x. Aril.I n 2735 W lt, nutv ,18. I 7264I Tt s wai.feeings ˘Ù(deep regfetiilat .om wÈ- annoillace thse detath btf Uer Mjesty m~QuteeA dÈlaide, - Sibel -xpired on the ever rnornapa of Sx˝ day;, thie 2s4 ij -h-the 58th year of ber age. «n tise,131h I4rÈ ber renalÓns .weras interred-in eSt. * yua-a5en1 oxygen tistittite, esse jurcd. Wiaat a.pil y il. is tlint sncb niemej a Mr. Stonten, theinutleWttrdeu Of the S5 PensitcntifttY, and eOtier boficc- 1 ( d119 g cuiant. V opine ihat if te books cf rnlny of* otarofficaIes - wcre. exaained fi grroas dcfuiÁntieass wonilrdi scovcrcd. eu 'e th Township llMeetings. -,rho iahaabit pnt householders' ed freeboldÈrsobf p( thS-eetr‡l urai warals anad vi [la gel are lhy laW raeqaairÈd tea meetin their respetive towaaÓbs isor wards, as the case may lie, on Moaday next the .˘~a ~-. -' AiliiVsiL 0 '111 CAMBJA. 7h mat., tae atect ive Counicittori fortahTiat ed artaoaiieacÓd 45 0 f the four-pritsiiles-of wiieh 1 bave s ,p˝M.igt hon-r nrse otila 4570 - "" shipimprrsantage, ta svhoan aetuted maot ita Mr, l1 ' < 4,6W0 just spoken, as constituting 'tise tmo.- There la notisn iprtn by liis portaalandexteLposte ˝wroaquntyho ary, 1812 - 'a < 5,140 sphere, theaqueÙaas liuld la tisat whÓch arrivail from EÓop.AaÓolier expe- _ie carefatly choseti atter mataÓredeliberiaOn r terra irawinter [romi 10,000 jparts of au-siears lu be i h 1 ct eoseiy ssnited dttir cis lldoÓ e oi eacs 'n aaleisttaasd ahat theaijainiag ToiasihiPa Of ,omÓam *- 490 te -tise others; sracange of terni- -Pcais aeha a ite if any, diffiraatly in We~t ---7,28 peratureaone is.ss.icienit lu prod newe a cf Sir .1ci m aniain. 'fixiag upon the ive te hc chosena aad ate are aise a ~NI$VMMER. aeid chare of ils proportions ; Whilst azote, IiilaijeittglÔt that Pnrl.inment wonid hpyt i lt o.noicaa h elad Oxygen, land c˝arbonic acid prescrire, rneetot tise l5th malt. aiad.rentre paat of Whitby aealoatably lit, 1810, 10,000 parts of airpuhv ioae e- s- carbixaid 7,790 YlasnearÓy thÈie relative pr<ª idu'rrtqsi.mes 18U . - 's as 6,470 prtion; or carith ley. bÁ. -vÓried, or-aonhregltmrrtlsaifdfrae 81 --7,1310 disilÓed?,,by M i fcoarion or TÓsefee usncÓlang important'.from ampotaaa rust, a-j., E. Aasais and James Buras, terrain, airammer f˝0m 10,000 parla or change- of tensperatare. , The aqueeass France. 400 of thse itsargents of Junte Esqaires, for the West aide, aand Dr. AIltson for the ~ ~: ~ -~brae‡i iberated.reTise zr : i dv:threntre, w'sntoari ~ r portlo s e iÎ.xperÓmeujsts.,WQ sar n m becentre (walicliare admitteat on att ha t sl h ioabt, we hearista ia-ao arriVed at theiÈr conciusions."by tlie] ternas, ˘r.cfi-ceountry seema (Cent er f eectiag thetist Won the carbonile aead, wlttcis - ‡Mtanceeof thÈ Siens Ii iiier'la 1m*Oros ttileal uqu - - j ower o l gte À cadidatea if thtay Soabmadantly,.by- fermenita- rÈgionss oflise atmloephere are vjery-dvi . chose toe erercise il) have io the1 mosa generouai ,titISliOa, d aas 0 t~ t prdnc,~ ,yise rauiiv iia I A,˝AND 1uaacEy.--t‡lie Emperor monter teftathe anomioation of I~wo ansdidates to thee pes, heqtintt.vwhicis they absdb thse, mistÓtre fro l‡st [ W uerkjaus ina bis demartal fur saaVitg eastp~ide,'v5tthey hase noetlrn aiet -e ia wilereed is odÓaay ls'~aloftieballoon, a ivatrpiig and I lise I-Iiasgarians FÓ .Pie atoedooftemases as au the twatoble pasa tuward; *butiferas Ihe moment tisaI cracking of ils boards, as if iiey liad -fenteOtmnEspr.'icE-.eealmaig aebeleAasaoiliito acto' wiids cetu milngle bÈn ixosea e t~ro˘kiae‚l. "Titshetla ef iDracies.'reeitomiasatinsia sasriithey ,fairiy exhausteal armsphri s.spreed and ,;orid leetba lftih Dfd -rc atm peita, eoaÓ eflbis as puced y tie ryrclaem fthse ngatomi he'list; aaaionstamaaay others the following geai- Ertars atapins, sospng ierea -nd-tise dirtii‡tÓl-citRusianis iscreaaisg lier acet. temed aras>- le atarasa msample, ;Messrs. J. iry casaes, which fortu, excep. 5,cicgrnvity. - ----I-Blactk, Iarnden, Sans, Dea-tiat, Ialiser, Smith, e gemeri raiecstba$io Thed iante l -lae the asÓmo- Laie from Cluiilornla. Stalibirlc ansi Ileplafri, in the rear,and Mr Fare- lie amespitere rt Most enlS speri elements are united jie worlisy- <etstametsorlteohronhern, portionitof J˝5()4) cfno tice. Thisuine stsfftciettv Tise 41 Empire City 'lorrivcd at Newani rongst asiom, if appeam, ahe firmt two nparaet acciisco t i ~streasg tg"o eowaterbatatncc ˝the-difil-reisc-e York on Tatesday:lali from ,Cliagres,- gentlemen are the tsaaortes, and ilii dauhte‡sa li 0 5‡ scntinty asrbe ira their specific gravalmes, nane t t letdfrth etste aiearaiitCaD satded and fifty lins- apse b Uc eaveofiant.aiiow tlaem- te bcet'parateri loy coisn.Th To1-ship of Reaici is situateat exactly aisapprÙpriatedbv tise plantsessoo toTheiaass eia it etgTonaawnaafamllo t gll , vas stÓpport, and -thieoxygen je isle air; aia&t .s. . yeÓSono iit priitllls -tevariofen.dat andaI. aamlio n o imilar te Whilbya conmeqasentty the iahiaeitant it itetise ataisphrare. . Ca: r- -- 1> mts hc'atiois - J~' aeto aaa<ielo f the west anat eatern poils of thÈ Township eo~biswi ieSte*prÓmadiles lb lc tege . i sc-l˝JmsLfeto aa est a easoylte saime privileges,'bath like Whitby, they 5*~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '0lCissi orear aeS~ >rneugc i budies foÓr laasaeler cÓsiboard the' al"Empire," alica have, mach te their cr"dt, aireed atsoslt tem- tar an cuse itturetrn owiicis lisey hÔ uri liglit i affitit'fy. 1 t9te of limie-stene. Unidet' Thits,, If we inclose undor a bati-ginas Dec., 11, '49Q n . evÓ nlre addwa eltes, Mesqr. rof lise 'alaosphere, waler lany volumme whatever cf alinospiierie An aseclion was iseid in Califernan WoWrd and Welsforahe West, a'iA wrs , in solutionm nearly ils owtnaiat, tise ailqÎsous fiud -nybasexÓrracte nteIL ovt iyo eal forahe scentre, al cf whora witt neoiliut lie carbon icid, anad be siightiy-foai, s - a ielOi o.,l aiiyo tjecl aumneit, leaving twe tÙ e hearmiaated hy tte eat. ~~~~y ~ ~ Y i'fbatudr ief rnti cebythe atieisiat olism . vth new constitution frased for linit The sitarers of Pora Peri-yaad Barrelia as-sre pre˝srer,: it, wilf contain- arbtrsth xgx u; ie~neo State, andal ase te elcet a Gevertior modeat enougli to sominaae utt one betkeen lhem, ater quantity. -Water, tisUs tise catÓstie aikaies, wiil combine wi'bh Lient. Gevernse', two repreffctÓaÓives tol'Mr. Iaxtoat who is also, sure, but the village of rthis l1ike GiomianPe:%tmne, lise earp˘io'acid ; atmd nothing wiil C'atgrseatd members of tÓfr enSt Prince Alt havsinz a ilulle teach of te greedy, esisefevsec.t˝1eremainti flote wse cf thepoeponand havimg prohabiy taken o lefut of the booka of Bs is esrveceee e te laitazoe, vniia s tse orton and Hueof erescnlativs o f tish ootapast ettsidwÓ ohn hr id produoed by tise ferrmen- tÓsat ha, tise ieast tenidency lu forinTrnoraer ob atsidwl ohn hr ewiie in weiS-corked isitles. iiaon.State of California. > - to h eranaiaac I.weoTsnup ka een efarietac rb oai Th'is w'eak state of union amoag tise T s otitatiets sseen adepÓcaS. anal have arrarditagty paut torwaard ate-esa than &ie, ~~q~ad state. -- - primcipiescoittiiedinthe c atmncalhere - S…ace avili isct adnaiÓcffÓtÓlsherre- Mesais. Boyiaigleas, Laing,_Cary anal aIe'two e~t js tseaÓreeiseeisls eessnlry,-,iraordot' that lhey tiuvtmrkrs, luit te give ot rreaderas an idea Hurda. IMr. BoyingÓssa vailI nasa prabttly bh man, eneati ixal a ert thier powerfitl anal cistatit aicion of ith i'oa, e gave thas fellowimsg tatten mp hy tle weotad'iinI iaOsnt od b bodis fer iai l on poŸal lise ˝various‡ boiles wisicl cover - -.____.....______ J jaÓn abodiescfortposilion 55 ae sain'fainana yc-aledny. . oas tiset puli g ‡inriy, i3ucisaslise cal-lie sturface cf tise gobe; thiecoposi- eo a fnss lt eo/cXws o.~ Ptaamtt ttieaoticca, a mseetinsg <4'- imetiseJser lac if eficted attjerwiseliiaus-by thise ettas-Middle Fork, Whso iaad i beut werk i5cnecletNwovasie ls it. is tÔbkas'e d.amisiled cf tliese a´gents. -brat six wecks, and is Ibat lime hall Nortis-enat pert cf bisat Towiaaiip, tif 1su e volti.- le.hia a eer.1 - ridcpaxndealiv of tise bodies which tarned ont, %witb lis own banda, six tise inhabilantisouseisoiders and fre- ?0˝ e-tt-4 cafDavy. f1'ie q-ledreesuÓnialy coastitue lise atmospite>e, tiorisarartfiÓ'e liundreddolars. Ho bailhoiders of isiat sectiona,1 on Snturday ots1ai estÓe asts tar aremigied iraitltiseexitaintiona case lumap weigimgtwefity-seveandraÓsd n - i29Iit't.a7.'lok tot. l ise ontjerÓeraue csllssautly arisiasg from tisecarIs; lisese baif otmces." cesa us21imta e'icc Lqso4is4gto trareeagniradirengageal frein lte air, nasal -dsenu Pence ad rder prevail liarougisost Tite objeet of tise meetinag, as staÓcalt i1~~jb5~lji~fas 7. aspreciptated. os sooti aslise brasat, oea tiylie, tlisbe t t Ôsb va , t 50 aoiercueavscaccoinuulan ~tntry. -A Bible Societ us ienlathse notices, wns to select and fax thes . nheicauelumeh tseioedriyi rt1itfli 1aMl sceasiasracensÈs tetact tapon tisern. establislied rt Sati Fratncisco, anda Me. anandsocf liant hcalsty tapon a fit aidmaI and'a asicle acbcgerccd p per person le represent titens insti aoaiyte rorties'hirciirhsacbi-crce t11 IIOSIrOof thse ail, anal aflioct lils parity. The diffËert pinltsa. Townaship Cotiail, and, lsaring raade 1 ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Extractefa jeuttedti 89 ie faitueecytw ru. le ~ oa31 p -ce ai- w%,ith tueras apon tisutrfaces cf et'her 1isacorld Ósricrtiarly cash yottr at- thaS. itspoitamÓt cffice uathlisencsuaiig 0. Dasys rt 100 6)bxies, wicre tltcy resaa iin contact, temtion s bulbe rarrÓvai ut ‡aiatian, oÓm rownshl, ip eettasg,reiagetr *.Jt1t~t«~feaf4~nd .21or Áenter imb cornfiiation, avitb em. tihe 1311‡ N.iai., et titraBlritislismars.1-aÓai ttejiut-sc lteratebs - - - - The origÔn aLnaldisseminiatitan cf maªy wnr, itra Herairl, Capt. Ke!iÓ.St iamn aec ts aeLset oas r. i iis bea-I mnaladties may be braiced te this source;a-a s isarclatif Sir John FranmkinÓ, and.- te lu --iu.oaeehi tise gerr.of thien is cerris] ti.reagi tise iroceatied os flr ara 73 10 inlitttdc, btÓcuba-s tu e cti!Otedralint anrt cfV e- tofthse waler aur by lise oqucass tita. Auda fer tise coid tiotft ~any tiotracs lis. 'lho "tise Toawnshiip (sltitetagiltle Tuwnsiijv cui air, tdf1a, reati il iae, liant intermittent 'Ilcrai ~hm l criistisi a taras mat dv- .ino vrds) tlity averea ea ittqjq '"i h p‡ srd rvrsaeedani isose'esatura. witer s‡ Bebritagas8trasits. "ite Pie- flyo.stit ad -aisasdmi rgtapaceab . uis. wlerc larges idlct un pteAa- qanttities (if anialior veWs bouta Ódle˘aitaptt 'lc Jeget‡blÈ*gainIer are undcrgoiis e eizerv-. eaca a'SrJoinivdauy se)rf'ect cou sdeiteci Óam 0(Ved4ilit'C":- ËWte atttt t iioias uaisonthe borderatfFta¸iklin. 'lise bonIs nacre to wjtster 4J ! feiiow-towtslsmeia atu vtises t 0 4laÓmtioriti˝i c aatat-aite paÓie4s ,ans] mrshes; ai ibtue tise nearest stacts. Tr -peofsa fIaiiÓas cÓecÓiiaa - - ntaiv Int'o ir 1a " fair li arisae:> frontitisiËretas qt&recontaa-ndasr ei thre leroid ie, Mt ItSs~ ~ "~'artraaai fft'ianiai reffaiots-rsa statu feonp-Jh Fendaas.ce Uhuhi,- fror.a lt-ocaiity jbraieTonhp - sitioti, leces a frubÓfis source of diae otgve Ma ie date on w4iih ie im- CosÓncil. - 0.4.592' '0.2545..-ae bl orls ai eson isÙ e peu'ifoaaisfeuialed.' -Sb -.-.02 -.ei 0.6349 --ali, gerousfoainde saine reg . -e . Tie-nieeti-ig was arery ntaaserousÓy th 'i4t < -1.0833,. le breralse tuse c ir- anbses, - ruhl1˝tob al ianoiceiattetideal, andl,'ave are bounal le say, --53 '-17 flSuiA conaii. in t i ltiitalai titb tise teOOr r fi:eldSahtithie petitions -for tise i me,-rspcabe1'eu 3.'4852B 2,0947 ne)ois es. avÓiclstife lirai OC - oxi-'as tauris ise a aalcas ]to, 1 cf PteDstit ebatÁvrsrblage, as wclS as -aaintainca tise mCor 4..th studuin th-dy adpete Genraaid 4etw brncesofflc rderly aleportiscit, cf t' eeig fs 6~8651. 3,3731 osetas intue tiseataespisere. .- 'Ilite dis- Gteaaa ietobaaessc ÓeI-aymeigc nairniinar kind assa rensensier QI' attend- 5 8A450 4.07?3 - graeashie dor, coaiveyed le qn lis iss,* LegislÓattre, are rcceiviag - isrtmerous.lm altrtntie]~ a ---4.9811 - ' - avg:te tlicaspoawer of,sse aqneous ignattirts, anal n'as--trust tsait ail witp Tonsai pdi. ~'.aai:-. , stisa in frrat lse nngt - have net ule yef Signeal tiemx.-aaiil . -fasw geatiemen frein Ierooklin, Ceins-fo . j ir rsn alis lismaner la wiiicbts<ar'<-totiaaiatacsa iei aea s>tidalaStise West, andaltai ls]and f U a~~-rcst s tis pnerf‡ vi˝ibetaÓnÈnU 'ialjaei att ts i rndaotalS, s.˝itwellI-trical friena te his 'cÙtitatryansa -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i partiis ia sce iii lcrtict iui'11 Îifcesry fgr tÓseintÈ 1be caul i- t twnsuipli Nona*h luckins, Eaq. u ~ 4~.didgÓ axlsaqtlas c beie~sbasna saticf'd- dey.,lVas are Late -, iahe our aisove aseatioticia, thÈ of 15e of .~l.iti, oÓu- tmasitiotiindicatteleaiiv its iltas. .pleasei fin1l At hie Fahrenheit.) ?er ~ r eThe-raprxuc-"u- l4t~n tIbtiarl y wis, eisretofore opposes] a meeting was calieci teorder anud,nafÓarb r ait t-ttus,. a tua<Œ or.ruaia4y1tpcte otjrcquiaalaIias isiuboslaaveas ee thesfoycftia o-ek'cuilag tiseOtairmanaSal se'rari ~ O576 "!jaacr.oss] taÁa~4tat tra oota~aots. ' -~ jaistisnanal cosIrward anal talpenal- tie fcalowiig Resolutiom -wEe mies, 0 Ù‡oaonui˘ash, (sattia -- --ed lseir nainaes. Thse basncfits bu Le de sccndeal, at ‡adoÓsteal:-u rhict-betoe wa'at 7 in- YÓcÈal frera aivaision wewilf'exp la-AI ~~~t~s ~tny --FOEIGN GU-- E - - ochtdiialauoWra,-nli Ilors s i1e-inÓcrier and hack 1lart OfFo ie1rets. - .d TowvsiiP. Ó.Euot 2.Realed terfarelat we re- .8ia,-OsrQW ing 'by' yesr -Pros- es. r Lnlh r 1(,,assen'r, te rctns th¸t >tise pfler yoitti re nuscul onie furtvnrdat.t e11a1rrrh1liflgTcÓw'Ó sitarting iimthe pie ins l ndfiemrilbing i˝>P Wleeting, le stand n ls Coeasiciiiasivilisageof NWhilby˝, is tlebe condteÓeÈd-, or tiais secttionl cf tise Twtaiis a Á a i aaIle clr 1 iwmlb. olisidct liitai t luari'icd nd jidi- Llclllraisaaakie tbie&cfig 11111% mon, iii tise.affairs ~'ti lihdiso~tsÓoa cf ailstb, etiM6o4net aey %vji lhave te o,0.with flic interest of 'Ci.nada; I!tavait, 3Retolve'd, Tiat we (Io ail in (otirmsi ier iestiq Il portir ,'hi ˝oscr te seui*re tise electieti of 1%r. ˝VÍIc€ti0 y'i i nornpftngs -Ia4 Ôlais section in tise Towshiip CouincÓl. atdtf~iiii O~ttc~8sn 4l. Resolved. TisaI thÓsÓneetin rii -inUc Íil1~~teris iii disapproves of tisË conduct cf soeasIll- ivÓcl i arc tirdTwmsIt is rny ca-o dividitais fron' ir, ii tyfetsstth(n tio wih oÓrO miBl4˝,iboui5~ and aise front titis section, if enil 51t.tiiit 'o thÁ p ro eemian srtie of, ti nttere tÙlaciig thse appoinietlof pacloÓtmas f tÓsti 1Q sotÍl i . ng «tanciiiors, lt espedily iaÓthe man. aa~iocsiiaot<W 1~i55l~1 lier f holding a neetiag Eust of' the1a<Óati cquestionts ofclte lIti, with'tthe R arne R o nd, a galinst the kt t eu'edg c (if v (i w tf licitiag tru ti napd co in ttl t a. majrity, and the minds f ntnay lu tl rq!, t ttlrnltaiig off thir reisi ansd bc -repre ented. rte raeris, i. ittsy w i v l 5. Re&eived, Tiait ns tihe sasjeet- randiitaita trickery, naÓd ita aitttP s 1 etil iniportan e cf a divisioti cf Uic Tisa net lai picose and grIatifv lthe aal a te in -%vliiri we ]ive, is -ftiiiy liefare tise fuler u tassa' ÓaaéaÓg,:˝yet, tiseiÓiitiiti0)l Puics, itanastels ais WC vieil lt5,i Ót ibutasoaf trastli, ikc "$loite.tY istise iatncltt te titis psart cf tise Corttry- lit la ". ia'r1 aaud - t ar tt T i e r e f o r e , - ~ ~ i 1~ t i fi e r t. , ( i.s Resolved, Tha‡t we. eorasestiy recom'- ThierefRare, -ijetcubera sa i leyt.oy, ,amnti, te evcry wcii-w isitcr cfertna- it ili ')le ni ais its iwlala-Var 1F nii nity compoaÓng liais vÓcÓtsÓty, thfl ic lt- ivc teusai a tasa",o tn;-ibleet lu lie glaÓded˝ sideraticas of the asiatter as bia&ng iveil uay its atIr'Óltcs tissd tIailca clucly ini avertIav cf liasir cordial sulalwrt,'pedg-ing ils fabeÓstejas. liaviasg itit set. rny etarselves te gÓve itor cordial aa lit saiiddwi sayas, 1 sallibc libeaisuppcrt. casatÓaed furisie'wnalOf tinila ktt lre. IIEMiN DAVIS, saent te say nctiiitg fiartiter, litan re-, Chatirmn. -qÓteat yen te o ty - in tie fPrernta a ELIZ€R HIURLD, tcasdif 9 article frin t tis IXntteus COU- Secretary. r1erè ctii tiieaasjce cf an. Indepenident GoveraÓment fer Canada, or Annsexa- Thse stahjcct of lhee daims of tise lion, togetiier.avithi ils quaaations frtm NorlIa-ensÓcrn section, to one of tise a lesader in tise LetoieÓsn Timese os titat E ‡slerti CetsnciItors, %vas moat abiy tand <iatesl<cali. S I laiob fid oaa jarasai lia t liermaras cf botta tinsse joarnis coaÓvincingiy haasdled by tise ptarson ar atrIV frac frontIleaise tasaa humh- avjomc-cl hefiratsstiomi augagcira jtrap asiiadaÓiy atarears- niatisg liat ns te the jttÓtesiof tieinti hoso ptiiers, was laisntsy lacteraned clitsim there eild bcaie qisest ion ; and tlie ircig i)r˝'f th-iaaatre, blat ised on tishe niasaosen easa' ÓriasciÓie of' rea- that thse mon choseas by the rnajerily of adi j5Ótrsaati tÓter'iere eittie.,1 thae people wotsld bgtis main. lu a fair iscaritga. t' rtÓivedc ait tse and.s cf tise ceaatatry. -Agrcenbly tupublic notice, a rcetipg CANAD.A. of-the bnsaiiÓaasof Coluambutsanlt'], t, acljsiret asegibourlseods,was he u t 2this.,o thtaia e Tlriaini onmiaaet, Ils. But ath eat qulestion as hy tno esatttasimple 27t1m~~~~~~~~ i1i,'rbialpspo»ofatntÁaisgee. ls11a, u aaas neasinaCuasataesa titim- a usitabra pensson le turand as o ceandidate mediateiy lose: fi'saÓ, ttians,ofitof s ar lairitish for tÓhe sitnaitun cf Tow˘sisp Couancillor tsar aitarfua c; tiadlY, Ilier taasectof httxirag -as- terainas-a asajifet 1 ipoat. '1ieror of ithea for bisat laseation. Mrr. Witt, A. srngacleÓ it imporÓjÓs ts. 's'aati afrod beisg anlcd tu tise Ctsnr, anal Mr. J. C. lattiassto n tfi aaÓseetat tani ild,taread- flowcrmnsnaappointed Secrelary, il vus th ie grsaaissg farsasa-as ient In aaig/sly roafedrai'ion, saewisai aailher safitilturas aaadac,;lt. A) alaa oestj rnove‡ nsmecondsd liat Joisn0IlacK saaastaiaoat probnbty lad tuan anraisae, iaaa/c'daia Esq. ho hese os lse andiate;analovers-hetaning, irruptiaonÓof Jos'sraa iiittii, Esq, b cl¸We asth cadidte an eterprs.aÔa , ta,)rpitliat m thlielta le sba. a vote beiag takets, lb was carrieci Pspatimn arasta iasrr-ase, isLol traaff irmatail porleper.. -TaÁ prise mf lsad and leou e s atiat rue. tsnaasimous>r - - puablic ema*a ksattrl ie Óarorcte-1, and Caaa x wul saits exhibD the rougit and raide at-t irii ef a Wc-atea-n iate. Baut hoar tasaividait, torolti-,, A Meeinag -vas cona'eaed tisis evesi- or claties, ffiiha participaae, in ahese moerreenta, iag ai M. St-ipnrc' Iltasi whe E.tsat ousl ifficuit te feresee. I', a~stuaegeat, ing t Mr SËrptur'e; atel whe sE. aaaWest new lirdaai tetibeatea by New -Arnis, Esq., ÓÓna s ilanaimoltsly cisosens Yerk, and at come epora asial profia sahent mt 80 terpe 't tisis section cf lise Town- centsa pet bmshei, whitet is a dollar aitNewv York, tureree - the interence-waoatd neeaIote l that in ahe Èvent sbip in thceotm, lnci. Resosabion was ofi AnnexotiÙn, tle Foreign Commerce of Canada asie adopbÁ4, plecuging tise mseeting ai' te eai o area gh te Yr, Ialeae b Moabrea/moredeasereel btan eer. But, sÓter ail,. ue liseir influence mani giva tieir salep Ie not serions conaitÈration t-a aaeihher profit, port leutise foiiowiaÓg gentemen, vbz. :1uh asda~esj. ke ta seoe the couyand~ laises Burns, Jouir a sck, Luthser caties srerped it a lnoodni' thai respectable sorj et Yankeeism sauta-h hauata Ihe.presema fronÓter 1 bleraden, Esquaires, anal Dr. Ailisea. i-ow saorathae otd-ÓuÓhins-' hahitans, or tle - deseanats of' the aId Britishi Loyalists, or the ltaury Cotoii, or say othe- qiiet-la British- TIeuraprty qualtifications rerjusires] ilan," talee t1 1,Cr pa'emnsldi nalfd posiltn liyn 'T'ovuasii Ó) ot tÓcla lie e t' uing rstg.a'aaÓeti'at Ilteieblt‡iaisi 1 Tlere e. reu a tlifrr-e cf rauels sasatofsenti. -iciion, is liI at roviated iy 4 nd 5 mes-irgelrthualt ionsdisttatijliefW - mdaay EaÓa-a Saes vehif-rens ifs-as Vsic. c. 10 ana11i. PersoÓt s aÓltcStu e ari/tobmaIs- Ia ect o"a' scstcsage vrote attse elecÓben of a CoÓÓtaciiier for iabaa o asatains ansd arsa; and ittniadtai s. intatioa, ithe tstasia.aIllezesIi4ao. a Townsipruaral lVari arh'cii eitiand merra/, ta eaaafita aof .atnaaran.at -,Cuiaisadid niot #tet muse a'uanfor1bnta as li1er ire tise Freeloda.-rs n iloaa1sciaoders adotupedoisaeraae.a hat asialh b-r aaaÓaatupsareÓa.t˝ - wiiose nainmes rappear tapos tise Colieci- IVe gias-thle alaisetrron thegpesat orgara ofIl. ar's Relu of ticisToaarsiip, rainai Xard, 'opininas aif the British tpeople*. 'le lare printeit or Village; and] is-io are residetat nIir, talies certain portinaof il'*sahich sae dees lac tise cf lise eleclion. in tiit 'ironVÓs- more ÁsÓerÓsllIysaorhyof notie. l stile seen QhalUse wniler las, ias Óle save exaract, reduceaf bij, 'Vari, r illge.IiiavIaicas e tiqestion of Asiiexation te a very narrosv thc new SÓntot provicies ferra certaiti a'aapas; snd sa-atlok,"Lpon abs- asIale, disposer! j;ropcrty qunÓflcatio n imatise:C‡tualiaS‡-, eni tla s ss-ay qutte salisi'actery and, eacuiagiig or amout of amesst e giÓea-voler sIosiiole talc are, iii favour oni lizt gt rÓchangein Litie, tisose proveisions nre, fer lise pre-o. -itin >r>tlad ont, ia abeyuice; nal any ~ isecilion, in utte aients lere tiakeat, utÓictaa-ataariesa Óen, a beane ;an a-yex sttr eayfia v ouabay wi!the cislaasrosn-'aaÓal ar cas tisoss ieads, respccuiireliibushe maaelthÈ desultory'twaddle and ffliaoÓsmien liffereat eiectorai alivisboosi, a'ensai l, bt tte lov-ai Press. Raitlectag ms-n aay, andt de, irce. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eo - ais-attcoatis pots She taÓjecalt e - - &i-laratiun1t tiase Colonica ioa isehÈ isaits-r Coauity of leÓ,at. Counary; unitifsasÓ aipea lis epasaa -at lest' '-1. .a Pesar~i tÈ ode and lthe iÓaassaaalialy ofat liag jr J. Magire, Esq,, an tultra Reformer absut., ˝nd tlaa-rei'ore opeu and frÈ e. isrsen, Coamil iviti maileationadall nweg tas casse forwrard ns a candlidIate- ut feth ojet i n eli mdegs ta itale-, outterep-rÎcathiun a sasg Ssdsveituve excellent exampÓsa set tiefote iii 5c´_ icSusa iacanst by Itue uccelatance c o i5ii mrian in tomne cf ahe indeprondusu jetrraia oet fici.l, situtanion ilasEnganS by t e flic ada,t w/tb-/td‡ftut t frata thevisas -ofilse.- rota.MrÔ-Daly. AMr. Magaia'e* *y.. ssAumnaoietin a t5piÓ…_<cader kO aÓ ai raddress, "IlsaÓxe4 %aa'ays bcianged a~aanllt tariv;el5ra˝tes, gras 1.a, maid osse p euecilt -as ssisheal, 9 Ir.~yinlec i xpeatSairP frÈjuliiteie c aes,oy -1b and xpectrntsetarybl clteadeu, tise Sibaral party. mO'w rte - wayepturete pot;laicorhÈlbja - ' litea P-stra by'tsepreseat .Miaitr lookais ejtivea y caa~e rOqte ob poratimeir ecutinuance in powser o5'eS - iii tileir liiof O hcatieai e m iiaia, ent'a Wl‡˝-Wuntenzce f civil anal t 1 e besue acisy satd autisi abid-,j" ioysia4 liictilberty il' Lna' usnd whethqz , siu or out of sorliameat, tlsey haiu1ive U.-l h AethurM ati&t. ted-- - 'odj "p Pi5itlu theausn iLawaa. "Pdit"- ~F1iLONDsON il TENIES, ON 4ANNEXA-