Whitby Freeman (Whitby, ON: J. S. Sprowle, 1850), 16 Jan 1850, p. 2

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tbls"ihan e.? à tL1itraity of these of theit acts, and, the éàonsequence 1R D greah pittksubsidized Anstria,:by' payin ily privi1egeita", % t gan aniy. (&fpl1sc,) :ý.4'.leterritories £C60,000 sterling per vear to 'kcep p hic should' &ito> n'l the "o d. -atTalier troopi ut the peiiod of the ~ht b is as the ýItItcj1«'Siatcs- are oloncerned, of the Emperors.' Atistria bas*falien, tlhcy èhould dicaied te .the benefit a,~ isI1~l ilo&h~W»d far as to solicit thse aid ofRutssia in t t SExcelicncy conchinedbygiving" Great war of-oppression, whiie ae s. ei ,ýpBritain and the Unite States. May gold ostensibi y to*relicve the Europea suthe Stars and the Stripés of -the Union In loaL side by aide svith ttse cross of st. ûatoifos mt~rydsoi George; and-mnay pea1ce3>b iiiainttiined Afler Pitt lied thus expendedl thé-'bic( ~~O5euçese Ï~t~ysnd iàirega vr Vf. 1 ApjaisJHW5Oqand.-trensur e onthe ntion, tics Uvis( Msastls fe~t~&et~i~~id'li7l1e îî; aa iw, Thei teprse pdinesdgaorar. tseplnof a Siun1king Fonal, whuu iits npjly alse te Canada. phnpieg, cvtte-penny spirit in tise otheer aga n t eps n nvsioo re oi liow long thie-West indcies -tise very antipodes cf higlî-minded- veY-, To4thwath, for thé Aretie Ioud (1usd tIse.plan lien curried oin >té a LmPricioua, parent staté, ness, hiossur,eand trusatw'ortîiness. . Region.î, in Senrlis cf Sîr John Frank- hv xigibdts ei ati e ~~ness. - - . xYotm'correspondent fnlcetibsssly sneers ln nertIs oni~~ u,.Cl SO VsIi emteI N tisrlnuiýsied, afortiori, ut <my fleming Archiisald as algllises,, tlievg0-b)Ytise rtec f flehriusg's "gaiin s Usere vacillation, an.d Il 2i= t l~us egive np tisose âuiiîority-; und aslerts tia ie. is a lieu- Stîits. Mutieiâ heTcin faBa oui6r-ilitary stations in entiW-y.a, treation cf my swe ufnney - ~ ues rîutsi n oneielewstseeto f o orer- l1lpèetdüiaù Now, or the improvementofthis volng dertakiaiglofC-m mission ers, Nwitlihevy salarie nmedest sprig mofdiiiLaw-rscnrcoiy ot Rainsours cf Cuabinet changes are rife te ijirourci velc ie »ett-1iia? eiiIlargu- ofhilstisns-IN wWl.refMriii teagi-icodn ould lie eîy amouttapproprialed fc ýVpYtýoI4ia, i1 comnsantlyy ter" sas wlitby, whiO. Wn;s bsn-gs rCirlNpe is ot iits ee-thse iluiposes eipntioicd(. . a -fl hbnrin Engianid, Id Whso; Can ash ow it Cléte airi ntw ie llitssi con-sr's1hre vlmýS oi v vîses- .1drsc e odJîu ,in Agaisn; ic 1819, Sir Robert (theiî Me and aga prctie, nbhshesom yers oins tse inncesuryPool lrouglit in bhis bllI in relation I, htd' Ot ri'ieve.us of uo hraes-expenseoftIhe n'aval dcpartit, & jtsc. reo;ad etrilewr I qu.t s 1tepermane t 1. i opë-e cf tise ,ýlôFreeman Sem tnîgeis~bôig~t illcagsiiic d by it tiset aot iess tliai -se~any uee aaiionl illsul sar utths rocof cfthe loge! ns cxisting in tise management cf tss vithis cf -tIse laudod astutes Oex li keýt in reàdï ss,--ffij knOiilÇee 1 cf ycîîr corresiscs'dent. Iteihg,.id reemrggdt te' lsnraseIv.'eesions, &c. laituneesr;fo.aydfcency in eeaoren.clagc.lxis o ee.Mortgae t eol igsl, office wotd knou'lcdge, h lioviôtusly enakes "tîp sy Franco is tanquil. On thse lOthoôf getro csetu.Mnaii jI niabecausc it is ectivitîý ie tho erneîfpmin..DcnîeisLus'aocnle ,v~~ere rtined; yet scarcely hldielsey sel rtv fprtronage but i1e pieking tmp SRee5siniiventing -u idtiePrsietilalasfrMwlv bout to rets-iovo thair position. ibma fie; ho W, coaid -indepen- untmutis--ie iîmsltsing e1fciýs to6-do-.uc rltiessrn o esdn aseo tu Indiat, supèorted as. ecivé Atise unwary--in aligmeiting m h.açtierpltclnsr,,ntls a hy tise ecoon~tZca S ý0 every dis6ord, and tuîsiiîg evçe-y-litent Tise disitance lietwçen Lcôneon antd uging, %%,ps.propqtinded. ~sthm ~ -~ prtrkofinngry diseoth"ý"est,. lie ist anl Paris, by svay cf folooogne, %vas accons- The next sceeain tise dramis Ias th( Éfi c i gs one, whatcf pr-mna.I tieset lîsislied (liv ste in Cigst hoers opposition offerefi by the Pokeand Sii «Cialifhe W1solly eased, fult-grown iewyer, fer excoeciu grxist -,nprtt Iag cri_ f bis conspatriots. Ro-~- lbert, te tIse passage cf tIse Catholi( tuýfldet n.Nowv, air, I have dcnc. I louve a it my secs ,te soem ontrusour .- 1 ,flnEtm p ,nmannipation BillI;. yat, itii««"th( 5580, niy prsona Orhsbig], 1raged publie te decide hetween filic rendors, thît, le addreasiugorslest sides cf nighît uroiné tises ", t1ie sîaintsin thé'tUnion. aiid rmy-advea Biu. lt the .ir enswer agnurelvs ullcùldnoa t ild.le(uR)lro -4' - I ~1'have altcady:lied in a universel andtieqeio "weterC be4 cn by'tisé foregnllsj nellgnut denuleietion .oL ail or, shusîl net remaniipart and parcel cf iii tisa bill, wich ,vrt n 0tnils fiiess v aiserseitii hrehtisiLvndonucf jsasérs tIhe ]ritish dominions ", tiset ve are reqtîired, but wîh lie lied net ttse 1 ader iité thé Loumsdon cf 0couniterfeit snoucy. auticipating mtiser tisaisreuiizing tisat moral courage te gesîcrete, WalÈw tle'V eptst. -IaSi,&, whicis we have promiscd and~ seck to Yet later, lie, and severul iendiîsg fiGost and,*Pest 5iprnt il- J, 1t JTE. raie ltti snot se: tIseutinis- aieniliera, %vere uucst virulent opnîi eW~il~egtge ~Ig~î~- BioodiitiN.e Jae'y 1-LUs, 1850. '-taiseable evidencea cf the rettenness cf of the Fmee Trndo pelicy ; yet lit tlit unrý t1il.nx in - -----1tise Britlis Colonial systess wisich dailv momtent lie ansd iiscoudjutors coîsceived ~sie blae gudafe' exfing. l pu oraIelh; -present thesnselves, tenderg it impera- thsere was a prospect cf succcslu thse 1iree tusses a. wtek, and - Thé elcecti6a cf coeuncillors for thiS tive_ that wo sioold fesrlessly (and us carniage cf suais measure, ho becama ils ;e Cooij tsxs p e ir Tewnship wasmocre tlsacrdinnrily ex. .&o"Mily -asewould fcerlesslM nn uiriu doue ýrcî vogeie One thing citing, not,,however, on acceuint of poli- cilie that which we feelýqs imporative Repssdiutirig Lord John Russcil's ?4 ,îpIf t49,Blritish Go- tis-tise sttife heing on local interest, uî1pon us te preusulgate, té compBsa thse policy on the Jeusaica Question, lue left w ~j o ievs: betw'eca tise Centre and ime'noe- iveut of tise colonists anid denizans cf 'hies lu a mnjority cf flve a-nd evoîstu- 1grant thet stise oweeOf strecet roads. Thec frienda cftise latterCad. îyîacflusisa ierteTo, mottera touching ,their came within anu ac cf atealingaàmmrch -,TIsera is amnple seopc forre rview of b hyvlieis mneans lue vas enabled lis tçmat, tntranteied, by tbe 1 1 pûjx - heir.'oppoisents; alisad bée,, Brillis celrnizatioîu, froiij the earliest legselation ta play the pranka. îvjth tisa ,with a 'v-ici btheiseB- kéet quiet..îi h hur cf nosiina- -pcriod, wcre it néedfoil 1frontrpirpose; Coonies w'hieb are likely toisriisabout Cosmcna,.&c., &c4 she tion' (tise oppositionu le the adVocetes but tise elearîsess of Onr positiàà riénder'v a soverance from thse Impérial kingdoni. usltluiiybt fooe t te c tia mura on, pUatis te lie tise thia unueesumy. -It xuuhy liethotiîgt,thei~a pa-in g -O T 1e ong ish . they levyi;sg'cf n tax. te pa y tise» I istïtct Tise Briti.sh Colonial possessions bave thsuseit losigls cf tisé Taeenvortli Bare- aissive, lvitisent eVenugv Debt,) but it- so le-kdts, u thon een""tsied, with tisa viow;-5rstly, nt iu v r uî¶uizsgte ~i féinsutaniusiY tîso excitemnçnt Commeénce e lugoo c xlnlu olamrtes-ée f extenit netwuranted. We pleud,tisat itsg in tihe wWsOM and üarnest"-js-regnlar set offivre>candidates, irtain; secondly, 0f aecuringbytssevclainieprmrjsifs-ia - coli ii tr, ur1ncluision, te wilicls wce arived lois Maesy' MnitesfoafvourqîbIe te _theirreapective intereat,lineans, eaw markets for lier Ëmanufaý- . - ient of IthuoMeevils wish 1werc duly isominmted, zend tise-rst dssys tares.-aie-vith, tltuiiitdu- exist. lIy Dr. Leng's pîigcerysoststts inon.- ul swr ie -c ieformation possessed biy lisemeinhers cf Iappiear that tlis pe ré tg far 'er I objectizd orth avethe Benne Goverament as te whin l are otemiad pcîua sîeetpary urer wel oranied or isaprernoters cf these sèeuma, tîsey hvasuedulfor us, aed the little cure evinced ar eeMndte «c u fWi"as uaitisc close cf tIse first failid te compass tise desired end. ovrstwensotfrayZng- grçatuimguiuder thé Yoke day's poliieg,-tisey were fer inu advance, Oun te rs ilnk "uyuaseedprocntieuied tisiisie. -andelcudon6t cfsuccesgs. Thse centre result aceruied 1" and wa answer, fros - r oud îNirty. baving heca tauiglit a usefultisevciail Ftephdyo h e- urtiser, it xvili e et lesa ber in- ycnrpapa<i easen,.went tç> work, ho-a-ev-er,-ut the oral admnistrations tisut have hnd lise lerest-lsan ours tliat'we--siould havre a ,thsat the smali fry mbort Iltislîur. right eartiest,- and wes couintenence cf -the Crown fonlise patsoare jiia)eilecste -s are net yet satisfted aLble'licxt nso9rn i ng,to -ive a goccwn-ccnttîry-administmtions, tise siemhers inecase cf population, ini tIseWct nt exposcre. Altisosgh Cotiftsor sselves. Tise result svus, of'wsc ee sisoaîtc h vail- ivoulelnecessitete the iîîcrense cf forceSý 4uPiion of their wîsdeims i tise - asignran-o lh a isCanada. Britoes are uînwilli ng te glutgeeMIIy, tisatishe tisat aI aÛve cf tecenutre rond canudi- able rosoorces peth;s enel otîser colonies, Nt of tisat p lace, during dates wevce elected by respectable me- as they r1aeea fts olcfba Ieepense:-CtLnadiuaslhi,4k it1 th -iht.-havesaifi djoriities,as fllowa, tss~iioln sai aaatti i*ls.It la apparent thset tisaonly, lappeite; sud thatthieys -iieplyofBtanlahte 5 been uîxipns, me soosi, CENTRE itAeÂ,.Regular Ticet. - '.-dopid soe--on tsr euto rdWsO-adtrep icyo tshs in ts( thé ptiiic witisonfalse, ogr, . ,- 0 ave been-cn»tempiuted.,cf pesrving tise politsa wh~ ilyi a producotion Mathé ntdSatsc ueiacseheretotoro proveil luvule cMM- .Gib-4 - -Whiteaides, - -.188 rultur, Malte. andl Sietgapc.eîlpose*- ~~~e~eswiti a aI -J.Jacbe,. . . ~ - ler Sovereigu swuy, werejlost te Ia eanlthe aseldfP oiitb e weiube fuir tise . , . 145 Crowîu frosn certain fiscal.reguIlatins; Iinpeiaîists; wiuîatîe deisuzens of a li y heflm lreed Iy . lCOE-STREECT10Ao--Reguîar Ticke. audsiCuneits bida fuir te follon, iu tise country atîcîans huis, niiglt feirly c&u IldaiL $luodisbeeafy Cansisaîl - . ~a~ 'vuke., Now that tis population cf tiseteheîfacsci 'too teraiLsaen m~-*my defeece «h aut teresi by his éà aonstitutad tiseg ,in their comniîrs gti1 the latter, 'it bibit-.tise fermiey r and si5 l it 5WO t f foutr respeelî n , vrds cf tise seat éu<Iv therek"r-eTt iduoency of Clark aI of msy.e11-Who i ùer n >my clefant unentfte içvenit ter fiste anaest t te Clairk, . . on McDewel. . . 84 aré mii,-- . . 52 con- On tlieir otun kook-J. Pemnlin, '28; ent. R. Edwamds, 42.. Total, 911 votes for es it tise Centre, aund.i442 for tisa Sîicoe- ;a tu, street rcud. - Cosuuscateel. Moen. Ilarapoisu, Stîs Jan,, 1850. - tinst, &hs eltoeth er iikely lIat the dispete sudm bet*eeus Great Bnititin Qed the' Unitedi aim Statua1-, ith regard te the Niearagusa se. question , wil libe nsicahly settiesi. Ah abla ianasniv-ersîsry dinner cf. Ise &tîlis eMUP HospitalSi Sctyr, held in Lo6sdon on ise I- 3Otis nit., the Ha .Lauwrence, lsuel- unar ludi-,tqWte projctéëd Canal and~ Rail- [iis rossi troua tise Atlanutic totise Pacifie, owa wouud up a speech fillfif frieîtdiy font- !&le- -n'ntef4lwngwrs vie ic m s u- ben 300> venus is contèus- and pîlatkon. I houas its accômszlimkmemst rovince se et tise Iegisiatioe et tise Britiais Parliau>seet la directeelimeîut the. inprovememukoPtise JopriEx-. ehequer, regardless ouf tise disastrous coîsseqîsenees it; riay enlail on Canada, andti hose. whoso best intercala are identifled liëiseewitis, naturaliy feel t isai Ciey ara loasei feues ise tics isy wbicis tbey wera isoretofora bosuneL'Every müaýàre wimch, ha receivedth ie RoSye assaut lu pesat yeera-emusnaling fronu theudepartment cf lise Cîuseeeliorof tise Esicheqtîer, lsas stayasi osîr progress. duýction clff arÇolouna-i inpcsntalon- session with ftiséCanadiien CiviilLst-- no reli ef or car comm-sa bnrdpu, tisey aimssaês wltbost e;capti n .emoved frisa soieaof tise protection which is-now looked oni as a cousionation of the wrong, iuitlietesi #sea tise parent atata, whicls Nil aui sel in de col -W( ha Nor is Canada alone jun pesnting ii .ciains ;,-"Cise lonian Isienda are Du-vu]slsd,-tlia ecioniîsa t tisa Cape e unfortunately biddiisg tisa Govern- cnt defisunce, ahd th iie settiemenîs -a scarcely*[cs quiet. Lise fuir prëstimnption is-that -ure shall ,Curé tise iîscessseei pelitucal liberty we, sure, - uvilhIu a very 1iiwitéd period; lien tihe. secening generai elective' istituticîs suail liaetise airn cf eh tiose voted te securioug tise pnlspenity of tisé suntry and ltiseir f ellow men. Let, eaciseud all-nid., aittha goosi Dawrk usuehea&vyare thse clouds tIsat ung cirer thepolitical desiny of Ca- j thek.este t nimtekr they pa r ýil 1af « , 1io- - is m em 1~ _ f. hold observationî relates te it tise. leurned Dr. assd1 r in thé forner's çlàii Pdîtiois and his. medi( soitIse. Monîreul Board-of Trade,' te lus Je Excellaney, o eusîsubject cf ans! Coast- iug anudl lter-Colonial Trades, andl 9prayîng thsat lus E scýelleiicy wokild con- os vaîe, et tise carliest possilile day, tise Provinscialj tarliament;*to tlke tîsis sîsi- i jct lusto considemationi. ' Parties hiohdiig tha Petitions for e div'isioni of luis District, sisoulf i car lin. [ïd hsat tise Most strenuotîs Oxertion, on5 thsair part, te elituin signatuires,' is bookieelfor. Tîsere are hondlefs inCliii Riduing, %viso arc favoiraly incliîiêiî, mt utva not, ns-yat, appe-ned elIir signatuires. -Hia Excellency thse Go-vemîsor Cois- eural has boe pleasedl te muako tIse fol- lowiug ap¶husiïî;viz. :--- SeahiuîelJ Sumiths Maceloncl, oet SeWtéi,Joà.1,1 'Vaudel Ham, cf Trenut Village, ande Benjamin Çannisug Davy, cf Bath, te la Noteries Public lenL'ppem Canada. AIse, te ý;rust; licenses to the folloting persons te, practise Phsysie, Susrgery andl iMidwitery, ln tîsut part cf tie Pro-,i-incae furmenly U pper Cana' da, vus., Dr. hiants Cssnlfleld, cf Woestock, Abner Otia Kellogg, of Mlaniposa, ns Josîsun MeLean., ot MerrickviUe. Thscre us good slêiguin g hi Kingston. Tise .Za&arsa et New Orleans lîroug t $50.000 la gcld dust ils freigluht, andI .$200,000 lu tîsebandls cf pass-;engers. -Tise Pananma FcAo says Cliat e gold ile is eëndisçpveret-Iin the Prov- iiuceof vurageua, ou tIsa Isthmus, wivîsel sea oftha Atan.eicans. hava .censumen. ced diggieTlg, la pre-fe'reice te gin6 Califeona. Pessetugers by 1is: J11abama givenawfutl noconntoetîe conîlitice' of affaâira la Cýalifturnia. Tise scurvy -%vas sfgýin to ,a eeesitdlrable axteot nt thé issnies., Tisa Steamer Panama sail- cd for San Franscisco on thle 28t1s tilt. According te ea hawenacteîl ly tIsa Repiiblic of New'Greistdti, trea tende on tise flatnsisex2isaleul ufler isi Jeimti- s ry. Tisa Steamier iOregon, dus> fri Panama, hlunsi ot yet toselseel San Franciiico. Publi. order îlsrougîsoît thue çÎhQJecountry was eomîîhcted. Lbsr waa becoming clicaper. Vcge- ables were. very scarce. Tise grcwtls cf Sae Francisco is svitlh. snl porallel. Itcontin s 20,000 regu- ne selielitesuts. Comnmerce Nvis hier sorts'la greuving more andl more ative. [Thie dapartîîra cf vessais, dîîring tIse nontis cf Novemnber, equulled tIse r Vais nt NeW Orleanus, uqnd, tise Crdoe wi.thall parts cf tise paciflc-ia ateadily anelergoiug a vat. increase. --Tise Fglcosbas errived et New Or- iasa-frein Ciagres, witi 115 Isussen- imiting rlýU8ýoTatiGn. A.ucw lpas sage ls es n i ,a"MLre ebsauiswatd watu 0tstspri" b"4â.7 ~tss lsot30io 'P-41t MaaxjpaD~».-.Mt:wîî...A aw cosllet ln -l -a F -F Alitant-IJ.eteeal's Office, Toronto$ January 4, 1850. MýILITIA GlaER.AL ORDÊR, I lis Exrcellency the Governor Generut lias been pleaseel te dismiss the soîder. nientiôiocd Officers frein tho Mîlitia Service of tiis Province, v'iz.: Capiain Abrahiain Farewell, cf the 4-il1 Battalion, York Militia ; and Lieutenant CGeor!g, Ferry, of thel 6th Battiuiion, Non hum ýlerin lt RnSIGNATIÛ.N.- lis Eclric as -I)en ,pleused tii accept the llesigiat ion of MIajor Jolin I.Forsyth, ,f tlu j5.t Battalion FIouîtene Mlilitia. APPOIXNrc.-..is ExcelIlcncy tise (>cîorGeniral lîs b cen fflso pleased to ne ke thle aoltii ppoinimenir iis te iltaForce of this l>rov nlee, viz.: SeccsrJ3rtaleaYork. To lie-Major --- Cn1uain George Dtolor.t Wells, Seventh BJattrslion fWenttv-orth. To bceNlajoi----Cal-rtaiiî Charles Bain. To lie Ensîgîis---.Willianm Yoootg,Evn S. Martin, Michael Ilarcourt, and Alfred Browvni Gentlcemen. To be Qonarter.MIstcr..Chtrcs J-Ienah, Bly Comssîand D. MAcDON'ELL, LE.i. 'al Dep. .'Zelt. Oea.X.liitla. BURPNÎNrOF A stiip.-Tlhe paeket-ship Calebj Grimskroo, Captalislioxie, botind trois Liverpool toNewYorkw.itlî large nulmber Of omig-rants Ou board, %vas ýbnrned at sReua.slîc e2Otlî of No-vember off .tîso Western Islandis. Theo fievas first discovered on tisle 2tis, anti during tise' ight drendfol days iîstevcing, Suell %vas the ef1ct cf terror iipon thse mns.sof tIe steerage passoogors, that osaoly li ves W-ee lîust, ils iii direted of- torts te, escape. The captuin appeurs to-have netefi witlî skill, courage, uîsad, hnm11aolity bat aIl bis ffits, nobjy sec- oifded ns ho Nvns liy bis officers and cre'%v,waere înelfectîîal tu cotinlernet tise .foUies cf thle frantie emigraissA lisuînbercrewded inti, mie cf tIhe qnerter hoaîýis.lsanguiiigaà tlîe davits, broke lier Ivitl~ieir 'ýeight, and wern drowvned alongs.îîethe.ssil. A raft was cou-. strtioted lieder tise Captaie's orders but -ill-advised an isdOcontrollable.it litîllan hoeins latoicel'cè it nd escap"d' tIse threatciiîg faine, oîsly te 'meet tilvjr decrî freia thse sca, wivich siirlt' îtftertwnrdb cgot tmp lseavilyt and milit hâviie swvaniu1sî it. Capî. H-Xie, thsiîik$ %vithjout dout that thoy erislied. wîtis tise bouts toNvliig usceru, filcdi danger. ettsly witls tîseir liviiig..car,oe3 four days were pseoî olandl-alliant, soaiien stilf eîîargeticaîîy plying the *fiee origine' 0ui tha furtîs day the British -tkSrhO amtt,.s eulorse of iliirty..s,5 Iours relieveJth in Pttheos ci board wQ miinita ikadlabitir, cvîno' lstit c oe of lad. weatlscr.0 tu the Fayaili.r.su hpîly reuehed The Canada- arrived on lise -l4th; there is DOne n oa'cf importace. ler ccOIichisent sliOrtIy 4j j- v -- - t 4 - 1 ýes. coutrury,,that p&rt y a>rfe ahnoe d8.M Mivan the Pt r iî ing= had,.and the waut Of .courae On c asndd'igteistwr ih up thýereeCupled ivith aà désire te beold-fst ngtdsreduaCtiiof oln t e a n d i i t a i n t l ý c l o u v e s a n ,d J i s / ie s , w i l l t e e r s 0 i i i e ô t e a r t t e . l c ' a sefîstaeay esr that may lid a sblrevd baît nrrôow.ýMinded, man, prue- h sotd' ad sin former sessionis, tisir taix1 fiOrs,tiohofn refnu c d b i s w ill pass a frst r ad in g a n d . th e n_ fa n a tica l - te nse r n e t. I e e a n o M I L h o w it lîd r a w u. . W hie n n sn i îte r s ýc a l- s p é n6ià p b i e , s e s l e ~ u e i e m.not agreon trivial mnatters, hownV sbete ieilnimil 83 n » d it* b e x p ect c & th ecy ivill ce th e ul-i-n il n ten y ea s 10 i re é e is i n sed portant m enasures which tlie;country de. which he httd S et b h oçn iItè x ih ndshoud engage the attention, of of al piroiAecy, le, ad labo reçd ssid ui- t) tî ir r p eentitiv cs, rýt t hleir n cxt ously in t-lqio i'vlddle and N orth rn S a es ,' rr î~ tn~ W ere w -p but able, to raise av rnàing, i igsà9id nc rly one erm o nt ro!slow y p tie crt .ajî which obscures 'a dà for more than hait that -.peiod.- [e fro ns Our vision the fitnr e, and tlicr le wvts.' îned u ated and fot ar gei r d b h o l t h n s i h t y c h a g e w h i c l efi - e r e n d l e e v e n t e c o m m o n E g i s . o m s.leuc.h ns over lier M ajesty s Colo-- mfcntaries , is vie wvs % ere a hs Ë4~, an ýr niai possessiosýCanadaiijprtictir- supported but. Icbly; yt lie succeded fr ow- startling(would it be te some, low nb mildingtipa sct ofsom 30 cr, - plesieg to .ols, and to the majority kif tle 000 discifflés, which d'isappeared 'mai dy . people of tlis colony. To sec a F.T.LAG aftrtblc'elose of the"Iday orpobation1P to OF CAN A&DA, ---ur native ountry- i 1 4 ,htrwhich tinie M . M iter-- cwiprotidlyvr o ctdes u.imeelf did not otn, advecateorefd in1 stained, by crime, bloodlessz, and over bis views.ijs publi.. :- ilîîci"0 tyrant rides, or nonareeicai oorTedy a.1,l ia in flu en ce lre v a ils. T tj d Tor of Eue JJ1 i lay i Jn. 1 , 9.5 Y es t Aprize ofa god meal .slbeg 1,SuIhave notligf poae in th olgl t eTorn« o M eebnies' In.sti- t e ot ey n i s awfuly dul. tu t orstise eono ei me. nofmcciiaei. I 1may .mention, howiever, that at tctl, for tyh bes celn heGy.,Br.isnpton the other day sorne Militia Gcral îte u xelylse. o0ficer,woýse nino I couid net learnj ie sci7zed iM'r- IVW.. L Mukeuzie by thse SMr. SolicitoÏ-Goei'al M'Do;iald . ns cravaýt anidincarly stran gied him-indccd iO eetorned for Giengery cil the Ill etis i leatceed this, but such crueTty wu$ -, acclamation. prcvesstud. P.' T. ., it A memorial lias lio addressed, hy .

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