Whitby Chronicle, 23 Nov 1911, p. 6

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1- CLOSEVQuiuxw1x., OR, THE 1-bUSE IN THE RUE BARBETTE CHAPTER VIII.--{Coft'd) "Nonsen&e," cried Brett angrily. -Why do you seek to mislca4l me in To his acute brain there came an thisf ahion p p imxnediate confirmation oi his "Sir," said the Turk, "I arn tell- theory. Evidehitly the diamenda ing you the truth. We believe that hsd not been previobftly in the Mr. Talbot is a prisoner in London, Turk'a possession. The. little but we do not know in what local- Frenchman hiad just delivcred thei, ity. M iuahr n yef ;nd tbis 'M itsclf was a tqtrailge C'r-am you have already surmised, are cumàtance in vicw of the fact that rncrely niembers of a political or- the. genuine atones muât, bave beezanizto.ItW5ncSayfru in Paris at leait tAree days. ~ scr osesolc i.Ipra a, viil intii. ightdiamond and its cUmpanioml. W. Brett ooncentra.ted &Il his drama- apa.red noe expense, nor heaitated st tic faculties in look, voice, a.nd £g aneeasthtwol aomplioh 4 ture. our purpose. W. have been foiled "You tcola 1" ho criod. "IYou for the. moment. I c-an tell you nu- have bec» swindled by a derice thing else, and 1 advise you to leave which a. child might suspect. Thèse us and f orget that such persons ex- are not the Sultan'a diamoada. ist, for I swear to you by the. beard Thete are frandis-o-leverly conoot> of the. Prophet that had events .d bits of crystal anýd alum-intend- turnod out differently you ol id, tg keep you happy until you re- now ho a lifelesa oorpse in tuis ~tur toi Constantinople a.nd disc»v- roomn, whilst your body would net er how- thoroughly you were aoceiv- bc discovered for ma.ny weeks, as e11 we intended to leave Paris this af- "Tou lie 1" roa.red the. littie ternoon as seon as the diamends F renchman. "Tii.> are geIluin." came miet our pcmseSio. " Brett wauted to punch the. di. At this moment a. thunderoul xînniive scoundrel heavily ij» the kxiockring reverberated througb the lncq, but ho restrained him.seif. house. Turntng withha magni.ficent assuznp- The Turks gazed at each cther in tion of oourteousns.sto Huesein-ul- a!! right. None of them moved ho MuIki h. said- open the door. But the. knock wae "O'w'»>, 1 tld yen you were &et, ual repoated, for the door itseif was ing Chldisohly.:-tbia proves iL. A tiirown bodily from its hmges, and Nmoat outrageous, attempt bas been the etalwart orm of Lord Fairbolme matie to owindle y'ou, if I ms.y une acoompanied by two policemen, ap- sncb 'a terrn te persona wbo confe3- peared in the passage. neU'are plotting to rob anotiier. "iAh," cried Brett, interveiifg Bui-ely "bi will convince you ths.î with ready tact, "I had forgotten youibvo, nothing te tsar (rom me. you, Fainliolme. I see- yeu kept 1 âà4"as 1h.entt ecither of your appointaient. Thèse are not Zýft not' the police. it ig a required," ho rattiet on, pleasant- p4IO atter for yeu to vent.>' MIy y, turning towar4,&1he stern-look- sttOMOb.~t. AU that is noemary je ing sergents de vile; 11 amn quitie for *of etyoiirpartç t. take aMI' alie and uninjuredL MI f rionds o i.. eg. isasswould hue.and niys.lt hati a 1evsarue"a, ettggemt the mwlet eue, so0au not vord&, but we-have settieti xatt.ers Re boldi>' entereti throuili h* nain door, "~d found himseU n sa 1glat, air>' ýroom, Ahetàrii in re- !Ourtiha of, is are», *1t - litti. linutive chair.1 hilst a bar1 »un»ter was »brtitaoned off in a cor-I aer.I The - atendant in harge wva dreâary-oyed vaiter, who aeemed te lhn that the presence of a couple 01 uight-aeelag lbglishmen aI such an hour vas another teshimony to "ii lunatie propesitie.eoft he An- glo-Saxon race. "This is the Cabaret Noir 1" ques- tioned Brett. "But yes, monsieur." "«A gentleman, a friend ef mine, came hene a few minutes ago in a fiacre. He was amall, sligiit, se high"-illustrating the stature by his band. "H.e was dressed in dark bluq clohhes with shin> boots. Ho Bretti's cager description vas cut short b>' the appearauce of a new character. Througi a narrow deor leading intolb. bar came a band- smre dark-ey-ed wo-man, aged per-, halpa twenty-flve, veil dresaed, ahapeiy, sud carrying bersel! with the. easy grace cf a hemn Parisienne. Rer hair was jet black. Rer large dark eyeu were recemad b.- neath arcbed and strong>' pencilled eyebrove. Hon akrin iad liaI pecu- liar tint o! porcelain white seo oten sec» in womeu cf southeru biood. Yet there as nothing delicate in Ibis Iady's sppearance or manner. A rich celer suffutied ber cheeka, aud her language was renzankably frmee bothin l volume and style. Hon nmanner ciianged -somewhat as she addressed herseif te Brett and his companion. Tiiere vas suf- Aicienl et the landlady in ber de- meaneur wbeu aie said, "And wiat would messioure b. pleased te cein- mand t" 1 Nov, If tier. vas eue type -of femininity'more than another which Bretit thoroughiy undenstood it vas the sanc>', quick-witted, handseme1 adventurese. He knew that the. wo- man acrutinizing hum se coofly came weil vithin this categor'. à H. could net tell, of course, in what way she might b. associated with the gang wiose proceedings containcd ii. explanation e! TaI- bot'a fate, but ho instant>' re*o4ved le adopta dsteminex position- vill the. lady Who halt-petutantly, hait- eurioualy, vas awaiting iirepi>'. R. came nearer te ber. "ar-lad$" li. said, "tàa II h ave met FOU."' The. woman looked hini boldly Wi tii, eyes. "Waa il for the. happi- nRes of aoeing me liat monsieur haî vlaikd tii.houa. 1" iý"!aTh"might veR servea the rea- son, 'but - the. ýpisseur.in &U i lb. 15 II1STMORTGAG- jîUt up IMtodecomlnatlons Of ewhuâdrddODIZaflUPWtdl Bonds are a çomparatlvelJ& modega frai of ivumcr lm g= dpedL n od oe fi madi ead q Bonda ar a convenient fora of umrtgage, and thons bos ,whieh w. offer are thorOUghlY lavestlgated te determine that the pyaient of Interest andi pricillabsolutel>' asmured 1 We have lterature ,nôr Wly de- crIbns bonda lncremf:l as wlli s,.ud uonapliaton"Snd Lotita ROYAL SECU RITIES CORPORATION LI1MITES DAMK OF IONTIMAL BUUDhN YONGZ AN» QUM4 STS. TO RONT O I. M. WHIK a Maua Injured by stea.m railways, 7,>44; electrio nailways, 8,298l; industrial accidents, 1,444; fires (es-imated) 1,M0; total 27,M9. 45,428 IN POUIR YEARS. In the past four years thon. have been killed an injured in Canada 45,428 persona ou aur nailways, b>' industnial accidents, and by Ares. This i. at the. rate o! 11,357 per an- num. In othor words, every day during that period six persone have been killed and 19 injured, about one killed or injured every bour of the. twenty-fcmur. This appalling record t00, applies taonly the few cases mentioned. If statistie oould bo obtained of all f atalitiea and injuries in th. Dominion, tiie bill of oast would have a stili more serioue appearance. CAUSED BY CARELSBNESS. Many, if flot tb. majority ai thes., accidenta, can be traoed tc careleisiiess or sielUlhusas. The desire ta achieve big reauits in th. shonteît -possible tune >M the. ex- pense of efficiency is a natàonàl trait whieh the contry may wel' take imniediate steps to obliteeate. The .vneof dollar and dividend huntizlg, ner«dIesa- of destructiot M» if&s vàe is amenace tao anada'i progress-a" cedit.. The -writer heard an engins.i admit that a certaïn structuru which had been cniudmicise mighi EAUl in three yésa'lim" 1with pos. sibi>' sriou Ilasof! lii.. laiIrcai contaceo*t<r a : rs inp n%*W-steý 11 tceutl atarcr-rai~Pao SEASONABLE DIBHEU. Fruit Cake-Two cupfule o! browvu sugar, oe acupful of molasses, oe aund tiiree-quarter cupfuis of but- ter, ene cupful o! aveet nnlk, four cupful8etffleur, titre. teaspoonfula o! baking povder, Aive egga, tbceo pounds of raisins, eue pound of, dates, ene pounti citron, eue-bal! pound et orange peel, two pounds of currants; brandy and sploe Vo tasté. Steam tire, heurs. . Cnanberry Conserve. - Chop coarsely fAve pounda o! berrnes and two etseodeti raisins, thini>' pool mmnd trom Aive orangei, then tako tie pulp aud juioe of six, bell the rind iu water, changed until it is ne longer bitter. Whon tender chop fine. Place the fruit and rmmd in ketîle with fAve pounda ei sugar, heat aud simmer slow1>' until re- duced to jam. Christmnas Leoving Cup--Chop and mel Iveive marsiiiallows in oe pint of fruit juice. Bell one pcund ot sugar and ene-haîf plut e! water te 220 degnees Fahrenheit. then stir In tie etifiy beaten wiiitea o! two oggs, th, fruit juice, and juice o! eue lemon. When cold foid iu ene- hall pint ef whipped eream, pack i-ice aud salI for tire. heurs. Fi sherbet glasee halfull o! ti»slic- es ot orange, bananai, pinoapple and maruchine cherries. Caver with teaspoon sacla o! lemn» uîce and liquid hon.>'. Over lisi ap the (naze» mixture.- Nul Oreams.-Dissolve eue and ane-hall tableapoons cf gelatin in one gill of boiing water, aIrain in- te a baain, add six tablespoons et sugar, itwo tablespoons each of chopped pecana and pistachie nuls, one leaspoon of vanifla extracl, anci one pinI ot vhippect creani. Stir un- til b.ginning to grow rt. Pour in- te individual maldu. Turn eut on scrving plates, g&rnish with whip- sv oeelened oreani, autt sprinkle over with Afnsi>' chopped pistachios. Tafly.-Tve* cupiuls granulated, sugar, e>ne cuptul -vinegar, ont tablespoontul of butter. Boil uniti 3 cnackles when droppsd in waler. 1 Spice Cak.-Two 'cuptuis of a I 1' i t i I 4* tire. ouýptuirs offiou .r eecupful oi IsweeVmýilk, Leur esgSI4 neleaapooni fui cinnamon, oe-Wait«apont cleves, thte. teaspoontuls bakixaj soda. 1 Cinderella Oake.-Three-qusrtsr of a cuptulo! ollt dbutte, (ou visoise e besteni, one cupIul 0 granulta sugar,.one opll0 s~ee i, lv. m d n "-al,êu in tei te fi fu si la ym fil xI -of suger, one cupful ef wanni isabhetipotatees, tlhree CuP1f&je cf jofr, one-haiof milk, one egg, Oee espocnul ti fbutter, one-fourth eaispo-on-ful cf sait, three teiLBpCofl !Is of baldng powder, onc-fourth easpoonful of ginger, one teaspooîi- MI o! uutmeg; rol1 ratier thin, cut, !ry, theu dunt with powdcred sugar. Oatmeai Cookies.-OiC3 cup brown mgar orearned with o-,o-half cup ,rd and eue-quarter cup butter, olk- cf two eggs wel lcaten. On. sa»poon soda, oe-half cup bot rater, two cups oatxneal, twc cupi lour, one teaspoon of baking pow~ oar, one teaspoon cinnamion, pinci f sait, two tabiespoons chocolate a.nsolved in tie one-haif cup bot water, two cupn raisins and ene cup1 Buta put tirough grinder. IJSEFUL HINTS. Aloobol wili remove candie' A gre a suin botties. Lt aves' MG C epening man>' boxers te find a parti- cular kiud.BA IN When cleaniing bouse useBAKINOt of turpeutine in the scrub water. IL t meaus certain death Vo metis. P WE A great man>' blemishese n vail 13 USED. paper may be removed witi a rub- ber on-as lead pencil. frnva f C TAN N ALM uaied surfaces use equal partse wator and skim milk, warrned. COST NO MORE Diaeolored china baking dishesT can b. made as clean a« wheu new THAN TiI E b>' rubbing tbem with wbiting. R NAYK DS Add borax ho the vater in wiih OR N RYKN S the. disii tevels are to ho washed, WMAà DI 1H AND and i il l aid i-n naking tiem white sud soft.0 The cuahioned back cf a Mo rris chair bas been. found valuable in the sickroom te place back et the iu the. bottenfthtéi. up ta avoid invaiid ini bed. the, cusards belng soggy, Rub the beot crust cf a pie with Dark stains, of hbowever long lii.whit-tOcf au egg, and i il ulpre- standing was>b. removed f rom S.11k veut the juice ofthte fruit frein b> rubblug vith an ol.d silk baud- soaking in. kerchiet dippet In ukerosene, To remeve an imb sts.în from a col- place a box ot lime l inecioseb Ored 'waish, put the staiued portion in wiih jem.a, prererves, etc., are 'in sweet miihk and let il stand until sqtoreci away. It wll prevenb moICI thie nilk sours. f rom gathering on the Inuit, Wieu baking individuai custards, To elean leather, first duet lea- i put a thin buttered square ot bread ther vith soit oloth, thon Iwe au- _________________________ her cloth dcipped iu s'weet uiiIb, ______________________and spot will b. easiiy re.zn.ved. L," W dry. Stans -on flarinels may 1"rb.r el, el a a et b>' applying yolks c! egg sudgI- 'Salt or eoMEDYK groundsa priukied- $ha$ ÂIIYonNhe eti tve viien a kettie or P04 £511UI£5 bouls over, wili prevent an>' dis- abl. odor (rom sapreading thrýnhgthe bouse. Toâ prevent rush go over tii. nckel parts on stoves vith- a celt dam- eneti vith linsèed où, aatd then wrap in p&per hefore puttin; awa> for, thle summen. edylsrv 1 Ogod i ~Wen chose. la6dr t ere with &aple pie, gpate the e e.. sd' Je pread à layer over te a bM lb: astiui&m (netIhot). MliaI Melfa- the âtée -Ali maket o tgbLý 1tei. trnbh et my talement. Look bere; I viii coaivince yeounvmseol." lic0 teck lise monaler diamoatti ir-j reverenlly i» his haut betoe.Eu- seia-uI-)Muik coulti prevenl bhalands turned t e 1h. vadu. Rs prOesa the atone aaatet lthegiass andt riet to make, il cul. U tailed. Ifo placet ib*gpinal lais oek. Il vasvanm. A pure tuassent vould b. iey oiti. M4ore ttiamu tis, &a-amalportion of thse compogitio» e< viicitle imita- tion'had. been hattil>' cencoctet, broke% ufi is ngera. siYeu ae," h4 laughet. "Do yen, riquire (artier preeti"ý ' ven cliil.e poke the. dimnu-u tive little Frêecman turnet antid bte.- One of the- Tnrka drew a atwvor and ruehoci after bina, but lk si*in-ul4iu1k utloret s»=,beau- *loritaUive wordt- vhicb provenletl 'ikha me>sfroia frits;, The. Nreacb- W»$ «Vasidenti' au»a&aPt u in e âttof dodg puranit. la lte pas- top.he uckodI sutienly &ad thr.v rVak heavil>' te ite6 round. Wl.t.uirter intertsetaos hoa»d the, laie fth*i "er anti ilet l'behie , "Ya- wmetl alt Eussein-u1-Ka'lk ,.*7ïïÊ it.otae accents tit Bret inov.d ho turther fitirtis. I&tsre1y yen do nol*doubl laseV- biit"h' sai. Take **,y o1 t a»l toues; tise>' wtt! cumlo tol sOnlhohcavth ifattMk lte low. 8ee, I cl pulver-ý %wI h I o » penturbet Turks. AIt th. firat scund, et danger Hususn-ul-Mulk hai cioucd the case in vWih"ila>' lb. apurios dia'o d ose i..pr.lsea- hjoae-ookng em d tnot -excite tias curost>' o! thse me» ef lac. The senior oM~Sr demandet heom Lord Fainholme au explanation ot tise exciting statementa chich in- ducedthxtisi moocmpa»>' hlm, but Brett steppcd t thle brefch. my. trinisd vasaftmons on =y 's- cotant. -Il vas ven possible lb... Ttarklshgentlemen lier, andi utyeli migb4 bave pr««cete etreani- lies but lb. -afar bas ended »sals (acteraily t i-tyou dli show 0e-11 l S put hie baud uto laWe pooket anti a slghl monel ary Ians- aetio. teraninsted lise ncdent pb.a-. saaly foi!ilparties. 8000 Drett ad iFairbolus founti beeieLlb.hestreet and dagm titi the barrialer drav in deep *pt invgerlia druughle et Paris a1r. "Whsro noirV " itFairisolae. "Tell me," cried Irett eag.rly, 1"'dit you notice ainewhich direction tb. Htle mau weho lottI o. i about tes minuites agv V, "Putter "li aistlal Wb*"ichr ho vas egoi te. Rê *»sin -ue aeaIshfk bat oid b" to> qobotbut Zabascif lte"a pasain; eab &sud et, ?che uMeta the CaSbaret Noir, # "evtm t", »v. ,VOU havresaved an. boum oet 4 asti perisape day. etha mate. Coe , e'tlUs,, tue, go luth ci4ftm Noir Tb* ext4vIr 4!etlb*iCabare t oli tei "me y»our husse ut I have ai-1 taira ho ocmapy me."9 "Asuroi> 1 iha"e drive» herÎej as quidki>-sas possible from No. 11, aie Earbette."$ Thi a ata * direct and uncom- ptSnîalg, did not failto bave its efe!ocl A aat>' ma*k et uspw-aion fell acreas the voman'simpudent, pretty. tacs Thors vas fusl a lige etstage lauglter Lu ber toviie bn d eh.cnt "Rialhow interestig-1 Andi whors ta lb. RSue- Barbtte, naoia- sdv- o I, dat yon sf' -Brett-I li knec bec ao ouduct lh. atlack upon thislady. Ris vocl. 16te oa dehermineti»e, hi*seysé jookd gravely ittabers meau- sverti-,Itias useuso prelsiati thst yon do not und.ratand me. Yen -à» loin# momnts vorth> oli pet- baps iaonisiWt & sfew mmn- Utes the -1 lo eiii b. ber., an"i tbm st, Csl4.tolate. R.lp me du&ê ant IM ii1. lspolic es Car. et tbhuls. ema,-me your ausilsoc, an i cles"avey« Mdti yoiar fet olt ore>' t ti distrietcomsar. vonas' q..ab hw sdirect cula- 4we MWt .ain sétnet- mucraes. Tuai ,i»U or 1pef.merin , tssboutIae «& vib'AU X&4 WWWff v b u#Wavu'J w'4 4AU lensa vilS Uve vireis, reckbss Spice. OaIs.-Twia cupa brown' driving ef automobiles-Lu a tiens- sugar cream.d vils ens-hall cup anti ways vwe violats 4h. firet priai' butter, Iveo.ggs, on. cup sour cipies ef a cavfilizetcommunil>'. -one leas1oôn soda-disoleed in IBETr= L&WS NEEDED. *- vo 'eue-hait cffl 1four1 on.-1 Tii. reawonsfor thse existence ofhall sasp enallp, ueci oés such conditions are due 4argely te eue-haitnue' ;gaei cn. indlividusl, corporatssu oneel- If. vist aeu gg oton eh. tiv. carelesisues. W. noeetbotter (ookoescap sugar aud ens-hall lava for lie protection ot lite and cnp vaIn UBW til il hrsudsMMaddte opmerty, aunt the strict entoro-ý o! .g. anti beat unIt"l'ck izent t fsnch lave. -If the IX>erWifaorvh anla Bosrdet f-Trade, for ad Lady Balthnor, ae.To to-ý t a i v il the - q uestion cfet ' ur h ,> Cu of vo r '* ý , é ' *ollroad inatalihtieu, se leu>' do of nuur Greal Bri"a», their Action for ré- 1 s- -01 -,tir f rm voud b. drastie eouough t>on- uetM ,vololba eatr! le u n nnoiglAl does . W. 1,tùlsof et 0of arthr, oe e4a .hefr aferd t OtelE> e<l ta*S nsu-f)a bttr, -boat -lbi1Bull in bis thorouwhnès o the" ih h utr « v o rk s nd r g r e i . m i à e ea* n n g ;E t re f a r i matl'bis esu-are botter, ader O b 'W* ; tl Americ-an bisietake- tis vilalily out o e isnation antM.i umore e meneathon ue~ 41k iO~ no has EZWARE OP tmDcar*# weln ax oer tme.boit arad net oni>'lo U. i moit but hum nto" th Si-non. Cool graduali>'. Wbeülyoetucanse., hhroui> &iu àl dosseno nmesarily mess thlat kt% lis a cloar conscience. ÀEÈALp.,t i PURiE 8U GAR- Suar< o te tttot *suS.motw 1 sSled ol e riek "roue aath t«tci h.saoet a uouaaosa unardga et tic"? êI *acir -EXTRA GRANULA E OosARs.tac - - PARIS LUMPS 5555UiL Sit raq otos a, n b Ilt On.8-

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