Whitby Freeman (Whitby, ON: J. S. Sprowle, 1850), 9 Jan 1850, p. 4

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'J 'îfl)s wUÈi, rivi- tiâ remenývedt lu treatr. àeifrôni se ai 'ithiesý owe ct 1 a 1itt bQow1tge'ù, ike obIi- P ~ ~ hr *-JtQ8 ýrhm wehold IhLewW f alý 'tilt binutise ive' be f>tIwvinedl4and 'te fh iet-ed objet*. tsftture numlbxrS i ~dtin-»UrPro- xU whe-n- C s àlFitr'nthen cae r c -tily 'fÙEtae iea 4ELECTrIVE 'à ' ' *u,'an.electve.Covernor, ~y,,%',eaayjudge elhbeoiGeorg' an ee'-fJoln _Gambie, Esr., àtér do use tfavor to inserQ,)appear- detJ teiied hishow a very atronleeltl¶ esent dayin !avor M ?oe or the other o Wa~ita bncmaccacaisket iat nalaisp4t f qiam' wbicb cow maite -jY fthema ot eopietaot w t1at 'bt, ontehtcntray,'tt ome.uivermatr-uaderth gecli îe hure cala scazeety-Ise a e, ut their slext 'Cobvectioc, ve'bd an ý assembly of tht kina,) 'tilt qüemtgôl'bt Getio'tat Eti~veInstitutions, Mpip 1 ; . .tY;-pand thiil, bet it remei- J a c.ilgr oiyocfCocpsseftivt lonsau , .&ictt044 bdge polge ',nQi,. a jnnxtm o exe 'I1fwsols, 1be8 ~~e5s~ ~ mnd *tfthcghtb uiahea1 te belgiig o tht, fortmer, sud holdingA ele> Gôvrnment, 'tilI be dismnissedw 4e.. ofthe Pater. IWe w'Il ase 'uthat.w wiIt sqatecIy loçkfor ginuese Ce tis> ail.LérdE19mle did'R>i' Movln=". lis politiesd, ,ai alskls g of who shîsUal be tisei udgo ; and tiste, >us tO tht long' 1 1 . . , 11iOl yawl pr p Ir sead' ycuO-,that Lor isalikly' to returis -homet. 0hts , thls 1 hasveano doulit, lbr I bave conien~ce- tisât ýtie Russell ad- rtion l wilcrUmble te 1aeces ;--I is$ there tise d"Aaniêritiseg on tIL»I IfJ.Lord Grey sisoald fali, nitt my 'Lord Elifin 'lcaV<e. My1 iso luthat -both *tht Iciperial - 'scteteal' administrations sûat Ocf1 ity'speedily re sigis theirtities. 1 'wil observe tîsat: tier' is an. Lioç>.ta't tise succassor of thét ttc will bce a mnitary ma». This ible zbut net Èrobable, Altisougis LTitilt hi57islVt liea. mlatie týyet no strang la the feeling cf ýiis people against sucis practice isolydýoesea rewcrd for in- bic services,' whicis lie Crbwvn lootlerwise rtqay--seôbjis e iisst uo' SirflHerry Smith (wvis1 - vd long in tise nnjaql>) tteis ýemy etihe Cololty attise Cpe. J t infallible in my jatigments, yet ;tth , lieftuttise successor cf ro ôC>to ans tilibea dii 'A. ho Ji des 1 ip, 1eu là scrcehYii Ree wil! fiLUthee djgnieed.î«toiuin. I ýadSlerwood 'tenU get it-Rfraid se lteaIstreîactive' tEttetiQi tgt eue il fdr him ; 5etbhe s wioÉte o the dutyà Boulton' tget1, 'Caineron, m'ay, e..tltiegi TIoIIoNTO, J 95 . M We r et etate 1 icae that tha Jev. Mr. tikit wilt detiver s publiý lecture befairethse Swbiîby Litprcty,. atsaiScientifio A&ssocÎýiioc,") tn tIse-.qMeel*ge cf K?'Owled2-P. in the F.,ee ,1eurch ine this viltage, on Tursdy evening 'tIe ath it., net 7 qlc~k. As this ie L e>iSt Of a eriets'qf Lectures intecaltIr be delivë dotie Lt present' 'vhtler, U'te wôuld rtcomnmecd cI - Tolvlfsl$p Elîtlions. Tie follo'ting9le tise restait of tise Electiens, se far as ýve have bsean able - "tHITBY. - *Allison, 1 Aune,' .. . 393 HIarndtIn, . . . 344 I Dvlinp' - . .171 - nxar l,. ' 159 It 'tiltlitc 3een thiat>tht first ilve tientiofled gendtemrnti ore eectea by Lrgte Iajoritiés. No less than aine candidates 'con- tested tht electica-for itis Township, ad tise restit 'tas as follow*s: *Ward, . . 180. E'ters, -. .-164 Pt'Wl, .-. 16:13 Trusix, .) * .1.56 A4bner iKurd, -- 87 Laing,. . . .. -78 Bointo) . . 73 'Poprliard, . .*64 A poli here w4-as demaàxded, anti the lollowing geatiemen returnoti, viz:; Aite s .Warren, Mcscript,' Fuirbeisk ,Gibbs sud Wu." Pickering la dbàvld.ed imb 'ards. Mlessrs. 'TaylorrP-Iiker andi Mitchell have lies eloScted. .We are- hàppy te stty thati aluhetigli ea spirited contest wuve . kcpt tptise elections cloited, 'witisotît su,1yrdesttt banco laavlng takcea place.,Tho resuli shows tisat a large mnajotity, cf tise peo. j4e are, infltvor of aiiioa of thç DIS- trieýt$ sud ,we.'trutst tisai tise vrk.ivili aosv go bravely on. Strenuonos exer- .tien will lt eqttiure, ,mot enly on their part, but tht in-habitaats getrally, and~ thein, 'titis Peter Ferry at'ottr; iseari wle feel ponfittthat suocts '%yin crowntr uttiorts.' .wlllby Tcinperaace lilal Improvement - .A soiet uner iseabove naino'was fermet ila tiis village où montisy' eve- uing last, ut'tise Congregatienal Chape]. tde pfcei~ 'tort openeti by an .aiiess frer tise Bey. John C. Geikie, -explanata r ftht .objecta of tht plope- sed Socitty.nth'fuisising adritft forthe oonsideratios cf tisose preseat. Tise édd seugist te lie jained 'tere statedi te. 'hb twofolt. ir nst to seciire tise rising youlis cf this village anti ntigisbourboosl froin tise'.langer cf iserenfter formng habits cf untemperance, andi, aecoatily, te ftirnisa, a nas cf gmental and moral ernplÃ"ymatnt;ant i lprovomeut te tise enembers, by stateti meetings, in wbulisÉ atidresses 'toulti ho deliveretanti per- isaps essaya reati by paties ceeînecteti wNitis tie-Uicna, .y giving aIl work la the iattrval btt'teeei thse meetings, la prepariug for thoera, ced, jeseeking te ativanee tise intetests cf tise Society among itho aronti. Tise auljeet aýi tîoneietifor nextimeeting 'tes"IlIn tern- peratte 55 tlationto crime -hiowfat isItten peranceproductive cf crime? andt on. Ibisdiffeèrent yotlî tse biteàr mneimb-rs.will'speak,eaehbriegingS'or- 'tard bis tiscigiseutte question acut tisé reselts' cf lii private rorsting in conectica 'twiti' it. Ail yettis- frocs tise ages of t't<settflenty are eligible ns memisetg. Ectrance oneyttleastt Ad, seti a fortaigistly sum c f aticatt theise m ment ste te lie paiti te cro- ate a fànde4with,'wbicis te purchase tracts, a few-'books-for 'the mexnbets,&c., tend il le in tend tiet e.bave a speclal ècesatitu- tien a tfixedtilies. le mrise aufficien t te ptitcbsse sone stssndard,.vork ta, ho giveiq Osige« furthtie best Esay en a giveu .subi«ee-t. .Itit ladesîigledti tisa.ysticis meaus tise guembet '.Will'libe" -trained to habits cf bu.si», a> snct they con ntî tiseir e'tamccliii ga, aad aise te an easy deliveryý of theïr tsotuglats, le mental dlsce1ine, zmanly seif-tespeet anti staypetsOvierat-,ct inia gooti cause, andi ha'teaneti frora itlenesi iait hsrt- ftil ainusemiats, et tht same time that lhey.sxe gaded.freta formieg fatally e-vil habits.' 'Wetrust patents 'tilt seô. it thlelr du ty totecouerage a Society ivioso aima are se benueficent. Tise- next Meeting 'sil!libe bult ixaMr. Vert's Scbpol-.Honse, on Monda nset, at baif- pacêt Lix o'cloek., ' Seveattoas youths have already gven ia thise i ameg as -members, and 'te' trust imany' otheta, w1,lLsieddUy fllow their x.mpe. We 'say tisaItthe officers choses at tise meeing wee:tise Iev. Johna Geîkee, I4esidene l Mr, R.' Wilson, $ecretary; try BasTIie sand 4ttoey. ai' aaw. iIROCK-STREETÈ, WBIWBY. à ession:- te sxsîuguvaaxue'îu ut i.u oenial Office blas reached .'that point atre il becemris enendurablt anud -huaét lia chaxiged. Tiseý dry fa.7 Inde- pendence thicl bas been raisetlinle Ca- naida, bias brougltirt tters1te a .erisis here ; ami 't e ste clearlyetnougli tisaI titaes the latpoliscvof etîr- Goverju- ,reat, fas rê_ýpects otw Nortis 'ktericaiÏ' Provinces, he net enly abandoatti, bat1 ýrtraclred anti obliteatt'd lu al l 1pstepa ,rot tht lesti four yçars, Canada Winîll speedily be lest- te lics it of tlint, îtroag'anti noble setitii ïlïirWToal y- wbicis even tyrsnny ant i niîttlû1 lites - ýnet bets able te dissip)atè - smoug yen. Be 'preparet ierefot oriat a change."1 Tis. e.v. ,Dr. .Lang, cf New Sentis 'Wales, bas. atidratssed a botter to Eart. Grey, in 'tisicls tiheaeon sty cf tise noble ,lord, to'tartis tise peophe cf thnt colony ;B shiown, and provres ftîrtiser thic frit- tering Gare bestoîvrecPby Great Britainý -uten bier stibjets' Dr. ,Lang bas doabtitas expressed"the feelings cf-tie, mnassoc fte mie , n"eey *îçîo made-may be'strictly relied îpon. ' ise., î~ueif vonîiyude from thise ocf tise putblic, prPS, net ftdistant ~ie tise Colonistatitir cf tise misrtilci cf Downisg--str te ficiais, 'titi tiro't off tise ýyoJke Whicis opprçss ltiern, andi fret theniselvei. froein, tie cbaieswbich haugisty pomp,. tyrrsany a -utiusurpation thas enciecied Ï etiu- Canada 'twill be na olttht figettgproaiibe tgit te forsan independent go vetnmuit, and hurt bacis te blini sink cf iniquity -tie parclsmets'tbich isave iseld us in. a atato of servitude. Other Colonies1 Wl soon feliow-,in lier wttke, aud lie- t àsi'h fr I Èe and un.traineled frou tise dic-tations cf tise hirelitsg iti thsý Colo- nial office, Tise Annexationists are daiiy malcing' ,converts, sud public meetings, dinners, andi other demotîstrations, vite beiug hîeld le 1evety neois anti corner itn both sections of tise Province. Ne lime shoulti holôst by frierids tetise cause ln, organizing ythemiàives into clubss, se ils, ~the- îaorýq effectuvilly te bring tise s>tbljeçète, beur on tise mindc cf tlue peo- 'tanti lay optn te every ladîviduai tise ativantages' te be deriveti frein a .union, 'titisbhe gaat Republic, .lInthis tiays issue 'till bu fund an article frone thse Exami»eer, showitsg tht differeucd b'et'een tise expeuses of tise Govçrn-. mentt of Canada anth ie IVniteti Statea. JAîeiARAY 9, 1850. Wheet, per huebel - -- Peas.......... Flour- Grass Seef------ Por----------- Better.............. Lard---- Potitots Pot and Pecit Ash - -- -39 -19 -20 O -63 -17 fi -07 -04 -06 -07 '0 9 -40 O -25 -c 'e O a 20 e O' a 0 i 7 KINGSTON AND TORONTO. JANIJAEY 8, 1850. Oois,pr bus.34 1b. 1 2e i 'I310e a 2 Baco, pereît 1---O 40 6 a50 0 .Btter, inlcegp. lb 0O6Sa Os6O0f6eaF7 Bsdte-rfresh.perlb 0 1 a --08 0 7e0 9 Hcaas,per lb. 0'6t 0 7 0 ô 0 6 Park, peil100 Ibs. 20 0Oa25 020 0e 0 0 Berf,ýý ditto . 15 0 a17 610 0Oa 176 Polatoeaperbuhl 1 6 as 1 1 4ea i 9 Ybrkes, Mock .2fias 5 02. 0e 5 0 Fesewls, per coepis 1 3e i 1 1Sea1-8 I!a,pFer ton 35 0Oa45 C35 0 a45 0 Flour, per barrel 21 fit22*616àae2Oo0 Flour,pr 112 lh. 10 0 a12 L 10 'a 13 0 Peus,pFrbuhia60 lba2 0e 2 1S L 5a 2- 0 fl'ony Fearlb -0 6eaO0I7O0f6e O 7 iL4'r NKHZ , tahfl frfor- mer p8.tfOhlgli, vould icform the inhauitants of Whitby, that her school %ilt rerassernble en the let Febrtuary, lvi that *cottage opposite the Grarumar Scisool. Parents wiîlîing to place their children under her tititi, are request- edto send therv at tise cotmmencemest of thse session if poslibte. -Terfna pet Soio»7 le Cias------- £0 10 0 2exd 1' - i0' 0 3rd " - .-' 1, 0 blttslîi......... 2 O Drawing andi'ainting, *2 O0 AND» Cmii be soppied sitb a lest rate article o! jus or Strong Deor1 oie Moderate Tei for CàAS, et CLARK'S BREWERY. Wletby VbigJan., 7. 1"50. 2f ~ob FULLERI, on thse llo'ting -ÀCARO.. rih>ttc Gama, oqT E SU]3$CRIBER. be'-ge te se- do.y 0r~ 10 0 quaintisis Frientis tIffhe Publie reo0fagep do. ' 0 O7 f6 thatlhe lias recàûa pà nced Business ai yfot French, frotta 4 tbS5 o. bis Old .$taed, "Biqoci Street"t*e i7odoors . pet quarter. '2 1Y-P Norths of the Store of PETE PràR, Esq. _______________He la 'no't prepamretite make up. Gtit. ;_,At titçsi 1 1 - metin t hé ldtest styleo 'f'OshionI; - andi, front is-eit and rtt'csxt- i1mproýCei1ts ln the art cf ÇusttlW-g, eau edcure te is Custutatrs elegance anti cenîlort. -CUTTINO >doue. :> Eur.peg» ndcl $ricese Fashioii -mgt l received., -I- FRA SER. Whitby Village, lst Javi., 1850. f'l M OM0VAIL. lIàyi-ngjust temoved froan Osawa, begs, respect- fully In' anforan the ùahlitacts et Whitby Village, ccdt th. arig4bouring counîtr>, that hli bas oa- mienceat- business in- the 'building. adjoiniug Mr. Boot.aid Shée-Mabery, sasd bopes by attentione -té bis customnes tq mneit a share of tht public patronage . Whilby VlagJuiiuary 7tb, 1849. 2t1 Sere Egies. Tbose 'uho sfê'tfe lited with. Sort Eyes, ccc -lad a CHIEAP ,ccd'E FFECTUA"- 'rcmedy ilu Wellington Eye Vatera Mateefectaîtealandl lept ou bacd, fot sale b>' tht p.roprietor, ai fol ovs: Ont ouneate yul 7 1-2d1. Two do. do...... ... l. CHIARLES CLARK. N. B.-ýScores cf livinîg ileases eau lie pro. dtIcealte testil>' of the clilcît>' of 1'heEye Wtaet, semeai cf îvbom soie teside in Ibis Village. Said B3a.lam la aisoeoo frBiuses, Sprciau, leflutria- tion. Cramps, Agaît in thteIreaSls, Scald llead, Saddile-galis &e. 3&c. - Clark's Brrwcî'p, Whif ta> Village, '7tb Jauary, 1850, S 21f Want.d Xmmdiato1Yt TWO LADIES, an-exceptionstele in poit tof Beati anal Témper, %vho are desie'ous of ectering into tht' .llfeta'iasil Staec, %yilt final it b'their ,avectage te cati on tht subecribers t an eil> date. None ceed cppîy but Ihose i'wleo have got et least onteparsof pattens, acd tht beet o! expec. tatioc. a A.B,&E. W. N4. B-Noce but persocat application vrilti bc ctteaded to. Hours of reception frosa 1)10 20'. cloclç, A. M, No Otefery about t£Aù bîuisMi! Whttby Ladies' Seminarmyy OPPOSITE THE GRIÀNMfR SUHIOOL. Surgeoon BD0 itlstï WOULD rcspectfaitly intimatte le tthe inisabitants, cf Wlîitby, and adjoiviiug 'Towiiihips, that ho lias taken moores ut R. WVootua liel, v'wbe-re hlie cviii hap- pyte wait on ait thg&ttqtiirt bis servi- ces. As ha" Irtenda making Osawa his herîinanent residence, permsn.. de. sirieng opeittions17ay rely on bis endos- vourting ,tu, give. -petrf-Oct -satisfaction: .And au>' of bis, operatiens net pÏeving saisfactory, lie 'ilI rotura tht mouey aga n te tlae parties, on their aptlyi'ng to his., lu Icerruptible lNciaereh Teelh, (a per-, fect imitation cf bise ustucal) inserted with tise least posbe pain,' ffom euec te atlîttrç set. Deayeti teetis flled w'ti Goiti anti Silver, se as te efrec- tnally lirteeve theun. 'l'eIls wvhittued -srrcgularitîes temediied-diseoaed gumus,nanti lid breatis cureti-artificial plates inserteti, &c. 1- N.- B.-Mr. «Irwin 'tilt be, aI -Mr. Scripture's Hotel,,on, tise frIn Fridayof eads menntis, froni 9 c1S'iocA.M. le t P. M.. Ail oîeerktions 'tarranteti. IE isesier bau eonataàtly oul bnCarriaâes ofdufir.ntdescrip- 'ton ndofth atO. -àins GASILî FO-R WHEAT.I T HE SU1SCRUERSwill pay the Producsg defiveied at their.Stores, eit.her vit Port Wletby, or Craadel1t Corner, Reach.. The Subseribers niso béig leave to. renmind their Friends and Customers1 that t5é inve commenccd bisiness vt4 Craiudeéll' corner, Beatch; sud, by, steady attention, hope for' a saeof1 publie patronage.. JOHN MARTIN,& CO.ý Port Wlîitby, 26th Dec., 1849., T HE INEDTTED WORKS 0F LORD BYRON, nowfirsi published fron tht Lettems Joasenais, and other Manuscripta, ltttiM"sesi- fts son, 1eoGog oda yo-ee dosBy 'ào o Pope may with more justice b. .aid.1folhiimslf.-i lie is thbe Poetof ait times, of ail clinses, -of alktîeeicgs, mcd of -&ll.staiees of exigtence. A thouseud yeaniw'ili rull. away belote $!sCÃœb anotber. cati be boped for in ont Literature-- lio hinself is a tterature." Throwing agidetraint- mets of a conventional life, in his hatred and dis- gs tIecant and hypocris.y whith. soght (0 lmhltlt-n account or bis youthful ig- I aities and icdiseretionàs'ànmd telyiRg sc>fely on thé vast powers of his own ,nighty genius, he conternned and <efied both the world's censure anad preise. But for the very fauts of bis early education; the misfortunes of bhs youb, and thé .isappeintmients îvhich-aiýaited hlms ashle merged intp iaschood-but for. .tbe. sJ aturafi sioodiness of bis spirit, and .tht possession of affectiop istai locged. forjpoceethic -g mound 'whieh te, etwie- but for tlhe wst of a rothcr's lavei mcd the lbasor a îife's affection-but, forea combiniatidunof evîls, which, would bave prostrated ecothe*-but foriai' these, t geclus of Byron rigbt bave slurnbered, and been lbatue0usud- to posterity. 44The llbt that Ieati s atray is thse light that sbisies fiorn - teavec Il,-ead thie glorioce igbt wbicb ebeda ils effuigence over evcry page of his writicgs, 'wili be sougbt for in vain ini theýeffusiocs of bis mcml gifted contccporuries. It is this liirbtning-la4b of gens, uncontrolled, uniduavcrlbl,ît wilt cause posterity tb speak of tbe niiÏeÃŽkeelh century us the cge of Byro-Witb Shakspeare, Milton, Dryden ccd Pt5pe, thee cerne of Byron will in future cgee mark e brillidtit period in the developmerit of Euglish Poeay, acd the gccerctiuus yet to corne wilt treasure the simalleet relie of the master mind. The valuable unpubliebed maleri- ais 'thicb the Eitor bas heen enabltd te amaes, 'in tracking tut teôotstepe of Lord Byron tbrough i-11 lsis plgrimgcs, cocsists of about oce tbousocd letters: thée Revesa.Jureal_ of t4ie year 1822, cnrirhed wîtb copionîs Notes by the late Si, WmltetScott; nurnerous unpubliabcd Poerns, isi- qtudicg the suppreased pottions of bis ptictcd %vorks - and a ues of Anecdotes acnI Remu- niscences of Lotrd Byyon by thse Countess Guiccioli, Mirs. Perey By6she Shelly, and bMiss Bristowc ; îy A rchdcacon Spencer, Sir Hernpbry Davy, Messrs. frace, Smnitb, John Taylor. Ttclowcey, Gordon, C ptain Baldeto, and others. To these lie is kicdiy permitteal to aàdmiumetonasletcrs addresacd 10 Lord Byron by hie rncct faniliar ficuds. A' qusarter of a.century bas passed away sîince the death of Lord Byron, mnd tweety yeare bave ciapacal since 1%1r. Nloore's admirable Notices of tht poet appeureal. Duting tiat pa'iod, deth bas been busy wiltb tiose, ont of regard to whonMr'. Moote 'tes îuduced to omît passages in the pub- lisbed correspocdlecce, us ttiyen in thte evecieectb Volume edition cof Lotd ]B) rouils Worlaa. These passges wilt cow le restorc<l, tht Edilot feeing. ass'ured tIsat the Public 'e iii upholal hiru in %%-hat rhe look&e upon as e sacrcal dty-the rescuing tht Lrnemory of Lord Byron front tht meny unjust aspersionstit upont bis; character, eitbet frotta intreatedmotives, or for tht mere gratificationa cf eaavy, het.red, an alice. lu puhlaishicg these, tthe utrnmot delicacy consistent wtll trutir anal . caclour, 'tili h bp-berved ; but if any mats should .f11 etMaggrtevtd; tihte litor discleima nt oncre ay intention of bitigpaim b>' the ptibliealion, acd would cclitomin dthiat Tyerssasys lai-biwRbaii- soal' o Pop:-"Ail ucbwtiingesuddsore as teucb cornet>Wilmenalpo min." Thtpubli- cation of these wetks9 of tht. Peet in En-land 5-bavicg been, preveuW 4byaujcj)dcioai ofthte Loid Chanceller, oblaiaîctrouýgb acombination . of influences of which it is uncseceesary. to speak, ïtht Ftdiior'hisedetetmlbfeal 1 give ilbernto the public of the Unitedl Sîtasà, acd thus place tht ,ond possession cf the materiala lot daicg tom- mileejsice 10 tht greatest of moderitPoes. lied their intention et patronWzng tht work: lBer (;race thse Ducheis of Manilton, tht Counitesa cf Licolu The Ceuntes cf Charleville; tht Righit Hoponiable Lord Aahbaatton_ , the Right Bocour- able the Viscoiuat-Falklaaaid; the Lord Alet Conynglacc; tht Riglai lon*.Sir Robert. Acisit, G. C. B. Jostp Ns-aid, Eeg., M. P. F. S. A.; e rw tl oi le a, E e ., M . P ; H u d aecn G u r uar, j,Dawson Turner, Esq., Y. R. Si F.1S. A.; Hotraee Twiu, Esq.> The work wii be puhibed in imtll arts, t 5te acb. At the commencemTent cf ecs- Volume acte- grsvtd Titi. Page and Ftotispiiet iilI he given; and amungatother -stbjectsaieleady n lutht 'En- gtavtr's anIsasl,.are lieas litherti'upubliseal portaits-tbcel'fà euinusMhtmatical Sketch. takeis about the asgtrcf iehttn; the-se*coud,, s copy tfaPett > aal, lthe .'ttik»oa'n A ctc a malr;.andtte d, e Sketeh fcm bige, - eb Ctoonwtinmence ou tht Rt of Octoea ml bu caeiDueaon-te lut of evt'sceedisig moith, Tiltlt th le" s eorn- jEletatCIis n igiaed that it vili ntc Xceed four Pomua A liaealdlsceSb' o b tttde, endms hider atteadeatto, itleu. acrotiie yea >uah. G. G. BYRON, PuuMbl&c 257, Braday>, NEW yomx, ÂAgaât21, 18., a:? ses ndoh ,timttigQ j ofthe permnanent Civil List acdthie veto po'ter,4000 miles off; simple asti che-ap- govetemeet, as wtell as simple anti chîeap lain; Cletgy Reserves anti Rec- tories for general Etitcation 'FrteTradt 'titlf tise Uniteti States, <and an inde- pendent Goverument for Canada, orsa union 'titis the great Repubuie oesu fair, lsoîtotrable, anti j ut prineiples, se suca athesesttbjects sisal! hava beedsaffici- entl>' disetîssedt th lorougisly entier- stooti anti tisireti iy a large nlajority cf tise people cf Cànada' -witis a view te lat'omote tîscîr lermaceent interet,'tel. .fare andI preaperity., FirmIy believitug that tise present -ctisis la the aflisirs cf' Canada te- 'quires tiseunuiteti ad vie, jid anti assi-W ' tance of' ail anti every' cf its trtto frientis,. ln order tu te establisment -,of ils iitetions, àa's, ant iInterett upon a fiin anti permanent isosie, anti -tbeteby daîvelop its -vast. reseuce at lesti tht wvay tu frugality,',prcsperity anti bappineas; and t it is isopelesa te expect that resuit tuei brougt about by tise perpetual eqtiÉahbling f cravi'ng politiclegus for place and ebc'er, r luanay eutîer wasv, shbape or tantnet, thym by a uionu anti ont genertal eflbet cf tise lieue anti ine't of tise Country' (%vlsetiser het'etofore knowa va Rcform.. es or Tories) 'tisohave bel one ain, ebject aud interest, viz., gocti govera. ruent, aud tise 'elitres peace anti pros. ptrity cf Casnada. Nerveti by tisheicrcilusstbaIt tise d u tie t n tie ttu k e >u ,10 t u iS t te rrp p - .- are cf ne crtiinary character, the pro.. prietot 'will tievottbhimseîf tu secuirùig for thse to'tusiip ajorasî'tvè enunciating viet'tsgeesonan twiuî of thse rajçrivy cf ils iahabitaus ,j yet be fiuitfui intise informatin whiel retesajoaalVâuable n i tbm cfa fasuiiy. Ths ,Ieta 'iilie f 1 j able te tise, Faruser,, as Ckems try,' epphÙ6ite agrc viiilie Pulilsled lweekfr, itu, thse close of tfàe vol ý'j . "A. sui . 1 le& $ iivoWtd therey butftâ iîcteranat9f tu"~ e th o ' s efee1slttt5 Ctt l whiaS a>sribd IS truthfttî ddàç t' pétuadOi cf p0 t Ct th ,:f î'lè on tht flaines, f, aî e abr jefforts will'bodevotddte seciro mno king of the politiettiee Metis w Xt3V, ave1xerie erle rather 5brn - sdvan4,ed o otif clpro j g9ress. it will'be ÃŽhe pride and plelîsIlf o1 the coudtiyefgr.the FreeMa efltO 18 impntîn n~tsct0 adMicis~tiaDs ~vhohav ~s~de4fotht pressuret from withut>î3l~!P5.btît~~-to enter into a caetu,# swIocf tite-ceci- quencs tt, hQvc rîuted theeftevi< and sùu o1tItywiibheperfuf.rnesd Witis a vietthe4strucson ttcd edificatieii of those whoreMstced te other duties, are lemiecithse ple oit f a cureft an a1YsiS ' -:ofthose' plaotd ln authofitY ever them. I 6 êpàQress of'tht Canadiati pope-, jiyslaad mental, tii ho "à _jCýd;_where hindiacces 1 its de elpmza.ut ae tade paIptbIe they il e'espari1gly denoaced. in poliltiefi, thse Freesflan twill eelmly butfjearlessly and Jlrmty advocatt scti I nsures o geeal progresive Reforil as cousmon senseand reason may.poit R1 oIIIs -,eing reqîtired,.by the-cireum- stances sud, enligisteviment of the sga insV l etîwelive, irrespectivte Tpart3l 1 mm but meaawsrçi 'tjV~ review alikot h7-%igan on'o r professed RefI>te and ackaowIltd#ed p .toriesapproviig or disapr9v in 9tlther, us a strict regard te truth shah1 require; 'to -,bée'itirc Oxpl icit, it xmayaonth.anuiss îte mîention here a few cof thse more pro- 1minent mensures of Reforra wlîicis 'te klook tup-on. as reqiiaed avi tutpresett (day, viz., geueto.l cleetive institutions,. ,frein tise highest te tht low'èstoffices li èthe-land, exlcusion eof tht electivo frac- 3chise, andi reduction cf preperty qutalifi-

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