Whitby Freeman (Whitby, ON: J. S. Sprowle, 1850), 2 Jan 1850, p. 4

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eanthfedlssemorten.. eet-in -the little Kentish village of ether id rdW f;%fÈarei ofno Tl os ecot no as en wed unaidedby the mother counrrthlle dms ufvrbyuo h etram hr of a irn oiable luse al-der anyØeircumtne barnhtaehd e'ordinigto their ated1 by in~ainofh rnh oo veomnaf giutuaceorcs hrehswdwe lohr' o nu whittÎvet, cescefit in racing,∑ Ûr -vBiËn pouitical lUa.901aieaubriaa hald imourni- lny.Aaval expedition agfamst. Que- Abes aond ecul ofatrion igrcdeeyndhe nycidch ap a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~Aue hore asa h ieochukighslial e' .tslos.od"sas, n-hi "'rael be ws rgaizdandnerlotw 1iatmet f helubicseric ;andwa'sorty roght t acloe.Onth ipf,1 tothe imminent dangei of your in -Ame'rica," thilt whÈn he observed,' lthouand (!troops embaLrked fromn Boston, l√boutesytem-of overmicentad8t;fepebr ih-flo-n er teeth. - A run'away horse is far easiler on-oldapls the extenit of the ancienlt under the com˘mand ofSir iW.-PhlipPs. theitieeecs o mei!pwer the Malrqtius of Vrandruiil signied-thie stopedwih.ven a 1lain snaffle 'M, fossession,, of Fraince in. thle dounrTbaeFnteacmae vry prc- 'the mst ruivialxouatersyo'colonial in- capitulationwic svre Cnda friÈ sah is ikitth. -AfarmÈr his fiar he was lhaunted 1 y one painful ˝idea- aratonor defence ; and the . com- iitestcrmpdndvdaeery;Fnefoev. gree-dpport.unities~of breakinÔ -'g ‡es lhowhis country could have felt suc adigpstowihte city occu s while tl ed-il iitaprtrtue o erg;Fac o tiemagt) arrwin, 'ploghigSource of iniexhaustible .pCeiyt ie rsne rat; obstacleS to thÈein-i lny was roni n moig h Arr E TE.Fo 71t drawiniglogs,being the best -to teach -porish. The colonies. woul have of- viaders:-' ocl n Nad proliticandt ios were 1813FwAt, rtsnceAulost 4 .00other Euro- thema to draw truly '-Still, if.the horse'forecO a home to the e.xcess of thÔÓr comi- " algh nte5h fOtbr, eadfe le. Wc.pass or the en 18-3pe i natinselst ,000,00 amoire, a shews fair to command a pull for gen- nmercte, and anursery fur their navy-Ntewiesil fteBiis le eei saiiof L78,lthuhisevnswr in smttl f1,000 of, men t1me'swokhe 1farmer oughit not to ´4We,are excluded," lhe says, iro te seen rounding -the headland oc o -l urdwt iase n igae, thprmofiebwntaosay riegledt tolotTue d;o ia liets, New World, where the huan-aei ei n codn otenrhern theqgeelresult w'diasemntl a-neesbrddove,&cith riktmpretytihtly reined up; recommi…encg˘h nls adsoefh iver, rnear the village offle troubletat ngad.. A t e o- hrtpaef2ieas ta g"cre toturn him altetrnately,-to Spinisli ituhguage serve to express the Beauport ; at about 10 o'clock they AtnenlementnofSthetlast decisive com- the right and left-After a while, when thoughL1ts;of'fmany ,milhÓo‡s ad ienennt rliiÎoncfr owtehhereavas'NA n n isveco- Seis peirfectly .eay tihep lugte 'l iin-si,ip'thie South Sea Islan.ds, and sv˝˘tiground with the recedinz , ilthe ritish Nfp .,a s oric30,00 apuiO m e OFL rsD ∑diae·lrohnd, iilr th~e waggo anddon the contet he twoAfia , teheete eaielnctv aitnswhile the French colonies Jourals,andothber3tanuuscripts, inthe possession th rad; rsyre ugt o e ucur ad edimhried(cnqes fou tllth fllwing inorning. On the6thi, inhuta dl'M000 cwathado i sn tjrGeorge Gordon 1Byron-what aged and patted˝ and should fhe shy courage tu]Id ur geniuis, heur te.hm Sr ilim hipseInnhugtysu-contained ut6,00, flewe h L ndot byonsn fPp a ihmr utc ay yobject oni thÎ -road. inistead of guure of Racine,of Colbert, anid'of Lout- i stoteFec cif eadn e ouretfthe foriner bore also a muc bLod Ba id of iseo:p e Mis tePefattms bengb ate, eought to be Ipatted and is XIV..spouke nmerely lita few ham- ˝ant uncionditional surrender in the nome greater proportionta tjiise of their en- iailclines, f aillins, andof ail stagesof takeon up to it ; unlti e finds otai the lets of Lottusana and, Canada, tunder a of KÁingo.William ofarEngland, and cou- emlies. Louisbitg hl leatheeb-stch.Anoth ca 1,e hope< %forioulraiteratre - thg inot harm himtl hle vwill ever foreign rsway." - The keen far-seeinscu n i hti mpros etne_ a ipen insuila -was comip y land . b ienstreisaulieature"Tring a ietram-eLw shby at it. l'his, fillithoweÈver is the, philosopher of Ferney, on ttheher u nswr pstv ihin n-hor. jected to the Engrlish sway. Etigl els eziof acnetoa ie nhshie n i mot ificlttovrcmeof.i kow hnd av abaqut nherm o tereturned. with youir own trumlpet with hdtecmado h atchi uta h atadhp0ay ic1 soutto '-uls hto rwn t a arr il of Quebec, tf celebrate the ]British the reltrnif mine, is required tupon[the navigable communications whieliacen- annhfilate finto aretuof bois No t*i rregw Talvern.' I appr…ehend teresnm.ahit, triumphiii, not as lx triuimph of Eniq-ªnd prl htwilesu.cected the Catnadian lakes with te is- :thiiesvad t owe o is;ound ri;;hty eoie h.owever, be tracred 1.0 somne Enght' in. over. France, but as that of freedui 'h rts fie h oetesm tant waters of theo GutlfofMlexico. The .needadeedbtthuod'cnsr their earlier days, if peuple iwho brWd&over -lespo‡tismn. .d hr- teFrench %were Ihopelssly isolated fromntheli andras. But lor' the vesy falis of bis early mous %was led Iblindfoi thoir i .t ae-wichhruheoe -eIducatinemsotesfhsyuhadh. weecoel usine nte njc. Aller lihe discovery of the Continent town, and tushered inito Ithe presence of paret lialefblicehed thn-a.rouahou ct Pola" ""e'"is saiune'as uhe amert;e˝- -Re that-t owever. ns it 1ma1y, lmt$'bme('of Anmericat, svrlaotv tepsComte Frontenne mthecouciloom- l ' f. ito anhod-ut or he atualtiotines o horesffuesprii neeranbegordvere amidelbythie Frenc˝h to establish of the eastle of Quebec.-Tlle bishop,'the %wantsof the .colon-ter lniant hi-ispiiit, and the possession of aff!ctions that ot; ndth hgerbrdae us nt chev i Caada. Jacques Cartier 'intendant, and aillthe iirinicipl allies Nwere wavering, anld te peole longeifor sonieli,etanotji endhich to etit molre'lso] as 1;able tu it a.% our rif rats. Vrr.zno1C. va, adthrsexhoeero h oenmo uruddwere oppressed and spiritles˝s. Even lttorhw t ofa milier'slvtiios noef Im lt urisœi:pone(y s.,me eyearsago, thlat p (lre t ttry, iand lpereg˝y!,.dthe the------ud )lole. ' R end vour mesc ith ldchhaospectsthe rulin;pow ers e man aa b forra-t usedl to look for thinugs to take a shyaut ; grealadvanltages ;wich woutald aeerue' sage,' said lhe. The El glish~ma.n reidof Fran ce refuised te o oify then pre- *the.,e. thegenits of Byron might have slinnaeredi suc atbrue-enthat resptect m as he, toFrance' f'rom iits colonization, n11,t he -n,' i -1 n ie hnd Guished, lai<d tensions to the dominion uof those %% es- and heen lost to us :nd i loasterity. -ITherlight. thtte firs fe timles 1 rode him sixteenith ,cetury Pope Alexander VI., (iÁ%och, ope flectable with thlese efin" wihs of Amnerica for which 'they 'butleais ast ay s thie beht that sii is from, he nearly sent m p:2 meesaisuda b , bstoui-gthe w hole o or i: It is now ten : I await your 'had first drawn fthe sword.-- Quebec efrul::enee over eVery.rci oflhis -w-ailmles, ill day bt stild or nm n. u til t- New orld upon the -K ii s of aselhin or TeCucladCnd, asM.Wrutn e souforinvain in)thecinrxiuns of his most 1 bUcamle-.So utsed to it Ithat a sudden pann dPortuigal. Neithier Egad-tre famtersasLupsdoto Igthv ensavedl, hald" ghe gill´I coiIempianeis. It isIbins li-˝hining-itast jump.lb from o˝ne bide of the road l*˝tdn(at- Ahe. nor 1Franlce, it imay be itna uve..n-ithihniyb" urto ude a.(France)' acqtueseed in -ourjust ri-ght oeles, m"oe rolie<, 1af.a meon ro lbe ot her tnever-trouibledmie t he least˝,'. no ede teleglity ftisr'lg .TeCÌn ue0fratm r and til le to the ancÁienthimits of Acadi-cnryathae lr.-W saspa, tndsÛeand sores of im nes #tode r ter extcenIe e memorial of ifietion. lhe conl restrain l¿rge udiietly to las imarkedl out by former treaties, and IMuiton, Iydten and Pope, the linme ofByo froir Ull accuntstwaslhe lever eurcd' of Kings tof Spain and Por tuml d ivideual -.. - f that vast scheine of enelrolichmnent, de"' print olEnœii eesy,;and thegenerations a-kniowledgre Kmng illianm, anie well , i1 eB9 I'yet to ebne run tiusuire Ilhe s.nalle.-t relie of the al ro thie abovuer oesaymhAmrabet ween *them, w ithouit suf- knlow ththe rnc f rng s n i w neli ti ritish set Il ements wouh' atran.Tealbeupbihi aei with temœper and firmnness umay brelak i frpgue otaea haeastei rolsttper, who lhas violatted Ithe most sac- liave been enclosˆØrm oniaat l c‡ ie Edto. lias beenenabled. to amass, a hos.without much trouble, toa acelr- 4.her' I would tinsee the. article of red righits of blood and religion, ï 'whjo the great lakes tof the north. im trackin: (lmfoolsieps of Lord 1ityrnthroughI tain point,; after that they requiire to bË Î Adam's wilil that bequeÔaths that vast in- . 'In the year 1658, the Brit'ish ntalion "I" i's"mages, consisofabolit one thousand w set persuade the nation that hA leuiers: the Itavennsa Jouim? ~ot' th ele year 1822, taughlt aill mianner of things: to -go lupherdtane to thiein." The first sucess- is the saviour of England land the dleael to p the conitest. 'Thle "a-enriched Nwtih copfionts Notes by the. late Sir' tt lhe side of a ga-te, white you are, ontflefforts 'to founai] plermuanent settle- feinder of tie faithi, thiouighhle lh as i-tal cennutyr" dogmta %was -thcn the car- Walter scott; numierous uneitjli˝bed Peml n thirbcks, opteiland $shut it -; to back m˘en: e re ma˘de ¬m1603, by Samutel lhdtelw n rvlgS of the 1ndoint oi un Eniclshmnan's ereed : ceindint'lhe suppreal dpoino4sof his iinted f o a atewhe yo pll t ;t.otur Camllui.,,a pou, pgifingIloun kine-dom, aind overternied the Church of' £200,000Y was voted by Purhnament toe" -'s rigt o let b te sighesttoch f Cthoeagian nteprsin, btnaeEnl´and: this conduct the Divmle Jus- thetAmierican colonists, and the on'gs.e, terinorteee;tospwhnyu, and energetic comillanader. Quebec t ici-, to which Pippbis alppeals, %will crne questo 0 naa ecame- theicdarling Archdeacoin peniec-,:irltmniieho Davy, AMessrs. tel-thent ; ˝to attand still iwhile yoh w ˝.as Chos;en by [hinuus the Site tof Ilhe day severelv pn.h., bject of 'ther nation. The auasof Horace. smo..John Tay-lor, Te ney, Gordon, montan dsmun o gt nand ou01t future eCapital. 'Th .e hardsbil S "and perils tn wrwill oe, a b'et'eedc ; Balaiero, and o:heis. To these -le is of your waggon ; to I their leas wheËnwhich ithe settesecutrdwr eiiholee,1mm1fdtythe(il by Christiannmen. As in the t q o a i i mu.nerof leurs ariessed you touch them; in short yon~ cannot- sulficienit tO Wear out (lie iiost iron storm of indignationwhh his nmessage history ofral, "conqlnt-StsI," a few tdurina quparter ofr eniior .‚s a sieth teachi a horse too many tricks as long as frames and .stqbbXorn resoltions. In ad.nroused,1 aesired that this lierre re- deeds dazzle oli eyes, and the-ba˝se de-ath. of Lord yvn, en -et v years have thfere isnoÙVice abou1t ithem ; tle moreÈ 1632, thefrtaQubcurodd by pilyssht˙dbe re!.dered to him in iwrit-treachery, th e 1hideows ruchy whicht-lapsi" "" eMr. 'o's a beNotices of ptcaant to ride or edrive one. Aye and a scoreIÓ-f hsiybitdelnsand m g for Ilhe satisfact ion of hbis celler. aond4ev1bti ak h or a Dunne dan ti iit'iod, death has let meatpÈ l ye es50 Iper cent bette-r, b.1rracks, some hut,; on the island of wl nwryormse y h ot round iof Ithe 14ecture brightcY. Ai t, h t re %a is ndi at iatepub- for there isriantre a great deail in ear- lMontÔreatl, tund other points, and ia few o ycnnorpid h ney rnhpesn o rt tli nglsh peple ,‡d ors -el.ine ee etet r dg ndaperacelenm h god isere'slo-ouesese hr oimai', 1that1t iler ylearn t'hat a a nineeaoihfotinft eexrbeThee shp f os. o n ntn aw h ukso h t.Lwrnewr yranlkis not to be summe tonett iin‡ thais 1oeitrages of the A uist rmit1Gene ral, l1a y anore aa tel'eileungl ,>u in what respecÈt a hred˚.sfromt a the. only "fruits tof the discoveries ofInane.. hsInedte aoncco -ai,; bilt:let. the denntliiet-s oifsu s up n a i h cow ; fotr aillthat every 'one peed Capt and Ihis peeesrand ference- eruelities look to the hlistory orf the r 111 aof 0Lord Bron troin the in.nny dunjust so tu do. GÓivenie i;ot ti n ar- the.toil and Staff ringos efthleir foillower:s '" Onthe rPtuirn of fthe mesenger -Sir onv country, to the history of Cnl(ao aversons cast 'fion his character, either frnm ched nleck, finish henÈd´. and apul iefr nearly acetuy. A footinig in 1the W," Phiipps enlled a counclil of wa´´r ; itand of India and Ceylonl, thteyVwdtl lfl(lin , ‚ranmalice. i tllsigtec, up horse; ud lhugie b conct-contry, hlowe˘ve*r, had been obiltaini-d,%was determinied at once to attaick the paraillels-wih h eoleto fteumn<eec ossetisiä n e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~swti the, edpoitsinothr esect ad hecolnyuf sIllree hne ctyrAtnonon he8t, 100me mot f s oo.Wht oesth lst.-vniurllhec eveuitern aansnud I l ps atrwt 99 cont of 100 by the arrival of hla rge Inlies ofurtisans iwere eminirked in the boaits of the Stua- in f and sy l. ag an led, the Editor thselainnzaia once anly paers<ms. Rmmerti, hu:I paid and othiers from the parent sae.Tedron iund(er the commÓandfAlajor Wal- "The conten<hd patesrndynin"rs s"na flshifrat inIgive it to yon ; Jesuits weeoumiong Ithe first of. those ley, Dund lail ded wit hot topposition at <Iltured -.the fiendishsmgeivnty mtorures<ly on P oe:ai - All suc vot : a nd discoRsa but perhaeewrey nailletooearl it' who enrounttered flhe fatigues anud*trials La Canardiwre, si little to the oust ofthe of their indhon alhecs; the Frenlehma as touch norÁnan w'ill mend noc niant.', The publi.. as dearlyas Idid, you would 'ever for- which a residenice jit the youna)g Colon vy R iver St. Charte.. hile the main soon bheetune as e xl prt as hbis d ac IOnn of these %vorks of the Ilet in Eng ln et it.imp-osedl. Fur nmany years alleir the was h..mg formraid con the mudiidy Shore, er in teurma- th0 scalp) from aprsae e lior i fthnmi eb.1 a 1 do not think 1I need t'ildd mre, ˝elx. death of Champlamn. the we r elireh opr comtpamies 1pushied (n twrsthe enemny ; and even 'the Bnitish soldier "of'luence or uhich it is nonilece-ssal y tuspeak,; cetta rfer tf\e luse of aaenrb toa giolis inst itut iotas lproiced drapidly, town in skirmnishmg torder to cieur the cutdteeohostoi ihun .h he a ltlina to give thenitouthe enadle, for both ridinig oraidriving and and was almrost the onily une thaÔt n as front ; they had scarcely begtan the as- niatuiral trmmiiph. n l ,.'-Pubiccte i ited States, and thlias prince the horses when accuei-to t h cPurb g fo pursnied with 2suce.ss. e'Ibrtighout t he cent of the slopin g hanks whien asharp :n str:fe, th it r tpsesso f4henmaterialstfoi(loin, con- just as Weillastywith thIle snlaffle. Itygoiylatter parttof tesvnent etrfire %was poured tip< ih iemuby 300 (A' stron t and #dee,and Xvias Slaked camei'Ple t o g t gisetet ofmlei1ouhaesgi bedi very well for trotters, of which i terror of the Inidian&s kp h at.sth aamnmhmpotdaonteolyih lf-teai fth r ed ther un s e - know% nothing and enre less not bjeing! almiost blockaded in thie Rilis, au-l agri- rocks and bushers (,ni-either flanjk, ‡and fof, buthe tiit e thefused tl e m s, the countess of ale to understand ithe pleasure of hav- cu!,ture was continuztlly ihterrutetd. in a smlallbahumlet ttheli urght. SmIIe cd. the lhelles "woma l ä an- ut o h evile ;theatigh ing youi ra m plled offbyholding Ilhe The terrible war-cry of thre Iroquois- oftlhe British winced Indter tis u 'nex- eent ebild. The pealeful hamirlet ardabtoneviour-t beast upl, while hle duoes lhis tmost toi to the last the deadlycrentmies> of the pli eted volley, fired and roll back, but the sm1ilung co)rn-f;tehl excited bote n the Rigt11t.Si nobert ¬ art pull you out of your waggon. There1 Frenich-,,wassearcelyeever silent in the the oflicers wvith proiniptresoluition gave fury ahike wvith the Camp.C-B-he intrenea L, M. P. F- S. A. maly he fan in it hat 1I eminot sec it.- settlemient. Banids'of these fierce and the or:ler toare und themselves Imenit, and the fort, andtharLlil1 P.; itudsion Gurnf-y, Giem ahre htca o12mlsmerciless wnrriors, tunexpectediy einler- genllanitly led Ilhe way ; the sokhiers fol- tdestruction, when their det n ersr - 1; on ssc.TurerkuF.R. . . . - an. hour, and ld himself erect ;*und: ged fron the dense iforest, and burte.l oedua pd ae n st ily ovNerl-owerpd.-Yet still 1ovralr s lr n btir isa 2 ente rkidib ptih alR thË trotters mhy otethe Ilottomnless. un isolut ed potts and vil aLwes, leav ing(ycleared ithe grouind. Alajor alley e o ssadsee fsls , r h omneeto .c oiea n pait for'aill1I care.-Cha cun a so gotÓte, behmd (1them deep markes orthieir ipla- then advancedwitha his whole force tu lation, the sp)otless Sqag of Frialec n' mIu Title Pagerad Ficatispiece- wil 1lhe giver they are fnot my fancy. It is ilnite a - cable lhatred. 3enudstil m'ore the St. Charles river, stili.l,,oever, h e rosc tGe ncad en't !t pother stiects already in the En- prejudice of miiinelperha pls, just us inicit powerfi and dlangerouis.neigh bours, Ilhe severel y harassed by droppinglo shots alternate trmmrlip ouidj lridm e'adae h e6hn ptie s fliweris the objectioni to thiecuirb.|dsednso h Plri uhrfrmteatv ttroPops of fthe lessly, by thelir syniboli , t emorsMe- tk. bintaou neaia kth Almstal hose i Eahad redrv-|were poresn it xmldra French ; th( trelhe bivonuacked for tetoithe hedig cfl lr S nce ane- apy or alle thIle ecnd, a en with themi, aye and lridden-i toot ; and; pidtty. One hundred and lifty years night, while the fenemy retreated into .AnerN i l Ile lIit a n where in h wrdioyu este l ater. England had discovered Nothi the garrison. re n u thestueheFnc celetb stiTwae t‡ycan- gat unsot.uh iyb frI- o Amtericat, she only psese afw oards evenmng of the samne day, En si the ndiansfur the Senll t of* gyocto . f U.. a """'"d"n"a"t a upon ~ ~ 4 thlu yospc hyM osn ee ihm usalngteoe;te 1.- ourlgs esesoIhip'ssu- frtlen, nar inl a t - rbpoi-avryslcem-ro.t.éi° lodaon rce; ric andextnsiv 'mad a .utin ofhegeera- simlar misfortune ; they received or-,nthyer75,ol; country was'secured t aepseso in en aetantders to e rthe fleet disappeared Wolfe %was gazetted s3ao- is TRS--e hliirprans of free mea. Nu a‡o‡outof military s % gland,"'es ah y ut-'tfrem th-ben ei o ubcadadhisapinmnYt hicinra,2f p-id anadmance;Teer Al itrength coukt a v-~mad the Provine eam would be breach of the the guilant Frontenac-enned the des- mand of an e -xpediti om n .s&ae n ar seotAs9if iaGbitants edig as the righ France. In 1699 M. De Fr˘˚tb- Of the vietory , Thle.reis iaWell kmon, -u ias the Governwr,(Canaa,]Ísn rmy e ehs A d-ty of thanksZvgi d& u teadrs RTES OF ADVERTISRg avy brou Lireani˘ey mc, A es lim to. play withi.) F itted tintoa'e Mjng∑ bridi's to. bis roller sol e iv3buckles;- one- withi a strap) toit 40 top ˝of his bitck, and one onl each ing roin , buckle.ª- Bear -himi- up ttally du nti e -carries [his r tr f)-alhng Èdare - ta have the y brckl tp a-equl inberof sien each side-; l‡et hÌm Stand. thuls a stable for several kours Raily, til l xell accuistomed to his bit.IHis leson onsstsm iungg.After cok -bas stood Î,his stable somne ˝with,his gegrin .g n,1 take asot or10 yards long; paSssone end ighi Say -thierighit ring of the' bit,, nmsteto e left; loosen agme lioles or more to the left hianad rein, tighten thep right rein ail equtal … er 'of hÍles; run iin-rmtind a e,;[ªear sido outwvards,] chatiging gronnad all the time ; stoppng Occasionally by wvord., After, pei- half" an hiour'is work reverse the iland your rope, and run hun ro Yund side wrd.Pay particulairat- 11 ion to this, point, for more horses are tby favorinig one side imore thlan ,thes, in iturniog ib1jare- requent, oticed breakers invarlably rlunmg 1 rhorses only in one direction ; and i iessrvants and mnany genitleitln 1 turamgn their waggonls, carriages, always ogo0 way. The ceti t- ice is if yott were oincerobliged tlto i round in thre ontrary direction the t- |a bit your horse, would do0 it fur ' This loungingoughtto de persIS, in daily, twice a daIy, ovÙetrdiroughi ad, smooth grouind, am‡ongs-t .logs,_ ditches, &c:.; for nothing ivesa 0 More confidence in imsei˝lf,, ren- 1 him11 more-sutre-footed and qick i Led, than exercising're4iuenitry in l broken groun.id. A young horse. as il fall, and should hie get one in 1 "y he does not ollen, get another, ng- eacan mre disa!.reeable toa a than a hiorse constantly tripping; i rown th ehd.dpe eof king' thiere not elne that does not11 Sor less, It is ai wonder ˝to -me 4 .de not coine downi much oftener - they do ; for thery go along 1with heoads all sprawrling ut, their no- 1 rithin a foot ofthe grotund, looking l ,o at they)leave the stable just as 1 ey had travelled 10 ils and 1 L hardly - drag one leg 'aller: thei ; but let thisq system'be pu)trs-ted urne little tirne ; an hour h day de- 1- te traisitig a horse fr3 weeks render him a far different ˝animal .e,4nt ab treat'ed ; and b elieve mIle, tnlspie Look at the differ- bet pcruitand a well dril- sidlit ne ho wollops.alonlg ‡ wrete a troubc to him to mnove ; ther..rith he‡aÔerct, wvalks along alig4t puiagy ste P, as If lhe could gey"t. Will any pue tell me' that ountzy od looks as well as the ust 1 sM' a the well broken horse i ˘6Iinf-60 per cent better. than L y roken. Having got your tosonetiting like ferai, by' the re iuce.. van nextijceffngamo 1 is wenltirct out, should lhe prove, boy, the, colt is )enee te get rid afdlea) an" be .ed tu, ji possible, ienUce Und E-Jrmh-- Óing to produtce ace; and ˝when ake a horse du, a ˝e no mnatter at ar trouble. The refusing a fence- tu be attributed erined ri der on roken. . Tu ren- e securte, altor&Ô -htly rolled. and e ; and ï tu bel

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