Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1912, p. 6

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CHAPTEII XIII.-<ýCont'd) bouse save Fainbolme glaeced around admlr- ernaient anc iagiy. '«Of course," be cied de- officiais oft ef <edy 'I knew you wonld guese came with M it. That ie the pleaaant way these t eac turks have cf sectiring their pris- "The ati. ouens.","hear 'It is an awful ly unnomforta.ble when I wai on,*aid Talbot. "My jointe are thsm spoke cee,"Engtish, bui stili aVi at the moerércollection Freecis fluei cf it. 1 have laie in that way, Mr. aaS4 brett, for countiess houri. Oc- way, a s fo casionally the brutes would aîîow dccifferetfr me to change my posture, but the softer, more moment aey cee came t~o the door ed me as th I was strapped up in an instant accustomned aed a gig slipped into my nieutis. WaS agood-1 What tised Vo make me so furious height and1 was Vise knowledge Viat if on ly I frhebo got the. chance of a second I could favreisarde have brokeýn tisat Frnha s ade cf bi& fi -neëck and escaped, but ho and hi. wîth Ba word Nvîfe always to uhprecautions this did nol that 1 neyer had the libe'yty o do paaoa mncre than reaeh wih sme ifi-pectrana cultv the food that they gave me. fecs V a tface." Heowevcr, 1 must net interrupt Brett ooul "I1 réal ly have noV mucis more Voi voîunts.rily. Bay," went on Fairbolme. «"You "Are yen may b. sure it dîd net take me long cut V" Vo reloase Talhot, and vhat do you 1«I certain thiek hie firet words were when ho "And bis a Il owly eat up in bed sud tricd if ",,< quit. bis Jeg voukibend 1" eprtn "ý I cannot guess, " said Brett. Ihee se v "Hie sai'd: 'Have tisey goL tii heavemeenar diamuonda t'" Lhough aldar ji, ,'J.ýnswered 'Y,,.'"otnpld d D"Memtse< it was inPoipobleý,' e said. tueur deep-ht , Edità B !d net have msstered ail more Vo theî ay ithewoen.brows Visaz ay I*h#ieme.the. skin aspearl z they did,' I replied, and I hn, .ajofl, o1 . tiser., befor. 'ho would th k" 4.~,Li~hM~inch, ho iide me tellyou tes lm tfe- htlr M. àzé «1 h* j wat diftrie eeded W* hoard a souffle in the a- p n 8sýge, W. went ont, tkoughJak Wu, hardly able to valk at &M. t.hKbW i W.as Smish wnifUnt Vlth lb. vo. mn, Who vas ar Juar wild O ,at isets alm and ho votïld, iev-en lise; have do» I tut t id us any mÏsehief in lber power. Tb.reI db<iI was nothing for il but Vo tie lbs: l tb* w«s 10 bands b.hluid ber kan toaUr »M«# 1 tasten ber secir.lr ina chair. I ""'4 Or Altor this *as doue ve took to.u: th d sel As *0 OU? neit moveate." t unany roinis vire liere u in 0i. aifbew 'Tou havo accouated for four.## ~ C*1aè "I orot" sldFarb la "a tom b"ae a ix roome.. Tho $Mnilti07 bo~wo i -aparlanent ia whtch Jack v'i * __ îa member of the Gov- d one or two importa-nt the Foreign Office, who mie out of siseer curiosity Doltotion of remarkable rangers bowed politely as întroduced. Two of eneither French ner At he third man spoke enty. . Ilehad, by the newhat pecutiar accent, >m that te which I was in the Turks. Lt was esibilant, and impress- -at of a mnan who vas to speak Italian. He Ilooking chap, about my build, and wore it net we skie, one would net led hui as a Turk. One face was deeply scarred -d cut, but, if anytbing, >t detract from bis ap- id iL gave a manly as- n otherwise sifeminat. Id not help umiling l-in a ure it vasa a sword sly looked ic. one." akÎn 'vas very brownV' 6. Indee4 if wua sa de itiat et most Turks. v&y many cf thm. AI- rk-!etured, they are enough in reality, an'd utd complexion is due Àr black hair and oye- to the. mere color o! Bm#t smiled e.gain. ,ho "0 d«'1 will show le gentlem in a »=rn- >t- aspect. But pva- iation-given Vo mb PBEJUU's DIUGITE A CABINET.'HAMU MLLE BERNSTEN, aged 17, danu ghter cf the. Prime Minster of Den- mark, who bas apprenticed ho rseilfVo a cabinet-maker. Abac- doning riches and honors, ase bas reeolvedto devote hier tif. Vo. the making of artistic furniture, working twelve hours a day. Lt la her ambition to some .4ay manage a workshop of her own; until then she will live tise lite of a simple working woman. manner in vhioh, he bad been de- poaod from bis important trust. At onoe an anlmated discussion Vook "In Freach 1" interruptcd Brctt. "No; in Turkiah." #«Did thsentleman viVh the sabre-eut on hie face take aey part therein V, 1Not in the leaat. H. sat and smoked cigarettes in Vthe most un- oonseîous manner possible, Ieaving bis two aosociates Vo' carry on the. conversation." As the. barrister appeared Vo have no furtier question Vo aak ai tise moment, Talbot coninued- «S8everal tAmes Mehemet Ai sp- peaied VO me tO change my m4d and fowmally ratify the. Vransfer*.at once. I was quitefirm in my r.- fuaa, and did net henitate te de- sefls the. Sultan'. demanda as ri- diculous. 1 va. rendered more' doesrmiued, if sn.ything, Ain tuis at- titdaby a groving cortaînty in my cf a man who was sure cf himeelf. " 'This affair bores me,' ho said. 'I see ne reason wby I, vie arn in ne wa.y concereed with the. Sultan's collection cf precicus aoes, sb.ould ait up all ni.gbt keeping guard over then iiti hse very earnest gen- tienien here. I amn going Vo my ho- tel. I have sent my portmaaxtemu te tise Carlton. Will you honcs M by driving tisere and telling me sometiin ,etyen: wenderful London as wç gel' "«Thé man Iooked at me witii a meaning Lu nýis eyes th*t tconvoyed tise intixmatà*on- 1' 'We ca talk quiatly Intheii cals,.u aI, e eriain Muehbtt às atspeethde. notxae ly I feU iii vih-bis .sugqestiôns. - "fW. .uoud the'.uir .omVo gether. We wor0 asaziied-'-by the police in the hall, muh o hi& p parent aurMris0, and thonwvodrove ouf througfr Bt. GeorpaaPt o! ut onrai*ad'theR mv 4as Vo viat vAsrigiii yroIi.vd vison Ibisde us arnivtd ai. Looktg b m«er lio vntt of -Ibo niq àr' power, for lsey v a4 y euceed.d ualaA4Qt. MoUs "together one,-OtpfUl Of butter ,and lard" mlxed aud one cupful Of nmoIats. dd one. cupfll f browti augar, one tablespoonful of ground cinnamon, oue-quarter teaspoonfut1 di cdove 'e, and two teaspoonfuls of "od nnxed with a little warm water. Add a cupful of sour milk, arid"four ýcupfu1so L flour into which one-hi,f teaspoonful cof met has bfen worlced. Drop the dougis by tablespoqnfuls-about three* inches spart-mn a well-greased pan, and bake. Doughnuts that Keep.-Tise diffi- oulty wîth ordinary doughnuts je that they grow dry and etale very quickly. The. following receipt telle how Vo make dougiseuts which are moiet enougis Vo keep for somne iîttle time. Boil and mash ver:v fine five medium-size'd pot.atcea, add one and one-haîf cuplule of sugar, two eggs,, cee scant cupfu) ýof milk, tbree teaspoonfuîs of melt- sd butter, four tetapoonfuls of btking-powder, and a pincis eacis of sait and of nutmeg. Mix Viser oughly and fry ie bot lard afteî haviug'rolled and cut the dough as îlôr Ordinary dougisuntz. Apple Corn-Meal Pudding. - >Aoordiisg Vo a New E-agla-ad-grand- .fl1Oth6r il receipt.' Put one quart o!Yeiter4ay's sweet milk ie a kteand set it over thse ire. When -it boilb, add one quart of p&Wreored aud fieely siliced gweet applès, measured aiter being slioed: thêti 3dMin turrn four easpoonful-, Of ChOPPed Buet, a teaspoonful -c' siait, a teacuPful of good inaple. syrup or metted maple-sugar and a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in c little bot water, mixing all togethei ln the kettte on thse steve. Boil a litti,, and put the pudiding in v buttered earthen disis large enough to allow it Vo swell without running over. Cover and bake four bours. Serve hot with butter sauce. Japanese Eggs.-B-oil six Bggr hard. After removieg 'the sheils, cut the. egge le halves, lengthwise; Vake out the yolks and mash thete. Add oee teaspoonful of melted butter, tii:.. sardines rubbed to a paute, a dasb of red pepber, and halh a teaspoonful of sait. Max thorougbly, form the nmixture into balla, anci fil the. ap&ceini acis 1A.11-089 with, it. Haïo ready -o-pu cUpfUl o!f aeul oldp. o!fii 1Mter, presAtha aggs 4do, into Vie. rice, BlCaiidad the. platt.r ovIer bot voter vil, yoitrutb Vo .6t -butter, and4 twQ 61110 U-r. mToÏ141 -butter- and tour.Ïadd lait a, i o! mîlk. Put thàbissuce Overtu;flé amnür m*! uniil i ila ! 41.nad m mIOL» HINTS. ~ mflk should b. raetsed vAUt bora* Vlsbssllees o! An' MrADE I CAAD CO)NrAINS N LU CONFORMS TO TH- HIGII STANDARD 0F GI LLETT'S GOODS. in-d scarf for bureau froin the best When making raied bres & -,arts of old lace and Madras night, after it ie knea.ded,, jnoud ýurtaine, lining them with sateen biscuit and place in a, pan tifght1Y W. match oolor of wallpaper. covered, gi7ing tbom room at- the. To prevent diecoloration from a ton tW ris,-. In the morning they "black eye" butter the flesb for will be reaG'y in Uake for breakfM.t. two or three inches around the eye, Tu prevent youf kid gloires frO:ff5.,ý usieg fresh butter and renewing it getting stif! and hard if rOmD)ved'ýý every twenty minutes for an heur. frmr the han.13 m.oi3t and warÊï-mý To obtain a goo.d complexio)n, live fold thens up as they wrhi as much as porisible in the op-en air, new in tissue pa.pers and lay idr and Bleep wîth your bedroooe a heavy book for somne hours1-4ý -windows open. Take littie meat,! By cutting old potatoee" in~3 ,tndplenty of milk, fresh fruit and emali balls, allowing them tO î vegetables. for thrce bours in cold water, theci STo sweep without dust flying boilieg in cold salted water -an& about, take roller from carpet serving wîth cream sauce, a goôd.-- swep.r, wash or riue wetl, shalz. substitute for new potat-oo s ob- out water, return týo ewooper. Il ta*ned.0 nünmonia isu ued in eVhs Water àt is If soup la to be good 1V muet neyer' better fur fa.ded carpete or rugB. get cotd in the saucepan, but ehouki To rernove mat, add a le.rgn b. strained off directly it-ie suffici- hanctful of grated horer&Alsah to one ently «coked. lSave the boues Vill ,Zallon of buttermllk, let remnain in y-ou see if the soup je stro-ag on- xnilk from t'welvo VW twenty-four ough. If noV remove thie fat and 'icurà, ,rubbing ocoaeionally, then boit again next dap. wash outinle0oean water. To fil siall bottie, take tooth- one &ne a half yards oi white oit- pick or sharpened, match; moisten ' cktis laced on thoe table, ovor cloth lay &cross top of bottie-tii. fiuid ist il wluhed' will give a good surface ie; hold in place w;ith forefinger and' for cutng out dresses, oe. A pour ais uenal. The fiuid will runF good plaoe also for the oidren to down thse bit of wood into thse smallù play with thoir paints. vial. Will apply V-o fouetain Pen& Yen caneet aftend brain-betoggtngbhesdschea SNA-DIRU-CO Headache Waters stop them ln qulch Urne and ean yeur bad. They do pet ceetain aithier phsnà4etls, acelan1i4, mornbmae,4 o opum or gay' ottier dangeroe drug, 26o, astêssI your 1ýjuggmaVo121 ( uem J eInALSue Ans c n e . eer SA*aoA. Liorpr. WINNERSI TEA AND COFFEE CONTEST Týhe completed name for were oltered Is whlcb the prIzes1 "COW*ÜNNAUO HT" ohaùsoe -pàUrif o!'ww amein e at4 OUIs oar or higiser. Tii.l m -asemspty. TIbia cemuan pubsequoalyl dtbe. F ohaont, o to »rOnto e 4 a emsaeI. o l< lbi, b.uer, me in mai ât. Iva*,se tg ~- I )SF_-QUÂRJERS;. OR, THE IIOUSE IN THE RUE BARBETTE -.Mod

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