Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1912, p. 4

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t1à met Talle. RobSOIS: »I~tO~ o! rov 11- of PLOmrY A -bald4boêded perdon dodu uut bave ý 48o04t10i1 irecor l t~~gntobau11eqt aum i iii~ th oe e uissad wstub âàhrmold&8'.Auditor ot ÙlasO t -1ttW jtal ocpe s i u Oro*=u s' k nCo., sîýS o.....- .1ion have estabiWihed .au aga 1 hit-, tien -M 0 «a OMsPtuy ewned d cu ~ aema~e:i ttt opeiBisi ..- wester par wilhlbndeet of pas nw employees. ýtertd0 umillion buishOIsof mimer' s Irbhy6 ur~ e ndbae ,graîne andi MYdutus tbur.witl rm-people iMay regain a 9004,Wd e quii iIly ba! m Ure. enwîîî heaithy bair if LfleY Wiil !ouitw Out wsdifd tulhat My hie. moens advice and accePt eut ofet. We bave few àded.Ob a remedy that we positiv.elY guar- tintee Vo grew liait e. &ny bcad, uns- 7 Yours truly, ýpsthç FootSo s01te hair are entlreLY W. H. BEWELI-. did bi olce ~eeadts asWatci I.Vie aus e mnyscalp bu sbecome dbgZ0 MId 1d l4y. atina uoin the ausetrt matsWC Want people te tiy tbla teiledy1 aIU* tf iili&W bI<t Tae ci atmnbrmna e utrlsk withisthse distinct undet-1 »ti@t* snd Llver Tabieta, 10& standing that uis tdr xoi TOur bOwmih regular aud yOU Wa» whu et w asj. l, n WgCresai- avoW id sesdieassi. br isale by SIlafset4osi $p pvery reseIW deslmf.-8.asie ne charg get p remedy used durit tbstrial. W. »Ow xactiy what we arp a- KINSALE.ltig4a8100140 adww ith mtsitisleir bau 0e. 'Mse rugular moathly meuus o! thes OUsureatçMtWls, 19 PoufIIWI'!4 spa WOOMa 'u stjtute ffil e e llat Um nedôubt ont word or hegitiW W pu4 mom eof lire. J. Peisgaly, Kiasale, eut remedy ,t'OaOUatuel -lisl. rhurnday, Jausry yIth, iiJ.U. 1Pro- We wBiit every one0 ia Wialby wliU 5t0U1 lv<my "ÃŽng.A funilattend. o15 slrils frein any scap o uat:w mUIla IlW&oqUoad. lits. neldon, Ires., rolbigtdpdruf l lbag hais, oï i,.id- àls. Mowbray, Socretary. nffl W try qui: ÏPU ê4J'liair ____reuit. W. waa&,t4ein P U"sis tuP§- TIP4Dh.UT IIDNIUy& ularly--&AY uwtiul Uaoi »ottàe4 bave KIdMW trolblm i ae no îr*gtuiy 'ee 84511d-m i il d4 irdct COMOUiie.bcaum e skldneys are no de.(lUit, cleunis sdreir it a 'Ursclp M49YWfflby ovawork or uSam îâgbten ttw unir r ina ro t& and'SUW Ott« and drlning. Cure, g ta efec. new- ual, we will retur \very smst 'a »t by wiLIppi4 in e.luereaew- pald us for tht' e eytr wu mure oi eIr~but uy awakenhng 1*1 action ttfg IhflC1 i onslsyepCr 09 t»1 liver and uowels by thse une <M, and we exact ne <$»Iý,ÃŽattei5 Iroml 01 Dr. ClmissKiduey-Liver fils. tue user wtsatOet. TIUs to69e tUe kidneys and Ir- tVVe are stabilhed riglut here iià t"m volA. kiacshe and 'rlnsry dia Whubby, an »Mimte t"i cier with a oiderstdme, disappear. full unuertaflui tbantoutr bualuie ________ uccess depends ent4reiy upoon ur;rt BIIOOKUIN. of treatinont we Accord eut cuefl-1 tri. Fred siater was'w Lindsayab er,ad eoudnt4W atue week attebfing thse unersi o! lier 9~'"~~ certain tisat we couid substantlSVS Il QS1tu; lithsion .. fo wte nsvery particisiar. ltomninbere yen tuoung !0it O .C.F. [o se can obluain Rexal lf.mtnles ini Vais A Tion o lceU). wlil b. d-cOmnasnuty Ouiy at Oe toFfr- The 1 d m(Thlarsda>, Agimeet aVodItexali St>mg A. lAllia, druzg>sý. àEdlUu lirown, Ol Wiiby, spent COLRE R. &y wtlhr pam ent le..$lO EOT m uPOUIl VADvalkenburçh a&M Thie-!oliuwin t b ereport ot ,S à5 J Ooe' ef Wlov. % a tê* evNo. 0. Naffl ais-lu a N tg .Ii t.t- ..Y frVil M S oman Wbue té F. is C. lathin Dbuig, LO.O.7., ia Int laeittAi ýl'fcr hë «All e a. * *e~ova siugptons tu al a Sby M. Ci» lU a tsQWeps. 4M -'HOM s 10AilUb the *beu. ICM. Op&wfllI ob o ttusedt « dIl»% put decotaat daony «n 'TIDxsiy .vuig lust wu t*lyi *s M VOS w« lisai la FwVoU5 YwMM Tb Wbtby Bau&M i s te b oe mWtt, but454B»t Sex Si. IV-Riby Ktv.li, Vp Rsosmi. ~IV 1*v l""114 se -s SI 11-ýRl> LunCý h GêUMiI Vt44OavaW Low. Jr. IalI-e*retU~.Jb Sil --Waltev'r u$idr. i. Ii-oeorge Love, Frank Jr. 1-CilEotI Lae, 'rluaiaK Ba io DUt. t Wsi, ftT&Boiad 0n1-I ~tg "ueàand woi'k 1las Ob#*' *ith rnd où on la! t01Otbt -rotdr-t [)OpWotk lu'1 thée wi ipjfrie» Aliuu cUeoela tu mm's lu iauaen On btisj aIotis. ex0144 Govsrnmrnt Dputs As . domuma.ls edv#anoed by o elelmaf oi 4uld-squ pensions as -evldeiiof !*0~ "i ublttd by te Local Goveru- m$~.peiuu n .or by thse soltoltor amb ,tlt d Bbles m piti3?*? éd li etrecnidate, Wo o 4 cor-' lereu L lesn491 sqpie whhogimtt sb4~ anIoned w-as undertaken 940, rspn r.ppulîg ls.fl- jr ý,earlyu.ateat 604-5. pi feoloup ai 4.eo oaiȔpfor dutgsraus hlit .11 ro-V »0ieIo' eeeng tise prodeiof' ,OJWi1@s u mjoe il> s ate é fil.5 &«rn upat ien p ~t-' d 4 nt00 litaiî -of)ntis ,u O" eàrag-tesV ltot pri t thse oba.kpéte of te ise ae Pstdyte 1eh Puti he4 Q$hp.4AIettat d tir 1#0pae t, r h 4t 4>~mf4e of bvdoe t aigs et 0in> oundwrmtng And thisag4iler puta IreottbulIWr S played liJEngland a68~,Jl811LY5i8_btor tise lng11àih erfle itâ wIT1W PUI 81t trosW oda &hs ie OI 41041gi have qàa d 04,u4un1 any peroopi ah be W o,,arluW as l lte fotnt!N * -4bouV bttes o! thbe ciy fe i'wh4 rug st St. laln44vasUil ain oif bstng sRrrQ#t4Gt- tiuls makea rather pleasant dan mù"1g- « r.adlng,' in v;%iew ofthtis great freedom'-enjoyed by eltitens of l-the --reéhut-daey *The irst meç %PIg,ç ofpI$t"oee fer eÂtnnqm14 . f 1 syýr8tugeor isqui4~. 1P W > Je'it-1 longls, and whu n.utfe-w #4 ~~ dby pqeafl ofe! slrP~e ti59ot1 l ljvà . OMte sq~l Il e, wf hnpii r l iston uItt w yy 116 imlnproved ire TWb Yeats afer Vthe cisar4rous con- M fl tfin IM, Q 86. 4bh Çi4y 0crpowtion sstet1be4 a ÃŽ,6ÃŽ, o! mon, slyled the pire rolice ~~l.aa h was provid- edwthle follqwlrig implemets- - Leathera buelçets, pitkaxes, iiledge- hanimers, shvelu sudbrasai hafd- -uquirtu. Thse ehortmou&,daniage-cansed bytuGreat Pire led to tube estah- oîhn tsfarc c~5 1pIti 1682. #î,cI i ï utlings 4nd business traisetjiins were heid iii the farnous RsinLýow <g'>e@ !Rauxe t r Eeet Street., 1kwas- followed by tht' Rtndncti-flgi,1 (16%6>, and 4few years lister.l. 0,tt th us 011e. was estab- lislied. Rach Indivîdual cornpany kept -its own englues ahid-iiremun thés lat tuer wvearing distinctive 1Ivgri ' Ontbfr'a ffi ' 'v fre- aun. Commoj!' 1-08 luise Lord Mayot and Coaïon eunell Insned tuhe fol- "rawing soletnrning: '"Wiereas di- vers tfires-often happen by tise negli- .4orliy fiesÃŽ ,thaP if &IIy pffieif4 or olliïe spr.v4it or er- n> wstlifi 4l pAm , or ng tio.sedo' !uouseq, #au evaptnt- or- servants -bu- log tisereet lawtu.lIy convîcte4 by one oro re ! Tr aeuty'iJustléés o! th th ep< 4!ott ie tise ofr scusd rsh whtie 11e reihdthappani k distrbuted sueh ~ ~ ~ ~ KM r- SBAOinSI tif tihe Council. o 1 &t 18 CwnèI t Wuintofrsi th 'ôrp.oration of -thée o.ntl cf <)ùù- icthe stateient âJat ho eI# âbô»tt tÃ"efor-theie.Can V -1 at The ourt Ilouse in the Town ci!he lghburlng repbiC tb WVhiCby, on Tuesday, the 2:3rd day of tbat there la an underatandýintg be-i .aaç,instant, at tht' hour of to tweenth ie tW~O goverrnment in regard "clovIcin the' afternoon, ttis uMost impOtant d6velopinent Ail nocounta ta liS laid belte the 01' the public ownership and opera-, . Ppuéli t enMOU!1sucis nAtUral moftopolles as te Voudflslruldbefotardd V . hetelegraph, telephonie and cable? (1tproperty ocertIfied, «t least 3 Wud lt epyn ubtscutis Iayâ befôre thé', meptipg ontVihe Coun- Wdne t ersnlyeres-btea la Vh sn JNO.E. AREWLL, ersilp of stock ithose mmensely JN. . AUWEL, profItable Utllities, hold up botho County Clerk. 'banda in favor ari 80 desirable an ad- Vance ? PUBI~iC OWNERSHIP. 4s - lTe natlotnlizaion o! telegraphe, Tise Buffalo East Side Sews o! Dec. telephones andI crbles would appear Vo 20, contained tile tollowin6 write,-up boa qiiest iof ! mmediate, practieni o1 one 0o!*the large departmental çonoerii 0ot only ln Canada but thesto~res o! t4iat city, and anflounces thse !Unitcd sltûts as well. A curious. u 8ý"0( O! orMer Wllltby boy:. - ktlfllarit« or antiouftiSmet tVo that 'I4inoas cepartruent alone, thse effeot marjkcýd tht' close c4 Ipýe4.k silk gnd( dresS goode, under thbe nan- Aliost SiMuUafleOU8ly wit theVuS 30MOIt Qi lIt A.J. Fallon, as buyer eteCQhw. jthat< the new aâmnjaMtM- lhM ace rapid advances, unt,îl lor Vlan at Ottawa ' is considerhig the cozupietenesO la tmsurpassed by thse niatter a nd ýi tj a i a)eady gqne larger stores of the city. Thus Xç Wq eit s to waçrant au uaouioe- F411on bas proven hie ability %ànques- ment tlir-(uugli lte 'r ost- News o! tioniably, as a thoroub êress goods %3ýur'dny-that the Goverment imay 1main with always e, cornplete lune 04 shottly decide te0rappoint a royal tIo 1 ýIP udiýg tabzie and stkitiug qMups in the dgess goods iqngdotn, ~~ eeffig n cose otç with the"a. t Croup corne Mseinou sudd*ne ly Mice___otAderts. A BOUT rnidnigbt tse child awakes ADJOURN l'D 'AX SA L1,-. coughing-that peculiar, nie. 1 Notice la hereby given tubat the' tallic cough-called crOUPY, and which 1i'reasurttr's.sAle 'of lansds fur taxes, strikes ttrror to the mfother's heari. I 4vÇdtiscd lout ecembet 28, has bceen Then begins tise. s.rgggle fol djôurned Un til Fr* ay, January 26, brçath, Aa4 if relief is to b. obtained i11912, at thbe horo! 2 o'cloek p.. trentmçnt must be prompt and DON LD MeKAYI effective. Ti Ui Co. ontat, Anyone who has tested Dr. Chase, 1W NT ED. Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine as 1 t > m' a cure for croup will ot hesitate tu ! pronounice it an unqualified success. Ou ç 4 I înin& in spileudidly equip- is woderflly pon)u4 koupital and - traininlg sebool. 1It iswne l pop ; ose. %gQ5, j8.00 tirst year, $10.00 second irtg tie cquglt, clearîpg the airur, and 12 Ithird year. F'or Inter- pA4;Oge of th e heaci, and i sçthing iluton addXeus the exciteciuprves. THIIAL~L 11O0.P1TAL, Thçreç arc *Irîtationsof DrChas,'a Mlddletown, N. Y.-3 sures Ypm ge tise portrait andd'ina. I ANTED. tU.rg a r A. W. Chas., the-tLemous A second-baudý- ligist wVga,.ais recipt book author, og-tise boti. cutter, sinsgle harrew, ligisi plow and( yen buy. 2 ot ote;fmi uosgriuide. MtU tc a o " od- _size, thretites asnu ti,0IW4 on. Apply Vo W, 1Z.RITlIXE, a! ail' doaeMs or Edunmam, ha tlkrtg Ioiglw. ossp &Coi,~i1o~T~si~ ______ clover, pot bus.,. rai couwr~ 1W I'NTAIIIO. 512 - Pus ,May. Round Ti'ip Tourist rt&kets itov on SI to ail Pnncipal WiVittr Resorts. înclud,îg CAUFPORNIA, MEXICO FLORIDA, Etc. -The Attractive Route to WESTERN CANADA is via Chicago. Steamiship Tickets on Sale by Alilmesr: For tickets and full information cal on agents, and -:specially on . STEPHIEN~SON Town Agent for Express, Ticket and, Telegraph Office, opposite Standard, Bank, Whiiby, Ont Spend three montais wtit us a»d Ieér how te keep record o! your busines. A card wlll bring yen full particulars. t ORDIFF BROS. Succamt o 0Cody Broé. PflAOTIOAL UNDERTAKEM Charges Moderate. Eu W. EVANS, Pump Manufacturer WIIITBY Thre doors west o bt h-il W~u. -se.prepared to instai wood or Iran pumpu où sliort notice, alsa &tteod to &ilkIdsdiof rib- Âpnt fori te Ontnxlo WInLMuii MON UMF~NTS .fsII3ItmU d latua êtI t Il wlipayyo lm elaio. woxksa sld lngject liW, uso Doi't b. IsIod -8fip . -t e »t a«qumt tw. ut autMide 44un4asiOiPo PUisy ll rtll >*av*sla frai n 2

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