R&ij Write orTlehIR bTre&Oo WIIITBY~ ..s... M- - - - - ** - * **p...* 0F CANADA Pau i k, Iil aigaBtk141t 1 without cIelay.i Swag Bti Dpabmg t*Evoey Boams%& P. Tnhe CGazelte ýloiChronieem'Ill be sent to new sbserîêsialJaur lot, 1913, for 1.00 USTE 1RýS esi~na ot fly bu tla 0 it Usie id #trenuous Il!. o! tha reb «Cis tweIt manths, a"d o! edéav- o«lagto beIll '<pesO" with ali mnet, onjoylngte the m tuletrent tbe os- amies sd aimiof Imashide. To aIl -aur resdeoeg we extond our boit wIshoa for a Ohrltmusfuul o! hmpineas, cutealomt, and prosper- Ity ln full keeplng wlth the Message "PeM eounEarth, Good-WiII Toward Municipal MMttersa.. - Tomorrow (Frlday> evening 1the Pleotors et whlLby wiiI nemînate can- didates b reprement tbem -nm the Town COUnCHl for 1912. There bheen asud aVil i leMucli interat il, the appri>acbung couu. AmSoget therUiettilg tiera has b"t a sc**trie on foot tu prevent a 4OtMt -fut ts Ofiloos0o!Mayor mad Ievby returulng tLi. proeSt 6"p* I& 1wvtn by acclamation. hote, - the declatan of cer- t1aIO cUo to aisUl f or Mayor. FlotMayOr nSaieshave been g n t d W J l ~ i U h r s n . Fa~ lue~r, Lt p»ete& h if thm& would be 4tIree-coruer.el Ogit. i~Jau noul gaubtthe' Seld. 'Ut. .IL Oownasnouacod jwit nUùCïafri. Mt.b 4b' County Coutt+ -OCCueiP P OURt DAYS. hlusan laWhtby S0glabsa~ IO rIS- COt lmmediatoiy alter the Dà inWion ouaib, reoeved hbu trial by îury $1.COurt laut week. Lt wlU be lurdthât the prisoner was with aasualtlng grievouly W'JoW Wldrk i tWuahao. Tiare b Mnome bail feelîng between Wlzeeler v. 'cal a nald fer. tephovià . wm. Dennia, ut EnVI Whihbyt owod Mus. Wheeler, o! the1 sme tewishiP, a bil for hoard and la've ber a lien oh à mare ,cabed Ne!. le as amcurity for the bill. Denn had borrowed #45 froni une Jas. Mc- Naily, -aid gave him a lien on a mare «liIed Flues. McNaly'sj story was tistewas a lien-on the mare Demils gave hlm, ani that h. spoke ho Dan- nis' abOut 1. -The -latter gave mc- N9âhiy<s'e" -ià 6 keyO of hie srtale, and -told, in 'W10take 14loua bnia"d gmt Nehlinle, de ted bhI dd ad KePNaly Camsai hlght andsubisti- htuted FlOM-tfor Nelio. for plaitult. J. F. Grierson,. for defendant. Oonnr~ ~ Mid. Ail action, tor nipaliouspre#ecticin. Mrris 1 ýId, Sfumer0 0 fc ZICk~ns Twiishp, b.d ~~êzueru~Wîuib stea>. lugiiii~ *~ 0-U -* - -- lu 'MlRLgh 10 ielaaci il &,à . c 4è1LUL -,ut, La lIeai nU4 our t4uwi. will bc passing Ilrouga Our.,Wwla ung1foCOMuIg îeBuul A.t tirai Lnogsi ti.may noul seen lVital. lmpbr"ac.-wo l-nuch oné aided, you uulu&. 'âlmesegrea corporations .wili have their O.wn wa.. ibis Véry tact tuaI our towu la buttlaig iUp -agalait 4ucla BIrenÙgtl, dern='daiur suoùg-1 est combatative puwer. Aisoi we have tule aimlost deamnte aSUranIce 01 the Public Llbrary, WJÉIIi we hoPe Wîl notû onIy be one UL the lhonora t buaât of, but ueu.t the greatest assets of ourungpU15 >0- Hiere again we noed sîtrong, bod Minded men, not Men imadeofutputty Utiiatwhlgrant our 1.Mtary liDad sVy whlnt; but min Ilbuiugi nul $o~ ~ ~ ~t êpoeal r e die m11e will. o! VIS >eople4. Abu, *hô- *111 lend ail pfuSibl,lea$sslshan1ôe-to tisleboard, su tnat tii. bout zmaY ho dune. Again, thé neW sonol ahalid8out a quest4ijonfo treinendous - inport. Il a aew _building Inust ha seotedthe llnaclnget suné lU big, tëm wlmpLy 'eigning 9c11equ 1&u »lli taa budengage Our t'owu >à 'tiéè,. Many ti4p, -gaboini' Op h à ,6Ç'"tof6n wiIili".bi. Wben once Vhs new tclhoêl te huit, geraions w !Il p'a itr any change will bom#ade agteilw neoeaaaY thon that al ha ably. and Weil thoughî out,ýj Another very vital questilea, _"i Seymiour Elecîrle Power Cùompaay*a colni15almoat ato-ux ýdôÃ"t Ho-w very caretul bia work needa gùard-. Ing, that no inltkOà 'eý' ndo. We don't want ta o te tntl1ig-for .years le cje Oer themutakee tt bia capable and wiIIIUg ho -dafor be comilkg ýYear ghonor ,te -,themselvee, cd to u~ er w I _4 e or.srls for a îutseft o*ver 30 yeais, 'hau bornê.the i*gttuwe aio ~~ ~amidlhasbeetI gDe mulet' bmis P61W Aliow no one to-decelve youllaa Ail Couatertelts, Imitations and "ittA.asé-goodPo"ara ù Expeuiments that trille with ani endangua' the. belth Of Infants and ChUIdren-ExpWriene4o against Eprma What is CASTOR lA 4 astoria lsa'a harmless substitute for Castor 001, Par. g 'rie, Drops and Soothigq Syrups. It la Pleasant. h cuntains neither Op]'um, Morphinior - other Saa'ote substance. Its age Is Its guaraitee. 111 degtroya Worma ,and allays Fevershness. For more than tlarty years M lis been Lu onstant ume for the. relief et C nlp t~ f'latuleney, Wlnd Colle, ail Teethlag Trouble. i I-) arrhoea. ht regulates the 8ton" ansd EoweIq. e'%ilmllates the Food, gvng healthy sud nà tà mrl sep The %Çhldren's Panaýea-Tije otlaeÊs Pfrnd GENUINE CASTORIA ALWApYS 4Bearsthe Signaite(W __ The laà d Yenliave AwYINouh In Use For Ove, 30.r- ?EU,ml POu PAI,? USWt,5WV* S? Dr. Hare, of bhe O.L.C., is about te take a wel earned rest. Ho has been enjoylng bis usual good hieslth, but bas been recently suffering' from morne o! Job'fj conifortets. lb bas bea thought that this trouble bas beaU occaaloud y two close atten- tion te duty winter and summnr'lh 015Ptpe holiday. A t a cecet fruni hlm, that he b.- granted boive of sbsenoe for one moiti, sud thet an huorarlum o! two hùndted loll be -given ta hlm tameet hlit axpomu Mus. Htre, who actOd lut"&egâpaclby of Lady PrIncipal f«' ,sévirai yemr, Io lu a rither delluta:te té,o heath. and boti aohé '-, ý teD0et bave beén assued _ti b a ir tuer f.v HSTYLE is-m-odelled uihown 11' foui- neuawelI' as wear..- W e have ilg90veroà sm< pli& to choose from., cn.itii"g*f Ulster- Gloth, NMelte,iBeaver ' and Fancy Coiting*. Overcôs.ts Mide h il lty1es to order, $ît8.oo u, nma4eë your measure Il 7Id We s&ho seili We.,rbettui S.uits and Overçôatsfnr b4y. Special ordetotstockdlothitig. uoi ~Ki OleaIngPresing, D Tiht A dvevtiseme,i sssuoIa Fadings ad Vfrtp1Ion. ion , FuMIs ltered mnd cI.ttaod. &AU Ilqà et1t or French , ibî~~g wprkdo0ns Give » à Cwi 1 - ti 1