Whitby Chronicle, 21 Mar 1912, p. 1

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za#r Ituxe klagu tourt Of J usucc. I ~ U1 , taUrmng talm.: uavet'tü t .e aMoùe=ei- ~ roçI~ ~ - Y-rai paytrswas in- the exact Io rtîi.wur mdrn13dau offir îàO lada. 4Um roawscuam<,n ____________________oci bi e S tateo. , where a peti"ljàm.4, Y theoldLibraV Board Ï0 -t:i1ASO Li.gaiaa a oa 4,M BUlý-ïe.tfur 00 loii tLebrar- & i lùditiwulùab bY-td irry f-IA, hch aste aa p-towii WeLLn ai Sol:e1 ot h oyarotl ee toru . . -lo tpmp hi's 4c OY Ihbiat'g saled Whtb, nt 1tfl&8 Otdtht i l iéb. reuary - 11TSoul1810cr OUI. biv4*ed G. YO Of'SMthe , LU. B .-i 1. to te elCourtaxidvas pifu the £oet. "- ~ do__ woaimothritakI t w thepa dSiumpon elctr b uc asbsa tien Tii. lo ,al W.C.T.. havereasa $0 ae inusv l a t" lt $a ~ SPIdêsSgltstM ) OinyjoriMu.*, ultha veo atemplt- asbeD pin !le ocrtte fun6- l r a autl si bpelb e t om #ir~o >tsis, ti à ai arrageLicnce. mde qanl li bylaw M ar e on Wedeedy epnug o l t 'Un atr tgýeù uth wte oou t es"uaîn.Abu lo-ti ro e-Smih'sBlos,- hitb, Ot. crre t l s tandtého yLaOw as Bui d wee.lag o nt ubr.tee jsti ra. 41coebthé. biore LiO&. F'8t ap. e.s bpz wcr han been mp, Etc.apulitdb.nag9 o ,aulteapas ~ mn heges u~r ed.it 11theB. PREtzs OJe*le. .E.Sx ________ ! tc ,ct!which, I thb it e a s gram.ô 'aSôuîhiteul,-r altl d",Oo. reso.wu eeci 10Po D.UU, ~ np a la r ec.81 f eM1 tha -aes ervant, tii.' hip-ems abe ta eetihi<tai atte.ndant Whi empt.owerstd tnde ulicrly e T aeIro tWib. u a nd L ih a il d, ue r ocure1 sthgec ds lmetaanauieceI4tmtler u.eftwc wiI 1Ve sd -b 7ione, vi.adle MIa lterx~m 60No 122 rt,- -L . the eçurp o-rc i is war#dRçd- asgatfinl aprc n i e, and auxiaus unioe e V 'WhO l"6 m u roide. byutherlectrby lie s a *ubic >ntrine, Adhtadev e d g~rnetlaBai4 k Ib~ o ridelaV an lb. Vice "And uhaî purchasebocks, r u d T he orldusevld ety ag5"- on. Tic kin g 0?dugitr, a esiiut ,La0tIerlato e n ie Amade tei quasER lg the lieladyfor uefloksaam. adsc>mewttnt an gre, fcund rs rOgaM, t tMee an Iuit,:vhWcom ro cemShe liad, W îby nt-crrc i ineyerth brryB az terie l te. ielplçs iré,ce ad ti iitagesthTi.e-ayr lao sud daes appy te slf ort boused, andt the neppsaruse ere' aemùnsued a ller ato li plars. n peedmolisanI ie iid adspaddflaa éne spec,reein .poi thencssr uel, sectin 7oo n~S rtcin o lt t leIil ae n DENTAL odfy ap enced e tî praa tion ofîthee*ing oftue state acse 0 ,qe ,btoevey fst us ut aeqlne ~~N82D s~~~~~t e rvants whcf I tie ak.- welÀd-hîa hng!i gv it Ili bctlcfva terce la Tic ot.gra.-tics ,,éa use s ageeral, an ktedl0a- civ4lWao W siO t ic rû vas Ml i"sÙ 0w2r, D"_TheMs. OraCoBoar' l . a oflueniî braresAd." L ais. oftar: va ncang, maide.10berii5uo1t ue P( te éte. tableut ASroitngemecne mNd, or1e, i à, leorSS.ay01open Pulrea wnitsWelbllbobât -h foazette cificeta a auienc Ovescu>'- ove ayr erie bu q1m e-Byonahle Wtb. UU iirre Ac,*T poue, rctth q4 Igarp-s ciîresae th ehne iieerhl* n. e l TIhomependeonter ouaifa d br*oms and, q ansire l aul l, ev g 'Co thoi, tic gr.attrll>me a __ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ cdiuner at ne o! lieb u bi Li M rte R s Sindingse Su lie an gs cd m: !rm d'pe pi , l vo m icd speak- 122.b.ns d (sfbirac I),shîl t ion s gatdifficuit ar rctâ Iclelauy. ou ti propose t e d lie ______ pthe Prthe pblf e c hre wll ie Lie' pwrad i ilra' i oieyo oat(aaa,-ali dlps n AUM S uncial Conci n r elte voicxtwll a ind symandh !er aud- budt t ieedbn apylgaid WiiISa m. .va cllt uone 150 a a ebuayuteic y~, encoe Her vuccdngnumbers ve Hale aN sity ted te t at_01tiiPioÏ puantiai -Cnratr.-- eatîeaes cVImàee i eea~~vl isnn uly el.te dt uefgt~ '* t-ile i. o jjý 't,.'Law'ae - l ,cO - . ~~~ Ad *.llprcaeok y es aldMIS evotma ae i at- Lave mmd o ardThewin&, omît lu asx. ulzt, wi ws1-1 utia !Ù int t he ladyto r g' eaIlool Il th,.crsa ae.*so.o!lt et iasa Bx,4 Phno 149alesi aieslvc n d sesd frbte m~esxo oes,-15 an had' m od pforrIogmde a guh e a rèh.wacm MunIcipal puroses, SHALer a truble eandatjoy. - ay ta expres at he hn fumn d t -U teo. using li -eaonly laug c ihp' saw4LcebdAc mn l ai esoa speiartsatelnd v E.S- iipefrmdle î ipClovsae , '-and tr adeig TcCl A~ i L~,jenlier amsess a Ã"nW which nd gaite mi B b calei "Te Pbli Llra' Rae" ulls a ciirmn, ilc ont il hu Crad loée- stya!humarn lSe eyblBi.pec a otu t- i-io î r Suer o,, tueL amountkeestienes fs tf lie oncrt Muaindesai hutre ar l S A lid NoWt u.r.qîrnd' rovi,,dedo;l s u ta ecsharflo r -1 84; ptonforhe ad ie 5'l'w 5 have ?anadan Maboauva proese dates___ ocaponeha! miieuselfya ortee comtrien s foranillusnnewasied roAmu y 01 Hter son, mai - sepije ile.b two-bi hScfailatue member stof li eere , anteed wit osciu isa '"w Cl ~esamdMjrDlu, Councli tic rate e hiIsl amotladomtisnâ ar as hpclcs a. wee i<im oS ther ot -t B ybi sechs ASTE . TRM rnountexce4i -orbiVatIibtn9 i. hlt oes l xsnu eeoma 'rite 1881 t. O'ost ic and tAxe Stante la i certa. Heisied the poeC.mAiOhotdf réal Wrti Trn-a r lcry foino itj 1eRT T nK T M NA' freapa in atic Stelu basanc- Apn! ti-neges1110 u iir3 oces las sfuelm i t tuirCONCL EEIN. ov, umn and tDiv in bledebil utcy Mlowd y LNtionalle An- W ' tees jherncc.nJuiy 2ndend_______- glvs pprtnty orcotanos stial a .ha i nedilfo m in _______ which seks tAxe on1e onu, rescue erJi -psem t In infl Auecj«eEuipent porent ici iAx o!et F eirur one a-ya ptnhon i sir i e &&.aosi Sugmd aïeote s ft mby li aslb -ai anb vice we aT o suenor icaioand s!rvlie Lobrares Boarda b pniuea bigV a at e l its comirtàcanesIt ger the Lhe Mcla l o t, dat erco coa- Fri C . atfalgeesxroplan wiy, mandam oU ould bhe i;ed f e t 2 pinîs o leroar, a n irease ahome s , àre tic 11 au1 e d010 r a 1. osedi IM~era. u. -Mclntyrei W te Cetral BsinessColMegssI CortetaNompporounculta aefluenai W. r aw, re id ae fO.rte hbr lihe Board ailil e Conei- i oucx nfoceztrng lefot bya tiels awn atiü,Weroyf byisn pçcn i dle !aem LO r mould bave b puyr b >i co cWimbe rl,,who as n elerk'os affié e chers wli ac nt' s at l lerre#eýp ap eins u Tr o es al.tie etirae th s-ncsmr dbe ddsdi ev. EC. iryî ad aredymltites have eest sevs- 4esitretn. H e a la mainîMuInn-th ýLiirary la ta ce. I.mmdc iy tAxe Liirary -B,.ard and. not Il VAthe, Council Board. TAxe case is an-' W, - h~ave th.e mostnpderx. the mnoat alagous to tic reclulsition ai a Scicai ira lteai and t1iebot e uipped saboul tIn Board for manies, made ta the Ca-.un- Kuare ontarto.TAxe con es are tborough a p aicinattn . nentt ciliwithin lisir-powers; Tic autior- < aeu La 1ne ýiro0edus. ities Clearîy show tint it ta not. ne- for e tralning oJ the azubttous youug veaî yleCuci Ouar (radiates I- understand that liere is somei dis- dentttîe areourbeat vittements. icussiot>'as to icneccssity a! an ad- Home Study 0<ourses ditionai vote le tba ecers la lake I DSAY BUSINESS COLLEGE aven tic aid Mecianics' Institute Li- t~. " iower, Prie -A.E Spottoe, Pres. mary Under section three o! section -ETER ANY DAY- pû h is si-secl-lon bas ne> applilfa- S lion inhtever to thic existing candi- - jThe proceedings tnder thal section were such as waul be laken undes - ire fo r Us theoid iaw, where lie Municipal Counel wa -wilig e t under t id Vie 1111 fDe For Yoii That sub-section sayà, Cotincil MAY subinâ tsuch a iy-law- Ouse wiring, power wîring, -lb was lourd liaI Municipal "ui fxti res and supplies, aima cils, for îear the rat»payes vouluilnul, matwrsand transi otners.'be favorable, or because they diII ual Iyou want us cal us at aur Ivsabi I>ary e4tabjished,ý UIC. - ~.ý.wuld not sub!it byiasfn SIngttitiatin G0., Lti. iL1bales. 1xmp'9vfsIons ai section > S. SOsh*'iW5. thuPonu.-F'r sub-secllon - One., ere ,subSe- - queabiy enacted'la conipel lié subinis- 0% san df a by-lwl èals ____________________1lbrsr*, an lie pelibion of ibeterqis- et niÛmber ai clcètalis as was dane la -e * 1laei e n d When tie Libnary" has been estab- fr8eoBi>niess or Sirthaut Educati 1-ateB rd-n for thp e râat aud Potonatjîsîe<d!by'. lhe îy-wle oai a buy the books -for Il vere tbey 0 AJI41' pesse aadfroni wiom they'_I)icase, and il lacs not require anotier vte f itic eleclors let acepî 'a gif t of a T 3NTO (>!i' lbmary ?n: af books, tram any source. - obtai ~'è Net es cuit rèquire a speclai ACt Grdee.rmdty good 'positiont anwt aof Paliamient ita t'amble thc Public' the d«m d ta fullyty lb,.. ma our supptyJ - o1't,i o"'i> t0 oen alrnr 4tudestiibave Library la accpept 'books.as a gt l&te1y t n nomôt1ons'at 850. Mo0,$75 and> $100 vilci unil e cAdtIit- Is tfilsdut>t per niont .;itnter now. Qo-aoKuu free. tcoe'us ! pb cort. VoIre isad' W. ~ LIT, mjliefnl Ale e Bs.it munI be-banne lis utnlnd liat the - bocks belonging la lieheaid lbrary V ene 'argely purcbased by grnul Se3oIdon inaC. by Palilamènt anC by lte ele-, tans -of lhe Toeu ol WhItby, titreugi themr representives 1> -Vie Tovi> Council, muild by the Counry <on~ ast t4 ietct ie peopie o! tii. în pald tiéitsiar.of lto-taxres. Thte anms4ptîo s&ýde by the .ividîal - j 'i insupport a! qn appl'icatioa ' made 'by cued andl saved, and to-day' ane lii> for a grant lu the Ciillren's Adcamfont ta otiers, a bieesiugý te 8- Aitc i eîetG n Society. -clely; because love appiied <tsa hi A mthr ________et o Tic Football Club askeil for a4d remedy. We Iiank Goilltat tae received permission taý use bic pýik matiheriy love o! Mases' motiier, the IBENJANMIN WORFOI4K. for praclise ad gamYls, tie same hto sistelyafetonailIteet Ia - be unIer provsions oi Lie Town vas Ina Mium, te womanly lm O SUMday mornlng one o! lic aId- Properly Comnîitlee. and kinduesliaI vms lua Plaraohe t s *B ents' o! Ibý,Mr. Benjamin ic Town Solicitor sent a lengthy daughter; are silil found lliing la Wor olkd! t ltz hiane of!is communication, giving lists ;pinion on voan a t growing sto or to daught UnMr. Tics. Roa, Perny St the-LIbary sitatin. ith:theheat bets f te yers. adyeed ageofnearly 0 Tic Streeta and Finances Cciii- Do yau deuil it'? Just vatchis years. :Mr. Worfolk lad been about- m4ttees neporteil. columa and sec tic tangible evidence tuntnl bu ei rvasl of! such human Interest mmii îevfngbIds de.tii. Ile hbaun atlack o!f.1a STREETS sympathy for tic neglected ciidhood PP0, sd lhe worm-tout vital powgrs R. PlasketL, siov. snow ......3.45 o! aur Caunly. D.S. -Crawford, - iov snow..; .0<>. On'King stre&t vent stands a splS- s.Wroh asabg man,. physi- A. Moore. siov. snow..... ...3 did sicîten purciaseil by donations of callyr, btdis steiwart form was a B. Plaskelt, shov. snow... 255' human hearts sîilli puising w iih love. lamilî sight upion t-le streeîs as fie Jas. H-eard & Sons ...........12'Siace tic nielter startel in Oshawa, s0o dally walk. John MacCarl, work........4.7!53 weaty children have been cared for, M.Wrokvsbr nYrsie Tios. Harr'is, work....... ...5 'aie i ieu ave becs Osiava chîI-d- Engiau4d, on. Augusî 31, 1822, anil Tic ammtte reommale Vi&t eatise a vim hve ecs~ ome o -Canada 56 years ago. He John MacCarl ic engagel an loreman gool liomes, same returacd to uir las rekldedhese almost centiauôusly or streelu fram -Isi o! Avila isI3at!parei a u aesntt-ieids ves _qýcme. eireI _çngaged taaI - becember at,$2 per day. -Repart pas-,triai tschadool ma. - he In 114lg, và ilfora number c1 cd. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ er - ll tr flv.WtÃŽw ~ iin e driver, when Cheater FIN'ANCE - compeîs, people to gir., yet lunî-wo Draper was are mat.Anlh C.. oolfilw piblur.$5~ weelnS lhc osgnizing agejil WW- hepÇobill tbe present piers at C.A. Godfelow, pil2tinl....e85.« ,gor. 'ite vas a coun.hy cou- W. anC L. Coma., street i ur4 35 nam niembers on thec oUSUstitha o an er.levscn ligits... ý.. ..... .......... _133.#', -luinlcniln. Oedl: stracter'* fan movtng- buildings up la W. ad L. Cama., ligil * mare secures an annual membsmhlp.lia01yes upiesh vaa * .R Brlg, iannghts..6 ~ Pif ly dollars or 1more secures Ille . aàd ta e re liin- le belcuga memberÉhip. ~~~~~Liberal,, - urelin ieblne hall ......& Sons,...u.i.. . . 67 Tiec daimsailnd erils cf lhe C. A. 10Ithe>Bsetlinen. He leaves ta maure Jos.Hear & Sns, iaulng iis déÂtb aces ndaughters-Mrs. W.W. engie mil éel a ~ .6 ~ IS. have been presented aItiree mu- F. J. Jnai rpe..... niclpal Cauncils. Cal. Farewell b a o f Pickernug; s.Wml 2851jprmised ta become a ltenienter.vr 9u~atn s. ee at E.R. Blow, caI. I .e..t..p.aî..ani.... o f- BraàItcn:; Mss. W.D. Moore, ofe *Report passeil. T1 -lu lestie vert and d von.!as Detroit', Mrs. J.H. Sparts,ý Vancou-1 People know tewoasndwr c h Mn. Bull made application for :-i'Saciet. ur in*t-t. ioa ver, Bi .~Miss.'t. W. Rosa, of Whlt- bats cf -aine montlis butéher'. llCIi4lhati is mkn oeso se, on accout cf -geing cul of buùi- ~mka oesoy for lu- an tkMIno. Bowa R;, of-- anit alterlire menis. Arefed ~1une people -ta readsutIeso-WlimRoGa; nessaftr tres onts. refnd . EDWVARD CLARK HALL Jo9ep!i A.,, of Origian, XI.; 'Jas. h11,- $11.25 was granted. oOgnzn gn f WIIbY - *Abonus of 15e.- per rôI vas veol ____> The funerai vas beld on Tueuday al- to Mr.-- Robert, Sleep for« vire feilee t ernooh te St.- Johnsa burylng th boe osstructed - ou- Brocit. Str~e SK!N 5071',A S A CHILD9. gréOud Port Whitby. Mr. Torrauoe, *ý8uh TleF>e_ dLiit Gmitc 1 as a great sufferer rom ecem. or Oshava, aslted by Rer. M. E. aidlat nieum for yeara," wvn1esMm. xsýmmîh, conducfle tieuesle5 authorized 4ôtamsk for tenders for vaft,..TainW. W.as,. Lunenburg, M . 'S. vice. ening alSeets. "Pire years mgo lire boxes of Dr. I- ________ Mr. Rlchardsen-caiied atnino Chaýeïff Oltitent cured -me anid thea1 Ur. Jas. Gray, ex-Constable, CouncIlite l t& latt, tnsd. Tol. Caoad trouble neyer rcturned. My skin -vIlS- to say tuat & tmelnt i vere Placlng,étross arms on the po lu Se ssftnas !âehfid-I ýa mv u m, -.r1eeemItuinstue of ib1 pýt b 1118 bwu' ,piey ywen re cllng onô- centre > ilwî ay 'ya bdwr o omcsw t tkGovemmezitPolici rhyt je;> bdaed-o pe M l'f' q~mu"- , v. rç, - j -o - -. ~wl Di ON El A.u Rain or your roof> à ~HEVRY ~PACKAGES 0F- Im-perial lset rI Powder. ýLASS DESSERT, -'i NOTI-UNG'BETTER WH.ITBY, ONT. ~Inwne snow, if they find- eve n:a smaUl crack in ni do'almost "as m iuch -damage: as a fire. oid, Roofing. gives absolute etotection against storm. NEFUNET ParcicfRoofing cannot ienk. It as proved i in every climate uinder every condition for a great mani$ years. W. M._PRIN(eLE, eornt The Stilludard E Record of E usintess asnat AssaIts Cash on Hand -I- $3,8,722. 14 Notes anid Cheques offý and due by other Ba, àks - 2,470,791.48 Dominion Govt. and cÉfher first-class Bonds- 2,862,194.88 Loans on Cati, on Govft,, Muncipal and oths, Bonds and Stocks , -1,W6,84&.00 Goverr-nmcnt Deposit O- »ecure Note Circulation 100,000.00 Bis Discounted and Current Advances -26,397,668.68 Bank Premaises - - 897,842.13 Otier Assets 5 7,263.47 Are Maple Sy PréeÃŽared Nilce, Lari Sea Salmoi Fresh Letti - I ier Hardwaret WHITI3Y4 Bankh-of-Canada the 3lst1of January, .1912 LIAnILITrîSa Notes in Circutatton - $,0,54 Depqio - - - I,18801 Diviends 4- - 5,459.08 D ue to other Banks - 40608 Capital - $2,00,00.00 Reserve Fund 2,800,000.00 Rebateof Interest on Dicounts - 7,643.45 Balance of Profit and Loss Acci. 61,383.58 4,7U8,07.01 $37,31i,817.78 GEO P. SCHOLFIELD,' General Manager. rosi Lokin 'for.~ ïzp n Tuifs, J5c$, 25v,. 50c. ancake aind Btîckwheat flourlOc ~ranle-s J, dicy -Navals 25c, 30c, .40c,50Sc« ~ish Fresh1 nHalibut,_ Haddie, -- and Qysters., p .kg. -Ciscoes, Jierring-r 4ce, RaÊ' h Ruart'b.l- Iry Us for Ood Goodsý., Jnq ~.WATERIQU - Phono ' ..-i Prompt Delivî 1- L -- k' 1-~~ I.; 7t $37,311,317-7

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