TO JDo lAdi W tisemý w w u q w hane W liere o th ou. ar w/ exct n '4f i cy~ w ha wt! w v thousai f >oui w n rmkw THE fui Wothb Ca Cannot G-cîSomeê for Ni thiing,;*,înd Min Who' \ rkes isleadin g ient WiIl Adver- [)eceive a în Other Ways. viBassettC12 relà & pica n " t I I I A I I I a iA i* AA i a A A a a APply to 11'vtty. 'j I{. KeGU- glu" 0 E. Liu, ui. i> lui à long cb o rtn, O II- 4. t tti i'l- n ber w" wma ouee e mg- Tâe average prive Mau abolît uu- p acre. WON A $buu tjULD WATCH. Wrn. Maw is a mcii>' woumi or a clever one. itemnly mue took parte w a gueula- oonhieât o! .ta. J10oi'l Uo., bgilttrL-at, and was muade htappy lagt WeeK by tüeie nîormaM,ù 1 tIat shte hall wont a #N gohaWac: Our readers wiiI lte pleased tbu bat tatin the recenu, Municipal tet"i 1 in the Town of 1'ertîi, an ol.! Whbty1 boy In the perion of Mr. (Mearge T. 11 Witison was elected Ueputy Reeve of thiat towh. W. ext.end cut congratu-1 lations tu hlm.1 W. J.-H-. Itieha:rdson wlshes te au-2 nounce that. ho will oller' for sale lot1 one rnont.h beginntng Yeb. it, htni UMPLL'rE stock ol tancy chinLm i1d crockery at benatUiai' vost prico Trhis will alord the. peuple o!f Vhtby an, will offord tho euple of Whftby au opportuaity to ecure hom elo!th u; stock jaL îlaughtcrpîci A.'I.P.A. INeVI 'oOSAA The- A. Y. P.A. o!fOsu4*&.are Id. hztg a social evenng itWsr 'S.,S.enou Mond&y eventng next. Thei Â4"e -. t tion bere la invlted o ver au'u ;L gains. The not'rigular rmet1*g 1WILhl behbeid In tlIuS.S. mom nett WridaY1 nlght. A social, evmang . la boâ tesp~ pared, conslsting et gaauS, çontbc«t, etc. Particlù1s neot *k ANNUAL MBLEtINoBAPTIft SUNDA Y-8OICOOL, j Th*wMtai nieatluz o t01 ofao #OVil-iti-: , Iý..,u' -U" 4 UIwOitil ià ut &p mutnbu Of I'r i~ m ai te& adsha h n'o ê SO l aip4 O1me.*br lr ecksstri ieSta~ itmbr ! a*t oait th ft- . Mr a,4Aelat, o Por gue r ptI Oat fo iostaio*1 ~ o Wfb PerrtW& 11 stn lcji Te la t p ot tests! ~i thrà or aure ohoos. A lo alf1 ' a"'oh sia ut ca.,zeThre C. o t erndonor j a e wèrià ý unl'ie t . tui l te ~ti bhO illWIg msso o un <> udin i à r , * o it T. 4.888 of aup hwlt"nby ,ne hool for Y uôte Voorae i bitt. tiea Ii8UCSsOt Wgtai«b hrwaecou-ea her~ahr oUi th ;1Ypaopet= Até. 'r. Â nhorn'r. bu a gen thur aay te efowng ltwemn a.ou-od NMi. atdo" If lf p repýloÃr e eagu ! e al ebers n8 ore- (t"u lïie" l Mt ThenaIf e p iorts pesene acb' 'ue cte tr o th seveani orgalt'bas a-4Me'Sr ,nAae , xolbUa t ii mnthewtedfr mac ~~h. -erettglt, rep ,ot d-~ litý aym nwd tfali detm cold *hra. Ihsl 11e M4.t 'Uvçj s o Pl 40,bUs.rm , Te repoia-rtor ts pNominthn i -e 1 ýw« h OR. C AM .ýý0X *ee of a mst, e oarpetuu. loy an& .boweing h-re wrmendln Vieog bezancà tl 1êm Bry86 a ef arcly W d ut foanu OfUU thendeesoi'îor ald1 trpollgest!YeludIeSEin* à ý#taterhf h faob theFioanctIoo5 w(tteenthWtthefort ter es, l pa n "0190 >shes dlýe-wu to wîreuter-W.b Waon.theeil as ««,"#tabilI>'ma 4.iu hi Fidn secW. la. {ndcraon the; eann .iMd amo rt- ~ nm bemset.-C .Gof.Iwfo@7Iele mlther-M. Me TiLean, Bll, Wd. NOh, d TICE. Rutan&,qM7deker. mmidig t i O ntroDititDiiin tt 'lle*b cla ton eclde w oadopt Sons o etô upe8,y aZ "ll1e et Di.eof wessIy , eWats oBrclay,' 'W hitb y ivson Xamuo atlnru, tutond a wand s'endeas or ts tim oiii Çbrk W. oope. .proedspleat d 1'stt = t ~tupa dtc&te t tat hile pat i pasweftle di.t Umore -eMt1cen MitsSocks StookingsUde Sweater8and Sweater( Albert w-a .cd dt u n Jaok GREAT CLEARANCE SALE - ul '4 Every dollar's ~~, wot o hebg tc 'oi J aeks~n' sBarqai n Stori,Whty willbe oldinhe next -ni nety daysrgrdeiso vle. vr article will be cleanedout to maketroom frnew spring bu sine's 'h v fi rst lot -WI~4 be soId by AUCTIQN in the Council Carnn ber, Whitb y, o ..ïbt" d* 2 Se COMMences at one oclýock., W-ILLIÂMMÂWA ÂUTIQ~EF7 This Geat Sle will continue évery, a a e The regular Ilivetkftgo! our Union as held on we-dnsday bot. at the' îas very interrestlng. 4m'obeg @tlwr !hîgtefüllowlng repoit w~aigiVen h%, the Superintentdenî of teU jeo" lisston, Mrs. Wni Marà l.1it :20 hou- ql,3 jellim,, 2 boxen Itit, can4.y. rake, etc, ,best4i r t* $ PtJ4 A' speclai ,exce'uttvo i1Woltl9 iP t IUbý held at Mm ~TotV& ci ý ti-oneen irîg next. t 73 'bc hra whlch ail inomberO ire earnestly r*- quested to ho ptogebt. e : i !<'The rep Whtby. bair oatet !M'W MAl» WAN'rED. tW Mrs.,Dr. Mcoiltvray, Mr. W.' speeal sl bias been very succSafala&bd la at. ttrtngKreat Crowda cdidaY. Tbe nevt fa tho4004jl800W "On TEhe lifant s#Mcf Bei4 . B.adMr$! Abraham, of Port Ho<p, ln 111 wt#. pnurnmonla at thte home (i» la the IXviakc(".,t id Që,* day thé ere .r ont>' t's ea. willI vs. IIalltWA ai w Qavir vM, km BJlot*-i malosu SUNDAY SCEDOL CONVNQýO tâon fôt tbe towa. of, wwbt "da Oshava, an.!Towa*ips of BEut &»4 Wst Whiy, Witt h. bel.! la te ]W- PrIda>' aftetaooe n udeveantmu uary2 Tiers vil1 odpeon M 1r. Mtthbew Pu ar» o !t 4r"t viii b bcbte outakspmk , at 7 ti6e, "d we. vi l eua 6'ib"t4i chioIandti le MIË* w Ijie oxgaiilu Odu" a» 'à iOwlg to t4 i IutcI* kl'o i% mba gfne la U» Dinde IIA14 U b.o tbursay P-s., bIte'Rev. Je*s'O tilio. &ele the Vppeft Casa * 14*Sd4,l ev#sUour vloe. A Iaboe1 alo*111 ha wlOburat-ufor "t e*bIg, but, Witt ha resummel 0m e Prldgy ealag at ?.3o.Th7%e~ netigtuw eax ept Da4a%#y aWgt.L tt w'ok wbfhou 0« e i.barvje Putu , Tii.4 Ir 0 w have in your town of the best cquipped ml and Jewelry estab- ients in Amnerica .c eyou can go any day- fic is flot Iimlited) andi Y'our eyescare(ully and nry examined. 1< as aonc in a hurry to get money as quickly as l)e, but by ail the lat- nethods and with the t intention of giving. he very bist you cav r vour Money, and il re flot fully satisfied the qualky of the work, 1be made. right for and if the materials do not wear as [epre. dyou May have them L ged or get your yback, flot to day nor brrow, but any limne. by n tIn your îown wbo the reputation for ng goods of quality, wbom you -will find recommended by ands of satisfied cus. -s ifl the district. ality contisdered, our cannot be boaten, Vi 011 Elvef ý,'*llar's no-W in w,,.--orth of the -big st.ock