Whitby Chronicle, 28 Mar 1912, p. 2

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uwe on ,tliem.olvou. A* pu igative ml It-ul1eps 1through ti ythen nme he O D~ Wlhtâna'Pink Pilla actu- -e ally makp iew blood, 1wý hb od1e 'oýve 'nerve and or'nin' h[ o1 Abri inge new.. strength, 1gew 'ist] au gar te weak,; ý easly tired mon, ~ n*cildrem. Try Dre Wi ýîli" Pll spWB ij>ng-th.7 2 ' l not îdisappoint yen. si' xl for2.501by Tiie De. Wil? 'i izio OcCo Brge4ville, THE SPOULAR SFALý.. iýr ieSanderàeon, present ing ii 'ýcred tals to MÉ.. MTavisii, foI aus the .0i4gnoc ï)ory t4no ,Ie isj Mr.MTavish read the aapes8 ýcsrfuly 'nd',>theù lokéd Archi j. , 43c teciir,"h. said, -"an4 'tii ln yo n favor that 'y'n. a, Scotch ad 4hd u-I'd like we.l te iiae a fow 'ýe :from some ýon. that kensa ye -~,wkdaysbjelore I put ye to worh tot, Archie San4enson."1 Wh buy'ilxtures knewn aialuin 'akin ponder when yen -ban lust asW7p and' at ne 1more- expensé, "~gt gic Baking ýPowden Tii. nà grd eflts are plainly printod on è7ub i? àckage. -Seo. if tu, j s.eon '-he oe rs. -Ail Grocers are au- d bc i taguairantee that"ag" " 'T 4 best pa.rt of a holiday is the. -kýoiin "forward te it," remanked ~iitQ g-aii And us consider- ato e iployer,_generously wisiiing .. foprolgnk-tha-t pleasure, postpoued R ARmed[y'. for Bilions Headache. -To tose Subject to bilions iiead-' aharznelée's Vègetable Pilla 1 inre.reenenimended as the. way,:to speecly'relief. Taken.macon.ding to direct"ns thdv ill subdue irregu- --larities cf the. tomacli snd seBo 't upciz .-t e-nervýes and blood vesseis that thi pains. in tho head- will cease. Theré are few, who Wre not a t440 me subjeot -te billousnese àaînïâ faa iliar witb' its attendant *evils. Yet noue need sufer with thèese ls at ihnd. - 4 .1 '%ainyoe olni. tho;re&- h high costi cf living, Mr. rabli dexnaud for it, yen Te 10ox~c eraa.go d, raddnl,awiéh that 4u t â4>futu re tii L placé m4 be o e .- thb donner Gs.org~ ,,howe'nS, -lu neo'way [i -bôun¶by-# de, sn4 la iat libirty we çheçM4-,h. i, petinwo arrive& te dis- Lýpose of it in Iany mîftner that aeemes t cla ~o ir.n~eeum ai iiAs en tire CArge-f the estate, pays kr aul thiou i n d receives thé rineCome. 'BIBYI lu, -NO PEIT atinsiQu .wn s; "I amnwrit- in&gtos ayl'Iam 1il satiified wlth SBaby' Own Tablets4-My baby inas I 11 triei. sever*l> reniedies, but ethe,' re ult 1's a~di'u raging. Ho ~bczqvM'ythinù h %d ne, appetite, - ndly~sle&Iltaiad.was- extrpme-. ly weak, ~t Bab "a Own Tablets- and tiiyBo' n 4ot him right again, tiI at tue - ôf 4 ven mantha h. waa.able te 'walk 'a4I- was a stnong, *heàlthy child. I do bot thinik there is anyrthing Jeeq1ueiBaby's Own -Tablets for llttl on .u." The Ta.b- ltare eidlcne~ine d«Ijers or by mail- at 24 cents, a boôx fioni Thie Dr. Williamo< M.divinee O. Brote ville, Ont. - IlED eC s iPFR AVY. Plans Drain Up lori Floatliug Hos- pital fpr BritIsh Tans. Tii. eritiai Admitralty ha4s nei complet.e plans drawÏ up for~ a oe- cially builti navy hospiti .' ship,' which is to b e read7 lin>jupe, 1913. The lestimateà cost lm $500,0«. 1Befeoe tis ail hospital shipu have been mere-ly merchent ships con- verted and lýve coznequently 'eufe fered heom iuievitabire aefe-tm. The ne-w vessel will hav0 -accommodation fe'r 260 in p 'ace end a permane,.nt staff af eightj niedical officçere and korty m'aie nurses. -Built bin yg.ht1ike finos, te.iil have a toni o f 5,M00. 5h.ill b. fitted witIb turbine enginea, but' her speéd will be-limited te, tweîIve or founteen knots an[hobur in'onder te avoid vubjation, zând witii the san bjet gu viewýshe iil be, fitted with týeo msti receut anti- vibratioh de-ýices. î There will b. two Dirge operating roomi with t4wo extebusive prepara- tion roommu 'joining; a special epii- thalmic dark room, 'à dental reom, a special lab ratory [for beteriolo- gical tests, ah elaboratçly fltted X- nfy room, îsolatinîý_ward&s. and a magniflCent1f eqiiped dispnsary -by teîephoad Tii.cota iIli ho ade te4 swing with,,tiie -me * n cf lie aip. Ten cf thei- bede wâl bè ippecie.Ily, çon- stnucted with finnier' bottoma and -fomewhit lalger tha the othera f or the use of patients vth fractuired thighs and e'ther î-.nuîes which re- quin. a epeciallyýtalbebd. 8h. iili bpaintod inhit. outside and, mostly !green inside, .--witii -oua yellow funnel., Honflage will be the -Cross- and thé blue ýnsign, net the Union Iack4 Sheilil travel with the. fleets te various seas in peace a nd inar, as the. Mine dees noýv, making f ro- quent journeya to tii. naval bas. te disenubarlc patiente. Before t-l4- plans 'store dra' p tue -Admiralty coniidered -tiie re- ports- of medical oflâcera, who spe- cial-ly visited the. Unhted States hos- pital eship SalaSe and the tino Ja- panes,. hospital ships whicii1 went through the1 Russo-Japane8e inar. >. isougnit Db e now >expédition, te Dutch New iieà, ,wbich là .eilow eingplanned lin Lenden, Engla,. Tus trane rae cfpeep e iwere finsti seen b hte «no-ni iwhen 4-the recent expedit on uinderpàJptàin O0. G. w aIiug jeetrated into ,the. burt < >f ti, l'lnd It~.linge e~pe'ition, tcoipnieed. lux, Etiliihmle ýi ad was eent eut by the British Ori-th<ologiste' tlnionl.. Their obiectiv¶ ae -lngrange of anowy mountalns, -.CalkUled-tho. ýNas- MU-i range,hu büt letineon them- and it lay 60 miles cof abslàLely unex- plored count4, e.nd of the- mosti difficulit kind 5 inegotiate. Dense foreest eo'er e it of it, 4aiter- àectkld, WinVers wlch foýr one hall of the' year were torre ieaud th. other hall nem.ly dried up river- beds.r The. pigmies were flrst dieseovere.d near the Kapare, dver, oe* cf thié immenad strealme wiiich, rieing in the Nassau mncu ntains, make thoir,. way 4own te the aba. The. 3ajanlese soldiers *wiieacconipanied IRawlng asbearere epýed'a couple of the. littie people one day in the hxiles. The pigmies bol ted lit once, and'an exoiting chas. took place, -which euded in their eing c&4tured,, and two days later mnore weres urpri9ed and &umroundecý. Tiiey proved ta be aturdy mon averainoe about four couteec i -fi pains. Tflyier aise industrietue, and decideffIy more intelligent. Tiiey ihad neatly oonstructed -ta, sund after-some time it inas diset>vered that they iiad wonds in thdir ý-Iangùage te denote nimmerals up tW ten, wor<4s entiineiy lacking frein the langusge of the plainsmen. Aîthough the. mesti strennous sear$uh ias n iade, euly solitary-' huts c n b.fnd Strangeiy- enough, ne chidren and only eue winohian, inho ias being' escorted te her non homo f nom lien wedding. inere seen. NO WORDS WASTED. A Swift Transformation Briefly About bc,.od, thle folleWiug briof but'enîphatic Il'tter f rom a Geolrgia wfiian goes, st aigiitte the poiînt aud in convlncihg. "9My frequient attaeks cf indigos- tic n and palpitation of the heant cnimiuated'ilu'au sudden aud desper- ate ilmes, frein which I arose en- feebied l in indl sud body. Tii. dec- ton advised m-é te live on cereale, but noue of tiien agneed with me until I tried qnape-Nuts. feod sud "Thme mare F used themi the more I bilt convlnced that they were jus ihat I needed, and lu a short -tino they madle a idifferent weman of me. My stoniaýî-aud heurt troubles disappeared a ~if by ma4.glà nd,*ny niind ias re ei4rd and.-le as clear as.it Overn was.i 1I gained fleshansd strength seo rapily that w' friends inero asten- ished. Peetuin and Grape-Nuts hiave benefltedI1 me se greatly that I amn glad t e béas- ts testimony." Naine giron i-by Canadian Postu-m -Ca, -Windsor, 4iOnt. 1"There's a rçasen," and i t lu ex-- plained lu thé littlebýok, ITiie Road te Wellville,'Iin pkgs. £ver read the aboya ieitqrf A . wons appoars heom tins, e to. -àe They arà genuina, irisa, and; full off hunýan intsrasL _FOREWARNED. Newn Maid-",WoulId yoz zmmd, gir- iug me a rikemmeudation, munil" Mistress-"Why, yeu'vo, jusv New Maid-,¶;But yez- May sot ,want to gve me-wan inhen' I'm lar- i mistiN iticsk. Mut1 1111 o tIM aU»3 rIAIs 101Q Jme ,~Me, ak.ce,.c&After.,taing eight icxe I "aicomnpleteLy cured.. NatriijM .Llbyd wants other. sufering "i, en, to' kW lo h .found -a ci4e, and IDodd'wýé'Kidney whât th ,ey 41d fr Mra. Lloyd, make iew wome 0ol4ei M 4 SHAIXG. Wihat Hiea of.1 Englik hld'~r ÈO#e oSe cOmpflhi At tie. àùal, meetin* of- th. aypol e' D4ry;mpany, iitd Bord hd~thio- te. ay! of profit-.- hanir1ng wi-h eePlôÃ"yeaiiï . hieaad- dreuà te thýhharehldez' "With t 1 9 pnt :-tenklency t.- mnor inecesry te givâ 'tii. wokenso a direct i. lrest in tliw business. of their empo 'ré., Àlthoughil Iarn lu fae fgongey far in givîng the intores iy oeeiEnce makes1 nie baleve~ that the' future cf -a busiess ùs-depend.,în agra measure u . n i the . stength and abiity cf th men-who are'appoint-' ed -or eléectot control it. If the. wrong meni lre appointod, the, de- line. of th4 busiaess. à inevitable, sooner or lae.r. Oontented labor is ver= mo~t, but it iu not quite 8o àsetd aAn indepoendent officient, ap4 eriencec control--] pr oiab ~ Tii. labor Unlrest dur- ln ti.past ,'ear shows thaLt presontý conditiona s*e 'iinéatisfactony. ".Tii. eld Ieronal bond betýveen employons. D'ma enploýyed i lmosrict extinct inniany st6ple tradea, and it %is ve eoessery to provide a satisfae ubstitute. Peliticialtis and enp o y su muet tny to bind tue classes togdthor more cîoselye tleat they n»'- co-operate and qet to undersý n herrespective troubles, liiculties,andiishea. I hiope the. tiiÃŽe iili soon come %wheu ail employens ill divide ameong their work»eople (in addition te their wage.), a certain share of al profitsin-macl ter charging inteiest on capital), ind inhen wonikpeopleé il agre. te- talc. ths agveed ehare cof thi profit-e lu lieu of in- croesfflunt eirwagea. A portion of th6b shýr4 of profits couîd with ad'vantage b invested iii shares cf tho-employii* company'. The work- people coula then eleet a-tnueted nepresentati4e te thîe hoard, who wou.ld sec, itb6 difficulties cf the ont- ployer., anct I hope thereby f orm. the. neoessarf bond cf sympâthy ho- - tween. the nerkpé-opie and 'the em- ployon." -An (0I1-Thât la Famous.-Tioughi Canada was; net the birthplaSe of Dr. Thonia*Ecletnrie 011, lt-la the. ~me t t~ faOUI coinpcud. rom, here Jits good -nine was' spreadbd, Centraàl and -South wAin- onica,, thé West mrdi.., Australia and*Nein *-Zealanzd..-Thi'tis- fan afieîd -enougk te atteat its e"xcel- lence,. for -f~ail tiiese -countrî4s it is on sale 'îd inludemand. D ig Ie lest- fifty years tii. death-rate Inani aialpax hafui- ionI:rom 410. per million tg 2e. i TO CURÉ. ACOLD IN, ONE DAY TakerLAXATIVE BROMO Quinino Tablete. Druggists refunq rnoney if ih fails-te cure. F. W. GROVB'S lguaturs igonech boL 26.. Willis-"Hciw',s 'is credit I - Dees ho puy 7" Gilis--".Oh, yes! HoI, alvays pays.- somet1iing ddwn, and neyer pays anythipig up." ko chid shouîd b. ilcdta suf:_ fer an laut -frin,'inerms when prompt relief cas be gat iu a simple ,but stroug nremedy - Mother Graves' Worm Extérminato.r. -- WHIY MjOGANY 18 DE-AR. Solid m isgnyl an extremeiy -dear timber Ito. buy, and the 'greater pÏroportion b steoicalled -mahe?-, nyfumnlti'eýéontainsr only athi veèneer et tue fo'nelgà wineecion'ii esarfaé..Th' aign~te e -native ' c Snt counitry it gr6ws te a heiglit- e, a hundred f oet. itis ofe! xcedinil, I Un the etrýng 1thbi n B PIi, Uoné Ovideuce 6f ô' h.sth'wte popu- lar bscription f orî, aer-opla,ùea for, thé, arrny,,-. la enti.announce- mn fVedrîne, - afano0,air il, .hat ho lua. a, did te foô a léeat Îùin thmbor of depûties. Heë us ~ ~ Ù maig pet lr qampaign4, inthe disOrî0,t ong jr.pre.sented by nJafdinBau t, rmrys- etary of fin.art.,, who'-has been, eleceted asntr BABY TEERIBLYSÂDD Reflevedby, WIàmni-Uk, boctor Agiý'üe d Zai.!Bu k was "Beýt Mn.Aler i &w., oM-d__n Bantfôrd ls' itr My 111*1.son apill a eseel oqboiling ýwater, ;,ver .bîis nek,, H RO as teribly saided, and we imnÏ&dtely-caled in ~ ~ Th a dcr.T. 4atment did nxt bom e iv e. he chi3ease or 'he.si the.terribleýfaçI%, s atter a week's rslW' >ot soine Z- z Buk nla ap- pMed it. eIt .veth"child- easè alý. ÉWost immkediatIe,4i ,fter a& few, days' une -the 0scal di eaedd to be getting along flnely "To make quit. et4re tho.t- R aGi a right, however, we vafled-in a sec- ond doctor. H. said everythbag wus going along ,upendi4ly>.the, ap&l& hon *e told him 4ve were,,Ubilt m-euk, and ho sa d we could use n othing botter. Zaï -Buk. worked a oomplte cure. Mns. S. Smith aî!d Mr&. 3. H. Teakle, c>f 7à Brock 'St., Brantford, who knew of te eabovýe secident, anxd what followed, write': "W. certify that these factis areýtrùo in every Mothere ishould know that for humes, cutes caldu, bhuises, eczéma, piles, and al ekin dikease, there is nothing toe eual Zam-BÉuk. Zai- Buk -is obtainable rom ail drÙg- gists and stores 50cÏ box,. or ,Zain- Buk Co., Toronto. TAXE TWO HFOURd TO TELL IT. "I've Sot an houTrtwo te Icili "lJust go over and &sk Brown hbw the new baby is- ttigaln. Marln Brdge ~. .. ieg &log X have handIed MINÂR.DS LINIMBNT dù,Èr1ath past year. 4tis le i the 11#tLiment asked for bèe, 4nd Un- cestionably the beout seller of ail the dgIefrent kindu of LiniiuqnlT 1hanif-le. N<E L FERGUBON. Wife-" Mre. Trave3is tells me tat .i. latest idea Is ta have the ,ýpi no built into the, jfrall."Hubby (4aiy)"That'sr sensible,! Let's -Corna cgnnote.,ls1 whenHlo way's.Corn"-eure -us ap lied to thern, beýause it goes te thel rmot and kilis the gro-wth. Wear dniâýshe;à that .a good name ig lxterthan kreat riches- but znost of us kee<p'igh1 o lis1 lîig for riches just tl ýe Et-re. 1WII1*el 1Tft1SIsa HO nIE Use- --Exercise lun beet taule for ti tom enrally;0 hwo. are. cempel( tary occupationi tends -erestrici of thé digestive bibines.,-Pari Pille- regula te th iaand rostore-h Wvise ta lave a alwànys on hand -Genxnany posec naiiway.- TEÉ PIPE Pipes part ln <rama. and thé In tmýe Othe I 84gar i~ts crrtais - Its ýTaln. 'Test fs otsm of ti hoicest- i thtfonsgmrscas ba9 ~ot very TEL] smiÙîng and try -whlle feeling :tl oea ld'-hum ,,,wye,,,repli ne idés yen Ce -man's. tiioughtm her- pls& The. merits ol sumptive Syru-p for cougiis.and by, scores iwho tii. thraat is s and the. ihele disoreed la c tle cf this wiorf. !Bave docten's bi cf. suifening. des., aaàidý t14e -Phygîian, înùg te aýppear witty le -puli of aj pose yen considen àidsoertam w io- iby medrely feeling:ý Bickleý's Aiti-Con- as a urp remody- colds arê-,att.sted -kunw ýs powner iu .ntut, relief inhen sre wti oughing, - pulmonary region nsequence.- A bot- d-fa.med Syrup iil Is, andaý great deal rice 25 cents, 'at al 'expe#lelOd in aJiPolar'.expocul4lon.- PFILES CURES el..ig o cuoreià IN 4 TO 14 DAYS. an manea IfI AZO OIx?- ny cala o! ItcIuz, Bla,!, 0-inu.1 lu 6 ta14 Sari- 5WC Hard-boiled 1 ggs take four and a half heurs to 4igest.- TTnrd UIoen ý- RteevasNeuralgla. mue Sti x. Revel 191neaily tàirti,-per cent.- on. -r pARIL 0V TWO 'A ninety -acres --on Joeephle Islznd. iitir fine bous, UV, date barn andS ontbuIIdifl-s Owner wl teô devate, hie time te other business, wiU gesil éhOa fer qulck ,sale. PullD -iclai'i furnisheS on -avellettiot - R UNDRED AND YnfIPTSE'ýqEN -ACE Hu Nalorfolk Oounty; six acresfr f up.to-Sstts bause; ne5w bsnk barn; a i4 desirablé propsty'ýât a bartain. H: U ARZ D NI),IMY ÂORES-Wt goodbozë,-twobarns; tan a ' orchard; lanOCénty Pjeel. A t-eal snaj' 0NE HuNDRED -ÂcREs--GmOD Roù 7and outbugingo: sean Teeoina A fIrst-alase - farin worth the money-. N- NIDEAL FPARM 0F èTWO HIUNDI acres la Conn-ty o! Wellington, . ' fi ne brick'- buse; good outbuildinurs;c b. bcught on easy termes. enue st nuitt Barn; twenty aes plalited. Cau bsc~ bougbht very reasonable. 0 NE P TREBEST. FRUIT FPARMS INq' St. 0 aTHElunes District-Fifty acres.ý thirty of which are Iplanted;-.Eleganti Rouse, aloc Cottage and fine outbufldings WUi be sold où easy terme. IJUORTY 'ÂCRES - ST. CATHARINES- IL'Bngali3 and. Cottage and gcood ont-: buildings. Thirty.four acres lsnated ine:1 fruit. and a money' malter. The owneÉr wisbes to retire and anxious ta sell. - fr!~ minister ill ibe-7Ob ""fùrther stops, wh' that e e d in ni catod lin the-Rouse March .- 19 -that-' would net stop is ,QUEI3Ec LOSE§ New Begulationsf Xffect lnM laye: At the aitt on Thuzsday alto ment rsolutieni W.o by -Priemier G u ~unib4er aofliquor * ~The.res O.cewith- ii tozapeinebo4es se- ~ n fJîü-e--ance r'esolutions previde mty. e $Z%00 shail -ing OÃ"tla cornss0 --thése finte,-XIo as tel changes expe lu -ty.preseut la W- -slip Captured b A 4espalkh froir The-. Pacifie -divisi* -dian n'avy las bec: n.ddig an eamonunt, - ng, q,13,0oüota.,the -venue,,. -TheRan mer, 1caught'-the ~ poae1ýiig in Canadii _u tlbe tiree-nýilO hi te ~acothe4--a'nd doeel autside< tii. pré, e Court --of, *R noce4ti decided -iii p ]jcing, .and od thw vesse1 by: pubui Da~e.Partxen day _eceivedw-ad brought the Goverï Ç ~iarge ~La~ - an-d, éaya: Rc cf àtiiere and b rothu for,-strike duty, Most lotedocf all - enlitic. labcn rleadi e ta jail -wsîthoi Tliurody4 The cm -. - - sbrug1it 14 à senting -tii.-War -4 aleed. that ho bai -diera te mutiny- xiven. in onuortulir ,~NAI r 'e Iative'Lives. bloEn opnàir is the ie eoah and sys- mut there-are those- .4-to foiloin seden- i .and the inectivity tiiý healthy action rn&ans and sicknéss neiee'e Vegetable I stomeol and- liver J ~thyacton. It 'la p acket cftii. pille' ,esses 35,297 umiles ëf, fer sals Overywlosr&. LND THE MAN. Waco play ne...omal te of the worid's .you cas tel the. charatter cf a n tion by its Smoking 'mate-niais, and the. langer th(>'pipe themoeiolt th.e arue. Take the, Gerruan, forinsatance. 'Re le naturaily slow hemîy, abored; everythu iili oc e-er-nl ih rat deélibl àt'n-He arnokea '-tiroug s eOFi, -squat pipe, thea -bowli cfwhich is aof -ast proýpOrto On '-ti.ther 1h*4nd tii, cluick,, JIIe AIL>V AI JJI*L. T AVE MA&NITOBA4. ALBE TAÀ. SAS- "I suppoe t ven a riéh man has 1 katobewan and Britiîhiý Colunibi hie troubles." l ands. both, improved andunniproved. la "Yes; but ie'eait #lways find ?= lotsa s netofi4>ehundred thouzaluf somebody te 1 Ake au'itret.nacres. if thinkins cf inveting lan Wet. them."et n rnlands it.le te yonr interest to- consul 'POhonos, Main 6990, Pa7rk 527. H. W. WhsnYou mi are DAWSON, Toronto. Tty Murine Eyo Bae ay No E5nýaring-Fee1s rT uEE ACR 8. FRÂHE COTTAGE* Frins-Acte QIckl .Try it for lRed, Weak, -L city ,wateý la bouse, stable. hen.iL Watery Eye anS ranulated Syellda lme- bouse, orchard a -d seall'fruit. two blocke traieS Book - lu eai h Package, Murine la from Lonidon strpet railway,-'scil gravellv cupnd4by our OcuasIfi-not a "Patent Med- loam, gocd buildinge. ons andý a hait 'oir" - eat se<i n ~osstndi cla s' hePub.- miles ta o indon inarket. WilI erxchange tics for aMdiy r B OdCl,5 ouPle.for fanm. Thé Western Real*l estate. Mutne15. uio nÂepioTube, 02r.and SOc. Lano Murine Eye Re iiedy Go., ChicagoMAEHLWNT . HIS S'ispiciN. il OOD POSITIONS WATING FOR HIS ~5P%-WN 70111119 men as Te3egraiphers., Station, "Why did ot icavie th&-place lin Aonte. -Freight and Ticket Clerke. -W. Y Y r ualify for, anY Canadian railway. -_ Regu. whioh you were previously .cmpi'y- lar railway books and 'formns in ahool. ed V' asked the Ihead cf the firin. ree Book 18 expiains. Domninièa sohool ,"I .think,'ý' said'the applicant for egayTrn.- - the position of office boy, "Ide boss acuLNos -was af raid if ' I staye.d I miglit git V MBOLDT, BÂSX&TCHEWAN. WANTS his place." this Spring, setiers.,for 4,000 free, -n&pn. Dueal, miIXV trn uin 41-L.i tory in West. Also improved farm s $15' ta $30 jper acre., Write comnissioner. Board cf Trado, Hurboldt.L Hl Ay sud FARM.SCALES., WýilIses Scale Work. 9 Esplnade, Toronto. ClANOBI TiOn LOP, i. u S'u -bt on onraent.Wite uso ,e ,atQo i5e Lr.'iman. oAu- TON SCÂLE GUARANTEED. - isn IAs a speeial Introductomy offer wýiH*ll IsenS ,a .b eautitul hand-painted view et a - Niàgava -,Fallue with -. each -toc Ov"pland Tot. Mrchan4laece D.t.951 CLEANINO LADIES'ý WALKING ý,OR OTIIIO SUITS, Cuabe donsiSii OUV by ou Frenob proeu. Try Si. Montreal, Tor>nto, O î.ivwaand Quebse.c PURI'FIGO- WRITE FOR pRkOOp noaly, AntdIUIUcc elmInMTAMdIl -t- 'l-m- .1 1 1

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