-f... r ~ -f - Il V~L, 1~ r _________ IDEl s i , " - â» EN MINIATURE ,AND ACROSTICS. liiir e Third. - - 4s~siU. er.23,f45. Reigaed 2years. -'R Iciird,eya nt tathe at degrea, c me- mieNiiaper , bypotie in mnd, H à ed Oby i l, and hating al maihid,- A ate n 'dsaimuletiois 5skîi, il elîgai ha6d he nante, but hie aten teNt, D readed by hils ftiiand, detesîcd by hi m e, <,T ho tyrant!f4j!à as le occasioned wvour iitacourage Was aýfmired, ta do hirn right; Lan Bosworth FiedlieTtcfoi, engaged in fight: R sig ned ta Jlenry bth bis breath and crown., Djed bravely-behtinu,yet withoutrenôwn. ors1456. Lgi o arin 4an23, 1485: dicl .4dprij 22, 1509: rdgîîrii 23 1-2 yfarýs. Ilenry,on iipowcer and avarice bent atone, * epayed hie thouglits towel eIaccore bis throne: * Noagteould, ik6 gold, allii his odid i mdé, 1 ichas he fancied, happinesa 'îouli bind: Y et England thought her îhanks ta hlm wore due, 8 ince h, t Bosworth, tyrant Richard alew: E steemned for wisdora, a precautioasfée, V irtuous ai fer as chastity would go:' E ngaged ta strike domiestie tioubls dead: N o -foreign mater e'or diZ'iarbed i boul: T he tamouschapet that relains his naine, 8l e raised, and there Iseboues consigned to faine. Hlenry le Elghth. BOMs 1481 : began ta o g .4pril 22,1509: died JTaitlIr!l 23,1547 : reigei 37 1-2 years. H eilry at eighteen years his reign began, E ateened a achoar and a handsomne man; N one gave ofe nce, bat ha severely sccnrged, -R evengefal, anad by artfutl Wolaey arged, Y et to0Nae teMrroa bis aubjets' lire. E ngà ged in barning priefts, hebewUNl wives: -lna-hum the glora..reformetien prang, Gaod's word wus end«M dini the comuion tangue: NHa stands a pperitbat Cge d cmi ceaaekr bad. ' T o death ]heà "e indmade many gied. Bomi 1537: &,g;» 0 reigit .Tee-29. 1547: ieu fidy6, 1553:, reignerl6 1.2 yesa. Edw591 tvas learned, vise,eand gret inntiod, D esigned by hoL ta mnn depraved maukinl; Wlith aflhbility bMs suIjerts sew, A Rd ruled te realit by stxaighlest modes af late. R lgion in hmfoand e steady faiend, D espoir on popesryd<id thon atted. S ach piuity apon an eaithly tbrane, i n heav'n foand peace, whicb îoak hlm for ils awn X i s xsaveyod bis hast, an couaght their yens T oa few ta compensas for ail theïr ceres. a Uediâa, and inbis failh dLsmLebis lh s. 1516: begm la t mga Jal6, 1553. did XMary but cre doserved the naine ofQae=, AÀad al ber reigiswua bat ane bloody scen; 9ramaeffand lasgeber crell annastein, Y autl,sge or au e favaur coald obtain. 10 l : egeatu ramigFo, .Isa . 55:did E aggMnla r and brois, sacceodw si, lia ,wby Wer tbjets, happy las herabi- * l hgsrtuooeat, flleson leratasud ZMI elthoat mperattioo rakder seul Js1madbI4 81'56r"t Nlet sppeaired Àarvain, -S et todispenesd te gleirify Wesipg-- E peland âüed hm, es buhrmeu vt: Tnade tesoteune emanymeitsabe passa,.' asl slonad's Fneat fa11a fLst L AmROÂCH TO JERTYSALEM. Theo nov. W. J. Woodck, li hW _ Mk--U UP* Wte îrPassaver, -aid Greeka agud Latins t6 tein .Hîsater, uviticli titis ;yen? tll sit iâlJsarne lime. The-retCimnin>'g neekuac.es,*aid shils, siaves fra-n,,tise laordon, :aid vials ai blovsi glass froa tirbansa.-,Thitccounttry, began ta look maore barren lat ep verround billsuc- ceecddreuittbll; lity' heat wsss very great, yal lise feeling, litIacl rnitige *as thse lest, and -muust conieallte loly Cly stili ulrged ns aun. Il bhecanie a race.- tVl, ieat, t leaiglir wée nt a ratcky bil; und, le J before lis, glîtter- ing la tIesuclite lice of vniu tirouve mbt dart sltadow, the doctes ansd Ming- nets ai Ornar aid:thislaiy Sepucr&, anti thc eitaisatti-edtowe r ai lppîcu-ý, standing ean ouI t ise isuirligll, bieterd by the blne veîtotry noîirataijSs o6f M%ônis, iay thsaItwlich* lias the-nanie af aId Jerasalens, assîIl isatiboie.e for years an image e nsy dreasîs - -Gloni- aas things are spoken ai. trere, city ai Cati ! and if tlisstrotden demsi, lsy wa'lis, and ta'airers, ansd shinesca ised us te cny wit 'anc consent,. «i Iow 'beauiftal I"ý-bow great tb-e glary ofitty ancient.faine, and ipoae-eovered crame- taia, mîust bave beei, thireîsiglrty tein- pie ai tire everiisting God, aîsdthe veil- sitei Moan, tise joy ar ilie isolcecartîri! lera NwOc dt ccd -gave upan tire City-, a scelle aitnii ian ta thirnuîs, yei stavel lin is nsany accesories,; andi rounsd -us Rackthlie I)aîtds of easning pilgniets, andt standi, and lkaseel, aud w-cep, and laugis fur joy,, as ec clioes tèmpŽh4sots bis tisuikfiness. Aid momen wb~ have loiied, naay-be, for îtrany* a day thraugis iseal, andi fear, anti povrerty, toa came and sec Jerusalein ant ici,isere, le tire ,p à rcspçLLtier ju s e nd, falI Itroatrale and lie groatiing on tise groueti, anti risc ta taiiô egain an cager glaurce, *as iiangis lisey feaned il ivcre îndeeti a'drcaru,- and nasathresacreti abject of Ilîr joitnney, lte eity ai tise Lord ai Hasts, Jeraisaictu i Aid. îcre,ý toa, on a hill lite mhis, stoati Ricliard,' tise crnsadiitg King oai England, lliTt nraa of lion hreurt nd stalwart lsand, lie stood, and iouil nt otot."i, î ad t" sld Ille disaippoi tod rnonarclr, witlr lents, «« I ipray thise tisaI I tuaty nover'seo thy holy city af Jentisulein silice lliigs tsus.bijtpett, aid silce I caecal take il froin lie isands sf ai ne eisenries." .And so',titiibands îîpraised 1anti oyes averleti, ditiCoeur de Lionq tîsri*and quit tise sigirtwhielr gave hins A SîxGnrAu CtaCUMSTvÂrcL.-We btave beard, A repcatetliistated tirsnng tise w-etk, tisaI, wiiilo tise flciatimag Clergyman tris adasxiaîisering lise Sa- ermentaf tise Lrd's Sejipern nhrist- inia, Day ttise rueibta'a atie <C:Npch. cf tise liO11t Tnîity, tise arge iïalwi coeîainiiîg -tishé e 4d dowa tihe contre, dividîingasftya s ir. .'f dehe byý meebhanical. ageîcy. Tise chaice Vas nearly new, aid mas eitber a silve one ex pla teti We votteit net for tise ncanracy ai lise btatemnot; but, lie- licving il lie be lnue,.mtniy tii regard il as auextetracrdiaary eincumstnnce. Ini a more superstitions ago A wouid lie regatded -es a singtdltry uavpùmble The Leaguea'sin 0. Gowan's District are hsolinag meetings, andi teeia.nig for -b1aeisehold suffragie, the extensiona-of tise NV, C A1X 1S T, JAN TÂ1tY 16, 18-5 ïin n of candidates for t&'-sistd rilisbe tksbthie longer likê0 meei ion' or: Londton, litas telen fltaiîd'ttand' iaid, for thse blond which by anýy peeér fRW e -show ait bands iin'.avoo t 1 rougî lm-s h cd.O euipruODaes yolir Idsl 11.ip - Tie A.nne-xatioiistiiq.of..,Qtsecbacctiall the. Ins. nc ~bg Fre mqltl.requested aM ea r taoffriisl fl alinga.gry 7 nsacaudidate,isn arauineÈ ati oan rcie- For-tl.rec years tby,ý iéuutty 18ie5a0tie-et ietoli as been promisisii torvl Mr. 1H. Cabl, Représenttative front. the Autstralisiti côlai to, rivalnctcngGeorgia, lias been--eiected, Speaker of constitution shatd us a pork-paciling city, no0 the Ilanse of Repr 1escatatives. Hi la nc x large csà tablitahmeîîits bav- of tiseDcmo1çru-tcr Party.- ve On opened titere titis seasoi.- ls looyfrn~nt ta of Nehesga tiere avn liteci tiatlîiE:. iundsliîip's stxtLIten [)t of1 ie h," liee oer heceîicye lia tcndered bis resîL-natio!t, sentcd ta lte. o îad Ohio rni1ro.ids avennÉgts and t lt.iesd b1 e n ccelet. The x1t? dlay, an d so far-*duritsg thlîè "lobe ' gives a flat cotitradictioa t ls siOn of' Parli sonnpars fiOOOO hvethe statentent. -qauuty wilhidrew, ived and found readly sale. Tiefllwiîgi nèxrs a rdiet titat UiheC0a Thé ollwin isun xtrct ieF and netîsnil t vitl i of tié-eddcmà nd. Most Of ter freinltise ]ev.Dr. LngaiN41 1 - ýtabism 1t oeed titere South NV~aies, Io.EarjL Gry. Mn, L., "a-rfisce nnils "T are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ à î fouPiaepaaniatrspcaükingýof Uthenrgrlion frolh to payz' V ry aMr 9. -ôN-ad té sinenun-1tihe %Wok-LIUîà e laiircitsud di' lomtîiiwoîaid havhe mttisfiec * No ad tit sae fltt. Catisalie girl&, tiîd -the -setîaing Out of-- -ving in Cincinnati> licsthéisaiot busc ant degradcd cetîvicts tô years ago biîtit -i :c 4,000 daily. What.iiiink 'iew 11eo..atisWales, PaiveliUs thse not satsfthnhQ ibraiser Canedianst wîren- îtyranny; rnisz-raie,, andîtiuîderlianded but exprssaive pih .1l any twvo citles-ta Canaf.'a 1srweecdings; of: bis Laýrdship and lais youir ienà shipvw.U ei )Conspete-w4tbloè.bV ir epeftatciey.sy go for th~e wiiole im lîetbjlien talk of Cauuada.pros- "My Lard, there are certain injuriesatRl :W té contrery, %vè are et anti - inssdts-espeiaiiythaçe o fliseeto Fo0 r e ttise. ity.bsnd tiîe tiines, wai oinxumitie&'î.o.vicî, ir ils. gond of governmlent whieb in so; a poar, tssrbe, 1-urorig;ndtiiscoicei!pq ismlgvrm 0, gnasing under oppression, ais in'j'ury and lesutaiot - t ia rticular fttlly - in yTQuT 1cr ier money non credit, wliere- kind. I orinsii1iceoriOtdwliîicliîit wau yeain1 etricata otîrscives froan the per severela canryitag otit this raetsure, inaaeeordssèo with à to wbic e ~ebave farleçn. bin-diýrect,- oppasitin testise pusbicly-' pTafe5s . ~to, lavc raiiroad, or even good rads expreonrd opinion ofiarge baxlie-, of tise sblipi à 4xaiý b he Province veofli Ncln et-ai.Iw Sottit M'aies lan uit bath tltisiMI an1 hantry( .aEenti e~parts af tise territory, ý,e people of tihii ieG'enun Ts living in lteé beck town- c rioisy wilu, in.my humteble opinian, ire Wçe 'oni y iii miel no. alie, but'ance a yenr, ta jaîîtificd- in. rcsorting ta messsures Pfself- banda as tis exetri ir psn&itce tIonmarket Trulý, préservationt iseliyour lartlslip vii limes deinsD botl siriskiirg! Now, for exâï lcystteplt($,butwbi't il, of justie wo.<uld lie iaok;_attise pnoes. niadé il* effectuaily jaîstre tise redrem--f al oriels- ordship witboalfw f leiv York. Here is an ge- grievanres for tise future. -tin ,tnstfte airsrdathicost, Thft t teaà îsres of the kind 1 refen -tol tAs i rts rewi ind expertises. 'Ther.e 1are- là -aea~~~ssgse îçnsle,~ oois crI if Nîv ankabou 77 tulesa malter eof absoluste natcessity jen.thé. yei!" patbeeai 1completeti, ain viclî ca!rsare ls eaucl iaa'ts tgctfitnt a h 4 Tuie goalhasenmolîtcteitalie standing anal infieneo a f ise, natnn- States of'Àustla 2094l1ýThéenuniber of bgt fb droklnlle;etn as iti ad aitr surcs ite1"4, wheu the laIe Govemnor of New Wôild- with Ihe rd1 rthevaronsconpenesde-SouthtWales nttetnptéd-,îw4-er thire o- iadtIsçigttitY or ame perioti ,.ws$9*,084,211.taiaîpeta fJésgte idî'.ladtyôabe -isk4nm.Âioee innig iralîitt ,ad of lavissg iiitisat capacity oabeisanste 'loui >1r tirs, ~ ~ th $,536;irvgtreexrlutsive ., rixrilistra-îio' oaf lté ins8tance, in gestel I as a rofit. ste lieds af the eoloîsy, ta revive lise of tise toticen *Ul soseliîig like "goin at- Gigvft ain ià 1«qit &t ail lte stations on-tise dif- Itu aestpi erisriUai ieiipînce iitise gré ;es, villages irrcsprngiiig,.up, cOlen.ùeý, ithottt tise cqusçnt ci' tieïr mii a piod etite tligw-ars tseapeni1c ~one aiteai isigra - representativgs, certain'of tsýprmCijB lianstecareen ulasî w 'onk correspondent e ie of ler sv oî,j i mthesesIl , tedw tlisllby aud aalleveats stand tatishe b _ue hi rima, writtig usider date cf - .aIIa ~5'.Y~. tet le- ailir * -titeïr Yiglii3,; nd 8ha veilif et8tu emier last, sas. Majesty ishotsi4 uned eut teth tlrnà enabie,liimà to e, e iportations, for_ thée enterai af' er.boest InocoÈut,altisea dawil, Napoleo<>a hoili s veny, beavy; l, sey' bave, eyhsdsseP adntlenuirttl lavery to defdel.is bea asprofitable'as ieavy,, 11e greatiy. nngmented neïe colony te bsy tisera ali off' in a wèek. iki, TSLa y yI au ýfart, liacro Ias neyer beoti For,:tie, cololà ist5Ishave Bot failed Ieo 'I )ave tire boa 'tise.lislôry of thse -cautty, -D soefents useis desertisY <tbp5 * b. generai pnasperityrewanded a. ail clamses or ibe comue- thsl are tai»g place even'at pr~tBl, oeiu evit riten tisere wti so icb dià u t it e textiptatian cf a settiem eut la ($1gsed ipitl len tise markt, coupieti tise génial clruateof New Saslth Wales, ains abselnce Of, wiid specti- a cmpre, it té oeibe es-t _________ et tipaigfl h Idia, theise nemdesU. frW18 ,aemdiatgiy loynl sainepeople nastion of Bitish troope finÂ&nstralia, niag'-the word Annexatiosi, jtil-è gratly' too stz-Oasg for'thie ' at *it tW E ýst-BEnis tlas andi Blrithvintueof a soldier. Nows.My is',4ie tç4 iesa ýQ à e tiew &dnor-ed 1, e ësbeep and eattle ofth eiYl b~ich cçloi&iPuoý el te discus a ieuaec o i a dui#d hqWsasbý 1h ta'.'