Whitby Chronicle, 23 Nov 1911, p. 4

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il"lUl s0m CaLa mutr# soa. orT4 -i ~a mmd sevea- ~ ~W( l~1 1flalt ui '« g o sm intention of ster uigg a gc wfi, u U»,U wslà Morcomnbe lott onuesa n etai to vers tes a tinsý wi 100 P«d-Oi a t ,O ?AMIp"olcmu.1. .1oo anai iaswern_üect.rio "il- ta aeatgeros a tuan. "t~a' *OIlAu00* LR> 5 OCPiJSIib, fr .ouet Wood returieti home LasI izoî.W tuü du».we fr011 bis kiunwlg t ln tee àà ti WmlA IaiUWWQ of bil l"t a&P- nortn. ile s6CcOone4 in bassing D: awmUiO 4â Ali l-sIaul' vus tb a! ducs anti a large blucai boas. oïtwuio! Aaàllais boog-ro'tilamnor hiarsuy larrcttinl Dow mklgrp U&ae.JCOP LNoUuu1 foir tSn yiàtB id prugruals towaraus rvcovury ait«S andtu lau dout,& a Yeu ago, un a long sioge of Ulm"ea f rom plIOUZBY _M I uriseà. Lt was une gui of tac0 TlmeLfy U'LearY, o1 AudIOy, hââ À Axclqât. Vory "a8g oeuisOgI4Wil relitot froua me Misse lLchartiseI *toe4 Ii. meviomi A vestry, mt tue Uale prepentY adjeliig tûe4 tu&5 SAu taiemio bouse TuesoaY oves- b'rlends' ohuroli, andi yU restce tiiere 14g ôwpted Ms. liarr'a realgnatieli during thie vinter mnontais. 0A I .oasîed tAie report ef tao war- ~.H ~icî,e B. rock die» Uad Lay delte et au audience Roati, receivod a aslighL. ua.ruK6 e1 Paz- 45s l t" D tum y aus L.ordamip "'"OiP alysia OU Truursday. uwSny st taie syno& oIDla un'Oron- te tu&t noao5lii n regard tW tue &P, BASE LÂt{E WEST.j polalsiut o a uccsor Ocasioti wa" isue te au tvo preset&g»nfs Mg. Ail"len ath, of Toronto, Was te e rta.lngrectOs &IlVes birU&Mt5 home oves lbuntiy. fren itecils ani aieotre, apus. TAie onLy winter: cught several et of et olti, trom thes congseat4o. AP- eu >urn arine wîlh theil tais- pmroystu asiarusse accopaaws thie alps eut. pruWtatolO Mr. Geo. %,ýute&w, âf. Mark Hiolliay ba renteti the onos aneeuinacrfly pro- GibBon tarin, ah present eccupieti by '~ pusffone, andi bui. Jas. Nicm.lSOi, thie Stlrtevant Bros, D.te eople'i wurden, anti Kes We teret to less a s.D À»wey, James Rutietige, A. Bath hUa net beon 80 WeIl theiutsh T, L.aWlert , l iowurd Auneu, Roy. week.dMrA.. Je$. J$'etcfiOr, Wmn. Nqwô, Je.. Wblie, Ms. joseph Knight. aut s .1I WILoO. Jnbb anti Jutigo buitai sgpea- Hardy, of Taunton, paid a bumsw5 i& Oiut ai*ly fot tUm cengirega- trip to Whitby l3aturlsiandad ilou. ')Ar. -»Ut5 vas deuply aftec*.od, Ms. FramA Vanatoe anild but. ="Ikç$ teý teil somotuiig ot hal trient, of TorOatù, spenit Suuiay) vitAl rpsà8e a" gratitude, and aIse ritel- hWl Parents. e14 to nratl what hut be â0- Ms. NOUl Viunstll, Who la stationi- * 083$5f% n UIllIA ii>AUl bdatas ed &t Belleville, spunt Tuesdsy ahi his fous yunr incaum- borne. b0fIt t _, uua5Slltood ibt Ms. )Is. Ig. Story soit 800 roda ot Vire h~ ~~o me t vI5<OISIESi1 OltU »M81 fecce te iii fariner. arounti WbltbY de e SK t flAapOns. -te a ru' tAie Put sason. ~ll~ rot conittue i cIlseli to Mst. A. Bath bas returnet frein To- tat Par& in a puiei $&psaSslOui tbe1~ ronte, Mud Wiii uslt Mr- MePhati- appss@iatloofO tAie vAile comaiDIIY dm t theii up-tova station. ot nu. w.fi4mlowa actlvltls lu tu Mss. w. Brown vau a visites wltAi jt4 o! aua sports. _bo mobr Mn*. COlldg, for & !oW days. ~'fair offir.AGodDgeto TOÙa MONEY MACh IiÈ YUU AR means a aMn or vmn good for WCVP iQATUgI55W. rS ' n,«màn 4 141510uAtous seiuody tais te -Cou5lrtay teiIVt you 0et onstipat4in. -»a&Ww uso il ls rAi. Yeu are not obligau tteus luna"y va>yvhstvesl IL711ucpt 015Our i. ihts a# el >r" stteiuatt bui ve uO*= mrcea , 0148 wae Mady. Their actve y1h"1 la odieM4Soloru.a sud lasilee; very proaounace tyu pg. ti* sud, plasuat lcion ai01 d par >1tillmult agiraeable ln esy way. aeor mai lacogiveI- feau~ bstve . Reu! OdetUf 'ute puril~ailan1 got otolurOat sudnta. ttlul persosa it. 7011 tuifr front tuome or hatalt saioewpato.or t)e amo"lte or depaut obroaiç umtot vu urg Y«1 te tr7 Riem&! Otd*lls ut ou riit Rmetbyou oau gsi tim ~l flWhtby only ut ou store. là tabUets, 10 cents ; 84 tabes 26 Dmts 80 1teblets, 30 cents. 8.ol cats out ât#-e Tbo ra! Store A. I limes.Whoever bus distre after eating, ulck eadaces, nauseo4 l*d bte utupleuot breath, cari- not lad good in anythlng, or be of much uft li the world. But these symp>tom mreonly dlg=sthuthes sttnah needU itIle de*M teYivint o Thcby ton. the oseh )nv*M aibowels--ell oegsu cet,*i .Wlthutca orethe wbols - tla tebette asumwSoge Try a fuw dosesad sem feboditea jliw a llat' fle - odramtUm e oei. S; Lwbi Prsslg, yeliugRomairlu dlg..4VltClas p u wb wIg sMd a&eIO& of *aUk. =#IsrâadhUu.LAU k ehiud fIgWt md-d sk.bbtg *" 0pPi l"é..b sytoog lalg uyle4a * doue. G iv e sail I.0 E0 M RRS -"01th â4 g$ot1 »X i he,*r 1i~I W eri& lwgâ bath IAU± UAb4 ola*iy, 4bfyeuas te.hIle , 1 "v<l*u muuon tJame iigh bcAoOl Intu O*WI.ufld ut tu, me.01 ol iIilitu- o6reit tla fldootlilt. Joti A. gOUiiuimry, 1l.. t u eaMe rc.- ag bhs prowesion aet mlroiç, ahd t.amugen, M.r. Wêeba moved -tO wootiville elghtieunyear augo -andibus rusi(teathere evesince. hie bas bees la ye #politiSa for i9"fly yearg, a"M tu, tAin last ten yemoars becs iresl- dent 01 the iteform Association for, Weot Victoria. la religion M.r- Weeks is a MethoElist, andt aiYtat tAie church honored i hm by eleot.ing .bAin vice-Prestlenhi 01 the Layinenm Asso- ciation o! the Buy o! quinte Conter- once, anti a lay delegate to the gen- eral conlerenoe at Victoria, B.U. how to Uve Long. With healthy kiducys, eue heàas good chance te live long, but weak xitineys amiict olti uge wfth great dis.ý cornionts. The back becomes bent îIxlh lame, rheumatlsm la chrenlc, eYesight [ails andti uu f requent or in- voluatary -k38 ages eU the urine cause embarras ment by day and -0of Ip ahi > ngat. aey Pluis brîng .âew strength toi cdbuchaandi pick relie! te weakeuied kidneys. They banish huekache sud nheumatic Pain, regulate the blatider and Urine. alc*dnes n d ryouu ant-are ar-c Boots inKdnoryôPilan are gr sc aniti by the pro4prietors, The R.T. Booth Ce., Ltâ., po'rt Erie, Ont. Sold everywhere, 5Wc. box. Pree trial sent on request. SAEREGISTER. Suturday, Nov. 25.-Auvtion sale o1 Implernents, herses, f urnîture, etc., thé property of Wm. Newport, Whtt- by" Sale ut 1.30 o'clock. Terms cash. Win. mav, uctioneer. i hurs Lny, Novt. 3oth-Aucion sait et bhunhiern cattic, nurses, iflplrcDts andti urntuere, the propenty eou 4. .W. A)IkneY, lot b, Con- 7., k'cktruug. bale tât 12 3o. Wini. t.lawt auctieneer.. "Y " NOTES. TAie regular 1 'l'meeting vas voll uttenaetu DY members aueuxtotl e er tAie 'report oet ihe Poica ovn tien alepatesMd i" sToti4's zupati wma iuereatug a 1 uplvs o maydepartaient ai ! ora- The' "V hope, turing tAie wlnten, to e t.u rp pari of Mie verai asrepresenteti by the bnugit report et eus ovu de. An lnteretlng item o! business ai th "Y nling vastAie enrolment of a u»nthesof the baby band mai' tykng ounofthMe white riobon. te the vue wrt asi uthie sot very tilatau future t la uupecteti ,"alsjunior mem- bus vMiii là i nfluence by Ails bl lt [ot r acuse. At tbé ck lose the business m lng thi e gdt i etslned la bot- or o! ~te retla#u ore., Mi ,r Pest,&Midarowd > tAe tu WM i gahA eruti* ttAi è.a" t» >,#i»iVice-PrOs- tust* MUl eo, voltdtAie wiuhsCI tAie- "Y's» ta 011 brde sec, ýad An ba , ft,uaosu, Ma run Pro - omate Nia to à" i20Ma P" i scaul Ms MUwy ýlUcPý0*u 6100Wli oo.-e.4o ! a *Ma Psle Il I 't I I haveè juat 1eOIP 00 ariotiiW-es and ibuy Red ' Rose rket ttme. ]d-t i'l NB ORSLD Inée%".1 TorCSocer WiU Rtecommnlifd Il lrsresideuce, ou whlch twe elderlY ladies hati a very ban. fail theo ohber evenlng, f rom steppng ibsougli a breken board, as the street ls vesy badly lighteti. Only for thels klntily lorbearaiioe, the towu might have tu, pay damages, as oesof thein vas very paintiully iZureti. AUCTION SALE. Auction sale of herses, mplemeitli,1 furai'ture, etc. I lac untiersigneti bas receivea i nstructions -trom. Mx* Wm- 'Newport tu sen by puolie auction nearly opposibe IRoyal hiotol, Whitoy, on 1ý&turaay, November 25, the loi- iewig valuaute preperty, viz.: Hoti-SES-- teamingetieral purpese1 golaiugli, cemiiigô anti 7 years ol., ooth guoti te work or drive tiouble or single, celer, dari bay. 1Mk'1EMENTIý-l lumber vagonl gravaI box, i hoavy trucS, 1 coul1 uux, i1 set teain narnesa, Ged coll&5, i set single firimesabs, mtatbanaU" ligat hussits, i trottin& siee,.2 anuglO buggies, i g4dtitule, icoupe carruge, iruSeStres, nearly nov, 1i cart,, newv#-1i taiug miii,1li t Iou laaJo5eWB 4 sectloni I Mcoomiài butor, i suetidr&91, i LIolcCrm meves, i cultivator, I1 hay taer, 1 herse rake, i1 single plough, 1 double plough, 1 tise asow, -aa umiber- et <hals, 1 met scaeS Wilth mach tu ve!iiig cttie, -2M0Ib; sever..! chairs, 1 sûitseuest 4000 Ibo*;., oa etoola, I1lane i" ýtlppy Tholiglt raneaenl jow,.i adan i 1 soitfeer, 1 gaso0 eStevelo, nu 4ew, 2 tree prtufturs, long hianilest 1 sbo4 t iait t 1501 Prn0k er, iSï ne; aieothae mptycS,i 5- le Ion tank, about 40 or 50 galon aise ; " ai011tank with puis>, ha> lock tracai, second baud cutes ani buggy batte, »sene ligaai chaWua whllffltreea, doribletseus, neckyOku8, i tire piatiorm, 7 cov chala, iseCtion grinder, 1 corn planter, now« Oanti soupr kuvos1i fuit. dryur, se eti gar- tun>,ma*4i oi,,aboult 0gs., #lu two nve "d it= s ga i n;as aiuOerous ethel siol80 J. a. Dlsny, trkWn.M#,ue POESiI PES B4LTI i54Oô »rOSA lu gtiqt er t b» S à1W ind ksrbrt lL, bat$ o! VO- kvt~o TAie rmsiblïwas p loüesa1 lie . M. . aUrr i.U 'i Toronto, ~iOWSgVoSuuy b7 bAer fe uti, tegaisi~cUauai laa void o! uiu blue tn are sit it. atari wtt DAIc,.Air. a. Qua1llaet 'ror eo ,aie inToroto s. oae tr FOWLlh;--PEEL. On Wetiuesday eveulng, N4ov. i6t.h, ib taie Usiue s slie, the marriaga t~oux place e1 Missa Lva Peel, ouly aauglitser 01Mr. and i re. Jean kcel, te Mr. iRobert A. i"owlie, manager o1 îtil'aers' baus, Cargili, Ont. Il cerenieiiy vas perlormeu by 1ev. lDr. Abralarn. blas e dith lisherus, ci baiia, -playedth Ae wedtiing marcai. t'ne bride, who was guven away by nes futaies, was becon'ingly gowfle< in lvory satin, trinmmet i wth irsu ,,oint lacel the bridai Veil belng ai- sangea i wtAilily 0ethMe Valley. SAis carrieti a ahower bouquet et white roses. Lttlie Miss Marlon Peel, of Owen Soundi, acaet as tlower girl, turesset inlawite, anti carrion a bas- sKet et piuk roes. The groen's gUlt te thte- bride was a neeliace of pearîs anti amethysts, tu the pianist a peari crescet pla, andtu th Me flower girl au opal ring. Altes thie roception, Mr. andi Mss. Fewlio bIft for Bullabo, Lockpor-Land New York, thie bride travelling lu brown velvet wlLh bat HURRAH I HURRAH I A grand box social will be helti un- der tAhe auspices ol thie Brotherhooti ot the Greenwoed circuit lu tAie nov ball, Kiasale, on Tuestiay, eNov. 2b, 191l. The chair will bo tabou ahi)j o'cIock by Ms. F. R. Finken, Toron- teo, anti a cholco prograun giren by the followlng artîsta Mesre. Day, irwln andi Perriman, viellaute; Miss Beach, locutienist; O.L.C., Whiby ; Mr. Mat.thews, -teoer soleat; , Green- weod iBrougham Mule Quartette Gramaghone soectiles by Rev4. Ms.ir Tuoker, sites whlch .Ms. Wm. Maw, gaulaiauctloneor, et Whltbyt vili taks charge et the proceodings andi dlapeoe o! the boxes. Qeotraladmis- sion Mec., but saine viiilue deduceot tront' purcliase pricu on aU. boxns brlnglng oves 0o., and- anu adMUtln rebute of 1»C. will ho deducteti frein Mwh purehaseprice .#»box bring- Ing th. bligheat figure.Ladies villa boxes, freao; ladies witheut- boxesare rnxquosted te provide.- l i mke ibisoeUt-aia Ihume ucesal. TUBES. THAT WILL GROW. Wheii buylng fruit &bd ornumental, trei,smeête ft tbat you buy off- a, tiri ý vioetrmcs have the. ngbt sort of rmots, snd have bem budlod r- rety lin th nurserlea. Our trocs vili crow-tbere 18 a reson. Tua» su ugenoy: sen t or terni. Outtit .free. Thos. W. Bowmuu& Sou Co.. Ltd., Rldgeville, Oàt.-43. Mr. Jos. Baker returut fr omi To- ronto on monday. a! ter a w'sgay uhee. .attauded lbe IiQttim~t"5 nl!e muid Ton Have AIWalrs I3Ofght, and wblch ha» irocu lu Use for over 3» ye.ais, hual borne the lg-,iA3eet ~ and ha* been made under bis POr- sonuti superision ane Ius Infancy. AIlow no one> to decelve YOU latbi8. All Connterlet5, imitations and 1"1Just-aS.go0d" r u FErspermniuts that trifle ovth and endanger the beulth of Infants and Children-ExeriecitC agai nat-ExperlneitoUt What is» CASTORIA q agtorla ila a armiesas sbatitute for Castor (Mo, Pare' g ri, Dropae and Soothing Syrup. It 19 pleasalit. 1 C, taini nelthvr OPIUM, Morphine nor other Nqareotie au bstance. Its age la its guarauteee It dOstroll WOrms and allutyg Feverîshuesa;. For more titan tbirty yealff 1 hra been ln constant Use for the relief o01(JonSUtt flatulency, Wlnd Colie, ail Teetblng Trouble& and J> arrhoea. Il regnlates te Stomnaîcl and Bowela,, &sImilites> the Food, glvlng healtity and nuttul ulep. The Citldren'a panaea-Tite )othte'5 Frielide G.ENINE CASTrOR A ALWAVs The KEnd Yoft Have Always Bough ln Use For' Ooeu 30 Veàars 114CKNAUMOOUAUY 1?MUNflAY STUET, rNEW TOUh<0CM. A VALUAgLE ASSISTANT. LECTURE. At the Wintýr F~air at Guelph . îs Dr. Cole'man, of Toronto, wilU gîve gîven Informatlon along alil unes 01 a lecture at the Ontario Ladies' Col- .lege, on "The Openlng Up of Can- live stock production and crop culti- ad."Dt mst ývation tat lada. Dou'ttomissfart. who desires to kçep up-to-date. The Weekly Sun o! Decomber 19 wiIl con- tain a carefully prepared and easily Points brougbt eut at the neit f air. If yotu ste engaged lu auy branch of WIUT'Y 3JUNCTION. farznlng witb a vlew te mgking mon- ey, you will Iid the Weekly Sun. a 1,01 l5 Weat'l'.M.consYÀ.5153&. most Valushie assistant. Do not.mfss ..~6 I p.- ~m fthe IsOIO of December' 19. 84p. .. .0 _______________________ Sund&Ytalns luve for Toroto ..5 axnsd 8.84 p.m. Prom Tor- ýw ý 'w w ' 'w w to4ralui stop ut Wbltby Ju0uno THI TYsEAR .15 ud: 9., sud 8.80 P.M. U-WNSTATION. Ouf seven colleshave 4. ep.L5p.f establ l i ris e $ a ta It The- 1 a >M. 1T1 aS Am ieen v tk The Com torcfaa Buao!ASs<ilailîo etfCanada. t OI or i ts eli for yen to laves-1 tigute beforo elioeelPk. lêrolugive righi foîl utunlofo!the.worlti.fem- whibloblaunqualleti. It ilac ata B"usnsfrom StAn tob Fiish, "d Ahetudet kep am 'e booka a Cbateed *Biko ad W holesale lieuse. uter any Unie. FMIt TemProm Aug. 28th Write, e«0 or »me for Ot, pouôrt.lcumrs W. vant a-rellablo â, të atllout veli known specialuies In fruit treet, mal fruitsl, sed -potaoei, ftoivenlng ,hrobs, roses, etc.> in Wbl'tby und sur- :oundin country turig ailt, dwlster bionths. Quifit free. Exclusive. terri- 'ory. pay W«ekly, 4-Q CR.ES OF NLIRS£Rýy STOCK. .iaxn, iel tgrown tree-m uid ahrn.b e fhba <II PI Uiyou Çutnmr..Éary oronto

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