Whitby Calling, 22 Aug 1946, p. 1

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WHITDY CALLINGC «THjiE VOICE 0OF YOUR COUNTY TOWN" Ist YEAR No. 13 WHITIBY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1946 $.0PRVA UPPER SCHOOL EXAM RESLT ~NNOUNCED DIPLOMA TS CHA T AFTER VERBAL BA TTLE AT PEA CE PARLE Y APP arently diplomats have the faeulty o! switch- ing thoir tempera on aud off 11k. a light bulb. Bern is Soviet Commissar Vyacheslav Molotov, RIGHT, chatting gayly with Hector MacNei, LEFT, British under-secretary for foreign affaira, au they left a session of the. peace conférence atter on. of the. most heated verbal. batties of the. parley. MacNeil sp ported U.S. Secretary of Stat. James F. Byrnes in thie latter'. onslaught on Molotov for lIii "dictaton" tacties at the parley. Town Planing Most Interesting. Subject At Mayor-s Convention 'I a - iiar. grAnd,.In*.&,lot o! what w. llsteiÏe<*lo hat', direct bearing iu the, situation in Wbitby," said Mayor I. M. - Deverel inl speàking of hiiittip te Fort Wil- liam to attend the. Convention 'of Mayors and Reeves o! the Province of Ontario. "W.V were in Fort Wil- liam for two and a hait daya andi ahould have had at least a full day more to handie the lengthy pro- train," lie continued. 0f speciai interest te Mayor Devereil was the, discussion on town oianning and the. story of what the city of Stratford bas aecomplished. Mayor M. J. King of Strattord gave a full report on what bIs cny bas doue In the past thre. years. Mr. King .explan.d that Strat- ford, a city-rof some 18,M0, hati startoti in 1944 to plan by appoint- ins a grôUP of reprusetgtIve clu. zoeste a board. From thls haît grovu a group uof committees look- Ing into vaîrIous aspects of the problem. Tie.Aret was the. eomn- mlttee on population and total trade, to study trends ln past ant future population and business t. show probable post.war hicomms and living costs-in the mnindpl- T ho second commuîtas deved ln-' t t. questiotfs of gemploymsnt *d Induitry, studylng seusoumatew plrdoenad varprdcinIe UdrdlooedBt. commmIlty objeec. dmvc, houlng,, recreatWo, bWstbi aud velfare. Tii. planis committee Pr=paedmapashoWuIng, sati ,*i. ind studieti trafe and peatn problem ansd the Important point of ole Tii.andO=Mmtte. wasthe -public Information eoumlttm wbeas.4*ty Ituvas to knp tbe ellheas lnfonn- ed of lthe.*Mlan'a'ud bjeetiveof lia lumnesdDeve9opt Comeli tu bewgcosalderein portant. Kayor C.a of Port Artiur and Na7orAnderom-of Fo~rt WliMM ~on, An% kép th ti. »w4-lauob by-their Consant dig01 f acty posing muuicIpaitiesp sad2 Devereli "«But botii cities Unitedi in hospltallty to théfr vistors." Mr. Devereil laughed aS ho spoke o! hotel accommodation. Sie luat matie ueeeratlons a' month ahead and secured a'room Bt Fort Wiliam Mmuor. AUl ehodrove was.anOlt Mmns Rom. wi h te rooms wgeafpeted sud sa=el furniMh.d'wUt a coi bed,arog table, a glass tumbler &Wd'no chairs.ý Fieeint freinthai iefzm eigt a room iu a gond dovu tovo litl but had to do" ive h tbe Mayor o! Klmo. , ve wer. OUIla Ithe ellr@mto sIep udu ieue ft »at,.I did not Matter,» MMidMr. DperelL it wasS*n»OW good tI4N Moeo* ing o thle à Mam sud lie lnu suce bus mol tjuan doubld ta.lima lant tiiee yesn. Ramutou vii I vite the. Confsrene$or 1#471#t la Destryed ByFie Vire completely gutlsa «a] ýMOU the. proporty 0 OtP ýOtt*nirîte, 1137 Broê tru, 8 oui TWesdY moruIV& 11»ima de..' Ibuhe d y -JiW * blase wa1"0 ~ikUmir control by le*a~ wtah arA &Mi ,aion tubeSOM& damu'. Ot ebt 41«»i ' a i*Oé Kinsmen Tag Day Financial Success Raion Coupons The following ration coupons are good, effective Aug. 22. Sugar- si to S25. Butter- Rio to Ri8. Meat- M40 to M50 and QI.. Rush Work -On Water Tower Debentures For - $60,000 Approved By Municipal Department Public Utilitie.9 Debentures for M6,000 have received the approval of the Municipal Board at Toronto and work- wiil now b. rushed on the. erection of the. water tower and the extension of the water worka system. Tlii. ost of the big 250,000 gal- Ion tank completely inatalied lias been fixed at ffl,750, but this prie was quoted April 8 last subjeet to any increase in the. price of steel and labor. Steel ha& ffoneup $6 a ton and labor is costing more, so there wil b. an - ncreasê in the. cont How much tuis increase wlll b., Mr. H. L~ Pringle, superinten- dent of the P.U.C. was unable té figure et present. WUt Rush W.rk Specifications fe the. water tankc show a total heliglit of- 140 feet and It wil tae. 12 to, 14 weeks to ereet. Tenders are b.lng calli.d for the. buidn !the. bau snd work WMi b. te s as quickly as pos- Kinsale Boy Leading Holding Sev en Fi rsts Eagerly Awaited At Inverhuron Individual Report Sent To Principal Graham And Relayed Back To Whitby- Notices Sent T6 'Students. Upper School examination re- suite were announced yest.erday by E~. H. (.raham, P>rincipal of Wratby kiigh School. Top nonours went î.o Mlilton Mowbray of h.insale who received tit class honours in 7 subjecti and second ciasi kionours in e.. btanaiJngs are indicated as flHows. I st-r irst dais honours, 75-100";, zfld--Second cIlas5 honours, 66-74,1/ trd-ihird ass honours, 6U-6ô«ït WHITBY HIGH SCHOOL Upptu tiouOL EULNUAlON ftESULTS Betty Appleby-lùng Lt, C; Geom., 3rd; Fr. Au., (;; Fr. U;omp. C. Margaret Boyd-Lat. Au. Znd; Lat. Comp., C; Fr. Comp., C. Marion Disney-Eng. Coznp., C; Eng. IÂt., C; list., 18:; Bot., C; Zoo., C; lat. Au., 2nd; Lat. Comp., 2nd; Fr. Au. 3rd; Fr. Coxnp., lat. £verett Fieming-ng. Comp., C; Eng. IL, C; Geom., erd; Trig., 2nd; Zoo., C; Phys., 2nd;, Chem., C; Fr. Comp., C. Wilmot Gates-Geom., lut; Trlg., 3rd; Bot., C; Zoo., 3rd; Phys., 1514 ChenL 8ardu MayGlodhii-,Eàg. Comp. C; Eng. Lt., ; Trlg., Srd; Bot., C; Zoo.C K4 d; phys., fSrdrCham., CQ Fr. ~on. C. ,*u re zt-~g i. ;Hs C: PL Uy C, Trig., C; Zoo. Lyn Steen-Eng. Comp., 3rd; Eng. Lit., 2nd; Hist, 3rd; Bot., c; Zoo., C; Fr. Au., C; Fr. Comp., 2nd; Germ. Au., C; Ger. Comp., Znd. Catherine Stork-Eng. Comp., C; Eng. lit., C; AMg., C; Trig., C. Ada Thompson-Eng. Comp., C; Bot., C; Zoo., C; Lat. Au., Ç; L,,at. Comp., C; Fr. Comp.p C. Private Study Candidate--J>aid Callahan-Eng. Lit., C. Why Didn't Train- Stop, Asks Jury Inque.st Adjourned- Until August 29 Tc Question Engineer The finquest held on Tuesday into the death of Robe.rt Dolhaâ,- 21- Popiar Plains Roack Toronto,. au adJourued until Augut 29 at the request of the coroners juryý toal- low time to subpoexa>the. ngiasi snd fireman of!*tii. train- fromn wiiich Dolhani jimped oi feU'on the. mornlng o1 Augats. The.Jury wlahed te question thi.anglneer as to why-tii. trin'-as flot Imd. at#ly atopp.d viieà a .brakemaii uulléd .the . eme Meencv coïd s.tari lhe Inciement ont la =en tbé tbe a finan" total of #IM47 gm tbe iw ' Iý Jbr its don wîn "le of are" limertdxalxtg #a4ý r to Ve- 1 Lured Chl t Ila TEL. 34 24 HOUR SiiÏVICE, BELL TAXI WHITBY Wbîtby Prol oelivery 15 DUNDAS ST. WEST ~EEPHONE 2269 r. f v v utt

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