Whitby Chronicle, 14 Mar 1912, p. 7

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If as not ýucOce r't Ïewr omeone ta 6' e ndlady held -ac nd "8h. wantçd ye' o- altoq-iorrow, -a fathee hdmatto ýw ten ý- ýe inggcasey The.eusP ionom nMiss rowih'e- to name quît.dtnct ~'Yes BuV tat-tat 'Zn positive S "0f couwhrse yen re. "Cbsuld4't -re uei 'Trsor Sret ,r is thatnew a rod tl;y' "S-tam VIrThuningeh edj "Imvery meucobi Pà1orý Lte-dcirubl tinumber 'teedistint 'tLoaîgh" She sped odfyLe-a-te-did o in poitve!"e .ei "Ofcorsengyofuslired ,addéns u1ash." -oson . Street V i tha erod afetehè lyting'! 'thlf ire bgLeeeuses. le e -ff.bee th1in to -rfu, olfnce ndfpr àae tiife . raiiway-st - o foorh mctondth Godfrey 'Lente clutche aun -whispctredanexcit« "Y t;I upoe .s.il wIvffs ee. Intaouew Ncxt momn trte eldi ma er was adliaffabied sWAi r. be yn r whospeîs t e-a' Ha, da~trer Vg o1esabou Laoftc est him o semeimesndr a]n piduhister. At st At< Inter, on the summer, lie 40 Ch alfontiAvnefthi >I houg, I knasn'tl Threareçl the prosper -Go4drey Leate scl.d.h and-whoizpeedayexcie "eI an't haesai-cre leent mseen me sice mraen wssiing da jet who ieils'itbega to iHcu daI'mi-e o tii. StoutEi LJut.c tîfted n m o' sbdaugofer dtprstl3a tohl atwAt venue ti lie firm 7" Ï "Grandion'"ri." -LMe ouglit te sBee sol -ne another." Carshoti awkwardly. 111 say, ify 'tip 1iencn give you one. c hance ef making a bit quÎet, though. Buy Wi Mines,- Thcy're dirt che. nieyer -regret it if yen r ý'drid'pounds." "Gently, man!"' Leat ruie! uly. III haven't sc the world."if -)'F'ifty. thien. The'l1 lyo!Corne. now, i' you twO. hundred.", ' "I-l'Il let yen -kneýw. *wkîliy, ail the sam." "fly, iV-iorrow, -er- morning a tii.e latest. 'pi onuinber."1 Tliey pàrted 'at the, ne .t$oryJ Leate stocd ýP opsent. Fifty pound! a lbagatelle, ne dou 'rsiig broker. I ily kniewtliathe was i ijDamble with fifty peOu sa'ïdonica] aleiaïd jrnrney. - ?' ha'd never as wlien Ie Il. ýre4t in lite, I Wdy'd sien4 moxiey tome. Nobody'd edlng as jýh. have any reason to. Nobody-, ei."~ s voice droppçd. R. frowned e yoý, iis, d., ustedly. Thé solution was ,adin her olbvius. S 0wyh.trned theêl ,u to remem- 'envelope ovegr, and ogid her- G.Lete, Esq.' Or,"Leete"? frite. This figým! Yes, it's *as muéh 'double ou'd forgot- e -a. - Tb#t chý i i t'Gar- tDld ?ael" d nsaaini"P *e mistake. -Hê fngered the notes enviously. 17, Chalfont "'If, only tliey were mine! I'd çr anyone of w4ite o arhot-? you a8k lier' footstep sounded on the land- -, nk. 1W looked out, and called' to' rb yen,- sir. thé landlady. lier.?'l - h. ý'Who iieft it, sir? -A nian-a ser- save -a mes- vant, -ho looked.1like." - !,'Ho sAid notinig?'> r> tii.e 'Ony asked iýt this was tiié right eg jgo-ý.P ace. ît,ç gQfl." Leate '46aed' the door giC s h at,. anid, t"11 soon ko.lit.Jiihm 'corne- ttèed dowzi roýind*if li.ý'e wants the money. I'rn Atn the dis- not goinàg16,e w'it on 4. efigure, and At night lie st*yed indoors. There girl glanèe4 was. no' news o8 0t e h Ga1dens. In tfie, morning lie- tooik to number th7 notes with hum to town. lie panted. '11' eall on ,my way hompe,"0 ie stand. 1,l'ai reflected. "Leate,, you're wanted on.the smile liover- y'phone." -- B lips. Just before noon the. summons àe stammer- came. H. walked across, and re- you've been cognized Carshott's voive. pronounc-ed 'ilook lie. You've'nev'er clecid- Jy. le cd bout -those Watakis. Are you ded jerkily. going to take 14y advice V" Ys me, you "CYes," ho beard himself answer- !rey -Leate. ing. "Buy me two hundred. Thanks very mucl." Lt. " Just in* time, " Carshott grumb- Thiis is too led. "Ail riglit. Good-bye! Tei- orson Gar- ribly busy." Godfrey Leake znoved back Vo hà on Gardent; desk, etaring into vacancy. Re e jnst open- hardly realized yet .whliai e lad în thec riglit dop. When consciousness came to - him, lie drewa sharp breath. cd.- Would <'Hallo!", -A, fellow clerk- step- re's -a Mr. ped' up. "lAnything wrong?" 'c'--staying But Leake only stared at hin 't it- a eon- blainkly. rnfortunate i * assuming a, "Yes, Watakià have fallen," Car- -aftcrnoon! slio#~ admittcd.: Leke had burst out."'- int9W hie office,_pale and excited. c, f course, "From- five shillings to four, then He seemed,, gradualîy to tliree. I confest;. I 1 regardjpg can'<t understand 'it.: Don't you f ace. He wor y, thougli., Hold on to theai. valked hack MI l 'et the l-atet price. "'He turned No.- 3. Tho. from the speaking-tube. "Hlalf-a,- Lim et range- cr-own!1 Phew !"' "gere's the money." 4gl4-if I'd 11011;you needn't -pay for -them L "]Rem1 "Hfere's thie mxne' !i~late 4 re- nt Avenue-' peated. [erf farnily's Hjhurriçd home that niglit, witli dof's to for-'nrv s on çdge. M is conscience 112 gavd hîm no rest. WVhat would the' hoivever, to outeome bel Exposure-disgraee? ertly occu- George Leete had apparently dis- 4y-or two covered nothing as yet; but the ation plat- fact brought smaîl consolation. aff air to a Hý could net exulte eitlier, on the-' fol1oding morn !ing, when an unpre- 1Bomwich cedented boomn' in Watakis cem- s train up. menced. A rich vein of gold was p discovered on the property, and d hi§ arm, the- shares 'rose by leaps and ed query. bounds. -. îes, yes; lie Grandison's senior partiîcr sum-' youF" moný'd him. erly gentle- "I hcar"---he coughed-"'I hear, Y. Leate, that you,, have made a conz re the one sideràble sum on the. Stock Ex- ha 1 Porson change, in Wataki GolI Minps." -eh ? idy 4I1 bought at five shillings, sir, ye." and _ývas able te selI at twenty-sev- after that, en-and-sixpencé." ,witli. his Leate waited for the expected ,ethe begin- reproof on tii. s ubject of -gambling. wasq invited i "H'mli Ah! You've sPhoncorn- 'Ibain 1fdly. Ee looked down at her uPturned face. Then sudden- rnething of ly, with à, groan, he releasedà her. 1 hesitated "Wiiat ' have I said? V'd no You -want -a rg4ý3i Tiiere's a Thé girl stretched ont 1er 'hand Keep ij: timidly. ataki Gold "No, ne;>don't toulih me ! For- ýap. You'Il give, and tr te lorget. I'm-I- 'jsk a hun- l've stolei ý'money!" ~e auged h. gave a little cry as lie turned té augedand le t lier, st'umbling blindly amuc inif along the path through the trees. Il boomi iHler note-reacied him in the mora- et mne- buy ing-just a few lines-: "h con't understand. Won't yen Thanks corne and 'see nýe? i t's cruel 'to explain. 1 ean't believe what yen Thursday sad E. Here's my Gîrey Leate siiook lis bead de- xtcre.spairingly. ;He had scarcely slept Opcibring aàIiwae mail te ipeakt" lie reflect- ! t eeem- ed 'dully, trou'ghout the. long, bt, te the weaèlîsorne day of office routine. 1 f Oarshott -",ýherè's a young lady waiting te n debt!1 see ye," announced MXrs. Cou- nds-nie!" sins, wlien 1 lie reaehed Porsonj ly, on hie Street. "The same one. Arid tuis looked se Hé was glad Vo'have- an excuse4 tthe - gas. for pau-sifig otiethé.aittLug- - write; theri I knew, I'd be, oyer trom Paris for a, day, and hoped te Cali. Next I foun<I ' -t th * pressed, and I put the' moey inan envelope-to':rgot ta en~close my 1etý toi,-o o!explaniationl-toid Inmy ieÎvan1t Vto dlvritwi I 'didnà't dis- coyer~~~ tile-a n i.New York boat. - Aways. 'was a -happy .-go- At WIi. haky, higii-pitched laugli, Evelyn Bromwich looked eut intô the. hall. - "Stele trom myself V" 'lie cried, hait hyèterically. "Thouglit -thi. monéy muet belong te thse ther- Leete-your triend. It was mine atter ah!"11 8_h, led lhima te a chai r. Préssix'g' &'a. lîd tohie to6rehead, ho shoed, Frn-obbold'5 '.re, -ad tôldd -her' vériS'thing2' ."I arn "glad !.'came,".'she S'aid gently. "Oh, yen «don't thifik"th'e worse'ot me for< coming iiere-1 - - conldn't wait, usee. But floW ive ail rigît." Leate cevered hie face. "Yen always meant te repay-il "I used the. balance for rty debte. Evelyn, yen don't realize wiiat I'rn aaying. - I thouglit I wae' stealing -1 thouglit se ail the tdme. It wae. jut asbad asif-" '"But tiie mo ney was realiy your "'That. makes ne difference, Bay.," "Net if I-if I love yen 7 Net even il I slieuld have leved yen al- waysanyway?" "h'ts net possibleI But se bent down- te him as se stood by hie -eside.-London An- e-wers. lssvy uteiel ~vent maàt,, irn NeeY B'N L.@CK preclate ies that i Water ss cltios -rithe ic bô-is ~?e, an ë 1 Ir EAWA Jack-"Percy, if a manu were te ait on your hat, what wonld yen do 2" Ered-"I - alieulti eal him a confounticd idiot!1" Jack-"Tlicn don't ait on it. any longer, dean tel- L p4per hau.?e ne eneot on with thls cf tiereader. LATEST PICTURE 0F THE E3IPERLOR AND THE EkPRESS OF GER IANY The Emprese in one et the meet charming royal matrone among Enropean royalty. A GREA.T SPÉAR THEUSI. ANCIENT TIMEPIECES. Hunter Drove Blade lIet Rh'ino- Tii. Water-Clok Was Made in- 'cs Brenst. VarIous Forais. Airab Turne, the.'niinoceros-alayer, It' ià dii1cuVlte o tehl. preciseiy was a migiity apearsnian. Commoa when an inerment at ail reisem- report said that ne less than eixty bliig the modemn dock firet appear- rh hoeo ad failea teli thruats, cd., Ia 1288, eaye the London Globe, each oné of whicl lie hadi killeti in a clock-tower and dock were set up single comhat. Such an achiçve- in Westinster at Vhe expense if -me14î L- -.18im npessible; but an as- Clîlef Justice de Hlengham, as a eodçte etfureteid by M-r. E. B. punialment for faleitying the. record B ro neon in - is bock, "Ir! Closèd et -8 fine; and weiglt-clockài are 'Temitory," miakes it compar-atively knewn te have been uei in Euro>- easy te believe. Arab Turne Was peau monastie lieouses as early as leading a party dewn a precipitous tle tentl century., It is doubttul, huléide. covoreti witli the ghastly liowever, if these dlocks lad a, dial gral leaves and stàlks <Af the' Vaîl face anti bands. Probably Vley elepliant-grais,. aorely soufnded a bell at stateti in-. Amd Vthe grass everythhing ie shut terva-Is. i .out from your view except- the Santi-glasàe boast an antiq.uity et paitciies of! sky tint now anti thon more than-two thousanti years, and appear througii the rnstling russet althougii aow enieying an honorable roof above your licat. At your very retirement or mere.ly presitiing in' feet a peisenoifs cobra or mamba old-tashioneti kitchens over, the may b. coiling te, give yen a deati- boiling of the breakfast egg, tley stroke; within reach o!fViie muzzle former]ly hid a place in almeet et your rifle a great python may be evcry paristi churci, wiierc Viey preparin.g Vo Vase lus migity folde servedti o keep the. serm on witiin about your. neck; rime, buffalo, reasonabie bounti,. At one time liený or elephant love andi always the hour-giasses et superior quality iaunt tuis convenient arn-bush, anti containeti nQt sand but egg-siiells, our 'o! fhem rnay any instant catch which, when'fineiy powdered andi yout,- ,iid and be literally upon yen kiln-dried, *$ere less likely te ah- before yen hav4rn e te throw yens torb meisture trom lthe atmosph-erc. rifle Vo your sien ider. -O! even grealer antiquity ie the When I was about half-way down clepsydra, or water-ciock, which from the sufmmit te tic swamp, wibi was miade in .sýveral forms. One et Arab Turne marching aicaci et me, the simplest %vas the Mindn's cep- anti aitiongl ne more, than six feet per basin, pie.rced witii a email hole in ativance, quite eut ot my sigit, ini the bottoin, which, wlien placeti sidenly I heard ýromn jusl beyond in a vessel of-water. filued anti sank him the swis.lîîng anti crashing ot atter a certaUsA establisheti intervai. somne migiity bcdy. More elaborate forme werc known I jumped torwarti just in lime te in Europe anti Egypt. ' ste.. giant rinc, whicii md been Aithougli varying semewiat in crossing our hune e! march directiy construction, ail useti a Pa. in front cf ws, starL»to swing for a The floýat was placed eitlier ina.afuli charge up our lin.. W. liat not cylinder froxu wiiich the watjr gra- atîsoketi hm, but ilïs greal heati dualiy escapeti by a hole in lhe bot- wa.s isiaking 'wîth rage; his little or,-usnally boredti trongh a pig-like eyes vere glar-ing with pearl on account oe! ils resistance to furi'.inascn.Veu errsion by lie constant flow,-or in It as l] ve ina scod. henanempty vesgel towhich water a I liahd uote man andtihe admittedi froni above. In both vani- brute- were Wt-iin arrn's lengti of eties the floa.'t, failing or rising as eaci olier. He croucieti iow, with the' case rnight be, pointedti t the. sh'ortened Epear, anti in tie very scale ot hp'nrs marketi on tho aide o! asend of - tic niino's swing te) lie vessel. Tii. fleat somelimes cliarg-' witi vne bounti andi migity took the formi.o! an miniatur'e boat-, thrnst lue drove lie biade o! hie in whiic an ouî-sti'etcîeci car 'as great three-foot spear deeP imbVite the pointer.- crenitîî'e'-a,brcasî behinti ils le!I Clepsytirae suci as tiese werc shoultier. useti in the Athenian courts et law, The weapon rangeti diagonallY anti we-re put in charge -o! a apeciai tiroiite rino's vitale toward officer. Oneî "water" apiece ma hie rigit uip, andi was buriedti le 1' ailowed to pi#intiff, t4efentiant anti verg 'ia-ît in his body. I jutige. Durieg tic reading et any Tie rhinoceros inshantly gave a document tint bore upon lie case shril!' _ecream o! pain. jA gusi of!tihe flow --f water w'as stoppe.d. A toarn-fl-ckcd blocýi tolti cf a tieadly 'iclepsvdi-a, whîch in ils action andi lung wo'tnd, andth lin. witi Turne ': appeiance foreshatiowet thc mec!- spear stili îransfixing ir, lhe mon- erg. dock. carried tupen its float an ster wheeied and iurcied out o! eus, uprigil rid th.at acteti on a toothct sgldw tiilar:gitanle' vie w hich n lurn moveti a hanti tooycourse. upon a dia!. Anti there Arab Tumo, wivth poul:e i-But li-, precuîrsor both o! lie àpparenly unquickene:' bv a single 'sant,i u and theclcepsydra was beat,, stooti quieîiv e miling anti-wilîon.t douit' Ie gnomon c! the signifuo for permi-sion te follow antii un-dial; a'simple roc! whici, stand- recèver hie spear! ing tiprigît in a sunny place, mca- sure-i th(- pasLsg-e of lime by lhe i rnving shaotho~laI il cast upon lthe RABBIT F UR FELT.- ground. t Rabbit fur lias suppianteci weol Ii Te a- 4titre-ele 1 h feIt îat-rnakiag ia Sytiney, Austral- venîently -portable was 'the dui-1 ia, where thisîy-îwo tactories are in rig iiiaisbraib-ait m andie tii. hehad coule to bng te tth. world. - -3. Ànd they comne-Certain - un- nmdp. rs a alarger ompanu _nween s4'r esPa To- the uninitiat& i the ,distinction 'b. than just the ý'four-nien -with'their fw«n-shresandbo e la '1 confuse« i*be' a afflicted fÎiend. Tiie incident- which .Sficil rit of term. 1la. England the term= fellows la 'itrý~duced into .the. nar- e'tckae Vo what we knoir asu ". ratie -te illustrate hôw -the. words- bontures~ or "bondsr,' as>aiy 1h01 j o eas rusdnh;ataon sed - by 'mnicipalîtyOr government, and hatred ci èrtainà scribes" althongh there are neverai unimportant. (verse 6). ' o;n tdifference.i 'The termu "stock" A man sick eoftth. palsy--ýLiteral- ' ber.ë -nua yrefers- 1what* the Englîi 'iy, a paralytic. -- cal! "shar u"-wbich term han been super- 4.,-Uncovered- thé reof-Theo'roofs, c .el'-,[n a 8" îand o5or- larg eto Palestine -housès .'were - fiat -and ant ýhaie. b i.fimw Thên. to auA covered with 1ie or, in the case et ta . liaeoxii ion. tbere is a ecaritry inow ie more m medeat wIigs. il s 'àeboinm e stock, 'udhors arae otherithateli. termn -moi ,caicuiated te nonfutu. han 5 Torfat-or ecially elucidate. ' - thé. faith ot thé tour mnen 'wlio would Last ekleepeso.prerd 'neît be, deterred by any difficulties, stc, aused. This lu a fbrm ortse. howovr great, trom ,bringing their cnrity w oh oannot b. jansed over iS* triend Vo the notice of %eeuw. Tii. the consi 1ration of investments. WhuIe eick man doubtlese aise exercised wiat Su' 6n au "ordinary," or "cern- taitli, but tiie-anWeedent etftth. pro- mon." uteçk hbas long been known to f. neun they, isý,cearly thé word tour nance. 'Weterred," or '«preference,"; in verse 3. stock lu comparaîîvsîy recent inven- , Son-Grýe,; child. » tion. Du .ng the financiai criniueto a 6. -Oertaid t o the scrubes-Pliari- generati ago th raiiways were bard seles and lawyers, - present fer the4 put to ~ance. They had ne prepert xrespiose et watehing, and, which t ye could mortgage and iseue if possible, fanding cause for leg4l bonda onIand -heîr commen stock, capî. accusation againat him. Deubtiesa tal was 11ready tee large and sellhng at sorne et thos.- referred Vo were tee Low price te, make il werth while emîssarles £rom ti.he hstile party at selIing Itj te Invefdos Bo Necessity Pro- Jerusaleai, by whom tii. deatii et duced thi "preference" share. Jesus haci already been determined This sec îrlty, like commoà stock, le but upon (compare Luke 5. 17-; John 5. au equityl coming aLfter the bonda, but it 1) A lu preferjed au te assets and dividends; 7. Me blasphemethi-Fer strict- and tberèfore cornes abead et the-cem- ortiiedox Jlews who rejected the mon, or any other claussof stock. Gen. Messiaaiec daims et Jesue 'there was, erally ope$a king a preferrad stockecarriesnen alternative verdict; 'the dlaim to,,' a fixed dIvidend, whîch, ila the malorîty forgive aine. implied,,, according' te et cases ioesn nt vary mnch from 7- par their strictly ortiodox views, a cent. (sel lom bigler, but in many cases dlaiin te distinct elquality ,witli Ged. iower). ~ s a raie, however, preterred This impiied dlaim of -Jesus'- the"e sbares dcý net-as de the commn ha emn were q'c ercgie-Heace eta onpany--carry any vetunj power. ter~usin h a ogv That la. ýhe preferred sharehelders 'bav, inebu eeevn 1I Hvn Bay in te management, or ia shaping could net do etherwise Vlan- bit-, the poie es et the cempaur. When ehis terly antagonize -Jesus. 0clas of iteck was invented St teck rapid a. Perceiving in lis spirit-Know-, heid, anFnwamoteek on ~ ing -wlo these men were, Jesus knewt compayhan for convenience et financ tngtley would underastand' ",hie mes- a cra~ part ef t[t. capital in thea-ferm sage., Re knew,' tee, tIat for tlem et prefe4ence stock. -tiiere would ýbe_ but two- possible Tisa cIss of stock has now baceme a courses et action wth regard.te favorite torm et business mens invept- himselt., Elther they miet receive ment. LiIvo1ving, as St dees, ne promise lis message -and become :i disciples te returq Its tace-vhlue aI any time and or Vhey must reject it a d Vieat him withiSte dividende depending wliqliy on as an-imp&tor andbas;;liemer. the abît itY ef the company te earu The exp'reseion on their tfa4èa douht- them, préferred stock cannet, as a clans.. less indicated whicliofethVes. alter- rank as ihigb an inyestment as vould a -natives theyXvere, clioôsng. bond; bý4t there iu aiways more chance 9, 10. Whiieh is essier, .Vo say- ef an advance In price. mst as there lu As if Jesue had said, "'Yenu have more chance et a break. ,lieard me gay, Tiiy aine are fergiv- iôweve ,. preferred shares cover quite a en, ' but have ne way ot knowing varety claseset hemales. and so whethier my word carnies the. nec- the' abov? description can ha taken only essary pewer with it. But tiiere is as aj very. general endine et the whole. another simple sentence, as easily Fer exariîpie, the dividend on p'referred speken, thougli as difficuit oet fui-; ohares d4es. et coure, depend upon earn. fillment witl i hicli ivcmay- make ings. anud in the case ef the u1pual cla su tii. test of the pewer and author- ef preferred shares. -if the dividend 1. ity te which I lay dlaim. Tint word net paidi that is an end et theaý matter is, Arise, and take up thy bed, and until the clompany again gain Soe a po walk. And that yýé may knew that sition iru" pay. s retnrn te tbe preterred this power is reàl ly mine L will sbarebLSýc 1roa. Su:h shares merely unvoîve speak that. secofid -vord aise." a promiýýe-if tbe y r.-.e nay 7 per cent Jesus d-oub-icess- would have prefei'redi: shares-te pay seven per cent..iieaied tii. seck man any way, since- on the prèferred before anythingcan be none et his miracles were pertormed paid on the common. Nv-mere the'shgren, mcreiy te gratify cnnio2ity or' prove3 bowever, iare "ceumuiative," it mneana' that his power. Now, iowever, at the net only l are they preterred. but that ifr yery beginnin'g o et i. lgconflict the dividfnd isneflt paid mn any one yeax witithe eoxie eiiu u St. le stSilli due the sharebolder, and if, as thorities, hise nemies wvere net, te in the case of Dominion Steel cumulative beu i eft in reasonabie donbt et thé- ,preferredi shares. the divdend were. noS vaiidity of hie dlaims, and, there- paid for lix years, there is a smali mat- fore, the- miracle is permitted in i ter et 42'. per cent. et^ accumulated divi- this case te serveÉ' double purpose. dende co ming te the preferreul share. lt relieves actual suffering and re- belders before *anything could be paid on veals to tiie donbting scribes a sure the comm~on. This feature, wbtle mnont and adequate -gronnd for faith in pleasing ite the preferred shareheiders* Jesus. THE HUNTER HUNTED. Exeiting Experience With a Wound- cd Panther. Tiiere is etill big gamne ia India- game, that can anti ottea doeis take îits tura ia doiag thiehuating. Tlie strong figlit a wound d pa.ntlier can make, even againet men wimtl iigh- power guas, is vividly describedby_ ~Mr. R. G. Burton in -thie Timnes oufî India. Tii. animalin, queetioulied been'trackôd te its Iair in a t6hickly woode ci ravine, raiised by the beat- crs, anti siot by on. of Mr.- Bur-' ton'e party.. IW. fellowed in tie direction taken bythe. wounded- beaet, but My hune- îng companion moýved off Vo'a short distance trom me te lookz for troche. 1 soon !ouund spol ts fblooti on the dead leaves, and was toUlowing Viese traces wlîen -the beast rose fsom a ehiglit depresaien in Vie grountia tew yards off, anti clargeti straiglit for a Sikch trooper, Gopai Singi, who was carrying my sparc gun. Whien I raiseti my rifle le My -SheuIter, Vie beaet, sceing lie movement, . lurneti upon me. witi gleaming cyes, ut-e ring fierce growls. I fired both barrels sapidhy, F rissing witb one builet, anti with Lthe otiier striking ùie panther lu. the cheet, but taiiing Vo stop il. The next instant ils tfoul brieath wais i> my face; it seized myforearmn anti bore me heavily te the greunti.. I fell on tie -back of My .-heati, wiici picketi..np a gooti rany lierais, anti was tour a moment un- conscieus. In Vie tail, my arm was tomn trom the beast's jaws, but il seizeti me by tie thiigi,, anti bit dieep dewn almeet te Vie lone. Go- pal Singli now nssheti np, clubicti the éietgun, anti beat Vihe pant-her ove-r VIe head. Fortun'ate.ly, tise beast t i not turn on him, but leav<- m-yg me walket slouwiy bacI Vo ils lair. aitionghiti steppeti once for a moment ant i ooket bnck ah mie. I hhougiit it vias going -te relurn anti wc-rry me atresi. AIl tis lias taken soelime le* describe, but it was -ovlër in an in- stant. My compani-on had fireti a aidt when Vie brute was on me, anti liat rusied up tg my assistance as sn as Possible.. I quickly put a constiýe-rable sp-a,-e belwen myseif anti tie scene ouf tie dif-aster, fer I ,adt iatienough efthVe figlit. I ieft a bocti trail.fan more -distincttlin Vie one I hati been foilewîng. A great portion of the flesi ef MY lef t fordarm had been torneut, anti the. wound was speuting bleei, .-ai- thouglh tortunateiy the artery was uninjîîreti. Tiere were> ti re. deep .wountis in my thigi--oniythree canine leeti iiatipenelrahe-d--ardt tiiere wvere five claw wountis in tii. caif of My leg. Witi the ai:d of my companioni anti another mari, I managedti te imp a giiont distance te a ciarpoy, on wlich I was carriedti t- camp. We were st-:ilirty miles fror lie rail- way, anti il wa5s igiteca lius e h- fore we arriveti at the station, only' te fini liaI 1h-e hast train liat geýxie, *andthal there woulti not be anofîser for nearly tweiveiorh But gooti Se'a' -nr'-an.Axîglo- Iadian englaeer a a misienar- came te ny a"tst tance witli dresi- ings for my weun At four in VIe atterncon a spec*a train *amiveti witli a- deeter, a id was talon te' tiie cantoament, 'a I adreti miles off. TIen.e I wasijretcired o-com- parative - etreingt' in about aix welks. E-0olidgid is a m:*Snomnèr, 5sflce e.rS pcket. Tic under-pocketlis suc-h goi hJfltbenuei o -he ordiniam pocket, and after. th' mauy, ia-n.y ears. 2Sme. of the jt opening normally, close4by apcient jRoman jewelry and tRnme pl'cs buttons or other faste iaa, ef' that of thie- Renaissance perioti hich ý are, ccsncéaled by a flap;-. wa,., indéed, Made ef pure golti, jstitchied te Vlie ýpoçket c p kab wini wth thé crud wor a ! but ' j m là Thii dà anýanged te le tucked est~~~~~~~ et. e iîeth i as~~iide the firetor ordinrv there hiasbeen a constaatly increas3- peeket, 'to the '1lower Midc fè ici ing eplkyônet et alloys, for theit iseec'tr&dl y 'ofter fasteninae reason 1 gtjeweilers, fou-ad that To open the concealed'pocko tïlh'. thie lard ýr te gole was readered- tasteniags--ef thé uap muet firet b..' by goùd a-lloysVie. greateirits .wear-nd-one andi theéflap diàwn eut of ing qualities and flie -more secure, thie fasteninga etf ' the 'orscealed tiereforlwas the setting et - the lceliv t e uatastene. ýgeme it c btained. Nowadayg, jew- elry le o0 cigliteen, feurteen, or ton carats, a4cerding te the design and REASONABLE QETON. oiiaracter et the.,article, 'and-t s anidto--n àk mucli rn ire trequeýntly ten tha Ba7,-«'A1n I the, fret ygu ever eigîteen 1 rat.-kse" id Too, - - ;ee, od, "t ,à , à t nd jmië-ssýk--g-e-,-ý-qif-ýtzýü h

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