siilar test vas macle a uaving Ibrlngo the Uge of Urthreme te"srWiout of thât juil quoted wus preduced.- ,Wliams'rnk pilae wien lthe shadoir ef poor heaih talle un your lite, wssu hope begi.s Vo fade axid .fiieudslook seronsl, then ÃŽu the. tiue you should reMemn- ber that thousandu just as hopelesu have becn curcd and reetored te tthe sungbine o!fiscaltlî by Dr. Wiliâins' Piînk Puil. These pills actually malte new, ricis blo.od which brings as glow o! heaultis te anaemie cheeks, et res indigretion, headaches and baekachei, drives out tise stingiug pains o! rheumnatialh and neuralgia, etrengthens tise nerves and relieves am, ne other medicine cars do tise ache3 and painsa hich orsly women folk sufer from. In any emiergency ef poor heails give Dr. Williams' Pink Pillea m fair trial axid they wili miot disappoint you. Here iis a cause thal will brig hope te niany a woary eufferer. Mns. F. K. San- ders, St. Thom:u, Ont., gays: "About four yearsa ago 1 toli a se- vere cold whicîs I neglect.ed, t.hirk- ing thuit I -would noon be al ight agus.în. But inst.cad 1 found myseif ]n a weak and run-down condition. 1 seemcd Le have no ambition to do anytlsixg and my lseart and nervr's became se bad I vas foroed te bced. Tise d.oct.or viseva" called in said thse trouble wuts chronic anaermia, but in ispite of elh s skilled atten- (Lance 1 das un:tble to eit. up and eat, but huid t-o be ted vith a %poo4n. One day a visiting friend isuggest- ed my trying IDr. Williams' Pink Pil, and I sent for a haif dozen boxeg. lu a short visile I began to cut better and feel better, and by tise time tis, pille wcre user I keit altogeliser different; my iseart did net bother mie, niy lips and cheeki regaixier their natu raI color. and everybody who saw nme remarked or isow weil I vaa once urorp looking. Wiing Vo b. on tise mfe Side.1 $ook Iwo more boxes of tise pille, whiciimacle a complet. cure, aw 1 bave isad xi6itherace nor pain aluce, and I nov *eigii 146 potsnds. 1 alwave roormend Dr. Wiiliamns' Pisik Pille, and I hope tisaI Vhii let- ter May b, the meatms of suggeiting te.1101 ,to mainv o! my smtera vho sulfer as I did." Sol4 by al medicine lealers oî sent -by mail at 50 cents a box or #1À boxes for -$2.50 bv Tise Dr. Wil- IiauW Y>e icine (0, rNoh Ont. ,IT-Pà YS TO ANALYZE COUL. What Contes From One Ditriet RIay Vary Very Mneb. n U%.hmistry lias showi> tilt 00815t from the smre district may vo.ry a.s, gReatly a@ cuti oi meut from the ý,salà " l.That Co lvarie reat I ly xi rj&jP of asti, silpbur and heat units (tho 5lenlcfts tiat lu Lqbowxi by Lthe exhatugtive tetsN that i138uy large usei.B now reqîure 1>.- fore purcliase. A n>glec't of thig Precaution otten rereults disa.stroudy. For instan<ee,i according to l3usiness., a manlufo.c-i trer wh.o had taken s.dvantage of an opportutiity t4-) Rave a fcw doi-a larsi on the 6rst cost of las coal hy buying smre that he ha.d been a@- oured camne Irons thse mne dliqtrieLt as the good coal be hax formrerly ud. soon found timaeif in coad-c erablo trouble. a The increas. in contitmptmon te keep up thse required a.yotsnt of, oteam was sol great. that the a"ded labor broughit forth immedintclyt nomplaints f rom the engîne room'1 Firing hâd to bc almoat incessant andi gratcio becazne clogged go 1 rapidly that etoking was aie close1 to a continucus operation a.nd&Uil thse while thse as pile waa growing1 luto £ainountain. A cemist Wacall Jin li 6»Iy ten 1o0k into thse coxition. He did 50, and him tcst poed that the con] ooflt.ained a fr .tion le«. than two-thirds ails. Sucb leasonis cogt inoncy, but they have to b. learned In Smre W&andaujtheogreat ash lwap, two-thirds the si»e of the original coal pile, madle a ftriking obt e cîon. The storage ofc oal la1alon- Fide(rahle item. Frequent haudi- sng wiil groatly increase ita 0011., liIl one Plant where an e«Pert was Vil le4J li toadviae on tIbi s ubjeet Ile dincovered thatt he Company 8a. ê,ondint 53 cent* a ton en the tranisportation of coal from hie tuîtieit refr<1 tho siding until lit 'nent it i uncs 1 n a German factory firemen trained to aippreelate the. noentil Iprintiples ÃŽn#ÃŽlw'd In the. wortrpro- tinced a saving over lte w4k et thse regular bi4 991Y8111Od» stokers of *8.60 .1 4aaM , <w 050O a week 01 144 houri. nO US- train.d men h"ad ottw - atI.14 .tndt agup t* 1MY "TEMLESOOP1#9 RiA kDITOIT Europe Created aud Started the Word. Attention ha. rocently been ceai- ed ho 8,wonderful telescope that has madle il possible toe ec tise n-- tua formation of a sua f rom an sttenuated nebula, tise distance -o! wwh if expresoed ini millions o! miles is £0 great as te be beyoxid conprehensioi; Vise boit idea o! its rernotenees being given by tise statement th ai tise ght we sec iii by, htarted on itus journey througis spaece t.oward us one hundred and twersty-five T'cars ago and has been trai<'llixig at t.he rate oi 186,000 miln-i a eocond. Wlien wo ask liow tiis wemderful instrument came to bb. callod a «'teloêt;lopf" ve are properly tol thn.t it fornes f rom two Greek wor4, "t-cie,' meaning afar, and "'Shupein. ' to hehold. Theft word-s hssd their nieanings long be- fore Oalîleo's littie telesope madle thse wonderfisl discoveries o! 18M, lonij' b-e! r.there vam oucis a thing ase n Oreek astronomermand tern tisousand -vears hefore the, Italie-r astronomer vas borri. Away back ther* t.hes.e two iworde had beer giveoî their irxt fonrms, in tise lang- uag-- workshop o! Europo, and isad staried on their long jotsrney tisrea;gh tise a«es. Tliey came f rom two Aryen roots ]ont- betore they venn unit.ed to, foriii our word "toelescope," &n<d vent into the Greek a.nd otser ArNan tongut-A. One root is '«ta" t whi. h %as tise sound by vhicis the i Ary&ns î,ignîied to stretech, thougi 9tise tretehing isas beein far beyond 1 anything the.y ever isad any idea à f. lais idea -of stretching and ex. . tcrsding hmu given us sucis worde 1as «!table." -"teache r, " é"toxe,'" . t-nt." "thin," andc many otiens. 1 lus týie Renkrit itis "taxi," to-day, nmeus.riîng Io stretch and also "tan. *tu," a tisread. SPAK>' MEANS TO SEE. Thse other root, f rom viici cai 9 tise 'soop," is 'e;pak," vhict 0'i toe sc or observo. In tht r "ao in ' nsa] quality cf vork. Coliausod fus bas âo»sIOaii4d leItysir t. bhf faction iaIh"OrasNllod ct tawls tb.e tbmouhs us»«Wby '14 bian workimg publi. wvt.r.» Mantei* gita'n by PtuaO ,EIIoOrù Mloh. 1 tWh.r.'s a &rel n,"d Iit ioue- plaùein eo ls 1141.bsob, «?h. Roa<l ho WeIfrl"io pp. -Id Kra. am"."Ou burFlar I1in 0ý P"1Y Fsragu* GobIffmeiore r Thé lif t hato Iuxü u nlà te ca weuld ho ahuoatnto)lerà ble vew ère il eèt for hlm characterialloPati- eue. and 'self-eoÃtro1l n1he fot i the - moat adverse circumatauce. Mt. W. B. Qrubb, inu«"An tlxiknoW* People in an Unknown Land" say that tii.7 meldom lose their good humeor, and qre slow to take of- fense. They are remarkab. for makingi thse best of.their circumataxiceu, and for extractixig ail the. pleasure that they can from livea o! constant hardship. XI their wphd nomadiei life thcy often incur serions losses, as, for example, viien a maxi loses his only hors.efrm m nake-bite, or their flocksesufer severely f rom the ravages of wild beauts, or tiseir gardenu are completely destroyed by a fligist of locusta. But ail these calamities tisey bear cbeerfully. Their patience contru..tUs trange- 1ly with tise lack of endurance that we Semetimes show in Similar cir- cumntances, and tise Indianu are very quick te remark on ôur poor- spirited behavior. r vli g wt On. day, when~rvligwt party o! Indiana, w. caznped during ctise midday heat near a forest. The mneaquitoeel and sand-flies were un- bearable. and I could net coxiccal mv irritation. This greatly aïnueed the Indians, and they asked me why I was angry. i toldi them thse reason vas ob- vieus on tItis tbey asked me if I knetv Ythse l&nguage o! tise mosquitoes. 'Because if you do," they, "it 'would be wise te upeak hard words te them." This was te illustrate tise wÃŽse rai which thse Indian fu li his da.ily 1fe, "What cannot be h eured must be endured." MOTKER*S PRAISE FOR BABY'S OWN TABLETSI Every mother wiso bas once used Baby's Owu Tablets nea.dily admits that tien. te no otier medicixie le equal thein. They are a neyer fai- ing cure of ail stiomei and bowel complaints and man>' a preclen littIe baise owes healhsand eveub.fe tc, their use. Oeurnug lie ti lirs. Fre4 Dove, llrod- Sask., writes: "I have used s Owu Tableta for my litle knd have found li.m of uch benefit I would net b. vithout They are trui>' a wonderful dy for little cnes.-" Tise Tab- arc sold b>' medicine "elems Mail at 25 cents a box, frein Dr. William.' Me4iciu C., &Ville, Ont. 'ECTIVES PROTECT GEES. cma of liarlborougi Imtall Tiem lu Ber Rome& lowing the exaanpl. of Plot- Morgan, whose. treeure boums ndcm ha. been more tisiimtca biect of au aktack by burglars, (Iuchc.s of lftr1horougl beas instaied a&band -of detéctives nderland Houa., rrmdeo tyf air, London. ex-Ekotland Yard mnoar employd-. tér for day'&n for migb dlulty. Alhoue; aiiionifitttdvilitl t* Mes ed sud expuriive mYsltaoet ar alÂrm, V t ue4imeheus t ideveloped aîlIais O!fmrtout. tth"prouoed inzaec ntt~ d Inde.rmIniSgber hat. comnzenced to carry "bOu$ ier mont vasabjs jev*liy, @ver the vent abroad, bit it vas <jnted @uý to ber lia ras a gaorons prooedg eed Wte asopt lb. 41de iv little vtmp iîe t .ivossparade lbe ODirMors *il adl Digbt, whu .o» mms espa chfim) e».ou strauxge Via om na, tee, M ek%4piwne« i *for recent Casm bav, shows are cItain ut hagca vu 1 Nuit ireditfor vbtalb. la."' I ~ s KEIIDODIV'8 KiIJ!iE PUISB GIME Two of thon tahen before golug te bed sisars airaY isPain lu the. Baek-Whi the>': alirsys Oums more serIons Ulîne>' DWsaMe Buck Lake, 1 ont., Nov. 20g (Bpecisl).-How quicki>' Dodd's1 Kidney Pilla relieeWpain thelb back wien laken ilu lime lu oviienc- ed by Mr. James Thomias, tise veil- kuovu and higl>' respected poil- ruestel hors. 1«I wi"ite, informn yen liaI I al- ways find relief for Pa& litise back by Iakiug Dedd'is Kdy Pills," maye Poalmaster Tiomae. "Berne- times lu lie moruings I cannet straîghtenunp for heur', but if 1 tae. tic Dodd's Kiduey Pilla h.- fore going te bcd thse pain aill'dis- apparssudI have no trouble in tismoilrueeig." Dodd's Kidzey Pilla a-ct.direcîl>' on lise Kidueya. Wiero pain lu the back is eaumed by ulighî Kidney dis- orders thse pain s relieved ah once. Whore the, complaint ha et longer standing and the Kidneyu are dWa eased tie cure takes longer, but Dodd'a Kiduey Pilla neyer fail. Thousands ocf Canadiens tell o! the cure o! Ldney Diseaqe o! ail formas, from pain iu the. back Vo, Bright's lissas.e, by Dodd's Kidney Pilsa. Tier. in nol ou record a single case o! Kidney Diuse. or o! diaaes resulting from disemsd Khdueys, snobs a& Uheumatiam or Dropsy, wici Dodd's Ki'dney Pilla have f ailed te cure if taken regulan)>' sud amording ho directions. W»DDUG FEITS. seut sn Approyal la Eugtaud and Beturuel AltierWedding. c ( r A trick te ma&-geod mbowiug of press t a vedding bam been reveaied reçolly b>' a London, (England) f6rm e!tsilenmlîhm, vbo a>' tisat certain 9cf hem seustomers have seul for mix or seven veddne preéenla at about $10 euch ho b. sent on -ýapproral t, ho ii;t iose &Ul lb. goodsbeing roturned aller the v*eddngvlth a note, he. .- foot liaI lis>' ers u.nsuitable., This la certin)>' a, obeaper pl Liais hÃrng preseulsasman>' m14. cl. clam familleshao doue inthe psot. As it la a "ute bonored sus- tom ho show voddmng prese<tlsin Enigland it la possIble th bine mre dishea, kuives, forkefs, rose havIs, ent g ls ibab. iuIod aud reatves havsied to do vhai is .xpeeted -of themfor lth* brid and 'biîdoeoi». Thegsoodslihatre used inilt va>' are 4l a ldvhtgood, vis uà aiéther. -p'opraile1 -i- soniptios and PWe uu-iA* are over.thei ave returnmed-Wh I I vay. i I i -t i T4,dOphon6 Iiaest.11k. eâtraw batm, are. -net fout .Il l, eami;e* kr à aplà aJu. >*Olùà 4 goad "Il. -a- Ptibty- ètêe..but irbt wotnan ad.itâa 5abs il$ plà î*n 1 This king cf ,9Walu draa alary of *7850,000 a ,Yar. IWoah$ -thMa4 w9derfu) promoler, flosted a company vien the viole tonid vas'l, liquidation. A b.., for ai) ils induistry. eau only colleet a tablespoonful of honoy Von cean !,en by lhe ton. cf a rnamps voie when ho'. going le pro- pose, girls-there'sa &ring li it. 'RHave an>' înek on your fishing trip vp "Yeig. Connting those hhat get away anxd Viorne ie thr.v baok, ire almont gel menf." Ixiterxially and Exl.rnaliy il la Good.-The crownlug proporty of Dr. Thomas' Eoleolrto 011 ina hsu It eau b. uaed lnternally fer mnry complaints as weU su *l xtornally. For Bore throal croupe whooplnig ooug. rLin Inle heeoocll and tive quallisu hat are uinsurpanmd. A bottl fIt dit 14 1111e rAndthier. la ne loua la alvaye a ivng ilaM haxid. "FerSv5t~ ymir, ev a . Lômh wth xi - remaO. tld tue us o s a m lm, &U1I WemnttrTeta b5 ruipm aimebO #t eu lalt'or 4;"l ro . s1 a box. 4I>fMt uWO. Koe easi et*ub " ts atw lb u. Ne.lua vu a an& ver.è ooou Ua t " 4flie us.OpstIrm RAZOR Trple flver pl td, vih 2 blae. boxes, end 12 double- .dg.d blmn m ea e. StnadSiet,$5.00 Poshet EMiou SM,*80te *$M Coblutlo ts *650te economical, it miaves cWnseand essily, l requin.. zno .tçopptgg non honig, 1ts a1way rcmdy aud It cait b. slJusted to suit thi e tte auy man who steve.. 1he tougiest beard aù&tendnest face eaS Got into the Gulette- clmansd maè ire m tr ou ademier eswy ents ila. 0 ise hma neiher the igoods uer or c o1' )u write s. WC vilse tisat 3os, me ,upp ilft eSsdIeyEor Co.e.t.1Csnsia, LUlled Mise and lactsry-E2 -St. Alexunder 89, U".ied, 312 A HOE FO A HLE.FARMS FOR SALE OR MENST. A ÃOE ORA OL.ASK DWON EKNsvt.r Little Donald had a penny given y ou wamst t seil a at.ceul hum te buy whatever h. pleased. Rie three yeara f dignity thus had me.wnit o atrn eniI a ne'w iulse tà ruat upen hlm. fie om t h decided Vo visit a bah. shop, and a %2a1t or e t ise at b n . t rl douglinut was hia choice. XI a and rie. rigiit. lusty voice ho called for one and W. IDA W 8N. b Oin ... - immnediately passed the penny to trtt*t. Toronto. the shopkeeper. uAdat4th WANTii. "Sle. here, MY boy,. said the AENSWÂATED. - ÀA UI it mani, "ti penny ha. a bole li it. every homne. Write us lot or Idon't know as 1 can take tha.t ti.atestagencs sprpi wLa omna?.' penny., oa. ho oslay neçesbary. Apt!1B. "But the doughnut has a bol. in 0. L Co., M28 AberiMSt.. UU&wa. il,"'Donald responded, and h. got HELP WANTIED. tie doughnut. ___ L%ý4» M PE 1IKZ sX MLMi< They Sootie Exeited Nerves. - torysS. uoxieSi r.funee Ipastlsf Nervous affections'are usually at- w0od, Ont. trihutahie te defctiTe cdige'Ition, as M5ILNOS the stomaci dominiAtes -the nerve méwa Vemn ableÊ'0l v, der.vf.>il aldit banc of Ibis character, aucry"- lion reslee thle mentes f rodi irrita- lion. nier. te sedatit'e 1ke tisen 'sud lithe correétIoxioe! irregulari- preparation bas d oueseeffectivé vwork, as <an bè leahiflcd to by lieu- la bos uishouse' ",Wbat'a pe- &uia bout hallF "IlEê admnit& Binas I. T4h.bau bbarber had $nt straighh. enel lthe Watcualeémer intii, char. Tite ocuvensalilu Iisddri! k.- Led le bain. "lihoare i b.1d barber jclar1 i> sWma lo bo amalter the1 in usilier;here nor mmo for a &ia*t ils » . rbffhlgw1 mot. or f utdo m-'srml ,kwnhl top.Mu ont.i Tuii oe".e a~l. 011cur s r TreMme à vlIlo blp 'onebi, I les LIydiafer aIgwtW KAD TE? KoIber OravnWre l wter vi» dite *WM L*hem tos vIi*e1Sj117$0 lb 4 tas» laalosw u 14,$rel p J f. ~. 'i y 7 j, i -1 -I 1 1 loi ý 1 Tiie Ower-Ilu ni>'neir hon.. 1 vaut aà imple breakfat rocin l additibn ltci, morte laboralo dli- ing-room. Tiho Aroitte-I »ec. Wiat Y"om at tauancatml m usi mom sufagnuwi mtsiroom roon Wb'doyou, inev baby ,Or7 se muci;- but Ilt. found out t hbo'# voe cu% your bair off, sud >'oxr lepgo ovsk liti pnou adail stand on thte. 1irather fas>' ylou'ld Ite es7 inylg orlL auto M y x SIN PL -1