Whitby Calling, 22 Aug 1946, p. 6

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- - WHITBY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1946 Il Lt Happened lIn Ajax MRS. D. WIIELAN, Correspondent 1 An Unusuai Trip A short time ago, two young chapa, Bob. Rowland of Ajax, and Hume McQuat of Whitby, went te visit relatives and frienda at Win- chester, Ontario, travelling via t-he thumb rnet-hod. After a few days in and around Ott-awa they saw an opportunity of a ride te Montreal. At the flip of a coin they decided to take advantage of the oppor- tunity, spending a short while view- ing t-he sights of t-he **Big City" and hoping for the beat f rom there on. The trfp was somnewhat delayed ira the Montreai aiea, but they got a lift to Lachine where a truck picked theinm p and took t-hem as far as Cornwall. The driver was kind enough t-o invite thein te din- ner, which invitation, needless to say, t-be boys accepted. They went on te Prescott and crossed by Ferry t-o Ogdensburg where t-bey picked up a ride with nu lesa than four lovely young ladies. This time their ride ended at Batavia. A number of short jaunta found thern ini Buffalo, then on to Niagara Falls where they stayed over on the Saturday night, going on to St. Catharines t-be following morn- ing. At 9 a.m. they were fortunate in getting a ride straigbt through t-o Ajax and were home in time for church on Sunday at il a.m. The boys tell us t-hey were more than pleased with the events of t-heur ten-day trip, and that t.hey met a great number of very kindiy peuple in their travela. This was quit-e and adventure for oui young friends and they have many inter- esting snapahot-s te remnind thein of this exciting trip. At Our Churches On August 26t.h Dr. Gec. Dorey wiii be in the pulpit at the Inter- denominational Church. In the absence of Rev. G. S. Simpson of Ajax Bapt.ist Church, Rev. W. E. Smalley will take the miorning service at il a.m. and Mr. Miller A!ioway, the ev'ening service a t 7.30 p. The Catholic Service thias$un- day is at Il a.m. and confessions wiil be ieard befone mass. Ir you wish to attend cît-her Sun- day Sehool at 10 a.m. or morning Jservice at Il a.m-, Rev. E. G. Rob- inson, St. George's Parish Churci Piçkering, for transportation kind« ly leave your naine and address ai 4 Cedar st. ,w1fTbà mher the open air servlo4 i""'at Brooklin t-is Sunday at 7.3( P.M. Allocations The lousle Comnmittee at the ('ormunity Gouwili ask algroupa uind organizations wirhing te use the Centre f rom September lst to liecember 3lst tu ili in an Allo- cution Forin. These forma mnay be obtaine<1 from Miss Richer et the (entre on Friday Aug. 23 and Sat- RAIPU RAMSDEN INSURANCE 0F ALL KINDS AGENT Canadian RalwArs ani Candian Nallosa .T.eeraphe 14 BROCK ST. AJAXI TELEP}IONE 51R21 urday Ayg. 24th between 7 and 6 p.m. They mnuât be filed in and sent te Misa Richer by Monday August 26th. The ilouse Comnut- tee wIl then meet to <iscusa ail requests.. Afly andividuala or groupa of in- divîduals cicladren or auult) de- smrng to foin- a new club or ac- tavity group, see Mass9 Richer at the l,onamninty Lentre on i'ri. Aug. 23rd or Sat- Aug. 24t.h between 7 and 8 pa.. bast Thursuay two bail gaines weret piayed in Ajax, one between the Legion and X'Whitby, the other oetween Ajax Ladies and Picker- ing Ladies. We are very sorry to report Ajax lost bot-h tnese gaines, but on Monday last, the Legion put Whitby out of the play-offs with their second win out of three gaines. on Friday at -4 p.m. the Wild- cats and Wtitby will play an L~x- hibition game and on Saturday at 3 p.m. our Ajax Ladies will play a vsting teain. A Sports iel4 Day is planned for September 7t.h to include Track and k'ieId Events, Volley Ball, Basebal and Horseshoes. Also the Council, wit.h their new Movie Pro- jector are arranging for a free Out- door Movie show that night. 'This date is to close the summier season Far Froni Sport We sincerely hope they were flot boys or girls of Ajax wtio deliber- ateiy destroyed so many coba cf corn f rom that good-lookang corn- field at the highway. A Word of Praise We feei the tinle has come te pass along a word of praise for the Sanitary Collecters in oui- vil- lage. They are very careful with oui receptactes an-d are ever neady with a cbeery word, corne nain or sunahine, ail of which la very much appreciated by t-be residents. aoit.cultural Show One last word before our Flower and Vegetable show. Ycur entriez muât be in not later than noon te- morrow as thon. is a great amount of detail in placing each item in its respective group. The Anglican Ladies Guild tell us t-bey wiil have parcels la thein Touch and Take Booth ranging frein U te 25c for childneui and adults, including everythlng frein Soap Flakes te Homemade Candy. Houri 3 p.in. to 6 p.rn. FtidaYo and commencing at 2 o'clock Saturdmy till closingUie. Tlhe Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiiiary are having a TeS Booth where Tea, Sandwiches, Cake, etc. wîli b. avallabie. Red Cross will handle Soft Drinks and Bed Hotu. Alse tho Red Cross will have a Finit-Aid Booth on hand, aise in- formation on the Fali HoeeNuns- ing Courses. Won't you do youn part to heip make this Show a real suce«»- Perssal Not«s Jack Bwiting and Mdde Stftr have gene on a meottrp te AI- gonquin Park* Owen Sound», andI rturning by the. Blue Water Hlgh- Rt is a "os tragody for -s littie fflwev w be-b.becrnes lndlsyoed « bis burtMay a&M plansfor a psnty have Io6.Jbe POne&. TUs was tAi a"ilot e"114granm- iOu of mn.mscuL~a,& York St94 lzn't'It a*uar.ing ow exctabla grawlfathens am e t 'certilu Urnmes." la. ls u roed 1Mr. Cs». seven w»sws h ba cms lit werk at the blrth of hMA Ov grandies, Bev. G. S. Sirap* son - <i>li.g officate aut O w .«dhgof M)ou I.oisam S or etPirtonta Mn. Georg D)el&ney of l19 Brock Sx.. Ajaz.. on Sat. MAg. 24tb ln I'k*or. z M MI Sc be LINER "'LIZZIE" GE#"TS REFITTRD A striking view of the giant liner Queen Elizabeth ln drydock ut outhampton, Eng., wbere she is getting the final reconversion touches efore resuming transatlantic luxury trade. Ask Assistance In Community. Projects The foliowing letter was roceived by the editor cf "WhitbY Calline-" Sir -A,gain the fail approîchýei and, this means that activities wil again b. startlng full force at the Commuiiity Centre Last year, iany activities Wor made possible te the Young peepfle in the community because Rome pemnsa lithee oninunltY gave tueur Urne, lcnowledge and experi-l once in helping te condiict thesl grupa enedit goes to tus following~ people who conducted boys, girls And adiait actîvities lut seson: -Ani Rudy, Madeline. lmye, a nd Shirey Gray-ChidreW$ 5Tap I Mi M.L'Sloan,-.GII1 da. Mn. F. W. Bland-BWY scoutS. Mn. Weeks 4 Jack Buantl-, M.W. 0. K.tob ôMir. L. Proulo---Leathor n Cit. Mn. Art Stown-T=nblhag. Mr.Tnos. Doves.-Toinlzi. 89.0" rou - Girls1 Craft Mn. t. B mm ad Rololapw"V. Um O. WlIsom-aIe vît- tla- lb i.aaltpeo AjaxLgonNw tomn; tMu ttoo& hdu" osum t. lldutaWbuuby 1 is ts rads arIdNaoghar uéà" o ta tua -mutat dlaewltuuWi va thPty. - eager and wiiling te carry on their good work again this year. How- ever, there are stili many other activitîes which eould be carrled on if aSstBlIcO wore avallabie. The Browies. need i~ leader. A group of young boys would like somme to teach them how to make thinga from wood, -metal, etc. Soins eider boys would like to b. shown how to buutd model aircraft. More chldren would 1k. to Iearn te t.ap dance. There could b. cI1i- dren's game and activlty grOUPA~- il they had adult «aitance- Gin you help tue YOWipters wlth any of these projeets? Ifyou can give soniel t o matter how littie. please &«e the underalgaed at the Cornmunlty Bl, Frlday, I ug. $3, Tffda log. V orWe. nssday AUS. sa8 tween 7 p»m. (Miss) Grue RIeber. froc, W. s4urt at 8» > m, sharp, proceeda for or buIidh&ifwd. F on' v M a Courade Bon. »rVille*& bonm on Wadmesay nkht ,hiesl club au auxilami yof 0w frsnh W i la 8Uha, a long fel MMe amog ot OurYOtangr mmnJ 1¶mws. yui iibr ub in Z IlliLvithoartaA aaunstus mnolvm the i". o 'Aguosp of .xp$uom lw4stector *h~o wqld dfflIS a $~w ho= * thon pesrouio"Wstbe tim st regu ID* h~ is eu ei emtlalartieb Coi*dsle»Ms vos asthi gum a.1 bour s"d wuthduo.o P!Q te au W m - - doita Ille 1f ho eo sa% "Y q-1 anten isto @'Opm "umat booh t tii M, asow --MT71.Lslm 1 L il This Week ini Brooklin By IMR S. F. RtOGERS, Correspondent I i I k. t v f e i 4- r k- 'I Had nd- Soft Wood Slabs 128 tu ft. $13.00, 64 tu.f J 32 cu. ft. 100, .aCho YV4toui 8.00.1, toun 811.50, I tous $22,00 B mton, Luniber ComrL imi Experienced Builders Te Tk en GORDON DR 3 OAK ST,, <r t Paire 6 e ir~ k A .4 '-f i ai w 01 hi pi w ci tt Ji t-J t- d i I.- - COAL, uCOKE sud WOOD CBMBNT sud BUilDING MATERIAL AW. MITCHELL PICKEM094GONT. PHONES 74 S& 1M S"OUR TRUCKS PAS$ roux DOOR ErY D 4AY LAK0ORI I 1~e H... JL "Cb - - Trail Rangers Camp Iock, 3rd; David Goodwin,- s.s.; Many froin Brooklin vÏsited the Vouglas Vipond, c.f.; Dave Johns- 'rail Rangers at their camp at ton and Elmo Gibson, r.f.; John ,ynbrook Park during the week Heron, if. The teains played again nd found everything weIl organ- on Thursday with the saine une- eci. 'ihe boys' biggest grouch up for Brooklin except that Frank 'as that they would have to leave Loveîock played r.!. The score was n Saturday. They took turus 9-4- for the visiting teain. The ooking and doing the dishes and Brooklin Lions belong to The omae nothers would be amnazed to Oshawa District Pee-Wee League aarn that their sons are excellent in which there are 6 teams. The Lousekeepers. They proudly dis- first play-off gaine wlll be on layed trie inside ol -their tents August 22 at Brooklin and the flere beds were ail made and boys are hoping you will give them othes neatiy folded. The secret- your support.' ent inspection by their leader, The Oddfeliws from here play- ýonn Mealand, who gave point-s for ed Port Perry tearn onf Monday he neatest one. tlhe- buyý said evening and in spite of much good ,ey Nvere having a *swell' time and playing lost the gaine to their ha flot mind doing their own work. opponetnts. The Oddfellows- this iach tent had a nineLII, chosen by season beiong t-o a league consist- ,ne occupant-s; -Miss Ranker" had ing of a teain frorn Port Perry, 2 )avid (joodwin, Ronniie L.ovelock, f rom Ushawa--one being the Cor- <oy Nesbitt, and Bail Urandy; inthian Lodge and the other the Maiss Lynbrook" liad Marvin Phoenix Lodge, one f rom Pickeririg 'Kîveil, Ronnie Greer, Roranie As- and one from Brooklîn. The home îng, and Howard Richardson; iodge has donc well and we are -Never Inn" housed Ciayton Biggs wishing t-hemn luck when they play and Donald Patterson; "*Smiail Fry" their next play-off' gaine with Port îad Jack Baînbriclge and John l-erry. blediand. The boys slept on foid- Personai Notes ng coL-s with plenty of warni Mr. S. Grandy has purchased a oîanket~s and were tîuîte conifort- new Chekvrolet celiveiy t.ruck. able. For the use of their tenta Mr. James Davidson is-a guest the boys and their leaders are of Mr. and Mis. W. Dryden. Mr. gratelul to Dr. W. W. Baldwin, Davidson, a cousin qf Mrs. Dry- Mr. Bert Itananai, Mr. Bill Fleron, diCf's, is from Rapid City, North and Dr. J. McKînney. Diakota, but at one turne lived in 6a Given Stiower this district and is happy to meet On Tuesday evening, Auguat old friends. 13 t., Mrs. Alired Wilson gave lier Guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. Hol- home for a shower for Mr. and Mrs. liday recently were Mns. T.-Hor- T. Akey. Mrs. Akey is thbe former top and two chiidren. Mrs. Hor- Miss Mary Burrel who t.aught here top is Mrs. Holliday's sister. for thre years. A large number Rev. and Mxs. P. L Julll have of frends were present to honour ret-urned f romn their holdays. M. the yôung couple. There was quite Juil resumed his duties on Sunday an int.eresting progranu consstang morning la the - United Church of a duet by Mis. -C. Penngelley where ho deiivered a 'Very fine ad- and Mrs. K. Holiîday who sang, dress on the text-"There was a it Wus From The Masonie Euchre man sent fron God whose name Party, Tom Was Seeing Mary was -John." Mr. C. S. Thomtjson Home," using the tune Auxit and M.- Keat Webber sang "A Dinah's Qult.lng Party." ThiS Crwn of Thors." This was great- number brought blushes and laughs Oyapeitdb h ogeain as incidents were recalled with Byoprenatew bstmicngrgaio.C whîch most cf those prosent y 1011a NwWetintrBC farnîBar. Mrs. P. Rogers gave ci on Juiy Sut to Mr. & Mns. Stan- readins entitled "How To Cook A ley Lockyer, a- daught.r, Jo-anne Husband." Evelyn Ormiston and May. Mr. Stanley Lockyer is the Ruth Heron sang 4"Wliat C>mes son of Mr-. and Mns. S. Lockyer Natunally" with the words quite cof Hrooklîn. cleverly changed to suit the cca- Dr. and Mrs.'A. Black haýve ne- sion ; thit Wus followed by a song turned f rom their holidays. by Mr. Keast Webber who can ai- Wr. and Mr&. Douglas Nesbitt ways bnlng a laugh. Mrs. A. Wil- andfamlly spent luat week at Van- son conduet.ed a flower contest an-d look il mid vlelaity. Mdra. Née- ldedlared Mr. and Mms.Aloey t.he bitt's parental home, was In the winners who were thon presented Ottawa 'district so they were able with the prize. Li.tUel Diane Wil- te sec many fIrends and relatives - son wheeled In, the umaller par"el whlle on their trip. in her dcii canilage decorated with Miss Dorthy Hall spent lat, rlbbon; the la-gr parcels were week t Lake Seugog. presnted lin a gaiy ec rae M iss D oia B atty left Monday clothes basketAlteIr the ris for St. Christopher Camp where was opened the young couple w onre wl p n nt e w e Lpres.nted wlth a besutitul -a se oflltedcampothervwcwees. r sionai chair and a dainty bouquet as o e c t e c mp u er s n. 1of Sweet os. Mr. MWl Mrs. Aky - thanked thoir fiends for the giftsi VISITORS TO PARKS SHOW and gave ail an Invltation to viait BIG INCREASE theni at thoir home at 806 Walnut t -feJn th tuit Stret,-Whitby. tauBtétn th tors Sport News boom, vistora te Canada's national The Urooklin Lions playd the parka numbered approxtmately North Mister Bantani on Tues. 440,000 up te the end 0f Juiy coin- 4day evenine St Lynbrook Park. pared with 60,000 during 1945o rTho. &ookln boys were, on the Mon. J. A. Glen, resources minister, Pse.We mg a" ld dd l i te oeeip sncunced today. the sdie 1-felfr their o pointa. July reporti from Point, Pele rb lIn&-up w»! : Mvn ve.,ec;natti n ark In Ontario shows glua* j. 1 c >1 i >11 1 Cuba. 1

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