Whitby Chronicle, 28 Mar 1912, p. 7

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b" wMt l i pIrobabIý re tal k th8u! éer, not - op> # iii- hli bly, . all,, and that -coutt frcleS but, o eiwhe .ad Ifrndulpoith er*- 'nafis 15mentioned puzln .d .deipera4oea though Mont c>f diarosiect. M H I.. ience ov mo hi a >r 'Bakerwent to the CP<liIlthe worm'esture jo 8mlià] tret<U> him bitu mneOfdcaap~taito~hoswitb- bé~ima~i~f mansbut, when the- ~~ BVt* .aid thatholàH. e 0 toMRO ;Ptërsbr - ould Èiva hlM a frée han.d to carryyer go hen ý Thuox hi' pwe out hi$plmwplan uthe State penjteU- ýWasWaniflg. Reho ba go j e om 14ryý.he aooëptedthejob. -munloation with the. court drn THTUS HÃ"R. ti,3Panaae war by wir *ing, secretly THE ST TREORf rom Siberia prophecies o! ?ivtrje O 8 Wardoen Bak@e"s ohiefin iithoé thot nover eauiïtue.ThnhgÃ" haudIng cfthe onvcts fa thât the ear otridDuke Peter Nicho-1 theo a ony o.var to make them laivli and thonte fti zr * tw-ortui, ý j and ou 0 - o w IwlUlift.to'n uboyeh. mem ]e dém-notfirst demnd Tii. r$ult iia bthat M- Raputin i.i tuut itheman ebal ahow bim l rn mterby aIl the. youth and wYortuhp 1cf "confidence. 'irot, I-W beauty <CU St. Peetrsburg iociety. trusts the, mani. .,e l aya tliat hoCounteas Tolstoy owea koi<grant Of ha. not yet found àa mnu oma$0,OOO a yoartehum. The-DOwage. mn _ktIt to a müurderer who- will. Czarina 'pleaded for her- in .n mot resepcqnd *0 thia tre&tmént. H ie The' Counteus eultivated Rasputin first exPériiuentewas with- a hish- snd the. Pension ýbeame- hers, foi 1qaymn namued Bill, whio had maide ie.. adeeperate'effort to ecp w M. Raputin la flot oortly _in Ye"ro, beore. BHI had jumped off looks or manuers. R. Le An. elderly the. r4ot of-the prison, And asa a re- Man, with smre strangef i!o suitcf hix exploit tiie pIaco :hud wlilch makes woznen lie.meéta do tii. been eurrouncled with eotrjo 7virés DmOmi .fooligh thno 4is"fii 41t high -voltagp. Lt wam siinply in- ties14 in 'Society Are_ numorone. pSEbl iorBiltorenew., ie t. Though nobody know be*h tempt , bt lie* uoé-to sWtdsy aftêr conwe froin, he is so overwhelnied, ;day etaring at thé gua&rde .AS tl.y bY invitOitions from. krsd lIadjeà; Paoed baek aind f'orth, his mind ak tat -ho often keeps -the, Ozar wait- maabusef withi thei.problom 0cf bo* ing1 fo -Conferenceonoumysticissi. to =ike a é<lez break 'fo>r liberty. Sevýerai wom« e e ot tthir hum-, lhen1*!w.Irde. aipoqW "hlm ' h «dsto be "wit i iua tbi rtuses" ,womked. -Bill - w.. thunder.tmuck -wheu ire learued tiret *a wuI&ge, unguaded if lie vouki tehm word- tiret h. wouid flot try J DESPEIRAD0ES ON PAROLE. Xle Save 'bis werd, sud ire went te tire camp,'.nd tirongirhoéà" a& d lrundred opportunles, Iho ha. mad. ieattempýt to ëecape. Ratoireh was sont tc-oarnp Bill w a ou, '0:the fourteen moot deaspenate pnlsouene neu' wardenu made- tire folou'ing. ne.; markst tirte in6omrigibles, as m, e- pemted lu the. Auuset magazine: "'Boys, tirey teil me tIret yen are <liard-bojiba.' Nou', I don't nou' what youi, put recorda an, su ad uwh'iris more,,. X.. don't cane. Tiiey deni'î count witir me.- Tire' go- Ing to-beianeiw demlinLutuhs prison fremin ibi mre on, Sce II'mgoiug te tred.t evèry priaouem hemea square, and I oxpect him t, te"roé m -square. I, don't want tii. long end amd' Iwo" give you tiresirort eud. And I 'wcq't take tue- short end,, eltirer,,se donV'tmy taaii làm. IV&. a square *dei on botir aides. You'hl got mn even lbreak, and tirat'. - s.l Il.waut you to give me. -Neu', goet o t is bull-peu and itirehé ' ar'd. Ever minu iere La goiug tý aetnoatcd as thougir ho u'st tedo> thre squaretiringuiiiiie sircu'. me tiraiire dots ne>t. If am' ofye hav ay kick coking,. coin, to me sud we'U use 'whait can be doue abt E NEW SYSTEM. Tire bull-peu iras been ashid. -Tire prisonons; no longer - wear t tipes. ThieJoýk etep, the. bai sud' airain sud* tire .spy systeur are -m9 - tiga etftthe pai-. Tire prnLaaàu b-sou reuOlveted,. sud tir, qnslty of .1-F ithe od- sýrv.dtiremen ira. been .Impneved..about- eue-irtudned per cent. Thero are plenty et book» and magaz ines avable for-tire mêèn; they ir4e a ir.it holiday every sa turay, ? -thrrcugr'thre mo f tie week th * ork on -a large"tarin 'pruçticaly -nrur.. L. Thanksi iug IDay 'tir pieouers - Pre teatcd te tumkey sud mince - pie. Tire ,wardospeuds Most ofii' tiare movinge about amoug tire men sud talking te ýtireinfot as au oeuagelist', but-a' nply as anotirer ýraa, who, tal4ei m iterest iu tireur, aud wc>ul 1k. - do a good- mmn i f~ tir-. oenutypreseuted itieif. Tire béat pmsn i bad enough, h. -umys, sudthe puniebinent oet'cou- inemeznt- lu sufficient u'itirout add- ing te 'thr e «rij« etthre lumatea by unneeaar:y stýîrness..-, It W ~net -te j)e auppo-ed, hongh, tirat dis- cipline îs net imaiutainecl, sud that tire unmuly are 4net ohecked. : Tire nin Lagiven a-chance, and if ire, imposes ou tie windezr- ho l puu7 - fhed. Thon the incident il s 'eo and h. h isrovn-s freastart. SAVIG A AN'S SPIRIT., Tire.wa no attempt under the Baker regnf t breakama' Spinit. Tire ardeh-realetiraï theire pmt la 1 i. boi.stpart eÇa mi aud tiraiwh" jtlus bràken tire, Mau milght u weLhio utof* wci d novh4 i1_i-er be auy ,ood aser- 'wmrds, H iàts that iftheirMÉou *kita are tretedos meu sud put on tIi»ir h<.-âne thy i ii Do ot*trn fail * o .reapeud., Mu,-Bàker <tees otý &ÈVAÏ tLýmnalr .& . i oa ligu-is are turued eùt sud tireàorgies ,aotmanhu Wiho7p-Henrvnqen' cf Sarateff, tire Czsn'is friend untii recently, bW lieved *lunM.,- Raputinsudskied hmn- to prepireny ai S-atoff . But tire seer'c behavion lu a couveàt u'as se0 scsudaicu, tirat Hrmogea sent him au'ay sud ire refused tIre Czar',« reqneat te make hm a Mnonk.' M. Rasputin hirneveugod iiuif lby perOuading tir. Czar -to ba.uish Hfem- mpgen frein court sud depose hlm frin tire holy syuod. i GOVFflMENqT'8 "9GRATITUDV" Widou"o ef Naval Heroca Given Givon 17 Cents a Day. GoenaL'ndiguatiu laexpreased. ai the nu.g<adlinesa wlir mwincirtire Britih Goremument ha. provided -for tire u'idows and ohidron o! tire men wiro were drou'ned Lu- tire oub- -mar'iue A3. lu auowcr to a queation by Lord Charles Beresford, Dm'. Macuamama, Se>creiary et tire >Admiraltyr au- nonccd ln ti rfouse of Ceinnons tirai t tire four offleena sud ten meu wiro lest tiroir lJives, 50 fan as u'a. known,'aix loftiwidowm sud four ieftt ciildren. - By uay of copenstion tire Governmeutlias - grauted te three cf -tire. widows 5.- shillings s week, te tu'eet tirein 9 hillings, while the case et tire sixtb wçý#&silîl under coneideratiou. -Extra oin- peneaticu wa ein luthe cases wirer-e tire werel. - chiîdren, 18 pecand in'some cases 2 shillnjgs a .hU week b-ing gnanted. Bitter comment u'a;a macle upen tireeo grants in naval porte, siohi as- Portsmouthr, Plymontir sud DevSu- port., Tire Mayor 6f Portsmoenth lias appeaied te>ithe poopl-e in Ports- mentir, sud tire neigirboring district ,hau -raised over .$IO~0o è fortire' benefit cf those wino wereldependent ou -tire victime cf tire drasater. f"Home,"t )say, -tire Maycr-, ("a higirry-pald Minieten is-not asiamed te, àfluouuoe tirai meci et ii cl- dren cf; tieeerecmen are t6 ho paid 5 cents s day to aid tiri mr- mew-sticken ,môt-hers, - wire are gusraarnteed. by tire State, lu t gmud-,. gingly üuwôrthy gratitn4e suetiher 17 ceutù-eand, 30 cents a day te keep the-u'e]f froru the door." MUSEUM 0OF CIVIC ITEALTH. Paris 1Il-Enable Citizens te Keep Up WIth Sanltary Progrsé - A municipaýl heshthi <nu-nis tire uew -plan, for lcep nParis se- quslnted witirsanitary propoe. 4n î; section cf alizue.tary-hygieno the boati commercial sud deinestie meth- odi cf prepsrimsg asd stcring *foodi &re te ire repreaented, sand a lab6rsà-. tory wl- rovide me~a sfer aduter- ation teste- iu domegtic hygieuo-wilI b. ilh& trated.ions. constructIon, llghting sud matii, -entlatin su tir ar moemn' tbpi o*oý ie r mon , oeTonbeuau h@ go oaI s oou i U fb haot u ~ r a--t hei c o bI i &y e n l y t i , e e c a o i m fla iest e r m 4 ê ênlà =. i t f ~ t 3 . u 4- 'tomnsEUÂ5 >.âVi.orcta cooyinto dro ei-Ter(ay h epr)*rdc 1. îrcn., Geen1 0 e en. f h aersaa~ucoT W, Neur Douasi, ti. TenchNaton h inportnt ueston t ~i- .-ofiz e &oitrend .d m on ntra . -0 u thmrmrls ~ g D on s OUlii. BtPtrkideO el.b.A . TP tin teumeonum uss , thh by ire O r ot s dethryobabî p eryt. gwin ropo 1 rt en t.,r Le Dourassa festivites ~udby ire unusuil fine, a are or T ei a mde thrhe euIVIouThemPepetfatdoFra.w.~siu tho-ýo cltiad'wto riauityüu, werh ver a wh perds do-ywhé o rasste F~ re w nchN ttat.!' ý thei uéDona-ily Gý-to etet1ntraphie wa iorty al her url rd: sttvu ý watrusvithlmt e i tt1Wc ofoos fboh s- O A WA S teyet o u tthem o osga P ort te S t arai w rsud au oe , tire Wheaù Yst a -, wtwýby C r nsi n n therhpiey f sk£2d Mô t1 orsatttude Vsrtluly tirs uandon . vioc ahal be ô sd'Wn ain. I hi,dba fo r e -od no n ar iu onsk« * Y. A gocsiv ds an a lwais fouud ou" a e 80uldbevery e s # n cmth 1te- b.ci~tir, feutudr tCanadsa. tTH OFYtpc ii ep"a ullitho ad'r7utra ea t hbemp en re wal t i e rates, vIIodritnt st, tskras dslrk 00&Mt ti e f awha ddSren sycnonn -M for ailw ays. oorf , nstancewiru a set. a"bk Je nso W io ls l tre tmitr~ w 8KG ,AnD-tÂNe o Iii REÂl -o ES>itATE eoep:ceigteti eprt otbl mete u ns suu Nwwrteet ti o ahstcs ornetie natJau sti tire ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ et-u -rs-,ath dace r"bo. ïaiëîfaiy rndoehe '. eli e ruatr Oa araroe 4h ý& a a o ten oua a ew tBirm Wlrd , nnd sabySc ls M i-t, t o t .i, I»totempes h " d nat onf doilars.iersof laÃŽr4ticr ut Nolr but e n w fu emar n tr- h> ea odr go dse The 2d tisa y -cilices n et~~i &hall be th" igGei trea eny Haifttde. iack-bitlng thetirenworlden tii. stock seu 1Y n 1 aot ta n ih yl " -Wbae"ti id o n1r tleàrr.Picsbv aanedMp e lect"kpd baanlance. nuud o2 0ttîn U inTLL did heaWie Mf cuhi on ne snpvo i a , oe urhs aibuPau ud O'FY toldofte aP. wl fa po au irinseiveuhila'g athe1,,1e ut. meat? vitieron thttesa tb e enmde uSHgr îtieueesrylnd W toa c0autireorf riugenî,h a cou judge ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o irasbeauïlu ovesire tirstancterei un a kr paprvus-~ea BIGrAtl Vand rs aesIruga -ETan u ho4r compieed b o h enrag -! light. i vas ti t ti.is »hï sokge n izdtheWa itheyu ask of Deoite*aiiiig frin f tiid ýôéàI aMY nd nav «tblshm nt, a s> h' ierb n. À éon t t hewni sdbas.it rodi W h dd ore, eor mr .41a h a .strace om au , eies' u m! s c ribs d W lthe di ti e be éb de lo. - In oly. m ore sp ec alîz d re uire ente of lt o -lu 4Auk siar t ire e r ae ;thai t e S a- W h d r - Wüdei là olas n eternil evaid t h muey a1ëi$rd ia i to et retur of eor»ý*br vevbir dal tor ae t e- rsp ctieitiocs.n bsne stoà s eeyUVte bout a i t esy ht d id ÏIro ete a e pni- et e rm er uti ' tss- 1o r les co Lentn.- h oyJas uti naimrtg à continuneeaerae uortggee4)lu baousrarsSah. ift sboerooHk' wat eUit tire>' eouid now get eer cent.Snawestern'wPltinire d'tp eI Was ~ - - balancDol~b~d1 oe nr e rar innt Withi e dtaew as, tort ave n m o e. ndý1figh Cou t p u ý h & » of h e n oeos ry a nd ill e d a- piO ere -it 4th e b ou go n of hebe jo re theÀ w c'oï*oujo rdèlt imt , idh ere k o t a 1wsyaloth itofu ai n~.w ti ~ t tts hyfu u~IW sra odig bas tieahiro« re>' doüi n t etnue amsatt1tie lu hat did ho ay heiitioy ro-- Ai~1 sur e bak, o tok an, v lo i ie d hum I W Jihrddb.r. ca ha tire asot rtt o theire prom h hveth i>Etios oneiti ll eu eer ç u a iet l ys.un1, htdd-h ter -argelyoh thml- turih ie realua et m ergiuaî evhous the, Wis"'Mn dVil. - TreéMinistry sttks dnu e , t onv o tt bank j0 ,âo' t rntire rdd o ' ~~ ./ 1-108 E'& ban~sitocksat- a.1 lulire ad ~ Win<i ebgnt rah W b>' lre ,falireet t O-W nta, oeres aet rarhm pecf W a R2 do 'nQebcLTr O.wa esubal-.ýTan o c -pessag te ge::sîu..s4 X-2 ve nao 6r n . for' :reuindid. eus atym.. rJ~ ".Euet- otral r i)obn ohruto spàt asve o-- a d a co e t>oth rcont. etire.fln e r '-i ew earslatr. hlp~~natens sudnray l edaptbyheue day? What: - VYLaLIf'4L1.Jj D. Beatie eub i'W oîins did Johndmy-whn e éëaus îke t1 les ssh ttiatc 1a tmeothe. bankap enIW atddJsu u. "3imme'~ lmpao, ti. iaon leder - W r theurr d irul Wh msrerà!-- ai e tutudte tir , lUho rcsedforan beor Whum i î o hav mGe ountblearouts.dae e hveaccmmdaionGil' Reovry Spendthrin eman tee iscWaipeasSay'Wher esu i tas - - Wîtir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tl tiinunt ieuoasr ieafr 1 ecibdb aypol ogn ireforat use theoGahie hist d1d h.tehi Sinion e Some et tire ovuensau. recelving pnice ~ sud frainehilufthervasecaoris, f th e u im rpee --wruSmn id tiraI a-te yeas agbvoud haeocemedair djusment - Povison tii&ted Droth Kenu, wo liea s tabuons.Âion ~hh Lae Siora as an ise eon ado n au extndédMilkood oad HeetNulmarggditoalhat re i ne e rceiv mnya udrTloedou tie- nt 1-Wbo mojre.adtn ad i o ie- ael unalgBni' Gr i Jne a p bld tro e omitd ohn purpesa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sok dudlidngInobuldngtohebt ntohe eoasryeqipet orfO fv yar ad stelyblndan1 There i n te aj'konh ninfe - eauX-o ton boc4 e . iel a cunn> Osats.th -scroo. ea, .ra mddnl rcoerd, udmmy)lae stok en1 e a . Wh tdi ire amyreàwouis make e thForsneucue-t ev au raor pluset eu ile luevebednc Liontrou tir coran t Kig au Yone Oceracf btir ervces ihl ~ flu' amen"yW and'rvig e HPa iros k 1t rof lgand iei strot 1 ofuasaareobeingalduidod.l'Ton th-e staff cfb tire sofrohl, in~~Z tiracloyl iants iree i net a kn -wha, iu h m - a aWirere i yd a.g i er h. h- gra sdLt xpues(tie ta os f is eiu hd en rd sil unr, L fO ispl- if~~~~~m aepl ton dilerdis htrmttie itr oud e' ri b sard ±av.~~~~~~~~r not et cme h ctoeegnpsrehertoryforen tht, bld Igaveup hpe, udif wastirogir Yrequ¶red the p ubleic toug tteat tD'eo Ûpnat o re'da r ,lg ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ v Scap-a trebligu cToosrontosnielt -io surovald- k>'Dr Machatsne-aenopiuewor, ad-fora~'ouide- Lteonoundy ngh, acoriig sd ayen ao ie eo eclned- cue r ee twn Hu' id nir aand aescore of Tirarea1iNoradks et be flel« Tarpty.iablof ould ail 1h 1came te, ose for lire bililieual situation. audy irabapTHEeTOTAL JRhnIonONdbod1 de e oilcyou tmperuce ould e adance - -- - - Xpctdnpeveyr.rpite rat apdopec. Qf u tio#sde- bmto ubid John say rien d us.asrte Lovhave -ru irasbee1keaicetr.t -round. ia lsSuw ver>'limr ld. o ireIs ue . e u.rentie banud 0d.T e t he o sn iefae t d wb iriryc - ottthe irnouglas - - whked.Ever-smo.sire asImporWa nt fouI wt ni-tiodo h. did Je ans fast'8in ton tireni luront ririh ve>' osslly m>' uppi' tie - Arm peronremofntsre- at o. c.. orne 8300001 ssk - u - te tir ine Wh poîios9nt-lbig eaderu O upticsBuingork....ans25,000 - ppaRReuuy AfluSIRACLE.Vfl L'JW cf - - gh. pahuied. I rsu- edapl htmeÂSEÂL F i m i ET eÂdY. Preniua e -ffi e r gin-likfauondrray p]se. n Uepprcm muni - ofÀ addee1. a tnedpyltaettelreut? i iywee Ho ba ýrseba'i atmble n uÇ d ther r- ig p adi- t s erti ates a verysribg -uha eplcthe cyig.o d bii ftrr."1 pesuî e iessoagryI Wr-T de su d of h is* have m eaka oiala m ti . nsa eaSt-J aff-t<eol......odatron said: The eeed hy.unmnaId etne oeta iuo ii uioiyt ogv arng tru apptlswieedb'treeausr ousa uusndeo tirhel er o pluesdmtrii. 1100gra lt udt iad a e ,00 B ttha t oIo1 eh ne el iile -Whr -esusia bout~ ~ ~ ~~a tie4ig c e eee'adi Bidnsclufrdiamy-- ust fyhadda metn, temK m rg i s1 Ris yoîghelf and. LessontXeIpeoplesth iuFaso- onuantoun eta 'InIlnatrefaisesgueas ti wi Eteu0 Leage lu n uovh e Lada-foh nS achol. .efor eo-tiB.sre bcd st îgtmapope sda cAntepc n e'win sh kuu~I'irt~aJ -forvotcon ofdarmonothy, your aheeCity "ire$0,0 sizecf ns mia s b.e«eu busdoýwh inessI hatd iiad Jasoi irais mftetot lir sae ciing cîr a i -- - a£322.000 Povsin ar e &d D.-ot mr &udwaolk. ve ry vafro ionfal estimu ted,-fbthe on- What diend. ire , imou.er et ture a o. eak pes so utrndu.TrL iaty cnrb- - oeud yssud eau'hav everybcrd lt deule t hat is oýto seeiram n dr ea. W at rd te. n ie esWh 'lou Aloangd-thILakBrade , sdii s fr98obe ad e n a et ridliound odHre il Eg' me.f$8the,0 pricple'f o - atheail- 'yscomp héal 1 et I Wir t e i Wh&* wlest evillu1, nî r e i n mboa c io n esiola..40 0gnd's motrud tiereoiresceios e 1a o o-mkeIWitddtr hna. aa mon ric. viacnaseth ire Tor. oto urd - -, ___or_____ Tirerpaîes'gd e 's <ur iti l nsddJasbdtee"ormnd rogi a lc fl .Li nie vitir i C icago bulnd ios. bteg d - - £308,000 pmen fo fr e ent -55 andthgcfr a tir a d r(Gtmae'b al hs e us s id t-listin Ih ist ld ao e al> -l te eas las utcry sâe. ;sh - gil e scbes, bdeynrdcfco rsed a ma the curt s fiu oret i ensgvn.ryhm-icpls-i [det J J.McCff tTn o einto euga ir nras oavaico irefret h o psdw~ TRe I whegive-up monoi(gir urst at I - et ai MeCuneil L~~Y ~ Mcxrse tefiseteies l 7, bte w AJktota nodnr ieamaeetye v led ou ruets -emanet it iredU~ od-adn tsaea thin ie'th iso ndea. iesnt-g rae.btyumetl eun guary- WLTZe -D i RTeEN g whoURS. buiti pontssen mleis ue b a t I tla e su e o t e stu'afnfnufthén a nvloo d tata ircl hs is- ute-o. emy i s - of en ri intCiiiteaso-bYTre snoat roesdlland ~ieI mm et sesg (ot- tertun. Everomirof Missou py Au..xtraedinau waltlng zualtc oftoffie roaus taln ewul andifle a.ben coame eenosu Tedttoel umi t o hr i ~eitobsieshah on uct on-U inh e ngjr ogue 1Whaemped I - teck part r-aedtly stoAi1eesau4ni Escn. u ii'T-he .e -ti t r. e r pdiion for e expl ar io in siut o te sre r'uner a nt ne." r unn n W oc.r' ý i ra h 'l s fta igat edsa attndatih gette hi Bieael 6po nvai ouraeW d.Oa teeb. ha mit ,sbet ai îs ti , àr 1-1 D.pe tneary ae.smut nIWtbW Ie ier-ireeua fotn i ieroxt IayJldpok m [uppoed t0b.'etu'. Iiireucdcat10 oclockn Weimq, M .u -ia ea<wb 1 *" -- --j i&T offered .J-tbd, hims -4*.e- .o n t- ,. m. .POi ln u c. lut o theteamiqu èpS t*fey Uý'iA- I A u but 1 Mw f ,Lam m' , ?1ý 'hri ." & ~I h ç ri ato -i ti ci Il T1 ti t ti el ti S fi

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