7 1 . ... WIIITBY, CANADA WESTP, JÂNýUAR .9, 1850. - theirfelow-subjecte ocninfree publie revene s lavishd~'arcl to oblivion, al Past political dissentions, and prolligate expendituire, fdr the benè party feelings. nd aiprty aniiosiiies, fit of: the kfw, wvbolbiÃh mUot rublicly and. to nunite iii ono. great- bodly cenb"aowhem!selves as, party-raen, gov-t fron ailpartespledged to -certain erniaag y aipartS? un, fornpry prin1tiples, and for the ittainmient of ýWilltihOs Wlhq fiave long been poli 8e~nobet, intimately. connected ticafiadyesri erat etnl, St~in -ithe arts aîüd amenùities of ife. yolýir bitte strife-wliat benefit h hior o wtrs md uri md îibt Tosp-, gentlemen iffident of heir own llowed- from your variance, at ail coniG 1lurats on e billows th llaahing of ligt; O'erihéladwavs, ike chld ! te ll .ain d desirous of avoidinig every peisating, .if eoitpet)èiietis possble,I --ldwveUl h ni t couldI-by possibility j.e cou- for the îînkindyuclrtbe n Sec, .hie tait»MIemel latly on; trxtcted intoan appearance of dictation, i~~Jfeign engeiadered therebyl Pull to the breeze abe uoboeoms ber mil, to thir £ellow-subjects, foraned du S aas<> Flav by 'not ~ratlier retnrded nnid ku& ber penhion treana onward Uéke, ù brcià t1on, withou auy déclared priÃoiples -strjuagîed meaasresýof pr««ccaI ntility the pie; or ~~~~defhaed objept, tther' than Whnt t i qirdfré,~ nra-go-bsfo The winda coine arondhber, in tairmnur and oni might bc eonsidered as set forth or ina- a stÇife an'that.vnariance 'diverte And tbe Surgea rejoice 5'they beai her alongq plied in, their address, in which Ireforms lyour"attenition'frm' eryinig evils. affect- Sie, s elaukta up tg the golden-edged clouât , 'i oui- social, politicà .an zd commercial itag the .we1fà ît.e of' the *bole commu- An temalo inmgiTtof iibe brud, systems, were on ygepemaIy-, uaity, on1'ièd ttpnte mers of0 to. exaltipi paty-) ave -tbey not led the Onward be-gîdýà mandtipple and spray,4,e OverUie ater, awy mc mwaInleadopting that coe opoeeding iaes'orail, parties whenin pbwert Bright as Uic viions o! youth emete n yiin theycPmairtd, geat et1la tereares he Coastirst itkefor hodw ca maen cordially pincpexd najdpo h o paamng away, like a dremrnao! the heur! t 1fr Mo ma upoew thotty «., nmn ygr.tma hpz Who, as the Ieoutifut pegeat mweepa by, distinctly understaaading wlaat that pur4'- th a, with, tisat aimon rqy wbieh, Music arounil ber, and uatice onhigti e posis, or net inuison taponapra-jutic nmithe puablic god .lrequire, Paume otinmiiglitter sma igow, cpî,wie etocn th"ti bond of sloutld r9fitin týIse pQS"esjoe of those oh! there lie heurts that are breakifig beiv unaon, being enuneiated. by whose labouritM'as aceîanxlated.- Night on the waves! and the IM is on gh, - The only woaaier , that in tse Con- Rad not thee llnme of poitical discord Hinglike a gemi on the brow o! Oie aky, venion, wîhich under tisese cirenna- been., sedtlousiy fann-ed by1 the. few Treedicg its deptbs in thc Power of ber h tane asmbe a igeoteewhoe iTests wem' dace ytn Acdtumic~Oi cludsas be paahe 1it;shotld have been itiser suity in opie- nnhai1lowed strilhé, would -noethte peoplo .Adsmn h lusa byprhrlgt on 9rconcelà inaction. Nevertiseleis, of. Canada, sAsa à -body, long ugo bave ~I0o leep n thir 9 certan meu"-nmeiy,'Protectoi seemis ct the hip likean isimniof te native industry, Iletienchsnentia tie ancre ikeiy ,to be 'promnoted by me nF Bright andalone on te bdowy mini pblie exponditure,anad 'tise Union cf eîCctoý1froinaamozng nâby tîsemselesquenec htmsrutsdeçiy aqo 1iaeg i I# 4m-. Like a heartt.heised home onu deolate the Britis North Anrcti rvies hs6intrests c'entred je their coua- ~ihWhihnn a eaddbsfl niehat teayowrmeetings s9i pliwere deciarecl-by uflaflilous vote, as- tryhabyastragerandthoseseleeted lowV, erigfinating lai party difiiareies, discuia wittL youlmoemat i Whbo, aU she Smites inithe ail"eryembrw aga,9iytai h pilSOn bya stramgur? *Wouid.tisey net -loue ng lmdby ayledr nd vperpu a t lioh a .of, te etd;ug u h- Spealii erwcpo Ucbesoinaci cf tihe Convexitic>flýwould -effeet the aohw4se~rt htpeprt~a~ated by party eiwtn ,sdwul nainifnvbraiobep aetçd1ý Alnio h ep steoon in amy, objecte they daisie"Ãýd'"oýaeComp"âÉI .Ditl oabeebeorgninbmra as - -itbeèrtô successfhsIIy sepùkatýd the U pS -&ofobtaisistjrotelotwuk --t 'Ibm! olovey athmig .~ g ~, aeered. f oaailiaa~ Lim ~mu4 ~nu~ ng tiose c ottir lanai weld no a teeatof-aaadbave frinlmunitative ublicexpeiilittro, rn4*desi auiets. Acd oulatha aremintten li bu ng i' pa traieiis cf te o, ty N ov f atni ntei wno note onevaiesdlîh t aîtf e' frii)aothAere, aae po Hemmai wà metiens, the of t 'hehcoitry.s o p ieaiewyt isaersetfrtafectione its dear igst, prtegetandfan neaofBrh ort mrça; polîticuld i,i Andme thatandOfRe, ebu spiru' rvthise evpDitnesin htsee tr. n ierihsad oiossooir.I-vt.Teoyinprgavsfhetirpt>btrtanhironr WTi hsa wt ou r ea i son, psiera, iihtis' dasc o f n it n enweeth e of rbein e e p in t up tef a crtiesh o Cre; i, pér féélgi of ais lur aenese sud to offteritwiose.monôu ar i pri- a Ie memetha! seamîd a ue cd snj nailatdnd s popsiietfo çpraedb mncrusfeligtonretiei eecio asogcesdtehope. ct>o a darrtetiet isu ie us Gaiywgldela tu gzecf~ miisi gtie e~sltiv Curcddcl-eh ot e, itism and ique.beretd as ie tisylit t mnres ctfthi nBivt là opi * RGI Wthtsrerow ands!, mc um v riir ve wsiitegmasofb alae artc oteievesre pu popljut ortise fe, avin isiie ratnains utis arin, fe ýrtse - J. W. GÂU exstr. Attgimunrsamigbayo l - ise- umabes ein ainey-m the sumreatedleaers noedmaorelito. epene-'mad isepegeait- mid ' anP(n - Tethat rebysrwsi ldwitbm ig thtpoil ilitriliaie, 'votiffl e sýcfortteir eiaitRls e o rd is, 'pîixiles origin GtIlsVain, AdUcwtha e wgIotbs; 1h. woriitcan t telePect tisat p ,riiplesapnionverreadytrec'nit lroiio hapeerh v' ery eaatins, le aret et hose ovehu or ametî, woul ont rè ieie ta sntishenra oooeqsre ucs ee-wtheanitPstissrdbtieo-itljpobeadmoro Likebeat-beke caies îl elctio gvemnr, stjivthoat isih pIiOh psion their pelîtic seosts, antisng iôs .moachSlpr bamig eos; x sufel e ofr iau piets cf a tr stfes md iiiosgmr ,snias .iaen pn emanmg ntiuins, ahfm bmpein.m"vscs M h il h v u l dies otot dsl ea be me sre, -ande..te o mia et tytise aue av ehe jear- tise sirit cf wsich bs p'se d awa poi pl aist e ue<arete thet ha hewlw and- i tis rsoltin e tsa afec wama, is wîî eglsedundnue 'anted mntgru . gacir f iseAlsde-Wieadoption.eay be TO uEnusmsoTII RND I1TIT tmabma don heÃegti. InaedCùiatel uset- eëb.ed roer,mid ha wise,èe and îsei lcwlbtsuel>ta sud visiotais si szne oksseew"ada¶ uuc ld n th Of UIBIIBIAI$ICA qe neatiseadumamlrentisamat ctdie onapcy sma ayet froîong. hih l iss e rerd b tise ryneathey J. W. th,,c sig'tuoei. .Rrove, isit'vsres dffret~etishe armeis e b9d niedlY-siute te abuest lerssic basinue r-cus veyvseo iE Danon - Arey ien sade v ga, e w Mre ditie uor i ty fts m n s145sef f uiau -hay'els ara utese ieofnr vlla x l dca ingelctvin,ýýhst- itu in, a l d7tis asec loe,1849ls. pUreseetcd icfavh en Weii po cartdiyts rws bette li adetie ,se eein l' of nt o cf rtatiseseolactilnger t vstlyale by *r or notisy onicattaios teen y.1ts hn-sseeaarsl tFaditu ard a es t haue i a rs, -iif!4 anif hai~ n ft ws hopel ess a nt ty feeling upo e tell efi d peed e f s»' np ataihîy thtisat t, *W part ofUE cm -Thaa id.eà 9d ni bs tesis'e peo 9eos -piersoatneio yts nasmnrtbts q53Ydv nratesya ada au>ytr itite Blroisionet; i ;cudi dipoedcftseotse bsnes ..4toexuantt adtorund~thtie enrà - daseditr e~'nr Sîaesndasau rgieilveuri bofothe it Bit brfrteoVd ia rnhsc ielaaeb t5<eain anma iesayc ieGvrstsik ne-iot iins aot vb er>gop-, tilCcvntab awajnet louitstltd tisat d ecintt hais h,ýda fau pte henth e nî-erl d e sisit e anstndsthiecrdd ata, isa ate bld I vsgmi,1ta l" Ceubucmstenexl, lhi rvagelow. tisei~«et s loly ,oeiO f ael rc isCo t> i oe twanivsonh, ore tihaartrs-aroreail tistiait ais- cdfunarynafur iemlpeomgovtsts iaove h ia e ei ts tssheurt i loe udtie orn4tihe OdOvUOlhit5g nd oal<i26 O Ofo tse xp s e s pir flU who iqe e~r t sseCr awa eiosssg.idvs us4istute ng tl is at delae shoemn urcenai. b tie' oii c alrotettieIh h oeaetseiteeieavei.medaiftieytgsuest arsue tnedav ile tnd. y cltituta e*hat tlu th~steafiscPOeO5i~ieJ~orwnitOasmd!~a atebdy~DoainSret a mte"Yeltngotheisaoisîaiiosekltteh tise sta th Webers he;ui5im t c.u îd a u 151150'td itits 'rtirtish-lE5îlnuf@aatiui*P a the aiC.ont ellrOAwds, tie pdoic curepaelag iseaç -prper in athis