, .,a O 6 Prk, perl10Ols. 200a25 0176 a 21 10 Beef,- dUto - 35 ýOal 610 OaI7 6 Pôt.toeperbut l ei aA 1 i6a 1 9 Iurktj4s, eeat* i 2 Ga 55 3Oa 6O'3 .kbtwsver couple i 3a 1- 6b1rs-e i18 Egs, pordozen 0Oa' a0O 0 T4'a 1 Hay, per-t' 35 0*a'45945 O'a5 0O Flc4r,pebarl' 21 a 226A16 3 a20 0 11urpel2Ibs. i 0 0s12 0 i0 0OA13 0 c Feas, per busb60 lb 2 Os 2 1 I 5a 2 O Ilicsy>erlb 0O6sa07 0 6a O 7 Ke <before, tho People T ATtise Subscriber tili cotitinus to sea tie Ton per cent chieapertiianay phet' csîoblisisment ibulbe plaea. ýTiiartkfIsl for past.falovonrslha respect- fully' sOIici3s a -conlinuanca, and woffld inaform iss ameros stomers at llarge, that ho lias o ln atiiaitnd general assortusent of, aud wanid more; Ïýarticiarly oeil tisoir a lentiais to bis sltck aor ns wail ua alargeassserîisent aof Price of Mess'Býotsfrass'124. cd tIS1a; and tise best'artic.le of *e v AB&jlinp dSWi i-pesoe p-pam - R.!E. PER . ALSO, on haid, a s1îijndidassortinOrlt M~ - Wsie a~tiagCott, T 1 old LO W. p Wlsithy Village, Jan. 151h, 1850. TIOKLIfl To DIATH la tisu lald Who bôaugbt a-wisoie suit ut clathea at Picauy's lasI week, , tbe chetopest store linlise Vilage. Brine alOig. yonr 'teigbàbotiri, bay,'I boxE enolngh s t pply tise wbole; leèsoussr ber tieplace. R'. E. PER1Vy. VityVillan,j151h Jan.,,'50. Looomotive on the TracIk. -REJD TH.K7O-LLOWI7Na. La"es i Lads!i! Latii! J! bo vol, now, and havae aoxsean th( nosh styles of te ho fotuatins great abandance anè vniety at tise store of IR. E. PERIM. Whitby, 15th Jan., 1850. s andi the] fi t' Il 't Thusa Nvisaare aiff ndýa CHEAl' sud j Nitonfûctured and kel rpprietur, as foilluws: Oveiltnce 1vial, *Two do. - la. ~fark's i -7 1 Surg VOULD rea lsisbitants ci r... .. .. ......... clsd of the fiscal. yeà r wns $22,895,038, -ofwhlch $6,389.63wsls aen Fuind., assc $16»30,34.5 tise Canai Debt. T1oW%-ards theýa tyrentof titis debt lucre issastiris in thi tîvo.SinkingFisds oU $2 14,392. 'tise ravarts of tihe Gen- oral Fsmsd for thea year %,vas $79245i; tha ptivrtsests on acecount of il amcnünled te $842,228. *.The Çanal revo'nses %vere $3,442.906 ;-thse, 'paynisouts ontI of them 2 3,03..leaving $907',103 13Plieable ta the comipletion of tisa rea anal Enlurgensent, and ttnienesçe Valley asnd Black River Cassais. i'haie progress sanda 'iu tîsese works durjg the lir as bea ussci tisat la tise Sprrg122 ues a' tlie Erie Essiarga- mont ad 415 einlnrgetd struIctures,---34 -miles of tihe lack Rivd'r Canal and 85 mites of thse Gessee Valley Canal ha- yondbsprçecnt terni aation wh'.Vil hae hrougt mb 'it use. Tiseicceipts', trou the Ciais bave irtcrensod $2U5.000, vviia their expenseslbaye dimini.ishod- $170,000. _______ - For tas Freessa. Dore arâ in dis enhlihen aige AL great getxljnOsy pagtu; For wheo we talle ohb Annejashun, -It sets deminll a rgie Wid dare olil stilf-neekad bigotry_ Dat dore forefadars larned arn, Whso turoed deaf sur ta gaod advice And de rightus folk& d buss'c eus. Sa nov it amn wid saplis toles W-ho ienow not good fros;ý éhil, -Do wold keap Sols oh deolnd crown * 1il carry eau su dd.deUt. Do worsip Queea soit Prlinsint - AiMi poydent adra rn,- Ai wisndarm ney anm ali gosse Da caus't jet aoy 1sn *Bus '-Canadiio b'hoya' te vida avi.ke, Itl se cm lawaxatin, Da tvont ha yok'd dovo, ltke a Bull, But da'll bah Anxeusha. 1C ASE! CASH! CASH-! IWIILL p&Y CASH.during the. wlnter foratny qnantit -O'f goed F./LL or SPRN~G WHRAt d6tivered at thiai Stor.' bu Princc e Iet, or ntII-lrtditi"t Milis, Port.Wiihy, or Port Oshtsa., .Cash alsa for any qtiantityof good dcean Timsutisy ý,eed aad Bals, delivered aI. 1tiseir Stre.. Aise, Cash f4r Biack etsý. A.FAREWELL LWill psy Cs for 5,000 bushels ôt Wheav_ delivered at W. H. Gibbs' 1 Mille; 6,000 buishels deiivered at T. N.. 1 :ib h' ii; ,000 nbusedeivared 1dalia'ared st Faraeie'Milis.; and 10,000 busheis prime FalitWioet, de- 'livereti at Port Oshawa. AlsIQ o tasay qssntity aof goati i- ciesos Grass Seed~, (litâ, Ps, andi Corn. , - . . - 7-J . u u - 1 votana veai i -jksa - . . 1

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