ea -FOR -. . ' - -~AT THE~L Broo-klÃŽn Hardwarfl.e Sore - 4Having boug ht out,,Pringle and Manning ,.Hard-ý -w-are business,, of Brooklin, I hae.urchased avery large ,qu'antity of Ail No, 9, bard steel wire, with ropindAockada peared to meet ail compeetitors ii tis Ene; T-hie fuIkMPg là -çuïr list É6r quiclc de- 1:iviýry,- freiglht prée.paid, t O,,0shawBowwtQI Pi4kýi.ingî Whitby, Myrie, Mnhetr o GrIeibum-, via G-1T. R., cr G. N. R. 10 bar rance, 50 lna'11gb. aiHNo. 9 steel wlre stYs :6kla. spart 3se per rmd 9 51 bd 64 6j 95 451........9 22. 27c 459 2 " 25C ' Prîces on -other styles of farin fentîng, awn feteputry ,and hog' fente, gates and ail fenice S'12% îesp also. sample lock and size of wire, furnish- edE on âà pplicationý Order ,early as prices mjay- _,.neCash -or c heque must accompany order. ii *wIl erect'any of this fence in and around Brook- -. peiý da. Inde p'tcent orBell phones. lJriah J'oues .BrOoj<iîn - ONantario. TheGte and Chron1clehlis a wok.- ly drctlation of16 opis -~~WL ro~ boêue WrT1TWIEdo ve.we k! j' 'III~yIi r Sr. fi lediand 6, D.1 Part ' Ãeil 94, Ssr. .1. 'rankisi Jr. ï- cd 'lhoue; X. Robi Hall 56. SI. M.]1 ormistoî garth 85 62, D. E (each ab, We ôffer H.iyls aCati Ai>UAu&ut autooébiles and hearges Willl be7 on- L4agUe o1 thse IMthodist church _ C ao n' 'tIu a caused Uy a: eak- hold a basxet sociaI 'lu tUe8I'801 P116ILervesu d. muscles -c ite xlhere on March 21. . £erboy ig&intestfae -or ,desceading ooîu. ALU BRM N O 'î> auu bae&gcp lme.lfrUlL To eqièc ýeemaaet reli(e! y"-raust.,'I wâs troubled witb.h ptLo ulars later.: JandC!OÈ ae up sud treÉigtheu o! thse ieart aud Op1.Se8Ç ockey teasu 1ro.u Onlagg-drove geii8-org0i1 an sd reýtore tbem t0 wÉitea r M.Wra. -Pitchard, Lui-aber >okllu onu sdy e.ei Iislhier 3ctlvit'. Inpecit;or, Luumideh MlliOnt.,- 'lad Layd tliadi gin ~ e wa~tYout r eatOdr use Dr. ýChase's .Nerve Food wlth- esOUor reco mméhdatiun. 'le eygreat eeias ray whole S. s- the ornevearbetW&ex -ceeaingiY plesiant te take 4)e m wai'. strengteè u ah". hecoeeig17-6 in'-laver181ne adbltiL. beiug e8ýten bure-caudy, aud are ideà i Dr.,,- sa's éýNervç Food 1brins iicw, ig r wd\ e t r m I~r f or chdr , deicate prsoni- snd oid rich bboodand -rstores -the- Iebe, - o Muds t viw 01 ffolks, as weli as the robust. They 4ct'*wasted nerve cli. icuIluial cars, sud hear te drectby bn the iserves sud muscliaz-ot tùe ugrctrethe bewels.' They -à ppareut4y bave: a T .OWN1 LINER. Wni. rmisou- ~ neubra1. ction - enu-other associité or- oans or gland4s. Thcydo msot purge, T' 11 amr r eptbsthe >ple ! Brok~tusud $iiO causeL ecessie oosenesî, uer >create~Y tedlgses untry. for their bèieiask-yatý-ùu- cus kcsvMïiss M(9s les.hzn aon t iiace bslriag -- er lte butciior auy bacQuveliience- wbatëver. Titey XiXmkon so bl ;s 'Irom Mr. »acst sdI3 be ta1ienu t on>' ime, d4y- or uMclw aega-to a' ti it may. continue. xght. - xTeyWili postivey fë éîve Ms/ayM egor bas, retumed, - - W ~~chromie- ,'r-habituai constipation, i,[rom .Toronto '.wbere aie bas b«S tof' Urookliù -Public Schoot not ôof.surgical .variéty, -sad the my- S.pedlng a couple of veeke vi-lng tuai' su. Feruax. - rÃads of aisociate ordepeudeit chin- relatvs J J UNIOR DîViIoeJ. le oimenute,.il tîuà iruwth i~ gûà rityj-The Young Meu'. Bible Cham trheu- [-'A. !oox 8, J. arne fo ~rMouslo 1e iegth 0o, lime. 12 cd the Youug Ladies' Bibi le a Is - to »~setl*7~ ~Mcc. i~,~.taleita, 10 ceats 36 tablets, 25 cen su an ersuppek on ,-Frida aiglit t0ab 0 t 0ente. ,Sold la WbllhM4 taIM.W.<b's bwu1t I 0,,R. Hl-G Iù. Lawreuce fIato18bOr -'~ iR » Store. sds1$ iepoe$ hqysp Deloug 4 997*A. row A.- H. 1ii,ruggust. the,.eventik lu games, mualîé, ëto. II-H. rom» 1 .AB -0 ' Mrs. Albert Mackey âs-swyah ~ Prtwy 0, - prescut, ;sbftenlg lte funerai 'of ber ..*E Mere 9, W Be 97, ~ iiN~bA.~JJ. otltr. -W. ext.end Wha:ler our ,dop- b *il 14 i 'ELVIÉsDiOG. Mr: Wm. Brignai, e! D hý t» ,0 91 ryden, bases, ympatizy. ýh 80, 0. Sieemau f,60. 'I -beau vîsitinÈg bit inu>'Ir"eilu and IMiis. Padgett spint sweý, m d at -.*Arthur Stevena9, Cw e arowtd Kzhi.Mrs. Tbps. M6rcoqwibeo bt>SlI. -Mr. J"W, tdierhu agettienlLAd.ies'Aid lmeta4Mia. WaIt'i try class--hAU bsent; in s big suppiy eof sugar, sait sdMaGeoîs ouWdledy at -Lta resa1e1-av1bl 0-4oP.t.,om6re afrd get it at the - 0w.M"rchg. Agoodly, number was pros-, rs pi.~.- enti' pe u flt Ibe afrnoos luI - . ,R OBINSON Teacher. Mils. MabeL Rogers lias retuzuodsew"rÀlg, SÉNIOIL DiVISION, home aler-a egtii is wthbi à eAdi Ità ble <0lass ad go' ofo I1V-M. Allemns 65 per'cent., sister, Mrs. (Wils, of: Newmsarkel. lte touchers sudofficer.,ut mi Ãœ' D50fl 64, M. Colwilb 56, M. The 'Miasio'a-ry meeting held at about thbrty, speul a soclIlevug Mi -T. Re rsus waik a great suc- wvih iMn. sud Mis, Sexsmifliah lthe [-.Horlop sa$ O. Horlop cois. 1î,pSiitOgou. Monday. eveulug lait. à .-Olrn 81, M. Bell 83, J. W e al~ sonryte heur that Mr. J. Mr. Wm. Oke ls somewhuî Indispos- U 75; H.* Mfaunlng56. - Sedon lias noM hie larm aud "je about ed at lime o! wrflug. II.D., Colwhhb 90,% E.s og t lav oi udst. Ho bas been - a 'Mr. Dewant Carruthiers spent SU-.. G.Côlwllî 69, H. Ashton greut lhelp lu ail churcit work, suad day-wlth frieuds 1h Toronto.- lo'Itday, -d.e IMteF. BligitI wili Wb greatiy rni-sud. .We@uder- MisLillan Rov'e sud'Miss Ger- )ent -one. exam.) stand tîêey are bookiug for a.home lu -trudte Kemp bave-beeu spending a t * I.HUSEON, Teacher. Whitby. !f, 1y u -no~ *Pii sMildred: MeLaughlin la visit- Un. rteos: Morooi,.ueut tAie How's This ? 'iug hei-. graadpareuts, Mr. and Mrs. week end with frlendu la -Osawa. *One Bundred* boiara Reward for R. R. Mowbra'. SVeral lu oui uîigbolnood. have 01 Catrrh tbat-cauno( h curid by Mi. Tùckei'- gave us a very ilutereat- becs on lte îlck list, but tihey are arrh Cure. . o ucirhuin 1a I - 0 JisCburN5y o CO.. Tobunion . lutursè convalescent. for the naersgac, ve kuown F. J. Cllehey, 3o h eft an sd believe hlmpeftl hOnoraible lu ai,,sns rnscin n n aucially able to cabrry outans bactionsaden by*bis tiw. Y bgaigimd WALDING, Kur<q .tMA&N 1141's a mlrh ý Lk ruggîa èleo . Edlis CaarrhCuteýâaken internally, sctg dlrecîly uPon the blood and mucous surfaces 09 ceths ou~m Tsiintî t free. Pvlce 75 ensPer bettie. Sold bahi druggwss. MYRTLE, STATION.* Miss Ciara-Chlsholm, oi saa spent -SidY At home. Mass Lob Géihoy, Of Pro;spect, speat "ZP Jah e- Beacck la svisitlng hr POStPOned- 'rhe -Minstre! couoert that was t b,- held Friday evening, K5rch 15, Ùntil a later date. Mr. F. Hà rrison attended 1k. O.R. T. meeting, ln Toronto on qgtitrday eveaing laut. A very large crowdi attended tbe spécial train meetini ou better tarin-. iulg here on Mon'day evening lait;* Messrs. A. Langford.,and Chas. Bod- dy were -tu, Toronto [ast weelc. à A load 61 our DWiision 9.0.T. vieil- cd Prince Albert Lodpc ou Tuedayj M.ohson, 01 Pickering, ls to bo preseut: next -'Y-Sunday revenint to preacli Qu the Liducational Fuud. - Mastet -H]4wird MaCkey labeCso viSitiug i riends in Enfheld. MISS Muriai Pengally fraibeelihomo fromn schjolý hs week wjtîh a -bad (Aboyé tolate 1crzlait ine). John W.SlCklesmlth, -Greeueboro, 2Ps. , sa theechildren, sud 1ke mout' children - they -- reuently take- oold. "fWQ biave tieid 'CvCera1 hindi !Cg l ~mxeinie," ho Saya,- "but iver otmd auy y6t ht It h em . m"'i oo 58 Ul~berlatù's .Oough Bezuedy."i Yor- sale-.by all deair.-4j1. MYÃŽRTLE. Mr.J ROse eft lait week- for tîWh s.,, aer -spèuSins. the win- 1e th1ied uder-_ Mrs. OrkearDôwney speut-iast week Ini Toront;vlsiliýg friencis. Mr. He r>' T4dd le t- lait*eek/!or SaskatCbewa n,' Wreè he has aenl up a lioméâtua4 A-nin frobm here att.en.ded thé Sundsy à ît.: Death: to Dà n-drj Ger!ms .-Luel to AlHir No More In lte Oeny set kidne>' troubles are kuown by baoe su&d urluay disorders. Later' corne drepsy, gtou., rteuniatle Pains, sud '- perhsps di"&- botes. ùButdon-'1,wl t foi liqe. D. Chase's 'Kidney-Livek Pila ili hehp ýyou la a few bouras. Thelr tlseroigh action oun te livet, hldacys sud bow- Froir cls will dlean ý'avai i te pou ns 111MARCH aches sud mako ypi gqeil again. Spokane Wash. Beattie. Wash. PORT WRITY. - vancouver, B. Çc- Mrs -À sochCro e Victoria B.:- aI -t e home 0f I.. E. R, elow. Oen.. Mr,, Joà epli P"idan sd bride,,To-ra<i FOnt0i ý f.j days bonp -hast Bab-i MIas Toua Sè4,To' eul, spent roportlýonale ýrai 'Suudgy aI hom. Éon -The- Pi i ss Emma Goldru , o !ôoio- W !u4è le aI home for-a fvdays.. ~ The Grand-' - b o rt csî uin e , fa . MÃ. -Sheldon Watiou'i's at honte -1 for Sindsy. Anumber ef Sunday chool teacit- ens~~ ~~ feo t Jh' h rch altended the Deaner> Couveîbiout Osbalwa, PIOKERIN Mr, Wn. Bnkr' pas$'L-sway it the home -of biSssou bere 0o Thurs~ Jlu'luis lii id yeà r... eda beau. a resîdent n!thje t ilii Zorth Pt 26, years.- A Bleigh~-logd of etaIt-,, 4 g.pared lu thie village que -day lus weeir. 'i lie onuer wu -à skingl.85 a llag. Anthur. GormIe>' sufer quite a loie on. uight, lait wekw 4' 30pure ,4ted Plymouth Rock !owl ere hblled ' bY>' a sîrnge dog.-News; Lorue Veule, cf Campbeill 1rd( bas ten tnansfenred te bbc 'Picker-z1 brauch e!fbte Standard B. m Wh tbY Istto.aA f RIJLI5th IlwMANitl Failng jairch- ald iédid -Dandruff, FligHi, apith adJedjIr - or DuJJ Faded Hair.li r, Ont. The Bell Whîtby.wo sube.cribers, or:îbh ,la their present e>, onidensiwith the l te inisure insertios Connectli s -bou Id aise report in their list oet mb Léo'cal ïïManager-or Agent's Departrnî !ho Bell TelophoD SP R A. 'uager issue.: NiagaanLim and T ThesRe sprays have now been :used î Ontario for feur ye ars su d bave alway given excellent, satisfaction. - These Sprays are oued and, endorme' 'b y t h e d i ife r e n & r a n c h e s o f t h e - h I? evcry Fruit Growers Associaticuai 1proîniunent -Fruit-Grower in te province They cairry thehigliest anabysis.- They are,_guananteed by. a stipuJ C an -nÇompany We have-coipi power ptuilps, suil alszs Write fror OuW Flgç yoy 1suèllsgt T is l i Iree coutry. It's, veux a bove hairi irgyour , p iieete ý uneI auy -hair ey -back', Ecp 'toute yu en cii. L PRtl I But.wity continue- ho use a hiai git fu î r jdo, ki lteé -gerins aud boait-1 ai dandruff auçhlirtroubles? __ patitry- scâl - I-I 1- - p toubles,ormon. GE is lteMosgt -de I -k 1' j8abbatiù Il SIGNIS OP KIWEY TROÃœB]ýE. ý 4. Il