Whitby Chronicle, 21 Mar 1912, p. 3

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Uep ae iBir',dwarc'myls, 1u#m are apt 4to bélieve ieadily whiciw, i.hto béeveiny.l 'wword,, we'do o eitorKPEIW 1 lt!cally e cà r; z t a lo aT U E G OL O R E 11< A UlOfl, fliterezs. It 2-8lISrd'to.TE-.ILET HT1NU viuQe ,us againest Our wM i 4W. w. UEVOLT-MT are flotieaintelleotual. mahine., -"Who *eatstç> efiw-huuiting C u4,ts mIre oats oI an1I4isd hlood. But the '~" ~""'asked.'AuatMary, i GIla efr Yu 1»D Who frankly and invariably MU, onn~ » ~ ~ ye, 7ii. truth aud the f&cts as they 000 exclinied.i Amy and Boi. and OAkqADAÏ(> -them l"ga ti.trutli believed" iniKt.Truo Bado dcto thie tous ig en , b7 tiie «'i I thought t waa ,too eaa.ry for wutor4oo,4 opfr192 cant*r wt,.wild flower.; 1 mesu ora.nythiing ii.:ul< cone fMnt .cxio giswihor follow them. btcmo ioes"sl As pio urléaus o *23 of2 whO was twellve yoars old and ra- M 0. M. Rays, Presi'deni tt 1 - thri theait Of rakin9 OIjeC, Grand Trunk, lias z stEgsd anitcusd Sgovo nen pe thor. iihabitýSg,4n rument neepeil ti ins. TihekeDsninoTextile COMpay i.oom.prom. everyw hé x-e snd.lay, ale naedbotger." .liest0 hamgraiited a gecnera.l incr«a.- to o tuc g p o i tt é epense g~b ni o tter." its em ploye . f uth'. Compromise in aMin "h 'lg ln, ele h ila aeswakce 4 tion . eleth ilrilte girl, haetiiy. "liko ýcookies aakckdýYa ,and pie ethe rea'uittof oneet kauisndice,."cow hé had just milkeda iui PrOOÛ,d ad itene dffeencs- f. ijPeg, andkilled.. - Opoounand aitles ifrneso want te find soea common! The ýPrincees Louiee ha, pesented - 1 1au atul Onf1icts of nia- violeto," said Aunt Mary,. "I -ne- the Dominion with a Poratfth teri interestsî There -ilsno dis.ver havo seen any in mportraCoietDue cfKen igrace iib such oomipromiz'e. DOmo- o0;' childre.u." \And off -thiey. aat,- The. £amily Of W. R. Oram hîid a raicntiuon ar moslî iteary trthey narro'w escapé frein their buriing wlthou it..the. cô<>J.,and lettuca sandwiches,. One. inndr6d and fifty galloun o On the day thterted ff outhe huit. whiskey was-e ized -on th. roadý the da th ;anws are- When' they b ne ack ýî hthir la.inginoOws3 ound. .oeivel t~ttheSouh Ple ha beu hud fuT v ti. deicat bue flow- Several Streete in- Môntrça.l lbar- reached -for the first timn oz.eo- ora, Aunt "'Mary took eue of th. ing Engliali naines have beae- MautflIew by monolan.,withot a e bloesoms. iu lier fingers. "'This chrîstened wt Fec a e 1ai-one of the. firat'bee-fio-wers in the i.OifAayto-~eDz4î *tep, from ondon to P ris er- world," aéh..remarked. "It.and the ion ha. ssueaaniigagin ing'th 2M2miesin 187 mnnutei, an bee came about the same turne. The thae oflhea aep~rs of 4 ile a herwhich'fret viol6ts eeset whith'thee Coruelius O'Brien, a patient fai ré eaii. Id rt Our 4r<trecou wO dviole-twi -are no0% Peterboro' Hospital, coinnitted oi 12W-J,ý&JrUL FILe mnagl&tn. ioey-akýr ndthe eweet viole - utcojiles hay- -îï fr excee4ed wereï- made for e"ch other, and it that f leir record lei more ;tin bçth baV;e ben. useful Vo people îwo Uesa mnut. MtersiegesAlie dSe.,'nbt know tiietbar cou mon 'wild .floweu- à quit. a travelo -were as-part of thi equ-ipmeunt, f tii. flower. persoi," she edded. - --nglish¶ expediticu te the - Southi "Trsvelad t Hem do'you ien Il Polo oommanded by -Capt. Sed-b. ssked Aiee.,- 'WiVh so msny new - reeources for " mean ii' grovm in widely sea .5 -Ésted parts cf the world. -1u Greee -wift locomotion the poes, tremen- ,ta name us ion. 'he*îonian Island -douily ýjsuature bas fortifled th-ein, are se, called becanse they mena co' -could, noV have dàfednhuman dar- ered with violetsa. It hbas eth-s - lg, euargy and ingenuity mucii naines, too; that le, its usn l onger. wh- ae-eîl ail. violets in truth idienés and threal-poata.-under-& Ah O.cean linon ha, madele i. n hood-,"som-etimes-?'. -from Queanetown to e Nw York ,in "oti.aves n- t ei10oa01 fordyti our sfrt1 i-1k. a bird's foot." - day, tn hurs loty-ne in- "Why, yea. This eabr-o ute, aid lu-cm New - Yor-k te viole.Ta i-9na i gint ~uansownlu'treheue more. those whose.loaves are dividjed like But -thiee are mnuch faster *water a bird'. foet. !hen in Europe tbere -cra t iogh on a miniature -scai. 's the biflora, two-fleswer or.double at preseit~. LasV year a u4tor boat,,,,,,ey Panna violets. Me have to 'reathied a epeed",o! 45.22 miles an cuitiÏ,ste th'einVO get anyting s<, -lecur, wbicii nia.l it ce~ exprmess fine." trains.- Hydropianea, adapted te "I didln't know tiiere wera so e'both mater sud air, are under iex- m-yknac ilt, el ie - pelaint. l~emoty. a4 mcle "Thon, too, tbey have beeni close- lyconnaoted *with royalty.,'The run of leunteen nilles iu ulue min- fleni-de-lis, wiicl mas o-igîuaily - tes, a ratn of 98.7 .mies an bour.. 'the fleur-de-Loui&, because a King -Taking. VIes. factà together, la suffi- Louis or Franc chose it'for hie fav- cidnt proçi that tii. sjp.d of travel enite and'-uaod la as the einblem on j Vithe French -flaý 'was really aclark ,a aeu-g ay et r flualities, ut bine or purpi. violet. Straige te it. evr ets here. ay, 'it wasth great Emperor Na- - -'P-- poslon-7s favorite &idwer, - aise. NýOTES&FROM PARIS SHOPS. Wian ba mas sént te EIba sitar hi. Tlhe&cottons are lovely. fliose in downfallhi, sont word te, his conded affects, - aspacially conduirey friands, « il-corne again ln the'- -aud Bedfcnd cerd,, promais. ( bed<e- îpringtime.e Andtiieyal more vie- ci4dlypoplari---let-colored- badges, snd, uséd -te, Mâline, peint ýde Milan, Ohantil- "ly', 'Do yen - lîke violt 'aa f I,. panub nd'"shdow lae.,watchword. Il the answer wasý 'Ah, miibe inseprabl, freni % * mel,. - i i &> ýMea aain in the- 1 mer _-.t -ý Tea<ptomec,jtu'i. .aa.nlof te t heith empa>refrnd.8yu ficunced sad,-ruâéd shirt,'of!j -oy-e, JA1io ,yoreinnvolt fri11. and draperlee, -bas ivon lîýo.equùit. su anstocra;t.But 'th4ra Bn unmual ren4nnca. eiohiug eeuzdike other flowers- -twô-tonel eàotniii plumes abor- it tilittle bluebelE -. 1""uByIou - -~dntly- in vogue, toe e-tllm *hï- è1 bine and eme-rald reo cerise Wiytbwa Vanst hd ~pd ute or grenu or. ordownu frein itsstem,"eaid the chul- pumpfle and , turquoise, are ba d ,n i - - -n aud smrt. jyes you ara -ight," said ut e-piq. roks fr srtn cfMary. "See, that in becan-ze ita 'Untpe r f o, ser, bl4eiaerfgreen lea*es clasp It. - I.don't mean sudstripetü tmmar ratinie',"hvpa.thebig. eart-shapéd leaves, but Vthe ahot it .,petioa -f twil«1's-ilk» , cpbenahit-nesnly hall- whiob la eut oôff ju> theo way up the. lengtii of the. pet&4s, go- i tabe that ltdroope lown racefully sud Ikn a4'u ionouylcsshyly. Thi W &vary uncoonmon bination, ûh, Ulnon 'and tha ntew DhtahyotselIVm et sud lowly, 1 suppose,- uaidÀAile.. loeyvena "ole"thay are Ïe Y ,eçi&Ui attraotlv. sud aporiata. 'e, adAu4t Mr,'bt --New .peng- coats or o e su aïd C ndpa khiA cordefroy -are being ined vith dcetn. C u Any'pwid-on gar padinsiteadof plain slk;thepi- a.-oth «paIn of tarusedon leb4rdo !thttr1m'-en.saulrcooîirs omd te Twi ëfth bo ir au-'o'4 ?QSw0E 1uMo II àkee I- 5L~~.U50.10 ZtiCaob x-li ~ftr.Thé up erdmo- callro cfhealth oxecutive offler piodd ii acaraan ~f ai et a.arayti.rsuto - Of boar Provides for weekly re- ________ Ivaee ingrin, niai ajiporta k$povnia oard cf anl mneatiry roducts and potatoos.PrOin~e iÙee.pr-at ~IIL WROSH0~ 1E FA~R. s'peciaily in ýthe -fod produets lef- coniet poica or;po quite>ronGr edM ofn slio byamn.Vide or nual confernf, fmedi- EUs ~~~~~ ~ ~ l .ey A q iti n Q o n f1 o e .clhe lt pffcers; eders provsioný Salfeu!etc.h ~for ca. fidient si6k; extèud A ~ ~ Bl <dsptoifrm ooaJy jProvision frispectingieat. Sas., ays Msa l1aPery's~ SFFRGETESSENTENCE»..f "Ut prOtty eventaen-y.ar ldgel, Irae A ou Thursd*'y aequltÃœed, f Ehoct Mg Four to Sx Konta l' pio m n E L A C I E T ,Louis T. perry, brfteon 1h. rsnet P LA CIET ground of self-dafnce. Perr, Who fp lnowSmshng . igt ruCas h hni, le a rex ch a n t, .tru c kr h ie d a u gl tk r A d sp a te li fr ei L o n d o n - ay s : r l h 0uC as h o g i i Tonofthe eaufragette who were huItt RuailWY Station. sody serebwsot touSmmit dfor tril3>y thé Pii A de op.. Zh fr Hilihhrst, Que., hOdY. ___________ agitrat. at tii Bow Street Court gaiys A Meiu cident ocdurred -, 013 Mard~~~I u acharge 'of srnAshing haro on.0 rsdynghwic U>ON D ON BA N RtER ÂR Bj3È STE I). window s dùring the wom en s r- s àlted i l u" de trui on of thi e- Charge&-i domnstetio ouMaich1iGrand Tr ýnk -Railway Stainby1 WIt Ro~big anl ~gwer. entn on Wednesday at fire'aud tîie tying np -of traffic fori Savarail Thouaand Pondf i. the London Sassions Court to terMs Bse orai pr. Séveral cars on a esaeifo-L I ranging froni gour te six- montha' eshuuffriht jumped 1 ro A. dmieptch rnd i.o-n-kr n s AIipisnnn. Tewomeu wre and, crash dthrough the station, proiineu Lonon ~nke, Frn<~i I ried in. tue Superior Court. on se-uptin$1sevad atig. Jane ofBarlays BaikbasbeM côunt of, the daing caused hy e.ach flue. Agesi Boce a ai u arrested oniachargeb of zrobbing téueJof theni hâviugecee i. au uabu ilrcvr bànk cfs v ia h u a dpounds . cf h v l e u ed ut É i e -r TO . C TRL CABLEq. Govrnms~Planning te Taha Over A desp4 :'h frein London says-i II. Rihgoi n. Hierbert ýL. Sarnuel, mfxed, 95 1 0 e utelde. 1 pte"oedlpplng petus1. te M Oat»-Oar- lots of No. -2 Ont&rle outWde, 46 te 461-2e, and of No. 3 ai 44M 2to 4M~ ouad.No. 2. 491-2c. on track Tesonto. Ns. I extra W.O.ý feed, WCo, aud 1.1, 400, ]aMey 9 te 9.ont Bide. Corp.t-No. 3 4erican 7efl o»w.76, Toronto froighte, -and ekfln-dried at 80e. *Rie--About 8$L00. outaide. Bran-XUanltoba bran. $26. lubaga., To ronto freight. 'Short,, 8M-50 tô 8sa Alnpleo-$3 ta- 84 per barrel. Beanh-Smail lots 'Ot- hand-bIckedl - 8.3 te 82.40' per busheL. Honey-]E:xtractei, fitinh, il- te 1.2ea lb., Combe, .82.50 »82.' Baled Ray-No. 1 ut $15. M 16e'ILSO. track. and No. 3 at 813 te614 ald Btraw-8-9 te 810.,oou traek, . To. ronuto. P0tatO0e-ýCar Iôo, ln bage, $1.60 -to O*1 65, amI Dela*ar.u at'81.70 te 81.75. Ont-oi- store. *LU 5te $L.0 Poultry-Wboiesale, pr1c e : ýcho!ce dressed 'Voiitre -Cickeus. 12 t.6 16ô pi, lb.-, fo.w. -Y te lue gee. e13 toi 15e;-ducku 12 to 14e;ý tuft.ys. 2o te 21C.. Lire ipoUitrY'. about 2ô lower than 1htaàe e lamrg. rlia. 50 tâ3Ue;and.tnf ri<y% - tube 21 te 211c. Creiury quoied. at S te 40e ïor roils. 35tW 360 for sels, 'DeW 7 1ad wini- at-1,j 7- .7î h7 ; W a t' B o a rd 1;1-0 1 eA171c4eî DF 1l-., W*td1Éner. efa 2di Agriculture' ab hégun a Campaigu ment, on Wed nesday . la C5 PRODUo'ra. p t, axln nced -that. the.Govorn- U nL ~aia.1--ta 711,340eD'"- 0- for the protection of railway OëBrccro"v-alçaî usns. u lb.h-iu1case 112e; heavy, 14 te 1ut 4" n- inge.. - ro 'ment#3-41te l lobg, kfuat baconfi dotm Bd J. J. L au zon of W innipeg .0aaltve ç t i.l anu i g -. e aa. 4 0-50 t e *$M . ià unler d te have referencjto 10o. t r a t< h telpî teIniglcne12senteneed et Montrea-Voceie lpin ieuse frauding Vthe Dominion Batik, renewed o dtithat the. Gev 7- SAE .ARE s,..le er uet cotrol f'the rat9 y 1.-w I Lt- My GIIATBRTAN.__con___. 1 .0?71-8; -No. 1 Northeru, $LOO6541, No. 1I GRET RIAIN' =rZ.Northern. 81.04"; .No. 3wbeatls 1055 V- Tii. British uavy eetiznates wei-e U.. -. - 3 wlte63-2 tlow52e66 e-o67. 2.891050. br presènted sud show a amaisiTU' Confer ERca or BrIeak p55o e.scns 46 e83:fn 9 , c r o s s e . 1 f V e c e a , s * .40 - e & . 5 o . scof n dt 2 . 0 t s, King George hauscenferrod ti iot. rsra kst. Bufal5J.o.,srcho9.nn ba-o s- r itis fMht o S os p despatch ri n N ew York says i Northern. carload s tore . 816s4i w lne Brt e uffragette leadçrýl, ro4Noi2'eilow 81.04; , ailo rack, t1.02; Tho4so. Ail n4ýgoti a n-swith Vthe suthra- white, 81.02. Corn-Nio. 3 îeI8ew, m2; No. chage. wthcenpiaéy w.rere '~P '1,'~-- cia caio atera are Off," de- bf lled. ôats-No. i2 white; 571-4e,; N snanded tiil March 21. O 'clared John 1ý White, presideâtcf white, -56 3.4ov No. 4 white. 6553-4e. Earli î 0 Kn tdce utwasmal thateie Ii.nited M.ne Workers o-f Amnen- ]&ig,8.01 c>K pgQueen have abandoned . . .. Clng te an Fmnidt ofu teen et- MONul. Marh1.oat Can~ e their oso visita VOthe minera' aui ojerators i hc wseiNO-.-2, 53 te M 1-2c; do., No. a courts~hus yer. forei~u ~ ~k-- tsi51-2c; extra No. 1 feed. , t 2-e a-THE theAmnerN UNin0dtii. perators' No. 2loceal whits, 50 1-2 to 61o,- Ne. 3 0o.. e RAICAT.AM!iSEN' PLA BA coulite-propo diu. I ofr a 491 Z50c, o. 4 do.., 491.2 te 49e. Barlev, i ENRA. hs smusvssl s ey solidly built, sud. seidont travels more genéral suspe Olion cf wonk ou April 72 te 73o. Pleur-manitoba sprinr wmusai D The ceai strike in Germany je than five miles an heur. It was formerly Capt. Nausen's boat.- It ip," he added. i5line patente rts, cho07ic. sSu e .-. spneading. Senieus disonders ooi tecok Amundsen VO the ice bannier, which is msny -hundreds cf fron , 8510 t e85.5; talgt rers.65te 84e,- of icêt, $5; og8.10 o8.5 te 82.25. r olle 8.6 ois-. Place in several districts. jiigh, frein which a dasiu of 670 -miles te the pole was made. NG TI¶NS BROXE 7OF .. do. aa, $.15aà.o $,W~5. brun àt-ý B tii C ham bers f he Sw edisb N - j - 830 t B r el 834.. H ay , 90N e .,e $2.n, car ot b epnliinnt agrme othe iss oi- that&asteady habit cf hot water Conférences odi Britishi Coal Striko 815 te $15,.o.- eFu~tWstrs expu len in Mormon 'mi9onarie drink 'ng cuce formued sud sustained ,-Endein Failure. 16.1-4t 16r-cejcest c-eam 33 14-1 o"-- IV ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t o s j a 1 e e d i I al a c u- i , V aA ' l U& F 5 " A d s a c f ei L n d n s y : 270 . P o ta toès - P r b a t , -cr, lot as, 816u s tL i Ue m p, l n K n g i rsl it e A L T: - H w t c r a ihon t t u ies c o n f r e n c p o n t h e , c a i s r ik e 1 .7 0.. w s s p i a n e d i n o n s a n t n o l e .£ 1 1 4 ~ 5 4 ~ ~ . .- h a v e f a il e d , n d t h e . n e g o t i a t i o n e L V E S T Ã" C K A K T G nena. h eg Ju sa rchingWHY" ORUST 18 BEST. f -ae eeMT - ~ Lvebeere' é'n off. Tii.Govera- ~Marh19-uess ale ou .en wirth çte hessnd rop __________ n a ciX hrfr er-conie.8.75 h ý1., uchr, te Vo endavor t rOstre theEmpare~ S t I S U U ~.* Est the cruet of bread iu piefer- our'en-te$7 demejui 8.5 ___he ____________ t o r a oi0.8.25 btchers do.edtiu, o4.s0 *3 VO ii.thrne.HOT WATER.AS A M EDICINE. nce te tthe crumb. Tis is the ad- srt te legiffl tn with a ve f 8;do,.eeimmn,'14 te 4.50; canner. 8s.75 R o t a t e r -. a a e d i i n . i t~ v ic e cf T ii. L a uc e t , f o r a c e n t u r y e n d in g th e t 4 k e , s ud a b ill w lI t 8 5 0; d . h u a 83 0 e 8 5 :milire a r- more a sort o-f doctors' Bible. ha ixtrodd provllg s mini- 865; de:. cer nsd, medium,. eaeh, $50s T E Rre a c h o f u s a l, a n d b a s th e a d a u cç4 te1. 83 e 40 S ee - E se $5 t mgo -f esti g n -thi g. Tsim ie: L ondon m ed cal publication m u n w agle un er rou d eai ;c bucksa ndsu l a. 4 t e 45, l m s H ep n, - We sh Lad W ho R ad. o t g r i f h t a e u m l says t hiat analysis show s that Vthe worke s. - 675 to$7.10. Hcgaz - .o.b.. $7.75 te 7.85.- -Ris Feet,, . quantity o-f table sait will do - ermbcent faie n ue raghie 4 oetMri1-elu u e in cpars:cent. efrh lnoroublr,,andi te t i. p E RI s H E » IN W ST E R N m on bùtcer catte ranred ro= i 4,0ta d s p t c- h f r e n L n o s y n c s s f c t r n a r u l e , : d r u t c p t a i n e - o u y - 2 0 e p e t - c e n t . i f - - ftr m .a nde u r i e e w e r . ? q u o e esh lad, Idris Thomis, Who re- Mary Good, wiill4shçlp Vt6break iit m cu.an rub a-fii fc ronce4 1a.: i tkn t hoeiuingefan On mprtntdetti iférnc s:gya Rs IflAtenp bt.mlk cws wot nI bepf- 4Iflyi to have -botii bis feetîihasie agei a' rom.dy. fori'th - uu 'and oga, er boteS umptaedtongte tuberculosi,,; lo Érethïroat acývane yi i t at -the- fermer contaiine -an- n-eh ~Dai Tollve rèn,;n.Gog-acreased amouat o! soluble' carbo- Ad espate DaufhinMau. aî8.5 e8.3.-ed 'and atered. ofé e ra inL eog agîtiaien - ctuhe- ibombrae attii.hYdratffl owing te- he-,action cf in- ay: e. ) attainach, a super- - ifca ièey t ena'l oIutr be.Pi ufle he aas y p»se. licali wbich thë"crust rcie nuae e tministor, &-àd- . madcalfet. bhinýas o - uesa 'odrnyb geatyalei ,adcompared witb.-the crumbdurug. tbree-year-oid 'Walter Blackburn, J.3. 3,Wash- of Kamilte>n, recently panu B m. hewytoBcig- very ofteu extinely reinoved, by ap- -baking. ,M]orvrt. rtbaa tii. ehuld c gbrm u- tc<utted of, a chare f'theÉt, bei ha a"g Paaefrti ups fpr ligt h tc thé Pil or1rooncdbray lvo d to dea at Je C&ttanýacbho- iOdge. a complaint with.tue Attor- sonaiy hai-ig-te e.g woflann el- tightiy, wrung eut in'- bthtan Vii.cruiub,.a.ifiavor uIichiin, tead. th mi er Iunecz edwbieney GeneraiÀagaw.nat 'Police Magia- h ever, at the turne was.: absen3t. water ansd-- sprnukid with -a few Heaing cftio al u f the la'Cao e of t r eni e attractive suýd w'hcb timuata,, jý trying VOs v e chie~. trite JolI, whe triéd the. case. dsappontment,. ing George had -F r ca pl ti t m e p iy fw ofdigestive jucea. hini sent. for and on. -W adIn sday re- a' -fanel wrnug -out f ot ater f flu - I- - eivd in. Ris Maety. gave, the -over t-e pained parts tç> brin5 re-MAIGPORS IU ik)2) lad as seà pn s emeute of -thoelief . When tiie stomac i ls eut' cf Wbunybkseonwawak- cecason ad.seit hl intoTra arder bot watar wilI help t6 set it-c, Cri-pjles' Home, where he\,is to b. right.aai.L- icsufre 1it or my front, -__________ taught a trade. ta... a.,, n..------ Uotrox miireli reet-d m IAÃ" OLONIES TO0 BRITAIN. Movemant [n Portu gal Ras, That -n4la View. - A deepateh frein Lisbon, ýa y&: A lmovemeti à-on bore for the purpese îCf handfing ovobr the &frican 001 l«e to thé protection oo! Britain. -Thiu- MCÃŽaOur* 1izre ,sçonstoc Uer; *o a aa I mat ie 51J115VDMh ay ,yecruit itseaf by rest,- and, take at intervals a acupfui of bot mater. - ait a cuptul cf water as hot a, cau b. sipped comfortal>ly taen hall au heur-belon. every mneal is aS great assitance in m<$*t caas fo indgesion orif slpped along vildi the' food it ilLast -thAstomachi te do th4ý work domaud ed cf iti pint cf -wamwater taken fia6t thiug] 0e tmornusi i ieimblç butpf- With a.gruut. -Butý I teileçi frein oarly dawmu, Glad te pied; Adh. met. oe later ou- With, a ned. Ihadineney bi alid by, -Quito a pia 1Whereupoùfa rei o tm Pile - waed ltter day byý daye ~Greaw ad gr w l< o w h o c o d es e n s t 0s y , _ Dr. IBeau4rySas-tho Disease laEpid-em -. I r uboProvince - i - A daspatc .I l m ontreàl, esys: jates in the. lumber,cams Zt Dr. B eaudry , Cier 1In setr of jSPot ofeifn4 o i.no15 s y tii. ~ ~ ~ ~ o Pr v n ilmad e H alth, es-j i. r c nu - u b k~ ti mnate s- that 0 a're Ov r o oi !Z ' t " <? ~ -' sa seat f

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