Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1911, p. 3

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The ' >. Âdam IBeok fetals' theBsi ?ower 0a Be kut To~ A despatèh froin Queîplï gaysm: ta' Farm at OVVsawitWo. alte gave Acreafin separator ivas opérated some inustances te show heu-- mauy twice a day byHlydro-electrie .o-fariners make' littie out "of their, or in tic dairy section at lihe ( beef cattie. It ceat Vie farivers tarie Provincial Winter Fair, and fomsix to Von cents, live weigit, ettracted s great deal cf attent:jn. te p roduce hem. Thie coet in- Tise machine is 80 simple tý-bt t ticudes feeding, care, stabling, and %can he attache-d te aiy eletrie lglit this ther farmrs of-eee omFour fitu re . There aro aise pictiriea ti ht entms eivfrmou »on show demonstrating the uses to toeigte et a pound t rom tic whici electricity can he put nn tiue utchers, leaving a balance on the farin. Tie pîctu ces were gâther,ýd wrong aide. At the samne time the hby lon. Adam Beck during ýi consumer pays t rom six to twenty- travels in Europe.g five cents a pound for the same The uses to wiici electricity can iflot, a heountrerthe dfeece in :be adapted un the farm were ex- no ta. Ti lecorersathe dfencouid ,plained to over a thousand interes- price, but believed the butchers ted listeners f rom rural ,ja.f,,3au a right. Nevertieless, farmers could public meeting in the City Hall, r ma'ke a good profit trom beef, in Ion. Adam Beck. spite of the dufferences, by care and Profeseor G. C. Creelman, lrEi- ecunomical tecding. dent of tie O. A. C., presented 4.he SEED GRAIN MEN. Case of hie cellege before the far- 19 .H emnB .Ac mers, urging thein Vo avail tiem- Ottawa, S--ecretary ofthVe Canadian "Ilves of it, and te spre ad its .)n- Seed Grain Growers' Association, fluence. He aIse urged the crying o0u tlined the aime sud work cf Vie need ofthVe college for greater fa-ascain which were, briefly, Vo eilities and more extended accom- encourage tic production sud dis- modation and more money f rom tie tributioni cf Vie beat stock seed Goveriiment. through Vie country. "Lt ln our The M nilster of Power promised airs,' he said, "Vo put Vhe iand- tie auidience that witiin a few years ing cf the registered seed on a hie department would have 1,000 g onn-rilbss.W iht mils o lo votag lies hroghincrease tie supply of real good Ontar' o, sud country farma fer aeed in Canada. We have in On- eight miles all along these lunes tarie this year s litti. over 3,000 could be served by power. Mr. Beck bushels et registered seed. Msny told of what he had seen efthV'e'P- times this quantity are requircd, 6ration of electricity on farms in snd it shail b. our aim to work t-o- Ruropean countrie. Plowîng, wards incrcasing hils eupply in fu- tirsing, milking cows. and xnany ture er. ,otier operations were included. Hoe er promieed the tarmers that ini On- WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. tario aIl these thinge could be donc Two iun.dred wemen from al b Hydro-electric power, and that parts of Wellington County hcld a 90i use of electricity would be a meeting in connection witi Vie FrQat ecouomny. An experiment Winter Fair for the purpone cf dis- had cen tried at Ingersoîl ot fil- cuesing tic work carried on by Vthe ling a silo by electric power, whici Women's Institut. cf tie ceunty. 4hôwed Viat Vhe electrie operation G. A. Putnam, cf Toronto, supierin- ocat $32 less Vian Vie same opera- endent cf women's institutes, whot tiori by steam power. presided, spoke cf tie value cf tii.t ASTRIKINO DIFFERENCE. institutes from a ccommunity andt co-operative standpointï 'ud roer- Th«,ýi»g kn«difference in Vie red Vo tie go ok~r e n ~4~~fhe.farner for ihà uJteUe tIito-e NOTE~S ANb>COMMUi <'IV was good Vo livp lu th, poobs AD saaylt. bave, ed in a.lnging thepraises of - o! of crn lstoxy' t1 ,i as goodt i v 31in 01 PeriklIs, -ln Vhe ageof0 peare ani Miltolu and où oc ,et un i> jist teou r uge cognize our own privles~ portunitie's. It le nstu'ral lize tic psst, but it is net ine ouuduly to disparage thé, Ours', toc, is a gloriout' tic age; ýoiir8t t0e,9 ea4 gresusud 54ie ti ring eveM nd- agalhït au at The otho r day -anam agaîiut rwsat ciatter asuaper*$&hltiy, cf t alk and ilike ojf MenwàI alI o! which thing ho.élae b.",ecuUiar teo ourmgo., ButwÙ4I Ours il undoubwedy an age 0f &Wl. pcrvading, papers, bout selleos,, choaR magazines, mass meetings,$ inventions *nd improvements which destroy . solitude and militato against contemplation, il js Bt truc that chatter, superficial tiink- Îng and sopiistry arc new under ticisun. Evcry age has its doms-. gogues, it.s ensation -mongez-s, its cramesasd follies. Tiere were de- Magoguca in ancient Groece and Rc tiehre were dcrnagogues ilb morry old England. Writiug in 1724, Iliaiop Dutler complaiued ofthle "great number of boouksansdamusements- wbicb came lu one's way, oft he. muti.ý tudes wieo read mnesely for the sake cf talking," cf the. goueral unvil. lingness te thiuk harda&,i aUNer "the vain o! attention."$ Tbcught was always "fliguig," sand t4lir was alway@ plentitl, but as thse London Timeis points out Our a"0 is reaîîy doiug somethin; Vo on»s. tcract the sver, ato tii, trousa of indepoudent thinking sud judg- ing. Instead cf lcalng Mstal of- ficicncy and intellectual stteiigth, we are gaintng anti advauciug in these diroctions. Aftor mil, titis je the gofsoe Plaansd w4IroSe ancte, cf empfre building, of lAternatà,n. a i s a ' it r tj n , o f s o c i a l r . h n . ,0 1 aion of knawldge, artand «k- Canada, the EmPire and the World la Getteral Before fou CANADA. Mr. J. C. Baton has given 2, 000 Vo Vhe Winnipeg Genersi Mos- pital. The, penitentiary statistics show a large number of convicts under Vwenty yeara of age. Tii. Berlin Board of Trade is agitating the question of tii, de- veLOPIDent o! New Ontario. - Perrin'a coflfecionery works at.- Lopdon, Ont., ivere d amaged, by' fire on Saturday ýmornIng. Tie Berlin waterworks yieldeda net profit of $14t170 düring Vhe year. The Ilailway Commig'sion is mak- ing rules for Vhe inspection and testing of, railway engine«. Sir William Mackenzie lu report- ed VoI heve beuit a tract cf cil lands lu Neèw Brunswick. Theê announcemnent cf new tele- pion. rétes inWinnipeg iau arouued a -gVrm cf opposition. The,, Governmen, will probably inake, Saskatoon or vici.nity tiie enateru terminus ote Hudson Bay Rallway. %èp ooutract has beèn signed for the building cf the St. John Valley, N. B., Railway, frein Grand.Fala Vo St. JoDhn. It will b. operated by tie I. C. R. Montreal proposes a civic pen- sien for firemen, police, clerk suad permanent employes cf the iloade Depsrtment, te wiiich they centri- bute one per-ceut. of thei r waMe. Canadian trade ithth Ve lUnited States iucreau.d over $9,00,Mê during the lest fiseil year; wltb Gerrnany it 'ncreased $2,ý800wo, and witi France $1,7U6,000. ho' increase witii Britd'n was only' a Littie.over Vive millions. According teo0. 0. 0a5t14 'r»- ImiofiWar.iouée, Comssioner, there i's f rom 30 te 40) per cent. of theý Western Canada crop aVill un- bhreahed in Vthe fields. Threshlug stihi co*ntinues in msuy sctions o lii. Prairie Provinces an&d. U jn ON EATING. Leaving out of considération the infectious diseases, there s lnfot the alightest doubt that more of tiie maladies ci mas are due to the feood h. takes than' Vo any other one cause. Although it afseemastrange that anything so essential to healtii as food should also bc so destruotiye. both of health aud of life, it is ouli an example of the gredt differenoe between use aud abuse, fohere are-, hre re a,.eh :u4 ilthe ap.ed' with which it àa eàen,-and mont often we permit 1V Vo, do us harm in ail three. As Vo the quality or the kind of food thakt we est, tiere is a con- sVant fight between the veget>ari- ans and tics. wio est animal as well as vegetable food. Arguing f rom the. assumed desoent of man f ram an ancestor common Vo im and the. spe, the vegetarians hold Ithat, incetiie ape in a vegetarian, man aloo mut originally have boen one. But periaps 1V i. because man differe-d in Vis -respect f ren hie cousinte &pet that ho Sot ahesd of him in the. race of develop- ment. That, of course, is mere guesuing, but the, fact remailla that the teeth are adapted Vo chewing snd tii. digestive organs Vo digest- ing. meat as welI as vegetable. The in in ot in taking aIl kinds of food, but iu tskinig toc, mci of one kiu-a-moat. This la Vi fod fur whiûh Most persons ha~v* he Ureat4ot likiug.0 e 14 W .ai4 te te tVtoeoften sud in toogtreat The aeond -diettie ofèia l th.-uittt 4t ood that w. Vake. Wa are proue flot'only Vo est tiool Mucii meaut ià1 mise teest tee nhclL adaye iviither, they reetbread and pie or pf flah "d mest mr top muciifrti vrg <ut 5o-csUe "O ,mntài" bteakfast that ià, fruit, a roll or &ah,.ic o toast with butte,ad cof..; a Lght, '=atlest luwoeouor itpper, apeoordiug to the. dining-hou>r, suad a ïÏb>uttiÏlý diauter, wlVh ùih or bièt il draU 4*êIrdi u laa ietetics pro- ~ td~Aêor all -menan' vo~~>~ harahose h I o f p h y i -a l As 4e >thé mânnerM . ating, 11tt1 u.d Ifýal M-t ustb.'admit'. 's 1T8PRON E ED I I'rieu etof ~ Ul, ~o ai Othetý Piodaent RaiKoe - - ad Âbaroad boad, anitoba floure-Firet patents, 44.useilný patenté. $5: andi strong bs.k. ~1' ~011o traok, Toronto. Mnitoba wheat-No. 1 Northern,.*1.08 ]BiY Portai' No. 2 Northern -t *$LOS. and Xe,. à*t ..01.Bay ports. Dfl'0t&rL* wheat-Nqo. 2 whIte, reti and ,mizeti, 12M,68to 0Me, ontuide. ?ease-eood shipping peau, $1.05 to' W1. 10. oUt.uide. Oats-Car lots ot No. 2 Ontario, 43 to 43 1-2o, anti of No. 3 at 42 to 421.2e:; on traok, Toronto, 46 to 46 1-2c; No. 2 West- ern Canada oats, 46c, andti ee&i 44o. Bar ports. Barley-The ma.rket Ls very dull, wlth brade about over. Corn-No. 3 Aïmeriean yellow quoted at 67 1-2 to 68c. Tor-onto freight. Buekwheat--0W tSi6c, ontaide. Bran-Maiiftoba bran. *24. in bars, T1oronto treights. Shorts, *26560 tO26 Applcs--wîuter s"lk, *3 te $4.50 per barrei. Eeass-Smsi loto of hani-piokei, $1- 30 te *2.35 per bushel. He-Exrated, ln tins, U to Uýo jt' lb. Combe, *2.50 ta *.76. Baled hay-No. i1aM *16 te $1I, on trsck, ati Ne. 2 ab 14 te $14. -BaIeletbraw--*7.50 te *8, Con track. Te. rbato. ,.Petttme-Ocar tots. la baus, iuotod at 4LSO0. aaid Delawareg at 41.35. Out cf 8ir 1.46 to $1.50. Poulty-Whloaae prces of droset bo111tri:-Ch t to u 1* o t r b; fowI, 9-to lit 'i det te140; ge.ges Il teélIe: inrkys, l 'MWl. Lire pouit2i, about Buttér-Dairys hoie, a wrAp per Ahi te M6i store Iota te i5e '*0asti-biferor. to M forroU. aud*teo o ir solide, hêre. and,,ii M-u23 ai l .18 r 4en, in 4basé lôo., Olreesê4re -tiuoted al Ul-4e, 'andi twluu at 16 l.4q par 'Ib. anae ,,DVuohess of Fife fand, To ters in Steamship *Wreok, -A deupatch froi fibatrs TheO P. snd O, sïlamahip 1D"ihl; bculd tfr Egypt, rtau 'aih*re cil Wednesday two miles sBouth o! Cape, Spartel, wiic i lues the nortiiest Coast of Môrocco. A 'number o! flrîtiti Royalties were on board the. steamer, ineluding Vhe Prin- ceàs Royal, Louis. Victoria, sister of Xing George V., her hueband, tie Duke of File, snd their Vwc dsughters, Princess Alcxàndra aud Princes Maud. The passenger list aloo included Lord sud Lady Kinnairdï.Sir Thomas Erekine Hel- land sud Sir Lewis sud Lady Moles- worth. The Delhi was bound fremn London to Bomnbay. Tie Royal paasengere werc en route Vo Egypt, sud sie isd about 100 saloon pas- sengers. Fcrtu-nately Vie Deli is fitted witi wireles, sud was ahi, speedily o summon aid f rom Guib- raltar sud Tangier. Several war- ips were soon on -the spot, sund in spite cf Vthe extrernely rougi weather all Vie paesengers were rescued. Tii. landging of Vie passengers was s dangerous undertaking, snd ail concerned were eztremely auxi- OQ1I* 0FP TUE TMULE. Yirst Orne lMade h1 a. Dutck OGold- 'and tic surf hoats were ccnstesnt Vihrëatened witii ewamping- -W.h -11oyat Pri nces suad lier d4aughër suffered 11k. the regt. An epe- nees cf Vie Ianding on the. at Cape Spartel sys one capsized lu the surf sud ait-. occupants were dreuciied te skiu., Princees Alexandra, oun tie daughters of tie Duches Fite, was uarrowîY eaved fol drowuing by a sailor, wio grah. bed her by Vie siioniders snd held- her up until Vhe two were draggcd ashore. The -Duchesa o! Fife and her Vwo daugiters, after horrow- ing some clothes at Vhs ligithouse, rode Vo Tangier on horsehack. One cf Vhe launehes cf tii. Frenoii crUiser Friant, whicii iad render.~ ed Vhe bravest o! sgervices in tk~ Off Vie women and cildreni, -wâs awampcd sud sank. Six cf thi- crow were drown-ed. The. otiieres trug- g led ashire in as exhausted cn dition. Several attempa o! ba-ts Viat went toe i.asi&tance. eii Delhi were haffled byVi ened ous seas. IV le *dombtful if;thii. sbi cas b. uaved, but if tihegae, .âbates The modern thunabi, dates frein 1684, wien thei. geldaniti Nios Be nuchoten cf Amaterdani gent one au-s abirthday- preseut Vo a lady 'f iend witi tire ddiUcatien ift My fronu' .van RJenscîser tua -littie bject wiiiciil lbave invented audî exeouted- s a-protectiveo ôvetlng fer her induetti"* finiers." - The. luvelntion- proved aunh & auocesu chat &II--who, saw iV -Vried Vo obtain iixnlaron»,an sd the gold- emitiithad enougin Vo 'dé Vo supffly ltem. Anu, Elglihzau .naine Jodma Lottini teck -one' specmeir home- with hlm sud,.copied it by Fig a eew ree Traupê i. n im nsely bade Vhii. 805501.,- Mail>'- black velvet1haVa: ied 'with -white. Emboldrybolte. are dU chesp.- ý t-el, Lrman ciuoo about for so ý >4 tha st end Vii tr$kins Dn1 D vinteWa lats- are rand wel 044y to t t ti ta: . Ts h "Cl1 dertl. tb* ad if the paraUa ii L xarkd.,- tiobjfttion iliat suob m<thods, Itend-te dolprive tbe coffpler eo!la f air opporti tytidmthe* ifflt. The utaaki.usgiat! eves tel tuat the7in bômte s conîmavene theo dipky due. Vo bu mn nature irDgsertl. P*i*p »&- ligiri tatoing, plaoed os»m part 0f tbe od. hvies sm ot the law coutl "d t. t, otý nu#body ...vml oiusi> Îor thusak o! looking fur I1,U# tLve . tya uïr pe is4 I advabtage lin1*. vartsws lta, i-fi à ITt#M"beUK* 0*AIL ?A$ a mivl' â" ~& i a p s t s f s u ~ êi; . «P a tcsi a bma * I ~wc1 I~'t tJ Va~1 1eerij L n.~ Di Pia e IL t If. i& , , , 'f - 1 f. Cer- 1 1

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