W A TNR ISI TeseconcI-exarnple of the beneflciai throne,-sacb wastl4fstà teoftIiecountry #i -7-e~ester t~esblqxd e~uebiWh~qte.r,'b W itles8tfrt Uian or health, anence exeroied. by female 'Save-that it wseea~~httesdvd rgsos ~crm steafn tey, é e low itthisfô adtq orRt Wheu a eeg ua hldnr th Ijw f ov;nn eiinng eteentaQiipwices adlio othees wili '~ehâo air. Th I ephie strength secure, ; e-wu fseecl or ~ <S5nrcn. ou an hr r Iiaiz ae toI 4 'Twil à e swa sabella of Caetile, i itin thetw hi as sfÃ"tndihith Water h ma et eaUh of g ag. ett "llt f bout, epsd ec te u i Wse t e: o heebl is w oevrwhosl eed h er, othat, o-à j saore *s t e .an foq or o fatmqOn- o a red. an - borec a 'Twill nuýe i o:thi Hv; adtI etreW5syn c~eta -IÃ"nn~gtrLr u ei .1saphe io cmpete il ue eads, nthe.r ess heri tnoray.î.m urouýou >Twllajae ihs sure Donalenr on o t r ae t è y oitcandivç hloe. idréitaete eetaerb - Iprnis isint esta l of s, t-il -~ te laid e ii coebiatio wih t exsiekl te drry f trhiaetlt s ri . i thi ' 4io Wateri fur t&eel a ne age cf fifevenrfse.dathonb. andardt, eir , Thoire. us Gre ist n t amseri-hm rwhu1ïi thc,'ho grwig id' apese cflir rebe'scliip,-ai atan, s uesturewee urhiip Pariceof th-aeiide nd msf arine to rein, -wa, a iferie;i- ehadtéd 'TwIl ae e he ale haud ttoog; houglthaetrer, ssai ig , ad it as Siru naigace r d13 oner ctiepracntuent 'podiin les lt etbe epie, rais, t' atri bÉ orth por 1ke, deal. h e Mer ll o rag2 ubj c rsoy 1oa, n ae mglt i cte> al t at tiraistate i as heen aredbyte eu it plats,-a nd the.saiorpton f nosîti i cth- f g u- p « Twllrmake hie labtsrour . lihqpesdwt e eemie odc te eesrl me al eodt aoianci i t f Conly tafkes t bthe a o erin the ataosper ae arredbujlij( cfhofj Wae abelfr"laea" ,ýtat th Lfenoestads offrredtli er , S ir reen as thee.sh was t he kea-t whe i i lin obinatin dingaesie., I w e .lantl &es thes'aiaorde Nt ea Ir tom mwoaretgotit ight te hih tile orh foriç, a- ut dasuer fIrst rewerorc ls aid ce-ftebdis'n iu ori ýo1lei thteron of beihrvreg foa l-minton. rstb ins, airesut tii. undyr;-cte'whr.an~ ITil Catemh1.adsrog-o eftr c noedt een t he mol ofles tA eaf tdemthe rayche'f the un, we Waerlabet orheaanetatif, bi Crhatk lrefus i- t, jend t teSyre ,.giSo tho rgliandef h pepe '>culscbde, ed e eaat hr 'loldneotenecta i cl t.&nd forihlm"dh o edepaefldf, ads o ssyohrW, h rcedn>adpoiia eet fth ae end its tualqftitatîste pesin.tenaurl ay ta ine Wateria beefor Ibe anhaveaîste, - lis-icfbhie rebellioe niayjt estalismm ent cf lodes, ndcansinghatofherat p dinsefroni a?' anTia i plnt b ufhlils deh t-inyds U y true. ; r- ol - s'ijects e.' W îre ighonais e au h be thedol htthe i t te iid stnatreet fo cal t i rtgev n eu*d thecfasrpreouin byycfmeao- -Twill inake hislaudlgme h sbeuetpei',eerarid-c bcfr.-epprevrpuueie ett h-_fvaer.teforato f-t rut ti cto Bis igh oina enda te d . F e diî an d f A r gen, and e &i m ~ u B r tuin S he cnus d te lie eta uieh diTh se l odie w iî ch xisou.tu nIfylien su d cf: h e ther c h e, tedtgh eî a rd ep Chttenbe atnad fetdýle uh Britkmeras ry, for a s theeslat wgaecu. s ite a ichae, e- soulagrzndfldbya y9 te-wueca.6yidé,t . etrpéter estfr's-te dnkf or~ --3 eun uers, it wast easy. to---1 -im f~ eg re.dre i d by mbae tingn ass, cf d-hie I h e ut eee, s f Ntahn rmmrigtl ih. the--olrity whieh lsuIfrt ro m, e r firèsi<m . ofas hinaton wili otrr usînns, refur a t e aLreeio the i îray ftesn in an - - - nd" thsreakjýereuii sap t rd- ise t pe elinoftetws» ietpare haeopleiedta desr& l e th o mpratueofCh at i ol Pewater 's fthe inec ftarfre na fbenoiieib orp lced oulai as eot. lvubh o e f tenst.eaad:e W at-*lienbeaThiscold oribeetuwa vincehmWoted eaeu if, ad sol s.my argte r a.fniy w ic Im teisliee iuk blow a letal. inhali P reIo- , t e rwwt A t m rs, r s o s, o nig t; - b r o u h t a a i n e ' Is b ell w a e t h a s i c s ai d li e n î u c h an d li e r pa se , at s t h e t h e m te t e ir h ai s e.- ut t h o s e wnif c b flie p s i i n . p a î o b c m c n e e d h pa»tevr et rn n%.trmes One otfrthe landtheate, of . rentciia -eouluherfr, ecm toftniicsertaddte 'Tijhonydin tat"cn':hebet, iasa igt l -aler c rliio. Bt ndr heinlunc ehai pose gbrougli ni Miyote irrgan e léd o anguer hes, th«. éùryann Cflears, -d aushow ceaito Elizabethbtôwardetlierabeauisul e ticepti bisvapeur;iou returà uteethee. bbciannîaspeCo apt orisetthe esnade4 ý _ f xeciin tei en udp eu it rte'stt hen depivte ef bbc exeseprved cf sidu-e co t rduo n b of , ri wile rat laeèa'lm espet te forme - e i reli 1 o ady unhîof hepv cousn, Msapr Qeen of îsCedcflieta htl ofd aappd.' lre ovrmanifidb h wmao frerdiboine ff-clôrlç, wiai-leda- cf 2 n Ibm l$ Liv o z o ol M c h a n c e' I e ù b u io n. M rs ch os te each, a n d hi m u t n cc ssar h y - su b ta na ndwhi h lia irn in o . if.o ccas e n e t e te u p er bure f pla tsh e iOO e c e n b a a1of oi- ' Th e rs u e tw a s r a Q oh idek f rat o cyp ni nn-c r ec o w i l t ou d w se y e uc t d n l me c u t f Fr n e b é t er c hîi o e n ,' h re e ul s h gl e he ha f tht'à e l er .- te 1 1 dt th bneicalinlunc c fmae ev-sunt.giéuecbnt ee açnreeel nuh rlea& ih icreeleft epoig 1h aeiibrôug t leechin Ç1sometwies 1hv utsoendcage i heu sioliappenesthat tit.. e n-e WaeAsu prer,'the plan re a uontbbnsafuldtio oer wich theefoe- cu ne hae bent. Il -dmnehd h c fash rcaeftl fui uoirinsIesde4- j-, -g- otherî- ind drid aisWvaiethat early pericdme Unteea -eligca t whîih ese wa as rduc a te sae efas st o rtoi ashi dal.Ti fet çi eeaiu timnîcee sh bsred cnieintaîw wr ndl -ein a'aane It M ors, sbronl ch p osed> e n uct ed f in- it ere w fhtici le in- e t cae st ' Wnô t h teprueofie.am' raec a einal. ,-Slie wtoi me îre 'd ofla titeir cpm;- fforrac, -a h fnte as lint.i- i ,nhw ýs' low >enb itcst spro eve now livngndeo blpr speehslaldst t l eh uhdtbof iced te oinngr nitre d gescc &t ~ fc b y r te ay it do n a a pr~ , siion T at ble eco e oa er e, he wa m rc y c r- en , nd Pvi t e - f or a l bie s i - -t e f br e m pe at re cf e is c en be sph e s in lu -k m a crt i n int r t h e'm- - uhO u e lsi (to k t', ince . T h 1 o inly ch ar e t .ut w s ë v r th rn. Ch o r ba e.cB t.tIsehavel Watr ccbsttnncltorwintl1.i1 - t îiorbodes oreirnÃ"j pcamrec 2202 Fabendheoa> ten --re.b regaoffeae ovregie Tie cmmnedthos saaia hsrked c n ber -lu' Thei a s e OÃ1foe îne imti rA gtr li gis' s hgll aos, arewfie h'Ie o hateuevs h hi fadpreifri ta f2 6 îeue I~tr b neths~ li o ei n, hao r o duceb ug aaotoagnay usîarked toi frn bmli tebraces cf ie trete oeGzto e ~L Ib coi be best.,duringbiaotigntmattnssdf religidn.beufol- r the influencefohur timasstii.ous jeet4 ai- hahu i la b i'bc nlo-ax reiio i ar-bih elogdi- lfou-ar oigbîhifrai alecre long aitatedcorige ieirmeaèbtve su egl spetive ca-, estre ge 9 h w caldthâ b ôterwse t aýeiodtt erey c mm ntigacintthecr for c alore lian ahie hmpei l b ewlng day li .he ha t. ofThb c tain of s FB.mjS y,.1j1N 6 hed n idevasee soth ai i f t e ulisoliuca qu an itisfil. -, bthe wet- tpre wa eposcdldants, he - E. diii n tnra ihsad'rti uo p e; aad Wo know ow w fearfully o tb e > iugaby c ole u , sureuuded bf bOt l ba dwis lu the nué l eab cn- Thme e oîiigaacrddure ornd 't - eve bobb prset d y, weeing ttnda:s wics hîar~ lent ban adeerm nao ~or icu ef ta leic; o vr nu i e, titnhi ee fin roste lA _5T rs e t a f benso a be art -IrNo a-y-iI eéig ray, out pe eiis 14-h b lhachuevbrecleÇlromerrowd o-ve diguibgandeleroofaccfltiie,,alisrd caloieI-a roporbn te 'b >f! t l-*e---e*-orsnwe find-intentla - h t ra re* dAithcirecuracion r c dilation. iTîthe . l ie o t vwh en is a d on- -PIfUOoti xýI te pvrejd ice Mscaf oubc bleoih t--------------------atth -s ui tiie-wthah bhgethee-; gases, iVhichsx b r iseom slidbycnerigo îd cm îee$ibcbewï ofî O T i> W~euuiueym_îesay 'dayeerensdc ldmtga otmsecresli ollidCesccbc ctan hié behil, nt cniiaand, ie apur wilt - s inwub tIal whoat po alron bbe blehohieed hm prctie f sndig sureon b t sbaîeîy bbc menifleent te s rl a- citdnebcsld whae~nnOcbasionnsttetepért e o.a tsm:l wsecsld ancg , j -ches nsiuin, r usalore, îhich basco mes bea t't baemnaiuc ed. ue~t on uteivey, ciitto venedfrnpefomig.b oue-bb lîinniy f eaefa ha Eroe oitn ohe hblee i ad bicuscdgra ins tcrqgemmîn ysate nerto eu ý4lfursm_ avben'igts*h' ecivd n -stuT he -a of' sdrvdo tcd.calrlaetibte P ueue ie-arSl ob.ie,,piCL481c quocela lioufrqE)t'y1a.s iaebod orlie eponi eatth ptuanc emndieCahdlaterletfdctheceiie, hic Msss m d ase. cf b~~~~shhey firet y eilc te n havor rne ;bb ieo m cf c e pe s tionlécule evr, tc n pqe ul bc 6 .Mo ee~r~ sd. 1-p'i.-gnv a. lm ptedîyeotherçnIrpulpareut, leare bruvghced thsee e r whmcn-tenfl ext o lu ces sion cf armyeurg onra dbit su il ,n c n e u typrface cf ' ina6on t ek la e b th sens aI a ho atrcn. atidn' oul ne haerefosiee. Th e ptroae hlic ae*plienc fths iieedt i ivstrs evcuy -mniseh ntt our glu, giv- tale lct ih pantsT VNNQL~8 a yc hdi Ie.ar -lu tItis ntry-ié ba ect, whichgbnttiho4ne e wsbw re wcs te aine sécncbe orioîingg Coi ast -Ths nnd i çT - psrei 6iipungbtw wr srnIýopoè,'Vs lü clt d f ihicwliper inp e ei s ie orlet op lau e eeiver. Ithle iesy gaDux erio e'ar s.ca i en a vnc u e r e E ro pe !was icf C er aube 't dh e lish oul e ry, of Dmta ta n» TOco po ent pr nc p es; antt ea cibte y y iheat oraed;yiinne loirrly roduced t d c .prenlîyo cotaicht e r eT1 Naphesoflachiem l4t ent Sewud ewrtr f oiscncf hg lt. sed u plantnr eyuIe hewl avr e oahu attirhw e v o ori nver tisgg, e elre n d ae - v.fr.alth ilid iTheoemp eohdly s~rigi taurng c. 1lhre sae folge rinatistops. ta]a i dwnasa roostintht hefotuesCie olATeR .Th ccnwu$linabior elpat with theircite îby re0xpaidteîbîînbe inlunc gret aenI o eucaion-vs nt bisuSe ws o. tte etabofieî abie. ibiit uoderginthe îhangdeaaMotre oft w Il~ ARICflg .podcelintfl. amusic, ibreem ah c f lient2viahrexe- irC erar lon. i t b rei V fs, émues te Isubaemaa edbo raidsthat'lbeif aneprincipalingertWhoeiesletthee' aeerSeee lnranei cery vouhd, 0f LA.Impondera6le' lidds Cofit4i le cob a t h senga ee ent f. calorie, lperine eV at hinf 28 n.tiseau tieoaiurted Wlb thereahst tiead nal cuireteheâthyip e lastcs ts, nii deich aEiuî: i éprrs milntl nd-lean acomhlhmnt f aeossry tis moeyupn br evls in dèthe .wastaopk Mryrandbcéeat - gas, lpu gnei, form i rn t h te wii e iberdniddredp.e i pari wa rt an ed ad. e de b ici hjhbraied i itesplndi di- Ewizah.'hTitu bcatynospcame in sastnd ric an i l iu pi-tiecori te eitaz he aiures f ren Pr8aco orlien wil., --sitand uteal iom,; nd esn ho iir - i-lt - cios ornlaiondaeruba lneg ai e c state. - -resectvelic li plasbllthe béa ode ~sri and frqebdt ue hura paf-' huhi teAgo'qao re in bic ahmperic.pineea dîe uo eeaien by'tc , abletiesm.- ~ - timeshmiëe csittecallietecime'ipraté feohrc f trbtanddvaugiesate thernmite y imlecntcttt ncd ytofiepen tecus w-ic diibmsveupekethie netila reity L Ic>x .6.sox tIen b1rPoStrit> aim) redero-bbc Earoe; nd wEb hw et.yva anl. vguuay Cod e it, ubodi wen hliercAilabodae seinCgron t causte oin' îere i Plnsobc r udl ie gre arp i'afr~ n orirtal r- rnt inand e f bc mposiiliy f aakng nlaod; ndantl l e heurt$ çboliuidt opss lenaemcohrc-e h..re ea or-us for tain-à in sanie bth -o crin d-rf celot Spain nnooras'beateveneviidortarithmebab, -ad sroe oudvbIC t co edurae, p tm has t.,o r it - eseaeoftéwan meit ens erdh os eicat e nufor t-hie wichm tire devndlovel'ohio bt cf eatmuth ense bcdic e te bbc rcdteyy cf Il.ri;ta, ACNIA ùer bthue rther cf hem dccaedbs l- nahrcbusier b easecfbr elgon f'ieiguar rdoertiescfha lebi dltn gote, tle viains tIreera-d f bte mic lan dts, mot ccm- i Èaligta cricg hI. e hwe. y f oam"nd ges, led etae nmo ocks p hmea l slmtteeathler e"ne' utercmniibe - pene wignty vas evestunly lw d meet iikohybo ulai odepele, anaowe- v er vin i bsevatinnd epe rim ntsbinhiaofu thfmeg-t ie . Theing eelmesfrn t hegetalts h R uX eventheofehem. unfortunateereigu. The 15 jbi nat'aîy difibeïi Ih îc tgbou t bc i mee li, ai h coltà e soltheir c ircula- lad. hTtR.dEAt*sç se-A -d~~4têof theflaasan'a-iiteralurcÊfleue-Chosecf Elrs, sad e tmo1l1,e i xvess eeru inbrommbhbLte he ..dcapliys- sua as Bl,:G$oWýi ioe t..t feaurêa - -- osa ~ k ~ u oe n athe meutobmagable ta linhiuencee venctycgc'otiew, excitesrgecns sels; a d y iviag thetily b aeîjlec.fuli ase mtm enÇb lld aag the wer dha léve se a o siy cpe ate iipo by hIc cro te f ' ctiocontcxnieaneddtrrniîes tht anc entfarptshenaihe th m t portionn bb side.,Ac oedîeg hoinmeM rNe'.- --- --- --- cmr nanétd i batder-er odsice fu whchli te a rn ï tS atted t ahe mthe wa coes ta the geermin &syI ri hl cmh h'jue acesay e altn c i o o fes . IA n 'e4 -RorW i ,o U vas invnted.us Elizabeth was, ai the la~ in~st, j ll fthe eirtalorc, W i. pJoms he t tfcmtdi